button turns off and clears the
register for all selected ULED outputs.
option buttons set the desired time to
gradate up to or down from the selected ULED intensity
when the GRADATE UP or GRADATE DOWN buttons are
selected. If the DISABLED option button is selected, the
ULED outputs will not gradate when any of the
GRADATION control buttons are selected.
button gradates the selected ULED outputs
up to the desired intensity and disables gradation when
done. The associated ULED select button above the verti-
cal slider is highlighted purple to indicate that gradation
mode has been enabled.
button gradates the selected ULED
outputs down from the set intensity and disables grada-
tion when done. The associated ULED select button
above the vertical slider is highlighted purple to indicate
that gradation mode has been enabled.
option buttons set the desired blink-
ing on-time and period to blink after the BLINK ULEDs
button has been selected.
button blinks or stops blinking the se-
lected ULED outputs at the on-time and period selected
by the BLINK ONt/PERIOD option buttons and at the se-
lected ULED intensity. The associated ULED select button
above the vertical slider is highlighted green to indicate
that blink mode has been enabled.
option buttons allow the user to
select between Auto switching (not forced to any mode),
Force 1x, Force 1.5x, and Force 2x charge pump modes.
button disables or enables dropout for the
selected ULED outputs. When dropout is disabled the
ULED output will not cause the charge pump to switch
into 1.5x or 2x modes and the pin may be used as a gen-
eral-purpose output (GPO).
When GPO mode is initiated with a ULED intensity value
greater than 0, then the Current Limited GPO Mode is
set. The GPO is current limited to the current set with
the associated vertical slider. The associated ULED select
button above the vertical slider is highlighted orange to
indicate that GPO mode has been initiated.
If GPO is initiated with the ULED intensity set to 0, then
the Strong Pull-Down GPO Mode is set. The Strong Pull-
Down mode is not current limited and only consumes
3uA of quiescent current per GPO. When this mode is
invoked a pop-up window warns the user that a current
limit resistor is needed to prevent the current from ex-
ceeding 25mA as shown in Figure 4. Select OK to con-
tinue into Strong GPO Mode or Cancel to return to the
program without setting the ULED output to Strong GPO
When Strong GPO mode is used, the LED should be removed and
a current limiting resistor should be installed to make sure that the
current does not exceed the Absolute Maximum rated current. Since CPO
is limited by a weak pull-up during shutdown, CPO should not be used as
source to any output in Strong GPO mode during shutdown.
Figure 4.
Strong GPO Mode Warning Message Box
button updates the data registers to
the data displayed in the register text boxes.
button resets all internal registers using the ex-
ternal /RST pin when this button is not set (red). When
this button is set (green) then the /RESET button is set to
button, when set (red), sets the
SHUTDOWN bit in the command register and puts the
LTC3220 into shutdown. When this button is not set
(green), it clears the SHUTDOWN bit in the command
register and the LTC3220 returns to it’s previous state.
may be selected to start or stop Demo 1.
Demo 1 cycles through some of the colors that the RGB
LEDs can produce using the LTC3220/LTC3220-1’s gra-
dation feature. Once the RGB color demo is complete,
the demo then blinks the two RGB LEDs and gradates up
the white LEDs two at time. Then all LEDs are set to blink
together using the Quick Write feature. Lastly, all LEDs
are gradated up and down together prior to repeating the
entire sequence.