DS821DB1 15
• If the red FAIL LED i s lit solid, the progra mming sequence concluded with on e or more errors. The oth-
er two status LEDs indicate the nature of the error(s).
• If no LED is lit solid and the red FAIL LED is flashing, th e micro-controlle r encounte red an invalid con-
dition that must be corrected before proceeding .
Great care has been taken to choose very simple LED patterns for those result codes that are exceedingly
likely to occur in a production envir onment, that is result co des 0, 1, and 13. All three of these re sults are
indicated by a si ngle lit LED with the othe r two status LEDs in the off state. This way, a production floor
operator can quickly glance at the board and immediately classify the result as WAIT, FAIL, or PASS. The
other error codes are either limited to Development mode, setup errors (which would be caught prior to
an operator taking over ), or are rather unlikely to occur.
4.4.4 Result Code Details
• 0 (Programming in progress) - This result code really means that programming is not finished, and no
result is available quite yet. The boa rd sh ould only re main in this state for a few seco nds. If this co ndi-
tion persists for more than 20 seconds, the micro-controller should be reset via push-button S2.
• 1 (Success: no error) - The DUT was programmed successfully and no errors were encountered.
• 2/3/4 (Warning: OTP configuration violation) - DEVELOPMENT MODE ONLY - One or more OTP con-
figuration violations were encounter ed, but progra mming continu ed on a best-effort basis. The offend-
ing bit positions were left unchanged, while all others were programmed as desired.
• 5 (Invalid: no configuration file found) - The micro-controller has not received a valid configuration file.
Refer to the software docume ntation and upload a valid con figuration file to the b oard before proceed-
• 6 (Invalid: no DUT found) - The micro-controller was unable to find a DUT on the board. This means
either no DUT is present, or the DUT is defective. Replace the DUT before proceeding.
• 7 (Invalid: DUT is not a CS2000 family device) - A DUT was found on the board, but it d oesn’t appear
to be a CS2000 family device. The CDK2000 platform only sup ports CS2000 family devices. Replace
the DUT before proceeding.
• 8 (Invalid: unsupported revision) - The revision of the CS2000 family device found is not supported.
The firmware ca n only progr am CS2000 family devices of r evision B2 or above . Revisions B1 and be-
low are not supported. Replace the DUT before proceeding.
• 9 (Error: register read error) - The firmware encountered a register read error. Most likely, this indicates
a defective DUT. You may try to invoke the programming sequence aga in. If the error persists, replace
the DUT before proceeding.
• 10/11/12 (Error: OTP configuration violation) - PRODUCTION MODE ONLY - One or more OTP con-
figuration violations were encountered, and the DUT was not programmed. This error indicates either
an invalid configuration file or a configuration file th at doesn’t match th e DU T variant cu rren tly present
on the board. Make sure the configuration file was created for the proper target DUT, and verify the
correct DUT variant is present.
• 13 (Error: OTP read-back error) - The DUT was programmed, but OTP read-back verification failed.
This error indicates a defective DUT that must be replaced.
• 14 (Error: general or unknown error) - A miscellaneous error occurred. This could indicate a defective
DUT or a problem with the board hardware or the micro-controller firmware. You may wish to try again,
first with the same and then with a different DUT. If the error still persists, a hardware problem is pos-