Document #: 38-06065 Rev. ** Page 44 of 51
2. Increment: Once th e addre ss counte r is loaded w ith an ex-
ternal a ddress, the coun ter can intern ally increment the ad-
dress value by asserting CNTINC LOW. The counter c an
address the entire memory array (depend on the value of
the mask register) and loop back to location 0. The incre-
ment operation is second in priority to the load operation.
3. Readback: The intern al value of eithe r the b urst counter or
the mask register can be read out on the address lines when
CNTRD or MKRD is LOW. Counter readback has higher
priority over mask register readback. Counter and mask
register readback have the same latency as memory READ
operations, i.e., three (3) cycles. The address will be valid
after tCA2 (for counter readback) or tCM2 (for mask read-
back) from the port’s third following clock rising edge. Ad-
dress re ad back oper atio n is i ndepen dent of the port’s chip
enables (CE0 and CE1). If address readback occu rs w hil e
the port is enabled (chip enables active), the data lines
(I/Os) will be three-stated, during the cycle the address is
driven from the part.
4. Hold operation: In order to hold the value of the address
counte r at certain a ddress, all signa ls in Table 3 have to be
HIGH. This operation has the least priority. This operation
is useful in many applications where wait states are needed
or whe n th e a ddress is av ai lab le few c ycle s a hea d of dat a.
The count er and mask regi ster op erat ions are to tall y in depen-
dent of port chip enables.
IEEE 1149.1 Serial Boundary Scan (JTAG)
The CY7C0452/451/450/431/430V18 incorporates a serial
boundary scan test access port (TAP). This port operates in
accordance with IEEE Standard 1149.1-2001. Note that the
T AP controller functions in a manner that does not conflict with
the operation of other devices using 1149.1 fully compliant
T APs. Th e T AP operates using JEDEC standard 3.3V I/O logic
levels. It is composed of four input connections and one output
connection required by the test logic defined by the standard.
Disabling the JTAG Feature
It is possible to operate the QuadPort DSE without using the
JTAG feature, by setting TRST* to ground (VSS).
Test Access Por t (TAP) – Test Clock (TCK)
The test clock is used only with the TAP controller. All inputs
are cap t ure d on the ris ing edg e o f TC K. Al l ou tpu t s are driven
from the falling edge of TCK.
Test Mode Select
The TMS input is used to give commands to the TAP controller
and is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. It is allowable to
leave this pin unconnected if the TAP is not used. The pin is
pulled up internally, resulting in a logic HIGH level.
Test Data-In (TDI)
The TDI pi n i s u se d to se rial ly in put informa tio n i nto the regis-
ters and can be conn ec ted to the in pu t of a ny of t he re gi ste r s.
The register between TDI and TDO is chosen by the instruc-
tion that is loaded into the TAP instruction register. For infor-
mation on loading the instruction register, see the TAP Con-
troller State Diagram. TDI is internally pulled up and can be
unconnected if the TAP is unused in an application. TDI is
connected to the most significant bit (MSB) on any register.
Test Data Out (TDO)
The TDO outp ut pi n is used to serially clock dat a ou t from the
registers. The output is active depending upon the current
sta te of the TAP state mach ine (see TAP Controller Sta te Dia-
gram (FSM )). T he output ch ang es on the fal li ng e dg e o f TC K.
TDO is co nne cte d to th e least sig nif ic ant b it (LSB) o f any reg-
Test Reset (TRSTB)
This input provides for asynchronous initialization of the TAP
controller. According to IEEE 1149.1-2001 the TAP controller
shall be asynchronously reset to the TEST-Logic_reset con-
troll er st ate when a 0 logic is appl ied to TRST B. TAP initializ a-
tion is independent of system initialization (MRSTB).
TAP Registers
Registers are connected between the TDI and TDO pins and
allow data to be scanned into and out of the QuadPort DSE
test circuitry. Only one register can be selected at a time
through the instruction registers. Data is serially loaded into
the TDI pin on the rising edge of TCK. Data is output on the
TDO pin on the falling edge of TCK.
Instruction Re gis ter
Four-bit instructio ns can be s eri al ly loaded into the ins truc ti on
register. This register is loaded when it is placed between the
TDI an d TDO pi ns as sh ow n i n th e fo llo wing JTAG/BIST Con-
troller diagram. Upon power-up, the instruction register is load-
ed with the IDCODE instruction. It is also loaded with the ID-
CODE instruction if the controller is placed in a reset state as
described in the Test Reset section. When the TAP controller
is in the Capture IR state, th e two leas t significant bits are load-
ed with a binary “01” pattern to allow for fault isolation of the
board level serial test path.
Bypass Register
To save time when serially shifting data through registers, it is
someti mes a dva nta geous to skip cert ain devic es. The byp ass
registe r is a si ngle-bit register that can be plac ed between TDI
and TDO pins. This allows data to be shifted through the
QuadPort DSE with minimal delay. The bypass register is set
LOW ( VSS) when the BYPASS instruction is executed .
Boundary Scan Register
The boundary scan register is connected to all the input and
output pins on the QuadPort DSE. The boundary scan register
is loaded with the contents of the QP Input and Output ring
when the T AP co ntroller is in the Captu re-DR state an d is then
placed between the TDI and TDO pins when the controller is
moved to the Shift-DR state. The EXTEST, and SAM-
PLE/PRELOAD instructions can be used to capture the con-
tents of the Input and Output ring.
Identification (ID) Register
The ID register is loaded with a vendor-specific, 32-bit code
during the Capture-DR state when the IDCODE command is
loaded in the instruction register. The IDCODE is hardwired
into the QuadPort DSE and can be shifted out when the TAP
control ler is in the Shift-DR st ate. The ID registe r has a vendor
code and other information described in the Identification Reg-
ister Definitions table.