BusBoard Prototype Systems "Faster ways to build prototypes"
BPS-DAT-(KIT-BB830+ZW)-0001 Rev 1 Datasheet
© 2015 BusBoard Prototype Systems Ltd. "BB830", "ZipWire", "BusBoard", "BPS" and the BPS logo are trademarks of BusBoard Prototype Systems. All rights reserved.
BB830 is a solderless (plug-in) breadboard
with 830 connection tie-points (i.e. 830 wire
insertion holes). It has 4 power rails.
Solderless breadboards are great for building
and testing new circuits because parts can
be easily inserted and removed. They are
completely re-usable.
The BB830 has a 630 tie-point IC-circuit area
plus four 50 tie-point power rails. The
housing is made of white ABS plastic, with a
printed legend giving numbers and letters for
columns and rows. The internal contacts are
phosphor bronze with a plated nickel finish.
A peelable adhesive tape backing is provided
for attaching it to a surface and an optional
metal back plate is provided.
BB830 Details:
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ZW-MM-10 ZipWire
BB830 Solderless
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ZipWire™ provides a convenient way to
connect the signals in your projects. The
wires can be unzipped for individual wires as
needed. The color-coding can be used to
organize power, ground and other signal
types to keep your circuit organized. The
rainbow colored ribbon cable provides the 10
standard electrical colors. Each ZipWire
ribbon provides 40 wires, four of each color.
The 10cm wires work great for signals within
a solderless breadboard (such as the BB400
and BB830). When connecting to a group of
signals (such as UART or SPI signals), a
group of attached ZipWires can be used to
keep the signals together to better manage
your wiring. Male pins can be used with
solderless breadboards or 0.1” pitch sockets.
ZW-MM-10 Details: