AGASTAT 7000 Series, Industrial Electropneumatic Timing Relay
Specialty Relays
Catalog 5-1773450-5 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
Design & Construction
There are three main components of
Series 7000 Timing Relays:
Timing Head cir cu lates air through a
vari able length to provide linearly
adjustable timing. Pat ent ed design pro-
vides easy ad just ment and long service
life under severe operating con di tions.
Precision-Wound Potted Coil
Total sealing without external leads
eliminates moisture prob lems, gives
maximum insulation value.
Snap-Action Switch Assembly —
custom-de signed over-center mecha-
nism provides snap action. Standard
switches are DPDT arrangement.
Each of these subassemblies forms
self-con tained mod ules assembled at
the factory with the other two to afford
a wide choice of operating types, coil
voltages, and timing ranges.
The squared design with front terminals
and rear mounting permits the grouping of
Series 7000 units side-by-side in mini-
mum panel space. Auxiliary switch es may
be add ed in the base of the unit, without
affecting the overall width or depth.
Two basic operating types are available.
“On-De lay” mod els provide a delay period
on energization, at the end of which the
switch transfers the load from one set of
contacts to an oth er. De-energizing the
unit dur ing the delay period im me di ate ly
recycles the unit, ready ing it for another
full de lay period on re-energization.
In "Off-Delay" models the switch trans-
fers the load im me di ate ly upon energiza-
tion and the delay period does not be gin
until the unit is de-energized. At the end
of the delay period the switch returns to
its original po si tion. Re- en er giz ing the
unit during the delay period im me di ate ly
resets the timing, ready ing it for another
full delay period on de-energization.
No power is required during the timing
period, providing a true off delay.
In addition to these basic operating types,
“Double-Head” models offer sequential
delays on pull-in and drop-out in one
unit. With the addition of auxiliary
switches the basic models provide two-
step timing.
Note: Seismic & radiation tested
E7000 models are available.
Consult factory for detailed
in for ma tion.
On-delay model 7012 (delay on pickup)
Applying voltage to the coil (L1-L2) for
at least 50 msec starts a time delay
lasting for the preset time. During this
pe ri od the nor mal ly closed con tacts
(3-5 and 4-6) re main closed. At the end
of the delay period the nor mal ly closed
contacts break and the normally open
contacts (1-5 and 2-6) make. The
con tacts re main in this trans ferred
po si tion until the coil is deenergized,
at which time the switch re turns to its
orig i nal position.
De-energizing the coil, either dur ing or
after the de lay pe ri od, will re cy cle the
unit within 50 msec.
It will then pro vide a full delay period
upon re-energization, re gard less of how
often the coil voltage is in ter rupt ed
before the unit has been per mit ted to
"time-out" to its full delay setting.
Off-delay model 7022 (delay on dropout)
Applying voltage to the coil (for at least
50 msec) will transfer the switch,
breaking the nor mal ly closed contacts
(1-5 and 2-6), and mak ing the nor mal ly
open contacts (3-5 and 4-6). Contacts
remain in this transferred position as long
as the coil is en er gized. The time delay
be gins immediately upon de-energization.
At the end of the de lay period the switch
returns to its normal po si tion.
Re-energizing the coil during the delay
period will im me di ate ly return the timing
mechanism to a point where it will pro-
vide a full delay period upon sub se quent
de-energization. The switch remains in
the transferred position.
Product Facts
nAvailable in on-delay, true
off-delay, and on/off-delay
nTiming from 0.1 seconds to
60 minutes, in linear
nOversize adjustment knobs,
serrated with high-resolution
markings visible from all
angles makes the timer
easy to set timers
nInherent transient immunity
nStandard voltages from
6-550VAC and 12-550VDC
(special voltages available)
nAvailable in 2-pole or 4-pole
nNumerous enclosure
options — explosion proof,
dust tight, watertight,
nAuxiliary timed and
instantaneous switches can
be added for greater
switching flexibility
nMany mounting options —
Surface mount, Panel
mount, Octal plug-in
nOptions: quick-connect
terminals, dial stops, and
transient pro tec tion module
nEasy-to-reach screw
terminals, all on the face of
the unit, clearly identified
nModular assembly —
timing head, coil as sem bly
and switchblock are all
individual modules, with
switches field-replaceable
nFile E15631,
File LR29186
Note: 7032 types and certain models with accessories are not agency approved.
Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product part
number. It is recommended that users also seek out the pertinent approvals files of the
agencies/laboratories and review them to ensure the product meets the requirements
for a given application.
Consult factory for ordering information.