TO-101 (CB-128) Linear integrated circuits - transistors arrays Circuits intgrs linaires - rseaux de transistors toper |Yceo] 'c hoe fe 1 Yb | tr | Ibias CiL 76 Type Case potaris, Page Type Bofter | (oc) | (vb | (mA) HI, = 1 mad] (MHz)} (mv) | (uA) | (ua) Page min. | max. typ. tye. | typ. | typ. | typ. " Darlington stage + 15 SF.C 2018 M 2 NPN transistors TO-101 15 50 100 500 677 Etage Darlington + +125 2 transistors NPN . Dual Darlington 0 4 677 SF.C 2036 M Double Darlington TO-101 +85 15 50 00 200 1 differential pair + 0 3 NPN transistors 0 F, 46 E \- 550 0,45 03 77 SF.C 2046 EC 1 paire diffrenticlle + T2116 +e5 18 50 100 6 3 transistors NPN Dual differential 0 SF.C 2054 EC amplifier TO-116 4-85 15 50 550 045 0,3 10 677 Double amplifica- teur aiffrentiel TDB3001 DP 7 Darlingt 55 arlington ' 1 TO-116 60 500 1000 # 1083002 DP 7 Darlington +150 TDB3003 DP AF amplifier Amplificateur BF oper Veupply. Ry ip Voc Po / Voc CIL 76 Type Case afiment. See page Type Boitier | (4) (Vv) (Mg2} (mAh (v} (wy vy) (9) Voir page max SF.C 2790 C TO-100 Cc 6-12 50 6 g 1,05 9 8 713 SF.C 2790 M TO-100 M 6-12 50 6 9 1,05 9 8 713 # To be published later (1) toper M = 55C, +125C, T = 25C, +85C Sera publie ultrieurement C= oc,+ 70C 168