F-3114C 1/08 KEMET is now on the QPL list for Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Military Stacked Capacitors with MIL-PRF-49470 standard B Level reliability availability. These devices are intended for high reliability SMPS and pulse energy applications. Their low Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) and Equivalent Series Inductance (ESL) make them ideally suited for input and output filtering of power supply applications as well as snubber applications. The multilayer construction also creates high thermal transfer functions, resulting in very little temperature rise for the generated power giving the capacitors excellent high current handling capability. The performance benefits of ceramic are being realized in many applications that were heretofore unavailable to these capacitors. The replacement of larger capacitance electrolytic capacitors with smaller value ceramics is a common occurrence today, but there are still some larger capacitance values required of the MLCC. The capacitors are constructed using large chip sizes, much larger than those available for standard surface-mount applications. Because they are so contact to the board is through a pin structure. The pin structure located at the bottom of the leadframe consists of multiple pins at 100 mil centers. The formation of these pins can be surface mountable styles "L" and "J" (or gull-wing), or as throughhole insertion pins style "N." This multi-pin arrangement allows the extremely low ESR and ESL of the chip package to be presented to the circuit without any significant increases. This arrangement also allows a very efficient thermal transfer path to exist between the chip package and the PC board, as most of the thermal dissipation for this package will be through the leadframe connection. These capacitors are available in case codes 3, 4, & 5. They are available in X7R dielectric, in voltage ranges from 50 VDC to 500 VDC. The chip stack is horizontal and the leadframe attachment is a high-temperature solder. They are also available as unpotted bare chips or as a potted assembly. MIL-PRF-49470 and DSCC drawing 87106 (X7R) are used to establish a baseline part for high-reliability applications. MLC Chip Leadframe 'J' Form Leadframe large, mounting these devices directly to the PC board would more than likely generate cracking because of straight mechanical strain, or strain which occurs because of mismatches in CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) between the board and the ceramic. This strain is proportional to the distance between the termination pads on the PC board and results in an increasing propensity for failure among the larger SMT chips. The leadframe is attached to the chip stack (from singular to multiple chips) and creates a mechanical relief between the ceramic device and the board, so they are not bound to each other. The contact to the chips is usually a perforated, vertical, metal plate while the 2 Capacitance values at 50 VDC are available up to 47 F (X7R). Care must be exercised when using the bare chips to ensure there can be no mechanical damage imposed on the mounted parts, although the potted devices reduce this potential dramatically. Larger Case codes 1, 2, & 6 will be available for order in Q3CY08. The T level high reliability space level version will be available in calendar year 2009. (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors KEMET is qualified to supply MIL-PRF49470/1 unencapsulated X7R Case Codes 3, 4, & 5 ceramic SMPS capacitors in voltage ratings 50V, 100V, 200V, and 500V. KEMET is also qualified to supply MIL-PRF-49470/2 encapsulated X7R Case Codes 3, 4, & 5 ceramic SMPS capacitors in voltage ratings 50V, 100V, 200V, and 500V. The DSCC drawing 87106 has been cancelled ( h t t p : / / w w w. d s c c . d l a . m i l / D o w n l o a d s / MilSpec/DsccDwg/87106.pdf). However, KEMET is able to supply to the DSCC 87106 drawing per customer request. KEMET will supply to the DSCC 87106 drawing with an exception taken to performing Group B Inspections on a per lot basis. Per DSCC drawing section 4.2.2 the acquiring activity, at its discretion, may accept a certificate of compliance (CofC) with Group B inspections in lieu of performing Group B inspections. KEMET 87106 orders will include the CofC stating compliance to the 87106 requirements. KEMET's MILPRF-49470 QPL status confirms KEMET's compliance to the Group B testing requirements. The MIL-PRF-49470 capacitors are preferred over the DSCC drawing 87106 capacitors as outlined in NASA's Electronic Parts and Packaging website:http://nepp.nasa.gov/npsl/Capacitors/ 87106/87106aps.htm. The M49470 military specification product provides additional quality assurance provisions that are not required by the DSCC drawing. These extra provisions helped to create a more robust replacement for the 87106 capacitors. MIL-PRF-49470 Requirements: Electrical Specifications Capacitance: Measured in accordance with method 305 of MIL-STD-202 (1kHz 100Hz at 1.0Vrms 0.2Vrms open circuit voltage). Dissipation Factor: Dissipation factor measured at same conditions as capacitance measurement. For X7R capacitors DF maximum is 2.5%. Insulation Resistance: * @25C, rated voltage 100G or 1,000M-F, whichever is less * @125C, rated voltage 10G or 100M-F, whichever is less Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (DWV): DWV will be tested at 250% of rated voltage except for 500V rated parts which will be tested at 150% of rated voltage. Performance Requirements: Reference KEMET Stacked Capacitor Test Methods (Page 18) for the Group A and Group B test requirements per MIL-PRF-49470. DSCC Website links: DSCC Website related to MIL-PRF-49470 dimensional, electrical, physical, testing and part number options: http://www.dscc.dla.mil/Downloads/MilSpec/Docs/MI L-PRF-49470/prf49470.pdf DSCC Website for 49470/1 SMPS Capacitors Rated Voltage: 50V, 100V, 200V, 500V Voltage-Temperature Coefficient: http://www.dscc.dla.mil/Downloads/MilSpec/Docs/MI L-PRF-49470/prf49470ss1.pdf DSCC Website for 49470/2 SMPS Capacitors Dielectric Voltage Bias = 0V Bias = Vr BX BR BQ 50V, 100V 200V 500V 15% 15% 15% +15%, -25% +15%, -40% +15%, -50% http://www.dscc.dla.mil/Downloads/MilSpec/Docs/MI L-PRF-49470/prf49470ss2.pdf (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com 3 Ordering Information Requirements per 87106 DSCC Drawing: The contract or purchase order should specify the following: 1. Complete Military Part Number Drawing #: 87106 Dash Number XXX (Example: 87106-001) 2. Requirements for Delivery of one copy of the conformance inspection data or certificate of compliance that parts have passed conformance inspection with each shipment of parts by the manufacturer. (KEMET will provide a CofC with each shipment as standard practice) 3. Requirements for packaging and packing. (KEMET will provide capacitors in a cardboard box with foam inserts as standard practice) *4. Whether the manufacturer performs the group B inspections, or provides certification of compliance with Group B inspections. *(KEMET will only offer the CofC option. KEMET will not perform Group B inspections on a per lot basis. KEMET's standard CofC will include notification of conformance to Group B inspections.) 5. Requirements for notification of change of product to acquiring activity, if applicable. Electrical Specifications Operating Temperature Range: The operating temperature range is -55C to 125C. Rated Voltage: 50V, 100V, 200V, 500V Temperature Coefficient: 4 Dielectric Voltage Bias = 0V Bias = Vr BX BR BQ 50V, 100V 200V 500V 15% 15% 15% +15%, -25% +15%, -40% +15%, -50% Capacitance: Measured in accordance with method 305 of MIL-STD-202 (1kHz100Hz at 1.0Vrms 0.2Vrms open circuit voltage). Dissipation Factor: Dissipation factor measured at same conditions as capacitance measurement. For X7R capacitors DF maximum is 2.5%. Insulation Resistance: * @25C, rated voltage: 100G or 1,000M-F, whichever is less * @125C, rated voltage: 10G or 100M-F, whichever is less Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (DWV): DWV will be tested at 250% of rated voltage except for 500V rated parts which will be tested at 150% of rated voltage. Performance Characteristics & Test Methods: The following tests are in accordance with MIL-PRF49470 1. Thermal Shock & Voltage Conditioning 2. Solderability 3. Vibration, high frequency 4. Immersion 5. Shock, specified pulse 6. Moisture resistance 7. Resistance to soldering heat 8. Resistance to solvents 9. Life Marking: Marking shall be in accordance with MILSTD-1285, except the parts shall be marked with the part number as specified in paragraph 1.2 of 87106 with the manufacturer's name or code and date code minimum. Case sizes 4 & 5 shall be marked with coded cap and tolerance minimum. Full marking shall be included on the package. DSCC Website Notification of 87106 Cancellation: http://www.dscc.dla.mil/Downloads/MilSpec/ DsccDwg/87106.pdf (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors MIL-PRF-49470 ORDERING INFORMATION M49470 Performance Specification indicating MIL-PRF-49470 R 01 474 K C N Characteristic ( Performance Specification sheet number (indicating MIL-PRF49470/1) Capacitance ( Capacitance Tolerance ( Rated Voltage ( Configuration (see KEMET ORDERING INFORMATION L1 R N 30 C Product Family L1 = Unencapsulated L2 = Encapsulated Temperature Characteristic K S 12 Maximum Height Encapsulated 27 = 0.270" 39 = 0.390" 53 = 0.530" 66 = 0.660" 80 = 0.800" Cap Change Dielectric 106 Without Voltage With Voltage X = BX (50V & 100V) 15% +15%, -25% R = BR (200V) 15% +15%, -40% Q = BQ (500V) 15% +15%, -50% (A dim) Unencapsulated 12 = 0.120" 24 = 0.240" 36 = 0.360" 48 = 0.480" 65 = 0.650" Test Level B = MIL-PRF-49470 "B" Level *C = 87106 S = Standard X = Special Capacitance Tolerance K = 10% M = 20% Capacitance First two digits represent significant figures. Third digit specifies number of zeros. 106 = 10 F Lead Type N = Straight pin lead; J = Formed J lead; L = Formed L lead Case Code 30 = Case code 3 40 = Case code 4 50 = Case code 5 Voltage Code 5 = 50 VDC 2 = 200 VDC 1 = 100 VDC C = 500 VDC * 4.2.2 Certification: The acquiring activity, at its discretion, may accept a certificate of compliance with group B inspections in lieu of performing group B inspections (see 6.1.3 for guidance). STACKED MLCC SHIPPING CONTAINER PART QUANTITIES Qty per Small Box Qty per Large Box 7.5" x 7.5" Box Size 13.0" x 13.0" Box Size 3 28 104 4 36 144 5 64 225 Case Code (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com 5 MIL-PRF-49470/1 DIMENSIONS - KEMET SERIES L1 Notes: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents for C, D and E dimensions are provided for general information only. 3. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are .010" (0.25mm) 4. Lead frame configuration is shown as typical above the seating plane. (A seating plane is only required for lead style N.) 5. Refer to the KEMET Part Number and the KEMET Ordering Information for specific maximum A dimension. For maximum B dimension, add .065" (1.65mm) to the appropriate A dimension. For all lead styles, the number of chips is determined by the capacitance and voltage rating. 6. For case code 5, dimensions shall be .100" (2.54mm) maximum and .012" (0.30mm) minimum. 7. Lead alignment within pin rows shall be within .005" (0.13mm). KEMET L1 SERIES UNENCAPSULATED MIL-PRF-49470/1 DIMENSIONS - IN (MM) Case Code C 0.025 (0.635) 3 D E (Max) Number of Leads per Side Min Max 0.45 (11.43) 0.95 (24.13) 1.075 (27.30) 0.50 (12.70) 10 4 0.40 (10.16) 0.35 (8.89) 0.425 (10.80) 0.44 (11.18) 4 5 0.25 (6.35) 0.224 (5.69) 0.275 (6.98) 0.30 (7.62) 3 DIMENSION CONVERSION INCHES - MM 49470 STANDARD PROFILE 6 Stack Height Profile Formed (Dimension A - Last Lead Height two digits of KEMET Inches (mm) PN) 49470 Lead Style (Last digit of PIN) Lead Style N N (straight) Standard 0.250 Min (6.35) J J (formed) Standard 0.070 0.010 (1.78 0.25) L L (formed) Standard 0.070 0.010 (1.78 0.25) Inches mm 0.002 0.010 0.020 0.025 0.050 0.055 0.070 0.100 0.224 0.250 0.275 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.425 0.440 0.450 0.500 0.800 0.870 0.950 1.075 1.250 1.350 1.450 1.535 1.950 2.075 0.05 0.25 0.51 0.64 1.27 1.40 1.78 2.54 5.69 6.35 6.98 7.62 8.89 10.16 10.80 11.18 11.43 12.70 20.32 22.10 24.13 27.30 31.75 34.29 36.83 38.99 49.53 52.70 (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors MIL-PRF-49470/2 DIMENSIONS - KEMET SERIES L2 Notes: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents are given for general information only. 3. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are .010" (0.25mm) 4. Refer to KEMET Part Number and KEMET ordering information. 5. Lead alignment within pin rows shall be within .005" (0.13mm). KEMET L2 SERIES ENCAPSULATED MIL-PRF-49470/2 DIMENSIONS - IN (MM) Case Code C 0.025 (0.635 ) D 0.025 (0.635 ) E (Max) Number of Leads per Side 3 0.45 (11.43) 1.155 (29.3) 0.58 (14.73) 10 4 0.40 (10.16) 0.485 (12.32) 0.485 (12.32) 4 5 0.25 (6.35) 0.355 (9.02) 0.355 (9.02) 3 DIMENSION CONVERSION INCHES - MM 49470 STANDARD PROFILE Stack Height Profile Formed (Dimension A - Last Lead Height two digits of KEMET Inches (mm) PN) 49470 Lead Style (Last digit of PIN) Lead Style N N (straight) Standard 0.250 Min (6.35) J J (formed) Standard 0.070 0.010 (1.78 0.25) L L (formed) Standard 0.070 0.010 (1.78 0.25) Inches mm 0.002 0.010 0.020 0.025 0.050 0.055 0.070 0.100 0.224 0.250 0.275 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.425 0.440 0.450 0.500 0.800 0.870 0.950 1.075 1.250 1.350 1.450 1.535 1.950 2.075 0.05 0.25 0.51 0.64 1.27 1.40 1.78 2.54 5.69 6.35 6.98 7.62 8.89 10.16 10.80 11.18 11.43 12.70 20.32 22.10 24.13 27.30 31.75 34.29 36.83 38.99 49.53 52.70 (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com 7 MIL-PRF-49470 & DSCC DRAWING 87106 CROSS REFERENCE 87106 Dash Number Military Style KEMET Part Number Cap (F) Voltage Capacitance Tolerance Case Code 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 M49470X01105KAN M49470X01105MAN M49470X01125KAN M49470X01125MAN M49470X01155KAN M49470X01155MAN M49470X01185KAN M49470X01185MAN M49470X01225KAN M49470X01225MAN M49470X01275KAN M49470X01275MAN M49470X01335KAN M49470X01335MAN M49470X01395KAN M49470X01395MAN M49470X01475KAN M49470X01475MAN M49470X01565KAN M49470X01565MAN M49470X01825KAN M49470X01825MAN M49470X01106KAN M49470X01106MAN M49470X01126KAN M49470X01126MAN M49470X01156KAN M49470X01156MAN M49470X01186KAN M49470X01186MAN M49470X01226KAN M49470X01226MAN M49470X01276KAN M49470X01276MAN M49470X01336KAN M49470X01336MAN M49470X01396KAN M49470X01396MAN M49470X01476KAN L1XN505105KB12 L1XN505105MB12 L1XN505125KB12 L1XN505125MB12 L1XN505155KB24 L1XN505155MB24 L1XN505185KB24 L1XN505185MB24 L1XN505225KB24 L1XN505225MB24 L1XN505275KB36 L1XN505275MB36 L1XN505335KB36 L1XN505335MB36 L1XN505395KB48 L1XN505395MB48 L1XN505475KB48 L1XN505475MB48 L1XN505565KB65 L1XN505565MB65 L1XN405825KB36 L1XN405825MB36 L1XN405106KB48 L1XN405106MB48 L1XN405126KB48 L1XN405126MB48 L1XN405156KB65 L1XN405156MB65 L1XN305186KB24 L1XN305186MB24 L1XN305226KB36 L1XN305226MB36 L1XN305276KB36 L1XN305276MB36 L1XN305336KB36 L1XN305336MB36 L1XN305396KB48 L1XN305396MB48 L1XN305476KB65 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.6 5.6 8.2 8.2 10 10 12 12 15 15 18 18 22 22 27 27 33 33 39 39 47 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 040 M49470X01476MAN L1XN305476MB65 47 50 20% 3 Note: All L1 part numbers are also available in the L2 style. 8 (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors MIL-PRF-49470 & DSCC DRAWING 87106 CROSS REFERENCE 87106 Dash Number Military Style KEMET Part Number Cap (F) Voltage Capacitance Tolerance Case Code 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 113 114 M49470X01684KBN M49470X01684MBN M49470X01824KBN M49470X01824MBN M49470X01105KBN M49470X01105MBN M49470X01125KBN M49470X01125MBN M49470X01155KBN M49470X01155MBN M49470X01185KBN M49470X01185MBN M49470X01225KBN M49470X01225MBN M49470X01275KBN M49470X01275MBN M49470X01335KBN M49470X01335MBN M49470X01395KBN M49470X01395MBN M49470X01475KBN M49470X01475MBN M49470X01565KBN M49470X01565MBN M49470X01685KBN M49470X01685MBN M49470X01825KBN M49470X01825MBN M49470X01126KBN M49470X01126MBN M49470X01156KBN M49470X01156MBN M49470X01186KBN M49470X01186MBN M49470X01226KBN M49470X01226MBN M49470X01276KBN M49470X01276MBN M49470R01474KCN M49470R01474MCN L1XN501684KB12 L1XN501684MB12 L1XN501824KB24 L1XN501824MB24 L1XN501105KB24 L1XN501105MB24 L1XN501125KB24 L1XN501125MB24 L1XN501155KB36 L1XN501155MB36 L1XN501185KB36 L1XN501185MB36 L1XN501225KB48 L1XN501225MB48 L1XN501275KB48 L1XN501275MB48 L1XN501335KB65 L1XN501335MB65 L1XN401395KB36 L1XN401395MB36 L1XN401475KB36 L1XN401475MB36 L1XN401565KB48 L1XN401565MB48 L1XN401685KB48 L1XN401685MB48 L1XN401825KB65 L1XN401825MB65 L1XN301126KB24 L1XN301126MB24 L1XN301156KB36 L1XN301156MB36 L1XN301186KB36 L1XN301186MB36 L1XN301226KB48 L1XN301226MB48 L1XN301276KB65 L1XN301276MB65 L1RN502474KB24 L1RN502474MB24 0.68 0.68 0.82 0.82 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.6 5.6 6.8 6.8 8.2 8.2 12 12 15 15 18 18 22 22 27 27 0.47 0.47 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 115 M49470R01564KCN L1RN502564KB24 0.56 200 10% 5 Note: All L1 part numbers are also available in the L2 style. (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com 9 MIL-PRF-49470 & DSCC DRAWING 87106 CROSS REFERENCE 87106 Dash Number Military Style KEMET Part Number Cap (F) Voltage Capacitance Tolerance Case Code 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 173 174 175 M49470R01564MCN M49470R01684KCN M49470R01684MCN M49470R01824KCN M49470R01824MCN M49470R01105KCN M49470R01105MCN M49470R01125KCN M49470R01125MCN M49470R01155KCN M49470R01155MCN M49470R01185KCN M49470R01185MCN M49470R01225KCN M49470R01225MCN M49470R01275KCN M49470R01275MCN M49470R01335KCN M49470R01335MCN M49470R01395KCN M49470R01395MCN M49470R01475KCN M49470R01475MCN M49470R01565KCN M49470R01565MCN M49470R01685KCN M49470R01685MCN M49470R01825KCN M49470R01825MCN M49470R01106KCN M49470R01106MCN M49470R01126KCN M49470R01126MCN M49470Q01154KEN M49470Q01154MEN M49470Q01184KEN L1RN502564MB24 L1RN502684KB36 L1RN502684MB36 L1RN502824KB36 L1RN502824MB36 L1RN502105KB48 L1RN502105MB48 L1RN502125KB48 L1RN502125MB48 L1RN502155KB65 L1RN502155MB65 L1RN402185KB36 L1RN402185MB36 L1RN402225KB36 L1RN402225MB36 L1RN402275KB48 L1RN402275MB48 L1RN402335KB48 L1RN402335MB48 L1RN402395KB65 L1RN402395MB65 L1RN302475KB24 L1RN302475MB24 L1RN302565KB24 L1RN302565MB24 L1RN302685KB36 L1RN302685MB36 L1RN302825KB36 L1RN302825MB36 L1RN302106KB48 L1RN302106MB48 L1RN302126KB65 L1RN302126MB65 L1QN50C154KB12 L1QN50C154MB12 L1QN50C184KB24 0.56 0.68 0.68 0.82 0.82 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.6 5.6 6.8 6.8 8.2 8.2 10 10 12 12 0.15 0.15 0.18 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 176 M49470Q01184MEN L1QN50C184MB24 0.18 500 20% 5 Note: All L1 part numbers are also available in the L2 style. 10 (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors MIL-PRF-49470 & DSCC DRAWING 87106 CROSS REFERENCE 87106 Dash Number Military Style KEMET Part Number Cap (F) Voltage Capacitance Tolerance Case Code 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 223 224 229 230 231 232 233 M49470Q01224KEN M49470Q01224MEN M49470Q01274KEN M49470Q01274MEN M49470Q01334KEN M49470Q01334MEN M49470Q01394KEN M49470Q01394MEN M49470Q01474KEN M49470Q01474MEN M49470Q01564KEN M49470Q01564MEN M49470Q01684KEN M49470Q01684MEN M49470Q01105KEN M49470Q01105MEN M49470Q01125KEN M49470Q01125MEN M49470Q01155KEN M49470Q01155MEN M49470Q01185KEN M49470Q01185MEN M49470Q01275KEN M49470Q01275MEN M49470Q01335KEN M49470Q01335MEN M49470Q01395KEN M49470Q01395MEN M49470Q01475KEN M49470Q01475MEN M49470Q01565KEN M49470Q01565MEN M49470X01685KAN M49470X01685MAN M49470X01106KBN M49470X01106MBN M49470Q01824KEN M49470Q01824MEN M49470Q01225KEN L1QN50C224KB24 L1QN50C224MB24 L1QN50C274KB24 L1QN50C274MB24 L1QN50C334KB36 L1QN50C334MB36 L1QN50C394KB36 L1QN50C394MB36 L1QN50C474KB36 L1QN50C474MB36 L1QN50C564KB48 L1QN50C564MB48 L1QN50C684KB65 L1QN50C684MB65 L1QN40C105KB36 L1QN40C105MB36 L1QN40C125KB36 L1QN40C125MB36 L1QN40C155KB48 L1QN40C155MB48 L1QN40C185KB65 L1QN40C185MB65 L1QN30C275KB36 L1QN30C275MB36 L1QN30C335KB36 L1QN30C335MB36 L1QN30C395KB36 L1QN30C395MB36 L1QN30C475KB48 L1QN30C475MB48 L1QN30C565KB65 L1QN30C565MB65 L1XN405685KB36 L1XN405685MB36 L1XN301106KB24 L1XN301106MB24 L1QN40C824KB36 L1QN40C824MB36 L1QN30C225KB24 0.22 0.22 0.27 0.27 0.33 0.33 0.39 0.39 0.47 0.47 0.56 0.56 0.68 0.68 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.6 5.6 6.8 6.8 10 10 0.82 0.82 2.2 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 50 50 100 100 500 500 500 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 234 M49470Q01225MEN L1QN30C225MB24 2.2 500 20% 3 Note: All L1 part numbers are also available in the L2 style. 11 MIL-PRF-49470 & DSCC DRAWING 87106 CROSS REFERENCE 87106 Dash Number Military Style KEMET Part Number Cap (F) Voltage Capacitance Tolerance Case Code 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 M49470X01105KAJ M49470X01105MAJ M49470X01125KAJ M49470X01125MAJ M49470X01155KAJ M49470X01155MAJ M49470X01185KAJ M49470X01185MAJ M49470X01225KAJ M49470X01225MAJ M49470X01275KAJ M49470X01275MAJ M49470X01335KAJ M49470X01335MAJ M49470X01395KAJ M49470X01395MAJ M49470X01475KAJ M49470X01475MAJ M49470X01565KAJ M49470X01565MAJ M49470X01685KAJ M49470X01685MAJ M49470X01825KAJ M49470X01825MAJ M49470X01106KAJ M49470X01106MAJ M49470X01126KAJ M49470X01126MAJ M49470X01156KAJ M49470X01156MAJ M49470X01186KAJ M49470X01186MAJ M49470X01226KAJ M49470X01226MAJ M49470X01276KAJ M49470X01276MAJ M49470X01336KAJ M49470X01336MAJ M49470X01396KAJ M49470X01396MAJ M49470X01476KAJ L1XJ505105KB12 L1XJ505105MB12 L1XJ505125KB12 L1XJ505125MB12 L1XJ505155KB24 L1XJ505155MB24 L1XJ505185KB24 L1XJ505185MB24 L1XJ505225KB24 L1XJ505225MB24 L1XJ505275KB36 L1XJ505275MB36 L1XJ505335KB36 L1XJ505335MB36 L1XJ505395KB48 L1XJ505395MB48 L1XJ505475KB48 L1XJ505475MB48 L1XJ505565KB65 L1XJ505565MB65 L1XJ405685KB36 L1XJ405685MB36 L1XJ405825KB36 L1XJ405825MB36 L1XJ405106KB48 L1XJ405106MB48 L1XJ405126KB48 L1XJ405126MB48 L1XJ405156KB65 L1XJ405156MB65 L1XJ305186KB24 L1XJ305186MB24 L1XJ305226KB36 L1XJ305226MB36 L1XJ305276KB36 L1XJ305276MB36 L1XJ305336KB36 L1XJ305336MB36 L1XJ305396KB48 L1XJ305396MB48 L1XJ305476KB65 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.6 5.6 6.8 6.8 8.2 8.2 10 10 12 12 15 15 18 18 22 22 27 27 33 33 39 39 47 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 282 M49470X01476MAJ L1XJ305476MB65 47 50 20% 3 Note: All L1 part numbers are also available in the L2 style. 12 (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors MIL-PRF-49470 & DSCC DRAWING 87106 CROSS REFERENCE 87106 Dash Number Military Style KEMET Part Number Cap (F) Voltage Capacitance Tolerance Case Code 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 M49470X01684KBJ M49470X01684MBJ M49470X01824KBJ M49470X01824MBJ M49470X01105KBJ M49470X01105MBJ M49470X01125KBJ M49470X01125MBJ M49470X01155KBJ M49470X01155MBJ M49470X01185KBJ M49470X01185MBJ M49470X01225KBJ M49470X01225MBJ M49470X01275KBJ M49470X01275MBJ M49470X01335KBJ M49470X01335MBJ M49470X01395KBJ M49470X01395MBJ M49470X01475KBJ M49470X01475MBJ M49470X01565KBJ M49470X01565MBJ M49470X01685KBJ M49470X01685MBJ M49470X01825KBJ M49470X01825MBJ M49470X01106KBJ M49470X01106MBJ M49470X01126KBJ M49470X01126MBJ M49470X01156KBJ M49470X01156MBJ M49470X01186KBJ M49470X01186MBJ M49470X01226KBJ M49470X01226MBJ M49470X01276KBJ L1XJ501684KB12 L1XJ501684MB12 L1XJ501824KB24 L1XJ501824MB24 L1XJ501105KB24 L1XJ501105MB24 L1XJ501125KB24 L1XJ501125MB24 L1XJ501155KB36 L1XJ501155MB36 L1XJ501185KB36 L1XJ501185MB36 L1XJ501225KB48 L1XJ501225MB48 L1XJ501275KB48 L1XJ501275MB48 L1XJ501335KB65 L1XJ501335MB65 L1XJ401395KB36 L1XJ401395MB36 L1XJ401475KB36 L1XJ401475MB36 L1XJ401565KB48 L1XJ401565MB48 L1XJ401685KB48 L1XJ401685MB48 L1XJ401825KB65 L1XJ401825MB65 L1XJ301106KB24 L1XJ301106MB24 L1XJ301126KB24 L1XJ301126MB24 L1XJ301156KB36 L1XJ301156MB36 L1XJ301186KB36 L1XJ301186MB36 L1XJ301226KB48 L1XJ301226MB48 L1XJ301276KB65 0.68 0.68 0.82 0.82 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.6 5.6 6.8 6.8 8.2 8.2 10 10 12 12 15 15 18 18 22 22 27 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 340 M49470X01276MBJ L1XJ301276MB65 27 100 20% 3 Note: All L1 part numbers are also available in the L2 style. (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com 13 MIL-PRF-49470 & DSCC DRAWING 87106 CROSS REFERENCE 87106 Dash Number Military Style KEMET Part Number Cap (F) Voltage Capacitance Tolerance Case Code 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 421 422 423 M49470R01474KCJ M49470R01474MCJ M49470R01564KCJ M49470R01564MCJ M49470R01684KCJ M49470R01684MCJ M49470R01824KCJ M49470R01824MCJ M49470R01105KCJ M49470R01105MCJ M49470R01125KCJ M49470R01125MCJ M49470R01155KCJ M49470R01155MCJ M49470R01185KCJ M49470R01185MCJ M49470R01225KCJ M49470R01225MCJ M49470R01275KCJ M49470R01275MCJ M49470R01335KCJ M49470R01335MCJ M49470R01395KCJ M49470R01395MCJ M49470R01475KCJ M49470R01475MCJ M49470R01565KCJ M49470R01565MCJ M49470R01685KCJ M49470R01685MCJ M49470R01825KCJ M49470R01825MCJ M49470R01106KCJ M49470R01106MCJ M49470R01126KCJ M49470R01126MCJ M49470Q01154KEJ M49470Q01154MEJ M49470Q01184KEJ L1RJ502474KB24 L1RJ502474MB24 L1RJ502564KB24 L1RJ502564MB24 L1RJ502684KB36 L1RJ502684MB36 L1RJ502824KB36 L1RJ502824MB36 L1RJ502105KB48 L1RJ502105MB48 L1RJ502125KB48 L1RJ502125MB48 L1RJ502155KB65 L1RJ502155MB65 L1RJ402185KB36 L1RJ402185MB36 L1RJ402225KB36 L1RJ402225MB36 L1RJ402275KB48 L1RJ402275MB48 L1RJ402335KB48 L1RJ402335MB48 L1RJ402395KB65 L1RJ402395MB65 L1RJ302475KB24 L1RJ302475MB24 L1RJ302565KB24 L1RJ302565MB24 L1RJ302685KB36 L1RJ302685MB36 L1RJ302825KB36 L1RJ302825MB36 L1RJ302106KB48 L1RJ302106MB48 L1RJ302126KB65 L1RJ302126MB65 L1QJ50C154KB12 L1QJ50C154MB12 L1QJ50C184KB24 0.47 0.47 0.56 0.56 0.68 0.68 0.82 0.82 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.6 5.6 6.8 6.8 8.2 8.2 10 10 12 12 0.15 0.15 0.18 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 424 M49470Q01184MEJ L1QJ50C184MB24 0.18 500 20% 5 Note: All L1 part numbers are also available in the L2 style. 14 (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors MIL-PRF-49470 & DSCC DRAWING 87106 CROSS REFERENCE 87106 Dash Number Military Style KEMET Part Number Cap (F) Voltage Capacitance Tolerance Case Code 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 M49470Q01224KEJ M49470Q01224MEJ M49470Q01274KEJ M49470Q01274MEJ M49470Q01334KEJ M49470Q01334MEJ M49470Q01394KEJ M49470Q01394MEJ M49470Q01474KEJ M49470Q01474MEJ M49470Q01564KEJ M49470Q01564MEJ M49470Q01684KEJ M49470Q01684MEJ M49470Q01824KEJ M49470Q01824MEJ M49470Q01105KEJ M49470Q01105MEJ M49470Q01125KEJ M49470Q01125MEJ M49470Q01155KEJ M49470Q01155MEJ M49470Q01185KEJ M49470Q01185MEJ M49470Q01225KEJ M49470Q01225MEJ M49470Q01275KEJ M49470Q01275MEJ M49470Q01335KEJ M49470Q01335MEJ M49470Q01395KEJ M49470Q01395MEJ M49470Q01475KEJ M49470Q01475MEJ M49470Q01565KEJ M49470Q01565MEJ L1QJ50C224KB24 L1QJ50C224MB24 L1QJ50C274KB24 L1QJ50C274MB24 L1QJ50C334KB36 L1QJ50C334MB36 L1QJ50C394KB36 L1QJ50C394MB36 L1QJ50C474KB36 L1QJ50C474MB36 L1QJ50C564KB48 L1QJ50C564MB48 L1QJ50C684KB65 L1QJ50C684MB65 L1QJ40C824KB36 L1QJ40C824MB36 L1QJ40C105KB36 L1QJ40C105MB36 L1QJ40C125KB36 L1QJ40C125MB36 L1QJ40C155KB48 L1QJ40C155MB48 L1QJ40C185KB65 L1QJ40C185MB65 L1QJ30C225KB24 L1QJ30C225MB24 L1QJ30C275KB36 L1QJ30C275MB36 L1QJ30C335KB36 L1QJ30C335MB36 L1QJ30C395KB36 L1QJ30C395MB36 L1QJ30C475KB48 L1QJ30C475MB48 L1QJ30C565KB65 L1QJ30C565MB65 0.22 0.22 0.27 0.27 0.33 0.33 0.39 0.39 0.47 0.47 0.56 0.56 0.68 0.68 0.82 0.82 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.6 5.6 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note: All L1 part numbers are also available in the L2 style. (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com 15 MIL-PRF-49470/1 PART NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE MIL-PRF-49470 P/N KEMET P/N Cap (F) Case Code 50 Volts 16 MIL-PRF-49470 P/N KEMET P/N Cap (F) Case Code 200 Volts M49470X01105(1)A(2) L1X(2)505105(1)B12 1.0 5 M49470R01474(1)C(2) L1R(2)502474(1)B24 0.47 5 M49470X01125(1)A(2) L1X(2)505125(1)B12 1.2 5 M49470R01564(1)C(2) L1R(2)502564(1)B24 0.56 5 M49470X01155(1)A(2) L1X(2)505155(1)B24 1.5 5 M49470R01684(1)C(2) L1R(2)502684(1)B36 0.68 5 M49470X01185(1)A(2) L1X(2)505185(1)B24 1.8 5 M49470R01824(1)C(2) L1R(2)502824(1)B36 0.82 5 M49470X01225(1)A(2) L1X(2)505225(1)B24 2.2 5 M49470R01105(1)C(2) L1R(2)502105(1)B48 1.0 5 M49470X01275(1)A(2) L1X(2)505275(1)B36 2.7 5 M49470R01125(1)C(2) L1R(2)502125(1)B48 1.2 5 M49470X01335(1)A(2) L1X(2)505335(1)B36 3.3 5 M49470R01155(1)C(2) L1R(2)502155(1)B65 1.5 5 M49470X01395(1)A(2) L1X(2)505395(1)B48 3.9 5 M49470R01185(1)C(2) L1R(2)402185(1)B36 1.8 4 M49470X01475(1)A(2) L1X(2)505475(1)B48 4.7 5 M49470R01225(1)C(2) L1R(2)402225(1)B36 2.2 4 M49470X01565(1)A(2) L1X(2)505565(1)B65 5.6 5 M49470R01275(1)C(2) L1R(2)402275(1)B48 2.7 4 M49470X01685(1)A(2) L1X(2)405685(1)B36 6.8 4 M49470R01335(1)C(2) L1R(2)402335(1)B48 3.3 4 M49470X01825(1)A(2) L1X(2)405825(1)B36 8.2 4 M49470R01395(1)C(2) L1R(2)402395(1)B65 3.9 4 M49470X01106(1)A(2) L1X(2)405106(1)B48 10 4 M49470R01475(1)C(2) L1R(2)302475(1)B24 4.7 3 M49470X01126(1)A(2) L1X(2)405126(1)B48 12 4 M49470R01565(1)C(2) L1R(2)302565(1)B24 5.6 3 M49470X01156(1)A(2) L1X(2)405156(1)B65 15 4 M49470R01685(1)C(2) L1R(2)302685(1)B36 6.8 3 M49470X01186(1)A(2) L1X(2)305186(1)B24 18 3 M49470R01825(1)C(2) L1R(2)302825(1)B36 8.2 3 M49470X01226(1)A(2) L1X(2)305226(1)B36 22 3 M49470R01106(1)C(2) L1R(2)302106(1)B48 10 3 M49470X01276(1)A(2) L1X(2)305276(1)B36 27 3 12 3 M49470X01336(1)A(2) L1X(2)305336(1)B36 33 3 M49470R01126(1)C(2) L1R(2)302126(1)B65 500 Volts M49470X01396(1)A(2) L1X(2)305396(1)B48 39 3 M49470Q01154(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C154(1)B12 0.15 M49470X01476(1)A(2) L1X(2)305476(1)B65 100 Volts 47 3 M49470Q01184(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C184(1)B24 0.18 5 M49470Q01224(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C224(1)B24 0.22 5 5 M49470X01684(1)B(2) L1X(2)501684(1)B12 0.68 5 M49470Q01274(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C274(1)B24 0.27 5 M49470X01824(1)B(2) L1X(2)501824(1)B24 0.82 5 M49470Q01334(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C334(1)B36 0.33 5 M49470X01105(1)B(2) L1X(2)501105(1)B24 1.0 5 M49470Q01394(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C394(1)B36 0.39 5 M49470X01125(1)B(2) L1X(2)501125(1)B24 1.2 5 M49470Q01474(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C474(1)B36 0.47 5 M49470X01155(1)B(2) L1X(2)501155(1)B36 1.5 5 M49470Q01564(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C564(1)B48 0.56 5 M49470X01185(1)B(2) L1X(2)501185(1)B36 1.8 5 M49470Q01684(1)E(2) L1Q(2)50C684(1)B65 0.68 5 M49470X01225(1)B(2) L1X(2)501225(1)B48 2.2 5 M49470Q01824(1)E(2) L1Q(2)40C824(1)B36 0.82 4 M49470X01275(1)B(2) L1X(2)501275(1)B48 2.7 5 M49470Q01105(1)E(2) L1Q(2)40C105(1)B36 1.0 4 M49470X01335(1)B(2) L1X(2)501335(1)B65 3.3 5 M49470Q01125(1)E(2) L1Q(2)40C125(1)B36 1.2 4 M49470X01395(1)B(2) L1X(2)401395(1)B36 3.9 4 M49470Q01155(1)E(2) L1Q(2)40C155(1)B48 1.5 4 M49470X01475(1)B(2) L1X(2)401475(1)B36 4.7 4 M49470Q01185(1)E(2) L1Q(2)40C185(1)B65 1.8 4 M49470X01565(1)B(2) L1X(2)401565(1)B48 5.6 4 M49470Q01225(1)E(2) L1Q(2)30C225(1)B24 2.2 3 M49470X01685(1)B(2) L1X(2)401685(1)B48 6.8 4 M49470Q01275(1)E(2) L1Q(2)30C275(1)B36 2.7 3 M49470X01825(1)B(2) L1X(2)401825(1)B65 8.2 4 M49470Q01335(1)E(2) L1Q(2)30C335(1)B36 3.3 3 M49470X01106(1)B(2) L1X(2)301106(1)B24 10 3 M49470Q01395(1)E(2) L1Q(2)30C395(1)B36 3.9 3 M49470X01126(1)B(2) L1X(2)301126(1)B24 12 3 M49470Q01475(1)E(2) L1Q(2)30C475(1)B48 4.7 3 M49470X01156(1)B(2) L1X(2)301156(1)B36 15 3 M49470X01186(1)B(2) L1X(2)301186(1)B36 18 3 M49470X01226(1)B(2) L1X(2)301226(1)B48 22 3 M49470X01276(1)B(2) L1X(2)301276(1)B65 27 3 M49470Q01565(1)E(2) L1Q(2)30C565(1)B65 5.6 To complete Part Numbers, insert the following letters: (1) Available Capacitance Tolerances: K, M (2) Available Lead Styles: N, J, L 3 (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors MIL-PRF-49470/2 PART NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE MIL-PRF-49470 P/N KEMET P/N Cap (F) Case Code 50 Volts MIL-PRF-49470 P/N KEMET P/N Cap (F) Case Code 200 Volts M49470X02105(1)A(2) L2X(2)505105(1)B27 1.0 5 M49470R02474(1)C(2) L2R(2)502474(1)B39 0.47 5 M49470X02125(1)A(2) L2X(2)505125(1)B27 1.2 5 M49470R02564(1)C(2) L2R(2)502564(1)B39 0.56 5 M49470X02155(1)A(2) L2X(2)505155(1)B39 1.5 5 M49470R02684(1)C(2) L2R(2)502684(1)B53 0.68 5 M49470X02185(1)A(2) L2X(2)505185(1)B39 1.8 5 M49470R02824(1)C(2) L2R(2)502824(1)B53 0.82 5 M49470X02225(1)A(2) L2X(2)505225(1)B39 2.2 5 M49470R02105(1)C(2) L2R(2)502105(1)B66 1.0 5 M49470X02275(1)A(2) L2X(2)505275(1)B53 2.7 5 M49470R02125(1)C(2) L2R(2)502125(1)B66 1.2 5 M49470X02335(1)A(2) L2X(2)505335(1)B53 3.3 5 M49470R02155(1)C(2) L2R(2)502155(1)B80 1.5 5 M49470X02395(1)A(2) L2X(2)505395(1)B66 3.9 5 M49470R02185(1)C(2) L2R(2)402185(1)B53 1.8 4 M49470X02475(1)A(2) L2X(2)505475(1)B66 4.7 5 M49470R02225(1)C(2) L2R(2)402225(1)B53 2.2 4 M49470X02565(1)A(2) L2X(2)505565(1)B80 5.6 5 M49470R02275(1)C(2) L2R(2)402275(1)B66 2.7 4 M49470X02685(1)A(2) L2X(2)405685(1)B53 6.8 4 M49470R02335(1)C(2) L2R(2)402335(1)B66 3.3 4 M49470X02825(1)A(2) L2X(2)405825(1)B53 8.2 4 M49470R02395(1)C(2) L2R(2)402395(1)B80 3.9 4 M49470X02106(1)A(2) L2X(2)405106(1)B66 10 4 M49470R02475(1)C(2) L2R(2)302475(1)B39 4.7 3 M49470X02126(1)A(2) L2X(2)405126(1)B66 12 4 M49470R02565(1)C(2) L2R(2)302565(1)B39 5.6 3 M49470X02156(1)A(2) L2X(2)405156(1)B80 15 4 M49470R02685(1)C(2) L2R(2)302685(1)B53 6.8 3 M49470X02186(1)A(2) L2X(2)305186(1)B39 18 3 M49470R02825(1)C(2) L2R(2)302825(1)B53 8.2 3 M49470X02226(1)A(2) L2X(2)305226(1)B53 22 3 M49470R02106(1)C(2) L2R(2)302106(1)B66 10 3 M49470X02276(1)A(2) L2X(2)305276(1)B53 27 3 12 3 M49470X02336(1)A(2) L2X(2)305336(1)B53 33 3 M49470R02126(1)C(2) L2R(2)302126(1)B80 500 Volts M49470X02396(1)A(2) L2X(2)305396(1)B66 39 3 M49470Q02154(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C154(1)B27 0.15 5 M49470X02476(1)A(2) L2X(2)305476(1)B80 100 Volts 47 3 M49470Q02184(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C184(1)B39 0.18 5 M49470Q02224(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C224(1)B39 0.22 5 M49470X02684(1)B(2) L2X(2)501684(1)B27 0.68 5 M49470Q02274(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C274(1)B39 0.27 5 M49470X02824(1)B(2) L2X(2)501824(1)B39 0.82 5 M49470Q02334(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C334(1)B53 0.33 5 M49470X02105(1)B(2) L2X(2)501105(1)B39 1.0 5 M49470Q02394(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C394(1)B53 0.39 5 M49470X02125(1)B(2) L2X(2)501125(1)B39 1.2 5 M49470Q02474(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C474(1)B53 0.47 5 M49470X02155(1)B(2) L2X(2)501155(1)B53 1.5 5 M49470Q02564(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C564(1)B66 0.56 5 M49470X02185(1)B(2) L2X(2)501185(1)B53 1.8 5 M49470Q02684(1)E(2) L2Q(2)50C684(1)B80 0.68 5 M49470X02225(1)B(2) L2X(2)501225(1)B66 2.2 5 M49470Q02824(1)E(2) L2Q(2)40C824(1)B53 0.82 4 M49470X02275(1)B(2) L2X(2)501275(1)B66 2.7 5 M49470Q02105(1)E(2) L2Q(2)40C105(1)B53 1.0 4 M49470X02335(1)B(2) L2X(2)501335(1)B80 3.3 5 M49470Q02125(1)E(2) L2Q(2)40C125(1)B53 1.2 4 M49470X02395(1)B(2) L2X(2)401395(1)B53 3.9 4 M49470Q02155(1)E(2) L2Q(2)40C155(1)B66 1.5 4 M49470X02475(1)B(2) L2X(2)401475(1)B53 4.7 4 M49470Q02185(1)E(2) L2Q(2)40C185(1)B80 1.8 4 M49470X02565(1)B(2) L2X(2)401565(1)B66 5.6 4 M49470Q02225(1)E(2) L2Q(2)30C225(1)B39 2.2 3 M49470X02685(1)B(2) L2X(2)401685(1)B66 6.8 4 M49470Q02275(1)E(2) L2Q(2)30C275(1)B53 2.7 3 M49470X02825(1)B(2) L2X(2)401825(1)B80 8.2 4 M49470Q02335(1)E(2) L2Q(2)30C335(1)B53 3.3 3 M49470X02106(1)B(2) L2X(2)301106(1)B39 10 3 M49470Q02395(1)E(2) L2Q(2)30C395(1)B53 3.9 3 M49470X02126(1)B(2) L2X(2)301126(1)B39 12 3 M49470Q02475(1)E(2) L2Q(2)30C475(1)B66 4.7 3 M49470X02156(1)B(2) L2X(2)301156(1)B53 15 3 M49470X02186(1)B(2) L2X(2)301186(1)B53 18 3 M49470X02226(1)B(2) L2X(2)301226(1)B66 22 3 M49470X02276(1)B(2) L2X(2)301276(1)B80 27 3 M49470Q02565(1)E(2) L2Q(2)30C565(1)B80 5.6 To complete Part Numbers, insert the following letters: (1) Available Capacitance Tolerances: K, M (2) Available Lead Styles: N, J, L (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com 3 17 KEMET STACKED CAPACITORS TEST METHODS KEMET Stacked Capacitors Test Methods Test Description Test Method In-Process Inspection Ultrasonic Scanning Meet EIA-469 (C-SAM) Criteria DPA Analysis EIA-469 In-Process Visual Inspection Per MIL-PRF-49470 KEMET Standard (S) Customer Drawing (X) MIL-PRF-49470 B Level Not Required Not Required Yes (KEMET Std) Optional per SCD Optional per SCD Yes (KEMET Std) Not Required Not Required Yes (KEMET Std) Not Required Not Required Optional per SCD Optional per SCD Yes 5 Cycles Yes 96 hrs ( Stack ) Yes (KEMET Std) Yes (Per Lot) Not Required Not Required Optional per SCD Optional per SCD Yes (Per Lot) Yes (Per Inspection Lot) Not Required Not Required Optional per SCD Yes (Periodic) Not Required Optional per SCD Yes (Periodic) Not Required Optional per SCD Yes (Periodic) Not Required Optional per SCD Yes (Periodic) Not Required Not Required Optional per SCD Optional per SCD Yes (Periodic) Yes (Periodic) Not Required Optional per SCD Not Required Not Required Not Required Optional per SCD Optional per SCD Yes (Periodic) Yes (Periodic) Not Required Optional per SCD Not Required Yes Yes Yes Group A Requirements MIL-STD-202 Thermal Shock Method 107 Voltage Conditioning Per MIL-PRF-49470 200V 200%Vr @125C 500V 120%Vr @125C Visual and Mechanical Inspection Per MIL-PRF-49470 MIL-STD-202 Solderability Method 208 DPA Analysis EIA-469 Group B Requirements Voltage-Temperature Limits (TCVC) Per MIL-PRF-49470 MIL-STD-202 Resistance to Solvents Method 215 MIL-STD-202 Terminal Strength Method 211 Resistance to MIL-STD-202 Soldering Heat Method 210 MIL-STD-202 Moisture Resistance Method 106 Marking Legibility Per MIL-PRF-49470 Low Voltage MIL-STD-202 Humidity Testing Method 103 MIL-STD-202 Life Test Method 108 200V 200%Vr @125C 500V 120%Vr @125C MIL-STD-202 Thermal Shock Method 107 Visual/100% Electrial Testing Cap/DF/IR/DWV 18 Standard (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS Stacked Capacitors APPLICATION NOTES FOR MIL-PRF-49470 Note: DSCC-DWG-87106 for similarly constructed parts was CANCELED Jan 2005. Use MIL-PRF-49470 parts as a direct replacement. When available MIL-PRF-49470 SMPS capacitors are preferred over DSCC-DWG-87106 capacitors. The MIL-PRF-49470 specification was developed as part of a cooperative effort amongst the US Military, NASA and the SMPS suppliers to produce a robust replacement for the DSCC drawing. The MIL spec product provides additional quality assurance provisions which are NOT required by the DSCC drawing. Some of the benefits of the MIL-PRF-49470 product over the DSCC-DWG-87106 product include: Requirement MIL-PRF-49470 DSCC-DWG-87106 Formal Qualification Process (QPL Established) Yes No MIL-STD-790 Compliance Yes No DSCC Audits Yes No Routine Qualification Maintenance Testing (ie., Life Testing) Yes No Group A Percent Defective Allowed (PDA) Specified Yes No Prohibits Mixing of Chips from Different Production Lots within a Single SMPS Stack Lot Yes No SOLDERING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CERAMIC STACKED CAPACITORS Ceramic stacked capacitors are large mass devices and much care should be taken when soldering these capacitors. For this reason, hand soldering is not a recommended soldering method for these devices. Following the proper soldering guidelines is critical in order to prevent thermal cracking. PRE-HEATING AND REFLOW PROFILE Due to differences in the coefficient of thermal expansion for the different materials of construction it is critical to monitor and control the heating and cooling rates during the soldering process. During the reflow soldering process, the maximum recommended heating and cooling rate (dT/dt) is 4C/second. To ensure optimal component reliability, KEMET's recommended heating and cooling rate is =2C/second. After soldering, the capacitors should be air cooled to room temperature before further processing. Forced air cooling is not recommended. KEMET RECOMMENDED SOLDER REFLOW PROFILE (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com 19 World Sales Headquarters KEMET Electronics Corporation P.O. Box 5928 Greenville, SC 29606 Phone: 864-963-6300 Europe KEMET Electronics S.A. 15bis chemin des Mines CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland Phone: 41-22-715-0100 Asia KEMET Electronics Marketing PTE Ltd. 73 Bukit Timah Road #05-01 Rex House Singapore, 229832, Singapore Phone: 65-6586-1900 KEMET Electronics Asia Ltd. 30 Canton Road, Room 1512 SilverCord Tower II Tsimshatshui, Kowloon Hong Kong Phone: 852-2305-1168 KEMET reserves the right to modify minor details of internal and external construction at any time in the interest of product improvement. KEMET does not assume any responsibility for infringement that might result from the use of KEMET capacitors in potential circuit designs. (c) KEMET Electronics Corporation * P.O. Box 5928 * Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 * www.kemet.com