x Industry standard size
x Industry standard pinout
15.24 mm (0.6 in.) DIP leads on 2.54 mm (0.1 in.)
x Choice of Colors
AlGaAs Red, High Eciency Red, Yellow, Green
x Excellent appearance
Evenly lighted segments
Mitered corners on segments
Gray package gives optimum contrast
±50° viewing angle
x Design exibility
Common anode or common cathode
Left and right hand decimal points
x Categorized for luminous intensity
Yellow and green categorized for color
Use of like categories yields a uniform display
x High light output
x High peak current
x Excellent for long digit string multiplexing intensity
and color selection option
See Intensity and Color Selected Displays Data Sheet
x Sunlight viewable AlGaAs
HDSP-390x Series
HDSP-420x Series
HDSP-860x Series
HDSP-N15x Series
The 20 mm (0.8 inch) LED seven segment displays are
designed for viewing distances up to 10 metres (33 feet).
These devices use an industry standard size package and
pinout. All devices are available as either common anode
or common cathode.
These displays are ideal for most applications. Pin for pin
equivalent displays are also available in a low current
design. The low current displays are ideal for portable
applica tions. For additional information see the Low Cur-
rent Seven Segment Displays data sheet.
AlGaAs[1] HER Yellow Green Package
HDSP- HDSP- HDSP- HDSP- Description Drawing
N150 3900 Common Anode Left Hand Decimal A
N151 3901 4201 8601 Common Anode Right Hand Decimal B
N153 3903 4203 8603 Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal C
3905 Common Cathode Left Hand Decimal D
1. These displays are recommended for high ambient light operation. Please refer to the HDSP-N10x AlGaAs data sheet for low current operation.
HDSP-390x Series
20 mm (0.8 inch) Seven Segment Displays
Data Sheet