IA6805E2 29 August 2007
Microprocessor Unit
As of Production Version 00
I/O Signal Description
The table below describes the I/O characteristics for each signal on the IC. The signal names
correspond to the signal names on the pinout diagrams provided.
VDD and VS S
(Power and Ground) N/A Source: These two pins provide power to the chip. VDD provides +5 volts (±0.5)
power and VSS is ground.
(Reset) ITTL: Input pin that can be used to reset the MPU's internal state by pulling the reset_n
pin low.
IRQ_ n
(Interrupt Request) ITTL: Input pin that is level and edge sensitive. Can be used to request an interrupt
(Load Instruction) O
TTL with slew rate control: Output pin used to indicate that a next opcode fetch is in
progress. Used only for certain debugging and test systems. Not connected in
normal operation. Overlaps Data Strobe (DS) signal. This output is capable of driving
one standard TT L load and 50pF.
(D a ta S tro b e) O
TTLwithslewratecontrol:Output pin used to transfer data to or from a peripheral
or memory. DS occurs anytime the MPU does a data read or write and during data
transfer to or from internal memory. DS is available at fOSC ¸5 when the MPU is not in
the WAIT or STOP mode. This output is capable of driving one standard TTL load and
(Read/Write) O
TTL with slew rate control: Output pin used to indicate the direction of data transfer
from internal memory, I/O registers, and external peripheral devices and memories.
Indicates to a selected peripheral whether the MPU is to read (RW_n high) or write
(RW_n low) data on the next data strobe. This output is capable of driving one
standard TTL load and 130pF.
(Ad dress S trobe) O
TTLwithslewratecontrol: Output strobe used to indicate the presence of an
address on the 8-bit multiplexed bus. The AS line is used to demultiplex the eight
least significant address bits from the data bus. AS is available at fOSC ¸5whenthe
MPU is not in the WAIT or STOP modes. This output is capable of driving one
standard T TL load and 130pF.
(Input/Output Lines) I/O
TTLwithslewratecontrol: These 16 lines constitute Input/Output ports A and B.
Each line is individually programmed to be either an input or output under software
controlof the Data Direction Register (DDR) as shown below in Table 1 and Figure 2.
The port I/O is programmed by writing the corresponding bit in the DDR to a "1" for
output and a "0" for input. In the output mode the bits are latched and appear on the
corresponding output pins. All the DDR's are initialized to a "0" on reset. The output
port registers are not initialized on reset. Each output is capable of driving one
standard T TL load and 50pF.
A 8 -A 12
(High O rder Address
Lines) OTTLwithslewratecontrol: These five outputs constitute the higher order non-
multiplexed address lines. Each output is capable of driving one standard TTL load
and 130pF.
B0- B 7
(Ad dress/D ata B us) I/O
TTLwithslewratecontrol: These bi-directional lines constitute the lower order
addresses and data. These lines are multiplexed with address present at address
strobe time and data present at data strobe time. When in the data mode, these lines
are bi-directional, transferring data to and from memory and peripheral devices as
indicated by the RW_n pin. As outputs, these lines are capable of driving one
standard T TL load and 130
Timer ITTL: Input used to control the internal timer/counter circuitry.
OS C1 , OSC2
(S ystem C lock)
TTL Oscillator input/output: These pins provide control input for the on-chip clock
oscillator circuits. Either a crystal or external clock is connected to these pins to
provide a system clock. The crystal connection is shown in Figure 3.TheOSC1to
bus transitions for system designs using oscillators slower than 5MHz is shown in
Figure 4.
The circuit shown in Figure 3 is recommended when using a crystal. An external
CMOS oscillator is recommended when using crystals outside the specified ranges.
To minimize output distortion and start-up stabilization time, the crystal and
com ponents should be mounted as close to the input pins as possible.
External C lock When an external clock is used, it should be applied to the OSC1 input with the OSC2
input not connected, as shown in Figure 3.
Table 1
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