F i n i s a r
The Finisar OADM-1 plug-in module is a passive optical add/drop multiplexer
designed for metro access applications that represents the state of the art in fiber
optics design. The OADM-1 plug-in module adds/drops two CWDM channels of the
same wavelength from network traffic and passes the other channels. Finisar's
unique CWDM design maps the t wo added/dropped chan nels into separate t wo-fiber
paths, going in opposite directions into the network (East/West).
Added/dropped channels are interfaced to any of Finisar's CWDM transceivers on
the equipment side. A grid of eight CWDM wavelengt hs is available from Finisar. T he
OADM-1 Plug-in Module plugs into one half of a 1RU, 19" rack mount chassis for
simple installation and modularity. This Chassis based system allows a network
equipment manufacturer to add WDM capability to any existing network device.
The equipment ports of the OADM-1 plug-in module are color coded to match the
wavelength of Finisar's CWDM transceiver. This allows ease of installation and
trouble shooting without having to remove th e transceiver from the local equipment.
The Finisar OADM-1 plug-in module delivers dramatic cost savings to network
equipment manufacturers, enabling them to develop metro access systems that are
lower in cost, easier to provision and simpler to operate.
Plug-in Module
● Low Optical
Insertion Loss
● Cost-effective
CWDM technology
● Adds/drops one
● Dual SC or LC
connectors for
● Color Coded for
ease of installation
● Reliable passive
WDM optical
● Scales easily for
ring networks
● Low-profile
modular design
● Fits in 1RU 19”
rack mount chassis
● Compliance with
OADM-1 Plug-in Module
Center wavelengths:
(8 versions):
• 1471 nm
• 1491 nm
• 1511 nm
• 1531 nm
• 1551 nm
• 1571 nm
• 1591 nm
• 1611 nm
≥ 55 dB
Return Loss:
≥ 45 dB
Passband Ripple:
≤ 0.5dB
≤ 0.15dB
≤ 0.2ps
•Operating 0 to 70ºC
• Relative humidity:
10 to 85%,
•Storage - 40 to 85ºC
8.3” x 1.7” x 10.4”,
210mm x 43mm x 264mm,
plug-in for 1RU rack-mount
• Network side: 2 dual SC/PC
or LC/PC
• Equipment side: 2 dual SC/PC
or LC/PC
Finisar Shanghai Inc.
No. 66 Huiqing Rd., East Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai,
China 201201
Main: +86-21-38559200 Fax: +86-21-68919894
Website: www.finisar.com
Finisar Corporation
1308 Moffett Park Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1133, USA
Main: (408) 548-1000 Fax: (408)543-0083
Email: sales@finisar.com Website: www.finisar.com
Jan. 09 Rev. C