This doc ument descr ibes par t-number -specif ic change s to rec ommended opera ting cond itions
and revised electrical specifications, as applicable, from those described in the general
MPC8240 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications (Order No. MPC8240EC).
Specifications provided in this document supersede those in the MPC8240 Integrated
Processor Hardware Specifications, Revision 1.0 or later, for the part numbers listed in
Table A only. Specifications not addressed herein are unchanged. Because this document is
frequently updated, refer to or to a local Freescale
sales office for the latest version.
Note that headings a nd table number s in this document a re not cons ecutively nu mbered. The y
correspond to the heading or table affected in the general hardware specification.
The part numbers addres sed in thi s document ar e listed in T a ble A. For more detai led orderi ng
information, see Section 1.9, “Ordering Information.”
1.2 Features
This section summarizes changes to the feature s of the MPC 8240 desc ribed in the MPC8240
Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications.
Power management
Table A. Part Number Addressed by This Data Sheet
Part Number
Operating Conditions Significant Differences from
Hardware SpecificationCPU
Frequency VDD TJ (°C)
XPC8240RZU250x 250 MHz 2.625 ±125 mV 0 to 105 Modified voltage specifications to
achieve 250 MHz
Note: The X prefi x i n a Freescale p a rt num be r des ig nat es a “Pilo t Prod uc tio n Proto ty pe” a s de fin ed b y
Freescale SOP 3- 13. These are p art of a limited p roduction vol ume of prototypes m anufactured, teste d,
and Q.A.-inspected on qualified technology to simulate normal production. These parts have only
preliminary reliability and characterization data. Before pilot production prototypes may be shipped,
written authorization from the customer must be on file in the applicable sales of fice acknowledging the
qualification status and the fact that product changes may still occur while shipping pilot production
Advance Information
Rev. 0, 11/2003
MPC8240 Part Number
Specificat ion for the
XPC8240RXXnnnx Series
Numbers Affect ed :
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2MPC8240 Part Number Specification for the XPC8240RXXnnnx Series
General Parameters General Parameters
2.625-V processor core
1.3 General Parameters
This section summarizes changes to the general parameters of the MPC8240 described in the MPC8240
Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications.
Core power supply 2.625 V ±125 mV DC nominal
1.4.1. DC Electrical Characteristics
Table 2 provides the recommended operating conditions for the MPC8240 part numbers described herein.
Table 2. Recommended Operating Conditions
Characteristic Symbol Recommended
Value Unit Notes
Supply voltage VDD 2.625 ±5% V 4, 6
Supply voltage for PCI and standard bus standards OVDD 3.3 ±0.3 V 6
Supply voltages for memory bus drivers GVDD 3.3 ±5% V 8
PLL supply voltage—CPU core logic AVDD 2.625 ±5% V 4, 6
PLL supply voltage—peripheral logic AVDD2 2.6255 ±5% V 4, 7
DLL supply voltage LAVDD 2.625 ±5% V 4, 7
PCI reference LVDD 5.0 ±5% V 9, 10
3.3 ±0.3 V 9, 10
Input voltage LVDD input-tolerant signals Vin 0 to 3.6 or 5.75 V 2, 3
All other inputs 0 to 3.6 V 5
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MPC8240 Part Number Specification for the XPC8240RXXnnnx Series 3
General Para meters Power Characteristics
Table 5 provides power consumption data for the MPC8240. Power consum pt ion on the PLL suppl y pi ns (AVDD
and AVDD2) and the DLL supply pin (LAVDD) less than 15 mW. This parameter is guaranteed by design and is not
Die-junction temperature Tj0 to 105 °C
1. These are the rec ommen ded and tested ope rating c onditi ons. Prope r device ope ration ou t side of these condi tions
is not guaranteed.
2. These signals are designed to withstand LVDD + 0.5 V DC when LVDD is connected to a 3.3- or 5.0-V DC power
3. LVDD input tolerant signals: PCI interface, EPIC control, and OSC_IN signals.
4. See Section 1.9, “Ordering Information,” for details on a modified voltage (VDD) version device.
5. Input vo lta ge ( Vin) must no t be gre ater tha n the supp ly vo lta ge (V DD/AVDD/AVDD2/LAVDD) by more than 2. 5 V at al l
times, includ ing during power-on res et.
6. OVDD must no t ex ce ed V DD/AVDD/AVDD2/LAVDD by more than 1. 8 V at any tim e, i nclud ing during powe r-on reset.
This limit may be exceeded for a maximum of 20 ms during power-on reset and power-down sequences.
7. VDD/AVDD/AVDD2/LAVDD must not ex ceed OVDD by mo re tha n 0. 6 V at any tim e, i nc lud ing du ring pow e r-on re se t.
This limit may be exceeded for a maximum of 20 ms during power-on reset and power-down sequences.
8. GVDD must no t ex ce ed V DD/AVDD/AVDD2/LAVDD by more than 1. 8 V at any tim e, i nclud ing during powe r-on reset.
This limit may be exceeded for a maximum of 20 ms during power-on reset and power-down sequences.
9. LVDD must not exceed VDD/AVDD/AVDD2/LAVDD by more than 5.4 V at any time, including during power-on reset.
This limit may be exceeded for a maximum of 20 ms during power-on reset and power-down sequences.
10.LVDD must not exceed OVDD by more than 3.6 V at any time, including during power-on reset. This limit may be
exceeded for a maximum of 20 ms during power-on reset and power-down sequences.
Table 5. Preliminary Power Consumption
PCI Bus Clock/Memory Bus Clock
CPU Clock Frequency (MHz) Unit Notes
33/66/233 33/83/250 33/100/200 33/100/250 66/100/200 66/100/250
Typical 3.4 3.6 3.2 3.7 3.2 3.8 W 1, 5
Maximum—FP 3.8 4.1 3.6 4.2 3.6 4.3 W 1, 2
Maximum—INT 3.4 3.7 3.3 3.8 3.4 3.8 W 1, 3
Doze 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.6 2.2 2.6 W 1, 4, 6
Nap 700 800 900 900 900 900 mW 1, 4, 6
Sleep 500 500 500 500 800 800 mW 1, 4, 6
I/O Power Supplies
Mode Minimum Maximum Unit Notes
TypicalOVDD 200 600 mW 7, 8
Table 2. Recommended Operating Conditions (continued)
Characteristic Symbol Recommended
Value Unit Notes
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4MPC8240 Part Number Specification for the XPC8240RXXnnnx Series
PLL Configurations PLL Configurations
1.5 PLL Co nfigura tions
The MPC8240 internal PLLs are configured by the PLL_CFG[0:4] signals. For a given PCI_SYNC_IN
(PCI bus) frequency, the PLL configuration signals set both the peripheral logic/memory bus PLL (VCO)
frequency of operation for the PCI-to-memory frequency multiplying and the MPC603e CPU PLL (VCO)
frequency of operation for memory-to-CPU frequency multiplying. The PLL configurations for the
MPC8240 is shown in Table 18.
TypicalGVDD 300 900 mW 7, 9
1. The value s incl ude VDD, AVDD, AVDD2, a nd LAVDD but do no t inclu de I/O suppl y pow er; see Sectio n 1.7.2, “Pow er
Supply Sizing,” in the MPC8240 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for information on OVDD and GVDD
supply power. One DIMM is used for memory loading.
2. Maximum—FP power is measured a t VDD = 2.625 V with dynamic power management enabled while running an
entirely cache-resident, looping, floating point multiplication instruction.
3. Maximum— INT power is me as ured at VDD = 2.625 V with dynamic power management enabled while running
entirely cache-resident, looping, integer instructions.
4. Power saving mode maximums are measured at VDD = 2.625 V while the device is in doze, nap, or sleep mode.
5. T ypica l power i s measured at VDD = A VDD = 2.625 V, OV DD = 3.3 V where a nomina l FP value, a nomina l INT value,
and a val ue whe re t here i s a c ontin uous flu sh of cach e lin es w ith a lternati ng on es an d zeros on 64 -bit boun daries
to local memory are averaged.
6. Power saving mode data measured with only two PCI_CLKs and two SDRAM_CLKs enabled.
7. The typica l m in im um I/O po wer v al ues were results of the MPC8240 performing cache resi de nt i nteger ope rati ons
at the slowest frequency combination of 33:66:166 (PCI:Mem:CPU) MHz.
8. The typical maximum OVDD value resulted from the MPC8240 operating at the fastest frequency combination of
66:100:250 (PCI:Mem:CPU) MHz and performing continuous flushes of cache lines with alternating ones and
zeros to PCI memory.
9. The typical maximum GVDD value resulted from the MPC8240 operating at the fastest frequency combination of
66:100:250 (PCI:Mem:CPU) MHz and performing continuous flushes of cache lines with alternating ones and
zeros on 64-bit boundaries to local memory.
Table 18. MP C8240 Microprocessor PLL Configurations
[0:4] 2
250-MHz Part 8, 9 Ratios 3, 4
PCI Clock Input
Range (MHz)
Bus Clock Range
CPU C l o c k
PCI to Mem
(Mem VCO)
Mem to CPU
0 00000 00110 25–33 75–1 00 188–250 3 (6) 2.5 (5)
1 00001 11000 25–27 75–83 225–250 3 (6) 3 (6)
2 00010 00101 50–56 550–56 100–1 12 1 (4) 2 (8)
3 00011 00101 Bypass Bypass 2 (8)
4 00100 00101 25–28 550–56 100–1 13 2 (8) 2 (8)
Table 5. Preliminary Power Consumption (continued)
PCI Bus Clock/Memory Bus Clock
CPU Clock Frequency (MHz) Unit Notes
33/66/233 33/83/250 33/100/200 33/100/250 66/100/200 66/100/250
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MPC8240 Part Number Specification for the XPC8240RXXnnnx Series 5
Ordering Information
1. The processor HID1 values only represent the multiplier of the processor’s PLL (memory-to-processor multiplier);
thus, multiple MPC8240 PLL_CFG[0:4] values may have the same processor HID1 value. This implies that system
software cannot read the HID1 register and associate it with a unique PLL_CFG[0:4] value.
2. PLL_CFG[0:4] settings not listed (00110, 01001, 01011, 01101, 01111, 10001, 10011, 10101, 10111, 11001, and
11011 ) are reser ved.
3. In PLL bypass mode, the PCI_SYNC_IN input signal clocks the internal processor directly, the peripheral logic PLL
is disabled, and the bus mode is set for 1:1 (PCI:Mem) mode operation. This mode is intended for hardware modeling
support. The AC timing specifications given in this document do not apply in PLL bypass mode.
4. In clock-off mode, no clocking occurs inside the MPC8240 regardless of the PCI_SYNC_IN input.
5. Limited due to maximum memory VCO = 225 MHz.
6. Limited due to minimum CPU VCO = 200 MHz.
7. Limited due to mi nimum memory VCO = 100 MHz.
8. For clarity, range values are shown rounded down to the nearest whole number (decimal place accuracy removed).
9. Note that the 250-MHz part is available only in the XPC8240RZUnnnx number series.
1.9 Ordering Information
Ordering information for the part s fully cov ered by thi s specific ation document is provided in Section 1.9.1,
“Part Numbers Fully Addressed by This Document.”
5 00101 00110 Bypass Bypass 2.5 (5)
7 00111 11000 Bypass Bypass 3 (6)
8 01000 11000 33 6–56 533–56 100–168 1 (4) 3 (6)
A 0 101 0 00111 25–27 50–55 225–250 2 (4) 4.5 (9)
C 01100 00110 25–50 50–100 125–250 2 (4) 2.5 (5)
E 01110 11000 25–41 50–83 150–250 2 (4) 3 (6)
10 10000 00100 25–33 75–100 150–2 00 3 (6) 2 (4)
12 10010 00100 33–66 50–100 100–200 1.5 (3) 2 (4)
14 10100 11110 2535 5071 175250 2 (4) 3.5 (7)
16 10110 11010 25–31 50–62 200–250 2 (4) 4 (8)
18 11000 11000 25–33 62–83 186–250 2.5 (5) 3 (6)
1A 11010 11010 50 7–6 2 50–62 200–250 1 (2) 4 (8)
1C 11100 11000 33 7–55 50–83 150–250 1.5 (3) 3 (6)
1D 11101 00110 33 7–66 50–100 125–250 1.5 (3) 2.5 (5)
1E 11110 01111 Not usable Off Off
1F 11111 11111 Off Off
Table 18. MPC8240 Microprocessor PLL Configurations (continued)
[0:4] 2
250-MHz Part 8, 9 Ratios 3, 4
PCI Clock Input
Range (MHz)
Bus Clock Range
CPU C l o c k
PCI to Mem
(Mem VCO)
Mem to CPU
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6MPC8240 Part Number Specification for the XPC8240RXXnnnx Series
Document Revision History Document Revision History
1.9.1 Part Numbers Fully Addressed by This Docume nt
Table 19 provides the Freescale part numbering nomenclature for the MPC8240. Note that the individual
part numbers correspond to the maximum processor core frequency. For available frequencies, contact a
local Freescale sales office. Each part number also contains a revision code that refers to the die mask
revisi on number. The revision level can be determin ed by rea ding the Revision ID re giste r at addre ss of fse t
1.9.2 Part Marking
Parts are marked as in the example shown in Figure 28.
Figure 28. Freescale Part Marking for TBGA Device
Document Revision History
Table B provides a revision history for this part number specification.
Table 19. Freescale Part Numbering Nomenclature
XPC nnnn xxx nnn x
Product Code Part Identifier Process Descriptor Package Processor
Frequency Revision Level
XPC 8240 R=2.625 V ±125 mV
0° to 105°CZU = TBGA
V V = Lead free
TBGA 250 E: 1.3;
Revision ID = 0x13
Table B. Document Revision History
Revision Number Substa ntive Change(s)
0 I n iti al rele as e. Note that this docu me nt supercede s the MPC8 245 R ZUP NS .
MMMMMM is the 6-digit mask number.
ATWLYYWWA is the traceability code.
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MPC8240 Part Number Specification for the XPC8240RXXnnnx Series 7
Document Revision History
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