ff 1G-a% FEATURES & e Extremely thin and light @ Highly reliable multilayer electrode construction @ Compatible with both flow soldering and reflow soldering eHighly stable in auto-placement surface mounting applications e Barrier layer end termination e@ Zero Ohm Jumper available e Available in 8mm Tape and Reel per EIA RS481 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS RC02, RCO3, RCO5, RCO6, _ RC12, RC20, RC25 THICK FILM c. MEGGITT Pil i-R All inquiries should be directed to: D SbE Mt 6424700 OOO10bb 462b Size Code RGd2 RCOS RCO5 RCOG ACI2 RC20 RC25 (0402) (0603) (0805) (1206) (1210) (2010) (2512) Power Rating @ 70C 1i6W 10Ww 1/8W 1/4W 1/3W 3/4wW IW Operating Temp. Range 55C to +125C Derated to 0 Load at +125C Maximum Working Voltage 25V 50V 150V 200V 200V 200V 200V Maximum Overload Voltage 50V 100V 300V 400V 400V 400V 400V Resistance Range 1%, E-96 1002-100KQ | 10Q2-IMQ | 10Q2-IMQ {| 10Q-IMQ | 10R-1IMQ | 102-1MQ | 109-1IMQ 5%,E-24 22-5.6MQ 1Q-10MQ | 12-70MQ | 12-10MQ | 1Q-10MQ | 19-10MQ | 19-10MQ Zero Ohm Jumper <0.01Q Special value on request Temperature Coefficient 1%:+100ppm/*C, 5%:-+200ppm/*C 1Q-10Q : 200ppm/C to +-500ppm/C ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS PERFORMANCE TEST TEST METHOD 1% TOLERANCE 5% TOLERANCE Temperature MIL-STD-202F, Method 304 +100ppm/ C +200ppm/ C Coefficient (by Type) 55C to +125C Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202F, Method 107 =(0.5%,+0.05 2} = (1.0%, +0.05.Q) 5 cycles, 55C to +125C Low Temperature MIL-R-55342D, Para. 4.7.4 (0.5%, +0.05 2) (1.0%,+0.05.Q) Operation One hour at 55C followed by 45 minutes RCOWV Short Time Overload MiL-R-55342D, Para. 4.7.5 +(1.0%, +0.052) (2.0%, +0.05 2) 2.5 times RCWV for 5 seconds. High Temperature MIL-R-55342D, Para. 4.7.6 (1.0%, +0.052) th (2.0%, +0.12) Exposure 125C for 100 hours Resistance to MIL-R-55342D, Para. 4.7.7 +(0.5%,+0.059) +(1.0%,+0.05.Q) Soldering Heat Soldered to test board at 260C for 10 seconds Moisture Resistance MIL-STD-202F, Method 106 +(0.5%,-+0.052) (2.0%, +0.05 22) 10 cycles. Total 240 hours Life MIL-STD-202F, Method 108A +(1.0%, +0.052) +(3.0%,+0.1Q) 1000 hours at 70C RCWV intermittent Solderability MIL-STD-202F, Method 208 95% min. 95% min. 230C for 5 seconds coverage coverage Bending Strength Unit mounted in center of (1.0%, +0.05Q) +(1.0%,+-0.05.2) 90mm board length, deflected Smrn in either direction for 10 seconds Piher international Corp. 903 Feehanville Dr. Mt Prospect, IL 60056 Tel. 847-390-6680/F ax 847-390-9866CHIP DIMENSIONS Resistor RuQ2}__ > Overcoat Sh A yn x (Jumper chip is a conductor) WA y + H + Alumina Substrate qe i2 lz ate Internal Electrode (Ag-Pd) Secondary Electrode (Nickel Plated) Extemal Electrode {Solder Plated) Unit: Inches (Millimeters) Size Code L Ww H hh l2 RCo2 0.040+-0.004 0.020-+0.002 0.0140.002 0.008-+0.004 0.010+0.004 (0402) (1.000.10) (0.50-0.05) (0.35+0.05) (0.20+0.10) (0.25-0.10) RCOS 0.063=+0.004 0.031+-0.004 0.0182-0.004 0.012+0.008 0.012+0.008 (0603) (1.600.10) (0.80+0.10) (0.45-=0.10) (0.30+0.20) (0.30=0.20) RCOS 0.079-+0.006 0.049-+-0.004 0.020+0.004 0.016=-0.008 0.016=0.008 (0805) (2.00-+0.15) (1.25-0.10) (0.50-0.10) (0.40-+0.20) (0.40+0.20) RCOS 0.126+0.006 0.063=0.006 0.02420.004 0.020=+0.010 0.020+0.010 (1206) (3.20+0.15) (1.602-0.15) (0.60=0.10) (0.50--0.25) {0.50--0.25) RCi2 0.126+0.006 0.098+0.006 0.022+-0.006 0.020+0.010 0.016+0.008 (1210) (8.20+0.15) (2.50++0.15) (0.56+0.15) (0.50+0.25) (0.40+0.20) RC20 0.200-+0.006 0.098=-0.006 0.022+0.006 0.0240.010 0.0160.008 (2010) (5.00+0.15) (2.502-0.15) (0.56+0.15) (0.60-+0.25) (0.40+0.20) RC25 0.250-0.006 0.126-+0.006 0.022-+0.006 0.024-+0.010 0.016+0.008 (2512) (6.30-+0.15) (8.202:0.15) (0.56+0.15) (0.60+0.25) (0.40+-0.20) PARTS NUMBER RC C4 1002 F T Size Resistance Valse Tolerance Standard Packaging RCO2 (0402) 5%-3 Digits F=t1% T=Paper tape RCO3 (0603) ist 2 significant J=+5% RC02:10,000PCS RCOS (0805) 3rd multiplier(i0*) RC03/05/06/12:5,000pcs RCO6 (1206) || 1%-4 Digits D=+0.5% K=Embossed tape RC 12 (1210) tst 3 significant G=+2% RC05/06/12/20:4,000pcs RC20 (2010) 4th multiplier(10*) on request RC25:2,000pces RC25 (2512) 000==Jumper "0" ohm B=Bulk bag C=Bulk Cassette MARKING DIAGRAMS RC03(0603) RC05(0805) RC02(0402) RCOS RC06(1206) A86 ma Te) == fe) = | RC 12(1210) RC20(2010) 5% mark RCZO(R010} 1% marking RC25(2512) 1% Vauertoka RCZ52512) Vaiuest0KO Vauent2 a0 Marking explanation Packaging @5% tolerance: 3 digits, first two digits are significant, e Paper or plastic tape : 5,000 per 7" reel. third digit is number of zeros. e Embossed tape : 4,000 per 7* reel. Letter R is decimal point. @ Bulk bag : 5,000 per plastic bag, 2 bags per box. @1% tolerance: 4 digits, first three digits are significant, e Bulk Cassette : see page 7. forth digit is number of zeros. e Standard packaging is 8mm tape reel per EIA48t. Letter R is decimal point. @ 0603 1% : EIA-96 marking (see page:5) 2 0402 no marking Piher International Corp. 903 Feehanville Dr. Mt Prospect, IL 60056 Tel. 847-390-6680/Fax 847-390-9866 LL Meco Fi-ER Ail inquiries should be directed to: D bE MM 6424700 0001067 7be a