Cable & Broadcast
Input Stages
The ACA0861A and the ACA0861C are designed as input stages and are specified at +34 dBmV flat output.
These parts can be used alone for low gain, low output level applications or can be cascaded with one of the
ACA0861 output stages for higher gain and output signal drive level. The ACA0861A is a low power dissipation
part designed to drive the ACA0861B output stage. The ACA0861C is a slightly higher power dissipation part
and provides the needed distortion parameters to drive the ACA0861D output stage.
Output Stages
The ACA0861B and ACA0861D are designed as output stages and are specified at + 44 dBmV flat output.
These parts can be used alone for low gain, high output level applications or can be cascaded with one of the
ACA0861 input stages for higher gain. The ACA0861B is a low power dissipation part designed as the output
stage with an ACA0861A input stage. The ACA0861D is a higher power dissipation part designed as the
output stage with an ACA0861C input stage. An ACA0861A and ACA0861B cascaded provide exceptional
push-pull hybrid equivalent performance, an ACA0861C and ACA0861D cascaded provide exceptional power
doubling hybrid equivalent performance (see Figure 2).
Electrical Specifications (Ta = +25°C, VDD = 12V, Test Circuit Shown In Fig. 1)
ACA0861A ACA0861B ACA0861C ACA0861D
PARAMETER Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units
Bandwidth140 860 40 860 40 860 40 860 MHz
Gain111.4 11.9 12.4 11.5 12 12.5 11.5 12 12.5 11.6 12.1 12.6 dB
Gain Flatness1±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.3 dB
Noise Figure235 35 35 36dB
CTB2, 3
77 Channels
110 Channels
128 Channels
CSO2, 3
77 Channels
110 Channels
128 Channels
- 60
- 68
XMOD2, 3
77 Channels
110 Channels
128 Channels
- 50
- 62
Supply Current4180 200 310 330 260 275 475 515 mA
Cable Equivalent Slope1-0.5 1.0 -0.5 1.0 -0.5 1.0 - 0.5 1.0 dB
Return Loss
(Input/Output)118 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 dB
1. Measured performance of MMIC alone. Balun effects de-imbedded from measurement.
2. Measured with a balun on input and output of the device. See Figure 1 for test setup.
3. All parts measured with 110 channel flat input. Parts A & C measured at +34 dBmV output. Parts B & D
measured at 44 dBmV output (per channel).
4. A fixed resistor is needed for parts A through C, part D does not need an external resistor. These resistors
set the devices’ current draw. Bias voltage is 12 VDC.