Sound Processors for Home Theater Systems 6.1ch Sound Processor BD3816K1,BD3817KS No.10081EAT06 Description The BD3816K1 and BD3817KS are 6.1ch sound processors. Functions required for applications, such as AV receivers and home theater systems, are integrated into a single chip. A wide dynamic range of 132dB is achieved by utilizing the BiCMOS process. Features 1) Dynamic range: 132dB (Volume Direct Mode, VOL=MUTE, IHF-A) 2) Independent 7 channels for Master Volume (0 to -95 dB, MUTE 1dB/Step) nd nd 3) Supporting 2 room entertainment/2 source recording. 4) Low current consumption design achieved by adopting the Bi-CMOS process. 5) Maximum output voltage: 4.2Vrms (VCC=7V, VEE=-7V, RL=10k). 6) Built-in Input Gain Amp useful for amplifying input signals (0-7dB, 1dB/Step). 7) Built-in Output Gain Amp useful for adjusting output signal voltages (0-17dB, 1dB/Step) 8) Built-in mixing circuit for distributing the output signals from Center and Subwoofer channel to Front R/L channels (0, -3, -4.5dB). 9) 2ch Volume control BD3812F or 6ch Function Switch BD3843FS can be controlled simultaneously by the serial control bus. 10) REC A output terminal with a REC input/output switch useful for monitoring Equalizer Amp. (For BD3816K1, available as an input function of the seventh line.) 11) Output mute controlled by either serial data or an external control terminal. 12) 2-wire serial control (For both 3.3V and 5V) Applications AV receivers, home theater systems, and mini-audio systems. Line up matrix Parameter BD3816K1 BD3817KS Number of Input Selectors 6(+1) inputs ROUTA terminal: available as an input selector of the seventh line 10 inputs, 2 outputs 0 ~ 7dB 1dB/step 0 ~ 7dB 1dB/step 0 ~ -95dB 1dB/step7ch 0 ~ -95dB 1dB/step7ch Bass, Treble 14dB 2dB/step 14dB 2dB/step Output Gain 0 ~ 17dB 1dB/step 0 ~ 17dB 1dB/step Yes Yes QFP80 SQFP100 Input Gain Volume Mixing Package (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 1/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25) Parameter Symbol Ratings 7.5 *1 VCC Power Supply Voltage VEE Power Dissipation Unit V -7.5 1200 (BD3816K1) Pd *2 1300 (BD3817KS) mW Operating Temperature Range Topr -20 ~ +75 Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55 ~ +125 *1 *2 Even in the specified range of Power Supply Voltage, applying voltage only to the VCC side may cause an excessive current to give a permanent damage to the IC. When starting up power supplies, VEE and VCC should be powered on simultaneously or VEE first; then followed by VCC. Reduced by 12 mW/ over 25 (BD3816K1), when installed on the standard board (size: 70x70x1.6mm). Reduced by 13 mW/ over 25 (BD3817KS), when installed on the standard board (size: 70x70x1.6mm) Operating conditions Must function normally at Ta=25C. Parameter Symbol Operating source voltage Ratings Min. Typ. Max. VCC 5.0 7.0 7.3 VEE -7.3 -7.0 -5.0 Unit V Electrical characteristics Ta=25, VCC=7V, f=1kHz, Vin=1Vrms, RL=10k, Rg=600, Input Gain=0dB, Volume=0dB, Output Gain=0dB, Bass=0dB, Treble=0dB, Mixing c/sw=OFF, unless otherwise noted. Limits Parameter Symbol Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max. 24 40 -40 -24 Gv -2 0 2 dB THD 0.001 0.03 % Vomax 3.6 4.2 Vrms 2.0 12 Vrms 1.5 8 Vrms 1.2 8 Vrms VCC Circuit Current mA No signal IQ VEE Output Voltage Gain Total Harmonic Distortion Ratio Maximum Output Voltage Output Noise Voltage Vno BW=400Hz-30kHz THD=1% Rg=0, BW=IHF-A (Output gain ON, Tone ON) Rg=0, BW=IHF-A (Output gain ON, Tone OFF) Rg=0, BW=IHF-A (*OM=Volume Direct) Cross-talk between Channels CTC -95 -80 dB Rg=0, BW=IHF-A Cross-talk between Selectors CTS -95 -80 dB Rg=0, BW=IHF-A Volume Output Voltage GVV -2 0 2 dB Volume Total Harmonic Distortion Ratio THDV 0.001 0.03 % BW=400Hz-30kHz Volume Output Noise Voltage VnoV 1.2 8 Vrms Rg=0, BW=IHF-A (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Parameter Symbol Limits Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions Vin=3Vrms *OM=Volume Direct 0 to -53dB, Vin=3Vrms *OM=Volume Direct -54dB to -95dB, Vin=3Vrms *OM=Volume Direct Vin=3Vrms, BW=IHF-A *OM=Volume Direct Volume Control Range VOL -97.5 -95 -92.5 dB Volume Setting Error 1 VOLE1 -1.5 0 1.5 dB Volume Setting Error 2 VOLE2 -2.5 0 2.5 dB Maximum Attenuation VOLmin -115 -105 dB Treble Maximum Boost Gain GTB 12 14 16 dB f=15kHz, Vin=0.4Vrms Treble Maximum Cut Gain GTC -16 -14 -12 dB f=15kHz, Vin=0.4Vrms Treble Step Resolution TR 2 dB f=15kHz, Vin=0.4Vrms Treble Gain Setting Error TE -2 0 2 dB f=15kHz, Vin=0.4Vrms Bass Maximum Boost Gain GBB 12 14 16 dB f=100Hz, Vin=0.4Vrms Bass Maximum Cut Gain GBC -16 -14 -12 dB f=100Hz, Vin=0.4Vrms Bass Step Resolution BR 2 dB f=100Hz, Vin=0.4Vrms Bass Gain Setting Error BE -2 0 2 dB f=100Hz, Vin=0.4Vrms C Mixing Gain Control Range GMCG -6.5 -4.5 -2.5 dB *OM=Volume Direct C Mixing Gain Setting Error GMCE -2 0 2 dB *OM=Volume Direct SW Mixing Gain Control Range GMSW G -6.5 -4.5 -2.5 dB *OM=Volume Direct GMSWE -2 0 2 dB *OM=Volume Direct Input Gain Control Range GIG 5 7 9 dB Input Gain Setting Error GIE -2 0 2 dB Output Gain Control Range GOG 15 17 19 dB Output Gain Setting Error GOE -2 0 2 dB ROUT Output Impedance RoutR 20 100 GVR -2 0 2 dB RL=47k THDR 0.005 0.09 % RL=47k, BW=400Hz-30kHz SW Mixing Gain Setting Error ROUT Voltage Gain ROUT Total Harmonic Distortion Ratio Vin=0.4Vrms *OM=Volume Direct Vin=0.4Vrms *OM=Volume Direct Vin=0.4Vrms *OM=Output gain ON(Tone OFF) Vin=0.4Vrms *OM=Output gain ON(Tone OFF) * OM:Output mode * Note: This IC is not designed to be radiation-resistant. (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 3/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Timing chart 1) Signal Timing Conditions Data is read on the rising edge of the clock. Latch is read out on the falling edge of the clock. Latch signal must terminate with the LOW state. * To avoid malfunctions, clock and data signals must terminate with the LOW state. 1byte=17bit CL 90% tsu 90% twc CLOCK 10% thd 90% 90% 10% 10% twc ts th tsd thd tsl thl DA DATA 90% twd LATCH 90% DATA 90% 90% twh DATA 10% 10% 10% 90% twl LATCH Terminate with Low Fig. 1 Parameter Symbol Limits Min. Typ. Max. Unit Minimum Clock Width twc 1.0 s Minimum Data Width twd 1.0 s Minimum Latch Width twl 1.0 s LOW Hold Width twh 1.0 s Data Set-up Time (DATACLK) tsd 0.5 s Data Hold Time (CLKDATA) thd 0.5 s Latch Set-up Time (CLKLATCH) tsl 0.5 s Latch Hold Time (DATALATCH) thl 0.5 s Latch Low Set-up Time ts 0.5 s Latch Low Hold Time th 0.5 s 2) Voltage Conditions for Control Signals Parameter "H" Input Voltage "L" Input Voltage Condition Vcc=5 ~ 7.3V VEE=-5 ~ -7.3V (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Limits Unit Min. Typ. Max. (Vcc) 2.2 5.5 V 0 1.0 V 4/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS 3) Control Data Format List Data input Direction MSB D16 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 Data D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Data Select Address Select Address (1)BD3816K1 Control Data Formats D16 Data Data D15 D14 D12 D11 6.1ch select FRL select D16 D13 D15 D14 D10 D9 D8 D16 D15 D14 D12 D11 D13 D12 D11 Treble D16 Data D15 D10 D9 D8 D13 Input gain FRLch D16 Data D15 D12 D11 D16 Data D15 D14 D13 D12 D14 D16 D15 D12 D11 D16 D15 D8 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D14 D9 D13 D12 D7 D8 D10 D9 D11 D5 D6 D5 Mixing SWch D7 D6 D5 Input gain CBch D8 D7 D6 D5 Input gain SWch D0 D9 D8 D0 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D9 D8 D7 D6 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 1 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 0 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 1 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 1 D2 D1 D0 0 1 0 D2 D1 D0 0 1 1 D7 D2 D1 D0 1 0 1 D4 D5 D3 D4 D3 SLch D6 D5 Master volume and Output gain Cch D3 FLch Master volume and Output gain D10 D4 0 Master volume and Output gain SRch Master volume and Output gain D6 Mixing Cch FRch Master volume and Output gain Data D9 SWch D13 D7 Input gain Cch D11 Master volume and Output gain Data D10 Input gain SRLch Master volume and Output gain D5 0 Bass D14 D6 0 REC A Output REC B REC C mode select mode select Data D7 Input select D13 LSB D0 D1 D4 D3 CBch By changing Select Address, eight different control formats are selectable. For Select Address, the values, except for those shown above, must not be specified. At power-on sequence, initialize all data. (Example) MSB Data input Direction LSB MSB LSB Data L Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data L "L" means latch. After power-on, for the second and subsequent times, only the necessary data can be selected for setting. Example: When changing the input gain in the example: Data input Direction MSB Data LSB L "L" means latch. (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 5/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Select Address (2)BD3817K1 Control Data Formats D16 D15 Data FRL select D14 D16 D14 Data Data Data Data Data Data Data D15 D13 D12 D11 6.1ch select D10 D9 D8 Input select1 D13 D12 D11 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 Treble D16 D10 D9 D8 D15 D14 D13 D16 D15 D12 D11 D16 D15 D14 D13 D12 D14 D15 D12 D11 D15 D8 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D14 D9 D8 D10 D9 D13 D12 D11 D5 D7 D6 D5 Mixing SWch D7 D6 D5 Input gain CBch D8 D7 D6 D5 Input gain SWch D0 D9 D8 D0 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D9 D8 D7 D6 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 1 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 0 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 1 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 1 D2 D1 D0 0 1 0 D2 D1 D0 0 1 1 D7 D2 D1 D0 1 0 1 D4 D5 D3 D4 D3 SLch D6 D5 Master volume and Output gain Cch D3 FLch Master volume and Output gain D10 D4 0 Master volume and Output gain SRch Master volume and Output gain D6 Mixing Cch FRch Master volume and Output gain D16 D9 SWch D13 D7 Input gain Cch D11 Master volume and Output gain D16 D10 Input gain SRLch Master volume and Output gain D5 0 Bass Input gain FRLch D6 Input select2 REC A Output REC B REC C mode select mode select D16 D7 D4 D3 CBch By changing Select Address, eight different control formats are selectable. For Select Address, the values, except for those shown above, must not be specified. At power-on sequence, initialize all data. Example: Data input Direction MSB LSB MSB LSB Data L Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data MSB L LSB Data L "L" means latch. After power-on, for the second and subsequent times, only the necessary data can be selected for setting. Example: When changing the input gain in the example: Data input Direction MSB LSB Data L "L" means latch. (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 6/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Block diagram, application circuit 74 73 AGN D VEE VCC 72 69 68 67 66 47 THGND 75 MUTE 76 CL 77 DA 78 47 L 470k VIDEO R 470k L 470k TAPE R 470k L 470k MD/DAT R 470k AGND 79 + 80 + AGND 1) BD3816K1 71 70 65 10 R MD/DAT L R TAPE L R TUNER L R VIDEO L R PHONO L 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k REC A VCC + VEE 64 2 63 3 62 ING SW + 10 61 4 60 5 Input select TREBLE 6 59 7 58 8 BASS Output mode select 57 56 9 10 55 + 11 + 12 13 FRL select AGND 4700p 4700p 0.1 4.7k 0.1 0.1 4.7k 0.1 54 OUTFR 53 OUTFL 52 AGND 51 OUTC 14 FR 15 50 OUTSR 16 49 OUTSL 17 48 OUTCB 18 47 AGND 19 46 OUTSW 45 AGND SR SL CB SW 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k AGND OUT 1 TO DSP OUT 2 + 10 + 20 Master volume 21 44 10 22 43 6.1ch select 23 42 24 41 + C 47k + AGND FL DVD 47k REC B 1 AGND R CD L REC C LOGIC 10 10 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 + 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 k k k k k k k 10 AGND AGND FR FL C SR SL CB SW 36 AGND 37 38 + 10 39 40 + 10 UNIT RESISTANCE CAPACITOR:F DSP Fig. 2 (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 7/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS AGND AGND R CD L R MD L R DAT L R TAPE L VEE NC 88 2 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 A C E R B C E R 79 Input select1 Input select2 +10 LOGIC VEE VCC C C E R THGND 89 47 VCC 90 91 MUTE 92 +47 100k 100k L R AGND MA/DAT 93 CL 94 100k L 100k 100k 95 DA 96 4 77 5 76 47k TREBLE 6 75 7 74 47k BASS Output mode select 8 47k 4700p 4700p 4.7k 73 0.1 9 72 47k 10 4.7k 0.1 71 0.1 47k 11 + OUTFR 70 69 NC 12 47k 13 + 68 OUTFL 14 67 AGND 15 66 OUTC 16 65 OUTSR 17 64 OUTSL 18 63 OUTCB 19 62 AGND 61 OUTSW 47k 47k 47k 47k 47k R AUX L 47k R PHONO L 47k 20 Master volume 47k 21 60 NC FRL select 22 59 AGND 47k AGND 23 58 24 57 25 56 26 55 27 54 28 53 +10 47k FL 47k C 47k SR 47k SL AGND 0.1 47k 47k DVD +10 78 47k R VIDEO1 L FR 97 + 47k 47k R VIDEO3 L 98 1 3 R TUNER L R VIDEO2 L 99 AGND 100 R TAPE VIDEO R L 100k AGND AGND OUT 2 OUT 1 TO DSP2 2) BD3817KS 47k 29 CB 52 47k +10 46 47 48 49 50 AGND 10 AGND + NC 45 47k SW +10 51 NC 44 47k 43 CB SL 47k DSP C 47k 42 47k 41 47k 40 SR 39 47k NC 38 FL 37 FR AGND 36 NC 35 NC 34 AOUT2 10 33 10 + 32 TO DSP AGND 31 AOUT1 47k 30 + SW 6.1ch select +10 UN SISTANCE CAPACITOR:F Fig. 3 (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 8/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Equivalent circuit BD3816K1 BD3817KS Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. Pin Name Pin Voltage Equivalent circuit 1 14 22 25 33 36 45 47 52 61 70 73 80 AGND1 AGND2 AGND3 AGND4 AGND5 AGND6 AGND7 AGND8 AGND9 AGND10 A G N D 11 AGND12 AGND13 1 2 23 31 35 46 50 59 62 67 77 86 90 97 100 AGND1 AGND2 AGND3 AGND4 AGND5 AGND6 AGND7 AGND8 AGND9 AGND10 A G N D 11 AGND12 AGND13 AGND14 AGND15 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 INA1 INA2 INB1 INB2 INC1 INC2 IND1 IND2 INE1 INE2 INF1 INF2 ING1 ING2 INH1 INH2 INI1 INI2 INJ1 INJ2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 INDVDFR INDVDFL INDVDC INDVDSR INDVDSL INDVDCB INDVDSW INDSPFR INDSPFL INDSPC INDSPSR INDSPSL INDSPCB INDSPSW 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 INA1 INA2 INB1 INB2 INC1 INC2 IND1 IND2 INE1 INE2 INF1 INF2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 INDVDFR INDVDFL INDVDC INDVDSR INDVDSL INDVDCB INDVDSW INDSPFR INDSPFL INDSPC INDSPSR INDSPSL INDSPCB INDSPSW (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Description Ground pins VCC Signal input pins; the recommended Input Impedance value is 47k, provided by an external resistance. 0 VEE VCC Signal input pins; the recommended Input Impedance value is 47k, provided by an external resistance. 0 VEE 9/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS BD3816K1 BD3817KS Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. Pin Name 23 24 46 48 49 50 51 53 54 OUT1 OUT2 OUTSW OUTCB OUTSL OUTSR OUTC OUTFL OUTFR 32 33 61 63 64 65 66 68 70 AOUT1 AOUT2 OUTSW OUTCB OUTSL OUTSR OUTC OUTFL OUTFR Pin Voltage Equivalent circuit Description VCC Signal output pins 0 VEE VCC 34 37 39 41 43 63 65 GOUTSW GOUTCB GOUTSL GOUTSR GOUTC GOUTFL GOUTFR 48 51 53 55 57 79 81 GOUTSW GOUTCB GOUTSL GOUTSR GOUTC GOUTFL GOUTFR Signal output from input gain pins 0 VEE VCC 35 38 40 42 44 62 64 VINSW VINCB VINSL VINSR VINC VINFL VINFR 49 52 54 56 58 78 80 VINSW VINCB VINSL VINSR VINC VINFL VINFR Signal input to master volume pins, Input Impedance: 20k(at Typ.) 0 VEE VCC 55 57 BNFB2 BNFB1 71 73 BNFB2 BNFB1 Bass frequency characteristic and gain setting pins 0 VEE (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 10/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS BD3816K1 Pin No. Pin Name BD3817KS Pin No. Pin Name Pin Voltage Equivalent circuit Description VCC 56 58 BNFA2 BNFA1 72 74 BNFA2 BNFA1 Bass frequency characteristic and gain setting pins 0 VEE VCC 59 60 TNF2 TNF1 75 76 TNF2 TNF1 Treble frequency characteristic and gain setting pins 0 VEE 66 THGND 82 THGND 0 Ground pin for Comparator VCC 67 MUTE 83 MUTE External mute pin 200k VEE VCC 68 CL 84 CL Serial clock input pin VEE (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 11/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS BD3816K1 Pin No. Pin Name BD3817KS Pin No. Pin Name Pin Voltage Equivalent circuit Description VCC 69 DA DA Serial data input pin VEE 71 VEE VEE Negative power supply pin 72 VCC VCC Positive power supply pin VCC 0 74 75 ROUTA1 ROUTA2 ROUTA1 ROUTA2 Input/output for REC pins VEE VCC 76 77 78 79 ROUTB1 ROUTB2 ROUTC1 ROUTC2 ROUTB1 ROUTB2 ROUTC1 ROUTC2 0 Signal output for REC pins VEE VCC 98 99 OUT1 OUT2 Signal output pins 0 VEE (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 12/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Setting constants for tone control filters 1) Treble filter 1 IN fc= OUT + (Hz) 2R2C - R1+R2+Zc R1 G = 20log (dB) R2+Zc R2 1 Pin 75,76 Zc= () jC C G Standard values of R1, R2 (reference) Resistance (K) *Typ. Treble Boost Amount Cut Amount R1 R2 0dB 0 20 2dB 4.1 15.9 4dB 7.3 12.7 3dB G 6dB 10.3 9.7 8dB 12.3 7.7 10dB 14.0 6.0 12dB 15.4 4.6 14dB 16.5 3.5 f fc G 3dB *The actual boost /cut amount may deviate from the standard values in some degree. Fig. 5 (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 13/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS 2) Bass filter 1 fo = IN + R3 Q = R1(R2 + R3)C1C2 2 1 C1C2R2 C1 + C2 R1 (HZ) R2 When C1=C2 Pin72,74 R3 R2 + Pin71,73 C1 G 20log C2 R1 R1 R3 + 2 (dB) + 2 R1 Fig. 6 G Standard values of R2, R3 (reference) (R1=4.7K,C1=C2=0.1F) Resistance (K) Boost Amount *Typ. Cut Amount R2 R3 0dB 0 39.5 2dB 10.3 29.2 G f fo 4dB 18.4 21.1 6dB 24.8 14.7 8dB 29.9 9.6 10dB 33.8 12dB 14dB G 5.7 Fig. 7 36.9 2.6 * Bass Filter Feature 39.5 0 To be able to set the f0 and Q factors of Bass characteristics to desired values, part of the Bass Filter is constructed of the external components, shown in Fig.6 *The actual boost/cut amounts may deviate from the standard values in some degree. (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 14/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS VEE 0 2 4 6 8 10 10 1 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.001 10 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.0001 0.001 INPUT VOLTAGE(Vrms) VCC,VEE(V) Fig.8 Circuit Current - Voltage Supply GAIN(dB) 4 2 0 07dB 1dB/step 10 100 1000 10000 100000 017dB 1dB/step 3.0 OUTPUT GAIN/TONE ON 2.0 OUTPUT GAIN ON 1.0 VOLUME DIRECT 0.0 10 100 1000 10000 100000 0 FREQUENCY (Hz) GAIN(dB) GAIN(dB) 5 0 -5 -14+14dB, 2dB/step -10 -15 5 0 -5 -14+14dB, 2dB/step -10 -15 -14dB -14dB -20 -20 10 10 100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000 100000 100000 FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY(Hz) Fig.14 Bass Gain - Frequency 8 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 INPUT VOLTAGE(Vrms) Fig.15 Treble Gain - Frequency 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE(Vrms) 10 10 6 10 +14dB 15 4 Fig.13 Output Noise Voltage Power Supply Voltage 20 +14dB 15 2 VCC,VEE(V) Fig.12 Output Gain - Frequency 20 10 4.0 12 10 8 6 4 FREQUENCY (Hz) Fig.11 Input Gain - Frequency 1 5.0 2 0 -2 -2 0.1 Fig.10 Total Harmonic Distortion Input Voltage 18 16 14 6 0.01 INPUT VOLTAGE(Vrms) Fig.9 Output Voltage - Input Voltage 8 GAIN(dB) THD+N(%) VCC NOISE(Vrms) CIRCUIT CURRENT (mA) 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 OUTPUT VOLTAGE(Vrms) Reference data Fig.16 REC Output Voltage Input Voltage 2 1 GAIN(dB) THD+N(%) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 -1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 INPUT VOLTAGE(Vrms) -2 10 100 1000 10000 100000 FREQUENCY(Hz) Fig.17 REC Total Harmonic Distortion - Input Voltage (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Fig.18 REC Voltage Gain Frequency 15/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Notes for use 1. Numbers and data in entries are representative design values and are not guaranteed values of the items. 2. Although ROHM is confident that the example application circuit reflects the best possible recommendations, be sure to verify circuit characteristics for your particular application. Modification of constants for other externally connected circuits may cause variations in both static and transient characteristics for external components as well as this Rohm IC. Allow for sufficient margins when determining circuit constants. 3. Absolute maximum ratings Use of the IC in excess of absolute maximum ratings, such as the applied voltage or operating temperature range (Topr), may result in IC damage. Assumptions should not be made regarding the state of the IC (short mode or open mode) when such damage is suffered. A physical safety measure, such as a fuse, should be implemented when using the IC at times where the absolute maximum ratings may be exceeded. 4. VEE potential Make the VEE pin voltage such that it is the lowest voltage even when operating below it. Actually confirm that the voltage of each pin does not become a lower voltage than the VEE pin, including transient phenomena. 5. Thermal design Perform thermal design, in which there are adequate margins, by taking into account the power dissipation (Pd) in actual states of use. 6. Short circuit between terminals and erroneous mounting Pay attention to the assembly Direction of the ICs. Wrong mounting Direction or shorts between terminals, GND, or other components on the circuits, can damage the IC. 7. Operation in strong electromagnetic field Using the ICs in a strong electromagnetic field can cause operation malfunction. 8. Operating Voltage Range and Operating Temperature Range The circuit functional operations are guaranteed within the Operating Voltage Range and Operating Temperature Range. The standard values of electrical characteristics, however, are guaranteed under the specific conditions. Accordingly, careful consideration of the IC characteristic variations is required to design a set of circuit. 9. Power ON/OFF (a) At power ON/OFF, a shock sound will be generated. Therefore, use MUTE on the set. (b) When turning on power supplies, VEE and VCC should be powered on simultaneously, or VEE first followed by VCC. If the VCC side is started up first, an excessive current may flow from VCC to VEE. 10. Serial control For the CL and DA terminals, the patterned and other wirings should be routed as not to cause interference with the analog-signal-related lines. 11. Function switching For the all functions other than Master Volume, Treble, and Bass Gain Settings, use MUTE on the set. (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 16/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Technical Note BD3816K1,BD3817KS Ordering part number B D 3 Part No. 8 1 6 K Part No. 3816 3817 1 Package K1: QFP80 KS: SQFP100 Packaging and forming specification None:Tray QFP80 24.00.3 20.00.2 41 65 40 80 25 14.00.2 24 Tray (with dry pack) Quantity 500pcs Direction of feed Direction of product is fixed in a tray 0.150.1 0.05 2.70.1 1 Container 1pin 1.2 18.00.3 64 0.15 0.8 0.350.1 Order quantity needs to be multiple of the minimum quantity. (Unit : mm) SQFP100 24.00.3 20.00.2 51 81 50 100 31 1.2 14.00.2 18.00.3 80 Container Tray (with dry pack) Quantity 500pcs Direction of feed Direction of product is fixed in a tray 1pin 30 1 0.05 2.70.1 0.150.1 0.15 0.65 0.30.1 Order quantity needs to be multiple of the minimum quantity. (Unit : mm) (c) 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 17/17 2010.06 - Rev.A Datasheet Notice Precaution on using ROHM Products 1. Our Products are designed and manufactured for application in ordinary electronic equipments (such as AV equipment, OA equipment, telecommunication equipment, home electronic appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). If you (Note 1) , transport intend to use our Products in devices requiring extremely high reliability (such as medical equipment equipment, traffic equipment, aircraft/spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel controllers, car equipment including car accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or failure may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or serious damage to property ("Specific Applications"), please consult with the ROHM sales representative in advance. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ROHM in advance, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any ROHM's Products for Specific Applications. (Note1) Medical Equipment Classification of the Specific Applications JAPAN USA EU CHINA CLASS CLASSb CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS 2. ROHM designs and manufactures its Products subject to strict quality control system. However, semiconductor products can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. Please be sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe design against the physical injury, damage to any property, which a failure or malfunction of our Products may cause. The following are examples of safety measures: [a] Installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety [b] Installation of redundant circuits to reduce the impact of single or multiple circuit failure 3. Our Products are designed and manufactured for use under standard conditions and not under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions, as exemplified below. Accordingly, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses arising from the use of any ROHM's Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions. If you intend to use our Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions (as exemplified below), your independent verification and confirmation of product performance, reliability, etc, prior to use, must be necessary: [a] Use of our Products in any types of liquid, including water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents [b] Use of our Products outdoors or in places where the Products are exposed to direct sunlight or dust [c] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to sea wind or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [d] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves [e] Use of our Products in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items [f] Sealing or coating our Products with resin or other coating materials [g] Use of our Products without cleaning residue of flux (even if you use no-clean type fluxes, cleaning residue of flux is recommended); or Washing our Products by using water or water-soluble cleaning agents for cleaning residue after soldering [h] Use of the Products in places subject to dew condensation 4. The Products are not subject to radiation-proof design. 5. Please verify and confirm characteristics of the final or mounted products in using the Products. 6. In particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short period of time, such as pulse. is applied, confirmation of performance characteristics after on-board mounting is strongly recommended. Avoid applying power exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state loading condition may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 7. De-rate Power Dissipation (Pd) depending on Ambient temperature (Ta). When used in sealed area, confirm the actual ambient temperature. 8. Confirm that operation temperature is within the specified range described in the product specification. 9. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure induced under deviant condition from what is defined in this document. Precaution for Mounting / Circuit board design 1. When a highly active halogenous (chlorine, bromine, etc.) flux is used, the residue of flux may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 2. In principle, the reflow soldering method must be used; if flow soldering method is preferred, please consult with the ROHM representative in advance. For details, please refer to ROHM Mounting specification Notice - GE (c) 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev.002 Datasheet Precautions Regarding Application Examples and External Circuits 1. If change is made to the constant of an external circuit, please allow a sufficient margin considering variations of the characteristics of the Products and external components, including transient characteristics, as well as static characteristics. 2. You agree that application notes, reference designs, and associated data and information contained in this document are presented only as guidance for Products use. Therefore, in case you use such information, you are solely responsible for it and you must exercise your own independent verification and judgment in the use of such information contained in this document. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information. Precaution for Electrostatic This Product is electrostatic sensitive product, which may be damaged due to electrostatic discharge. Please take proper caution in your manufacturing process and storage so that voltage exceeding the Products maximum rating will not be applied to Products. Please take special care under dry condition (e.g. Grounding of human body / equipment / solder iron, isolation from charged objects, setting of Ionizer, friction prevention and temperature / humidity control). Precaution for Storage / Transportation 1. Product performance and soldered connections may deteriorate if the Products are stored in the places where: [a] the Products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [b] the temperature or humidity exceeds those recommended by ROHM [c] the Products are exposed to direct sunshine or condensation [d] the Products are exposed to high Electrostatic 2. Even under ROHM recommended storage condition, solderability of products out of recommended storage time period may be degraded. It is strongly recommended to confirm solderability before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period. 3. Store / transport cartons in the correct direction, which is indicated on a carton with a symbol. Otherwise bent leads may occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton. 4. Use Products within the specified time after opening a humidity barrier bag. Baking is required before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period. Precaution for Product Label QR code printed on ROHM Products label is for ROHM's internal use only. Precaution for Disposition When disposing Products please dispose them properly using an authorized industry waste company. Precaution for Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade act Since our Products might fall under controlled goods prescribed by the applicable foreign exchange and foreign trade act, please consult with ROHM representative in case of export. Precaution Regarding Intellectual Property Rights 1. All information and data including but not limited to application example contained in this document is for reference only. ROHM does not warrant that foregoing information or data will not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party regarding such information or data. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for infringement of any intellectual property rights or other damages arising from use of such information or data.: 2. No license, expressly or implied, is granted hereby under any intellectual property rights or other rights of ROHM or any third parties with respect to the information contained in this document. Other Precaution 1. This document may not be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of ROHM. 2. The Products may not be disassembled, converted, modified, reproduced or otherwise changed without prior written consent of ROHM. 3. In no event shall you use in any way whatsoever the Products and the related technical information contained in the Products or this document for any military purposes, including but not limited to, the development of mass-destruction weapons. 4. The proper names of companies or products described in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of ROHM, its affiliated companies or third parties. Notice - GE (c) 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev.002 Datasheet General Precaution 1. Before you use our Pro ducts, you are requested to care fully read this document and fully understand its contents. ROHM shall n ot be in an y way responsible or liabl e for fa ilure, malfunction or acci dent arising from the use of a ny ROHM's Products against warning, caution or note contained in this document. 2. All information contained in this docume nt is current as of the issuing date and subj ect to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using ROHM's Products, please confirm the la test information with a ROHM sale s representative. 3. The information contained in this doc ument is provi ded on an "as is" basis and ROHM does not warrant that all information contained in this document is accurate an d/or error-free. ROHM shall not be in an y way responsible or liable for an y damages, expenses or losses incurred b y you or third parties resulting from inaccur acy or errors of or concerning such information. Notice - WE (c) 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev.001 Datasheet bd3817ks - Web Page Buy Distribution Inventory Part Number Package Unit Quantity Minimum Package Quantity Packing Type Constitution Materials List RoHS bd3817ks SQFP100 500 50 Tray inquiry Yes