DATASHEET ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR Description Features The ICS2059-02 is a VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator) based clock multiplier and jitter attenuator designed for system clock distribution applications. This monolithic IC, combined with an external inexpensive quartz crystal, can be used to replace a more costly hybrid VCXO retiming module. A dual input mux is also provided. * Excellent jitter attenuation for telecom and video By controlling the VCXO frequency within a phase-locked loop (PLL), the output clock is phase and frequency locked to the input clock. Through selection of external loop filter components, the PLL loop bandwidth and damping factor can be tailored to meet system clock requirements. A loop bandwidth down to the Hz range is possible. * Output clock is phase and frequency locked to the clocks * 2:1 Input MUX for input reference clocks * No switching glitches on output * VCXO-based clock generation offers very low jitter and phase noise generation selected input reference clock * Fixed input to output phase relationship * +115 ppm minimum crystal frequency pullability range, using recommended crystal * * * * Industrial temperature range Low power CMOS technology 16-pin TSSOP package Single 3.3 V power supply Block Diagram Pullable Crystal ISET Input Clock ICLK2 Input Clock ICLK1 1 0 Phase Detector VDD X2 VCXO 3 Selectable Divider CLK Charge Pump ISEL SEL1:0 X1 VDD 2 VIN CHGP IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 1 GND 2 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS Pin Assignment Output Frequency Select Table X1 1 16 X2 VDD 2 15 ISEL VDD 3 14 ICLK1 VDD 4 13 ICLK2 VIN 5 12 SEL0 Input GND 6 11 CLK GND 7 10 SEL1 CHGP 8 9 ISET SEL1 SEL0 8 kHz 8 kHz 15.625 kHz 15.734265 kHz 151.875 kHz 27 MHz 0 0 1 1 M M 0 1 0 1 0 1 N 1296 2430 1728 1716 128 1 Output Clock Crystal Used (MHz) (MHz) 10.368 20.736 19.44 19.44 27 27 27 27 19.44 19.44 27 27 Note: For SEL input pin programming: 0 = GND, 1 = VDD, M = Floating 16- pin ( 173 mil) TSSOP Pin Descriptions Pin Number 1 2 3 4 5 Pin Name X1 VDD VDD VDD VIN Pin Type -- Power Power Power Input 6 7 8 GND GND CHGP Power Power Output 9 10 ISET SEL1 -- Input 11 12 CLK SEL0 Output Input 13 ICLK2 Input 14 ICLK1 Input 15 ISEL Input 16 X2 -- Pin Description Crystal Input. Connect this pin to the specified crystal. Power Supply. Connect to +3.3 V. Power Supply. Connect to +3.3 V. Power Supply. Connect to +3.3 V. VCXO Control Voltage Input. Connect this pin to CHGP pin and the external loop filter as shown in this data sheet. Connect to ground. Connect to ground. Charge Pump Output. Connect this pin to the external loop filter and to pin VIN. Charge pump current setting node, connection for setting resistor. Output Frequency Selection Pin 1. Determines output frequency as per table above. Includes mid-level input. Clock Output. Output Frequency Selection Pin 0. Determines output frequency as per table above. Internal pull-up resistor. Input Clock Connection 2. Connect an input reference clock to this pin. If unused, connect to ground. Input Clock Connection 1. Connect an input reference clock to this pin. If unused, connect to ground. Input Selection. Used to select which reference input clock is active. Low input level selects ICLK1, high input level selects ICLK2. Internal pull-up resistor. Crystal Output. Connect this pin to the specified crystal. IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 2 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS Functional Description generated due to the "fly-wheel" effect of the VCXO (the quartz crystal is a high-Q tuned circuit). When the input clocks are not phase aligned, the phase of the output clock will change to reflect the phase of the newly selected input at a controlled phase slope (rate of phase change) as influenced by the PLL loop characteristics. The ICS2059-02 is a clock generator IC that generates an output clock directly from an internal VCXO circuit which works in conjunction with an external quartz crystal. The VCXO is controlled by an internal PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) circuit, enabling the device to perform clock regeneration from an input reference clock. The ICS2059-02 is configured to provide an output clock that is the same frequency as the input clock. There are 12 selectable input / output frequency ranges, each of which is a submultiple of the supported quartz crystal frequency range. Please refer to the Output Clock Selection Table on Page 2. Quartz Crystal It is important that the correct type of quartz crystal is used with the ICS2059-02. Failure to do so may result in reduced frequency pullability range, inability of the loop to lock, or excessive output phase jitter. The ICS2059-02 operates by phase-locking the VCXO circuit to the input signal of the selected ICLK input. The VCXO consists of the external crystal and the integrated VCXO oscillator circuit. To achieve the best performance and reliability, a crystal device with the recommended parameters (shown below) must be used, and the layout guidelines discussed in the PCB Layout Recommendations section must be followed. Most typical PLL clock devices use an internal VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) for output clock generation. By using a VCXO with an external crystal, the ICS2059-02 is able to generate a low jitter, low phase-noise output clock within a low bandwidth PLL. This serves to provide input clock jitter attenuation and enables stable operation with a low-frequency reference clock. The frequency of oscillation of a quartz crystal is determined by its cut and by the external load capacitance. The ICS2059-02 incorporates variable load capacitors on-chip which "pull", or change, the frequency of the crystal. The crystals specified for use with the ICS2059-02 are designed to have zero frequency error when the total of on-chip + stray capacitance is 14 pF. To achieve this, the layout should use short traces between the ICS2059-02 and the crystal. The VCXO circuit requires an external pullable crystal for operation. External loop filter components enable a PLL configuration with low loop bandwidth. Application Information Input / Output Frequency Configuration The ICS2059-02 is configured to generate an output frequency that is equal to the input reference frequency. Clock frequencies that are supported are those which fall into the ranges listed in the Output Clock Selection Table on Page 2. Input bits SEL2:0 are set according to this table, as is the external crystal frequency. Other input/output frequency combinations can be used if the necessary integer multiplication factor "N" appears in the Output Frequency Select table. fro example, 20 MHz can be generated from 156.25 kHz by using select M0, as N=128. A complete description of the recommended crystal parameters is in application note MAN05. PLL Loop Filter Components All analog PLL circuits use a loop filter to establish operating stability. The ICS2059-02 uses external loop filter components for the following reasons: 1) Larger loop filter capacitor values can be used, allowing a lower loop bandwidth. This enables the use of lower input clock reference frequencies and also input clock jitter attenuation capabilities. Larger loop filter capacitors also allow higher loop damping factors when less passband peaking is desired. Input Mux The Input Mux serves to select between two alternate input reference clocks. Upon reselection of the input clock, clock glitches on the output clock will not be IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 2) The loop filter values can be user selected to 3 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS External Component Schematic optimize loop response characteristics for a given application. CL Referencing the External Component Schematic on this page, the external loop filter is made up of the components RZ, C1 and C2. RSET establishes PLL charge pump current and therefore influences loop filter characteristics. CL (Refer to Crystal Tuning section) Crystal X1 RS P CS 1 X2 16 VDD 2 15 VDD 3 14 ICLK1 VDD VIN 4 13 ICLK2 5 12 SEL0 GND 6 11 CLK GND 7 10 SEL1 8 9 CHGP ISEL 16-pin (173 mil) TSSOP ISET R SET Recommended Loop Filter Values Vs. Output Frequency Range Selection Crystal SEL1 SEL0 Multiplier 0 0 1 1 M M 0 1 0 1 0 1 (N) 2592 2430 1728 1716 128 1 RSET RS CS CP 180 k 120 k 330 k 330 k 120 k 1 M 820 k 560 k 680 k 680 k 330 k 22 k 0.47 F 0.68 F 0.68 F 0.68 F 1 F 1 F 1.8 nF 3.3 nF 3.9 nF 3.9 nF 3.3 nF 3.3 nF Loop Bandwidth Damping Factor (-3dB point) 11.2 Hz 11.8 Hz 11.5 Hz 11.5 Hz 14.5 Hz 204.2 Hz 3.00 2.97 3.17 3.18 3.16 3.08 Note: For SEL input pin programming: 0 = GND, 1 = VDD, M = Floating IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 4 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS A "normalized" PLL loop bandwidth may be calculated as follows: Charge Pump Current Table R S x I CP x345 575 NBW = ----------------------------------------N RSET 1.4 M 680 k 540 k 120 k The "normalized" bandwidth equation above does not take into account the effects of damping factor or the second pole. However, it does provide a useful approximation of filter performance. Special considerations must be made in choosing loop components CS and CP. Series Termination Resistor The loop damping factor is calculated as follows: Damping Factor = R S x Clock output traces over one inch should use series termination. To series terminate a 50 trace (a commonly used trace impedance), place a 33 resistor in series with the clock line, as close to the clock output pin as possible. The nominal impedance of the clock output is 20. (The optional series termination resistor is not shown in the External Component Schematic.) 375 625 x I CP x C S ------------------------------------------N Where: RS = Value of resistor in loop filter (Ohms) ICP = Charge pump current (amps) (refer to Charge Pump Current Table, below) N = Crystal multiplier shown in the above Decoupling Capacitors As with any high-performance mixed-signal IC, the ICS2059-02 must be isolated from system power supply noise to perform optimally. table CS = Value of capacitor C1 in loop filter (Farads) Decoupling capacitors of 0.01F must be connected between each VDD and the PCB ground plane. To further guard against interfering system supply noise, the ICS2059-02 should use one common connection to the PCB power plane as shown in the diagram on the next page. The ferrite bead and bulk capacitor help reduce lower frequency noise in the supply that can lead to output clock phase modulation. As a general rule, the following relationship should be maintained between components C1 and C2 in the loop filter: C CP Charge Pump Current (ICP) 10 A 20 A 25 A 100 A = -----S20 IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 5 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS Recommended Power Supply Connection for Optimal Device Performance trace to VDD pin should be kept as short as possible, as should the PCB trace to the ground via. Distance of the ferrite bead and bulk decoupling from the device is less critical. V D D P in C onnection to 3.3V P ow er P lane Ferrite Bead B ulk D ecoupling C apacitor (such as 1 F Tantalum ) 0.01 2) The loop filter components must also be placed close to the CHGP and VIN pins. CP should be closest to the device. Coupling of noise from other system signal traces should be minimized by keeping traces short and away from active signal traces. Use of vias should be avoided. V D D P in V D D P in 3) The external crystal should be mounted just next to the device with short traces. The X1 and X2 traces should not be routed next to each other with minimum spaces, instead they should be separated and away from other traces. F D ecoupling C apacitors Crystal Load Capacitors The device crystal connections should include pads for small capacitors from X1 to ground and from X2 to ground, shown as CL in the External Component Schematic. These capacitors are used to adjust the stray capacitance of the board to match the nominally required crystal load capacitance. Because load capacitance can only be increased in this trimming process, it is important to keep stray capacitance to a minimum by using very short PCB traces (and no vias) been the crystal and device. 4) To minimize EMI, the 33 series termination resistor (if needed) should be placed close to the clock output. 5) An optimum layout is one with all components on the same side of the board, minimizing vias through other signal layers (the ferrite bead and bulk decoupling capacitor can be mounted on the back). Other signal traces should be routed away from the ICS2059-02. This includes signal traces just underneath the device, or on layers adjacent to the ground plane layer used by the device. In most cases the load capacitors will not be required. They should not be stuffed on the prototype evaluation board as the indiscriminate use of these trim capacitors will typically cause more crystal centering error than their absence. If the need for the load capacitors is later determined, the values will fall within the 1-4 pf range. The need for, and value of, these trim capacitors can only be determined at prototype evaluation. Please refer to MAN05 for the procedure to determine the component values. The IDT Applications Note MAN05 may also be referenced for additional suggestions on layout of the crystal section. PCB Layout Recommendations For optimum device performance and lowest output phase noise, the following guidelines should be observed. Please also refer to the Recommended PCB Layout drawing on page 7. 1) Each 0.01F decoupling capacitor should be mounted on the component side of the board as close to the VDD pin as possible. No vias should be used between decoupling capacitor and VDD pin. The PCB IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 6 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS Recommended PCB Layout For minimum output clock jitter, remove ground and power plane within this entire area. Also route all other traces away from this area. G For minimum output clock jitter, device VDD connections should be made to common bulk decoupling device (see text). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 G G G 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 G G G G Legend: G = Ground Connection Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses above the ratings listed below can cause permanent damage to the ICS2059-02. These ratings, which are standard values for IDT commercially rated parts, are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can affect product reliability. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the recommended operating temperature range. Item Rating Supply Voltage, VDD 7V All Inputs and Outputs -0.5 V to VDD+0.5 V Ambient Operating Temperature -40 to +85 C Storage Temperature -65 to +150 C Junction Temperature 125 C Soldering Temperature 260 C IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 7 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS Recommended Operation Conditions Parameter Min. Ambient Operating Temperature Typ. Max. Units +85 C +3.45 V -40 Power Supply Voltage (measured in respect to GND) +3.15 +3.3 DC Electrical Characteristics Unless stated otherwise, VDD = 3.3 V 5%, Ambient Temperature -40 to +85 C Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units 3.15 3.3 3.45 V 10 15 mA Operating Voltage VDD Supply Current IDD Input High Voltage, SEL1 VIH Input Low Voltage, SEL1 VIL Input High Voltage, ISEL, SEL0 VIH Input Low Voltage, ISEL, SEL0 VIL Input High Voltage, ICLK1, 2 VIH Input Low Voltage, ICLK1, 2 VIL Input High Current IIH VIH = VDD Input Low Current IIL VIL = 0 Input Capacitance, except X1 CIN Output High Voltage (CMOS Level) VOH IOH = -4 mA VDD-0.4 V Output High Voltage VOH IOH = -8 mA 2.4 V Output Low Voltage VOL IOL = 8 mA Short Circuit Current IOS VIN, VCXO Control Voltage VXC Nominal Output Impedance ZOUT IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR Clock outputs unloaded, VDD = 3.3 V VDD-0.5 V 0.5 2 V 0.8 V V VDD/2+1 VDD/2-1 V -10 +10 A -10 +10 A 7 pF 0.4 50 0 V mA VDD V 20 8 V ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS AC Electrical Characteristics Unless stated otherwise, VDD = 3.3 V 5%, Ambient Temperature -40 to +85 C Parameter Symbol VCXO Crystal Pull Range fXP VCXO Crystal Nominal Frequency fX Input Jitter Tolerance tji Input pulse width (1) tpi Output Frequency Error Conditions Using recommended crystal Min. Typ. Max. Units -115 +115 ppm 8.5 27 MHz 0.4 UI 10 FOUT ICLK = 0 ppm error 0 Output Duty Cycle (% high time) tOD Measured at VDD/2, CL=15 pF 40 Output Rise Time tOR Output Fall Time ns 0 0 ppm 60 % 0.8 to 2.0V , CL=15 pF 1.5 ns tOF 2.0 to 0.8 V, CL=15 pF 1.5 ns Skew, Input to Output Clock tIO 27 MHz output, rising edges, CL=15 pF +5 ns Cycle Jitter (short term jitter) tja 150 ps p-p Timing Jitter, Filtered 500 Hz-1.3 MHz (OC-3) tjf 210 ps p-p Timing Jitter, Filtered 65 kHz-1.3 MHz (OC-3) tjf 150 ps p-p Typ. Max. Units -5 Note 1: Minimum high or low time of input clock. Thermal Characteristics Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient JA Still air 78 C/W JA 1 m/s air flow 70 C/W JA 3 m/s air flow 68 C/W Thermal Resistance Junction to Case JC 37 C/W IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 9 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS Package Outline and Package Dimensions (16-pin TSSOP, 173 Mil. Narrow Body) Package dimensions are kept current with JEDEC Publication No. 95 16 Millimeters Symbol E1 A A1 A2 b C D E E1 e L aaa E IN D EX AR EA 1 2 D A 2 Min Inches Max Min -1.20 0.05 0.15 0.80 1.05 0.19 0.30 0.09 0.20 4.90 5.1 6.40 BASIC 4.30 4.50 0.65 Basic 0.45 0.75 0 8 -0.10 Max -0.047 0.002 0.006 0.032 0.041 0.007 0.012 0.0035 0.008 0.193 0.201 0.252 BASIC 0.169 0.177 0.0256 Basic 0.018 0.030 0 8 -0.004 A A 1 c -C e S E A TIN G P LA N E b L aaa C Ordering Information Part / Order Number Marking Shipping Packaging Package Temperature 2059GI-02 2059GI02 Tubes 16-pin TSSOP -40 to +85 C 2059GI-02T 2059GI02 Tape and Reel 16-pin TSSOP -40 to +85 C While the information presented herein has been checked for both accuracy and reliability, Integrated Device Technology (IDT) assumes no responsibility for either its use or for the infringement of any patents or other rights of third parties, which would result from its use. No other circuits, patents, or licenses are implied. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Any other applications such as those requiring extended temperature range, high reliability, or other extraordinary environmental requirements are not recommended without additional processing by IDT. IDT reserves the right to change any circuitry or specifications without notice. IDT does not authorize or warrant any IDT product for use in life support devices or critical medical instruments. IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 10 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS Revision History Rev. Originator Date Description of Change A P.Griffith 11/19/04 New device/datasheet. Change proposal number from 4MPG019 to ICS2059-02. Move from Advance to Preliminary. B P.Griffith 11/29/04 Updated values for "Loop Bandwidth" and" Damping Factor" in "Recommended Loop Filter Values vs Output Frequency Range Selection" table; C P.Griffith 03/16/05 Released to Final and standard, general purpose device. IDTTM / ICSTM CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR 11 ICS2059-02 REV C 031605 ICS2059-02 CLOCK MULTIPLIER AND JITTER ATTENUATOR VCXO AND SYNTHESIZERS Innovate with IDT and accelerate your future networks. Contact: For Sales For Tech Support 800-345-7015 408-284-8200 Fax: 408-284-2775 Corporate Headquarters Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (c) 2006 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice. IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Accelerated Thinking is a service mark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners. Printed in USA