Absolute Maximum Ratings, Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified
Symbol Ratings Units
Junction Temper ature Tj–40 to 150 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg –40 to 125 °C
Collector-Emitter V oltage (G-E-SHOR T) VCES 1400 Volts
Gate-Emitter V oltage (C-E-SHORT) VGES ±20 Volts
Collector Current (TC = 25°C) IC100 Amperes
Peak Collector Current ICM 200* Amperes
Emitter Current** (TC = 25°C) IE100 Amperes
Peak Emitter Current** IEM 200* Amperes
Maximum Collector Dissipation (TC = 25°C, Tj ≤ 150°C) Pc780 Watts
Mounting Torque, M5 Main Terminal – 1.47 ~ 1.96 N · m
Mounting Torque, M5 Mounting – 1.47 ~ 1.96 N · m
Weight – 830 Grams
Isolation Voltage (Main Terminal to Baseplate, AC 1 min.) Viso 2500 Vrms
*Pulse width and repetition rate should be such that the device junction temperature (Tj) does not exceed Tj(max) rating.
**Represents characteristics of the anti-parallel, emitter-to-collector free-wheel diode (FWDi).
Static Electrical Characteristics, Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Collector-Cutoff Current ICES VCE = VCES, VGE = 0V – – 1.0 mA
Gate Leakage Current IGES VGE = VGES, VCE = 0V – – 0.5 µA
Gate-Emitter Threshold Voltage VGE(th) IC = 10mA, VCE = 10V 5.0 6.5 8.0 Volts
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) IC = 100A, VGE = 15V – 3.1 4.2** Volts
IC = 100A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 150°C – 2.95 – Volts
Total Gate Charge QGVCC = 800V, I C = 100A, VGE = 15V – 510 – nC
Emitter-Collector Voltage VEC IE = 100A, VGE = 0V – – 3.8 Volts
** Pulse width and repetition rate should be such that device junction temperature rise is negligible.
Dynamic Electrical Characteristics, Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Input Capacitance Cies – – 20 nF
Output Capacitance Coes VGE = 0V, VCE = 10V – – 7 nF
Re verse Transfer Capacitance Cres – – 4 nF
Resistive Turn-on Delay Time td(on) – – 250 ns
Load Rise Time trVCC = 800V, IC = 100A, – – 400 ns
Switching Turn-off Delay Time td(off) VGE1 = VGE2 = 15V, RG = 3.1Ω– – 300 ns
Times F all Time tf– – 500 ns
Diode Reverse Recovery Time trr IE = 100A, diE/dt = –200A/µs – – 300 ns
Diode Reverse Recovery Charge Qrr IE = 100A, diE/dt = –200A/µs – 1.0 – µC
Thermal and Mechanical Characteristics, Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Rth(j-c) Per IGBT – – 0.16 °C/W
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Rth(j-c) Per FWDi – – 0.35 °C/W
Contact Thermal Resistance Rth(c-f) Per Module, Ther mal Grease Applied – – 0.025 °C/W