TDA 16 846
TDA 16847
Data Sheet 5 2000-01-14
1.4 Sh or t Des cr ip ti o n of the P in Fu nc ti o n s
Pin Function
1 A parallel RC-circ uit betwee n this pin and ground determ ines the ringing
suppression t ime and the standby -frequency.
2 A capaci tor between this pin and ground and a resistor between this pin and
the positive terminal of the primary elcap quantifies t he max. possible output
power of the SMPS.
3 This is the input of the error amplifier and the zero crossing input. The output
of a voltage divider between the control windi ng and gro und is connect ed to
this input . If the pulses at pin 3 exceed a 5 V threshold, the control voltage at
pin 4 is lowered.
4 This is the pin for the control voltage. A capacitor has to be connect ed
between this pin and ground. The val ue of this capa citor determines t he
duration of the softstart and the spe ed of the control .
5 If an opto coupler for the control is used, it’s outp ut has to be connect ed
between this pin and ground. The vol tage divider at pin 3 has then to be
changed, so that the puls es at pin 3 are below 5 V.
6 Fault comparator 2: If a voltage > 1.2 V is applied to this pin, the SMPS stops.
7 If fixed frequency mode is wante d, a parallel RC circuit has to be connect ed
between this pin and ground. The RC- val ue determ in es the freque ncy. If
synchronized mode is wanted, sync pulses have to be fed into this pin.
8 Not connect ed (TDA 16 846) . / This is the powe r measure men t output of the
Tempora ry High Power Circu it. A capacitor and a RC-circuit has to be
connecte d between t his pin and ground (TD A 16847) .
9 Output for reference voltage (5 V). With a resistor between this pin and ground
the fault comparator 2 (pin 6) is enabl ed.
10 Fault comparato r 1: If a voltage > 1 V is applied to this pin, the SMPS stops.
11 This is the input of the primary voltage check. The voltage at the anode of the
primary elcap has to be fed to this pin via a volt age divide r. If the voltage of
this pin falls below 1 V, the SMPS is switched off. A second function of this pin
is the primary voltage dependent fold back point correction (only active in free
running mode).
12 Common gr ound.
13 Outpu t signal. This pin has to be connect ed acr oss a serial resi stor with the
gate of the power transistor.
14 Connection for supply voltage and st artup capaci tor. After startup the supply
voltage is produced by the control winding of the transf ormer and rectified by
an external diode.