DS21996D-page 28 2010 Microchip Technology Inc.
Shutdown mode disables all power-consuming
activities (including temperature sampling operations)
while leaving the serial interface active. This mode is
select ed by setting bit 8 of CONFIG to ‘ 1’. In this mode,
the device consumes ISHDN. It remains in this mode
until bit 8 is cleared ‘0’ to enable Continuous
Conversion mode, or until power is recycled.
The Shutdown bit (bit 8) cannot be set to ‘1’ while bits
6 and 7 of CONFIG (Lock bits) are set to ‘1’. However,
it can be cleared ‘0’ or returned to Continuous
Conve r si on wh il e lock ed .
In Shut down m ode, all registe rs can be read or written.
However , the serial bus activity increases the shutdown
current. In addition, if the device is shutdown while the
Event pin is asserted as active-low or deasserted
active-low (see Section “Comparator Mode”),
the device will retain the active-low state. This
increases the shutdown current due to the additional
Event output pull-down current.
A hysteres is of 0°C , 1.5°C, 3°C or 6°C can be s electe d
for the TUPPER, TLOWER and TCRIT temperate
boundaries using bits 10 and 9 of CONFIG. The
hystere sis applies for decreasing te mperature onl y (hot
to cold), or as temperature drifts below the specified
The TUPPER, TLOWER and TCRIT boundary conditions
are described graphically in Figure 5-2.
The Event output can be enabled using bit 3 of
CONFIG (Event output control bit) and can be
configured as either a comparator output or as Interrupt
Output m ode using bit 0 of CON FIG (Event mode). The
polarity can also be specified as an active-high or
active-low using bit 1 of CONFIG (Event polarity).
When the ambient temperature increases above the
critica l tempera ture limit , the Event output is forced to a
comparator output (regardless of bit 0 of CONFIG).
When the temperature drifts below the critical
temperature limit minus hysteresis, the Event output
automatically returns to the state specified by bit 0 of
The status of the Event output can be read using bit 4
of CONFIG (Event status).
Bit 7 and 6 of the CONFIG register can be used to lock
the TUPPER, TLOWER and TCRIT registers. The bits
prevent false triggers at the Event output due to an
accidental rewrite to these registers.
The Event output can also be used as a critical
temperature output using bit 2 of CONFIG (critical
output only). When this feature is selected, the Event
output bec omes a comp arator outp ut. In this mode , the
interrupt output configuration (bit 0 of CONFIG) is
ignored. Comparator Mod e
Comparator mode is selected using bit 0 of CONFIG. In
this mode, the Ev ent output is asserted as active-high
or active-low using bit 1 of CONFIG. Figure 5-2 shows
the conditions that toggle the Event output.
If the device enters Shutdown mode with asserted
Event output, the output remains asserted during
Shutdown. The device must be operating in
Continuous Conversion mode for tCONV; the TA vs.
TUPPER, TLOWER and TCRIT boundary conditions need
to be s atisf ied i n or der fo r the Event output to de asse rt.
Comparator mode is useful for thermostat-type
applications, such as turning on a cooling fan or
triggering a system shutdown when the temperature
exceeds a safe operating range. Interrupt Mode
In the Interrupt mode, the Event output is asserted as
active-high or active-low (depending on the polarity
configuration) when TA drifts above or below TUPPER
and TLOWER limits. The outp ut is deass erted by se tting
bit 5 (Interrupt Clear) of CONFIG. Note that when
switching from Comparator mode to Interrupt mode, it
is recommended to send interrupt clear command (set
bit 5) to reset the interrupt flag. Shutting down the
device will not reset or deassert the Event output. This
mode cannot be selected when the Event output is
used as critical temperature output only, using bit 2 of
CONFIG. This mode is designed for interrupt driven
microcontroller-based systems. The microcontroller
receiving the interrupt will have to acknowledge the
interrupt by setting bit 5 of CONFIG register from the
MCP98242. Temp eratur e Resolution
The MCP98242 is capable of providing a temperature
data w ith 0.5°C to 0.0625°C resolutio n. The Resolutio n
can be selected using the Resolution register
(Register 5-8) which is located in address
‘00001000’b. This address location is not specified in
JEDEC Standard JC42.4. However, it provides
additional flexibility while being functionally compatible
with JC42 .4 and prov ide a 0.2 5°C res olutio n at 125 ms
(maximum). The selected resolution can be read by
user using bit 4 and bit 3 of the Capability register
(Register 5-2). A 0.25°C resolution is set as POR
default by factory.