KXTIK Accelerometer
3x3x0.9mm Accelerometer with FIFO/FILO Buffer
Small Package - 3x3x0.9mm LGA
User-selectable g Range
User-selectable Output Data Rate
Enhanced integrated Directional Tap/Double-
TapTM, Activity-monitoring, and Device-orientation
Digital I2C
8-bit or 12-bit Resolution
FIFO/FILO Memory Buffer
Digital High-Pass and Low-Pass Filter Outputs
Low Power Consumption
Lead-free Solderability
Excellent Temperature Performance
High Shock Survivability
Factory Programmable Offset and Sensitivity
Self-test Function
User Interface
Active/Inactive Monitoring
Device Orientation
Gesture Recognition
Tap Detection
Pedometer/Activity Monitoring
Smartphones and Mobile Devices
Gaming and Virtual Reality
Health and Fitness
The Kionix KXTIK is a low power, high performance tri-axis
accelerometer with digital I2C output. The KXTIK features user-
selectable parameters including 8-bit or 12-bit modes, g-ranges
from ± 2g, 4g or 8g, and Output Data Rates from 12.5 Hz to
800 Hz. A 252 byte FIFO/FILO buffer offers programmable
watermark interrupt and provides a triggered low resolution
or high resolution mode.
The KXTIK features a 16-pin package, making it pin compatible
with popular products on the market. The KXTIK also offers
enhanced embedded Screen Rotation, Directional Tap/Double
Tap, Orientation Detection and Low Power Motion Interrupt.
The KXTIK has an internal voltage regulator that allows
operation from 1.8 V to 3.6 V with an operating temperature
range of -40°C to +85°C.