to hav e a capacitance of 10 pF per foot, After me asuring the cable a
capacitance reading of 1.000 nF is displayed. Dividing 1000pF
(1.000 nF) by 10 pF per foot yields the length of the cable to be
approximately 100 feet.
Even if the manufacturers’ specification is not known, the
capacitance of a measured length of cable (such as 10 feet) can be
used to determine the capacitance per foot; do not use too short a
length such as one foot, because any error becomes magnified in the
to ta l length calcu lations .
Som etim es, th e capa citance of sw i tch es, int er co n n ec t cables, c ir cu it
board foils, or other parts, affecting stray capacitance can be critical
to circuit design, or must be repeatable from one unit to another.
Ser ies Vs Para ll el M easurement (for Indu ctors)
The series mode displays the more accurate measurement in most
cases. The series equivalent mode is essential for obtaining an
accurate Q reading of low Q inductors. Where ohmic losses are
most signif icant, the ser ie s equivalent mode is preferred. However,
there are cases where the parallel equivalent mode may be more
appropri ate . For iron core induct or s operating at higher fre quenci es
where hysteresis and eddy currents become significant,
measurement i n the parallel equivalent mode is pr eferred.
1.4 Accessories
Operating Manual 1 pc
2 AA Size Ni-Mh Rechargeable Batteries 2 pc