IP1844 SERIES IP1845 SERIES SEME LAB TOP VIEW COMP 1 8 VREF V FB 2 7 VCC I SENSE 3 6 OUTPUT R T /C T 4 5 GROUND CURRENT MODE REGULATING PULSE WIDTH MODULATORS J Package - 8 Pin Ceramic DIP N Package - 8 Pin Plastic DIP D-8 Package - 8 Pin Plastic (150) SOIC FEATURES * * * * * Guaranteed 1% reference voltage tolerance Guaranteed 10% frequency tolerance Low start-up current (<500 mA) Under voltage lockout with hysteresis Output state completely defined for all supply and input conditions * Interchangeable with UC1844 and UC1845 series for improved operation * 500kHz Oscillator operation 250kHz Output operation TOP VIEW COMP 1 14 VREF N/C 2 13 N/C V FB 3 12 VCC N/C 4 11 VC I SENSE 5 10 OUTPUT 6 9 GROUND R T /C T 7 8 POWER GROUND N/C D-14 Package - 14 Pin Plastic (150) SOIC Order Information Part Number IP1844 IP2844 IP3844 IP1845 IP2845 IP3845 J-Pack 8 Pin N-Pack 8 Pin D-8 8 Pin D-14 14 Pin Temp. Range -55 to +125C -25 to +85C 0 to +70C -55 to +125C -25 to +85C 0 to +70C Note: To order, add the package identifier to the part number. eg. IP1844D-14 IP3845J ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tcase = 25C unless otherwise stated) VCC Supply Voltage IO Output Current Output Energy Analog Inputs Error Amp Output Sink Current Power Dissipation Derate @ Tamb > 50C Power Dissipation Derate @ Tamb > 50C Power Dissipation Derate @ Tcase > 25C Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature PD PD PD TSTG TL Semelab plc. (low impedance source) (ICC < 30mA) (capacitive load) (pins 2 and 3) Tamb = 25C J, N Packages Tcase = 25C D Package Tcase = 25C J, N Packages (soldering, 10 seconds) Telephone (01455) 556565. Telex: 341927. Fax (01455) 552612. +30V Self limiting 1A 5J -0.3V to +VCC 10mA 1W 10mW/C 725mW 7.25mW/C 2W 16mW/C -65 to 150C +300C Prelim. 2/95 IP1844 SERIES IP1845 SERIES SEME LAB DESCRIPTION The IP1844 and IP1845 series of switching regulator control circuits contain all the functions necessary to implement off-line, current mode switching regulators, using a minimum number of external parts. Functions included are voltage reference, error amplifier, current sense comparator, oscillator, totem-pole output driver and under-voltage lockout circuitry. In addition there is a toggle flip-flop which blanks the output on every second clock pulse, thereby ensuring that the duty cycle never exceeds 50%. Although pin compatible with the UC1844 and UC1845 series, SEMELAB has incorporated several improvements in the IP1844 and IP1845 series allowing tighter and more complete specification of electrical performance . BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC 7/12 UNDER-VOLTAGE LOCKOUT 34V REFERENCE 5V REGULATOR ENABLE G ND 5/9 16V (8.4V) 6V (0.5V) 8/14 VREF INTERNAL BIAS 2.5V REG VREF STATUS LATCH S 7/11 R VC 3.6V R T /CT 4/7 6/10 OSCILLATOR Q T ERROR AMP V FB 1/1 I SENSE 3/5 5/8 POW ER GROUND S 2R 2/3 C OMP TOGGLE FLIP FLOP OUTPUT R R 1V PWM LATCH CURRENT SENSE COMPARATOR Values in brackets are for IP1845 series. PIN NUMBERS 1st Number - N, J and 8 Pin D Packages 2nd Num ber - 14 Pin D Package. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS VCC Supply Voltage 30V IO Output Current 0 to 200mA Analog Inputs (pins 2 and 3) -0.3V to 3V Error Amp Output Sink Current Operating Ambient Temperature Range Semelab plc. 0 to 2mA IP1844 , IP1845 IP2844 , IP2845 IP3844 , IP3845 Telephone (01455) 556565. Telex: 341927. Fax (01455) 552612. -55 to 125C -25 to 85C 0 to 70C Prelim. 2/95 IP1844 SERIES IP1845 SERIES SEME LAB ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Over Full Operating Temperature Range unless otherwise stated) Parameter Test Conditions IP1844/IP1845 IP2844/IP2845 Min. Typ. Max. Min. IP3844 IP3845 Typ. 4.95 4.90 5.00 5.10 Max. Units REFERENCE SECTION Output Voltage IO = 1mA Input Regulation Output Regulation TJ = 25C 5.00 5.05 VCC = 12V to 25V 6 20 6 20 IO = 1mA to 20mA 6 25 6 25 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 Temperature Stability Total Output Variation Line, Load, Temp Output Noise Voltage f = 10Hz to 10kHz Long Term Stability TJ = 125C @ 1000Hrs Output Short Circuit Current 4.90 TJ = 25C 5.10 4.82 5 25 30 80 160 47 52 57 1 mV mV C V V 50 50 VREF = 0 5.18 V 5 25 mV 30 80 160 mA 47 52 57 kHz 0.2 1 % OSCILLATOR SECTION Frequency TJ = 25C Voltage stability VCC = 12V to 25V 0.2 Temperature Stability TA = Min to Max 5 5 % Amplitude VPIN4 Peak to Peak 1.7 1.7 V TJ = 25C 8.3 8.3 mA 8 8 % Discharge Current TA = Min to Max ERROR AMP SECTION Input Voltage VPIN1 = 2.5V 2.45 Input Bias Current Open Loop Voltage Gain VO = 2V to 4V Unity Gain Bandwidth Supply Voltage VCC = 12V to 25V Rejection 2.50 2.55 -0.3 -1 2.42 2.50 2.58 V -0.3 -2 A 65 90 65 90 dB 0.7 1 0.7 1 MHz 60 70 60 70 dB Output Sink Current VPIN2 = 2.7V VPIN1 = 1.1V 2 6 2 6 Output Source Current VPIN2 = 2.3V VPIN1 = 5.0V -0.5 -0.8 -0.5 -0.8 VOUT High VPIN2 = 2.3V RL = 15k 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 VOUT Low VPIN2 = 2.7V RL = 15k 0.7 1.1 0.7 mA 1.1 V NOTES 1. Test Conditions unless otherwise stated: VCC = 15V* , RT = 10k , CT = 3.3nF , f = 52kHz. *Adjust VCC above start threshold before setting at required level. All specifications apply over the full operating temperature range unless otherwise stated. (See Ordering Information for further details). Semelab plc. Telephone (01455) 556565. Telex: 341927. Fax (01455) 552612. Prelim. 2/95 IP1844 SERIES IP1845 SERIES SEME LAB ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Over Full Operating Temperature Range unless otherwise stated) Parameter Test Conditions IP1844/IP1845 IP2844/IP2845 Min. Typ. Max. Min. IP3844 IP3845 Typ. 2.85 3 3.15 2.85 3 3.15 V/V 0.9 1 1.1 0.9 1 1.1 V 60 70 60 70 Max. Units CURRENT SENSE SECTION Gain See Notes 2,3 Maximum Input Signal VPIN1 = 5.0V Supply Voltage (Note 2) VC = 12V to 25V Rejection dB Input Bias Current -2 -10 -2 -10 A Delay to Output 150 300 150 300 ns ISINK = 20mA 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.4 ISINK = 200mA 1.5 2.2 1.5 2.2 OUTPUT SECTION Output Low Level Output High Level ISOURCE = 20mA 13 13.5 13 13.5 ISOURCE = 200mA 12 13.5 12 13.5 V Rise Time CL = 1nF 50 150 50 150 Fall Time CL = 1nF 50 150 50 150 UVLO Saturation VCC = 6V 0.7 1.1 0.7 1.1 IL = 1mA V ns V UNDER-VOLTAGE LOCKOUT SECTION Upper Threshold 1844 Series 15 16 17 14.5 16 17.5 (VCC) 1845 Series 7.8 8.4 9 7.8 8.4 9 Lower Threshold 1844 Series 9 10 11 8.5 10 11.5 (VCC) 1845 Series 7 7.6 8.2 7 7.6 8.2 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 V V TOTAL STANDBY CURRENT Start-up Current Operating Supply VPIN2 = 0V 1844 Series 11 15 11 15 Current VPIN3 = 0V 1845 Series 14 17 14 17 VCC Zener Voltage ICC = 25mA 30 34 40 30 34 40 47 48 50 46 48 50 mA mA V PWM SECTION Maximum Duty Cycle Minimum Duty Cycle 0 0 % NOTES 1. Test Conditions unless otherwise stated: VCC = 15V* , RT = 10k , CT = 3.3nF , f = 52kHz. *Adjust VCC above start threshold before setting at required level. 2. Parameter measured at trip point of latch with VPIN2 = 0V 3. Gain defined as: All specifications apply over the full operating temperature range unless otherwise stated. (See Ordering Information for further details). Semelab plc. Telephone (01455) 556565. Telex: 341927. Fax (01455) 552612. VPIN1 VPIN3 0 VPIN3 0.8 A= Prelim. 2/95 IP1844 SERIES IP1845 SERIES SEME LAB APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Oscillator Waveforms and Maximum Duty Cycle LARGE SMALL RT CT V - Pin 4 (Pin 7 for 14 Pin D Package) V REF Internal Clock 8 RT RT CT Output - Max. Duty Cycle V - Pin 6 (Pin 10 for 14 Pin D Package) 4 CT GND SMALL LARGE RT CT 5 V - Pin 4 (Pin 7 for 14 Pin D Package) Internal Clock Output - Max. Duty Cycle V - Pin 6 (Pin 10 for 14 Pin D Package) Oscillator timing capacitor CT is charged by VREF through RT and discharged by an internal current source. During the discharge time, the internal clock signal blanks the output to the low state. Selection of RT and CT therefore determines both oscillator frequency and maximum duty cycle. Charge and discharge times are determined by the formulae: tc 0.55 RTCT ( For RT > 5k, ) .0063 RT - 2.3 .0063 - 4 1 Resultant frequency f = (tc + td) td RTCT Rn Semelab plc. Resultant frequency f Telephone (01455) 556565. Telex: 341927. Fax (01455) 552612. 1.8 (RTCT) Prelim. 2/95 IP1844 SERIES IP1845 SERIES SEME LAB APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Open-Loop Laboratory Test Fixture VREF RT 4.7k VCC 2N2222 1 COMP 100k 1k ERROR AMP ADJUST 5k ISENSE ADJUST VREF 8 2 VFB VCC 7 3 ISENSE O/P 6 4 R T /C T GND 5 0.1 F 0.1 F 1k 1kW OUTPUT 4.7k GROUND CT High peak current associated with capacitive loads necessitate careful grounding techniques. Timing and bypass capacitors should be connected close to pin 5 in a single point ground. The transistor and 5K potentiometer are used to sample the oscillator wave form and apply an adjustable ramp to pin 3. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ERROR AMPLIFIER OPEN-LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OUTPUT SATURATION CHARACTERISTICS 100 VO LT AG E G AIN TA = -55C 2 SOURCE SAT ( VCC- VOH) 1 80 0 60 -45 () TA = 25C 40 PH ASE VCC = 15V 3 (dB) SAT U R AT IO N VO L TAG E (V) 4 -90 f 20 -135 AV 0 -180 SINK SAT (VOL ) 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .07 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .7 10 1.0 100 1k OUTPUT CURRENT, SOURCE / SINK (A) 20 20 15 15 10 1M 10M 10 0.5 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 0 0 VCC (V) Semelab plc. 100k UNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT 1845 SERIES I CC (m A) I CC (m A) UNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT 1844 SERIES 0 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) Telephone (01455) 556565. Telex: 341927. Fax (01455) 552612. 2.5 5 7.5 10 VCC (V) Prelim. 2/95