www.austriamicrosystems.com/LED-Driver-ICs/AS1108 Revision 2.12 12 - 19
Datasheet - D et a i l e d De s c r i p t i o n
Feature Register (0xXE)
The Feature Register is used for switching the device into external clock mode, applying an external reset, selecting
code-B or HEX decoding, enabling or disabling blinking, enabling or disabling the SPI-compatible interface, setting the
blinking rate, and resetting the blink timing.
Note: At power-up the Feature Register is initialize d to 0.
No-Op Register (0xX0)
The No-Op Register is used when multiple AS1108 devices are cascaded in order to support displays with more than 4
digits. The cascading must be done in such a wa y that all DOUT pins are connected to DIN of the next AS1108 (see
Figure 12 on page 15). The LOAD/CSN and CLK signals are connected to all devices.
For example, if five devices are cascaded, in order to perform a write operation to the fifth device, the write-command
must be followed by four no-operation commands. Whe n the LOAD/CSN signal goes high, all shift registers are
latched. The first four devices will receive no-operation commands and only the fi fth device will receive the intended
operation command, and subseq uently update its register.
Table 17. Feature Register Summary
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
start sync blink_
freq_sel blink_en spi_en decode_sel reg_res clk_en
Table 18. Feature Registe r Bit Descriptions (Address (HEX) = 0xXE))
Addr: 0xXE F eature Register
Enables and disables various device features.
Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description
D0 clk_en 0R/W
External clock select.
0 = Internal oscillator is used for system clock.
1 = Pin CLK of the serial interface operates as system clock input.
D1 reg_res 0R/W
Resets all control registers except the Feature Register.
0 = Reset Disabled. Normal operation.
1 = All control registers are reset to default state (except the Feature
Register) identically after power-up.
Note: The Digit Registers maintain their data.
D2 decode_sel 0R/W
Selects display decoding.
0 = Enable Code-B decoding (see Table 10 on page 9).
1 = Enable HEX decoding (see Table 11 on page 10).
D3 spi_en 0R/W
Enables the SPI- compatible in t erface.
0 = Disable SPI-compatible interface.
1 = Enable the SPI-compatible interface.
D4 blink_en 0R/W
Enables blinking.
0 = Disable blinking.
1 = Enable blinking.
D5 blink_freq_sel 0R/W
Sets blink with low frequency (with the internal oscillato r enabled):
0 = Blink period typically is 1 second (0.5s on, 0.5s off).
1 = Blink period is 2 seconds (1s on, 1s off).
D6 sync 0R/W
Synchronizes blinkin g on the rising edge of pin LOAD/CSN. The
multiplex and blink timing counter is cleared on the rising edg e of pin
LOAD/CSN. By setting this bit in multiple AS1108 devices, the blink
timing can be synchronized across all the devices.
D7 blink_start 0R/W
S t art Blinking with display enabled phase. When bit D4 (blink_en) is set,
bit D7 determines how blinking starts.
0 = Blinking starts with the display turned off.
1 = Blinking starts with the display turned on.