CGH40006S 2
Rev 3.3 – July 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com
Absolute Maximum Ratings (not simultaneous) at 25˚C Case Temperature
Parameter Symbol Rating Units Conditions
Drain-Source Voltage VDSS 120 Volts 25˚C
Gate-to-Source Voltage VGS -10, +2 Volts 25˚C
Storage Temperature TSTG -65, +150 ˚C
Operating Junction Temperature T
J175 ˚C
Maximum Forward Gate Current IGMAX 2.1 mA 25˚C
Maximum Drain Current1IDMAX 0.75 A 25˚C
Soldering Temperature2TS260 ˚C
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case3, 4 RθJC 10.1 ˚C/W 85˚C
Case Operating Temperature3, 4 TC-40, +150 ˚C
1 Current limit for long term, reliable operation
2 Refer to the Application Note on soldering at
3 Measured for the CGH40006S at PDISS = 8 W.
4 TC = Case temperature for the device. It refers to the temperature at the
ground tab underneath the package. The PCB will add additional thermal
resistance. The RTH for Cree’s demonstration amplier, CGH40006S-
AMP1, with 13 (Ø20 mil) via holes designed on a 20 mil thick Rogers 5880
PCB, is 5.1°C. The total Rth from the heat sink to the junction is 10.1°C
+5.1°C = 15.2 °C/W.
Electrical Characteristics (TC = 25˚C)
Characteristics Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
DC Characteristics1
Gate Threshold Voltage VGS(th) -3.8 -3.0 -2.3 VDC VDS = 10 V, ID = 132.8 mA
Gate Quiescent Voltage VGS(Q) –-2.7 – VDC VDS = 50 V, ID = 800 mA
Saturated Drain Current IDS 1.5 2.1 – AVDS = 6.0 V, VGS = 2.0 V
Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage VBR 84 – – VDC VGS = -8 V, ID = 132.8 mA
RF Characteristics2 (TC = 25˚C, F0 = 5.8 GHz unless otherwise noted)
Small Signal Gain GSS 10 11.8 – dB VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 100 mA
Power Output at PIN = 30 dBm POUT 5 6.9 – W VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 100 mA
Drain Eiciency3η40 53 – % VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 100 mA, PIN = 30 dBm
Output Mismatch Stress VSWR – – 10 : 1 Y No damage at all phase angles, VDD = 28 V,
IDQ = 100 mA, PIN = 32 dBm
Dynamic Characteristics
Input Capacitance CGS – 2.7 – pF VDS = 50 V, Vgs = -8 V, f = 1 MHz
Output Capacitance CDS – 0.8 – pF VDS = 50 V, Vgs = -8 V, f = 1 MHz
Feedback Capacitance CGD – 0.1 – pF VDS = 50 V, Vgs = -8 V, f = 1 MHz
1 Measured on wafer prior to packaging
2 Measured in Cree’s narrow band production test xture AD-000291. This xture is designed for high volume test at 5.8 GHz and may not show the full
capability of the device due to source inductance and thermal performance. The demonstration amplier, CGH40006S-AMP1, is a better indicator of the
true RF performance of the device.
3 Drain Eiciency = POUT / PDC