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MXC6225XU -DTOS Accelerometer
Powerful Sensing Solutions for a Better Life
MXC6225XU: Fully Integrated Thermal Accelerometer
Document Version 1.0 page 7
A slave mode I2C interface, capable of operating in standard or fast mode, is implemented on the DTOS.
The interface uses a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL) to achieve bi-directional communi-
cation between master and slave devices. A master (typically a microprocessor) initiates all data transfers
to and from the device, and generates the SCL clock that synchronizes the data transfer. The SDA pin on
the DTOS operates both as an input and an open drain output. Since the DTOS only operates as a slave
device, the SCL pin is always an input. There are external pull-up resistors on the I2C bus lines. Devices
that drive the I2C bus lines do so through open-drain n-channel driver transistors, creating a wired NOR
type arrangement.
Data on SDA is only allowed to change when SCL is low. A hi to low transition on SDA when SCL is hi is
indicative of a START condition, whereas a low to hi transition on SDA when SCL is hi is indicative of a
STOP condition. When the interface is not busy, both SCL and SDA are hi. A data transmission is initiated
by the master pulling SDA low while SCL is hi, generating a START condition. The data transmission
occurs serially in 8 bit bytes, with the MSB transmitted first. During each byte of transmitted data, the
master will generate 9 clock pulses. The first 8 clock pulses are used to clock the data, the 9th clock pulse
is for the acknowledge bit. After the 8 bits of data are clocked in, the transmitting device releases SDA,
and the receiving device pulls it down so that it is stable low during the entire 9th clock pulse. By doing
this, the receiving device “acknowledges” that it has received the transmitted byte. If the slave receiver
does not generate an acknowledge, then the master device can generate a STOP condition and abort the
transfer. If the master is the receiver in a data transfer, then it must signal the end of data to the slave by
not generating an acknowledge on the last byte that was clocked out of the slave. The slave must release
SDA to allow the master to generate a STOP or repeated START condition.
The master initiates a data transfer by generating a START condition. After a data transmission is com-
plete, the master may terminate the data transfer by generating a STOP condition. The bus is considered
to be free again a certain time after the STOP condition. Alternatively, the master can keep the bus busy
by generating a repeated START condition instead of a STOP condition. This repeated START condition is
functionally identical to a START condition that follows a STOP. Each device that sits on the I2C bus has a
unique 7 bit address.
DTOS I2C Interface