FW802C Low-Power PHY 1394a-2000 Data Sheet
Two-Cable Transceiver/Arbiter Device January 2005
4Agere Systems Inc.
Description (continued)
directly connec ted to th e twisted-pair B (TPB) sign als
is coupled to ground through a parallel RC network
with recommended resistor and capacitor values of 5
kΩ and 220 pF, respectively.
The value of the external resistors are specified to
meet the IEEE 1394 standard specifications when con-
nected in parallel with the internal receiver circuits.
The driver output current, along with other internal
operating currents, is set by an external resistor. This
resistor is connec te d be twe en th e R0 an d R1 sign als
and has a value of 2.49 kΩ ± 1%.
The FW802C supports suspend/resume as defined in
the IEEE 1394a-2000 specification. The suspend
mechanism allows an FW802C port to be put into a
suspended state. In this state, a port is unable to
transmit or receive data packets; however, it remains
capable of detecting connection status changes and
detecting incoming TPBias. When all ports of the
FW802C are suspended, all circuits except the bias
voltage reference generator and the bias detection cir-
cuits are powered do wn , re su lting in significant power
savings. The use of suspend/resume is recommended.
As an input, the C/LKON signal indicates whether a
node is a contender for bus manager . When the
C/LKON signal is asserted, it means the node is a con-
tender for bus manager. When the signal is not
asserted, it means that the node is not a contender.
The C bit corresponds to bit 20 in the self-ID packet
(see Section of the IEEE 1394a-2000 standard
for additional details).
The power class (Pwr_class) bits of the self-ID packet
have a default value of 000, i.e., power class 0. These
bits can be read and modified through the LLC using
Figure 5B-1 (PHY Register Map) and Section
of the IEEE 1394a-2000 standard. See Table 8 of this
document for the address space of the Pwr_class
A powerdown signa l (PD) is provided to allow a power-
down mode where most of the PHY circuits are
powered down to conserve energy in battery-powered
applications. The internal logic in FW802C is reset as
long as the powerdown signal is asserted. A cable sta-
tus signal (CNA) provides a high output when none of
the twisted-pair cable ports are receiving incoming
bias voltage. This output is not debounced. The CNA
output can be used to determine when to power the
PHY down or up. In the powerdown mode, all circuitry
is disabled except the CNA ci rcuitry. It shou ld be noted
that when the device is powered down, it does not act
in a repeater mo de .
When the power supply of the PHY is removed while
the twisted-pair cables are connected, the PHY trans-
mitter and receiver circuitr y is designed to present a
high impedance to the cable in order to not load the
TPBIAS signal voltage on the other end of the cable.
Whenever the TBA±/TPB± signals are wired to a con-
nector, they must be terminated using the normal
termination netwo rk (See Figu re 4). This is required for
reliable oper a tion . Fo r thos e ap plications, when one of
the FW802C’s ports is not wired to a connector, those
unused ports may be left unconnected without normal
termination. When a port does not have a cable con-
nected, internal connect-detect circuitry will keep the
port in a disconn ect ed sta te.
Note: All gap counts on all nodes of a 1394 bus must
be identical. The software accomplishes this by
issuing PHY configuration packets (see Section of the IEEE 1394a-2000 standard) or by
issuing two bus resets, wh ich resets the gap
counts to the maximum level (3Fh).
The link power status (LPS) signal works with the
C/LKON signal to manage the LLC powe r usage of the
node. The LPS signal indicates that the LLC of the
node is powered up or powered down. If LPS is inac-
tive for more than 1.2 µs and less than 25 µs, the
PHY/link interface is reset. If LPS is inactive for greater
than 25 µs, th e PH Y will disab le th e PHY/link interface
to save power. FW802C continues its repeater func-
tion even when the PHY/link interface is disabled. If
the PHY then receives a link- on packet, the C/LKON
signal is activated to output a 6.114 MHz signal that
can be used by the LLC to power itself up. Once the
LLC is powered up, the LPS signal communicates this
to the PHY and th e PHY/link interface is enabled. The
C/LKON signal is turned off when LPS is active or
when a bus reset occurs, provided the interrupt that
caused C/LKON is not present.
When the PHY/link interface is in the disabled state,
the FW802C will automatically enter a low-power
mode if all ports are inactive (disconnected, disabled,
or suspended). In this low-power mode, the FW802C
disables its PLL and also disables parts of its refer-
ence circuitry depending on the state of the ports
(some reference circuitry must remain active in order
to detect incomi n g TP bias ) . The lowe st pow er con-
sumption (the microlow-power sleep mode) is attained
when all ports are either disconnected or disabled with
the ports interr upt enable bit (see Table 11) cleared.
The FW802C will exit the low-power mode when the
LPS input is asserted high or when a port event occurs
that requires the FW802C to become active in order to
respond to the event or to notify the LLC of the event