I.D. PRO® Plus, LS2000 & BradyM arker™ XC Plus
Printer Labels - # W ML-517-292
SIZE: 1.500" W x 2.500" H (38.100 mm W x 63.500
mm H)
MATERIAL: Self- La minating Vinyl
QTY/UOM: 100/Roll
CA TA LOG #: WML-517-292
PRODUCT #: 32432
De scriptio n fo r I.D. PRO® Plus, LS2000 & BradyMarker™ XC Plus Printer Labels
Printable, self-laminating vinyl la bels for the I .D . PR O® Plus, LS2000 & BradyM arker ™ XC Plus pr inter s. This mater ial is UL Recognized to UL969 Labeling and Marking
Standard when printed w ith the Brady Series 2000, 5000, and 7300 dot matrix ribbons. See UL files MH10939 for specific details.
Spe cifica tion Of I.D. PRO® Plus, LS20 00 & Bra dyMarker™ XC Plus Printer Labels
Application(s): Pan e l Id en tifi c ation , Wire & Cable M ar ki n g
Approval(s)/Compliance: UL Recognized
Size: 1.500" W x 2.500" H (38.100 mm W x 63.500 mm H )
Pr int ab le Area: 1.500" W x 0.750" H ( 38.100 mm W x 19.050 mm H )
Max Char ac ter s Ac r o ss : LARGE - I.D. PRO: 10, L S2000: 11. SMALL - I .D . PRO: 15, LS2000: 23
Max Lines of P ri n t: I.D . P RO: 4, L S2000: 5
Label Type/Style: Self-Lam inating Label
Color: White/Translucent
Finish: Matte
Qty Per Row : 1
Materi al Type: Vinyl
Material Descripti on: Self-Lam inating Vinyl
Brady Materi al #: B-292
S afety Catalog: pg. 127
Recommended Ribbon Seri es: R5000
Printer Compatibil ity: B radyM ark er XC Pl u s, I.D. PRO Pl us, LS2000
S pec ial P r oper ties: Self-Extinguishing, Self-Laminating
RoHS Compatibility: Com pl i ant wi th RoHS D i rective. NOTE : Al l statements con cerni ng RoHS D i recti ve compli ance refer to 2005/618/EC MCV amendment to RoHS
D i rective 2002/95/EC. Produ ct compl i ance i s based upon i n formati on provid ed by suppl i ers of the raw material s u sed by Brady to manufacture these
products, or by i ndependent laboratory testi ng of these products. As such, B rady makes no i ndependent representations or warranties, e xpr es s o r
im plied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of this inform ation.
QTY/UOM: 100/Roll
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