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• Cache barrier
• Background operation control & High Priority Interrupt (HPI)
• RPMB throughput improvement
• Secure write pro tec tio n
• Pre EOL information
• Optimal size
Product Description
Kingston’s e•MMC™ products conform to the JEDEC e•MMC™ 5.1 s tand ard. T hese dev ices are an ideal
universal storage solution for many commercial and industrial applications. In a single integrated
packaged device, e•MMC™ combines multi-level cell (MLC) NAND flash memory with an onboard
e•MMC™ controller, providing an industry standard interface to the host system. The integrated
e•MMC™ controller directly manages NAND flash media which relieves the host processor of these
tasks, including flash media error control, wear-leveling, NAND flash management and performance
optimization. Future revision to the JEDEC e•MMC ™ stand ard will always maintain backward
compatibility. The industry standard interface to the host processor ensures compatibility across future
NAND flash generations as well, easing product sustainment throughout the product life cycle.
Kingston’s e•MMC™ products support a variety of configurations that allow the e•MMC™ device to be
tailored to your specific application needs. The most popular configurations described below are each
offered under standard part numbers.
Standard MLC – By default the e•MMC™ device is configured with the NAND flash in a standard MLC
mode. This configuration provides reasonable performance and reliability for many applications.
Pseudo Single Level Cell (pSLC) – The MLC NAND flash in the Kingston e•MMC™ device can be
configured to further improve device endurance, data retention, reliability and performance over the
standard MLC configuration. This is done by converting the NAND MLC cells to a pseudo single level
cell (SLC) configuration. In this configuration, along with the performance an d reli abi li ty gains, the
device capacity is reduced by 50%. This one-time configuration is achieved by setting the e•MMC™
enhanced attribute for the hardware partition.
Enhanced Reliable Write – When not configured as pSLC, MLC NAND flash stores 2 bits of
information in 4 energy levels per NAND flash cell. Since these paired bits are organized in different
NAND pages, there is a possibility that a power failure while programming a page could corrupt a paired
page that was already programmed. For the Kingston e•MMC™, this condition is rare and the possibility
is further reduced due to the device’s built-in data protection with on-board error correction code (ECC)
bits. With reliable write set, the onboard e•MMC™ controller will back-up any paired pages to ensure
that there is no data loss during sudden power failure. This configuration can result in a write performance
penalty of up to 20% over the standard MLC configuration.