140.0 MHz Low-Loss Filter 12.0 MHz Bandwidth Part Number SF0140BA03071S Micro Networks., 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA tel: 508-852-5400, fax:508-852-8456, www.micronetworks.com TYPICAL PERFORMANCE Horizontal: 4.0 MHz/div Vertical (from top): Magnitude Magnitude Group Delay 10 dB/div 1 dB/div 100 ns/div SPECIFICATION Parameter Center Frequency ( Fc) 1 Insertion Loss 1 dB Bandwidth 3 dB Bandwidth 35 dB Bandwidth Passband Ripple 2 Phase Ripple 2 Group Delay Ripple 2 Absolute Delay Ultimate Rejection Temperature Coefficient of Frequency Substrate Material Source and Load Impedance Ambient Temperature Min. 139.6 Typ. 140.0 Max. 140.4 12.5 10.2 12.0 21.3 1.0 15 120 1.0 40 -94 YZ Lithium Niobate 50 25 Units. MHz dB MHz MHz MHz dB p-p deg p-p ns p-p us dB ppm/ C C Notes: 1. Mean Value of 3 dB points. 3dB measured from peak. 2. Measured over 90% of 3 dB Bandwidth Rev X1 26-Aug-03 Page 1 of 2 140.0 MHz Low-Loss Filter 12.0 MHz Bandwidth Part Number SF0140BA03071S Micro Networks., 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA tel: 508-852-5400, fax:508-852-8456, www.micronetworks.com PACKAGE OUTLINE Units: mm Pin Configuration: Input: 11 Input Return: 12 Output: 5 Output Return: 6 Ground: All other pins MATCHING CIRCUIT Ls1 Ls2 11 5 12 6 Component values: Ls1 = 60 nH Ls2 = 50 nH (Minimum Q = 45) Notes 1. Recommend use of 5% tolerance components. 2. Optimum values depend on board layout. Values intended as guide only. ISO 9001 Registered Micro Networks Worldwide Headquarters: 324 Clark Street Worcester, MA 01606. tel: 508-852-5400 fax: 508-852-8456 European Sales Headquarters: Hertosingel 20 6214 AD Maastricht, Netherlands. tel: +31-43-32-70912 fax: +31-43-32-70715 www.micronetworks.com Rev X1 26-Aug-03 Page 2 of 2