AGASTAT 7000 Series, Industrial Electropneumatic Timing Relay
Specialty Relays
Catalog 5-1773450-5 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
Design & Construction
There are three main components of
Series 7000 Timing Relays:
Timing Head cir cu lates air through a
vari able length to provide linearly
adjustable timing. Pat ent ed design pro-
vides easy ad just ment and long service
life under severe operating con di tions.
Precision-Wound Potted Coil
Total sealing without external leads
eliminates moisture prob lems, gives
maximum insulation value.
Snap-Action Switch Assembly
custom-de signed over-center mecha-
nism provides snap action. Standard
switches are DPDT arrangement.
Each of these subassemblies forms
self-con tained mod ules assembled at
the factory with the other two to afford
a wide choice of operating types, coil
voltages, and timing ranges.
The squared design with front terminals
and rear mounting permits the grouping of
Series 7000 units side-by-side in mini-
mum panel space. Auxiliary switch es may
be add ed in the base of the unit, without
affecting the overall width or depth.
Two basic operating types are available.
“On-De lay” mod els provide a delay period
on energization, at the end of which the
switch transfers the load from one set of
contacts to an oth er. De-energizing the
unit dur ing the delay period im me di ate ly
recycles the unit, ready ing it for another
full de lay period on re-energization.
In "Off-Delay" models the switch trans-
fers the load im me di ate ly upon energiza-
tion and the delay period does not be gin
until the unit is de-energized. At the end
of the delay period the switch returns to
its original po si tion. Re- en er giz ing the
unit during the delay period im me di ate ly
resets the timing, ready ing it for another
full delay period on de-energization.
No power is required during the timing
period, providing a true off delay.
In addition to these basic operating types,
“Double-Head” models offer sequential
delays on pull-in and drop-out in one
unit. With the addition of auxiliary
switches the basic models provide two-
step timing.
Note: Seismic & radiation tested
E7000 models are available.
Consult factory for detailed
in for ma tion.
On-delay model 7012 (delay on pickup)
Applying voltage to the coil (L1-L2) for
at least 50 msec starts a time delay
lasting for the preset time. During this
pe ri od the nor mal ly closed con tacts
(3-5 and 4-6) re main closed. At the end
of the delay period the nor mal ly closed
contacts break and the normally open
contacts (1-5 and 2-6) make. The
con tacts re main in this trans ferred
po si tion until the coil is deenergized,
at which time the switch re turns to its
orig i nal position.
De-energizing the coil, either dur ing or
after the de lay pe ri od, will re cy cle the
unit within 50 msec.
It will then pro vide a full delay period
upon re-energization, re gard less of how
often the coil voltage is in ter rupt ed
before the unit has been per mit ted to
"time-out" to its full delay setting.
Off-delay model 7022 (delay on dropout)
Applying voltage to the coil (for at least
50 msec) will transfer the switch,
breaking the nor mal ly closed contacts
(1-5 and 2-6), and mak ing the nor mal ly
open contacts (3-5 and 4-6). Contacts
remain in this transferred position as long
as the coil is en er gized. The time delay
be gins immediately upon de-energization.
At the end of the de lay period the switch
returns to its normal po si tion.
Re-energizing the coil during the delay
period will im me di ate ly return the timing
mechanism to a point where it will pro-
vide a full delay period upon sub se quent
de-energization. The switch remains in
the transferred position.
Product Facts
nAvailable in on-delay, true
off-delay, and on/off-delay
nTiming from 0.1 seconds to
60 minutes, in linear
nOversize adjustment knobs,
serrated with high-resolution
markings visible from all
angles makes the timer
easy to set timers
nInherent transient immunity
nStandard voltages from
6-550VAC and 12-550VDC
(special voltages available)
nAvailable in 2-pole or 4-pole
nNumerous enclosure
options — explosion proof,
dust tight, watertight,
nAuxiliary timed and
instantaneous switches can
be added for greater
switching flexibility
nMany mounting options —
Surface mount, Panel
mount, Octal plug-in
nOptions: quick-connect
terminals, dial stops, and
transient pro tec tion module
nEasy-to-reach screw
terminals, all on the face of
the unit, clearly identified
nModular assembly —
timing head, coil as sem bly
and switchblock are all
individual modules, with
switches field-replaceable
nFile E15631,
File LR29186
Note: 7032 types and certain models with accessories are not agency approved.
Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product part
number. It is recommended that users also seek out the pertinent approvals files of the
agencies/laboratories and review them to ensure the product meets the requirements
for a given application.
Consult factory for ordering information.
AGASTAT 7000 Series, Industrial Electropneumatic Timing Relay (Continued)
Specialty Relays
Specialty Relays
Catalog 5-1773450-5 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
Auxiliary Switch Options
To increase the versatility of the basic
timer mod els, aux il ia ry switches may be
added to either on-delay or off-delay
types. They switch additional circuits,
pro vide two-step timing action, or fur-
nish electrical in ter lock for sus tained
coil energization from a momentary
impulse, depending on the type selected
and its ad just ment. They are installed at
the factory. All aux il ia ry switches are
SPDT with UL listings of 10A @ 125,
250, or 480 VAC. A maximum of one
Code T or two Code L auxiliary switch es
may be added to each relay. The L or LL
switch is available with on-delay relays
only. The T switch is available with both
the on-delay and off-de lay relays.
Auxiliary Switch Options for
Instant Transfer (Auxiliary Switch
Code L, max i mum of 2 per relay.)
1. Energizing coil begins time delay and
transfers aux il ia ry switch.
2. Main switch transfers after total
preset delay.
3. De-energizing coil resets both
switches instantly.
Auxiliary switch is nonadjustable.
Two-Step Timing (Auxiliary Switch
Code T, max i mum of 1 per relay.)
1. Energizing coil begins time delay.
2. After first delay auxiliary switch
3. Main switch transfers after total
preset delay.
4. De-energizing coil resets both
switches instantly. First delay is
independently adjustable, up to 30%
of over all delay. (Rec om mend ed
maximum 100 sec onds.)
Auxiliary Switch Options for
In these models the same auxiliary
switch provides ei ther two-step timing or
instant transfer action, de pend ing on the
ad just ment of the actuator.
Two-Step Timing (Auxiliary Switch
Code T, max i mum of 1 per relay.)
1. Energizing coil transfers main and
auxiliary switch es in stant ly.
2. De-energizing coil begins time delay.
3. After first delay auxiliary switch
4. Main switch transfers after total
preset delay. First delay is independ-
ently adjustable, up to 30% of over all
delay. (Rec om mend ed maximum
100 sec onds.)
Instant Transfer (Auxiliary Switch
Code L, max i mum of 1 per relay.)
1. Energizing coil transfers main and
auxiliary switch es in stant ly.
2. De-energizing coil resets auxiliary
switch and be gins time delay.
3. Main switch transfers after total
preset delay.
Auxiliary switch is factory adjusted to
give instant trans fer op er a tion. Two-step
timing may be set at the factory to cus-
tomer specification up to a 3:2 ratio.
The Double Head model provides delayed switch trans fer on
energization of its coil, and de layed resetting upon coil de-
energization. Each delay period is in de pen dent ly adjustable.
In new circuit designs or the improvement of ex ist ing
con trols now using two or more conventional tim ers, the
Double Head unit offers distinct advantages.
Its compact design saves panel space, while the simplified
wiring reduces costly in ter con nec tion.
On-delay, Off-delay Model 7032 (Double Head)
With the addition of an extra switch block at the bot tom of
the basic unit, this version of the Series 7000 offers four
pole switch capacity with simul taneous tim ing or two-step
timing. The two-step operation is achieved by factory
adjustment to your specifications.
For two-step operation, a maximum timing ratio be tween
upper and lower switches of 3:2 is rec om mend ed. Once ad -
just ed at the factory, this ratio remains con stant regardless
of changes in dial settings. (Ex: If up per switch transfer is
set on dial at 60 sec., minimum time on lower switch should
be 40 sec.)
This Series 7000 unit offers many of the per for m ance fea-
tures found in basic models — voltage ranges, timing and
switch capacities.
Four pole models add approximately 1-1/4" to the max i-
mum height of the basic model, approximately 1/8" to the
depth. They are designed for vertical op er a tion only.
On-delay Model 7014, Off-delay Model 7024
AGASTAT 7000 Series, Industrial Electropneumatic Timing Relay (Continued)
Specialty Relays
Catalog 5-1773450-5 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
The Surge/Transient Protection Option pro tects elec tron ic
con trol cir cuits from tran sients and surg es which are
gen er at ed when the timer coil is ac ti vat ed. The de vice is not
po lar i ty sen si tive and permits the user to ini tiate, delay,
sequence and pro gram equip ment ac tions over a wide range
of ap pli ca tions under the most se vere operating con di tions.
The varistor will not affect the operating characteristics of
the 7000 Tim er. The varistor has bilateral and symmetrical
voltage and current characteristics.
Product Facts
nProtect electronic control
circuits from voltage
transients generated by the
timer coil
nFast response to the rapidly
rising back E.M.F.
nHigh performance clamping
voltage char ac ter is tics
nUL recognized, (except
varistor and coil together).
nTimer NOT polarity sensitive
Surge/Transient Protection Option
Transient Suppressor
Option "V"
Timing Specifications (All values shown are at nominal voltage and 25°C unless otherwise specified)
Operating Modes
Model 7012/7014 — On-delay (delay on pick-up).
Model 7022/7024 — Off-delay (delay on drop-out).
Model 7032 — On-delay, off-delay (double head).
Timing Adjustment — Timing is set by simply turning the dial to the desired time
value. In the zone of approximately 25° sep a rat ing the high and low end of timing
ranges A,D,E, and K, in stan ta neous operation (no time delay) will occur. All other
ranges produce an infinite time de lay when the dial is set in this zone.
Models 7014 and 7032 are available with letter dials only. The upper end of the time
ranges in these models may be twice the values shown.
Linear Timing Ranges
Models 7012, Models 7014,
Code 7022, 7024 7032
A .1 to 1 Sec. .2 to 2 Sec.
B .5 to 5 Sec. .7 to 7 Sec.
C 1.5 to 15 Sec 2 to 20 Sec.
D 5 to 50 Sec. 10 to 100 Sec.
E 20 to 200 Sec. 30 to 300 Sec.
F 1 to 10 Min. 1.5 to 15 Min.
H 3 to 30 Min. 3 to 30 Min.
I 6 to 60 Min. Not Avail.
J 3 to 120 Cyc. Not Avail.
K 1 to 300 Sec. Not Avail.
Repeat Accuracy
For delays of 200 seconds or less: 7012*, 7022, 7024: ±5%
7014*: ±10%
7032: ±15%
For delays greater than 200 seconds: 7012*, 7022, 7014*, 7024: ±10%
7032: ±15%
* The first time delay afforded by Model 7012 with H (3 to 30 min.) and I (6 to 60
min.) time ranges or Model 7014 with H time range will be approx. 15% long er than
sub se quent delays due to coil temperature rise.
Reset Time — 50 msec. (except model 7032)
Relay Release Time — 50 msec. for on-delay models (7012/7014)
Relay Operate Time — 50 msec. for off-delay models (7022/7024)
Operating Voltage Coil Data (for DPDT)
Operating* Operating
Coil Code Rated Voltage Rated Voltage
Part # Letter Voltage Range Volt age Range
@ 60Hz @50Hz
7000 A 120 102-132 110 93.5-121
B 240 204-264 220 187-242
C 480 408-528
D 550 468-605
E 24 20.5-26.5
AC F 127 108-140
G 240 204-264
H 12 10.2-13.2
I6 5.1-6.6
J 208 178-229
KDual Voltage Coil
(Combines A&B)
LSpecial AC Coils
(L1, L2, etc.)
7010 M 28 22.4-30.8
N 48 38.4-52.8
O 24 19.2-26.4
P 125 100-137.5
Q 12 9.6-13.2
R 60 48-66
DC S 250 200-275
T 550 440-605
U 16 12.8-17.6
V 32 25.8-35.2
W 96 76.8-105.6
Y6 4.8-6.6
Z 220 176-242
XSpecial DC Coils
(X1, X2, etc.)
*Four pole Models: Operational voltage range 90% to 110% for AC units; 85% to
110% for DC units.
See next page for more coil data.
AGASTAT 7000 Series, Industrial Electropneumatic Timing Relay (Continued)
Specialty Relays
Specialty Relays
Catalog 5-1773450-5 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
Timing Specifications (All values shown are at nominal voltage and 25°C unless otherwise specified)
Minimum operating voltages are based on ver ti cal ly mount ed 7012 units. 7012 hor i-
zon tal ly mounted or 7022 ver ti cal ly or horizontally mounted units will operate sat is-
fac to ri ly at minimum voltages approximately 5% low er than those list ed.
AC units drop out at approximately 50% of rated voltage. DC units drop out at ap prox-
i mate ly 10% of rated voltage.
All units may be operated on intermittent duty cy cles at voltages 10% above the listed
maximums (in ter mit tent duty - maximum 50% duty cycle and 30 minutes “on” time.)
Surge/Transient Protection Option Characteristics (DC Timers Only)
Coil Voltage Max Excess Max De-energization
Nominal (DC) Energy Capacity (Joule) Tran sient Voltage
12 V 0.4 J 48 V
24 V 1.8 J 93 V
28 V 1.8 J 93 V
32 V 2.5 J 135 V
48 V 3.57 J 145 V
60 V 6 J 250 V
96 V 10 J 340 V
110 V 10 J 340 V
125 V 10 J 340 V
220 V 17 J 366 V
250 V 17 J 366 V
Surge Life
Applied 100,000 times continuously with the in ter val of 10 seconds at room tempera-
ture. Below 68 VAC: 12A; Above 68 VAC: 35A
Temperature Range
Operating — -22°F to +167°F (-30°C to + 75°C)
Storage — -40°F to +167°F (-40°C to +75°C)
Output/Life Contact Ratings — Contact Capacity in Amps (Resistive Load)
Contact Min. 100,000 Min. 1,000,000
Voltage Operations Operations
30 VDC 15.0 7.0
110 VDC 1.0 0.5
120 V 60Hz 20.0 15.0
240 V 60Hz 20.0 15.0
480 V 60Hz 12.0 10.0
10 Amps Resistive, 240 VAC
1/4 Horsepower, 120 VAC/240VAC (per pole)
15 Amps 30 VDC (per pole)
5 Amps, General Purpose, 600VAC (per pole)
Dielectric — Withstands 1500 volts RMS 60Hz between terminals and ground.
1,000 volts RMS 60 Hz between non-con nect ed terminals. For dielectric specification
on hermetically sealed mod els consult factory.
Insulation Resistance — 500 Megohms with 500VDC applied.
Temperature Range
Operating — -20°F to +165°F (-29°C to 74°C)
Storage — -67°F to +165°F (-55°C to 74°C)
Temperature Variation — Using a fixed time delay which was set and measured
when the ambient temperature was 77°F (25°C), the maximum observed shift in the
average of three con sec u tive time de lays was -20% at -20°F (-29°C) and +20% at
165°F (74°C).
Mounting/Terminals — Normal mounting of the basic unit is in a vertical po si tion,
from the back of the panel. All units are tested for vertical operation. Basic
models (7012, 7022) may also be horizontally mount ed, and will be adjusted ac cord-
ing ly when Accessory Y1 is spec i fied in your order.
Standard screw terminals (8-32 truss head screws sup plied) are located on the front of
the unit, with per ma nent sche mat ic markings. Barrier isolation is de signed to ac com-
mo date spade or ring tongue ter mi nals, with spacing to meet all industrial control
spec i fi ca tions.
The basic Series 7000 may also be panel mounted with the addition of a panel mount
kit, X option, that includes all nec es sary hardware and faceplate. This offers the
con ve nience of “out-front” adjustment, with large dial skirt knob. The faceplate and
knob blend with ad vanced equipment and console designs, while the body of the unit
and its wiring are protected behind the panel.
Other mounting options include plug-in styles and special configurations to meet
unusual installation re quire ments. Contact factory for details.
Power Consumption — Approximately 8 watts power at rated voltage .
Approximate Weights
Models 7012, 7022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 4 ozs.
7014, 7024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 10 ozs.
7032 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 lbs. 5 ozs.
Weight may vary slightly with coil voltage.
AGASTAT 7000 Series, Industrial Electropneumatic Timing Relay (Continued)
Specialty Relays
Catalog 5-1773450-5 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
Outline Dimensions (Dimensions in inches)
Panel Mount Option “X” Surge/Transient Protection Option
Models 7014, 7024 Model 7032
Models 7012, 7022
AGASTAT 7000 Series, Industrial Electropneumatic Timing Relay (Continued)
Specialty Relays
Specialty Relays
Catalog 5-1773450-5 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
Our authorized distributors are more likely to maintain the following items in stock for immediate delivery.
Typical Part No. 70 12ADGZ
1. Basic Series:
70 = 7000 series electropneumatic timing relay
2. Operation:
1 = On-delay 3 = On-delay, off-delay (double head)
2 = Off-delay
3. Contact Arrangement:
2 = 2PDT (2 form C) **4 = 4PDT (4 form C)
4. Coil Voltage:
AC Coils DC Coils
A = 120VAC, 60 Hz.; 110VAC, 50Hz. M = 28VDC
B = 240VAC, 60 Hz.; 220VAC, 50Hz. N = 48VDC
C = 480VAC, 60 Hz. O = 24VDC
D = 550VAC, 60 Hz. P = 125VDC
E = 24VAC, 60 Hz. Q = 12VDC
F = 127VAC, 50 Hz. R = 60VDC
G = 240VAC, 50Hz. S = 250VDC
H = 12VAC, 60 Hz. T = 550VDC
K = Dual voltage (combines A & B) U = 16VDC
L = Special AC coils (L1, L2, etc.) V = 32VDC
W = 96VDC
Y = 6VDC
Z = 220VDC
X = Special DC coils (X1, X2, etc.)
5. Timing Range:
Models 7012, 7022 & 7024 †Models 7014 & 7032
A = .1 to 1 sec. For model 7032 specify separate time
B = .5 to 5 sec. range code for each head. Example: AB.
C = 1.5 to 15 sec. Any two ranges may be selected.
D = 5 to 50 sec. A = .2 to 2 sec.
E = 20 to 200 sec. B = .7 to 7 sec.
F = 1 to 10 min. C = 2 to 20 sec.
H = 3 to 30 min. D = 10 to 100 sec.
I = 6 to 60 min. E = 30 to 300 sec.
J = 3 to 120 cyc. F = 1.5 to 15 min.
K = 1 to 300 sec. H = 3 to 30 min.
6. Options:
A1 = Single quick-connect terminals (note 4). l2 = Tamper-proof Cap, transparent (Cannot be combined with Option X).
A2 = Double quick-connect terminals (note 4). L = Auxiliary Switch, instant transfer. 7012 only (notes 2 & 6).
B = Plug-in connectors (note 4). LL = Two Aux. Switches, instant transfer. On Model 7014 Factory Installed Only. (notes 2 & 6)
GZ = Enclosure with bottom knockouts (note 1). M = Dust-tight Gasketing (notes 4 & 5).
H2 = Hermetically sealed enclosure, 8 pin solder (notes 1 & 4). P = Octal Plug Adapter. Can be combined only with options l1,l2. M, S, X, or Y1. (note 4).
H3 = Hermetically sealed enclosure, 8 pin octal (notes 1 & 4). S = Dial Stops.
H4 = Hermetically sealed enclosure, 8 screw terminal block (notes 1 & 4). T = Auxiliary Switch, two-step timing (notes 2 & 6).
*H6 = Hermetically sealed enclosure, 11 pin solder (notes 1 & 4). V = Transient/Surge Protection (for DC coil voltage only).
*H7 = Hermetically sealed enclosure, 11 pin octal (notes 1 & 4). X = Panelmount includes hardware and adjustment for horizontal operation (note 4)
*H8 = Hermetically sealed enclosure, 11 screw terminal block (notes 1 & 4). Y1 = Horizontal testing, for horizontal operation without panel mounting (note 4).
l1 = Tamper-proof Cap, opaque black (Cannot be combined with Option X). Y2 = Horizontal testing, with Compensating Spring for vertical operation (note 4).
1. Cannot be combined with B, P or X Options
2. Cannot be combined with B, P or Y2 Options
3. Cannot be combined with GZ, H, l1, l2, K, W or Y1 Options
4. Not Avail. on 4-Pole Models
5. Not Available with L, T or LL options.
6. Not Available on hermetically sealed units.
* Sized to accommodate one L or T Auxiliary Switch
** Not available on 7032 model.
† Available with letter graduated dials only. Upper end of time range may be twice the value shown
†† 120 cycles = 2 sec.
Ordering Information
Specialty Relays
Catalog 5-1773450-5 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
AGASTAT 7000 Series, Industrial Electropneumatic Timing Relay (Continued)
Ordering Options — Can only be ordered as factory installed options (Dimensions, where shown, are in inches)
A1 – Single Quick-Connect
Ter mi nals
A2 – Double Quick-Connect
Ter mi nals
Ordering options can only be ordered as factory installed options.
Plug-In Receptacle (Accessory C) Plug-In Receptacle (Accessory D)
Quick Connect Terminals
Catalog No. 700141.
For use with “B” Option.
Screw Terminals
Catalog No. 700137.
For use with “B” Option.
Accessories (Not available for 7032 models)
B – Plug-In Connectors
Use with Accessory “C” or “D” below.
GZ – Metal En clo sure
With knockouts for bottom connection.
3.16" W x 3.84" D x 7.63"H
I – Tamper-Proof CoverH – Hermetically Sealed
L – Auxiliary Switch
M – Dust tight
LL – Auxiliary Switch
S – Dial StopsP – Octal Plug Adapter
V – Transient/Surge Protection
T – Auxiliary Switch
X – Panelmount Kit
Mounting hardware included.