Document #: 38-07139 Rev. *D Page 2 of 9
Functional Description
The CY2071A is a general-purpose clock synthesizer
designed for use in applications such as modems, disk drives,
CD-ROM drives, video CD players, games, set-top boxes, and
data/telecommunications. The device offers up to three config-
urable clock outputs in an 8-pin, 150-mil SOIC package and
can operate off either a 3.3V or 5V power supply. The on-chip
reference oscillator is designed for 10 MHz to 25 MHz crystals.
Alternatively, an external reference clock of frequency
between 1 MHz and 30 MHz can be used.
The CY2071A has one PLL and outputs three factory-EPROM
configurable clocks: CLKA, CLKB, and CLKC. The output
clocks can originate either from the PLL or the reference, or
selected dividers thereof. Additionally , pin 8 can be configured
to be an Output Enable or a Select input.
The CY2071A can replace multiple Metal Can Oscillators
(MCO) in a synchronous system, providing cost and board
space savings to the manufacturer . Hence, these devices are
ideally suited for applications that require multiple, accurate,
and stable clocks synthesized from low-cost generators in
small packages. A hard-disk drive is an example of such an
application. In this case, CLKA drives the PLL in the Read
Controller, while CLKB and CLKC drive the MCU and
associated sequencers.
CyClocks Software
CyClocks™ is an easy-to-use software applicatio n that allows
you to configure any one of the EPROM-Programmable
Clocks offered by Cypress. You may specify the input
frequency, PLL and output frequencies, and different
functional options. Note the output frequency ranges in this
data sheet when specifying them in CyClocks to ensure that
you stay within the limits. You can download a copy of
CyClocks free on the Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
web site at www.cypress.com.
Use the CY2081 for applications that require unrelated output
frequencies. Use the CY22 91, CY2292, or CY2907 for appli-
cations that require more than three output clocks.
Cypress FTG Programmer
The Cypress Frequency Timing Generator (FTG) Programmer
is a portable programmer designed to custom program our
family of EPROM Field Programmable Clock Devices. The
FTG programmers connect to a PC serial port and allow users
of CyClocks software to easily program any of the CY2291F,
CY2292F, CY2071AF, and CY2907F devices. The ordering
code for the Cypress FTG Programmer is CY3670.
1. For best accuracy, use a parallel-resonant crystal, CL = 17 pF.
2. Float XTALOUT pin if XTALIN is driven by reference clock (as opposed to an external crystal).
3. Stresses greater than those listed in this table may cause permanent damage to the device.
4. Multiple Supplies: The voltage on any input or I/O pin cannot exceed the power pin during power-up. Power supply sequen cing is NOT required.
Pin Summary
Name Number Description
CLKA 1Configurable Clock Outp ut
GND 2Ground
XTALIN[1] 3Reference Crystal Input or External Reference Clock Input
XTALOUT[1, 2] 4Reference Crystal Feedback
CLKB 5Configurable Clock Outp ut
CLKC 6Configurable Clock Outp ut
VDD 7Voltage Supply
OE / FS 8Output Control Pin, either Outpu t Ena ble or Frequency Select Input
(Active HIGH, internal pull-up resistor to VDD)
Absolute Maximum Conditions[3, 4]
Parameter Description Condition Min. Max. Unit
VDD Analog Supply Voltage –0.5 7.0 V
VIN DC Input Voltage –0.5 VDD + 0.5 VDC
TSTemperature, Storage Non-functional –65 150 °C
TATemperature, Maximum Soldering (10 sec) Functional – 260 °C
TJTemperature, Junction Functional – 150 °C
ESDHBM ESD Protection (Human Body Model) MIL-STD-883, Method 3015 2000 – V