Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date
Apr. 2007
1.1 1/16
Stereo Digital Audio Amplifier with Headphone Driver
z 16/18/20/24-bit input with I2S data format
z PSNR & DR (A-weighting)
Loudspeaker: 98dB (PSNR), 106dB (DR)
Headphone: 87dB (PSNR), 96dB (DR)
z Multiple sampling frequencies (Fs)
8kHz, 12kHz, 16kHz, 22.05kHz, 24kHz
32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz,
64kHz, 88.2kHz and 96kHz
z System clock = 256Fs
z 8Fs switching for loudspeakers and headphones
z Single or dual supply
Single supply: 3.0~3.3V for the whole chip
Dual supply: 3.0~5V for loudspeaker drivers
3.0~3.3V for others
z Loudspeaker power
3.5W into 4Ω load @ 0dB 1kHz sinewave input
2.0W into 8Ω load @ 0dB 1kHz sinewave input
z Loudspeaker power efficiency (η)
86% for 4Ω @ 0dB 1kHz sinewave input
91% for 8Ω @ 0dB 1kHz sinewave input
z Headphone power
35mW into 32Ω @1kHz and 1% THD+N
65mW into 16Ω @1kHz and 1% THD+N
113mW into 8Ω @1kHz and 1% THD+N
z Volume control for loudspeakers
z Mute function
z Power down function
z Anti-pop design
z Over-temperature protection
z Under-voltage shutdown
z Short-circuit detection
z CD and DVD
z TV audio
z Internet audio
z USB speaker
z MP3
z Headphone Amplifier
z Portable / Handheld
z Mobile phone
z Car audio
This is a stereo digital audio amplifier with high
power efficiency, which leads to longer battery life,
less heat sink requirement, smaller board size and
lower system cost. AD82550A can detect
headphone connection and choose to drive either
stereo loudspeakers or stereo headphones.
Operating with 3.0/3.3/5V loudspeaker driver supply,
each loudspeaker channel can typically deliver
0.8/1.0/2.3W to a 4Ω loudspeaker, respectively, with
less than 1% THD+N. Operating with 3.0/3.3V
headphone driver supply, each headphone channel
can typically deliver 29/35mW to 32Ω, 54/65mW to
16Ω and 94/113mW to 8Ω, respectively, with less
than 1% THD+N.
Product Number Package Comments
AD82550A-CG 24L SSOP 209mil Pb-free
Functional Block Diagram