LTC3557/LTC3557-1 + LT3505
The DC1138A-A/B contains the
LTC3557/LTC3557-1 Power Management Inte-
grated Circuit (PMIC) plus the LT3505EDD high
voltage buck controller. The LTC3557/LTC3557-1
is a highly integrated power management IC that
includes a PowerPath controller, battery charger,
an ideal diode, an always-on LDO, three synchro-
nous step-down switching regulators as well as a
buck regulator VC controller. Designed specifically
for USB applications, the PowerPath controller
incorporates a precision input current limit which
communicates with the battery charger to ensure
that the input current does not violate the USB
specification. The ideal diode from BAT to VOUT
guarantees that ample power is always available
to VOUT even if there is insufficient or absent
power at VBUS.
The LTC3557/LTC3557-1 also has the ability to
receive power from a wall adapter or other non-
current-limited power source. Such a power sup-
ply can be connected to the VOUT pin of the
LTC3557/LTC3557-1 through an external device
such as a power Schottky diode or MOSFET, Q1,
as shown in the demo board circuit schematic,
Figure 4. The LTC3557/LTC3557-1 has the
unique ability to use the output, which is powered
by an external supply, to charge the battery while
providing power to the load. A comparator on the
WALL pin is configured to detect the presence of
the wall adapter and shut off the power connection
between VOUT and the USB input. This prevents
reverse conduction from VOUT to VBUS when a
wall adapter is present.
The LTC3557/LTC3557-1 provides a VC output
pin which can be used to drive the VC pin of an
external high voltage buck switching regulator
such as the LT3480, LT3481, or LT3505 to provide
power to the VOUT pin. The VC control circuitry
adjusts the regulation point of the switching regu-
lator such that VOUT equals the greater of BAT
plus 300mV or 3.6 Volts. This control method pro-
vides a high input voltage, high efficiency battery
charger and PowerPath function. An always-on
LDO provides a regulated 3.3V from VOUT. This
LDO will be on at all times and can be used to
supply up to 25mA.
The LTC3557/LTC3557-1 includes three 2.25MHz
constant frequency current mode step-down
switching regulators providing 400mA, 400mA and
600mA. All step-down switching regulators can be
programmed for a minimum output voltage of 0.8V
and can be used to power a microcontroller core,
I/O, memory or other logic circuitry. All step-down
switching regulators support 100% duty cycle op-
eration and are capable of operating in Burst
Mode operation for highest efficiencies at light
loads (Burst Mode operation is pin selectable). No
external compensation components are required
for the switching regulators.
The LTC3557/LTC3557-1 is available in a 28-
pin low profile (4mm x 4mm x 0.75mm) QFN
Design files for this circuit board are avail-
able by calling the LTC factory.
, LTC, LT and Burst Mode are registered trademarks of Linear Technol-
ogy Corporation. PowerPath is a trademark of LinearTechnology Corpora-
tion. Other product names may be trademarks of the companies that manu-
facture the products.
Figure 1. LTC3557/LTC3557-1 Simplified Typical