SN65C189, SN65C189A, SN75C189, SN75C189A Meets Standard EIA-232-D (Revision of RS-232-C) Low Supply Current .. . 420 pA Typ Preset On-Chip Input Noise Filter Built-in Input Hysteresis Response and Threshold Controi Inputs Push-Pull Outputs ESD Protection Exceeds 1000 V Per MIL-STD-883C, Method 3015 @ Functionally interchangeable and Pin Compatible With Texas Instruments $N75189/SN75189A, Motorola MC1489/MC1489A, and National Semiconductor DS14C88A description The SN65C 7189, SN65C 189A. SN75C 189, and SN75C189A are low-power bipolar quadruple line receivers that are used to interface data terminal equipment (DTE) with data circuit- terminating equipment (DCE). These devices have been designed to conform with Standard ANSI/EIA-232-D-1986, which supersedes RS-232-C. The SN65C189 and SN75C 189 have a0.25 V typical hysteresis compared with 1 V for the SN65C189A and SN75C189A. Each receiver has provision for adjustment of the overall input threshold levels. This is achieved by choosing external series resistors and voltages to provide bias levels for the response control pins. The output ts in the high logic state if the input is left open circuited or shorted to grourd. QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS 03144, OCTOBER 1988REVISED FEBRUARY 1991 D, DB, OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Ch Oud vec 1 CONT [Jz 13] 44 1 (Js 1217) 4 CONT 2AC}s nay 2CONT [Js 10f.] 3A 2yY Cs "Bacont GND [7 aL) 3Y logic symbolt ony pag 1A 1 CONT 2A 2 CONT 34 3 cont 8 4Aa- 4 cont o2 THRS ADS 18) oy ave 3Y Vay TThis symbol is in accordance with ANSW/IEEE Std 91-1984 ana IEC Publication 617-12 logic diagram (each receiver) RESPONSE CONTROL These devices have an on-chip filter that rejects input pulses of shorter than 1-4s minimum duration. An external capacitor may be connected from the control pins to ground to provide further input noise filtering for each receiver. The SN65C189, SN75C189, SNG5C189A, and SN75C189A have been designed using low-power techniques tn a bipolar technology. In most applications, these receivers will interface to single inputs of peripheral devices such as UARTs, ACEs, or microprocessors. By using sampling, such peripheral devices are usually insensitive to the transition times of the input signals. If this is not the case, or for other uses, it is recommenaed that the SN65C 189, SN75C 189, SN65C 189A, and SN75C189A outputs be buffered by single Schmitt input gates or single gates of the HCMOS, ALS or 74F logic families. The SN65C 189 and SN65C 189A are characterized for operation from 40C to 85C. The SN75C189 and SN75C189A are characterizec for operation from OC to 70C. PRODUCTION DATA infermation ie current as ubheation date. Products cantorm to specifications per the terms at Texaa (natrumeats siandard wartancy. Praduction preceesing does not necersaniy mciuon testing af wi) parameters 1 INSTRUMENTS . Copynght 2 1991, Texas instruments Incorporated S 4-97SN65C189, SN65C189A, SN75C189, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS schematic of inputs and outputs EQUIVALENT OF EACH INPUTT ESD PROTECTION RESPONSE _ CONTROL 30 2 yy zk TT EQUIVALENT OF EACH OUTPUT vec OUTPUT TAIl resistor values shown are naminai absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage, Vcc (see Note 1) Input voltage range . Output voltage range... Continuous total dissipation . . Storage temperature range ...... Lead ternperature 1,6 mm 1/16 inch} from case for 10 seconds Operating free-air temperature range: SN65C189, SN65C189A SN75C189, SN75C189A ee eee ee 7Vv See -30 V to 30 V Se ee -0.3V to Vcc + 0.3 V See Dissipation Rating Table an -40C to 85C 0C to 70C Fee - 65C to 150C Pee ee 260C NOTE 1: All voltages are with respect 13 the network ground terminal DISSIPATION RATING TABLE PACKAGE Ta = 25C DERATING FACTOR Ta = 70C Ta = 85C POWER RATING ABOVE Ta = 25C POWER RATING POWER RATING 0 350 mw 7.6 mW/PC 608 mw 494 mW 08 525 mW 4.2 MW/PC 336 mW 273 mw N 1150 mW 9.2 mW/eC 736 mW 598 mw recommended operating conditions MIN NOM MAX UNIT Supply voltage, Vcc 4.5 5 6 v input voltage, Vy (see Note 2} -25 25 Vv High-level output current. [QH 3.2 mA Low-ievel output current. lo, 3.2 mA Response contro! current =] mA O ' free t tl r [_SIN6SC 189. SN65C 189A -40 a5 eratin: ree-air temperature, perenne perature, TA [Sin78C 189, SN7SC189A 0 70 c NOTE 2: The algebraic convention, where the more positive (less negative) limit is designated as maximum for logic levels only, e.g., if - 10 V is a maximum. the typical value is a more negative voltage. wy INSTRUMENTS _ IS used in this data sheetSN65C189, SN65C189A, SN75C189, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS electrical characteristics over recommended free-air temperature range, Vcc = 5 V + 10% (unless otherwise noted) (See Note 3) PARAMETERS TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP? MAX | UNIT Positive-going SNC189 1 1.5 VT. See Figure 1 Vv T+ threshold level SN'C189A 3 16 2.25 -gai NN 0.75 1.25 Vr- Negative-gaing SN'C189 See Figure 1 Vv threshold level SN'C189A 0.75 1 1.25 v ' h SNC189 See Fi 1 0.15 0.33 Vv ee Figure hys nput hysteresis SN'CIBOA ig 0.65 0.97 Voc = 4.5 V0 6V, Vv, = 0.75 V, 45 VOH = High-level output voltage loH = - 20 uA , v Vi = 0.75 V, loH = 3-2 mA 2.5 y Low-level Veco = 4.5 V to 6V, Visa 3V, 0.4 Vv OL ow-level output voltage lot = 3.2 mA : . Vp = 25 V 3.6 8.3 iH High-level input current See Figure 2 7, av 0.43 ; mA | Low-level t t See Figure 2 Mi = = 25V 36 83 A w-level input curren igur m IL vel inp 9 Via -3V -0.43 -1 los Short-circuit output current See Figure 3 - 36 mA lec Supply current Vi = 5 V, No load, See Figure 2 420 700 uA TAil typical values are at Ta = 25C. NOTE 3: All characteristics are measured with response control termina! open, switching characteristics at Ta = 25C, Vcc = 5V 410% PARAMETERS TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX | UNIT Propagation delay time, z Ri = 5 ka, CL = 50 pF, See Fi 4 PLH low-to-high-level output L L Pp ee Figure 6 us Propagation delay time t RL = 5 kg, CL = 50 oF, See Fi 4 PHL high-to-low-level output L L e ee Figure 6 us Transition time, low-to-high-level TTLH " gn-ev A, =5k@ Cl = 50pF, See Figure 4 soo | ns output? Transition time, high-to-low-leve TTHL + ' 9 woeve! Ry = 5 kQ, CL = 50 pF, See Figure 4 300 ns output* Duration of longest pulse t . Ry = 5 kQ, Ci = 50 pF, See F 4 wi) rejected as noise L L pl ee Figure 1 6 us *Measured between 10% and 90% points of output waveform. The intent of this specification is that any input pulse of less than 1 us will have no effect on the output, and any pulse duration of greater than 6 xs wiil cause the output to change state twice. Reaction to a pulse duration between 1 us and 6 us is uncertain. TEXAS wy INSTRUMENTSSN65C189, SN65C199A, SN75C189, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONt Voc Vr. VI lon rs RESPONSE CONTROL L r F tor | aS TT > Tz Zz Tz OPEN | R R UNLESS 3 c S OTHERWISE = _ve =a SPECIFIED ii _a i Figure 1. VT 4, VT-. VOH. VOL Vee ne t lec > vi OPEN + We RESPONSE CONTROL OPEN CC 's tested for ail four ecervers simultaneously Figure 2. liq. lit. Iec Voc RESPONSE CONTROL = OPEN = Figure 3. log T Arrows indicate actual direction of current fiow. Current into a terminal is a positive value EXAS 4-100 INSTRUMENTSSN65C189, SN65C189A, SN75C189, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Vec PULSE GENERATOR ; OUTPUT (see Note A) RL CL RESPONSE kQ {see Note B) CONTROL OPEN + TEST CIRCUIT Satan 3V INPUT = 4.5 V 15V _ ' | ov i { ten, +> + 'PLH | THLE > i tTLH VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS NOTES: A. The pulse generator has the characteristics: 2g = 502, tw = 26 us. 8. C_ inciudes probe and jig capacitarces Figure 4. Switching Times Texas WY INSTRUMENTS 4-101SN65C189, SNG5C189A, SN75C189, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS SN75C189 POSITIVE-GOING THRESHOLD VOLTAGE vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE SN75C189A POSITIVE-GOING THRESHOLD VOLTAGE vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 4-102 15 1 24 | | Vocr55V Veco = 5.5 V 22 = 1.4 > 5 : 3 _~ 3 .. ~~ 2 13 ee 3 1.8 P nl 3 5 ie 3 1.6 \ - + 1 + 1.2 + 1.4 41 1.2 40-20 0 20 40 60 80 =: 1100 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta - Free-Alr Temperature C Tg ~ Free-Air Temperature C Figure 5 Figure 6 SN75C189 SN75C189A NEGATIVE-GOING THRESHOLD VOLTAGE NEGATIVE-GOING THRESHOLD VOLTAGE vs vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 12 T l 1.45 l Veco =5.5V Vec=5V 141 1 > > ' 1.05 & $ 3 S zs 1 3! aa i) re _ baat = E 095 - - 0.9 ' Sov 0.8 0.85 . 60 -40 -20 2a 40 60 80 100 0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta Free-Alr Temperature C Ta Free-Alr Temperature C Figure 7 Figure 8 EXAS uy INSTRUMENTSSN65C189, SNG5SC189A, SN75C189, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS SN75C189 SN75C189A INPUT HYSTERESIS INPUT HYSTERESIS vs vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 0.40 1.2 <5V 0,38 Veco =5V 14 veoss 0.36 1 > 0.36 > ' 1 99 2 0.32 2 . 3 3 2 0.30 < 0.8 = 5 (0.28 5 (7 0.26 0.6 0.24 0.22 0.5 0.20 0.4 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 40 ~20 0 20 a 60 80 100 Ta Free-Alr Temperature ~ C Ty Free-Alr Temperature C Figure 9 Figure 10 HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 3.8 0.24 Vec=45V Veco =45V > 36-- lon =-32mA > O22b lol =-3.2mA 1 VWjp=O.75V 1 Vps3V 2 e a 3.4 F 02 8 3 S 32 0.18 2 B 2 oa S ore e s : 5 Zz 28 p04 = = a ! 2.6 ' 042 = a * $ 2.4 a4 22 0.08 40 -20 Q 20 0 60 80 100 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta Free-Air Temperature C Ta ~ Free-Air Temperature C Figure 11 Figure 12 i TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 4-103SNG65C189, SNG5C189A, SN75C189, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS SN75C189 SN75C189A HIGH-LEVEL INPUT CURRENT HIGH-LEVEL INPUT CURRENT vs vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 07 t 7 0.65 T T Veco=45V Veco =4.5V Weav Wesy E 0.65 E 0.6 ; eo 5 os a ie i 0.55 PS = os PS 3 IN 3 Ph Ms, h 2& os = 2 0.45 = a, = 1 + z 0.45 0.4 0.4 0.35 40-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 40 -20 Qo 2 4 60 80 100 Ta Free-Alr Temperature - C Ta Free-Alr Temperature - C Figure 13 Figure 14 SN75C189 SN75C189A LOW-LEVEL INPUT CURRENT LOW-LEVEL INPUT CURRENT va vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 0.2 t T 02 T T Veco =4.5V Voc =45V Vpa-3 V Vpe3V & 03 E 03 1 1 ~0.4 0.4 L. i 05 E 05 | 3 3 aa 5 Ln g 0.6 & 06 2 us 7 0.7 7 07 0.8 08 40 -20 0 2 40 60 80 100 40-20 0 20 40 60 380 100 Ta ~ Free-Alr Temperature -- C Ta Free-Alr Temperature C Figure 15 Figure 16 Ti ws EXAS INSTRUMENTS 4-104SN65C189, SNG5SC189A, SN75C1B9, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS los High-Level Short-Circult Output Current - mA icc Supply Current -1 A TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS HIGH-LEVEL SHORT-CIRCUIT OUTPUT CURRENT vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE Veco =55V -2/- Vo=0 <& <8 -10 -12 -14 -16 0 = -20 0 20 a 60 80 Ta - Free-Alr Temperature - C Figure 17 SUPPLY CURRENT vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 800 Veco =s55V 700 VWpe5V 600 500 400 300 200 100 6 40 -20 o 20 40 60 380 Ta - Free-Alr Temperature C Figure 19 lost - Low-Level Short-Circult Output Current mA 100 t pLH Propagation Delay Time 12 100 LOW-LEVEL SHORT-CIRCUIT OUTPUT CU! vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE RRENT t Voc =5.5V Vp2o 25 20 EE eee 15 0 -20 Qo 20 40 oO 60 100 Ta Free-Alr Temperature C Figure 18 PROPAGATION DELAY TIME, LOW-TO-HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 5 T T Voc =4.5V CL = 50 pF 45 4 35 3 a | aerate 25 2 40 -20 0 20 40 sO 80 100 Ta Free-Ak Temperature - C Figure 20 Exas % INSTRUMENTS 4-105SN65C189, SN65C189A, SN75C189, SN75C189A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS PROPAGATION DELAY TIME, TRANSITION TIME, HIGH-TO-LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT LOW-TO-HIGH-LEVEL vs vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 4 400 T T Veco =45V 7 vec cone 3. L=50p : 3.9 CL = 50 pF $ 250 1 a] e 38 s E 3 300 B37 ; i 36 g 250 & E | Boas 5 | & = 200 oe 4 34 i i - 33 5 150 3 100 40 -20 0 20 a 60 80 =: 100 40 -20 9 20 4 60 80 100 Ta Free-Alr Temperature C Ta Free-Alr Temperature C Figure 21 Figure 22 TRANSITION TIME, HIGH-TO-LOW-LEVEL vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE Veco s45V 180 C, = 50 pF 160 120 100 80 tTHL Transition Thne ns 40 0 -20 Q 20 40 sO 80100 Ta Free-Alr Temperature C Figure 23 TEXAS 4-106 INSTRUMENTSSN65C189, SN65C189A, SN75C189, SN75C1B9A QUADRUPLE LOW-POWER LINE RECEIVERS MECHANICAL DATA DBO014 shrunk small outline package This shrunk small outline pacxage consists of a circuit mounted on a lead frame and encapsulated within a plastic compound. The compound will withstand soldering temperature with no deformation, and circuit performance characteristics will remain stable when operated in high-humidity conditions. Leads require no additional cleaning or processing when used in soldered assembly. pDB014 6,50 (0.256) + $90 (0.232) HHAHHEH 14 B | ,60 (0.220) 5,00 (0.197) 8,20 (0.323) C) 7,40 (0.291) 1 7 lt P 1,30 (0.051) MAX 2,00 (0.079) MAX E 1 | TP r 1 0, a (0. 002) 4 _ ae) 0,95 (0.037) +10 (0.004) 0,55 (0.022) PIN SPACING 0,40 (0.016) 0,65 (0.026) 0,20 (0.008) (See Note A) ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS AND PARENTHETIGALLY IN INCHES NOTES: A. Leads are within 0,25 (0.010) radius of true position at maximum material condition. B. Body dimensions do not include mold flash or protrusion, C. Moid flash or protrusion shall not exceed 0,15 (0.006). D. Lead tps to be planar within + 9,051 (0.002) exciusive of solder. EXAS INSTRUMENTS 4-107