Symbol Description Max Unit
VDD Power Supply Voltage –0.5 to +3.6 V
VIInput Voltage –0.5 to +3.6 V
VOOutput Voltage(2) –0.5 to VDD +0.5 V
TSTG Storage Temperature –65 to +150 °C
TJJunction Temperature 1 5 0 °C
1 . Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause
permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation
of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.
2. Not to exceed 3.6V.
Symbol Parameter Min Typ. Max. Unit
CIN Input Capacitance —— 3pF
CAPACITANCE(1) (TA = +25°C, F = 1.0MHz)
1. This parameter is measured at characterization but not tested
Symbol Description Min. Typ. Max. Unit
TAAmbient Operating Temperature –40 +25 +85 °C
VDD Internal Power Supply Voltage 2.3 2.5 2.7 V
Symbol I/O Type Description
A[1:2] I Adjustable(1,4) Clock input. A[1:2] is the "true" side of the differential clock input.
A[1:2] I Adjustable(1,4) Complementary clock inputs. A[1:2] is the complementary side of A[1:2]. For LVTTL single-ended operation, A[1:2] should be set to the
desired toggle voltage for A[1:2]:
3.3V LVTTL VREF = 1650mV
2.5V LVTTL VREF = 1250mV
G1I LVTTL Gate control for differential outputs Q1 and Q1 through Q8 and Q8. When G1 is LOW, the differential outputs are active. When G1 is
HIGH, the differential outputs are asynchronously driven to the level designated by GL(2).
G2I LVTTL Gate control for differential outputs Q9 and Q9 through Q16 and Q16. When G2 is LOW, the differential outputs are active. When G2 is
HIGH, the differential outputs are asynchronously driven to the level designated by GL(2).
GL I LVTTL Specifies output disable level. If HIGH, "true" outputs disable HIGH and "complementary" outputs disable LOW. If LOW, "true"
outputs disable LOW and "complementary" outputs disable HIGH.
Qn O LVDS Clock outputs
Qn O LVDS Complementary clock outputs
SEL I LVTTL Reference clock select. When LOW, selects A2 and A2. When HIGH, selects A1 and A1.
PD I LVTTL Power-down control. Shuts off entire chip. If LOW, the device goes into low power mode. Inputs and outputs are disabled. Both
"true" and "complementary" outputs will pull to VDD. Set HIGH for normal operation.(3)
VDD PWR Power supply for the device core and inputs
GND PWR Power supply return for all power
NC No connect; recommended to connect to GND
1. Inputs are capable of translating the following interface standards:
Single-ended 3.3V and 2.5V LVTTL levels
Differential HSTL and eHSTL levels
Differential LVEPECL (2.5V) and LVPECL (3.3V) levels
Differential LVDS levels
Differential CML levels
2. Because the gate controls are asynchronous, runt pulses are possible. It is the user's responsibility to either time the gate control signals to minimize the possibility of runt
pulses or be able to tolerate them in down stream circuitry.
3. It is recommended that the outputs be disabled before entering power-down mode. It is also recommended that the outputs remain disabled until the device completes power-
up after asserting PD.
4. The user must take precautions with any differential input interface standard being used in order to prevent instability when there is no input signal.