LAN91C96 Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Product Features Non-PCI Single-Chip Ethernet Controller A Subset of Motorola 68000 Bus Interface Support High Performance Chained ("Back-to-Back") Transmit and Receive Fully Supports Full Duplex Switched Ethernet Supports Enhanced Transmit Queue Management Pin Compatible with the LAN91C92 (in Local Bus Mode) and the LAN91C94 in Both Local Bus and PCMCIA Modes 6K Bytes of On-Chip RAM Dynamic Memory Allocation Between Transmit and Receive Supports IEEE 802.3 (ANSI 8802-3) Ethernet Standards Flat Memory Structure for Low CPU Overhead Automatic Detection of TX/RX Polarity Reversal Buffered Architecture, Insensitive to Bus Latencies (No Overruns/Underruns) Enhanced Power Management Features Supports "Magic Packet" Power Management Technology Hardware Memory Management Unit Optional Configuration via Serial EEPROM Interface (Jumperless) Supports single +5V or +3.3V (for Revisions E and Later) VCC Designs Supports Mixed Voltage External PHY Designs1 Supports Boot PROM for Diskless Local Bus Applications Network Interface Integrated 10BASE-T Transceiver Functions: - Driver and Receiver Link Integrity Test Receive Polarity Detection and Correction Integrated AUI Interface 10 Mb/s Manchester Encoding/Decoding and Clock Recovery Low Power CMOS Design 100 Pin QFP and TQFP (1.0 mm body Thickness) Lead-Free RoHS Compliant Packages Automatic Retransmission, Bad Packet Rejection, and Transmit Padding External and Internal Loopback Modes Pin Compatible with the LAN91C92 and LAN91C94 Bus Interface Direct Interface to Local Bus, PCMCIA, and 68000 Buses with No Wait States Flexible Bus Interface 16 Bit Data and Control Paths Fast Access Time Pipelined Data Path Handles Block Word Transfers for any Alignment Four Direct Driven LEDs for Status/ Diagnostics Software Drivers LAN9000 Drivers for Major Network Operating Systems Utilizing Local Bus or PCMCIA Interface Software Drivers Compatible with the LAN91C92, LAN91C94, LAN91C100FD (100 Mb/s), and LAN91C110 (100 Mb/s) Controllers in Local Bus Mode Software Drivers Utilize Full Capability of 32 Bit Microprocessor 1 Refer to Description of Pin Functions on Page 17 for 5V tolerant pins SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) DATASHEET Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet ORDER NUMBERS: LAN91C96-MS for 100 pin, QFP Lead-Free RoHS Compliant package LAN91C96-MU for 100 pin, TQFP Lead-Free RoHS Compliant package 80 ARKAY DRIVE, HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788 (631) 435-6000, FAX (631) 273-3123 Copyright (c) 2008 SMSC or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Circuit diagrams and other information relating to SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the described semiconductor devices any licenses under any patent rights or other intellectual property rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC's website at SMSC is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation ("SMSC"). Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND THE LIKE, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY OF BUYER IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 2 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................... 7 CHAPTER 2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................. 8 CHAPTER 3 PIN CONFIGURATIONS....................................................................... 11 3.1 Local Bus vs. PCMCIA vs. 68000 Pin Requirements...................................................................................15 CHAPTER 4 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS ................................................... 17 4.1 Buffer Symbols................................................................................................................................................21 CHAPTER 5 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................. 23 5.1 Buffer Memory................................................................................................................................................24 5.2 Interrupt Structure.........................................................................................................................................31 5.3 Reset Logic.......................................................................................................................................................32 5.4 Power Down Logic States...............................................................................................................................32 5.5 LAN91C96 Power Down States .....................................................................................................................33 5.6 PCMCIA CONFIGURATION REGISTERS DESCRIPTION ..................................................................36 CHAPTER 6 FRAME FORMAT IN BUFFER MEMORY FOR ETHERNET ............... 38 CHAPTER 7 REGISTERS MAP IN I/O SPACE ......................................................... 42 7.1 I/O Space Access .............................................................................................................................................42 7.2 I/O Space Registers Description ....................................................................................................................42 CHAPTER 8 THEORY OF OPERATION ................................................................... 65 8.1 Typical Flow of Events for Transmit (Auto Release = 0) ............................................................................67 8.2 Typical Flow of Events for Transmit (Auto Release = 1) ............................................................................68 8.3 Flow of Events for Receive .............................................................................................................................69 CHAPTER 9 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE BLOCKS................................ 79 SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 3 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 9.1 Memory Management Unit ............................................................................................................................79 9.2 Arbiter .............................................................................................................................................................79 9.3 Bus Interface ...................................................................................................................................................80 9.4 Wait State Policy .............................................................................................................................................80 9.5 Arbitration Considerations ............................................................................................................................81 9.6 DMA Block ......................................................................................................................................................82 9.7 Packet Number FIFOS ...................................................................................................................................82 9.8 CSMA Block....................................................................................................................................................84 9.9 Network Interface ...........................................................................................................................................85 9.10 10Base-T.......................................................................................................................................................86 9.11 AUI ...............................................................................................................................................................86 9.12 Physical Interface ........................................................................................................................................86 9.13 Transmit Functions .....................................................................................................................................86 9.13.1 Manchester Encoding.............................................................................................................................86 9.13.2 Transmit Drivers ....................................................................................................................................86 9.13.3 Jabber Function ......................................................................................................................................87 9.13.4 SQE Function.........................................................................................................................................87 9.14 Receive Functions........................................................................................................................................87 9.14.1 Receive Drivers......................................................................................................................................87 9.14.2 Manchester Decoder and Clock Recovery .............................................................................................87 9.14.3 Squelch Function....................................................................................................................................87 9.14.4 Reverse Polarity Function ......................................................................................................................87 9.14.5 Collision Detection Function .................................................................................................................88 9.14.6 Link Integrity .........................................................................................................................................88 CHAPTER 10 BOARD SETUP INFORMATION ........................................................ 89 10.1 Diagnostic LEDs ..........................................................................................................................................90 10.2 Bus Clock Considerations...........................................................................................................................90 10.3 68000 Bus Interface.....................................................................................................................................90 CHAPTER 11 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................... 92 11.1 Maximum Guaranteed Ratings* ................................................................................................................92 11.2 DC Electrical Characteristics.....................................................................................................................92 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 4 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet CHAPTER 12 TIMING DIAGRAMS ........................................................................... 99 CHAPTER 13 LAN91C96 REVISIONS .................................................................... 125 List of Figures Figure 3.1 - LAN91C96 100 Pin QFP...........................................................................................................................11 Figure 3.2 - LAN91C96 100 Pin TQFP.........................................................................................................................12 Figure 3.3 - LAN91C96 System Block Diagram ...........................................................................................................13 Figure 3.4 - System Diagram for Local Bus with Boot Prom .......................................................................................14 Figure 4.1 - LAN91C96 Internal Block Diagram ...........................................................................................................22 Figure 5.1 - Mapping and Paging vs. Receive and Transmit Area ..............................................................................25 Figure 5.2 - Transmit Queues and Mapping................................................................................................................26 Figure 5.3 - Receive Queues and Mapping.................................................................................................................27 Figure 5.4 - LAN91C96 Internal Block Diagram with Data Path...................................................................................28 Figure 5.5 - Logical Address Generation and Relevant Registers...............................................................................29 Figure 6.1 - Data Frame Format..................................................................................................................................38 Figure 6.2 - LAN91C96 Registers ................................................................................................................................41 Figure 7.1 - Interrupt Structure.....................................................................................................................................61 Figure 8.1 - Interrupt Service Routine .........................................................................................................................70 Figure 8.2 - RX INTR ...................................................................................................................................................71 Figure 8.3 -TX INTR.....................................................................................................................................................72 Figure 8.4 -TXEMPTY INTR ........................................................................................................................................73 Figure 8.5 - Driver Send and Allocate Routines ..........................................................................................................74 Figure 8.6 - Interrupt Generation for Transmit; Receive, MMU ...................................................................................78 FIGURE 9.1 - MMU PACKET NUMBER FLOW AND RELEVANT REGISTERS.........................................................84 FIGURE 10.1 - 64 X 16 SERIAL EEPROM MAP .........................................................................................................91 Figure 12.1 - Card Configuration Registers - Read/Write PCMCIA Mode (A15=1) ....................................................99 Figure 12.2 - Local Bus Consecutive Read Cycles ...................................................................................................100 Figure 12.3 - PCMCIA Consecutive Read Cycles ......................................................................................................101 Figure 12.4 - Local Bus Consecutive Write Cycles....................................................................................................102 Figure 12.5 - PCMCIA Consecutive Write Cycles ......................................................................................................103 Figure 12.6 - Local Bus Consecutive Read and Write Cycles ...................................................................................104 Figure 12.7 - Data Register Special Read Access ....................................................................................................105 Figure 12.8 - Data Register Special Write Access.....................................................................................................106 Figure 12.9 - 8-Bit Mode Register Cycles ..................................................................................................................107 Figure 12.10 - 68000 Read Timing.............................................................................................................................108 Figure 12.11 - 68000 Write Timing.............................................................................................................................109 Figure 12.12 - External ROM Read Access ..............................................................................................................110 Figure 12.13 - Local Bus Register Access When Using Bale ....................................................................................111 Figure 12.14 - External ROM Read Access Using Bale ............................................................................................112 Figure 12.15 - EEPROM Read...................................................................................................................................113 Figure 12.16 - EEPROM Write ...................................................................................................................................114 Figure 12.17 - PCMCIA Attribute Memory Read/Write (A15=0) .................................................................................115 Figure 12.18 - External ENDEC Interface - Start of Transmit ...................................................................................115 Figure 12.19 - External ENDEC Interface - Receive Data ........................................................................................116 Figure 12.20 - Differential Output Signal Timing (10BASE-T and AUI) .....................................................................117 Figure 12.21 - Receive Timing - Start of Frame (AUI and 10BASE-T) .....................................................................118 Figure 12.22 - Receive Timing - End of Frame (AUI and 10BASE-T).......................................................................119 Figure 12.23 - Transmit Timing - End of Frame (AUI and 10BASE-T)......................................................................120 Figure 12.24 - Collision Timing (AUI) ........................................................................................................................121 Figure 12.25 - Memory Read Timing.........................................................................................................................121 Figure 12.26 - Input Clock Timing .............................................................................................................................122 Figure 12.27 - Memory Write Timing .........................................................................................................................122 Figure 12.28 - 100 PIN QFP Package........................................................................................................................123 Figure 12.29 - 100 PIN TQFP Package .....................................................................................................................124 SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 5 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet List of Tables Table 5.1 - LAN91C96 Address Space ........................................................................................................................30 Table 5.2 - Bus Transactions In LOCAL BUS Mode ....................................................................................................30 Table 5.3 - Bus Transactions In PCMCIA Mode...........................................................................................................31 Table 5.4 - Bus Transactions In 68000 Mode................................................................................................................31 Table 5.5 - Interrupt Merging........................................................................................................................................32 Table 5.6 - LOCAL BUS Mode Defined States (Refer To Table 5.7 For Next States To Wake-Up Events).................33 Table 5.7- LOCAL BUS Mode ......................................................................................................................................33 Table 5.8 - PCMCIA Mode (Refer To Table 5.7 For Next States To Wake-Up Events) ...............................................34 Table 5.9 - PCMCIA Mode ...........................................................................................................................................34 Table 7.1 - Transmit Loop ............................................................................................................................................45 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 6 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 1 General Description The LAN91C96 is a VLSI Ethernet Controller that combines Local Bus, PCMCIA, and Motorola 68000 bus interfaces in one chip. LAN91C96 integrates all MAC and physical layer functions, as well as the packet RAM, needed to implement a high performance 10BASE-T (twisted pair) node. For 10BASE5 (thick coax), 10BASE2 (thin coax), and 10BASE-F (fiber) implementations, the LAN91C96 interfaces to external transceivers via the provided AUI port. Only one additional IC is required for most applications. The LAN91C96 comes with Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (FDSWE) support allowing the controller to provide much higher throughput. 6K bytes of RAM is provided to support enhanced throughput and compensate for any increased system service latencies. The controller implements multiple advanced power-down modes including Magic Packet to conserve power and operate more efficiently. The LAN91C96 can directly interface with the Local Bus, PCMCIA, and 68000 buses and deliver no-wait-state operation. For Local Bus and PCMCIA interfaces, the LAN91C96 occupies 16 I/0 locations and no memory space except for PCMCIA attribute memory space. The same I/O space is used for both LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA operations. Its shared memory is sequentially accessed with 40ns access times to any of its registers, including its packet memory. DMA services are not used by the LAN91C96, virtually de-coupling network traffic from local or system bus utilization. For packet memory management, the LAN91C96 integrates a unique hardware Memory Management Unit (MMU) with enhanced performance and decreased software overhead when compared to ring buffer and linked list architectures. The LAN91C96 is portable to different CPU and bus platforms due to its flexible bus interface, flat memory structure (no pointers), and its loosely coupled buffered architecture (not sensitive to latency). The LAN91C96 is available in 100-pin QFP and TQFP (1.0 mm body thickness) packages. The low profile TQFP is ideal for mobile applications such as PC Card LAN adapters. The LAN91C96 operates with a single power supply voltage of 5.0V. Revisions E and later will also operate using a single 3.3V power supply. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 7 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 2 Overview A unique architecture allows the LAN91C96 to combine high performance, flexibility, high integration and simple software interface. The LAN91C96 incorporates the LAN91C92 functionality for LOCAL BUS environments, as well as a PCMCIA interface and attribute registers like the LAN91C94 It also includes a subset of the Motorola 68000 interface. Mode selection between LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA is static and is done only at the end of a reset. Selection of 68000 operation mode is performed at power-up. The LAN91C96 consists of the same logical I/O register structure in LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA modes. However, some of the signals used to access the PCMCIA differ from the LOCAL BUS mode. The MMU (Memory Management Unit) architecture used by the LAN91C96 combines the simplicity and low overhead of fixed areas with the flexibility of linked lists providing improved performance over other methods. Packet reception and transmission are determined by memory availability. All other resources are always available if memory is available. To complement this flexible architecture, bus interface functions are incorporated in the LAN91C96, as well as a 6144 byte packet RAM - and serial EEPROM-based setup. The user can select or modify configuration choices. The LAN91C96 integrates most of the 802.3 functionality, incorporating the MAC layer protocol, the physical layer encoding and decoding functions with the ability to handle the AUI interface. For twisted pair networks, LAN91C96 integrates the twisted pair transceiver as well as the link integrity test functions. The LAN91C96 is a true 10BASE-T single chip device able to interface to a system or a local bus. Support for direct-driven LEDs for installation and run-time diagnostics is provided. 802.3 statistics are gathered to facilitate network management. The LAN91C96 is a single chip Ethernet controller designed to be 100% pin and software compatible with the LAN91C92 and LAN91C94 in LOCAL BUS mode. Similar to the LAN91C94, the LAN91C96 has support necessary for providing a true single chip single function PCMCIA Ethernet socket adapter. The LAN91C96 incorporates all of the PCMCIA registers and signals that interface to the PCMCIA bus. The LAN91C96 has been designed to support full duplex switched Ethernet and provides Fully independent transmit and receive operations. The LAN91C96 internal packet memory is extended to 6k bytes, and the MMU will continue to manage memory in 256 byte pages. The increase in memory size accommodates the potential for simultaneous transmit and receive traffic in some full duplex applications as well as support for enhanced performance on systems that introduce increased latency. The LAN91C96 has the ability to retrieve configuration information from a serial EEPROM on reset or powerup. In LOCAL BUS mode, the serial EPROM acts as storage of configuration and IEEE Ethernet address information compatible with the existing LAN91C90, LAN91C92, and LAN91C94 LOCAL BUS Ethernet controllers. In PCMCIA mode, the EEPROM function is the same as in LOCAL BUS mode. External Flash ROM is required for CIS storage. THE LAN91C96 OFFERS: High integration: Single chip controller including: Packet RAM LOCAL BUS interface Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 8 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PCMCIA interface 68000 interface EEPROM interface Encoder/decoder with AUI interface 10BASE-T transceiver High performance: Chained ("Back-to-back") packet handling with no CPU intervention: Queues transmit packets Queues receive packets Stores results in memory along with packet Queues interrupts Optional single interrupt upon completion of transmit chain Fast block move operation for load/unload: CPU sees packet bytes as if stored continuously. Handles 16 bit transfers regardless of address alignment. Access to packet through fixed window. Fast bus interface: Compatible with LOCAL BUS type and faster buses. Flexibility: Flexible packet and header processing: Can access any byte in the packet. Can immediately remove undesired packets from queue. Can move packets from receive to transmit queue. Can alter receive processing order without copying data. Can discard or enqueue again a failed transmission. Resource allocation: Memory dynamically allocated for transmit and receive. Can automatically release memory on successful transmission. Configuration: LOCAL BUS: Uses non-volatile jumperless setup via serial EEPROM. PCMCIA: Uses ROM or Flash ROM for attribute memory storage and optional serial EEPROM for IEEE address storage. PCMCIA I/O ignores address lines A4-A15 and relies on the PCMCIA host, decoding for the slot. nROM/nPCMCIA, on LAN91C96, is left open with a pullup for LOCAL BUS mode. This pin is sampled at the end of RESET. If found low, the LAN91C96 is configured for PCMCIA mode. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 9 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Motorola 68000: Note: Uses non-volatile jumperless setup via serial EEPROM. The device must power up in LOCAL BUS mode with nIORD and nIOWR asserted simultaneously to make the controller enter the 68000 mode. The first write to the 68000 configured controller must be a write. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 10 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 3 Pin Configurations nIORD/xDS nIOWR/R/nW nMEMR/nOE AEN/nREG/nAS IOCHRDY/nWAIT VSS D0 D1 D2 D3 VDD D4 D5 D6 D7 VSS RESET PWRDWN/TXCLK BSELED/RXD nLNKLED/TXD nRXLED/RXCLK nTXLED/nTXEN AVDD TPETXDP TPETXN TPETXDN TPETXP TXN/nCRS TXP/nCOLL AVSS AVDD COLN COLP RECN RECP TPERXN TPERXP AVSS AVSS RBIAS AVDD nXENDEC nEN16 VSS nROM/nPCMCIA XTAL1 XTAL2 IOS0 IOS1 VDD 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 81 49 82 48 83 47 84 46 85 45 86 44 87 43 88 42 89 41 90 40 91 39 92 38 93 37 94 36 95 35 96 97 34 98 33 99 32 100 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30 LAN91C96 100 Pin QFP VDD A19/nCE1 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11/nFCS VDD A10/nFWE A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 VSS A2 A1 A0 BALE/nWE nSBHE/nCE2 nIOCS16/nIOIS16 VSS INTR3 INTR20 VDD INTR1/nINPACK INTR0/nIREQ/INTR VSS D15 D14 D13 D12 VDD D11 D10 D9 D8 VSS EESK EECS EEDI EEDO/SDOUT ENEEP VSS IOS2 Figure 3.1 - LAN91C96 100 Pin QFP SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 11 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TXN/nCRS TXP/nCOLL AVSS AVDD COLN COLP RECN RECP TPERXN TPERXP AVSS AVSS RBIAS AVDD nXENDEC nEN16 VSS nROM/nPCMCIA XTAL1 XTAL2 IOS0 IOS1 VDD IOS2 VSS ENEEP EEDO/SDOUT EEDI EECS EESK VSS D8 D9 D10 D11 VDD D12 D13 D14 D15 VSS INTR0/nIREQ/INTR INTR1/nINPACK VDD INTR2 INTR3 VSS nIOCS16/nIOIS16 nSBHE/nCE2 BALE/nWE LAN91C96 100 Pin TQFP 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 TPETXP TPETXDN TPETXN TPETXDP AVDD nTXLED/nTXEN nRXLED/RXCLK nLNKLED/TXD nBSELED/RXD PWRDWN/TXCLK RESET VSS D7 D6 D5 D4 VDD D3 D2 D1 D0 VSS IOCHRDY/nWAIT AEN/nREG/nAS nMEMR/OE nIOWR/R/nW nIORD/xDS VDD A19/nCE1 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11/nFCS VDD A10/nFWE A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 VSS A2 A1 A0 Figure 3.2 - LAN91C96 100 Pin TQFP Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 12 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PCMCIA CONNECTOR nCE1, nCE2, nREG, nWE A0-9, A15 10BASE-T / AUI INTERFACE nIORD, nIOWR STSCHG RESET nIREQ D0-15 LAN91C96 nIOIS16, nINPACK nWAIT nOE nFWE nFCS nWE nCE CS,SK,DI,DO nOE Extended D0-7 Attribute Eprom A0-X 2816 (PCMCIA) Serial Eprom (ISA-Hy9346) SINGLE FUNCTION PCMCIA CARD WITH THE LAN91C96 Figure 3.3 - LAN91C96 System Block Diagram SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 13 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) nIRQ ADDRESS Page 14 DATASHEET PROM IOS1 IOS2 nEN16 ENEEP TPETXDP TPETXN TPETXP A0-19 D0-15 nMEMR nROM 4 INTR0-3 RBIAS COLN COLP RECN RECP TXN TXP TPERXN TPERXP LAN91C96 IOS0 TPETXDN IOCHRDY EEDO EESK EEDI EECS nIORD, nIOWR, nIOCS16 XTAL2 nSBHE RESET BALE XTAL1 4 10BASET DATA 3 N/C AEN 4 DIAGNOSTIC LEDs BUFFER SYSTEM BUS 20 MHz SERIAL EEPROM Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet AUI CABLE SIDE Figure 3.4 - System Diagram for Local Bus with Boot Prom SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 3.1 Local Bus vs. PCMCIA vs. 68000 Pin Requirements FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS BUS SYSTEM DATA BUS SYSTEM CONTROL BUS SERIAL EEPROM CRYSTAL OSC. POWER GROUND 10BASE-T interface AUI interface 2 LOCAL BUS A0 A1-9 A10 A11 A12-14 A15 A16-18 A19 AEN D0-15 RESET BALE nIORD nIOWR nMEMR IOCHRDY nIOCS16 nSBHE INTR0 INTR1 INTR2 INTR3 EEDI EEDO EECS EESK ENEEP IOS0 IOS1 IOS2 XTAL1, XTAL2 VDD, AVDD GND, AGND TPERXP TPERXN TPETXP TPETXN TPETXDP TPETXDN RECP RECN COLP COLN TXP/nCOLL TXN/nCRS PCMCIA A0 A1-9 nFWE nFCS A15 nCE1 nREG D0-15 RESET nWE nIORD nIOWR nOE nWAIT nIOIS16 nCE2 nIREQ nINPACK EEDI EEDO EECS EESK ENEEP IOS0 IOS1 IOS2 XTAL1, XTAL2 VDD, AVDD GND, AGND TPERXP TPERXN TPETXP TPETXN TPETXDP TPETXDN RECP RECN COLP COLN TXP/nCOLL TXN/nCRS 68000 A1-9 A10 A11 A12-14 A15 A16-18 A19 nAS D0-152 RESET MAX NUMBER OF PINS 21 16 12 xDS R/nW INTR EEDI EEDO EECS EESK ENEEP IOS0 IOS1 IOS2 XTAL1, XTAL2 VDD, AVDD GND, AGND TPERXP TPERXN TPETXP TPETXN TPETXDP TPETXDN RECP RECN COLP COLN TXP/nCOLL TXN/nCRS 8 2 9 11 6 6 The bytes connect to the 68000 host processor swapped SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 15 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet FUNCTION LEDs MISC. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) LOCAL BUS nLNKLED/TXD nRXLED/RXCLK nBSELED/RXD nTXLED/nTXEN RBIAS PWRDWN/TX CLK nXENDEC nEN16 nROM PCMCIA nLNKLED/TXD nRXLED/RXCLK nBSELED/RXD nTXLED/nTXEN RBIAS PWRDWN/TX CLK nXENDEC nEN16 nPCMCIA Page 16 DATASHEET 68000 nLNKLED/TXD nRXLED/RXCLK nBSELED/RXD nTXLED/nTXEN RBIAS PWRDWN/TXC LK nXENDEC nEN16 nROM MAX NUMBER OF PINS 4 5 SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 4 Description of Pin Functions PIN NO. TQFP QFP 93 95 26-28 30-36 37 28,29, 30, 3238 39 39 41 40-46 42-48 47 49 52 24 53 54 26 55 PIN NAME nROM/ nPCMCIA TYPE I/O4 with pullup A0-9 I ** A10/nFWE I O4 A11/nFCS I O4 A12-18 A19/nCE1 AEN/ nREG/ nAS nSBHE/ nCE2 IOCHRDY/ nWAIT I ** I with pullup ** DESCRIPTION This pin is sampled at the end of RESET. When this pin is sampled low the LAN91C96 is configured for PCMCIA operation and all pin definitions correspond to the PCMCIA mode. For LOCAL BUS operation this pin is left open and it is used as a ROM chip select output that goes active when nMEMR is low and the address bus contains a valid ROM address. In LOCAL BUS mode the LAN91C96 is pin compatible with the LAN91C92 and LAN91C94. To enter the 68000 mode, this pin must be in the LOCAL BUS mode at power up. Input address lines 0 through 9. LOCAL BUS - Input address line 10. PCMCIA - Output. Flash Memory Write Enable used for programming the attribute memory. Goes active (low) when WE*=0 and COR2=1. LOCAL BUS - Input address line 11. PCMCIA - Output. Flash Memory Chip Select used to access attribute memory. Goes active (low) when nREG=0 nCE1=0 and A15=0. Input address lines 12 through 18. LOCAL BUS - Input address line 19. I with pullup ** PCMCIA - Card Enable 1 input. Used to select card on even byte accesses. LOCAL BUS - Address enable input. Used as an address qualifier. Address decoding is only enabled when AEN is low. I with pullup ** PCMCIA - Attribute memory and IO select input. Asserted when the card attribute space or IO space is being accessed. 68000 - Active low input. Address strobe. LOCAL BUS - Byte High Enable input. Asserted (low) by the system to indicate a data transfer on the upper data byte. OD24 with pullup PCMCIA - Card Enable 2 input. Used to select card on odd byte accesses. LOCAL BUS - Output. Optionally used by the LAN91C96 to extend host cycles. PCMCIA - Output. Optionally used by the LAN91C96 to extend host cycles. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 17 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PIN NO. TQFP QFP 55-58 6057-60, 63 7-10 62-65, 12-15 9-12, 14-17 PIN NAME D0-15 TYPE I/O24 IS with pullup ** IS with pullup ** 65 67 RESET 25 27 BALE/nWE 17 19 INTR0/ nIREQ/ INTR O24 18 20 INTR1/ nINPACK O24 20 22 INTR2 O24 21 23 INTR3 O24 23 25 nIOCS16/ nIOIS16 OD24 49 51 nIORD/ xDS IS with pullup ** DESCRIPTION Bidirectional. 16 bit data bus used to access the LAN91C96 internal registers. The data bus has weak internal pullups. Supports direct connection to the system bus without external buffering. In the case of a 68000 host processor, the upper byte of the data bus must be connected to the lower byte of the 68000 data bus and the lower byte of the data bus must be connected to the upper byte of the 68000 data bus. Input. Active high Reset. This input is not considered active unless it is active for at least 100ns to filter narrow glitches. LOCAL BUS - Input. Address strobe. For systems that require address latching, the falling edge of BALE latches address lines and nSBHE. PCMCIA - Write Enable input. Used for writing into COR and CSR registers as well as attribute memory space. LOCAL BUS - Active high interrupt signal. The interrupt line selection is determined by the value of INT SEL1-0 bits in the Configuration Register. This interrupt is tri-stated when not selected. PCMCIA - Active low interrupt request output. 68000 - Active high interrupt signal. The INT SEL1-0 bits in the Configuration register must indicate INT0 selection. LOCAL BUS - Output. Active high interrupt signal. The interrupt line selection is determined by the value of INT SEL1-0 bits in the Configuration Register. This interrupt is tri-stated when not selected. PCMCIA - Output asserted to acknowledge read cycles. LOCAL BUS - Outputs. Active high interrupt signals. The interrupt line selection is determined by the value of INT SEL1-0 bits in the Configuration Register. These interrupts are tri-stated when not selected. LOCAL BUS - Outputs. Active high interrupt signals. The interrupt line selection is determined by the value of INT SEL1-0 bits in the Configuration Register. These interrupts are tri-stated when not selected. LOCAL BUS - Active low output asserted in 16 bit mode when AEN is low and A4-A15 decode to the LAN91C96 address programmed into the high byte of the Base Address Register. PCMCIA - Active low output asserted whenever the LAN91C96 is in 16 bit mode, COR0 bit is high and nREG is low. LOCAL BUS, PCMCIA - Input. Active low read strobe used to access the LAN91C96 IO space. 68000 - Data strobe input. UDS, LDS, or DS can be tied to this pin. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 18 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PIN NO. TQFP QFP 50 52 51 53 PIN NAME nIOWR/ R/nW nMEMR/ nOE TYPE IS with pullup ** IS with pullup ** 5 7 EESK O4 4 2 6 4 O4 O4 3 5 EECS EEDO/ SDOUT EEDI 96,97 98,99 IOS0-1 99 1 IOS2 70 72 nTXLED/ nTXEN 69 69 71 nBSELED/ RXD nRXLED/ RXCLK 68 70 nLNKLED/ TXD 1 3 ENEEP SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v 68000 - Read/nWrite strobe to read from or write to the chip. LOCAL BUS - Active low signal used by the host processor to read from the external ROM. PCMCIA - Output Enable input used to read from the COR, CSR and attribute memory. Output. 4usec clock used to shift data in and out of a serial EEPROM. Output. Serial EEPROM chip select. Output. Connected to the DI input of the serial EEPROM. I with pull-down ** I with pullup I with pullup ** OD16 O162 67 DESCRIPTION LOCAL BUS, PCMCIA - Input. Active low write strobe used to access the LAN91C96 IO space. OD16 I with pullup OD16 Input. Connected to the DO output of the serial EEPROM. Input. External switches can be connected to these lines to select between predefined EEPROM configurations. The values of these pins are readable. Input. External switches can be connected to these lines to select between predefined EEPROM configurations. The values of these pins are readable. INTERNAL ENDEC - Transmit LED output. EXTERNAL ENDEC - Active low Transmit Enable output. INTERNAL ENDEC - Board Select LED activated by accesses to I/O space (nIORD or nIOWR active with AEN low and valid address decode for LOCAL BUS, and with nREG low and COR0 high for PCMCIA). The pulse is stretched beyond the access duration to make the LED visible. EXTERNAL ENDEC - NRZ receive data input. INTERNAL ENDEC - Receive LED output. I with pullup OD16 EXTERNAL ENDEC - Receive clock input. O162 I with pullup ** EXTERNAL ENDEC - Transmit Data output. Input. This active high input enables the EEPROM to be read or written by the LAN91C96. Internally pulled up. Must be connected to ground if no serial EEPROM is used. INTERNAL ENDEC - Link LED output. Page 19 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PIN NO. TQFP QFP 91 93 PIN NAME nEN16 TYPE I with pullup ** 94 96 XTAL1 Iclk ** 95 97 XTAL2 Iclk 83 82 77 76 85 84 79 78 RECP/ RECN TXP/nCOLL TXN/nCRS Diff. Input ** Diff. Output I ** 81 80 83 82 COLP COLN 85 84 87 86 TPERXP TPERXN 75 73 77 75 72 74 66 INTERNAL ENDEC - (nXENDEC pin open). In this mode TXP and TXN are the AUI transmit differential outputs. They must be externally pulled up using 150 ohm resistors. EXTERNAL ENDEC - (nXENDEC pin tied low). In this mode the pins are inputs used for collision and carrier sense functions. AUI collision differential inputs. A collision is indicated by a 10MHz signal at this input pair. TPETXP TPETXN Diff. Input ** Diff. Input ** Diff. Output 74 76 TPETXDP TPETXDN Diff. Output 10BASE-T delayed transmit differential outputs. Used in combination with TPETXP and TPETXN to generate the 10BASE-T transmit pre-distortion. 68 PWRDWN/ TXCLK I with pullup ** INTERNAL ENDEC - Powerdown input. It keeps the LAN91C96 in powerdown mode when high (open). Must be low for normal operation. 88 90 RBIAS Analog Input 90 92 nXENDEC I with pullup ** 11,19, 48,59, 98,38 71,79, 89 13,21,40, 50, 61,100 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) DESCRIPTION Input. When low the LAN91C96 is configured for 16 bit bus operation. If left open the LAN91C96 works in 8 bit bus mode. 16 bit configuration can also be programmed via serial EEPROM or software initialization of the CONFIGURATION REGISTER. An external parallel resonance 20MHz crystal should be connected across these pins. If an external clock source is used, it should be connected to this pin (XTAL1) and XTAL2 should be left open. An external parallel resonance 20MHz crystal should be connected across these pins. If an external clock source is used, it should be connected to XTAL1 and this pin (XTAL2) should be left open. AUI receive differential inputs. 73,81, 91 10BASE-T receive differential inputs. INTERNAL ENDEC - 10BASE-T transmit differential outputs. EXTERNAL ENDEC - Transmit clock input from external ENDEC. A resistor should be connected between this pin and analog ground to determine the receive threshold voltage of TX Receive, AUI Receive, AUI Collision Receive, and AUI transmit voltage. When tied low the LAN91C96 is configured for EXTERNAL ENDEC. When tied high or left open the LAN91C96 will use its internal encoder/decoder. VDD +5V power supply pins or 3.3V power supply pins (Revisions E and later) AVDD +5V analog power supply pins or 3.3V power supply pins (Revisions E and later) Page 20 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PIN NO. TQFP QFP 100,6, 2,8,18, 24,31, 22,29 56,66, 54,64,92, 16 94 78,86 80,88,89 87 4.1 PIN NAME GND TYPE DESCRIPTION Ground pins. AGND Analog ground pins. Buffer Symbols O4 Output buffer with 2mA source and 4mA sink at 5V. Output buffer with 1mA source and 2mA sink at 3.3V I/O4 Output buffer with 2mA source and 4mA sink at 5V. Output buffer with 1mA source and 2mA sink at 3.3V. O162 Output buffer with 2mA source and 16mA sink at 5V. Output buffer with 1mA source and 8mA sink at 3.3V. O24 Output buffer with 12mA source and 24mA sink at 5V. Output buffer with 6mA source and 12mA sink at 3.3V. OD16 Open drain buffer with 16mA sink at 5V. Open drain buffer with 8mA sink at 3.3V. OD24 Open drain buffer with 24mA sink at 5V. Open drain buffer with 12mA sink at 3.3V. I/O24 Bi-directional buffer with 12mA source and 24mA sink at 5V. Bi-directional buffer with 6mA source and 16mA sink at 3.3V. I Input buffer with TTL levels. IS Input buffer with Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis. Iclk Clock input buffer. ** Signal is 5.0V input tolerant when Vcc=3.3V. For Revision E and later. DC levels and conditions defined in the DC Electrical Characteristics section. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 21 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet DATABU ADDRES BUS ARBITE ENDE CSMA/C AUI BUS INTERFAC CONTROL MMU TWISTED TRANSCEIVE 10BASE- RAM Figure 4.1 - LAN91C96 Internal Block Diagram Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 22 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 5 Functional Description Except for the bus interface, the functional behavior of the LAN91C96 after initial configuration is identical for LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA modes. The LAN91C96 includes an arbitrated shared memory of 6144 bytes. Any portion of this memory can be used for receive or transmit packets. The MMU unit allocates RAM memory to be used for transmit and receive packets, using 256 byte pages. The arbitration is transparent to the CPU in every sense. There is no speed penalty for LOCAL BUS type of machines due to arbitration. There are no restrictions on what locations can be accessed at any time. RAM accesses as well as MMU requests are arbitrated. The RAM is accessed by mapping it into I/O space for sequential access. Except for the RAM accesses and the MMU request/release commands, I/O accesses are not arbitrated. The I/O space is 16 bits wide. Provisions for 8 bit systems are handled by the bus interface. In the system memory space, up to 64 kbytes are decoded by the LAN91C96 as expansion ROM. The ROM expansion area is 8 bits wide. Device configuration is done using a serial EEPROM, with support for modifications to the EEPROM at installation time. A Flash ROM is supported for PCMCIA attribute memory. The CSMA/CD core implements the 802.3 MAC layer protocol. It has two independent interfaces, the data path and the control path. Both interfaces are 16 bits wide. The control path provides a set of registers used to configure and control the block. These registers are accessible by the CPU through the LAN91C96 I/O space. The data path is of sequential access nature and typically works in one direction at any given time. An internal DMA type of interface connects the data path to the device RAM through the arbiter and MMU. The CSMA/CD data path interface is not accessible to the host CPU. The internal DMA interface can arbitrate for RAM access and request memory from the MMU when necessary. An encoder/decoder block interfaces the CSMA/CD block on the serial side. The encoder will do the Manchester encoding of the transmit data at 10 Mb/s, while the decoder will recover the receive clock, and decode received data. Carrier and Collision detection signals are also handled by this block and relayed to the CSMA/CD block. The encoder/decoder block can interface the network through the AUI interface pairs, or it can be programmed to use the internal 10BASE-T transceiver and connect to a twisted pair network. The twisted pair interface takes care of the medium dependent signaling for 10BASE-T type of networks. It is responsible for line interface (with external pulse transformers and pre-distortion resistors), collision detection as well as the link integrity test function. The LAN91C96 provides a 16-bit data path into RAM. The RAM is private and can only be accessed by the system via the arbiter. RAM memory is managed by the MMU. Byte and word accesses to the RAM are supported. If the system to SRAM bandwidth is insufficient the LAN91C96 will automatically use its IOCHRDY line for flow control. However, for LOCAL BUS, IOCHRDY will never be negated. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 23 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet The LAN91C96 consists of an integrated Ethernet controller mapped entirely in I/O space. In addition, PCMCIA attribute memory space is decoded to interface an external CIS ROM, with configuration registers as per PCMCIA 3.X extensions (except COR) implemented on-chip in attribute space above the ROM decode area. The PCMCIA Configuration Registers are accessible in I/O space and also to allow non-PCMCIA dual function designs. The Ethernet controller function includes a built-in 6kbyte RAM for packet storage. This RAM buffer is accessed by the CPU through sequential access regions of 256 bytes each. The RAM access is internally arbitrated by the LAN91C96, and dynamically allocated between transmit and receive packets. Each packet may consist of one or more 256 byte page. The Ethernet controller functionality is identical to the LAN91C94 and LAN91C95 except where indicated otherwise. The LAN91C96 Memory Management Unit parameters are: RAM SIZE MAX. NUMBER OF PAGES MAX. NUMBER OF PACKETS MAX. PAGES PER PACKET PAGE SIZE 5.1 6kbytes 24 24 (FIFOs have 24 entries of 5 bits) 6 256 bytes Buffer Memory The logical addresses for RAM access are divided into TX area and RX area. The TX area is seen by the CPU as a window through which packets can be loaded into memory before queuing them in the TX FIFO of packets. The TX area can also be used to examine the transmit completion status after packet transmission. The RX area is associated to the output of the RX FIFO of packets, and is used to access receive packet data and status information. The logical address is specified by loading the address pointer register. The pointer can automatically increment on accesses. All accesses to the RAM are done via I/O space. A bit in the address pointer also specifies if the address refers to the TX or RX area. In the TX area, the host CPU has access to the next transmit packet being prepared for transmission. In the RX area, it has access to the first receive packet not processed by the CPU yet. The FIFO of packets, existing beneath the TX and RX areas, is managed by the MMU. The MMU dynamically allocates and releases memory to be used by the transmit and receive functions. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 24 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet 1536 RX AREA 1536 TX AREA RCV VS. TX AREA SELECTION 11-BIT LOGICAL ADDRESS POINTER REGISTER RCV BIT MMU RX PACKET NUMBER MMU TX PACKET NUMBER PHYSICAL MEMORY PAGE = 256 bytes Datasheet Figure 5.1 - Mapping and Paging vs. Receive and Transmit Area SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 25 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 26 DATASHEET TX FIFO TX COMPLETION FIFO FIFO PORTS REGISTER CPU SIDE PACKET NUMBER REGISTER PACKET #C DATA COUNT STATUS DATA COUNT STATUS DATA LINEAR ADDRESS TO CSMA PACKET #B PACKET #A COUNT STATUS MMU MAPPING C B C A B MEMORY Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Figure 5.2 - Transmit Queues and Mapping SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet LINEAR ADDRESS FROM CSMA SIDE CPU FIFO PORTS REGISTER RX FIFO PACKET #E DATA COUNT STATUS PACKET #D DATA COUNT STATUS MMU MAPPING E D E D MEMORY Datasheet Figure 5.3 - Receive Queues and Mapping SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 27 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet EEPROM INTERFACE Control Control Control Control Address 8-16 bit Bus Interface Unit Control ENDEC Control AUI Arbiter MMU TX/RX FIFO Pointer Ethernet Protocol Handler DMA (EPH) TPO TX Data WR FIFO TX Data 6K Byte SRAM Data RD FIFO Twisted Pair Transceiver TPI RX Data RX Data Figure 5.4 - LAN91C96 Internal Block Diagram with Data Path Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 28 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 29 DATASHEET DATA REGISTER (FIFOS) POINTER REGISTER READ REG READ DATA PACKET # RX FIFO PACKET NUMBER DATA RAM ADDRESS PHYSICAL ADDRESS MMU LOGICAL ADDRESS CPU/nLAN (FROM ARBITER) RCV TX (PACKET NUMBER REG) POINTER REGISTER & COUNTER WRITE DATA WRITE REG LATCH READ POINTER INC LOAD TX COMPLETION FIFO TX FIFO PNR DMA DATA ADDRESS T/nR PACKET # RX FIFO CSMA/CD Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Figure 5.5 - Logical Address Generation and Relevant Registers Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Table 5.1 - LAN91C96 Address Space SIGNALS USED nOE, nWE LOCAL BUS N PCMCIA Configuration Registers nOE, nWE Ethernet I/O space nIORD/ nIOWR (68K: xDS, R/nW) PCMCIA Attribute Memory (Note 5.1) Note 5.1 ONCHIP N (extern al ROM) PCMCIA 68000 Y N N Y N Y Y Y Y Y DEPTH WIDTH Up to 32k locations, only even bytes are usable 64 locations, only even bytes are usable 16 locations 8 bits on even addresses 8 bits 8 or 16 bits (68K: 16 bits only) This space also allows access to the PCMCIA Configuration Register through Bank 4. Table 5.2 - Bus Transactions In LOCAL BUS Mode 8 BIT MODE ((nEN16=1) (16BIT=0)) 16 BIT MODE A0 0 NSBHE X D0-7 Even byte D8-15 - 1 0 X 0 Odd byte Even byte Odd byte 0 1 1 1 0 1 Even byte - Odd byte otherwise Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Invalid cycle Page 30 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Table 5.3 - Bus Transactions In PCMCIA Mode 8 BIT MODE A0 0 NCE1 0 NCE2 X D0-7 Even byte 1 X 0 0 1 0 X X 0 Odd byte 0 1 X X 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 D8-15 - ((IOis8=1) + (nEN16=1). (16BIT=0)) 16 BIT MODE NO CYCLE Even byte Odd byte Even byte Odd byte - - otherwise Odd byte NO CYCLE Table 5.4 - Bus Transactions In 68000 Mode D0-7 D8-15 ILLEGAL ACCESS Even byte Odd byte 8 BIT MODE 16 BIT MODE (A0=0).(nSBHE=0) 5.2 16BIT: CONFIGURATION REGISTER bit 7 IOis8: CSR register bit 5 nEN16: pin nEN16 8 Bit mode: ((IOis8 = 1) + (nMIS16 = 1) Interrupt Structure The Ethernet interrupt is conceptually equivalent to the LAN91C94 interrupt line, it is the or function of all enabled interrupts within the Ethernet core. The enabling, reporting, and clearing of these sources is controlled by the ECOR register. The interrupt structure is similar for LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA modes with the following exceptions: PCMCIA uses a single interrupt pin (nIREQ) while LOCAL BUS can use any of four INTR0-3 pins. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 31 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Table 5.5 - Interrupt Merging FUNCTION Interrupt Output Ethernet Interrupt Source Ethernet Interrupt Enable Ethernet Interrupt Status Bit 5.3 PCMCIA MODE LOCAL BUS MODE INTR0-3 nIREQ when function is Ready. Acts as ready line at power up. I.e. remains low until the chip (therefore, card) is Ready OR function of all interrupt bits specified in the Interrupt Status Register ANDed with their respective Enable bits Not Applicable in LOCAL BUS mode Intr bit in ECSR Reset Logic The pins and bits involved in the different reset mechanisms are: RESET - Input Pin SRESET - Soft Reset bit in ECOR, or the SRESET bit SOFT RST - EPH Soft Reset bit in RCR RESETS THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS RESET pin ECOR Register SRESET bit SOFT RST 5.4 All internal logic The Ethernet controller function and Ethernet PCMCIA Configuration Registers except for the bit itself. Setting this bit also lowers the nIREQ/READY line. When cleared, the nIREQ/READY line is raised. The Ethernet controller itself except for the IA, CONF and BASE registers. It does not reset any PCMCIA Configuration Register. SAMPLES LOCAL BUS VS. PCMCIA MODE Yes No No TRIGGERS EEPROM READ Yes Yes No Power Down Logic States Table 5.6, Table 5.7, Table 5.8, and Table 5.9 describe the power down states of the LAN91C96. pins and bits involved in power down are: 1. PWRDWN/TXCLK - Input pin valid when XENDEC is not zero (0). 2. Pwrdwn bits in ECSR 3. Enable Function bit in ECOR 4. PWRDN - Legacy power down bit in Control Register. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 32 DATASHEET The SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 5.5 LAN91C96 Power Down States Table 5.6 - LOCAL BUS Mode Defined States (Refer To Table 5.7 For Next States To Wake-Up Events) CURRENT STATE NO. PWRDWN PIN (A= ASSRTD) ECOR FUNCTION ENABLE ECSR POWER DOWN CTR PWRDW N BIT 1 A X X X CTR WAKEU P_EN BIT X 2 nA X 0 0 0 3 nA X 0 0 1 Ethernet Tx 4 nA X 0 1 1 5 nA X 0 1 0 Ethernet Tx, Rx, Link Ethernet Tx, Rx, Link DOES NOT POWER DOWN POWERS DOWN Everything. Asserts the modem power down pin (nPWDN) also Ethernet Tx, Rx, Link Ethernet Rx, Link Notes: The chart assumes that ECOR Function Enable bit is meaningless in LOCAL BUS mode. ECSR Power Down bit must not be set to one(1) in LOCAL BUS mode. Table 5.7- LOCAL BUS Mode NO. ..1 ..2 ..3 ..4 ..5 WAKES UP BY PWRDWN Pin deassertion By writing a 0 to CTR WAKEUP_EN bit By writing a 0 to CTR WAKEUP_EN bit AND CTR PWRDWN bit = 0 By writing 0 to CTR PWRDWN bit NEXT STATE ECSR CTR POWER PWRDOWN DWN BIT No No change change nA ECOR FUNCTION ENABLE No change nA nA X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 nA X 0 0 0 nA X 0 0 0 PWR DWN PIN (A=ASSRTD) CTR WAKEUP_ EN BIT No change COMMENTS ECOR Function Enable Bit value is meaningless in LOCAL BUS mode Fully Awake The CTR PWRDWN bit has precedence unlike the LAN91C95 Notes: The chart assumes that ECOR Function Enable bit is meaningless in LOCAL BUS mode. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 33 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet ECSR Power Down bit must not be set to one (1) in LOCAL BUS mode. Table 5.8 - PCMCIA Mode (Refer To Table 5.7 For Next States To Wake-Up Events) CURRENT STATE NO. PWRDWN PIN (A=ASSRTD) ECOR FUNC ENABLE ECSR PWR DOWN 1 A X X CTR PWR DWN BIT X 2 nA 1 0 0 0 3 nA 1 0 0 1 Ethernet Tx 4 nA 1 0 1 1 5 nA 0 X X 0 6 nA 0 X X 1 Ethernet Tx, 1 1 Rx , Link Ethernet Tx, Rx, Link Ethernet Tx, 1 1 Rx , Link Ethernet Tx, Rx, Link; PCMCIA Att/Config Mem Ethernet Rx, Link; PCMCIA Att/Config Mem PCMCIA Att/Conf Memory PCMCIA Att/Conf Memory PCMCIA Att/Conf Memory 7 nA 1 1 0 0 7S nA 1 1 1 0 8 nA 1 1 0 1 8S nA 1 1 1 1 Ethernet Tx, Rx, Link Ethernet Tx, Rx, Link Ethernet Tx, 1 1 Rx , Link Ethernet Tx, 1 1 Rx , Link PCMCIA Att/Config Mem PCMCIA Att/Config Mem PCMCIA Att/Config Mem PCMCIA Att/Config Mem Note1: CTR WAKEUP_E N BIT X POWERS DOWN DOES NOT POWER DOWN Everything. Asserts the modem power down pin (nPWDN) also The LAN91C96 implementation is different from the LAN91C95; the LAN91C96 powers down the Ethernet Rx and Link logic also, whereas, the LAN91C95 does not. Table 5.9 - PCMCIA Mode NO. 1 2 3 WAKES UP BY PWRDWN Pin deassertion By writing a 0 to CTR WAKEUP_EN bit Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) PWR DWN PIN (A= ASSRTD) nA nA nA ECOR FUNC ENABLE No change NEXT STATE ECSR CTR PWR PWRDWN DOWN BIT No change No change 1 1 0 0 Page 34 DATASHEET 0 0 CTR WAKEUP_EN BIT No change 0 0 COMMENTS Pin deassertion will make the Att/Conf Mem accessible entirely Fully Awake SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet NEXT STATE ECSR CTR PWR PWRDWN DOWN BIT 0 0 NO. WAKES UP BY 4 By writing a 0 to CTR PWRDWN and 0 to WAKEUP_EN bits By writing 1 to ECOR Func Enable, 0 to ECSR Power Down, 0 to CTR PWRDWN nA ECOR FUNC ENABLE 1 nA 1 0 0 0 By writing 1 to ECOR Func Enable, 0 to ECSR Power Down, 0 to CTR PWRDWN, and 0 to WAKEUP_EN bit By writing 0 to ECSR Power Down bit* By writing 0 to ECSR Power Down and a 0 to CTR PWRDWN bit nA 1 0 0 0 nA 1 0 0 0 nA 1 0 0 0 nA 1 0 0 0 nA 1 0 0 0 5 6 7 7S 8 8S PWR DWN PIN (A= ASSRTD) By writing 0 to ECSR Power Down and writing CTR PWRDWN bit = 0 & WAKEUP_EN = 0, if needed By writing 0 to ECSR Power Down and writing CTR PWRDWN bit = 0 & WAKEUP_EN = 0, if needed CTR WAKEUP_EN BIT 0 COMMENTS Note: Both Power down bits need to be written as 0 only if both were set to 1 Note: Both Power down bits need to be written as 0 only if both were set to 1 Note: Both Power down bits need to be written as 0 only if both were set to 1 PCMCIA Attribute Memory Address 0- 7FFEh The Attribute Memory is implemented using an external parallel EEPROM, ROM or Flash ROM. A parallel EEPROM (or equivalent external device) must be used for CIS. In LOCAL BUS mode, serial EEPROM is used for configuration and IEEE Node address making it software compatible to the LAN9xxx family of Ethernet LAN Controllers. The EEPROM is optional for both LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA requiring a Minimum size of 64 X 16 bit word addresses. The LAN91C96 generates the appropriate control lines (nFCS and nFWE) to read and write the Attribute memory, and it tri-states the data bus during external Attribute Memory accesses. Only even locations are used. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 35 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PCMCIA Configuration Registers Address 8000-8003h The PCMCIA Configuration Registers are stored inside the LAN91C96 above the external Attribute Memory address space. These registers are used to configure and control the PCMCIA related functionality of the Ethernet. These registers are eight bit wide and reside on even locations. The LAN91C96 will ignore odd access to this area and ignore writes. The device will read zero's on odd access. This address offset has changed from prior LAN9XXX PCMCIA Family designs to allow a larger address range for other attribute memory data. This data could be a larger card information structure or a XIP data image. Attribute Memory map The EPROM attribute memory decodes are shown below. Internal to the LAN91C96, the memory addressing logic will allow byte or word access on even byte boundaries. LAN91C96 uses address A0-9, A15, along with nREG, nCE1, nWE and nOE. An on odd byte address access (A0=1), the LAN91C96 will generate a arbitrary value of Zero (0) since the PCMCIA specification states that the high byte of a word access in attribute memory is a don't care. This allows backward compatibility to 8 bit hosts. With or Without 64x16 bit Serial EEPROM: ATTRIBUTE MEMORY ADDRESS 0 - 7FFEh 8000h - 8003h 5.6 EXTERNAL EPROM STORE X CONFIGURATIO N REGISTERS X PCMCIA CONFIGURATION REGISTERS DESCRIPTION Ethernet Function (Base Address 8000h) 8000h - Ethernet Configuration Option Register (ECOR) 7 SRESET 0 6 LevIREQ (Read only) 1 5 4 3 0 2 WR ATTRIB 1 0 Enable Function 0 0 0 0 0 0 BIT 7 - SRESET: This bit when set will clear all internal registers associated with the Ethernet function except itself and it will also lower the nIREQ/READY pin. When this bit is cleared, nIREQ/READY pin will be raised. BIT 6 - LevIREQ: This bit is read only and reads as a one to indicate level mode interrupts are used. Pulse mode interrupts are not supported. BIT 5, 4, 3 - Not defined BIT 2 - WRATTRIB: This bit when set (1) allows writing into the external attribute memory space. BIT 1 - Not Defined BIT 0 - Enable Function: This bit enables (1) or disables (0) the Ethernet function. While the Ethernet function is disabled it remains in power down mode, no access to the Ethernet I/O space (i.e. The bank Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 36 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet register are not accessible) is allowed. IREQ is not generated for this function and INPACK* is not returned for accesses to the Ethernet registers. Note: Magic packet bit setting is ignored if the function is disabled. 8002h - Ethernet Configuration and Status Register (ECSR) 7 6 0 0 5 IOIs8 0 4 3 0 0 2 Pwrdwn 0 1 Intr 0 0 0 BIT 7 - Not defined BIT 6 - Not defined BIT 5 - IOIs8: This bit when set, indicates that the Host can only do 8 bit cycles (on D7-0). The Ethernet function is forced in this case to eight bit mode regardless of the EN16* pin and 16BIT value. This bit also disables (floats) the IOIs16 signal. BIT 4 - Not defined BIT 3 - Not defined BIT 2 - PwrDwn: When set (1), this bit puts the LAN91C96 Ethernet function into power down mode. The Ethernet function is also put into power down mode when the Enable Function bit (ECOR bit 0 in PCMCIA only) is cleared. Refer to the Power Down Logic section for additional information. BIT 1 - Intr: This bit is read/set to a one when this function is requesting interrupt service. When this bit is set, IREQOut is asserted. BIT 0 - Not Defined SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 37 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 6 Frame Format in Buffer Memory for Ethernet The frame format in memory is similar to that in the TRANSMIT and RECEIVE areas. The first word is reserved for the status word, the next word is used to specify the total number of bytes, and that in turn is followed by the data area. The data area holds the packet itself, and its length is determined by the byte count. The frame memory format is word oriented. bit0 bit15 RAM OFFSET (DECIMAL) 2nd Byte 0 2 1st Byte STATUS WORD RESERVED BYTE COUNT (always even) 4 DATA AREA 1534 Max CONTROL BYTE LAST DATA BYTE (if odd) Last Byte Figure 6.1 - Data Frame Format STATUS WORD BYTE COUNT DATA AREA CONTROL BYTE TRANSMIT PACKET RECEIVE PACKET Written by CSMA upon transmit Written by CSMA upon receive completion (see Status Register) completion (see RX Frame Status Word) Written by CPU Written by CSMA Written/modified by CPU Written by CSMA Written by CPU to control Written by CSMA. Also has ODD/EVEN data bytes ODD/EVEN bit BYTE COUNT - Divided by two, it defines the total number of words, including the STATUS WORD, the BYTE COUNT WORD, the DATA AREA and the CONTROL BYTE. The receive byte count always appears as even, the ODDFRM bit of the receive status word indicates if the low byte of the last word is Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 38 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet relevant. The transmit byte count least significant bit will be assumed 0 by the controller regardless of the value written in memory. The maximum size of the frame can be stored in 6 pages (256 bytes per page), the maximum BYTE COUNT number is 1536. DATA AREA (in RAM) The data area starts at offset 4 of the packet structure, and it can extend for up to 1531 bytes. The data area contains six bytes of DESTINATION ADDRESS followed by six bytes of SOURCE ADDRESS, followed by a variable length number of bytes. On transmit, all bytes are provided by the CPU, including the source address. The LAN91C96 does not insert its own source address. On receive, all bytes are provided by the CSMA side. The 802.3 Frame Length word (Frame Type in Ethernet) is not interpreted by the LAN91C96. It is treated transparently as data for both transmit and receive operations. CONTROL BYTE (in RAM) The CONTROL BYTE always resides on the high byte of the last word. CONTROL BYTE is written by the CPU as: X X ODD CRC 0 0 0 For transmit packets the 0 ODD - If set, indicates an odd number of bytes, with the last byte being right before the CONTROL BYTE. If clear, the number of data bytes is even and the byte before the CONTROL BYTE is not transmitted. CRC - When set, CRC will be appended to the frame. This bit has only meaning if the NOCRC bit in the TCR is set. For receive packets the CONTROL BYTE is written by the controller as: 0 1 ODD 0 0 0 0 0 ODD - If set, indicates an odd number of bytes, with the last byte being right before the CONTROL BYTE. If clear, the number of data bytes is even and the byte before the CONTROL BYTE should be ignored. RECEIVE FRAME STATUS WORD (in RAM) This word is written at the beginning of each receive frame in memory. It is not available as a register. ALGN ERR BROD CAST BADCRC ODDFRM TOOLNG TOO SHORT MULT CAST HASH VALUE 5 4 3 2 1 0 ALGNERR - Frame had alignment error. BRODCAST - Receive frame was broadcast. BADCRC - Frame had CRC error. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 39 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet ODDFRM - This bit when set indicates that the received frame had an odd number of bytes. TOOLNG - The received frame is longer than the 802.3 maximum size (1518 bytes on the cable). TOOSHORT - The received frame is shorter than the 802.3 minimum size (64 bytes on the cable). HASH VALUE - Provides the hash value used to index the Multicast Registers. Can be used by receive routines to speed up the group address search. The hash value consists of the six most significant bits of the CRC calculated on the Destination Address, and maps into the 64 bit multicast table. Bits 5,4,3 of the hash value select a byte of the multicast table, while bits 2,1,0 determine the bit within the byte selected. Examples of the address mapping are shown in the table below: ED 0D 01 2F ADDRESS 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 HASH VALUE 5-0 000 000 010 000 100 111 111 111 MULTICAST TABLE BIT MT-0 bit 0 MT-2 bit 0 MT-4 bit 7 MT-7 bit 7 MULTCAST - Receive frame was multicast. If hash value corresponds to a multicast table bit that is set, and the address was a multicast, the packet will pass address filtering regardless of other filtering criteria. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 40 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Figure 6.2 - LAN91C96 Registers SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 41 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 7 Registers Map in I/O Space 7.1 I/O Space Access The address is determined by the Ethernet I/O Base Registers. The Ethernet I/O space can be configured as an 8 or 16 bit I/O space, and is similar to the LAN91C94, LAN91C92, etc. I/O space mapping. To limit the I/O space requirements to 16 locations, the registers are Split into 4 banks in LOCAL BUS mode and 5 banks in PCMCIA mode. The last word of the I/O area is shared by all banks and can be used to change the bank in use. Banks 0 through 3 functionally correspond to the LAN91C94 banks, while Bank 4 allows access to the PCMCIA registers in LOCAL BUS mode. Registers are described using the following convention: OFFSET E BIT 15 RST Val BIT 7 RST Val BIT14 RST Val BIT 6 RST Val NAME BANK SELECT REGISTER BIT 13 RST Val BIT 5 RST Val BIT 12 RST Val BIT 4 RST Val TYPE SYMBOL READ/WRITE BIT 11 RST Val BIT 3 RST Val BIT 10 RST Val BIT 2 RST Val BSR BIT9 RST Val BIT 1 RST Val BIT8 RST Val BIT 0 RST Val OFFSET - Defines the address offset within the IOBASE where the register can be accessed at, provided the bank select has the appropriate value. The offset specifies the address of the even byte (bits 0-7) or the address of the complete word. The odd byte can be accessed using address (offset + 1). Some registers (e.g. the Interrupt Ack. or the Interrupt Mask) are functionally described as two eight bit registers. In such case, the offset of each one is independently specified. Regardless of the functional description, when the LAN91C96 is in 16 bit mode, all registers can be accessed as words or bytes. RST Val - The default bit values upon hard reset are highlighted below each register. 7.2 I/O Space Registers Description (Bank 4 Registers are described under PCMCIA Configuration Registers and will not be described again). Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 42 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet BANK SELECT REGISTER OFFSET NAME BANK SELECT REGISTER # in HEX TYPE SYMBOL READ/WRITE BSR 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 BS2 BS1 BS0 0 0 0 X X X X X BS2, BS1, BS0 - Determine the bank presently in use. This register is always accessible except in power down mode and is used to select the register bank in use. The upper byte always reads as 33h and can be used to help determine the I/O location of the LAN91C96. The BANK SELECT REGISTER is always accessible regardless of the value of BS0-2. The LAN91C96 implements only 5 banks in both PCMCIA and LOCAL BUS mode, therefore accesses to non-existing banks will ignore writes and reads will return 0x33 on byte reads. All 5 banks are accessible in both LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA mode. BS2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 BS1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 BS0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 BANK # 0 1 2 3 4 None None None I/O SPACE - BANK0 OFFSET 0 NAME TRANSMIT CONTROL REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL TCR This register holds bits programmed by the CPU to control some of the protocol transmit options. FDSE 0 PAD_EN 0 SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Reserved 0 X EPH LOOP 0 X STP SQET 0 X FDUPLX 0 TXP_EN 0 Page 43 DATASHEET MON_ CSN 0 FORCOL 0 NOCRC X LOOP 0 0 TXENA 0 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet NOCRC - Does not append CRC to transmitted frames when set, allows software to insert the desired CRC. Defaults to zero, namely CRC inserted. FDSE - Full Duplex Switched Ethernet. When set, the LAN91C96 is configured for Full Duplex Switched Ethernet, it defaults clear to normal CSMA/CD protocol. In FDSE mode the LAN91C96 transmit and receive processes are fully independent, namely no deferral and no collision detection are implemented. When FDSE is set, FDUPLX is internally assumed high and MON_CSN is assumed low regardless of their actual values. Reserved - Must be 0. EPH_LOOP - Internal loopback at the EPH block. Does not exercise the encoder decoder. Serial data is looped back when set. Defaults low. Note: After exiting the loopback test, an SRESET in the ECOR or the SOFT_RST in the RCR must be set before returning to normal operation. STP_SQET - Stop transmission on SQET error. If set, stops and disables transmitter on SQE test error. Does not stop on SQET error and transmits next frame if clear. Defaults low. FDUPLX - When set it enables full duplex operation. This will cause frames to be received if they pass the address filter regardless of the source for the frame. When clear the node will not receive a frame sourced by itself. Clearing this bit (Normal Operation), allows in promiscuous mode, not to receive it's own packet. TXP_EN - This bit is reserved and should always be set to 0 on the LAN91C96. MON_CSN - When set the LAN91C96 monitors carrier while transmitting. It must see its own carrier by the end of the preamble. If it is not seen, or if carrier is lost during transmission, the transmitter aborts the frame without CRC and turns itself off. When this bit is clear the transmitter ignores its own carrier. Defaults low. PAD_EN - When set, the LAN91C96 will pad transmit frames shorter than 64 bytes with 00. For TX, CPU should write the actual BYTE COUNT before padded by the LAN91C96 to the buffer RAM, excludes the padded 00. When this bit is cleared, the LAN91C96 does not pad frames. FORCOL - When set the transmitter will force a collision by not deferring deliberately. After the collision this bit is reset automatically. This bit defaults low to normal operation. LOOP - Local Loopback. When set, transmit frames are internally looped to the receiver after the encoder/decoder. Collision and Carrier Sense are ignored. No data is sent out. Defaults low to normal mode. TXENA - Transmit enabled when set. Transmit is disabled if clear. When the bit is cleared the LAN91C96 will complete the current transmission before stopping. When stopping due to an error, this bit is automatically cleared. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 44 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Table 7.1 - Transmit Loop AUI FDSE FDUPLX EPH_LOOP LOOP LOOPS AT X X 1 0 X X X 0 0 0 X 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 X 1 0 0 0 X 1 1 0 0 EPH Block ENDEC Cable 10BASE-T Driver NORMAL CSMA/CD No Loopback FULL DUPLEX SWITCHED ETHERNET - No loopback and No SQET TRANSMITS TO NETWORK No No Yes Yes Yes Yes I/O SPACE - BANK0 OFFSET 2 NAME EPH STATUS REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL EPHSR This register stores the status of the last transmitted frame. This register value, upon individual transmit packet completion, is stored as the first word in the memory area allocated to the packet. Packet interrupt processing should use the copy in memory as the register itself will be updated by subsequent packet transmissions. The register can be used for real time values (like TXENA and LINK OK). If TXENA is cleared the register holds the last packet completion status. Reserved 0 TX DEFR 0 LINK_ OK 0 LTX BRD 0 0 CTR _ROL 0 SQET 16COL 0 0 RES EXC _DEF 0 LTX MULT 0 LOST CARR 0 MUL COL 0 LATCOL WAKEUP 0 SNGL COL 0 0 TX_SUC 0 Reserved - Must be 0. LINK_OK - State of the 10BASE-T Link Integrity Test. A transition on the value of this bit generates an interrupt when the LE ENABLE bit in the Control Register is set. RES - This bit is reserved and will always return a zero(0). CTR_ROL - Counter Roll over. When set one or more 4 bit counters have reached maximum count (15). Cleared by reading the ECR register. EXC_DEF - Excessive deferral. When set last/current transmit was deferred for more than 1518 * 2 byte times. Cleared at the end of every packet sent. LOST_CARR - Lost carrier sense. When set indicates that Carrier Sense was not present at end of preamble. Valid only if MON_CSN is enabled. This condition causes TXENA bit in TCR to be reset. Cleared by setting TXENA bit in TCR. LATCOL - Late collision detected on last transmit frame. If set a late collision was detected (later than 64 byte times into the frame). When detected the transmitter JAMs and turns itself off clearing the TXENA bit in TCR. Cleared by setting TXENA in TCR. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 45 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet WAKEUP - When this bit is set, it indicates that a receive packet was received that had the "Magic" packet (MP) signature of the node's own Individual address repetitions in it. This bit indicates a valid detection for magic packet. TX_DEFR - Transmit Deferred. When set, carrier was detected during the first 6.4 uSec of the inter frame gap. Cleared at the end of every packet sent. LTX_BRD - Last transmit frame was a broadcast. Set if frame was broadcast. Cleared at the start of every transmit frame. SQET - Signal Quality Error Test. The transmitter opens a 1.6 us window 0.8 us after transmission is completed and the receiver returns inactive. During this window, the transmitter expects to see the SQET signal from the transceiver. The absence of this signal is a 'Signal Quality Error' and is reported in this status bit. Transmission stops and EPH INT is set if STP_SQET is in the TCR is also set when SQET is set. This bit is cleared by setting TXENA high. 16COL - 16 collisions reached. Set when 16 collisions are detected for a transmit frame. TXENA bit in TCR is reset. Cleared when TXENA is set high. LTX_MULT - Last transmit frame was a multicast. Set if frame was a multicast. Cleared at the start of every transmit frame. MULCOL - Multiple collision detected for the last transmit frame. Set when more than one collision was experienced. Cleared when TX_SUC is high at the end of the packet being sent. SNGLCOL - Single collision detected for the last transmit frame. Set when a collision is detected. Cleared when TX_SUC is high at the end of the packet being sent. TX_SUC - Last transmit was successful. Set if transmit completes without a fatal error. This bit is cleared by the start of a new frame transmission or when TXENA is set high. Fatal errors are: 16 collisions SQET fail and STP_SQET = 1 Carrier lost and MON_CSN = 1 Late collision I/O SPACE - BANK0 OFFSET 4 NAME RECEIVE CONTROL REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL RCR SOFT RST 0 FILT CAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALMUL STRIP CRC 0 PRMS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RXEN 0 RX_ ABORT 0 SOFT_RST - Software activated Reset. Active high. Initiated by writing this bit high and terminated by writing the bit low. The LAN91C96 configuration is not preserved, except for Configuration, Base, and IA05 Registers. The EEPROM in both LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA mode is not reloaded after software reset. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 46 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet FILT_CAR - Filter Carrier. When set filters leading edge of carrier sense for 12 bit times. Otherwise recognizes a receive frame as soon as carrier sense is active. STRIP_CRC - When set it strips the CRC on received frames. When clear the CRC is stored in memory following the packet. Defaults low. RXEN - Enables the receiver when set. If cleared, completes receiving current frame and then goes idle. Defaults low on reset. ALMUL - When set accepts all multicast frames (frames in which the first bit of DA is '1'). When clear accepts only the multicast frames that match the multicast table setting. Defaults low. PRMS - Promiscuous mode. When set receives all frames. Change vs. LAN91C92: Does not receive its own transmission when not in full duplex(FDUPLX)!. RX_ABORT - This bit is set if a receive frame was aborted due to length longer than 1532 bytes. The frame will not be received. The bit is cleared by RESET or by the CPU writing it low. I/O SPACE - BANK0 OFFSET 6 NAME COUNTER REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL ECR Counts four parameters for MAC statistics. When any counter reaches 15 an interrupt is issued. All counters are cleared when reading the register, and do not wrap around beyond 15. NUMBER OF EXC. DEFERRED TX 0 0 0 MULTIPLE COLLISION COUNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NUMBER OF DEFERRED TX 0 0 SINGLE COLLISION COUNT 0 0 0 0 Each four bit counter is incremented every time the corresponding event, as defined in the EPH STATUS REGISTER bit description, occurs. Note that the counters can only increment once per enqueued transmit packet, never faster, limiting the rate of interrupts that can be generated by the counters. For example if a packet is successfully transmitted after one collision the SINGLE COLLISION COUNT field is incremented by one. If a packet experiences between 2 to 16 collisions, the MULTIPLE COLLISION COUNT field is incremented by one. If a packet experiences deferral the NUMBER OF DEFERRED TX field is incremented by one, even if the packet experienced multiple deferrals during its collision retries. The COUNTER REGISTER facilitates maintaining statistics in the AUTO RELEASE mode where no transmit interrupts are generated on successful transmissions. Reading the register in the transmit service routine will be enough to maintain statistics. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 47 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet I/O SPACE - BANK0 OFFSET 8 NAME MEMORY INFORMATION REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL MIR For software compatibility with other LAN9000 parts all memory-related information is represented in 256 x M byte units, where the multiplier M is determined by the MCR upper byte. M equals "1" for the LAN91C96. 0 0 0 0 FREE MEMORY AVAILABLE (in BYTES* 256* M) 0 1 1 0 MEMORY SIZE (in BYTES* 256* M) 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 FREE MEMORY AVAILABLE - This register can be read at any time to determine the amount of free memory. The register defaults to the MEMORY SIZE upon reset or upon the RESET MMU command. MEMORY SIZE - This register can be read to determine the total memory size, and will always read 18H (6144 bytes) for the LAN91C96. LAN91C90 LAN91C90 LAN91C92/ LAN91C94 LAN91C95 LAN91C96 LAN91C100 MEMORY SIZE REGISTER FFH 40H 12H M 1 1 1 ACTUAL MEMORY 64 kbytes 16 kbytes 4608 bytes 18H 18H FFH 1 1 2 6144 bytes 6144 bytes 128 kbytes I/O SPACE - BANK0 OFFSET NAME A MEMORY CONFIGURATION REGISTER TYPE LOWER BYTE READ/WRITE UPPER BYTE READ ONLY SYMBOL MCR Memory Size Multiplier "M" 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Memory Reserved for Transmit (in BYTES * 256 * M) 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 MEMORY RESERVED FOR TRANSMIT Programming this value allows the host CPU to reserve memory to be used later for transmit, limiting the amount of memory that receive packets can use up. When programmed for zero, the memory allocation between transmit and receive is completely dynamic. When programmed for a non-zero value, the allocation is dynamic if the free memory exceeds the programmed value, while receive allocation requests are denied if the free memory is less or equal to the programmed value. This register defaults to zero upon reset. It is not affected by the RESET MMU command. The value written to the MCR is a reserved memory space IN ADDITION TO ANY MEMORY CURRENTLY IN USE. If the memory allocated for transmit plus the reserved space for transmit is required to be constant (rather than grow with transmit allocations) the CPU should update the value of this register after allocating or releasing memory. The contents of MIR as well as the low byte of MCR are specified in 256* M bytes. The multiplier M is determined by bits 11, 10 and 9 as follows: Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 48 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Note 7.1 DEVICE FEAST BIT 11 0 BIT 10 1 BIT 9 0 M 2 LAN91C90 0 0 1 1 FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 8 16 MAX MEMORY SIZE 256 (Note 7.1) 256 (Note 7.1) 2=128k 256 (Note 7.1) 256 (Note 7.1) 1=64k 256k 512k 1M Bits 11, 10 and 9 are read only bits used by the software driver to transparently run on different controllers of the LAN9000 family. I/O SPACE - BANK1 OFFSET 0 NAME CONFIGURATION REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL CR The Configuration Register holds bits that define the device configuration and are not expected to change during run-time. This register is part of the EEPROM saved setup in LOCAL BUS mode only. In PCMCIA mode, this register is initialized to the state as defined below as if not EEPROM is present in LOCAL BUS mode (ie. ENEEP Pin is a don't care in PCMCIA mode) 0 0 16BIT function of EN16* pin NO WAIT X DIS LINK 0 X 1 0 Reserved 1 X 0 FULL STEP 0 INT SEL1 0 SET SQLCH 0 INT SEL0 0 AUI SELECT 0 X NO WAIT - When set, does not request additional wait states. An exception to this are accesses to the Data Register if not ready for a transfer. When clear, negates IOCHRDY for two to three 20MHz clocks on any cycle to the LAN91C96. FULL STEP - This bit is used to select the signaling mode for the AUI port. When set the AUI port uses full step signaling. Defaults low to half step signaling. This bit is only meaningful when AUI SELECT is high. SET SQLCH - When set, the squelch level used for the 10BASE-T receive signal is 240mV. When clear the receive squelch level is 400mV. Defaults low. AUI SELECT - When set the AUI interface is used, when clear the 10BASE-T interface is used. Defaults low. 16BIT - Used in conjunction with EN16* and IO is 8 to define the width of the system bus. If the EN16* pin is low, this bit is forced high. Otherwise the bit defaults low and can be programmed by the host CPU. DIS LINK - This bit is used to disable the 10BASE-T link test functions. When this bit is high the LAN91C96 disables link test functions by not generating nor monitoring the network for link pulses. In this mode the LAN91C96 will transmit packets regardless of the link test, the EPHSR LINK_OK bit will be set and the LINK LED will stay on. When low the link test functions are enabled. If the link status indicates FAIL, the EPHSR LINK_OK bit will be low, while transmit packets enqueued will be processed by the LAN91C96, transmit data will not be sent out to the cable. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 49 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet INT SEL1-0 - In LOCAL BUS mode, used to select one out of four interrupt pins. The three unused interrupts are tristated. INT SEL1 INT SEL0 INTERRUPT PIN USED 0 0 INTR0 0 1 INTR1 1 0 INTR2 1 1 INTR3 I/O SPACE - BANK1 OFFSET 2 NAME BASE ADDRESS REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL BAR For LOCAL BUS mode only, this register holds the I/O address decode option chosen for the I/O and ROM space. It is part of the EEPROM saved setup, and is not usually modified during run-time. A15 0 A14 0 ROM SIZE 0 1 A13 0 RA18 1 A9 1 RA17 0 A8 1 RA16 0 A7 0 RA15 1 A6 0 RA14 1 A5 0 1 A15 - A13 and A9 - A5 - These bits are compared in LOCAL BUS mode against the I/O address on the bus to determine the IOBASE for LAN91C96 registers. The 64k I/O space is fully decoded by the LAN91C96 down to a 16 location space, therefore the unspecified address lines A4, A10, A11 and A12 must be all zeros. ROM SIZE - Determines the ROM decode area in LOCAL BUS mode memory space as follows: 00 = ROM disable 01 = 16k: RA14-18 define ROM select. 10 = 32k: RA15-18 define ROM select. 11 = 64k: RA16-18 define ROM select. RA18-RA14 - These bits are compared in LOCAL BUS mode against the memory address on the bus to determine if the ROM is being accessed, as a function of the ROM SIZE. ROM accesses are read only memory accesses defined by MEMRD* going low. For a full decode of the address space unspecified upper address lines have to be: A19 = "1", A20-A23 lines are not directly decoded, however LOCAL BUS systems will only activate SMEMRD* only when A20A23=0. All bits in this register are loaded from the serial EEPROM in LOCAL BUS Mode only. In PCMCIA mode, the I/O base is set to the default value (as in LOCAL BUS mode) as defined below. The I/O base decode defaults to 300h (namely, the high byte defaults to 18h). ROM SIZE defaults to 01. ROM decode defaults to CC000 (namely the low byte defaults to 67h). Below chart shows the decoding of I/O Base Address 300h: A15 0 A14 0 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) A13 0 A12 0 A11 0 A10 0 A9 1 A8 1 A7 0 A6 0 Page 50 DATASHEET A5 0 A4 0 A3 0 A2 0 A1 0 A0 0 SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet I/O SPACE - BANK1 OFFSET 4 THROUGH 9 NAME INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS REGISTERS TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL IAR These registers are loaded starting at word location 20h of the EEPROM upon hardware reset or EEPROM reload. The registers can be modified by the software driver, but a STORE operation will not modify the EEPROM Individual Address contents. Bit 0 of Individual Address 0 register corresponds to the first bit of the address on the cable. ADDRESS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADDRESS 1 0 0 0 0 0 ADDRESS 2 0 0 0 0 0 ADDRESS 3 0 0 0 0 0 ADDRESS 4 0 0 0 0 0 ADDRESS 5 0 SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v 0 0 0 0 Page 51 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet I/O SPACE - BANK1 OFFSET A NAME GENERAL ADDRESS REGISTERS 0 0 0 0 TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL GPR 0 HIGH DATA BYTE 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOW DATA BYTE 0 0 0 0 0 This register can be used as a way of storing and retrieving non-volatile information in the EEPROM to be used by the software driver. The storage is word oriented, and the EEPROM word address to be read or written is specified using the six lowest bits of the Pointer Register. This register can also be used to sequentially program the Individual Address area of the EEPROM, that is normally protected from accidental Store operations. This register will be used for EEPROM read and write only when the EEPROM SELECT bit in the Control Register is set. This allows generic EEPROM read and write routines that do not affect the basic setup of the LAN91C96. I/O SPACE - BANK1 OFFSET C NAME CONTROL REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE 0 RCV_ BAD PWRDN WAKEUP _EN 0 LE ENABLE 0 0 CR ENABLE 0 0 TE ENABLE 0 0 AUTO RELEAS E 0 X X SYMBOL CTR 1 X EEPROM SELECT 0 X RELOAD 1 STORE 0 0 RCV_BAD - When set, bad CRC packets are received. When clear bad CRC packets do not generate interrupts and their memory is released. PWRDN - Active high bit used to put the Ethernet function in power down mode. Cleared by: 1. A write to any register in the LAN91C96 I/O space. 2. Hardware reset. This bit is combined with the Pwrdwn bit in ECSR and with the powerdown bit to determine when the function is powered down. WAKUP_EN - Active high bit used to enable the controller in the appropriate power down modes to power up and set the WAKEUP bit in the EPHSR -> generate an EPH interrupt(if not masked). When clear (0), no "Magic Packet" scanning is done on receive packets. Note: Setting (1) the bit is meaningful only if the function is enabled (Enable Function bit in COR; offset 8000h). Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 52 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet AUTO RELEASE - When set, transmit pages are released by transmit completion if the transmission was successful (when TX_SUC is set). In that case there is no status word associated with its packet number, and successful packet numbers are not even written into the TX COMPLETION FIFO. A sequence of transmit packets will only generate an interrupt when the sequence is completely transmitted (TX EMPTY INT will be set), or when a packet in the sequence experiences a fatal error (TX INT will be set). Upon a fatal error TXENA is cleared and the transmission sequence stops. The packet number that failed is the present in the FIFO PORTS register, and its pages are not released, allowing the CPU to restart the sequence after corrective action is taken. LE ENABLE - Link Error Enable. When set it enables the LINK_OK bit transition as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit. Defaults low (disabled). Writing this bit also serves as the acknowledge by clearing previous LINK interrupt conditions. CR ENABLE - Counter Roll over Enable. When set it enables the CTR_ROL bit as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit. Defaults low (disabled). TE ENABLE - Transmit Error Enable. When set it enables Transmit Error as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit. Defaults low (disabled). Transmit Error is any condition that clears TXENA with TX_SUC staying low as described in the EPHSR register. EEPROM SELECT - This bit allows the CPU to specify which registers the EEPROM RELOAD or STORE refers to. When high, the General Purpose Register is the only register read or written. When low, the RELOAD and STORE functions are enabled. RELOAD The LAN91C96 reads the Configuration, Base and Individual Address, and STORE writes the Configuration and Base registers. Also when set it will read the EEPROM and update relevant registers with its contents. This bit then Clears upon completing the operation. STORE The STORE LAN91C96 bit when set, stores the contents of all relevant registers in the serial EEPROM. This bit is cleared upon completing the operation. Note: When an EEPROM access is in progress the STORE and RELOAD bits will be read back as high. The remaining 14 bits of this register will be invalid. During this time, attempted read/write operations, other than polling the EEPROM status, will NOT have any effect on the internal registers. The CPU can resume accesses to the LAN91C96 after both bits are low. A worst case RELOAD operation initiated by RESET or by software takes less than 750usec in either mode. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 53 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet I/O SPACE - BANK2 OFFSET NAME 0 MMU COMMAND REGISTER TYPE WRITE ONLY BUSY bit readable SYMBOL MMUCR This register is used by the CPU to control the memory allocation, de-allocation, TX FIFO and RX FIFO control. The three command bits determine the command issued as described below: High byte: Reserved 0 Reserved 0 Reserved 0 Reserved 0 Reserved 0 Reserved 0 Reserved 0 Reserved 0 N1 N0/ BUSY Low byte: COMMAND w x 0 y N2 z 0 Reserved - Must be 0. COMMAND SET: wxyz 0000 0) NOOP - NO OPERATION - 0010 2) ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR TX - N2, N1, N0 defines the amount of memory requested as (value + 1) 256* bytes. Namely N2, N1, N0 = 1 will request 2 256* = 512 bytes. Valid range for N2, N1, N0 is 0 through 5. A shift-based divide by 256 of the packet length yields the appropriate value to be used as N2, N1 and N0. Immediately generates a completion code at the ALLOCATION RESULT REGISTER. Can optionally generate an interrupt on successful completion. The allocation time can take worst case (N2, N1, N0 + 2)* 200ns. 0100 4) RESET MMU TO INITIAL STATE - Frees all memory allocations, clears relevant interrupts, resets packet FIFO pointers. 0110 6) REMOVE FRAME FROM TOP OF RX FIFO- To be issued after CPU has completed processing of present receive frame. This command removes the receive packet number from the RX FIFO and brings the next receive frame (if any) to the RX area (output of RX FIFO). 0111 7) REMOVE FRAME FROM TOP OF TX FIFO- To be issued ONLY after the Host disabled the transmitter and has completed processing of the present transmit frame. Note: Determining Transmit completion is done by polling the TEMPTY bit in the Transmit FIFO Port Register. This command removes the Transmit packet number from the TX FIFO and brings the next Transmit frame (if any) to the TX area (output of TX FIFO). 8) REMOVE AND RELEASE TOP OF RX FIFO - Like 6) but also releases all memory used by the packet presently at the RX FIFO output. A) RELEASE SPECIFIC PACKET - Frees all pages allocated to the packet specified in the PACKET NUMBER REGISTER. Should not be used for frames pending transmission. Typically used to remove transmitted frames, after reading their completion status. 1010 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 54 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Can be used following 6 (to release receive packet memory in a more flexible way than 8). 1100 C) ENQUEUE PACKET NUMBER INTO TX FIFO - This is the normal method of transmitting a packet just loaded into RAM. The packet number to be enqueued is taken from the PACKET NUMBER REGISTER. 1110 F) RESET TX FIFOs - This command will reset both TX FIFOs. The TX FIFO holding the packet numbers awaiting transmission and the TX Completion FIFO. This command provides a mechanism for canceling packet transmissions, and reordering or bypassing the transmit queue. The RESET TX FIFOs command should only be used when the transmitter is disabled. Unlike the RESET MMU command, the RESET TX FIFOs does not release any memory. Notes: Only command 2 uses N2, N1 and N0. When using the RESET TX FIFOS command, the CPU is responsible for releasing the memory associated with outstanding packets, or re-enqueuing them. Packet numbers in the completion FIFO can be read via the FIFO ports register before issuing the command. MMU commands releasing memory (commands 8 and A) should only be issued if the corresponding packet number has memory allocated to it. COMMAND SEQUENCING A second allocate command (command 2) should not be issued until the present one has completed. Completion is determined by reading the FAILED bit of the allocation result register or through the allocation interrupt. A second release command (commands 8 and A) should not be issued if the previous one is still being processed. The BUSY bit indicates that a release command is in progress. After issuing command A, the contents of the PNR should not be changed until BUSY goes low. After issuing command 8, command 6 should not be issued until BUSY goes low. BUSY BIT - Readable at bit "0" of the MMU command register address. When set indicates that MMU is still processing a release command. When clear, MMU has already completed last release command. BUSY and FAILED bits are set upon the trailing edge of command. I/O SPACE - BANK2 OFFSET 2 RESERVED 0 NAME PACKET NUMBER REGISTER 0 0 0 TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL PNR PACKET NUMBER AT TX AREA 0 0 0 0 PACKET NUMBER AT TX AREA - The value written into this register determines which packet number is accessible through the TX area. Some MMU commands use the number stored in this register as the packet number parameter. This register is cleared by a RESET or a RESET MMU Command. RESERVED - This bit is reserved. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 55 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet I/O SPACE - BANK2 OFFSET 3 FAILED 1 NAME ALLOCATION RESULT REGISTER 0 0 0 TYPE READ ONLY ALLOCATED PACKET NUMBER 0 0 0 SYMBOL ARR 0 FAILED - A "0" indicates a successful allocation completion. If the allocation fails the bit is set and only cleared when the pending allocation is satisfied. Defaults high upon reset and reset MMU command. For polling purposes, the ALLOC_INT in the Interrupt Status Register should be used because it is synchronized to the read operation. Sequence: 1. Allocate Command 2. Poll ALLOC_INT bit until set 3. Read Allocation Result Register ALLOCATED PACKET NUMBER - Packet number associated with the last memory allocation request. The value is only valid if the FAILED bit is clear. Note: For software compatibility with future versions, the value read from the ARR after an allocation request is intended to be written into the PNR as is, without masking higher bits (provided FAILED = "0"). I/O SPACE - BANK2 OFFSET 4 NAME FIFO PORTS REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL FIFO This register provides access to the read ports of the Receive FIFO and the Transmit completion FIFO. The packet numbers to be processed by the interrupt service routines are read from this register. REMPTY 1 0 0 0 RX FIFO PACKET NUMBER 0 0 0 0 TEMPTY 1 0 0 0 TX FIFO PACKET NUMBER 0 0 0 0 REMPTY - No receive packets queued in the RX FIFO. For polling purposes, uses the RCV_INT bit in the Interrupt Status Register. TOP OF RX FIFO PACKET NUMBER - Packet number presently at the output of the RX FIFO. Only valid if REMPTY is clear. The packet is removed from the RX FIFO using MMU Commands 6) or 8). TEMPTY - No transmit packets in completion queue. For polling purposes, uses the TX_INT bit in the Interrupt Status Register. TX FIFO PACKET NUMBER - Packet number presently at the output of the TX FIFO. Only valid if TEMPTY is clear. The packet is removed when a TX INT acknowledge is issued. Note: For software compatibility with future versions, the value read from each FIFO register is intended to be written into the PNR as is, without masking higher bits (provided TEMPTY and REMPTY = 0 respectively). Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 56 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet I/O SPACE - BANK2 OFFSET 6 NAME POINTER REGISTER RCV AUTO INCR. READ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved TYPE READ/WRITE Reserved 0 0 POINTER LOW 0 0 SYMBOL PTR POINTER HIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 POINTER REGISTER - The value of this register determines the address to be accessed within the transmit or receive areas. It will auto-increment on accesses to the data register when AUTO INCR. is set. The increment is by one for every byte access, and by two for every word access. When RCV is set the address refers to the receive area and uses the output of RX FIFO as the packet number, when RCV is clear the address refers to the transmit area and uses the packet number at the Packet Number Register. READ bit - Determines the type of access to follow. If the READ bit is high the operation intended is a read. If the READ bit is low the operation is a write. Loading a new pointer value, with the READ bit high, generates a pre-fetch into the Data Register for read purposes. Read-back of the pointer will indicate the value of the address last accessed by the CPU (rather than the last pre-fetched). This allows any interrupt routine that uses the pointer, to save it and restore it without affecting the process being interrupted. The Pointer Register should not be loaded until 400ns after the last write operation to the Data Register to ensure that the Data Register FIFO is empty. On reads, if IOCHRDY is not connected to the host, the Data Register should not be read before 400ns after the pointer was loaded to allow the Data Register FIFO to fill. If the pointer is loaded using 8 bit writes, the low byte should be loaded first and the high byte last. Reserved - Must be 0. If AUTO INCR. is not set, the pointer must be loaded with an even value. I/O SPACE - BANK2 OFFSET 8&A NAME DATA REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL DATA DATA HIGH DATA LOW DATA REGISTER - Used to read or write the data buffer byte/word presently addressed by the pointer register. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 57 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet This register is mapped into two uni-directional FIFOs that allow moving words to and from the LAN91C96 regardless of whether the pointer address is even or odd. Data goes through the write FIFO into memory, and is pre-fetched from memory into the read FIFO. If byte accesses are used, the appropriate (next) byte can be accessed through the Data Low or Data High registers. The order to and from the FIFO is preserved. Byte and word accesses can be mixed on the fly in any order. This register is mapped into two consecutive word locations to facilitate the usage of double word move instructions. The DATA register is accessible at any address in the 8 through Ah range, while the number of bytes being transferred are determined by A0 and nSBHE in LOCAL BUS mode, and by A0, nCE1 and nCE2 in PCMCIA mode. I/O SPACE - BANK2 OFFSET C NAME INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER TX IDLE INT Reserved 0 0 OFFSET C EPH INT 0 RX_ OVRN INT ALLOC INT TX EMPTY INT 0 0 1 NAME INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE REGISTER RX_ OVRN INT Reserved OFFSET D Reserved 0 0 EPH INT MASK 0 TX INT 0 TYPE WRITE ONLY TX EMPTY INT NAME INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER TX IDLE INT MASK TYPE READ ONLY ALLOC INT MASK TX EMPTY INT MASK 0 0 0 RCV INT 0 SYMBOL ACK TX INT TYPE READ/WRITE RX_ OVRN INT MASK SYMBOL IST TX INT MASK 0 SYMBOL MSK RCV INT MASK 0 This register can be read and written as a word or as two individual bytes. The Interrupt Mask Register bits enable the appropriate bits when high and disable them when low. A MASK bit being set will cause a hardware interrupt. TX IDLE INT - Transmit Idle interrupt. Set when the transmit state machine is not active. This bit is used under the condition where the TX FIFO is still NOT empty, the transmitter is disabled and the host wants to determine when the transmitter is completed with the current transmit packet. This event usually happens when the host wants to insert at the head of the transmit queue a frame for example. Typical flow of events/Condition: 1. The transmit FIFO is not empty 2. The transmit DONE FIFO is either empty or not empty 3. The transmit engine is either active or not active Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 58 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Flow of events for an insertion of a transmit packet: 1. Disable the Transmitter 2. Remove and release any "transmit done" packets in the TX FIFO 3. Via polling or an interrupt driven event, determine status of TX IDLE INT bit and wait until this bit is set. This will determine when the transmitter is truly done with all transmit events. 4. Remove and store (if any, in software) Packet numbers from the transmit FIFO. (These packets will later be restored into the TX FIFO after the control frame is inserted into the front of the TX FIFO). 5. Enable Transmitter 6. En-queue packet into TX FIFO 7. En-queue rest of packets, if any, into TX FIFO (restore TX FIFO) Reserved - Must be 0. EPH INT - Set when the Ethernet Protocol Handler section indicates one out of various possible special conditions. This bit merges exception type of interrupt sources, whose service time is not critical to the execution speed of the low level drivers. The exact nature of the interrupt can be obtained from the EPH Status Register (EPHSR), and enabling of these sources can be done via the Control Register. The possible sources are: 1. LINK - Link Test transition 2. CTR_ROL - Statistics counter roll over 3. TXENA cleared - A fatal transmit error occurred forcing TXENA to be cleared. TX_SUC will be low and the specific reason will be reflected by the bits: 3.1 SQET - SQE Error 3.2 LOST CARR - Lost Carrier 3.3 LATCOL - Late Collision 3.4 16COL - 16 collisions Any of the above interrupt sources can be masked by the appropriate ENABLE bits in the Control Register. 1) LE ENABLE (Link Error Enable), 2) CR ENABLE (Counter Roll Over), 3) TE ENABLE (Transmit Error Enable) EPH INT will only be cleared by the following methods: 1. Clearing the LE ENABLE bit in the Control Register if an EPH interrupt is caused by a LINK_OK transition. 2. Reading the Counter Register if an EPH interrupt is caused by statistics counter roll over. 3. Setting TXENA bit high if an EPH interrupt is caused by any of the fatal transmit error listed above (3.1 to 3.4). RX_OVRN INT - Set when 1) the receiver aborts due to an overrun due to a failed memory allocation, 2) the receiver aborts due to a packet length of greater than 2K bytes, or 3) the receiver aborts due to the RCV DISCRD bit in the RCV register set. The RX_OVRN INT bit latches the condition for the purpose of being polled or generating an interrupt, and will only be cleared by writing the acknowledge register with the RX_OVRN INT bit set. ALLOC INT - Set when an MMU request for TX ram pages is successful. This bit is the complement of the FAILED bit in the ALLOCATION RESULT register. The ALLOC INT bit is cleared by the MMU when the next allocation request is processed or allocation fails. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 59 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet TX EMPTY INT - Set if the TX FIFO goes empty, can be used to generate a single interrupt at the end of a sequence of packets enqueued for transmission. This bit latches the empty condition, and the bit will stay set until it is specifically cleared by writing the acknowledge register with the TX EMPTY INT bit set. If a real time reading of the FIFO empty is desired, the bit should be first cleared and then read. The TX_EMPTY MASK bit should only be set after the following steps: a) A packet is enqueued for transmission b) The previous empty condition is cleared (acknowledged) TX INT - Set when at least one packet transmission was completed or any of the below transmit fatal errors occurs: 1. SQET - SQE Error 2. LOST CARR - Lost Carrier 3. LATCOL - Late Collision 4. 16COL - 16 collisions The first packet number to be serviced can be read from the FIFO PORTS register. The TX INT bit is always the logic complement of the TEMPTY bit in the FIFO PORTS register. After servicing a packet number, its TX INT interrupt is removed by writing the Interrupt Acknowledge Register with the TX INT bit set. RCV INT - Set when a receive interrupt is generated. The first packet number to be serviced can be read from the FIFO PORTS register. The RCV INT bit is always the logic complement of the REMPTY bit in the FIFO PORTS register. Receive Interrupt is cleared when RX FIFO is empty. Notes: For edge triggered systems, the Interrupt Service Routine should clear the Interrupt Mask Register, and only enable the appropriate interrupts after the interrupt source is serviced (acknowledged). Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 60 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 61 DATASHEET SQET LOST CARR LATCOL 16COL TE_Enable CR_Enable CTR-ROL LE_Enable Fatal TX Error Edge Detector on Link Err nWRACK IntAck7 IntAck4 IntAck2 IntAck1 nRDIST nQ D S Q MDINT nQ D S Q RX_OVRN ALLOCATION FAILED nQ D S Q TX FIFO EMPTY nQ D S Q TX FIFO NOT EMPTY 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DATA BUS D[15:0] OE D[7:0] Interrupt Status Register 7 RCV FIFO NOT EMPTY 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 nOE D[15:8] Interrupt Mask Register MAIN INTERRUPTS MDINT EPH INT RX_OVRN INT ALLOC INT TX EMPTY INT TX INT RCV INT INT Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Figure 7.1 - Interrupt Structure Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet I/O SPACE - BANK 3 OFFSET 0 THROUGH 7 0 NAME MULTICAST TABLE 0 TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL MT 0 Multicast Table 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Multicast Table 1 0 0 0 0 0 Multicast Table 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Multicast Table 3 0 0 0 0 0 Multicast Table 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Multicast Table 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Multicast Table 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Multicast Table 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The 64 bit multicast table is used for group address filtering. The hash value is defined as the six most significant bits of the CRC of the destination addresses. The three msb's determine the register to be used (MT0-7), while the other three determine the bit within the register. If the appropriate bit in the table is set, the packet is received. If the ALMUL bit in the RCR register is set, all multicast addresses are received regardless of the multicast table values. Hashing is for a partial group address filtering scheme. Additional filtering is done in software. But the hash value being a part of the receive status word, the receive routine can reduce the search time significantly. With the proper memory structure, the search is limited to comparing only the multicast addresses that have the actual hash value in question. I/O SPACE - BANK3 OFFSET 8 NAME MANAGEMENT INTERFACE TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL MGMT This register contains status bits and control bits for management of different transceivers modules. Some of the pins are shared with the serial EEPROM interface. Management is software controlled, and does not use the serial EEPROM and the transceiver management functions at the same time. 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) nXNDEC IOS2 IOS1 IOS0 MDOE 0 MCLK 0 MDI 0 MD0 0 Page 62 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet nXNDEC - Read only bit reflecting the status of the nXENDEC pin. IOS0-2 - Read only bits reflecting the status of the IOS0-2 pins. MDO - The value of this bit drives the EEDO pin when MDOE=1. MDCLK - The value of this bit drives the EESK pin when MDOE=1. MDOE - When this bit is high pins EEDO EECS and EESK will be used for transceiver management functions, otherwise the pins assume the EEPROM values. MODE=0 Serial EEPROM Data Out Serial EEPROM Clock Serial EEPROM Chip Select EEDO EESK EECS MODE=1 Bit MDO Bit MCLK 0 I/O SPACE - BANK3 OFFSET A 0 NAME REVISION REGISTER 0 1 TYPE READ ONLY 1 0 0 CHIP 0 SYMBOL REV 1 1 0 1 REV 1 0 0 CHIP ID VALUE 3 4 5 4 1 0 DEVICE LAN91C90/LAN91C92 LAN91C94 LAN91C95 LAN91C96 (Note 7.2) 7 8 9 LAN91C100 LAN91C100FD LAN91C110 CHIP - Chip ID. Can be used by software drivers to identify the device used. REV - Revision ID. Incremented for each revision of a given device. Note 7.2 The LAN91C96 shares the same chip ID (#4) as the LAN91C94. The Rev. ID for the LAN91C96 will begin from six (#6). SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 63 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet I/O SPACE - BANK3 OFFSET C 0 RCV DISCRD 0 NAME RCV REGISTER 0 1 0 0 TYPE READ/WRITE RCV COUNTER 1 0 MBO MBO 1 1 SYMBOL RCV 0 MBO 1 MBO 1 MBO 1 1 1 RCV DISCRD - Set to discard a packet being received. MBO - Must be 1. Rcv Counter - This 8 bit value is the "Real Time" count, in bytes, of the current Receive packet (this includes the 4 bytes of status and packet length). The count is rounded to the nearest Nibble (16 bytes). The Counter is multiplied by 16 decimals to obtain the number of bytes currently received. Note: The value of the RCV Counter is in real time asynchronous format (i.e. The value is constantly changing). It is recommended that the register be read multiple times to get an accurate reading. Note: The Rcv Counter register will return a value of "0" when no receive event is occurring. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 64 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 8 Theory of Operation The concept of presenting the shared RAM as a FIFO of packets, with a memory management unit allocating memory on a per packet basis responds to the following needs: Memory allocation for receive vs. transmit - A fixed partition between receive and transmit area would not be efficient. Being able to dynamically allocate it to transmit and receive represents almost the equivalent of duplicating the memory size for some workstation type of drivers. Software overhead - By presenting a FIFO of packets, the software driver does not have to waste any time in calculating pointers for the different buffers that make up different packets. The driver usually deals with one packet at a time. With this approach, packets are accessible always at the same fixed address, and access is provided to any byte of the packet. Headers can be analyzed without reading out the entire packet. The packet can be moved in or out with a block move operation. Multiple upper layer support - The LAN91C96 facilitates interfacing to multiple upper layer protocols because of the receive packet processing flexibility. A receive lookahead scheme like ODI or NDIS drivers is supported by copying a small part of the received packet and letting the upper layer provide a pointer for the rest of the data. If the upper layer indicates it does not want the packet, it can be removed upon a single command. If the upper layer wants a specific part of the packet, a block move operation starting at any particular offset can be done. Out of order receive processing is also supported: if memory for one packet is not yet available, receive packet processing can continue. Efficiency - Lacking any level of indirection or linked lists of pointers, virtually all the memory is used for data. There are no descriptors, forward links and pointers at all. This simplicity and memory efficiency is accomplished without giving up the benefits of linked lists which is unlimited back-to-back transmission and reception without CPU intervention for as long as memory is available. FULL DUPLEX SUPPORT Full Duplex Ethernet operation refers to the ability of the network (or parts of it) to simultaneously transmit and receive packets. The CSMA/CD protocol used by Ethernet for accessing a shared medium is inherently half duplex , and so is the 10BASE-T physical layer where simultaneous transmit and receive activity is interpreted as a collision. The LAN91C96 supports two types of Full Duplex operation: Note: 1. Full Duplex mode for diagnostic purposes only, where the received packet is the transmit packet being looped back. This mode is enabled using the FDUPLX bit in the TCR. In this mode the CSMA/CD algorithm is used to gain access to the media. 2. FDSE (Full Duplex Switched Ethernet). Enabled by FDSE bit in TCR bit. When the LAN91C96 is configured for FDSE, its transmit and receive paths will operate independently with Carrier Sense CSMA/CD function disabled. In FDSE mode the packets are not looped back internally. The loopback (Full Duplex for Diagnostics(FDUPLX)) function of 10BASE-T transceivers is permanently engaged. It presents the transmit pair waveform to the receive circuit internally. This function allows the receiver to see the controller's own transmission, not only to permit diagnostics, but also to ensure sure that the node defers to its own transmission - as specified in 802.3. Behavior in FDSE mode A) No deferral - The transmit channel is dedicated and always available - The device transmits whenever it has a packet ready to be sent, while respecting the interframe spacing between transmit packets. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 65 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet B) No collision detection - There are no collisions in a switched full duplex environment. MAGIC PACKET SUPPORT If the WAKEUP_EN bit in the Control Register (Bank1, Offset C) is set, the controller will generate the interrupt If this bit is not set, this functionality is disabled. Setting (1) the bit is meaningful only if the function is enabled. For Local Bus mode, when WAKEUP_EN bit in Control Register (Bank1, Offset C) is set, the controller is set ready for scanning of Magic Packet, the device will not drop into lower power state. When a magic packet is received, the Ethernet controller will generate an interrupt causing the host to initiate a service routine to find the source of the event. The Interrupt bit in the ECSR is also set if the host plans on polling the controller for Wakeup status. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 66 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 8.1 Typical Flow of Events for Transmit (Auto Release = 0) S/W DRIVER MAC SIDE 1 ISSUE ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR TX - N BYTES - the MMU attempts to allocate N bytes of RAM. 2 WAIT FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION CODE - Poll until the ALLOC INT bit is set or enable its mask bit and wait for the interrupt. The TX packet number is now at the Allocation Result Register. 3 LOAD TRANSMIT DATA - Copy the TX packet number into the Packet Number Register. Write the Pointer Register, then use a block move operation from the upper layer transmit queue into the Data Register. 4 ISSUE "ENQUEUE PACKET NUMBER TO TX FIFO" - This command writes the number present in the Packet Number Register into the TX FIFO. The transmission is now enqueued. No further CPU intervention is needed until a transmit interrupt is generated. 5 The enqueued packet will be transferred to the MAC block as a function of TXENA (nTCR) bit and of the deferral process (1/2 duplex mode only) state. 6 a) Upon transmit completion the first word in memory is written with the status word. The packet number is moved from the TX FIFO into the TX completion FIFO. Interrupt is generated by the TX completion FIFO being not empty. b) If a TX failure occurs on any packets, TX INT is generated and TXENA is cleared, transmission sequence stops. The packet number of the failure packet is presented at the TX FIFO PORTS Register. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 67 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 7 a) SERVICE INTERRUPT - Read Interrupt Status Register. If it is a transmit interrupt, read the TX FIFO Packet Number from the FIFO Ports Register. Write the packet number into the Packet Number Register. The corresponding status word is now readable from memory. If status word shows successful transmission, issue RELEASE packet number command to free up the memory used by this packet. Remove packet number from completion FIFO by writing TX INT Acknowledge Register. b) Option 1) Release the packet. Option 2) Check the transmit status in the EPH STATUS Register, write the packet number of the current packet to the Packet Number Register, re-enable TXENA, then go to step 4 to start the TX sequence again. 8.2 Typical Flow of Events for Transmit (Auto Release = 1) S/W DRIVER MAC SIDE 1 ISSUE ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR TX - N BYTES - the MMU attempts to allocate N bytes of RAM. 2 WAIT FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION CODE - Poll until the ALLOC INT bit is set or enable its mask bit and wait for the interrupt. The TX packet number is now at the Allocation Result Register. 3 LOAD TRANSMIT DATA - Copy the TX packet number into the Packet Number Register. Write the Pointer Register, then use a block move operation from the upper layer transmit queue into the Data Register. 4 ISSUE "ENQUEUE PACKET NUMBER TO TX FIFO" - This command writes the number present in the Packet Number Register into the TX FIFO. The transmission is now enqueued. No further CPU intervention is needed until a transmit interrupt is generated. 5 The enqueued packet will be transferred to the MAC block as a function of TXENA (nTCR) bit and of the deferral process (1/2 duplex mode only) state. 6 Transmit pages are released by transmit completion. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 68 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 7 8 a) SERVICE INTERRUPT - Read Interrupt Status Register, exit the interrupt service routine. b) Option 1) Release the packet. a) The MAC generates a TXEMPTY interrupt upon a completion of a sequence of enqueued packets. b) If a TX failure occurs on any packets, TX INT is generated and TXENA is cleared, transmission sequence stops. The packet number of the failure packet is presented at the TX FIFO PORTS Register. Option 2) Check the transmit status in the EPH STATUS Register, write the packet number of the current packet to the Packet Number Register, re-enable TXENA, then go to step 4 to start the TX sequence again. 8.3 Flow of Events for Receive 1 2 S/W DRIVER ENABLE RECEPTION - By setting the RXEN bit. A packet is received with matching address. Memory is requested from MMU. A packet number is assigned to it. Additional memory is requested if more pages are needed. The internal DMA logic generates sequential addresses and writes the receive words into memory. The MMU does the sequential to physical address translation. If overrun, packet is dropped and memory is released. When the end of packet is detected, the status word is placed at the beginning of the receive packet in memory. Byte count is placed at the second word. If the CRC checks correctly the packet number is written into the RX FIFO. The RX FIFO being not empty causes RCV INT (interrupt) to be set. If CRC is incorrect the packet memory is released and no interrupt will occur. 3 4 5 CSMA/CD SIDE SERVICE INTERRUPT - Read the Interrupt Status Register and determine if RCV INT is set. The next receive packet is at receive area. (Its packet number can be read from the FIFO Ports Register). The software driver can process the packet by accessing the RX area, and can move it out to system memory if desired. When processing is complete the CPU issues the REMOVE AND RELEASE FROM TOP OF RX command to have the MMU free up the used memory and packet number. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 69 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet ISR Save Bank Selec & Address Ptr Registerst Mask Interrupts Read Interrupt Register No Yes TX INTR? Call TX INTR or TXEMPTY INTR RX INTR? Yes No Call RXINTR Get Next TX No Yes No Packet Available for Transmission? ALLOC INTR? Yes Write Allocated Pkt# into Packet Number Reg. Call ALLOCATE Write Ad Ptr Reg. & CopyData & Source Address Yes Call EPH INTR No EPH INTR? Enqueue Packet Set "Ready for Packet" Flag Restore Address Pointer & Bank Select Registers Return Buffers to Upper Layer Unmask Interrupts Disable Allocation Interrupt Mask Exit ISR Figure 8.1 - Interrupt Service Routine Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 70 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet RX INTR Write Ad. Ptr. Reg. & Read Word 0 from RAM Yes Destination Multicast? No Read Words 2, 3, 4 from RAM for Address Filtering No Address Filtering Pass? Yes No Status Word OK? Yes Do Receive Lookahead Get Copy Specs from Upper Layer No Okay to Copy? Yes Copy Data Per Upper Layer Specs Issue "Remove and Release" Command Return to ISR Figure 8.2 - RX INTR SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 71 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet TX Interrupt With AUTO_RELEASE = FALSE 1. Save the Packet Number Register Saved_PNR = Read Byte (Bank 2, Offset 2) 2. Read the EPH Status Register Temp = Read (Bank 0, Offset 2) 3. Acknowledge TX Interrupt Write Byte (0x02, (Bank 2, Offset C)); 4. Check for Status of Transmission If ( Temp AND 0x0001) { //If Successful Transmission Step 4.1.1: Issue MMU Release (Release Specific Packet) Write (0x00A0, (Bank2, Offset 0)); Step 4.1.2: Return from the routine } else { //Transmission has FAILED // Now we can either release or re-enqueue the packet Step 4.2.1: Get the packet to release/re-enqueue, stored in FIFO Temp = Read (Bank 2, Offset 4) Temp = Temp & 0x003F Step 4.2.2: Write to the PNR Write (Temp, (Bank2, Offset 2)) Step 4.2.3 // Option 1: Release the packet Write (0x00A0, (Bank2, Offset 0)); //Option 2: Re-Enqueue the packet Write (0x00C0, (Bank2, Offset 0)); Step 4.2.4: Re-Enable Transmission Temp = Read(Bank0, Offset 0); Temp = Temp2 OR 0x0001 Write (Temp2, (Bank 0, Offset 0)); Step 4.2.5: Return from the routine } 5. Restore the Packet Number Register Write Byte (Saved_PNR, (Bank 2, Offset 2)) Figure 8.3 -TX INTR Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 72 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet TXEMPTY INTR Write Acknowledge Reg. with TXEMPTY Bit Set Read TXEMPTY & TX INTR TXEMPTY = 0 & TXINT = 0 (Waiting for Completion) TXEMPTY = X & TXINT = 1 (Transmission Failed) TXEMPTY = 1 & TXINT = 0 (Everything went through successfully) Read Pkt. # Register & Save Write Address Pointer Register Read Status Word from RAM Update Statistics Issue "Release" Command Update Variables Acknowledge TXINTR Re-Enable TXENA Restore Packet Number Return to ISR Figure 8.4 -TXEMPTY INTR (Assumes Auto Release Option Selected) SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 73 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet DRIVER SEND ALLOCATE Choose Bank Select Register 2 Issue "Allocate Memory" Command to MMU Call ALLOCATE Read Interrupt Status Register Exit Driver Send Yes Allocation Passed? No Read Allocation Result Register Write Allocated Packet into Packet # Register Store Data Buffer Pointer Write Address Pointer Register Clear "Ready for Packet" Flag Copy Part of TX Data Packet into RAM Enable Allocation Interrupt Write Source Address into Proper Location Copy Remaining TX Data Packet into RAM Enqueue Packet Set "Ready for Packet" Flag Return Buffers to Upper Layer Return Figure 8.5 - Driver Send and Allocate Routines Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 74 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet MEMORY PARTITIONING Unlike other controllers, the LAN91C96 does not require a fixed memory partitioning between transmit and receive resources. The MMU allocates and de-allocates memory upon different events. An additional mechanism allows the CPU to prevent the receive process from starving the transmit memory allocation. Memory is always requested by the side that needs to write into it, that is: The CPU for transmit or the CSMA/CD for receive. The CPU can control the number of bytes it requests for transmit but it cannot determine the number of bytes the receive process is going to demand. Furthermore, the receive process requests will be dependent on network traffic, in particular on the arrival of broadcast and multicast packets that might not be for the node, and that are not subject to upper layer software flow control. In order to prevent unwanted traffic from using too much memory, the CPU can program a "memory reserved for transmit" parameter. If the free memory falls below the "memory reserved for transmit" value, MMU requests from the CSMA/CD block will fail and the packets will overrun and be ignored. Whenever enough memory is released, packets can be received again. If the reserved value is too large, the node might lose data which is an abnormal condition. If the value is kept at zero, memory allocation is handled on first-come first-served basis for the entire memory capacity. Note that with the memory management built into the LAN91C96, the CPU can dynamically program this parameter. For instance, when the driver does not need to enqueue transmissions, it can allow more memory to be allocated for receive (by reducing the value of the reserved memory). Whenever the driver needs to burst transmissions it can reduce the receive memory allocation. The driver program the parameter as a function of the following variables: 1. Free memory (read only register) 2. Memory size (read only register) The reserved memory value can be changed on the fly. If the MEMORY RESERVED FOR TX value is increased above the FREE MEMORY, receive packets in progress are still received, but no new packets are accepted until the FREE MEMORY increases above the MEMORY RESERVED value. INTERRUPT GENERATION The interrupt strategy for the transmit and receive processes is such that it does not represent the bottleneck in the transmit and receive queue management between the software driver and the controller. For that purpose there is no register reading necessary before the next element in the queue (namely transmit or receive packet) can be handled by the controller. The transmit and receive results are placed in memory. The receive interrupt will be generated when the receive queue (FIFO of packets) is not empty and receive interrupts are enabled. This allows the interrupt service routine to process many receive packets without exiting, or one at a time if the ISR just returns after processing and removing one. There are two types of transmit interrupt strategies: 1. One interrupt per packet. 2. One interrupt per sequence of packets. The strategy is determined by how the transmit interrupt bits and the AUTO RELEASE bit are used. TX INT bit - Set whenever the TX completion FIFO is not empty. TX EMPTY INT bit - Set whenever the TX FIFO is empty. AUTO RELEASE - When set, successful transmit packets are not written into completion FIFO, and their memory is released automatically. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 75 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 1. One interrupt per packet: enable TX INT, set AUTO RELEASE=0. The software driver can find the completion result in memory and process the interrupt one packet at a time. Depending on the completion code the driver will take different actions. Note that the transmit process is working in parallel and other transmissions might be taking place. The LAN91C96 is virtually queuing the packet numbers and their status words. In this case, the transmit interrupt service routine can find the next packet number to be serviced by reading the TX FIFO PACKET NUMBER at the FIFO PORTS register. This eliminates the need for the driver to keep a list of packet numbers being transmitted. The numbers are queued by the LAN91C96 and provided back to the CPU as their transmission completes. 2. One interrupt per sequence of packets: Enable TX EMPTY INT and TX INT, set AUTO RELEASE=1. TX EMPTY INT is generated only after transmitting the last packet in the FIFO. TX INT will be set on a fatal transmit error allowing the CPU to know that the transmit process has stopped and therefore the FIFO will not be emptied. This mode has the advantage of a smaller CPU overhead, and faster memory de-allocation. Note that when AUTO RELEASE=1 the CPU is not provided with the packet numbers that completed successfully. Note: The pointer register is shared by any process accessing the LAN91C96 memory. In order to allow processes to be interruptible, the interrupting process is responsible for reading the pointer value before modifying it, saving it, and restoring it before returning from the interrupt. Typically there would be three processes using the pointer: 1) Transmit loading (sometimes interrupt driven) 2) Receive unloading (interrupt driven) 3) Transmit Status reading (interrupt driven). 1) and 3) also share the usage of the Packet Number Register. Therefore saving and restoring the PNR is also required from interrupt service routines. POWER DOWN The LAN91C96 can enter power down mode by means of the PWRDWN pin (pin 68) or the PWRDN bit (Control Register, bit 13). When in power down mode, the LAN91C96 will: Stop the crystal oscillator Tristate: Data Bus - Interrupts(only by PWRDN bit) - nIOCS16 - 10BASE-T and AUI outputs - Turn off analog bias currents Drive the EEPROM and ROM outputs inactive Preserve contents of registers and memory The PWRDWN pin is internally gated with the RESET (RESET pin before de-glitching) and with the SRESET bit (COR bit 7). This gating function internally negates power down whenever RESET is high or SRESET is high to allow the oscillator to run during RESET. Except for this gating function, all other uses of the RESET pin use a de-glitched version of the signal as defined in the pin description section. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 76 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet NXENDEC PIN 0 1 1 PWRDN PIN X 0 1 PWRDN BIT 0 0 0 X X 1 SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Normal external ENDEC operation Normal internal ENDEC operation Powerdown - Normal mode restored by PWRDWN pin going low Powerdown - Bit is cleared by a write access to any LAN91C96 register or by hardware reset Page 77 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) OPTIONS TWO INTERRUPT INT ALLOC INT TX TX EMPTY INT INT RCV STATUS REGISTER M.S. BIT ONLY PACKET NUMBER TX DONE TX COMPLETION FIFO 'NOT EMPTY' 'EMPTY' TX FIFO Page 78 DATASHEET PACK # OUT CPU ADDRESS REGISTER PACKET NUMBER PACKET # RAM PHYSICAL ADDRESS MMU LOGICAL ADDRESS RX FIFO NUMBER RX PACKET RX FIFO PACKET NUMBER CSMA ADDRESS 'NOT EMPTY' CSMA/CD Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Figure 8.6 - Interrupt Generation for Transmit; Receive, MMU SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 9 Functional Description of the Blocks 9.1 Memory Management Unit The MMU interfaces the on-chip RAM on one side and the arbiter on the other for address and data flow purposes. For allocation and de-allocation, it interfaces the arbiter only. The MMU deals with a single ported memory and is not aware of the fact that there are two entities requesting allocation and actually accessing memory. The mapping function done by the MMU is only a function of the packet number accessed and of the offset within that packet being accessed. It is not a function of who is requesting the access or the direction of the access. To accomplish that, memory accesses as well as MMU allocation and de-allocation requests are arbitrated by the arbiter block before reaching the MMU. Memory allocation could take some time, but the ALLOC INT bit in Interrupt Status Register is negated immediately upon allocation request, allowing the system to poll that register at any time. Memory deallocation command completion indication is provided via the BUSY bit, readable through the MMU command register. The mapping and queuing functions of the MMU rely on the uniqueness of the packet number assigned to the requester. For that purpose the packet number assignment is centralized at the MMU, and a number will not be reused until the memory associated with it is released. It is clear that a packet number should not be released while the number is in the TX or RX packet queue. The TX and RCV FIFOs are deep enough to handle the total number of packets the MMU can allocate, therefore there is no need for the programmer or the hardware to check FIFO full conditions. 9.2 Arbiter The function of the arbiter is to sequence packet RAM accesses as well as MMU requests in such a way that the on-chip single ported RAM and a single MMU can be shared by two parties. One party is the host CPU and the other party is the CSMA/CD block. The arbiter is address transparent, namely, any address can be accessed at any time. In order to exploit the sequential nature of the access, and minimize the access time on the system side, the CPU cycle is buffered by the Data Register rather than go directly to and from memory. Whenever a write cycle is performed, the data is written into the Data Register and will be written into memory as a result of that operation, allowing the CPU cycle to complete before the arbitration and memory cycle are complete. Whenever a read cycle is performed, the data is provided immediately from the Data Register, without having to arbitrate and complete a memory cycle. The present cycle results in an arbitration request for the next data location. Loading the pointer causes a similar pre-fetch request. This type of read-ahead and write-behind arbitration allows the controller to have a very fast access time, and would work without wait states for as long as the cycle time specification is satisfied. The values are 40 ns access time, and 185ns cycle time. By the same token, CSMA/CD cycles might be postponed. The worst case CSMA/CD latency for arbiter service is one memory cycle. The arbiter uses the pointer register as the CPU provided address, and the internal DMA address from the CSMA/CD side as the addresses to be provided to the MMU. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 79 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet The data path routed by the arbiter goes between memory (the data path does not go through the MMU) on one side and either the CPU side bus or the data path of the CSMA/CD core. The data path between memory and the Data Register is in fact buffered by a small FIFO in each direction. The FIFOs beneath the Data Register can be read and written as bytes or words, in any sequential combination. The presence of these FIFOs makes sure that word transfers are possible on the system bus even if the address loaded into the pointer is odd. 9.3 Bus Interface The bus interface handles the data, address and control interfaces and is compliant with the LOCAL BUS, PCMCIA, and 68000-interface specifications and allows 8 or 16 bit adapters to be designed with the LAN91C96 with no glue to interface the LOCAL BUS or PCMCIA bus. The functions in this block include address decoding for I/O and ROM memory (including address relocation support) for LOCAL BUS, data path routing, sequential memory address support, optional wait state generation, boot ROM support, EEPROM setup function, bus transceiver control, and interrupt generation / selection. For LOCAL BUS, I/O address decoding is done by comparing A15-A4 to the I/O BASE address determined in part by the upper byte of the BASE ADDRESS REGISTER, and also requiring that AEN be low. If the above address comparison is satisfied and the LAN91C96 is in 16 bit mode, nIOCS16 will be asserted (low). A valid comparison does not yet indicate a valid I/O cycle is in progress, as the addresses could be used for a memory cycle, or could even glitch through a valid value. For LOCAL BUS and PCMCIA, only when nIORD or nIOWR are activated the I/O cycle begins. In PCMCIA mode, A4-A15 are ignored for I/O decodes, which rely on the PCMCIA host, decoding for the slot. Input A10 for LOCAL BUS is used as an output (nFWE) for PCMCIA to enable Flash Memory Write for programming the attribute memory. It is valid only when nWE is "0" and COR2 is "1". nA11/nFCS is used to select the Flash Memory Chip. The LAN91C96 provides a glueless interface to a stripped down version of the Motorola 68000 processor. This interface is limited to 16 bits only. None of the size or function pins are supported. The LAN91C96 functions as a slave and requires some of its pins pulled high or low for the interface to function. The SMC91C96 enters the 68000 interface mode when nIORD and nIOWR are asserted simultaneously. Once the two are asserted together, the only way to return to the LOCAL BUS interface is by hard resetting the chip. Notice that the chip is required to power up in LOCAL BUS mode to use the 68000 interface. For the first chip access, the first transfer (to the 91C96) must be a write as the controller uses this write to confirm the 68000 mode. The LAN91C96 responds to addresses per the base address register contents (as in the LOCAL BUS mode). 9.4 Wait State Policy The LAN91C96 can work on most system buses without having to add wait states. The two parameters that determine the memory access profile are the read access time and the cycle time into the Data Register. The read access time is 40ns and the cycle time is 185ns. If any one of them does not satisfy the application requirements, wait states should be added. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 80 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet If the access time is the problem, IOCHRDY should be negated for all accesses to the LAN91C96. This can be achieved by programming the NO WAIT ST bit in the configuration register to "0". The LAN91C96 will negate IOCHRDY for 100ns to 150ns on every access to any register. If the cycle time is the problem, programming NO WAIT ST as described before will solve it but at the expense of slowing down all accesses. The alternative is to let the LAN91C96 negate IOCHRDY only when the Data Register FIFOs require so. Namely, if NO WAIT ST is set, IOCHRDY will only be negated if a Data Register read cycle starts and there is less than a full word in the read FIFO, or if a write cycle starts and there is more than two bytes in the write FIFO. The cycle time is defined as the time between leading edges of read from the Data Register, or equivalently between trailing edges of write to the Data Register. For example, in an LOCAL BUS system the cycle time of a 16 bit transfer will be at least 2 clocks for the I/O access to the LAN91C96 (+ one clock for the memory cycle) for a total of 3 clocks. In absolute time it means 375ns for an 8MHz bus, and 240ns for a 12.5 MHz bus. The cycle time will not increase when configured for full duplex mode, because the CSMA/CD memory arbitration requests are sequenced by the DMA logic and never overlap. 9.5 Arbitration Considerations The arbiter exploits the sequential nature of the CPU accesses to provide a very fast access time. Memory bandwidth considerations will have an effect on the CPU cycle time but no effect on access time. For normal 8MHz, 10MHz, and 12.5MHz LOCAL BUS, as well as EISA normal cycles, the LAN91C96 can be accessed without negating ready. When write operations occur, the data is written into a FIFO. The CPU cycle can complete immediately, and the buffered data will be written into memory later. The memory arbitration request is generated as a function of that FIFO being not empty. The nature of the cycle requested (byte/word) is determined by the LSB of the pointer and the number of bytes in the FIFO. When read operations occur, words are pre-fetched upon pointer loading in order to have at least a word ready in the FIFO to be read. New pre-fetch cycles are requested as a function of the number of bytes in the FIFO. For example, if an odd pointer value is loaded, first a byte is pre-fetched into the FIFO, and immediately a full word is pre-fetched completing three bytes into the FIFO. If the CPU reads a word, one byte will be left again a new word is pre-fetched. In the case of write, if an odd pointer value is loaded, and a full word is written, the FIFO holds two bytes, the first of which is immediately written into an odd memory location. If by that time another byte or word was written, there will be two or three bytes in the FIFO and a full word can be written into the now even memory address. When a CSMA/CD cycle begins, the arbiter will route the CSMA/CD DMA addresses to the MMU as well as the packet number associated with the operation in progress. In full-duplex mode, receive and transmit requests are alternated in such a way that the CPU arbitration cycle time is not affected. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 81 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 9.6 DMA Block The DMA block resides between the CSMA/CD block and the arbiter. It can interface both the data path and the control path of the CSMA/CD block for different operations. Its functions include the following: Start transmission process into the CSMA/CD block. Generate CSMA/CD side addresses for accessing memory during transmit and receive operations. Generate MMU memory requests and verify success. Compute byte count and write it in first locations of receive packet. Write transmit status word in first locations of transmit packet. Determine if enough memory is available for reception. De-allocate transmit memory after suitable completion. De-allocate receive memory upon error conditions. Initiate retransmissions upon collisions (if less than 16 retries). Terminate reception and release memory if packet is too long. The specific nature of each operation and its trigger event are: 1. TX operations will begin if TXENA is set and TX FIFO is not empty. The DMA logic does not need to use the TX PACKET NUMBER, it goes directly from the FIFO to the MMU. However the DMA logic controls the removal of the PACKET NUMBER from the FIFO. 2. Generation of CSMA/CD side addresses into memory: Independent 11-bit counters are kept for transmit and receive in order to allow full-duplex operation. 3. MMU requests for allocation are generated by the DMA logic upon reception. The initial allocation request is issued when the CSMA block indicates an active reception. If allocation succeeds, the DMA block stores the packet number assigned to it, and generates write arbitration requests for as long as the CSMA/CD FIFO is not empty. In parallel the CSMA/CD completes the address filtering and notifies the DMA of an address match. If there is no address match, the DMA logic will release the allocated memory and stop reception. 4. When the CSMA/CD block notifies the DMA logic that a receive packet was completed, if the CRC is OK, the DMA will either write the previously stored packet number into the RX PACKET NUMBER FIFO (to be processed by the CPU), or if the CRC is bad the DMA will just issue a release command to the MMU (and the CPU will never see that packet). 5. If AUTO_RELEASE is set, a release is issued by the DMA block to the MMU after a successful transmission (TX_SUCC set), and the TX completion FIFO is clocked together with the TX FIFO preventing the packet number from moving into the TX completion FIFO. 6. Based on the RX counter value, if a receive packet exceeds 1532 bytes, reception is stopped by the DMA and the RX ABORT bit in the Receive Control Register is set. The memory allocated to the packet is automatically released. 7. If an allocation fails, the CSMA/CD block will activate RX_OVRN INT upon detecting a FIFO full condition. RXEN will stay active to allow reception of subsequent packets if memory becomes available. The CSMA/CD block will flush the FIFO upon the new frame arrival. Packets with bad CRC can be received if the RCV_BAD bit in the configuration register is set. 9.7 Packet Number FIFOS The transmit packet FIFO stores the packet numbers awaiting transmission, in the order they were enqueued. The FIFO is advanced (written) when the CPU issues the "enqueue packet number command", the packet number to be written is provided by the CPU via the Packet Number Register. The number was previously obtained by requesting memory allocation from the MMU. The FIFO is read by the Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 82 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet DMA block when the CSMA/CD block is ready to proceed on to the next transmission. By reading the TX EMPTY INT bit the CPU can determine if this FIFO is empty. The transmit completion FIFO stores the packet numbers that were already transmitted but not yet acknowledged by the CPU. The CPU can read the next packet number in this FIFO from the FIFO Ports Register. The CPU can remove a packet number from this FIFO by issuing a TX INT acknowledge. The CPU can determine if this FIFO is empty by reading the TX INT bit or the FIFO Ports Register. The receive packet FIFO stores the packet numbers already received into memory, in the order they were received. The FIFO is advanced (written) by the DMA block upon reception of a complete valid packet into memory. The number is determined the moment the DMA block first requests memory from the MMU for that packet. The first receive packet number in the FIFO can be read via the FIFO Ports Register, and the data associated with it can be accessed through the receive area. The packet number can be removed from the FIFO with or without an automatic release of its associated memory. The FIFO is read out upon CPU command (remove packet from top of RX FIFO, or remove and release command) after processing the receive packet in the receive area. The width of each FIFO is 5 bits per packet number. The depth of each FIFO equals the number of packets the LAN91C96 can handle (18). The guideline is software transparency; the software driver should not be aware of different devices or FIFO depths. If the MMU memory allocation succeeded, there will be room in the transmit FIFO for enqueuing the packet. Conversely if there is free memory for receive, there should be room in the receive FIFO for storing the packet number. Note that the CPU can enqueue a transmit command with a packet number that does not follow the sequence in which the MMU assigned packet numbers. For example, when a transmission failed and it is retried in software, or when a receive packet is modified and sent back to the network. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 83 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet RAM PACK # OUT ALLOCATION RESULT REGISTER MMU RELEASE REGISTER MMU COMMAND DECODER CPU ADDRESS ALLOCATE LOGICAL ADDRESS TX DONE PACKET NUMBER INT TX FIFO COMPLETION TX FIFO WR REGISTER PACKET NUMBER PACK # OUT PHYSICAL ADDRESS DMA RELEASE PACKET # ALLOCATE CSMA ADDRESS RX PACKET NUMBER RD RX FIFO PACKET NUMBER RX FIFO CSMA/CD Datasheet FIGURE 9.1 - MMU PACKET NUMBER FLOW AND RELEVANT REGISTERS 9.8 CSMA Block The CSMA/CD block is first interfaced via its control registers in order to define its operational configuration. From then on, the DMA interface between the CSMA/CD block and memory is used to transfer data to and from its data path interface. For transmit, the CSMA/CD block will be asked to transmit frames as soon as they are ready in memory. It will continue transmissions until any of the following transmit error occurs: 1. Collisions on same frame 2. Late collision 3. Lost Carrier sense and MON_CSN set 4. SQET error and STP_SQET set In that case TXENA will be cleared and the CPU should restart the transmission by setting it again. If a transmission is successful, TXENA stays set and the CSMA/CD is provided by the DMA block with the next packet to be transmitted. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 84 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet For receive, the CPU sets RXEN as a way of starting the CSMA/CD block receive process. The CSMA/CD block will send data after address filtering through the data path to the DMA block. Data is transferred into memory as it is received, and the final check on data acceptance is the CRC checking done by the CSMA/CD block. In any case, the DMA takes care of requesting/releasing memory for receive packets, as well as generating the byte count. The receive status word is provided by the CSMA/CD block and written in the first location of the receive structure by the DMA block. If configured for storing CRC in memory, the CSMA/CD unit will transfer the CRC bytes through the DMA interface, and then will be treated like regular data bytes. Note that the receive status word of any packet is available only through memory and is not readable through any other register. In order to let the CPU know about receive overruns, the RX_OVRN INT is set and latched in the Interrupt Status Register, which is readable by the CPU at any time. The address filtering is done inside the CSMA/CD block. A packet will be received if the destination address is broadcast, or if it is addressed to the individual address of the LAN91C96, or if it is a multicast address and ALMUL bit is set, or if it is a multicast address matching one of the multicast table entries. If the PRMS bit is set, all packets are received. The CSMA/CD block is a full duplex machine, and when working in full duplex mode, the CSMA/CD block will be simultaneously using its data path transmit and receive interfaces. Statistical counters are kept by the CSMA/CD block, and are readable through the appropriate register. The counters are four bits each, and can generate an interrupt when reaching their maximum values. Software can use that interrupt to update statistics in memory, or it can keep the counter interrupt disabled, while relying on the transmit interrupt routine reading the counters. Given that the counters can increment only once per transmit, this technique is a good complement for the single interrupt per sequence strategy. The interface between the CSMA/CD block and memory is word oriented. Two bi-directional FIFOs make the data path interface. Whenever a normal collision occurs (less than 16 retries), the CSMA/CD will trigger the backoff logic and will indicate the DMA logic of the collision. The DMA is responsible for restarting the data transfer into the CSMA/CD block regardless of whether the collision happened on the preamble or not. Only when 16 retries are reached, the CSMA/CD block will clear the TXENA bit, and CPU intervention is required. The DMA will not automatically restart data transfer in this case, nor will it transmit the next enqueued packet until TXENA is set by the CPU. The DMA will move the packet number in question from the TX FIFO into the TX completion FIFO. 9.9 Network Interface The LAN91C96 includes both an AUI interface for thick and thin coax applications and a 10BASE-T interface for twisted pair applications. Functions common to both are: 1. Manchester encoder/decoder to convert NRZ data to Manchester encoded data and back. 2. A 32ms jabber timer to prevent inadvertently long transmissions. When 'jabbing' occurs, the transmitter is disabled, automatic loopback is disabled (in 10BASE-T mode), and a collision indication is given to the controller. The interface 'unjabs' when the transmitter has been idle for a minimum of 256 ms. 3. A phase-lock loop to recover data and clock from the Manchester data stream with up to plus or minus 18ns of jitter. 4. Diagnostic loopback capability. 5. LED drivers for collision, transmission, reception, and jabber. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 85 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 9.10 10Base-T The 10BASE-T interface conforms to the twisted pair MAU addendum to the 802.3 specification. On the transmission side, it converts the NRZ data from the controller to Manchester data and provides the appropriate signal level for driving the media. Signal are predistorted before transmission to minimize ISI. The collision detection circuitry monitors the simultaneous occurrence of received signals and transmitted data on the media. During transmission, data is automatically looped back to the receiver except during collision periods, in which case the input to the receiver is network data. During collisions, should the receive input go idle prior to the transmitter going idle, input to the receiver switches back to the transmitter within nine bit times. Following transmission, the transmitter performs a SQE test. This test exercises the collision detection circuitry within the 10BASE-T interface. The receiver monitors the media at all times. It recovers the clock and data and passes it along to the controller. In the absence of any receive activity, the transmitter is looped back to the receiver. In addition, the receiver performs automatic polarity correction. The 10BASE-T interface performs link integrity tests per section of 802.3, using the following values: 1. Link_loss_timer: 64 ms 2. Link_test_min_timer: 4 ms 3. Link_count: 2 4. Link_test_max_timer: 64 ms The state of the link is reflected in the EPHSR. 9.11 AUI The LAN91C96 also provides a standard six wire AUI interface to a coax transceiver. 9.12 Physical Interface The internal physical interface (PHY) consists of an encoder/decoder (ENDEC) and an internal 10BASE-T transceiver. The ENDEC also provides a standard 6-pin AUI interface to an external coax transceiver for 10BASE-2 and 10BASE-5 applications. The internal signals between MAC and the PHY can be routed to pins by asserting the nXENDEC pin low. This feature allows the interface to an external ENDEC and transceiver. The PHY functions can be divided into transmit and receive functions. 9.13 Transmit Functions 9.13.1 Manchester Encoding The PHY encodes the transmit data received from the MAC. The encoded data is directed internally to the selected output driver for transmission over the twisted-pair network or the AUI cable. Data transmission and encoding is initiated by the Transmit Enable input, TXE, going low. 9.13.2 Transmit Drivers The encoded transmit data passes through to the transmit driver pair, TPETXP(N), and its complement, TPETXDP(N). Each output of the transmit driver pair has a source resistance of 10 ohms maximum and a current rating of 25 mA maximum. The degree of predistortion is determined by the termination resistors; the equivalent resistance should be 100 ohms. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 86 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 9.13.3 Jabber Function This integrated function prevents the DTE from locking into a continuous transmit state. In 10BASE-T mode, if transmission continues beyond the specified time limit, the jabber function inhibits further transmission and asserts the collision indicator nCOLL. The limits for jabber transmission are 20 to 15 ms in 10BASE-T mode. In the AUI mode, the jabber function is performed by the external transceiver. 9.13.4 SQE Function In the 10BASE-T mode, the PHY supports the signal quality error (SQE) function. At the end of a transmission, the PHY asserts the nCOLL signal for 10+/-5 bit times beginning 0.6 to 1.6ms after the last positive transition of a transmitted frame. In the AUI mode, the SQE function is performed by the external transceiver. 9.14 Receive Functions 9.14.1 Receive Drivers Differential signals received off the twisted-pair network or AUI cable are directed to the internal clock recovery circuit prior to being decoded for the MAC. 9.14.2 Manchester Decoder and Clock Recovery The PHY performs timing recovery and Manchester decoding of incoming differential signals in 10BASE-T or AUI modes, with its built-in phase-lock loop (PLL). The decoded (NRZ) data, RXD, and the recovered clock, RXCLK, becomes available to the MAC, typically within 9 bit times (5 for AUI) after the assertion of nCRS. The receive clock, RXCLK, is phase-locked to the transmit clock in the absence of a received signal (idle). 9.14.3 Squelch Function The integrated smart squelch circuit employs a combination of amplitude and timing measurements to determine the validity of data received off the network. It prevents noise at the differential inputs from falsely triggering the decoder in the absence of valid data or link test pulses. Signal levels below 300mV (180mV for AUI) or pulse widths less than 15ns at the differential inputs are rejected. Signals above 585mV (300mV for AUI) and pulse widths greater than 30ns will be accepted. When using the extended cable mode with 10BASE-T media which extends beyond the standard limit of 100 meters, the squelch level can optionally be set to reject signals below 180mV and accept signals above 300mV. If the input signal exceeds the squelch requirements, the carrier sense output, nCRS, is asserted. 9.14.4 Reverse Polarity Function In the 10BASE-T mode, the PHY monitors for receiver polarity reversal due to crossed wires and corrects by reversing the signal internally. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 87 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 9.14.5 Collision Detection Function In the 10BASE-T mode, a collision state is indicated when there are simultaneous transmissions and receptions on the twisted pair link. During a collision state, the nCOLL signal is asserted. If the received data ends and the transmit control signal is still active, the transmit data is sent to the MAC within 9 bit times. The nCOLL signal is de-asserted within 9 bit times after the collision terminates. In the AUI mode, the external transceiver sends a 10MHz signal to the PHY upon detection of a collision. 9.14.6 Link Integrity The PHY test for a faulty twisted-pair link. In the absence of transmit data, link test pulses are transmitted every 16+/-8ms after the end of the last transmission or link pulse on the twisted pair medium. If neither valid data nor link test pulses are received within 10 to 150ms, the link is declared bad and both data transmission as well as the operational loopback function are disabled. The Link Integrity function can be disabled for pre-10BASE-T twisted-pair networks. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 88 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 10 Board Setup Information Configuration Register EEPROM WORD ADDRESS IOS Value * 4 Base Register (IOS Value *4) + 1 REGISTER The following parameters are obtained from the EEPROM as board setup information: ETHERNET INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS I/O BASE ADDRESS ROM BASE ADDRESS 8/16 BIT ADAPTER 10BASE-T or AUI INTERFACE INTERRUPT LINE SELECTION All the above mentioned values are read from the EEPROM upon hardware reset. Except for the INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS, the value of the IOS switches determines the offset within the EEPROM for these parameters, in such a way that many identical boards can be plugged into the same system by just changing the IOS jumpers. In order to support a software utility based installation, even if the EEPROM was never programmed, the EEPROM can be written using the LAN91C96. One of the IOS combination is associated with a fixed default value for the key parameters (I/O BASE, ROM BASE, INTERRUPT) that can always be used regardless of the EEPROM based value being programmed. This value will be used if all IOS pins are left open or pulled high. The EEPROM is arranged as a 64 x 16 array. The specific target device is the 9346 1024-bit Serial EEPROM. All EEPROM accesses are done in words. All EEPROM addresses shown are specified as word addresses. INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS 20-22 hexIf IOS2-0 = 7, only the INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS is read from the EEPROM. Currently assigned values are assumed for the other registers. These values are default if the EEPROM read operation follows hardware reset. The EEPROM SELECT bit is used to determine the type of EEPROM operation: a) normal or b) general purpose register. a) NORMAL EEPROM OPERATION - EEPROM SELECT bit = 0 On EEPROM read operations (after reset or after setting RELOAD high) the CONFIGURATION REGISTER and BASE REGISTER are updated with the EEPROM values at locations defined by the IOS2-0 pins. The INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS registers are updated with the values stored in the INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS area of the EEPROM. On EEPROM write operations (after setting the STORE bit) the values of the CONFIGURATION REGISTER and BASE REGISTER are written in the EEPROM locations defined by the IOS2-0 pins. The three least significant bits of the CONTROL REGISTER (EEPROM SELECT, RELOAD and STORE) are used to control the EEPROM. Their values are not stored nor loaded from the EEPROM. b) GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER - EEPROM SELECT bit = 1 On EEPROM read operations (after setting RELOAD high) the EEPROM word address defined by the POINTER REGISTER 6 least significant bits is read into the GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 89 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet On EEPROM write operations (after setting the STORE bit) the value of the GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER is written at the EEPROM word address defined by the POINTER REGISTER 6 least significant bits. RELOAD and STORE are set by the user to initiate read and write operations respectively. Polling the value until read low is used to determine completion. When an EEPROM access is in progress the STORE and RELOAD bits of CTR will read-back as both bits high. No other bits of the LAN91C96 can be read or written until the EEPROM operation completes and both bits are clear. This mechanism is also valid for reset initiated reloads. Note: If no EEPROM is connected to the LAN91C96, the ENEEP pin should be grounded and no accesses to the EEPROM will be attempted. Configuration, Base and Individual Addresses assume their default values upon hardware reset and the CPU is responsible for programming them for their final value. 10.1 Diagnostic LEDs The following LED drive signals are available for diagnostic and installation aid purposes: nTXLED - Activated by transmit activity. nBSELED - Board select LED. Activated when the board space is accessed, namely on accesses to the LAN91C96 register space or the ROM area decoded by the LAN91C96. The signal is stretched to 125 msec. nRXLED - Activated by receive activity. nLINKLED - Reflects the link integrity status. 10.2 Bus Clock Considerations The arbiter exploits the sequential nature of the CPU accesses to provide a very fast access time. Memory bandwidth considerations will have an effect on the CPU cycle time but no effect on access time. For normal 8MHz, 10MHz, and 12.5MHz LOCAL BUS, as well as EISA normal cycles, the LAN91C96 can be accessed without negating ready. See Arbitration Considerations in Functional Description of the Blocks for more details. 10.3 68000 Bus Interface The LAN91C96 enters the 68000 interface mode when nIORD and nIOWR are asserted simultaneously. Once the two are asserted together, the only way to return to the LOCAL BUS interface is by hard resetting the chip. Notice that the chip is required to power up in LOCAL BUS mode to use the 68000 interface. For the first chip access, the first transfer (to the LAN91C96) must be a write. The LAN91C96 uses this write to confirm the 68000 mode. An attempted read may return incorrect data. The LAN91C96 responds to addresses per the base address register contents (as in LOCAL BUS mode). Notice that the worst case access time for the first cycle is the same as that for LOCAL BUS or PCMCIA modes. The following is the Motorola 68000 Processor and the LAN91C96 pin mapping: DS, LDS, or UDS to nIORD/xDS R/nW to nIOWR/R/nW Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 90 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet nAS to nAEN/nAS 68000 Address<23:1> to 91C96 Address Bus DATA to DATA (Upper and lower bytes swapped) Interrupt (if used) to INT0 The following signals MUST be pulled as stated: LAN91C96 Address bit 0 tied low LAN91C96 nSBHE input tied low All INTx must have a 1K to 10K pull-up to keep the line high while the drivers are tri-stated. 16 BITS IOS2-0 W OR D AD DRESS 000 0h CONFIGURATION REG. 1h BASE REG. 4h CONFIGURATION REG. 5h BASE REG. 8h CONFIGURATION REG. 9h BASE REG. Ch CONFIGURATION REG. Dh BASE REG. 10h CONFIGURATION REG. 11h BASE REG. 14h CONFIGURATION REG. 15h BASE REG. 18h CONFIGURATION REG. 19h BASE REG. 20h IA0-1 21h IA2-3 22h IA4-5 001 010 011 100 101 110 XXX FIGURE 10.1 - 64 X 16 SERIAL EEPROM MAP SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 91 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 11 Operational Description 11.1 Maximum Guaranteed Ratings* Operating Temperature Range ...................................................................................................0C to 70C Storage Temperature Range ...............................................................................................-55C to +150C Lead Temperature Range (soldering, 10 seconds) ............................................................................+325C Positive Voltage on any pin, with respect to Ground .....................................................................VCC + 0.3V Negative Voltage on any pin, with respect to Ground ........................................................................... -0.3V Maximum VCC .......................................................................................................................................... +7V *Stresses above those listed above could cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at any other condition above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Note: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes on their outputs when the AC power is switched on or off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. 11.2 DC Electrical Characteristics (TA =0C to 70C, VCC = +5.0 V 10%, or VCC = +3.3 V 10% as noted for Revisions E and later) PARAMETER Input Voltage Levels for Vcc = 5.0V I Type Input Buffer SYMBOL Low Input Level VILI High Input Level IS Type Input Buffer VIHI Low Input Level VILIS High Input Level VIHIS Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis VHYS Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V COMMENTS TTL Levels V 2.0 0.8 2.2 250 Page 92 DATASHEET V Schmitt Trigger V Schmitt Trigger mV SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PARAMETER ICLK Input Buffer SYMBOL Low Input Level VILCK High Input Level VIHCK MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.4 V COMMENTS V 3.3 Input Voltage Levels for Vcc = 3.3V (Revisions E and later) I Type Input Buffer 0.8 V Low Input Level VILI High Input Level IS Type Input Buffer VIHI Low Input Level VILIS High Input Level VIHIS Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis ICLK Input Buffer VHYS Low Input Level VILCK High Input Level VIHCK 2.0 Low Input Leakage IIL -10 +10 A VIN = 0 High Input Leakage IIH -10 +10 A VIN = VCC V 2.0 0.8 2.0 V Schmitt Trigger V Schmitt Trigger mV 165 0.3 V V Input Leakage for Vcc = 5.0V Input Leakage (All I and IS buffers except pins with pullups/pulldowns) Input Leakage for Vcc = 3.3V (Revisions E and later) Input Leakage (All I and IS buffers except pins with pullups/pulldowns) Low Input Leakage IIL -10 +10 A VIN = 0 High Input Leakage IIH -10 +10 A VIN = VCC IIL -150 A VIN = 0 Input Current for Vcc = 5.0V IP Type Buffers Input Current SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v -50 Page 93 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PARAMETER ID Type Buffers Input Current SYMBOL MIN IIH TYP MAX UNITS COMMENTS +50 +150 A VIN = VCC A VIN = 0 +100 A VIN = VCC 0.4 V IOL = 4 mA V IOH = -2 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.5 V IOL = 24 mA V IOH = -12 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.5 V IOL = 24 mA V IOH = -12 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.4 V IOL = 4 mA V IOH = -2 mA Input Current for Vcc = 3.3V (Revisions E and later) IP Type Buffers Input Current ID Type Buffers IIL Input Current IIH -100 -50 +50 Output Voltage for Vcc = 5.0V I/O4 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 I/O24 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 O24 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 O4 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage OD16 Type Buffer ILEAK -10 Low Output Level VOL Output Leakage ILEAK Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) -10 Page 94 DATASHEET +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.5 V IOL = 16 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PARAMETER O162 Type Buffer SYMBOL MIN Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 TYP MAX UNITS COMMENTS 0.5 V IOL = 16 mA V IOH = -2 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.5 V IOL = 24 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.4 V IOL = 2 mA V IOH = -1 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.5 V IOL = 16 mA V IOH = -6 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.5 V IOL = 12 mA V IOH = -6 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.4 V IOL = 2 mA V IOH = -1 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.5 V IOL = 8 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC OD24 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL -10 ILEAK Output Leakage Output Voltage for Vcc = 3.3V (Revisions E and later) I/O4 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 I/O24 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 O24 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 O4 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 OD16 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL Output Leakage ILEAK SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v -10 Page 95 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet PARAMETER O162 Type Buffer SYMBOL MIN Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage ILEAK -10 TYP MAX UNITS COMMENTS 0.5 V IOL = 8 mA V IOH = -1 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 0.5 V IOL = 12 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 95 mA All outputs open. OD24 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL Output Leakage ILEAK Supply Current for Vcc = 5.0V Supply Current Active Supply Current in power down mode -10 ICC 50 ICdwn 8 mA Supply Current for Vcc = 3.3V (Revisions E and later) ICC Supply Current Active 20 Supply Current in power down mode ICdwn 3 mA XTAL2 Output Drive for Vcc = 5.0V XTAL2 Output Drive High XTAL2 Output Drive Low ICX2H ICX2L TBD TBD mA mA mA 64 XTAL2 Output Drive for Vcc = 3.3V (Revisions E and later) XTAL2 Output Drive High ICX2H -6 XTAL2 Output Drive Low ICX2L 3 mA mA All outputs open. @2.4V @0.4V CAPACITANCE TA = 25C; fc = 1MHz; VCC = 5V, or VCC = +3.3V for Revisions E and later PARAMETER Clock Input Capacitance (XTAL1) Clock Output Capacitance (XTAL2) Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) SYMBOL CCIN CCOUT MIN LIMITS TYP 5 MAX 6 UNIT pF 5 6 pF 10 20 pF pF CIN COUT Page 96 DATASHEET TEST CONDITION All pins except pin under test tied to AC ground SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet VCC = 5V +/- 10% PARAMETER MIN 10BASE-T Receiver Threshold Voltage Receiver Squelch Receiver Common Mode Range Transmitter Output: Voltage Source Resistance Transmitter Output DC Offset Transmitter Backswing Voltage to Idle Differential Input Voltage Receiver Threshold Voltage Receiver Squelch Receiver Common Mode Range Transmitter Output Voltage (R=78) Transmitter Backswing Voltage to Idle Input Differential Voltage Output Short Circuit (to VCC or GND) Current 300 0 2 100 400 2.5 0.585 AUI 180 0 0.45 0.3 Differential Idle Voltage (measured 8.0 s after last positive transition of data frame) SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v TYP Page 97 DATASHEET 60 240 0.85 MAX 585 VDD 3 10 50 100 3 300 VDD 1.2 100 1.2 150 40 UNITS mV mV V ohms mV mV V mV mV V mV V mA mV Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet VCC = 3.3V +/- 10% for Revisions E and later PARAMETER MIN 10BASE-T Receiver Threshold Voltage Receiver Squelch Receiver Common Mode Range Transmitter Output: Voltage Source Resistance Transmitter Output DC Offset Transmitter Backswing Voltage to Idle Differential Input Voltage 225 0 +/- 1.3 TYP TBD 260 +/- 1.5 +/- 0.520 AUI Receiver Threshold Voltage Receiver Squelch Receiver Common Mode Range 120 0 +/- 0.39 Transmitter Output Voltage (R=78) Transmitter Backswing Voltage to Idle Input Differential Voltage Output Short Circuit (to VCC or GND) Current +/- 0.25 Differential Idle Voltage (measured 8.0 s after last positive transition of data frame) TBD 140 +/- 0.47 MAX 520 Vdd +/- 1.6 10 50 100 +/- 3 160 Vdd +/- 0.55 100 +/- 0.990 TBD 40 UNITS mV mV V ohms mV mV V mV mV V mV V mA mV CAPACITIVE LOAD ON OUTPUTS nIOCS16, IOCHRDY 240 pF INTR0-3 120 pF All other outputs 45 pF Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 98 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 12 Timing Diagrams t63 t60 A0-9,A15 t62 t61 valid valid t63 t60 nREG nCE1 nWE t64 t57 nOE t59 t65 t58 D0-7 t57 t58 t59 t60 t61 t62 t63 t64 t65 valid valid Parameter min Write Data Setup to nWE Rising Write Data Hold after nWE Rising nOE Low to Valid Data Address, nREG Setup to nWE Active Address, nREG Hold after nOE Inactive Address, nREG Setup to nOE Active Address, nREG Hold after Control Inactive nCE1 Setup to nWE Rising nCE1 Low to Valid Data 30 9 typ max 40 25 15 25 15 60 0 50 units ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Figure 12.1 - Card Configuration Registers - Read/Write PCMCIA Mode (A15=1) SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 99 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-15 AEN, nSBHE VALID ADDRESS VALID ADDRESS t4 t15 nIOCS16 t20 t3 nIORD t6 t5 VALID DATA OUT D0-15 Z Parameter t3 t4 t5 t6 t15 t20 VALID DATA OUT min Address, nSBHE, AEN Setup to Control Active Address, nSBHE, AEN Hold after Control Inactive nIORD Low to Valid Data nIORD High to Data Floating A4-A15, AEN Low, BALE High to nIOCS16 Low Cycle time* typ max 10 20 185 Z units ns ns 25 ns 15 12 ns ns ns BALE Tied High IOCHRDY not used - t20 has to be met *Note: The cycle time is defined only for consecutive accesses to the Data Register. These values assume that IOCHRDY is not used. Figure 12.2 - Local Bus Consecutive Read Cycles Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 100 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet t51 A0-9,A15 t52 valid t49 t47 nREG t48 t50 nCE1,nCE2 t20 nIORD t53 D0-15 valid t46 t46 nINPACK Parameter t46 t47 t48 t20 t49 t50 t51 t52 t53 min nIORD to INPACK Delay nREG Low to Control Active nCE1,nCE2 Setup to Control Active Cycle Time (No Wait States) nREG Hold after Control Active nCE1,nCE2 Hold after Control Inactive Address Setup to Control Active Address Hold after Control Inactive nIORD Active to Data Valid typ 0 5 5 185 0 15 25 15 0 max units 35 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 40 Figure 12.3 - PCMCIA Consecutive Read Cycles SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 101 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-15 AEN, nSBHE VALID ADDRESS VALID ADDRESS t4 t15 nIOCS16 t3 t20 nIOWR t7 D0-15 t8 Parameter t3 t4 t7 t8 t15 t20 VALID DATA VALID DATA IN min Address, nSBHE, AEN Setup to Control Active Address, nSBHE, AEN Hold after Control Inactive Data Setup to nIOWR Rising Data Hold after nIOWR Rising A4-A15, AEN Low, BALE High to nIOCS16 Low Cycle time* typ max units 10 5 ns ns 5 5 ns ns ns 12 185 ns BALE Tied High IOCHRDY not used - t20 has to be met *Note: The cycle time is defined only for consecutive accesses to the Data Register. These values assume that IOCHRDY is not used. Figure 12.4 - Local Bus Consecutive Write Cycles Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 102 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet t51 A0-9,A15 nREG t52 valid t47 t49 t48 t50 nCE1,nCE2 t20 t54 t55 nIOWR D0-15 valid Parameter t47 t48 t49 t50 t51 t52 t20 t54 t55 min nREG Low Setup to Control Active nCE1,nCE2 Setup to Control Active nREG Hold after Control Inactive nCE1,nCE2 Hold after Control Inactive Address Setup to Control Active Address Hold after Control Inactive Cycle Time (No Wait States) Write Data Setup to nIOWR Rising Write Data Hold after nIOWR Rising typ 5 5 0 15 25 15 185 30 9 max units ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Figure 12.5 - PCMCIA Consecutive Write Cycles SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 103 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-15 AEN, nSBHE VALID ADDRESS VALID ADDRESS nIOCS16 t20 nIORD nIOWR t9 Z Z t10 IOCHRDY D0-D15 Z VALID DATA Parameter t9 t10 t20 Z VALID DATA min Control Active to IOCHRDY Low IOCHRDY Low Pulse Width* Cycle time** 100 185 typ max units 12 150 ns ns ns Z *Note: Assuming NO WAIT ST = 0 in configuration register and cycle time observed. **Note: The cycle time is defined only for accesses to the Data Register as follows: For Data Register Read - From nIORD falling to next nIORD falling For Data Register Write - From nIOWR rising to next nIOWR rising Figure 12.6 - Local Bus Consecutive Read and Write Cycles Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 104 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-15 (ISA) AEN, nSBHE VALID ADDRESS nIOCS16 nIORD t9 Z IOCHRDY t18 Z t19 VALID DATA OUT D0-D15 Parameter t9 t18 t19 min typ Control Active to IOCHRDY Low IOCHRDY Width when Data is Unavailable at Data Register Valid Data to IOCHRDY Inactive max units 15 ns 575 225 ns ns IOCHRDY is used instead of meeting t20 and t43. "No Wait St' bit is 1 - IOCHRDY only negated if needed and only for Data Register access. Figure 12.7 - Data Register Special Read Access SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 105 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-15 (ISA) AEN, nSBHE VALID ADDRESS nIOCS16 nIOWR t9 IOCHRDY t18 Z D0-D15 VALID DATA IN Parameter t9 t18 Z min typ Control Active to IOCHRDY Low IOCHRDY Width when Data Register is Full max units 15 425 ns ns IOCHRDY is used instead of meeting t20 and t44. 'No Wait St' bit is 1 - IOCHRDY only negated if needed and only for Data Register access. Figure 12.8 - Data Register Special Write Access Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 106 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-15 (ISA) AEN VALID ADDRESS VALID ADDRESS t3 nIOWR t3 nIORD t7 t8 t5 Z D0-7 Parameter t3 t5 t7 t8 Z VALID DATA OUT min Address, nSBHE, AEN Setup to Control Active nIORD Low to Valid Data Data Setup to nIOWR Rising Data Hold after nIOWR Rising VALID DATA IN typ max 25 40 30 9 units ns ns ns ns Figure 12.9 - 8-Bit Mode Register Cycles SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 107 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet t3 t10 t2 nAS(nAEN) t4 ADD t5 t6 xDS,LDS,UDS (nIORD) t1 R/nW(nIOWR) t7 t9 DATA Figure 12.10 - 68000 Read Timing t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t9 t10 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) MIN 0 45 15 10 0 45 10 0 75 TYP MAX 30 UNIT nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec Page 108 DATASHEET COMMENTS R/nW asserted before nAS nAS assertion time Address setup time Address hold time nAS to xDS deassertion delay xDS assertion time Data setup time (Access time) Data hold time Consecutive reads cycle time SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet t3 t10 t2 nAS (nAEN) t4 ADD t6 t5 t7 xDS,LDS,UDS (nIORD) t1 R/nW (nIOWR) t9 t8 DATA Figure 12.11 - 68000 Write Timing t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v MIN 0 30 15 10 15 0 15 10 10 60 TYP MAX UNIT nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec COMMENTS R/nW assertion before nAS nAS assertion time Address setup time Address hold time nAS to xDS xDS deassertion delay to nAS deassertion xDS assertion time Data setup time Data hold time Cycle time Page 109 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-19 ADDRESS VALID t3 t4 nMEMRD Z D0-15 t16 t17 nROM Parameter min typ max units t3 Address Setup to Control Active 10 ns t4 Address Hold after Control Inactive 20 ns t16 nMEMRD Low to nROM Low(Internal) 0 20 ns t17 nMEMRD High to nROM High(Internal) 0 35 ns BALE tied high Figure 12.12 - External ROM Read Access Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 110 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet t4 AEN A0-15, nSBHE VALID t1 BALE t2 t15 nIOCS16 nIORD nIOWR t1 t2 t3 t4 t15 t5 t3 t5 Parameter min Address, nSBHE Setup to BALE Falling Address, nSBHE Hold after BALE Falling Address, nSBHE, AEN Setup to Control Active AEN Hold after Control Inactive A4-A15, AEN Low, BALE High to nIOCS16 Low BALE Pulse Width 10 5 25 20 typ max units 12 15 ns ns ns ns ns ns t4 not needed. nIOCS16 not relevant in 8-bit mode. Figure 12.13 - Local Bus Register Access When Using Bale SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 111 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-19 VALID t1 t2 BALE t3 nMEMRD t16 t17 nROM Parameter t1 t2 t3 t16 t17 mi n Address Setup to BALE Falling Address Hold after BALE Falling Address Setup to Control Active nMEMRD Low to nROM Low nMEMRD High to nROM High ty p max 10 5 25 20 35 unit s ns ns ns ns ns Figure 12.14 - External ROM Read Access Using Bale Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 112 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet EESK EEDO t68 EEDI EECS t21 Parameter t21 EESK Falling to EECS Changing t68 EESK Falling to EEDO Changing min 0 typ max units 15 ns 25 ns 9346 is typically the serial EEPROM used. Figure 12.15 - EEPROM Read SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 113 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet EESK EEDO t70 EEDI EECS t69 Parameter min typ max units t69 EESK Falling to EECS Changing 5 ns t70 EESK Falling to EEDO Changing 20 ns 9346 is typically the serial EEPROM used. Figure 12.16 - EEPROM Write Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 114 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet A0-9,A15 valid valid nREG nCE1 t67 t67 t67 t67 t67 t67 t67 t67 t67 t67 t67 t67 nFCS nWE t66 nFWE t66 nOE Parameter t66 t67 min typ max units 20 25 ns ns 0 0 nWE to nFWE Delay Address, nREG, nCE1 Delay to nFCS Figure 12.17 - PCMCIA Attribute Memory Read/Write (A15=0) nTXEN TXD TXCLK t22 t22 t22 Parameter min TXD, nTXEN Delay from TXCLK Falling 0 typ max u unit 25 ns Figure 12.18 - External ENDEC Interface - Start of Transmit SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 115 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet t23 t24 RXD RXCLK nCRS t23 Parameter t23 t24 min nCRS, RXD Setup to RXCLK Falling nCRS, RXD Hold after RXCLK Falling typ max 10 30 units ns ns Figure 12.19 - External ENDEC Interface - Receive Data (RXD SAMPLED BY FALLING RXCLK) Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 116 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet TPETXP t31 t31 TPETXN t32 t32 TPETXDN t33 t33 TPETXDP TWISTED PAIR DRIVERS TXP t34 t34 TXN AUI DRIVERS Parameter t31 t32 t33 t34 min TPETXP to TPETXN Skew TPETXP(N) to TPETXDP(N) Delay TPETXDN to TPETXDP Skew TXP to TXN Skew -1 47 -1 -1.5 typ max units +1 53 +1 1.5 ns ns ns ns Figure 12.20 - Differential Output Signal Timing (10BASE-T and AUI) SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 117 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 RECP RECN t35 first bit decoded nCRS (internal) t36 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 TPERXP(N) t37 nCRS (internal) first bit decoded t38 Parameter t35 t36 t37 t38 Noise Pulse Width Reject (AUI) Carrier Sense Turn On Delay (AUI) Noise Sense Pulse Width Reject (10BASE-T) Carrier Sense Turn On Delay (10BASE-T) min typ max units 15 50 15 450 25 70 25 500 30 100 30 550 ns ns ns ns Figure 12.21 - Receive Timing - Start of Frame (AUI and 10BASE-T) Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 118 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet last bit b a 1/0 TPERXP TPERXN RECP RECN t39 nCRS (internal) Parameter t39 min 200 Receiver Turn Off Delay typ max units 300 ns Figure 12.22 - Receive Timing - End of Frame (AUI and 10BASE-T) SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 119 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet t40 t41 TPETXP TPETXN last bit b a 1/0 TXP TXN Parameter t40 t41 min Transmit Output High to Idle in Half-Step Mode Transmit Output High before Idle in Half-Step Mode 200 typ max units 800 ns ns Figure 12.23 - Transmit Timing - End of Frame (AUI and 10BASE-T) Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 120 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet COLLP COLLN t42 t43 COL (internal) Parameter t42 t43 min typ Collision Turn On Delay Collision Turn Off Delay max units 50 350 ns ns Figure 12.24 - Collision Timing (AUI) ADDRESS POINTER REGISTER DATA REGISTER nIOWR t44 nIORD IOCHRDY/ nWAIT (Z) Parameter t44 min Pointer Register Reloaded to a Word of Data Prefetched into Data Register typ 2 * t20 max units ns Note: If t44 is not met, IOCHRDY will be negated for the required time. This parameter can be ignored if IOCHRDY is connected to the system. Figure 12.25 - Memory Read Timing SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 121 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet t1 t2 t2 CLOCK tR tF Figure 12.26 - Input Clock Timing NAME t1 t2 tR, tF DESCRIPTION Clock Cycle Time for 20 MHz Clock High Time/Low Time for 20 MHz Clock Rise Time/Fall Time Xtal1 Startup time (from 1.6v of Vcc rising) Xtal1 Capture Range (Xtal1 frequency variation) Xtal Internal feedback resistor ADDRESS MIN TYP 50 19.7 20/30 5 50 20.3 UNITS ns ns ns msec MHz 1 3 Meg Ohm 30/20 DATA REGISTER MAX POINTER REGISTER nIOWR t45 Parameter t45 min typ 2 * t20 Last Access to Data Register to Pointer Reloaded max units ns Figure 12.27 - Memory Write Timing Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 122 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Figure 12.28 - 100 PIN QFP Package A A1 A2 D D1 E E1 H L L1 e MIN ~ 0.05 2.55 23.65 19.90 17.65 13.90 0.11 0.73 ~ NOMINAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.88 1.95 0.65 Basic ~ MAX 3.4 0.5 3.05 24.15 20.10 18.15 14.10 0.23 1.03 ~ REMARKS Overall Package Height Standoff Body Thickness X Span X body Size Y Span Y body Size Lead Frame Thickness Lead Foot Length Lead Length Lead Pitch Lead Foot Angle 0o 7o W 0.20 ~ 0.40 Lead Width R1 0.10 ~ 0.25 Lead Shoulder Radius R2 0.15 ~ 0.40 Lead Foot Radius ccc ~ ~ 0.10 Coplanarity Notes: 1 Controlling Unit: millimeter. 2 Tolerance on the true position of the leads is 0.065 mm maximum 3 Package body dimensions D1 and E1 do not include the mold protrusion. Maximum mold protrusion is 0.25 mm. 4 Dimension for foot length L measured at the gauge plane 0.25 mm above the seating plane. 5 Details of pin 1 identifier are optional but must be located within the zone indicated. SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Page 123 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Figure 12.29 - 100 PIN TQFP Package MIN NOMINAL MAX REMARKS A ~ ~ 1.20 Overall Package Height A1 0.05 ~ 0.15 Standoff A2 0.95 ~ 1.05 Body Thickness D 15.80 ~ 16.20 X Span D1 13.90 ~ 14.10 X body Size E 15.80 ~ 16.20 Y Span E1 13.90 ~ 14.10 Y body Size H 0.09 ~ 0.20 Lead Frame Thickness L 0.45 0.60 0.75 Lead Foot Length L1 ~ 1.00 ~ Lead Length e 0.50 Basic Lead Pitch 0o ~ 7o Lead Foot Angle W 0.17 0.22 0.27 Lead Width R1 0.08 ~ ~ Lead Shoulder Radius R2 0.08 ~ 0.20 Lead Foot Radius ccc ~ ~ 0.08 Coplanarity Notes: 1 Controlling Unit: millimeter. 2 Tolerance on the true position of the leads is 0.04 mm maximum. 3 Package body dimensions D1 and E1 do not include the mold protrusion. Maximum mold protrusion is 0.25 mm. 4 Dimension for foot length L measured at the gauge plane 0.25 mm above the seating plane. 5 Details of pin 1 identifier are optional but must be located within the zone indicated. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 124 DATASHEET SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller with Magic Packet Datasheet Chapter 13 LAN91C96 Revisions PAGE(S) SECTION/FIGURE/ENTRY 2 ~ 2 92 Ordering Information All Ordering Information DC Electrical Characteristics 65 Theory of Operation (Magic Packet Support section) I/O Space - Bank1 Offset 2 50 124~125 17 58 61 59 67 CORRECTION Fig.12.28100 pin QFP Package; Fig.12.28100 Pin TQFP Package; Chapter 4 Description of Pin Functions IO Space Bank 2 Offset 2 - Interrupt 1 Figure 7.1 - Interrupt Structure Bank 3 Offset A - Revision Register 8.1, 8.2 Typical Flow of Events for Transmit Title and document 70 38 38 Figure 8.1 - Interrupt Service Routine Figure 6.1 - Data Frame Format Data area in ram 25 108 Figure 7 DC Electrical Characteristics 80 38 38 Figure 15 Figure 6.1 - Data Frame Format Data area in ram 25 108 Figure 7 DC Electrical Characteristics 80 56 Figure 15 I/O Space - Bank 2/ Top of RX FIFO Packet Number 21 92 99 Buffer Symbols DC Electrical Characteristics Timing Diagrams SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v DATE REVISED Leaded removed Fixed various typos Added lead-free ordering information Modified Supply Current in power down mode Modified descriptions of Magic Packet Support Modified I/O base address 300h decoding Updated Pin Package diagrams 10/24/08 07/28/08 09/10/04 08/11/04 Added description of RBIAS pin 07/01/02 Modified the description of Interrupt Registers Modified Interrupt Structure Figure Changed the REV ID to 9 Modified the flow chart 07/01/02 Non-PCI replaced ISA/PCMCIA in title. Local Bus replaced ISA throughout document. Figure has been updated. Max Offset changed to 1534 from 1536 Number of Bytes in Data Area changed to 1531 from 2034 Updated Figure 7 Updated 3.3V Characteristic Numbers replaced TBD Updated figure 15 Max Offset changed to 1534 from 1536 Number of Bytes in Data Area changed to 1531 from 2034 Updated Figure 7 Updated 3.3V Characteristic Numbers replaced TBD Updated figure 15 MMU Commands changed from 3, 4 to 6, 8 See italicized text See italicized text Updated table - see italicized text Figures: 20-23, 25, 29, 31-33, 35-37 04/15/02 Page 125 DATASHEET 08/11/04 09/30/02 09/17/02 07/01/02 07/01/02 07/01/02 04/15/02 07/27/01 07/27/01 07/27/01 07/27/01 03/21/01 07/27/01 07/27/01 07/27/01 07/27/01 03/21/01 07/18/00 06/29/00 06/29/00 06/29/00 Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Microchip: LAN91C96I-MU LAN91C96I-MS