6,1*/(&+,302'(0 3% 3URGXFW%ORFN'LDJUDP 6HULDO 3DUDOOHOO 3RUW = '63 '635$0 Includes V.14 asynchronous to synchronous conversion $)( * Voice answer detection $FWLYH +\EULG RSWLRQDO * Line-In-Use detection before connection * Pick-up detection during connections * Fully-programmable call progress detectors for precise call program monitoring, including signal quality detectors, tone detectors, tone generators, and transmit signal levels that aid in rapid country qualifications * Dynamic power management: power-saving SLEEP modes * North American Type-I Caller ID * Small 44-Pin VQFP footprint * Single +5 VDC power supply * 0C to +70C standard temperature range and -40C to +85C extended temperature range '63520 0385$0 038520 * &ON*HQ 038 ((3520 ,QWHUIDFH RSWLRQDO )HDWXUHV * * Complete modem Integrated Circuit with integrated controller, data pump and Analog Front End (AFE) Includes an AT command set interpreter in the on-chip ROM with no external memory required %HQHILWV * On-chip software-selectable active hybrid * Simplifies global modem certifications * Programmable country parameters * Easy to integrate and short design time * Data modem throughput to 2400 bps fullduplex * Reduce time to market by 50% * Minimal external logic ,789ELV999 %HOO$%HOO%HOO%HOO7 9 with Minitel line reversal * Parallel and Serial Host Interface * On-chip peripheral, a full-duplex voice band AFE with 12-bit resolution 7DUJHW$SSOLFDWLRQV * Transaction Processing terminals * Set-top boxes * Security applications * Remote telemetry =L/2*:RUOGZLGH+HDGTXDUWHUV(+DPLOWRQ$YHQXH&DPSEHOO&$ 7HOHSKRQH)D[,QWHUQHWKWWSZZZ]LORJFRP *HQHUDO'HVFULSWLRQ The Z02215 is a synchronous single-chip V.22bis modem capable of 2400 bps full-duplex over dialup lines. The Z02215 is a full-featured, self-controlled modem that includes a modem controller, digital signal processing (DSP), and Analog Front End (AFE) functions. A software-selectable active hybrid is available on-chip to minimize the external logic. This device is specifically designed for use in embedded modem applications where space, performance, and low-power consumption are key requirements. A typical modem can be created by simply adding a phone-line interface (DAA), and Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) interface. The Z02215 can be programmed with country parameters using AT commands or the EEPROM interface. AT commands can be used to load the country parameters from host controller onto the Z02215. Configuration of the controller code using AT commands or the EEPROM interface simplifies country qualifications. Operating over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), the Z02215 meets the modem standards for V.22bis, V.22, V.23 (Minitel), V.21, Bell 212A, Bell 202, Bell 202T, and Bell 103. All modulation, demodulation, filtering, Analog to Digital (A/D), and Digital to Analog (D/A) conversion functions for transmission and reception are provided on-chip. Automatic compromise equalizers are included to optimize performance over a wide range of line types. Transmit drivers and receive amplifiers can be connected directly to a Data Access Arrangement (DAA) by adding a transformer, or a silicon DAA, reducing the external circuits to a minimum. In addition, the Z02215 provides further systemlevel savings by providing built-in filters for both the transmitter analog output and the receiver analog input. This configuration eliminates the need for external filtering components. The Analog Front End of the Z02215 includes an active hybrid circuit that improves modem performance and reduces system-level costs by reducing the requirement for external components. The Z02215 device operates on a single +5 VDC power supply. During periods of no traffic, the modem can be placed into SLEEP mode, reducing power consumption through Dynamic Power Management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he following evaluation tools are available for the Z02215 Single Chip Modem: * Z0221500ZCO Evaluation Kit. Includes evaluation board, power supply, user manual, software. * DiplomatTM software utility is included in the Z0221500ZCO Evaluation Kit. 5HODWHG3URGXFWV Related products of interest are: = = = ESV0RGHP'DWD3XPS$QDORJ)URQW(QG ESV0RGHP'DWD3XPS$QDORJ)URQW(QG 0RGHP&RQWUROOHU &3& /LWH/LQN70SURJUDPPDEOH'DWD$FFHVV$UUDQJHPHQW,&IURP&3&ODUH,QF (OHFWULFDO)HDWXUHV6XPPDU\ * 4.5V to 5.5V Operating Range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