USB2512/12A/12B USB2513/13B USB2514/14B USB2517 USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller PRODUCT FEATURES Datasheet General Description Features The SMSC USB251x hub is a family of low-power, OEM configurable, MTT (multi transaction translator)1 hub controller IC products for embedded USB solutions. The "x" in the part number indicates the number of downstream ports available. The SMSC hub supports low-speed, full-speed, and hi-speed (if operating as a hispeed hub) downstream devices on all of the enabled downstream ports. For a summary of the products documented in this datasheet, please refer to the Chapter 1, "USB251x Hub Family Differences Overview," on page 7. -- Cost savings include using the same PCB components and application of USB-IF Compliance by Similarity Highlights High performance, low-power, small footprint hub controller IC with 2, 3, 4, or 7 downstream ports (indicated by the "x" in the part number) Fully compliant with the USB 2.0 specification Enhanced OEM configuration options available through either a single serial I2C(R) EEPROM, or SMBus slave port MultiTRAKTM -- High-performance multiple transaction translator which provides one transaction translator per port PortMap PortSwap PHYBoost -- Programmable USB signal drive strength for recovering signal integrity using 4-level driving strength resolution Full power management with individual or ganged power control of each downstream port Fully integrated USB termination and pull-up/pulldown resistors Supports a single external 3.3 V supply source; internal regulators provide 1.2 V or 1.8 V internal core voltage Onboard 24 MHz crystal driver, ceramic resonator, or external 24/48 MHz clock input Customizable vendor ID, product ID, and device ID 4 kilovolts of HBM JESD22-A114F ESD protection (powered and unpowered) Supports self- or bus-powered operation USB251xB and USB251xBi products support the USB Battery Charging specification Rev. 1.1 for Charging Downstream Ports (CDP) Lead-free RoHS compliant packages: -- 36-pin QFN (6x6 mm) -- 48-pin QFN (7x7 mm) -- 64-pin QFN (9x9 mm) -- Flexible port mapping and disable sequencing -- Programmable USB differential-pair pin locations ease PCB design by aligning USB signal lines directly to connectors USB251xB/xBi products are fully footprint compatible with USB251x/xi/xA/xAi products as direct drop-in replacements USB251xi, USB2512Ai, and USB251xBi products support the industrial temperature range of -40C to +85C USB251xB products support the extended commercial temperature range of 0C to +85C Applications LCD monitors and TVs Multi-function USB peripherals PC motherboards Set-top boxes, DVD players, DVR/PVR Printers and scanners PC media drive bay Portable hub boxes Mobile PC docking Embedded systems 1.USB2512A/Ai only uses a single transaction translator. SMSC USB251x Hub Family DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet ORDER NUMBERS: ORDER NUMBERS LEAD-FREE ROHS COMPLIANT PACKAGE PACKAGE SIZE TEMPERATURE RANGE USB2512-AEZG USB2512A-AEZG USB2513-AEZG USB2514-AEZG 0C to 70C USB2512B-AEZG USB2513B-AEZG USB2514B-AEZG 0C to 85C 36QFN 6 x 6 x 0.5 mm USB2512i-AEZG USB2512Ai-AEZG USB2512Bi-AEZG USB2513i-AEZG USB2513Bi-AEZG USB2514i-AEZG USB2514Bi-AEZG USB2513-HZH USB2514-HZH USB2513i-HZH USB2514i-HZH USB2517-JZX USB2517i-JZX -40C to 85C 0C to 70C 48QFN 7 x 7 x 0.5 mm 64QFN 9 x 9 x 0.5 mm -40C to 85C 0C to 70C -40C to 85C THIS PRODUCT MEETS THE HALOGEN MAXIMUM CONCENTRATION VALUES PER IEC61249-2-21. FOR ROHS COMPLIANCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT WWW.SMSC.COM/ROHS. 80 ARKAY DRIVE, HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788 (631) 435-6000, FAX (631) 273-3123 Copyright (c) 2010 SMSC or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Circuit diagrams and other information relating to SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the described semiconductor devices any licenses under any patent rights or other intellectual property rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC's website at SMSC is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation ("SMSC"). Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND THE LIKE, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY OF BUYER IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 2 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table of Contents Chapter 1 USB251x Hub Family Differences Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chapter 2 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Chapter 3 Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 4 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chapter 5 Pin Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.1 5.2 5.3 Pin Configurations and Lists (Organized by Package Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 USB251x Pin Descriptions (Grouped by Function). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Buffer Type Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Chapter 6 LED Usage Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1 LED Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1.1 USB Mode 14-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1.2 LED Mode Speed Indication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Chapter 7 Battery Charging Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7.1 7.2 7.3 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USB Battery Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Special Behavior of PRTPWR Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery Charging Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Battery Charging enabled via EEPROM or SMBus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 31 31 32 32 Chapter 8 Configuration Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.1 Hub Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.2 SMBus or EEPROM Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.3 VBus Detect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EEPROM Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 Internal Register Set (Common to EEPROM and SMBus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 I2C EEPROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.3 In-Circuit EEPROM Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMBus Slave Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.1 SMBus Slave Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.2 Bus Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.3 Invalid Protocol Response Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.4 General Call Address Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.5 Slave Device Time-Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.6 Stretching the SCLK Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.7 SMBus Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.8 Bus Reset Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.9 SMBus Alert Response Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Default Configuration Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Default Strapping Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strap Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.1 Non-Removable Strap Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.2 Internal Pull-Down (IPD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.3 LED Strap Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMSC USB251x 3 DATASHEET 33 33 33 34 34 35 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 57 Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet 8.7.1 8.7.2 External Hardware RESET_N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 USB Bus Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Chapter 9 DC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 9.1 9.2 Maximum Guaranteed Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 9.2.1 Package Thermal Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Chapter 10 AC Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 10.1 10.2 10.3 Oscillator/Crystal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ceramic Resonator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External Clock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3.1 SMBus Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3.2 I2C EEPROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3.3 USB 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 70 70 70 70 70 Chapter 11 Package Outlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 11.1 Tape and Reel Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 4 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet List of Tables Table 1.1 36-pin QFN (6x6x0.5 mm) RoHS Compliant Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 1.2 48-pin QFN (7x7x0.5 mm) RoHS Compliant Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 1.3 64-pin QFN (9x9x0.5 mm) RoHS Compliant Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 2.1 Summary of Compatibilities between USB251xB/xBi and USB251x/xi/xA/xAi Products. . . . . . 9 Table 5.1 Pin List in Alphabetical Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 5.2 USB251x Pin Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Table 5.3 Buffer Type Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Table 8.1 Hub Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Table 8.2 Internal Default, EEPROM and SMBus Register Memory Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Table 8.3 PortMap Register for Ports 1 & 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Table 8.4 PortMap Register for Ports 3 & 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Table 8.5 PortMap Register for Ports 5 & 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Table 8.6 PortMap Register for Port 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Table 8.7 Summary of Strap Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Table 8.8 Reset_N Timing for Default/Strap Option Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Table 8.9 Reset_N Timing for EEPROM Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Table 8.10 Reset_N Timing for SMBus Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Table 9.1 DC Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Table 9.2 Supply Current Unconfigured: Hi-Speed Host (ICCINTHS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Table 9.3 Supply Current Unconfigured: Full-Speed Host (ICCINTFS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Table 9.4 Supply Current Configured: Hi-Speed Host (IHCH1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Table 9.5 Supply Current Configured: Full-Speed Host (IFCC1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Table 9.6 USB251x/xi/xA/xAi Supply Current Suspend (ICSBY). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Table 9.7 USB251xB/xBi Supply Current Suspend (ICSBY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Table 9.8 USB251x/xi/xA/xAi Supply Current Reset (ICRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Table 9.9 USB251xB/xBi Supply Current Reset (ICRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Table 9.10 Pin Capacitance for USB251x, USB251xi, USB251xA, USB251xAi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Table 9.11 Pin Capacitance for USB251xB and USB251xBi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Table 9.12 Package Thermal Resistance Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Table 9.13 Legend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Table 10.1 Crystal Circuit Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Table 11.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 SMSC USB251x 5 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet List of Figures Figure 4.1 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 Figure 6.1 Figure 7.1 Figure 8.1 Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3 Figure 8.4 Figure 8.5 Figure 8.6 Figure 8.7 Figure 8.8 Figure 9.1 Figure 10.1 Figure 10.2 Figure 10.3 Figure 11.1 Figure 11.2 Figure 11.3 Figure 11.4 Figure 11.5 Figure 11.6 USB251x Hub Family Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-Port 36-Pin QFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-Port 36-pin QFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-Port 36-pin QFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-Port 48-Pin QFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-Port 48-Pin QFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-Port 64-Pin QFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dual Color LED Implementation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery Charging via External Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Read. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-Removable Pin Strap Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pin Strap Option with IPD Pin Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LED Pin Strap Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reset_N Timing for Default/Strap Option Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reset_N Timing for EEPROM Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reset_N Timing for SMBus Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supply Rise Time Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical Crystal Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formula to Find the Value of C1 and C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ceramic Resonator Usage with SMSC IC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-Pin QFN, 6x6 mm Body, 0.5 mm Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-Pin QFN, 7x7 mm Body, 0.5 mm Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-Pin QFN, 9x9 mm Body, 0.5 mm Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-Pin Package Tape Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-Pin Package Tape Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-Pin and 48-Pin Package Reel Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 6 DATASHEET 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 29 31 53 54 56 56 56 57 58 59 62 69 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 1 USB251x Hub Family Differences Overview Table 1.1 36-pin QFN (6x6x0.5 mm) RoHS Compliant Part Numbers Part Number Downstream ports True Speed Battery Charging Lower Power Consumption LED Port Indicators Clock (MHz) 0C to 70C 24 3 USB2512 USB2512A* 2 USB2512i USB2512Ai* 2 USB2512B 2 3 3 24 USB2512Bi 2 3 3 24 USB2513 3 24 USB2513i 3 24 USB2513B 3 3 3 24 USB2513Bi 3 3 3 24 USB2514 4 24 USB2514i 4 24 USB2514B 4 3 3 24 USB2514Bi 4 3 3 24 0C to 85C 24 -40C to 85C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Table 1.2 48-pin QFN (7x7x0.5 mm) RoHS Compliant Part Numbers Part Number Downstream ports True Speed USB2513 3 USB2513i Battery Charging Lower Power Consumption LED Port Indicators Clock (MHz) 0C to 70C 3 3 24/48 3 3 3 3 24/48 USB2514 4 3 3 24/48 3 USB2514i 4 3 3 24/48 3 0C to 85C -40C to 85C 3 3 Table 1.3 64-pin QFN (9x9x0.5 mm) RoHS Compliant Part Numbers Part Number Downstream ports True Speed USB2517 7 USB2517i 7 Note 1.1 SMSC USB251x Battery Charging Lower Power Consumption LED Port Indicators Clock (MHz) 0C to 70C 3 3 24 3 3 3 24 0C to 85C -40C to 85C 3 *USB2512A/Ai only uses a single transaction translator, whereas all other parts use a multi transactions translator. 7 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 High-Speed 2-Port Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 2 General Description The SMSC USB251x hub family is a group of low-power, OEM configurable, MTT (multi transaction translator)1 hub controller IC's with downstream ports for embedded USB solutions. The SMSC USB251x hub family is fully compliant with the USB 2.0 specification. Each of the SMSC hub controllers can attach to an upstream port as a full-speed hub or as a full-/hi-speed hub. The SMSC hub controllers support low-speed, full-speed, and hi-speed (if operating as a hi-speed hub) downstream devices on all of the enabled downstream ports. All required resistors on the USB ports are integrated into the hub. This includes all series termination resistors on D+ and D- pins and all required pull-down and pull-up resistors on D+ and D- pins. The over-current sense inputs for the downstream facing ports have internal pullup resistors. The USB251x hub family includes programmable features such as: MultiTRAKTM Technology which utilizes a dedicated TT per port to maintain consistent fullspeed data throughput regardless of the number of active downstream connections. MultiTRAKTM outperforms conventional USB 2.0 hubs with a single TT in USB full-speed data transfers. PortMap which provides flexible port mapping and disable sequences. The downstream ports of a USB251x hub can be reordered or disabled in any sequence to support multiple platform designs with minimum effort. For any port that is disabled, the USB251x hub controllers automatically reorder the remaining ports to match the USB host controller's port numbering scheme. PortSwap which adds per-port programmability to USB differential-pair pin locations. PortSwap allows direct alignment of USB signals (D+/D-) to connectors to avoid uneven trace length or crossing of the USB differential signals on the PCB. PHYBoost which enables 4 programmable levels of USB signal drive strength in downstream port transceivers. PHYBoost attempts to restore USB signal integrity. OEM Selectable Features A default configuration is available in each of the SMSC USB251x hub controllers following a reset. This configuration may be sufficient for most applications. Strapping option pins make it possible to modify a sub-set of the configuration options. The USB251x hub controllers may be configured by an external EEPROM or a microcontroller. When using the microcontroller interface, the hub appears as an SMBus slave device. If the hub is pin-strapped for external EEPROM configuration but no external EEPROM is present, then a value of `0' will be written to all configuration data bit fields (the hub will attach to the host with all `0' values). The USB251x hub family supports OEM selectable features including: Optional OEM configuration via I2C EEPROM or via the industry standard SMBus interface from an external SMBus host or microcontroller. Supports compound devices on a port-by-port basis. Selectable over-current sensing and port power control on an individual or ganged basis to match the OEM's choice of circuit board component selection. Customizable vendor ID, product ID, and device ID. Configurable delay time for filtering the over-current sense inputs. Configurable downstream port power-on time reported to the host. Supports indication of the maximum current that the hub consumes from the USB upstream port. Supports Indication of the maximum current required for the hub controller. 1.USB2512A/2Ai only uses a single transaction translator. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 8 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Supports custom string descriptors (up to 31 characters): - Product string - Manufacturer string - Serial number string When available, pin selectable options for default configuration may include: -Downstream ports as non-removable ports -Downstream ports as disabled ports -Downstream port power control and over-current detection on a ganged or individual basis -USB signal drive strength -USB differential pair pin location For more information, please contact your sales representative to obtain a copy of the latest Battery Charging white paper. USB251xB/xBi products are fully footprint compatible with USB251x/xi/xA/xAi products: -pin-compatible -direct drop-in replacement -use the same PCB components -USB-IF Compliance by Similarity for ease of use and a complete cost reduction solution -PIDs, DIDs, and other register defaults may differ and can be configured to match the OEM's needs. Please see Table 8.2, "Internal Default, EEPROM and SMBus Register Memory Map" for details. Table 2.1 Summary of Compatibilities between USB251xB/xBi and USB251x/xi/xA/xAi Products SMSC USB251x Part Number Drop-in Replacement USB2512 USB2512B USB2512i USB2512Bi USB2512A USB2512B USB2512Ai USB2512Bi USB2513 USB2513B USB2513i USB2513Bi USB2514 USB2514B USB2514i USB2514Bi 9 DATASHEET PACKAGE 36QFN Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 3 Acronyms I2C(R): Inter-Integrated Circuit1 OCS: Over-Current Sense PCB: Printed Circuit Board PHY: Physical Layer PLL: Phase-Locked Loop QFN: Quad Flat No Leads RoHS: Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive SCL: Serial Clock SIE: Serial Interface Engine SMBus: System Management Bus TT: Transaction Translator 1.I2C is a registered trademark of Philips Corporation. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 10 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 4 Block Diagram To Upstream VBUS Upstream USB Data To EEPROM or SMBus Master 24 MHz Crystal SDA SCL 3.3 V BusPower Detect/ Vbus Pulse Upstream PHY Regulator Serial Interface PLL Serial Interface Engine Repeater ... 3.3 V TT #1 Regulator Controller TT #x Port Controller CRFILT Routing & Port Re-Ordering Logic Port #1 PHY#1 OC Sense Switch Driver/ LED Drivers ... OC USB Data Port Downstream Sense Power Switch/ LED Drivers Port #x PHY#x OC Sense Switch Driver/ LED Drivers USB Data OC Port Downstream Sense Power Switch/ LED Drivers The `x' indicates the number of available downstream ports: 2, 3, 4, or 7. Figure 4.1 USB251x Hub Family Block Diagram Note 4.1 USB2512A/USB2512Ai only supports a single transaction translator. Note 4.2 The LED port indicators only apply to USB2513/13i/14/14i (48QFN only) and USB2517/17i. SMSC USB251x 11 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 5 Pin Descriptions This chapter is organized by a set of pin configurations (organized by package type) followed by a corresponding pin list organized alphabetically. A comprehensive and detailed description list of each signal (named in the pin list) is organized by function in Table 5.2, "USB251x Pin Descriptions," on page 22. Please refer to Table 5.3, "Buffer Type Descriptions," on page 27 for a list of buffer types. The "N" symbol in the signal name indicates that the active, or asserted, state occurs when the signal is at a low voltage level. When "N" is not present after the signal name, the signal is asserted when it is at the high voltage level. The terms assertion and negation are used exclusively. This is done to avoid confusion when working with a mixture of "active low" and "active high" signals. The term assert, or assertion, indicates that a signal is active, independent of whether that level is represented by a high or low voltage. The term negate, or negation, indicates that a signal is inactive. VBUS_DET RESET_N HS_IND / CFG_SEL[1] SCL / SMBCLK / CFG_SEL[0] VDD33 SDA / SMBDATA / NON_REM[1] NC NC NC 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Pin Configurations and Lists (Organized by Package Type) 27 5.1 SUSP_IND / LOCAL_PWR / NON_REM[0] 28 18 NC VDD33 29 17 OCS_N[2] USBDM_UP 30 16 PRTPWR[2] / BC_EN[2]* USBDP_UP 31 15 VDD33 XTALOUT 32 14 CRFILT XTALIN / CLKIN 33 13 OCS_N[1] PLLFILT 34 12 PRTPWR[1] / BC_EN[1]* RBIAS 35 11 TEST VDD33 36 10 VDD33 SMSC USB2512/12A/12B USB2512i/12Ai/12Bi (Top View QFN-36) 6 7 8 9 NC NC NC 4 USBDP_DN[2] NC 3 USBDM_DN[2] 5 2 USBDP_DN[1] VDD33 1 USBDM_DN[1] Ground Pad (must be connected to VSS) Indicates pins on the bottom of the device. Figure 5.1 2-Port 36-Pin QFN Note: *Battery charging enable (BC_EN) is only available in the USB251xB/Bi. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 12 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller VBUS_DET RESET_N HS_IND / CFG_SEL[1] SCL / SMBCLK / CFG_SEL[0] VDD33 SDA / SMBDATA / NON_REM[1] NC NC OCS_N[3] 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Datasheet SUSP_IND / LOCAL_PWR / NON_REM[0] 28 18 PRTPWR[3] / BC_EN[3]* VDD33 29 17 OCS_N[2] USBDM_UP 30 16 PRTPWR[2] / BC_EN[2]* USBDP_UP 31 15 VDD33 XTALOUT 32 14 CRFILT XTALIN / CLKIN 33 13 OCS_N[1] PLLFILT 34 12 PRTPWR[1] / BC_EN[1]* RBIAS 35 11 TEST VDD33 36 10 VDD33 SMSC USB2513/13i USB2513B/13Bi (Top View QFN-36) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 USBDM_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_M[1] USBDP_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_P[1] USBDM_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_M[2] USBDP_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_P[2] VDD33 USBDM_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_M[3] USBDP_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_P[3] NC NC Ground Pad (must be connected to VSS) Indicates pins on the bottom of the device. Figure 5.2 3-Port 36-pin QFN Note: *Battery charging enable (BC_EN) is only available in the USB251xB/Bi. SMSC USB251x 13 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller VBUS_DET RESET_N HS_IND / CFG_SEL[1] SCL / SMBCLK / CFG_SEL[0] VDD33 SDA / SMBDATA / NON_REM[1] OCS_N[4] PRTPWR[4] / BC_EN[4]* OCS_N[3] 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Datasheet SUSP_IND / LOCAL_PWR / NON_REM[0] 28 18 PRTPWR[3] / BC_EN[3]* VDD33 29 17 OCS_N[2] USBDM_UP 30 16 PRTPWR[2] / BC_EN[2]* USBDP_UP 31 15 VDD33 XTALOUT 32 14 CRFILT XTALIN / CLKIN 33 13 OCS_N[1] PLLFILT 34 12 PRTPWR[1] / BC_EN[1]* RBIAS 35 11 TEST VDD33 36 10 VDD33 SMSC USB2514/14i USB2514B/14Bi (Top View QFN-36) 4 5 6 7 8 9 USBDM_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_M[3] USBDP_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_P[3] USBDM_DN[4] / PRT_DIS_M[4] USBDP_DN[4] / PRT_DIS_P[4] 3 USBDM_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_M[2] VDD33 2 USBDP_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_P[1] USBDP_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_P[2] 1 USBDM_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_M[1] Ground Pad (must be connected to VSS) Indicates pins on the bottom of the device. Figure 5.3 4-Port 36-pin QFN Note: *Battery charging enable (BC_EN) is only available in the USB251xB/Bi. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 14 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller LED_B_N[1] / BOOST[0] VBUS_DET RESET_N CFG_SEL[2] HS_IND / CFG_SEL[1] SCL / SMBCLK / CFG_SEL[0] VDD33 SDA / SMBDATA / NON_REM[1] NC NC OCS_N[3] LED_A_N[2] / PRTSWP[2] 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Datasheet LED_A_N[1] / PRTSWP[1] 37 24 LED_B_N[2] / BOOST[1] PRTPWR_POL 38 23 LED_A_N[3] / PRTSWP[3] SUSP_IND / LOCAL_PWR / NON_REM[0] 39 22 LED_B_N[3] / GANG_EN SEL48 40 21 PRTPWR[3] 20 OCS_N[2] 19 PRTPWR[2] 18 VDD33 17 CRFILT VDD33 41 USBDM_UP 42 USBDP_UP 43 XTALOUT 44 XTALIN / CLKIN 45 16 OCS_N[1] PLLFILT 46 15 PRTPWR[1] RBIAS 47 14 TEST VDD33 48 13 NC SMSC USB2513 / USB2513i (Top View QFN-48) 12 NC 9 NC 11 8 NC 10 7 USBDP_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_P[3] NC 6 VDD33 5 4 USBDP_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_P[2] VDD33 3 USBDM_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_M[3] 2 USBDP_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_P[1] USBDM_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_M[2] USBDM_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_M[1] 1 Ground Pad (must be connected to VSS) Indicates pins on the bottom of the device. Figure 5.4 3-Port 48-Pin QFN SMSC USB251x 15 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller LED_B_N[1] / BOOST[0] VBUS_DET RESET_N CFG_SEL[2] HS_IND / CFG_SEL[1] SCL / SMBCLK / CFG_SEL[0] VDD33 SDA / SMBDATA / NON_REM[1] OCS_N[4] PRTPWR[4] OCS_N[3] LED_A_N[2] / PRTSWP[2] 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Datasheet LED_A_N[1] / PRTSWP[1] 37 24 LED_B_N[2] / BOOST[1] PRTPWR_POL 38 23 LED_A_N[3] / PRTSWP[3] SUSP_IND / LOCAL_PWR / NON_REM[0] 39 22 LED_B_N[3] / GANG_EN SEL48 40 21 PRTPWR[3] VDD33 41 20 OCS_N[2] USBDM_UP 42 19 PRTPWR[2] USBDP_UP 43 18 VDD33 17 CRFILT 16 OCS_N[1] 15 PRTPWR[1] 14 TEST 13 LED_A_N[4] / PRTSWP[4] 12 LED_B_N[4] 9 USBDP_DN[4] / PRT_DIS_P[4] 11 8 NC 7 USBDP_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_P[3] USBDM_DN[4] / PRT_DIS_M[4] 10 6 VDD33 5 VDD33 USBDM_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_M[1] USBDM_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_M[3] 48 4 47 3 RBIAS VDD33 Ground Pad (must be connected to VSS) USBDP_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_P[2] 46 USBDM_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_M[2] PLLFILT 2 45 1 44 USBDP_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_P[1] XTALOUT XTALIN / CLKIN SMSC USB2514 / USB2514i (Top View QFN-48) Indicates pins on the bottom of the device. Figure 5.5 4-Port 48-Pin QFN Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 16 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller LED_B_N[2] / BOOST[1] LED_A_N[3] / PRTSWP[3] VDD33 SUSP_IND / LOCAL_PWR / NON_REM[0] VBUS_DET RESET_N HS_IND / CFG_SEL[1] SCL / SMBCLK / CFG_SEL[0] SDA / SMBDATA / NON_REM[1] PRTPWR[6] OCS_N[6] OCS_N[7] PRTPWR[7] OCS_N[5] LED_B_N[3] / GANG_EN LED_A_N[4] / PRTSWP[4] 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 Datasheet LED_A_N[2] / PRTSWP[2] 49 32 LED_B_N[4] LED_B_N[1] / BOOST[0] 50 31 LED_A_N[5] / PRTSWP[5] LED_A_N[1] / PRTSWP[1] 51 30 PRTPWR[5] VDD33 52 29 PRTPWR[1] USBDM_DN[6] / PRT_DIS_M[6] 53 28 OCS_N[1] USBDP_DN[6] / PRT_DIS_P[6] 54 27 OCS_N[2] USBDM_DN[7] / PRT_DIS_M[7] 55 26 PRTPWR[2] USBDP_DN[7] / PRT_DIS_P[7] 56 25 CRFILT 24 VDD33 23 PRTPWR[3] SMSC USB2517/17i (Top View QFN-64) VDD33 57 USBDM_UP 58 USBDP_UP 59 22 OCS_N[3] XTALOUT 60 21 OCS_N[4] XTALIN / CLKIN 61 20 PRTPWR[4] PLLFILT 62 19 TEST RBIAS 63 18 LED_B_N[5] VDD33 64 17 LED_A_N[6] / PRTSWP[6] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 USBDP_DN[5] / PRT_DIS_P[5] CFG_SEL[2] LED_B_N[7] LED_A_N[7] / PRTSWP[7] LED_B_N[6] 7 USBDP_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_P[3] VDD33 6 USBDM_DN[5] / PRT_DIS_M[5] 5 VDD33 USBDM_DN[3] / PRT_DIS_M[3] 9 4 USBDP_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_P[2] USBDP_DN[4] / PRT_DIS_P[4] 3 8 2 USBDP_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_P[1] USBDM_DN[2] / PRT_DIS_M[2] USBDM_DN[4] / PRT_DIS_M[4] 1 USBDM_DN[1] / PRT_DIS_M[1] Ground Pad (must be connected to VSS) Indicates pins on the bottom of the device. Figure 5.6 7-Port 64-Pin QFN SMSC USB251x 17 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.1 Pin List in Alphabetical Order PIN NUMBERS BC_EN[4] - 12 - 12 - - 16 - 16 - 16 - 18 - 18 - - 20 USB2517 USB2517i 12 USB2514 USB22514i USB2514B USB2514Bi - USB2513 USB22513i USB2514 USB2514i BC_EN[3] USB2513B USB2513Bi BC_EN[2] Battery Charging Strap Option USB2513 USB2513i BC_EN[1] NAME 64 QFN USB2512B USB2512Bi SYMBOL 48QFN USB2512 USB2512i USB2512A USB2512Ai 36 QFN - - 36 50 - 24 48 Configuration Programming Selection 24 31 41 25 32 42 - 33 13 CLKIN External Clock Input 33 45 61 CRFILT Core Regulator Filter Capacitor 14 17 25 GANG_EN Ganged Port Power Strap Option - 22 34 Ground Pad Exposed Pad Tied to Ground (VSS) HS_IND Hi-Speed Upstream Port Indicator 25 32 42 Port LED Indicator - 37 51 - 25 49 BOOST[0] PHY Boost Strapping Option BOOST[1] CFG_SEL[0] CFG_SEL[1] CFG_SEL[2] LED_A_N[1] LED_A_N[2] ePad LED_A_N[3] - LED_A_N[4] 23 - 47 13 33 LED_A_N[5] - 31 LED_A_N[6] - 17 LED_A_N[7] - LED_B_N[1] Enhanced Indicator Port LED LED_B_N[2] LED_B_N[3] 15 - 36 50 - 24 48 - 22 34 LED_B_N[4] - 12 32 LED_B_N[5] - 18 LED_B_N[6] - 16 LED_B_N[7] - 14 LOCAL_PWR Local Power Detection Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 28 18 DATASHEET 39 45 SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.1 Pin List in Alphabetical Order (continued) PIN NUMBERS NC No Connect 6 - 64 QFN 8 USB2517 USB2517i USB2514 USB22514i USB2513 USB22513i USB2514 USB2514i USB2514B USB2514Bi 48QFN USB2513B USB2513Bi USB2513 USB2513i NAME USB2512B USB2512Bi SYMBOL USB2512 USB2512i USB2512A USB2512Ai 36 QFN 11 - NC 7 - 9 - NC 18 - 11 - NC 19 - 12 - NC 8 - 13 NC 9 - 27 - NC 20 - 28 - NC 21 NON_REM[0] NON_REM[1] OCS_N[1] OCS_N[2] - NonRemovable Port Strap Option Over-Current Sense OCS_N[3] 28 39 45 22 29 40 13 16 28 17 20 27 - OCS_N[4] 19 - 26 21 - 22 28 21 OCS_N[5] - 35 OCS_N[6] - 38 OCS_N[7] PLLFILT PRT_DIS_M[1] PRT_DIS_M[2] PRT_DIS_M[3] PLL Regulator Filter Capacitor Downstream Port Disable Strap Option 37 34 46 - 1 - 3 - 6 PRT_DIS_M[4] - 8 - 62 8 PRT_DIS_M[5] - 11 PRT_DIS_M[6] - 53 PRT_DIS_M[7] - 55 PRT_DIS_P[1] - 2 PRT_DIS_P[2] - 4 PRT_DIS_P[3] - 7 PRT_DIS_P[4] Port Disable - 9 - 9 PRT_DIS_P[5] - 12 PRT_DIS_P[6] - 54 PRT_DIS_P[7] - 56 SMSC USB251x 19 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.1 Pin List in Alphabetical Order (continued) PIN NUMBERS PRTPWR[1] PRTPWR[2] USB Port Power Enable PRTPWR[3] USB2517 USB2517i USB2514 USB22514i USB2513 USB22513i USB2514B USB2514Bi 64 QFN 12 15 29 16 19 26 - PRTPWR[4] USB2514 USB2514i 48QFN USB2513B USB2513Bi USB2513 USB2513i NAME USB2512B USB2512Bi SYMBOL USB2512 USB2512i USB2512A USB2512Ai 36 QFN 18 - 21 20 - 23 27 20 PRTPWR[5] - 30 PRTPWR[6] - 39 PRTPWR[7] - 36 PRTPWR_POL Port Power Polarity Strapping - 38 - PRTSWP[1] Port Swap Strapping Option - 37 51 - 25 49 PRTSWP[2] PRTSWP[3] - PRTSWP[4] 23 - 47 13 33 PRTSWP[5] - 31 PRTSWP[6] - 17 PRTSWP[7] - 15 RBIAS USB Transceiver Bias 35 47 63 RESET_N Reset Input 26 34 43 SCL Serial Clock 24 31 41 SDA Serial Data Signal 22 29 40 Select 48 MHz Clock Input - 40 - SMBCLK System Management Bus Clock 24 31 41 SMBDATA Server Message Block Data Signal 22 29 40 SUSP_IND Active/Suspend Status Indicator 28 39 45 Test Pin 11 14 19 USB Bus Data 30 42 58 31 43 59 SEL48 TEST USBDM_UP USBDP_UP Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 20 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.1 Pin List in Alphabetical Order (continued) PIN NUMBERS USBDM_DN[2] USBDM_DN[3] 64 QFN USB2517 USB2517i USB2514 USB22514i USB2513 USB22513i USB2514B USB2514Bi USB2514 USB2514i Hi-Speed USB Data 48QFN USB2513B USB2513Bi USBDM_DN[1] USB2513 USB2513i NAME USB2512B USB2512Bi SYMBOL USB2512 USB2512i USB2512A USB2512Ai 36 QFN 1 3 - USBDM_DN[4] 6 - 8 - 8 USBDM_DN[5] - 11 USBDM_DN[6] - 53 USBDM_DN[7] - 55 USBDP_DN[1] 2 USBDP_DN[2] 4 USBDP_DN[3] - USBDP_DN[4] 7 - 9 - 9 USBDP_DN[5] - 12 USBDP_DN[6] - 54 USBDP_DN[7] - VBUS_DET Upstream VBUS Power Detection VDD33 3.3 V Power 56 27 35 44 5 VDD33 10 VDD33 15 18 24 VDD33 23 30 46 VDD33 29 41 52 VDD33 36 48 57 VDD33 XTALIN XTALOUT SMSC USB251x - 64 Crystal Input 33 45 61 Crystal Output 32 44 60 21 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet 5.2 USB251x Pin Descriptions (Grouped by Function) Table 5.2 USB251x Pin Descriptions SYMBOL BUFFER TYPE DESCRIPTION UPSTREAM USB 2.0 INTERFACES USBDM_UP USBDP_UP IO-U VBUS_DET I/O12 USB Data These pins connect to the upstream USB bus data signals (host, port, or upstream hub). Detect Upstream VBUS Power Detects the state of Upstream VBUS power. The SMSC hub monitors VBUS_DET to determine when to assert the internal D+ pull-up resistor which signals a connect event. When designing a detachable hub, this pin should be connected to VBUS on the upstream port via a 2 to 1 voltage divider. For self-powered applications with a permanently attached host, this pin must be connected to 3.3 V (typically VDD33). DOWNSTREAM USB 2.0 INTERFACES USBDP_DN[x:1]/ PRT_DIS_P[x:1] IO-U Hi-Speed USB Data These pins connect to the downstream USB peripheral devices attached to the hub's port. To disable, pull up with a 10 K resistor to 3.3 V. USBDM_DN[x:1]/ PRT_DIS_M[x:1] Downstream Port Disable Strap Option If this strap is enabled by package and configuration settings (see Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options"), then this pin will be sampled at RESET_N negation to determine if the port is disabled. To disable a port, pull up both PRT_DIS_M[x:1] and PRT_DIS_P[x:1] pins corresponding to the port numbers. PRTPWR[x:1] / O12 USB Power Enable Enables power to USB peripheral devices downstream. When PRTPWR_POL pin is unavailable, the hub supports active high power controllers only. When PRTPWR_POL pin is available, the active signal level of the PRTPWR pins is determined by the power polarity strapping function of the PRTPWR_POL pin. BC_EN[x] IPD Battery Charging Strap Option *This feature is only available on USB251xB/Bi. If this strap is enabled by package and configuration settings, (see Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options"), this pin will be sampled at RESET_N negation to determine if ports [x:1] support the battery charging protocol (and thus the supporting external port power controllers) that would enable a device to draw the currents per the USB battery charging specification. BC_EN[x] = 1: Battery charging feature is supported for port x BC_EN[x] = 0: Battery charging feature is not supported for port x Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 22 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.2 USB251x Pin Descriptions (continued) SYMBOL BUFFER TYPE DESCRIPTION DOWNSTREAM USB 2.0 INTERFACES (continued) LED_A_N[x:1] / I/O12 Port LED Indicators This pin will be active low when LED support is enabled via EEPROM or SMBus. Port Swap Strapping Option PRTSWP[x:1] If this strap is enabled by package and configuration settings (see Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options"), this pin will be sampled at RESET_N negation to determine the electrical connection polarity of the downstream USB port pins (USB_DP and USB_DM). Also, the active state of the LED will be determined as follows: `0' = Port polarity is normal, LED is active high. `1' = Port polarity (USB_DP and USB_DM) is swapped, LED is active low. LED_B_N[7:4] I/O12 Enhanced Indicator Port LED for ports 4-7 Enhanced indicator LED for ports 4-7. This pin will be active low when LED support is enabled via EEPROM or SMBus. LED_B_N[3] / I/O12 Enhanced Indicator Port LED for port 3 This pin will be active low when LED support is enabled via EEPROM or SMBus. GANG_EN Ganged Power and Over-current strap option This signal selects between ganged or individual port power and over-current sensing. If this strap is enabled by package and configuration settings (see Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options"), this pin will be sampled at RESET_N negation to determine the mode as follows: `0' = Individual sensing and switching, LED_B_N[3] is active high. `1' = Ganged sensing and switching, LED_B_N[3] is active low. SMSC USB251x 23 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.2 USB251x Pin Descriptions (continued) SYMBOL BUFFER TYPE DESCRIPTION DOWNSTREAM USB 2.0 INTERFACES (continued) LED_B_N[2:1] / I/O12 Enhanced Indicator Port LED for ports 1 and 2 Enhanced indicator LED for ports 1 and 2. This pin will be active low when LED support is enabled via EEPROM or SMBus. If this strap option is enabled by package and configuration settings (see Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options"), this pin will be sampled at RESET_N negation to determine if all PHY ports (upstream and downstream) operate at a normal or boosted electrical level. Also, the active state of the LEDs will be determined as follows: BOOST[1:0] See Section, "Register F6h: Boost_Up," on page 45 and Section, "Register F8h: Boost_4:0," on page 46 for more information. BOOST[1:0] = BOOST_IOUT[1:0] BOOST[1:0] = `00', LED_B_N[2] is active high, LED_B_N[1] is active high. BOOST[1:0] = `01', LED_B_N[2] is active high, LED_B_N[1] is active low. BOOST[1:0] = `10', LED_B_N[2] is active low, LED_B_N[1] is active high. BOOST[1:0] = `11', LED_B_N[2] is active low, LED_B_N[1] is active low. PRTPWR_POL IPU Port Power Polarity Strapping Port Power Polarity strapping determination for the active signal polarity of the [x:1]PRTPWR pins. While RESET_N is asserted, the logic state of this pin will (through the use of internal combinatorial logic) determine the active state of the PRTPWR pins in order to ensure that downstream port power is not inadvertently enabled to inactive ports during a hardware reset. When RESET_N is negated, the logic value will be latched internally, and will retain the active signal polarity for the PRTPWR[x:1] pins. `1' = PRTPWR[x:1]_P/N pins have an active `high' polarity `0' = PRTPWR[x:1]_P/N pins have an active `low' polarity Warning: Active low port power controllers may glitch the downstream port power when the system power is first applied. Care should be taken when designing with active low components. When PRTPWR_POL is not an available pin on the package, the hub will only support active high power controllers. OCS_N[x:1] IPU Over-Current Sense Input from external current monitor indicating an over-current condition. RBIAS I-R USB Transceiver Bias A 12.0 k (+/- 1%) resistor is attached from ground to this pin to set the transceiver's internal bias settings. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 24 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.2 USB251x Pin Descriptions (continued) SYMBOL BUFFER TYPE DESCRIPTION SERIAL PORT INTERFACES SDA / I/OSD12 Serial Data signal (SDA) Server Message Block Data signal (SMBDATA) SMBDATA / Non-removable Port Strap Option NON_REM[1] If this strap is enabled by package and configuration settings (see Table 8.1), this pin will be sampled (in conjunction with LOCAL_PWR / SUSP_IND / NON_REM[0]) at RESET_N negation to determine if ports [7:1] contain permanently attached (non-removable) devices: NON_REM[1:0] = `00', All ports are removable. NON_REM[1:0] = `01', Port 1 is non-removable. NON_REM[1:0] = `10', Ports 1 & 2 are non-removable. NON_REM[1:0] = `11', When available, ports 1 2 & 3 are non-removable. RESET_N IS RESET Input The system can reset the chip by driving this input low. The minimum active low pulse is 1 s. SCL / I/OSD12 System Management Bus Clock (SMBCLK) SMBCLK / Configuration Select: The logic state of this multifunction pin is internally latched on the rising edge of RESET_N (RESET_N negation), and will determine the hub configuration method as described in Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options". CFG_SEL[0] HS_IND / Serial Clock (SCL) I/O12 Hi-Speed Upstream Port Indicator HS_IND: Hi-speed Indicator for upstream port connection speed. The active state of the LED will be determined as follows: CFG_SEL[1] = `0', HS_IND is active high, CFG_SEL[1] = `1', HS_IND is active low, `Asserted' = the hub is connected at HS `Negated' = the hub is connected at FS CFG_SEL[1] Configuration Programming Select CFG_SEL[1]: The logic state of this pin is internally latched on the rising edge of RESET_N (RESET_N negation), and will determine the hub configuration method as described in Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options". CFG_SEL[2] I Configuration Programming Select The logic state of this pin is internally latched on the rising edge of RESET_N (RESET_N negation), and will determine the hub configuration method as described in Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options". When the CFG_SEL[2] pin is unavailable, then the logic is internally tied to `0'. SMSC USB251x 25 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.2 USB251x Pin Descriptions (continued) SYMBOL BUFFER TYPE DESCRIPTION MISC XTALIN ICLKx Crystal Input 24 MHz crystal This pin connects to either one terminal of the crystal or to an external 24 MHz clock when a crystal is not used. CLKIN External Clock Input This pin connects to either one terminal of the crystal or to an external 24 MHz clock when a crystal is not used. XTALOUT OCLKx Crystal Output 24 MHz crystal This is the other terminal of the crystal, or a no connect pin, when an external clock source is used to drive XTALIN/CLKIN. SUSP_IND / I/O Active/Suspend status LED Suspend Indicator: Indicates USB state of the hub. `negated' = Unconfigured, or configured and in USB Suspend `asserted' = the hub is configured, and is active (i.e., not in suspend) LOCAL_PWR / Local Power: Detects availability of local self-power source. Low = Self/local power source is NOT available (i.e., the hub gets all power from Upstream USB VBus). High = Self/local power source is available. NON_REM[0] NON_REM[0] Strap Option: If this strap is enabled by package and configuration settings (see Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options"), this pin will be sampled (in conjunction with NON_REM[1]) at RESET_N negation to determine if ports [x:1] contain permanently attached (non-removable) devices. Also, the active state of the LED will be determined as follows: NON_REM[1:0] = `00', All ports are removable, and the LED is active high NON_REM[1:0] = `01', Port 1 is non-removable, and the LED is active low NON_REM[1:0] = `10', Ports 1 & 2 are non-removable, and the LED is active high NON_REM[1:0] = `11', When available, ports 1, 2 & 3 are non-removable, and the LED is active low TEST IPD TEST pin User must treat as a no connect pin or connect to ground. No trace or signal should be routed or attached to this pin. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 26 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.2 USB251x Pin Descriptions (continued) SYMBOL BUFFER TYPE SEL48 I DESCRIPTION 48 MHz Clock Input Selection 48 MHz external input clock select. When the hub is clocked from an external clock source, this pin selects either 24 MHz or 48 MHz mode. `0' = 24 MHz `1' = 48 MHz POWER, GROUND, and NO CONNECTS CRFILT VDD Core Regulator Filter Capacitor This pin must have a 1.0 F (or greater) 20% (ESR <0.1 ) capacitor to VSS. VDD33 3.3 V Power PLLFILT PLL Regulator Filter Capacitor This pin must have a 1.0 F (or greater) 20% (ESR <0.1 ) capacitor to VSS. VSS Ground Pad / ePad The package slug is the only VSS for the device and must be tied to ground with multiple vias. NC No Connect No signal or trace should be routed or attached to these pins. 5.3 Buffer Type Descriptions Table 5.3 Buffer Type Descriptions BUFFER I DESCRIPTION Input. I/O Input/Output. IPD Input with internal weak pull-down resistor. IPU Input with internal weak pull-up resistor. IS O12 SMSC USB251x Input with Schmitt trigger. Output 12 mA. 27 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 5.3 Buffer Type Descriptions (continued) BUFFER I/O12 I/OSD12 DESCRIPTION Input/Output buffer with 12 mA sink and 12 mA source. Open drain with Schmitt trigger and 12 mA sink. Meets the I2C-Bus specification, version 2.1, requirements. ICLKx XTAL clock input. OCLKx XTAL clock output. I-R I/O-U Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) RBIAS. Analog Input/Output defined in USB specification. 28 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 6 LED Usage Description 6.1 LED Functionality USB2513 and USB2514 (48-pin QFN only) and USB2517/17i SMSC hubs support two different (mutually exclusive) LED modes. The `x' represents the number of downstream ports. The USB mode provides up to 14 LED's that conform to the USB 2.0 specification functional requirements for Green and Amber LED's. The LED mode "speed indicator" provides the downstream device connection speed. 6.1.1 USB Mode 14-Wire The LED_A_N[x:1] pins are used to provide Green LED support as defined in the USB 2.0 specification. The LED_B_N[x:1] pins are used to provide Amber LED support as defined in the USB 2.0 specification. The USB specification defines the LED's as port status indicators for the downstream ports. Please note that no indication of port speed is possible in this mode. The pins are utilized as follows: LED_A_N[x:1] = Port [x:1] green LED LED_B_N[x:1] = Port [x:1] amber LED 6.1.2 LED Mode Speed Indication The LED_A[x:1]_N pins are used to provide connection status as well as port speed by using dual color LED's. This scheme requires that the LED's be in the same package, and that a third color is produced so that the user perceives both LED's as being driven "simultaneously". The LED_A[x:1] pins used in this mode are connected to x number of dual color LED's (each LED pair in a single package). These pins indicate the USB speed of each attached downstream device. Each dual color LED provides two separate colors (commonly Green and Red). If each of these separate colors are pulsed on and off at a rapid rate, a user will see a third color (in this example, Orange). Using this method, 4 different "color" states are possible (Green, Red, Orange, and Off). 3.3 V General Purpose Diode Connection to other Dual Color Diodes D1A (Green LED) Hub LED pin Current Limiting Resistor D1B (Red LED) Figure 6.1 Dual Color LED Implementation Example SMSC USB251x 29 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Figure 6.1 shows a simple example of how this LED circuit will be implemented. The circuit should be replicated for each of the x LED pins on the SMSC hub. In this circuit, when the LED pin is driven to a logic low state, the Green LED will light up. When the LED pin is driven to a Logic High state the Red LED will light up. When a 1 KHz square wave is driven out on the LED pin, the Green and Red LED's will both alternately light up giving the effect of the color Orange. When nothing is driven out on the LED pin (i.e. the pin floats to a "tri-state" condition), neither the Green nor Red LED will light up, this is the "Off" state. The assignment is as follows: LED_A_N[x:1] = LED D[x:1] (Downstream Port [x:1]) The usage is as follows: LED_A_N[x] Driven to Logic Low = LS device attached (Green LED) LED_A_N[x] Driven to Logic High = FS device attached (Red LED) LED_A_N[x] Pulsed @ 1 KHz = HS device attached (Orange color by pulsing Red & Green). LED_A_N[x] is tri-state= No devices are attached, or the hub is in suspend, LED's are off. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 30 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 7 Battery Charging Support 7.1 General Description The battery charging feature is only available in USB251xB (which represents USB2512B/3B/4B and USB2512Bi/3Bi/4Bi hub family products). Any one or combination of downstream ports on the USB251xB hub can be configured to support battery charging. The SMSC hub provides support for battery charging devices on a per port basis in compliance with the USB Battery Charging specification, version 1.1. The hub can be configured to individually enable each downstream port for battery charging support either via pin strapping as illustrated in Figure 7.1 or by setting the corresponding configuration bits via EEPROM or SMBus. 3.3 V 5V RSTRAP USB Port Power Controller IN PRTPWR[x] USB251xB/xBi OCS_N[x] EN VBUS FLAG Note: RSTRAP enables battery charging. Figure 7.1 Battery Charging via External Power Supply 7.2 USB Battery Charging A downstream port enabled for battery charging turns on port power as soon as the configuration process has completed. The hub does not need to be enumerated nor does VBUS_DET need to be asserted for the port power to be enabled. These conditions allow battery charging in S3, S4 and S5 system power states as well as in the fully operational state. The USB Battery Charging specification does not interfere with standard USB operation, which allows a device to perform battery charging at any time. A port that supports battery charging must be able to support 1.5 amps of current on VBUS. Standard USB port power controllers typically only allow for 0.8 amps of current before detecting an over-current condition. Therefore, the 5 volt power supply, port power controller or over-current protection devices must be chosen to handle the larger current demand compared to standard USB hub designs. 7.2.1 Special Behavior of PRTPWR Pins The SMSC hub enables VBUS by asserting the port power (PRTPWR) pin as soon as the hardware configuration process has completed. If the port detects an over-current condition, PRTPWR will be turned off to protect the circuitry from overloading. If an over-current condition is detected when the hub is not enumerated, PRTPWR can only be turned on from the host or if RESET_N is toggled. These SMSC USB251x 31 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet behaviors provide battery charging even when the hub is not enumerated and protect the hub from sustained short circuit conditions. If the short circuit condition persists when the hub is plugged into a host system the user is notified that a port has an over-current condition. Otherwise the PRTPWR is turned on by the host system and the port operates normally. 7.3 Battery Charging Configuration Configuration of ports to support battery charging is done through a strap option on the corresponding ports PRTPWR[x] / BC_EN[x] pin. see Chapter 5, Pin Descriptions, or through EEPROM or SMBus configuration load. 7.3.1 Battery Charging enabled via EEPROM or SMBus Register memory map location 0xD0 is allocated for battery charging support. The "Battery Charging" register at location 0xD0 starting from Bit 1 enables battery charging for each downstream port when asserted. Bit 1 represents port 1 and so on. Each port with battery charging enabled asserts the corresponding PRTPWR[x:0] pin. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 32 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 8 Configuration Options 8.1 Hub SMSC's USB 2.0 hub is fully specification compliant to the Universal Serial Bus specification, version 2.0, April 27, 2000 (12/7/2000 and 5/28/2002 Errata). Please reference Chapter 10 (Hub specification) for general details regarding hub operation and functionality. The hub provides 1 Transaction Translator (TT) that is shared by both downstream ports (defined as Single-TT configuration), The TT contains 4 non-periodic buffers. 8.1.1 Hub Configuration Options The SMSC hub supports a large number of features (some are mutually exclusive), and must be configured in order to correctly function when attached to a USB host controller. There are three principal ways to configure the hub: SMBus, EEPROM, or by internal default settings (with or without configuration option over-rides). In all cases, the configuration method will be determined by the CFG_SEL[2], CFG_SEL[1] and CFG_SEL[0] pins immediately after RESET_N negation. Please refer to Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options" for more information. 8.1.2 SMBus or EEPROM Interface Table 8.1 Hub Configuration Options CFG_SEL[2] CFG_SEL[1] CFG_SEL[0] 0 0 0 Internal Default Configuration without any over-rides Strap options enabled Self-powered operation enabled LED mode = Speed (when available on package) Individual power switching Individual over-current sensing 0 0 1 Configured as an SMBus slave for external download of user-defined descriptors Strap options disabled All settings are controlled by registers as set by the user 0 1 0 Internal Default Configuration Strap options enabled Bus-powered operation LED mode = USB (when available on package) Individual power switching Individual over-current sensing 0 1 1 2-Wire I2C EEPROMS are supported Strap options disabled All settings are controlled by registers as set by the user SMSC USB251x DESCRIPTION 33 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 8.1 Hub Configuration Options (continued) CFG_SEL[2] CFG_SEL[1] CFG_SEL[0] DESCRIPTION 1 0 0 Internal Default Configuration with the following over-rides Dynamic power-switching enabled Strap options disabled LED mode = Speed (when available on package) Individual power switching Individual over-current sensing 1 0 1 Internal Default Configuration with the following over-rides Dynamic power-switching enabled Strap options disabled LED mode = USB (when available on package) Individual power switching Individual over-current sensing 1 1 0 Internal Default Configuration with the following over-rides Strap options disabled LED mode = Speed (when available on package) Individual power switching Individual over-current sensing 1 1 1 Internal Default Configuration with the following over-rides Strap options disabled LED mode = USB (when available on package) Ganged port power switching Ganged over-current sensing Note: When the CFG_SEL[2] pin is unavailable, then the logic is internally tied to `0'. Power Switching Polarity When the PRTPWR_POL pin is unavailable (3 and 4 port, 48-pin packages only), the hub only supports "active high" port power controllers. 8.1.3 VBus Detect According to Section 7.2.1 of the USB 2.0 specification, a downstream port can never provide power to its D+ or D- pull-up resistors unless the upstream port's VBUS is in the asserted (powered) state. The VBUS_DET pin on the hub monitors the state of the upstream VBUS signal and will not pull-up the D+ resistor if VBUS is not active. If VBUS goes from an active to an inactive state (Not Powered), the hub will remove power from the D+ pull-up resistor within 10 seconds. 8.2 EEPROM Interface The SMSC hub can be configured via a 2-wire (I2C) EEPROM (256x8). (Please see Table 8.1, "Hub Configuration Options" for specific details on how to enable configuration via an I2C EEPROM). The internal state-machine will (when configured for EEPROM support) read the external EEPROM for configuration data. The hub will then "attach" to the upstream USB host. Note: The hub does not have the capacity to write, or "Program," an external EEPROM. The hub only has the capability to read external EEPROMs. The external eeprom will be read (even if it is blank or non-populated), and the hub will be "configured" with the values that are read. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 34 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Please see the Internal Register Set (Common to EEPROM and SMBus) for a list of the available data fields. Please visit to locate the configuration utility for the hub EEPROM data. Select the "e2prommap.msi" link to download the tool. Each register has R/W capability. SMBUS and EEPROM Reset Values are 0x00. Reserved registers should be written to `0' unless otherwise specified. Contents read should be ignored (such as the case of `R' in the table below). 8.2.1 Internal Register Set (Common to EEPROM and SMBus) Table 8.2 Internal Default, EEPROM and SMBus Register Memory Map USB2513B/13Bi USB2514B/14Bi USB2517/17i USB2512B/12Bi USB2514/14i USB2513/13i USB2512/12i USB2512A/12Ai DEFAULT ROM VALUES (HEXIDECIMAL) 13 14 17 ADDRESS REGISTER NAME 00h Vendor ID LSB 24 01h Vendor ID MSB 04 02h Product ID LSB 03h Product ID MSB 04h Device ID LSB 00 A0 00 A0 00 05h Device ID MSB 00 0A 00 0B 00 06h Configuration Data Byte 1 07h Configuration Data Byte 2 20 08h Configuration Data Byte 3 02 09h Non-Removable Devices 00 0Ah Port Disable (Self) 08 00 0Bh Port Disable (Bus) 08 00 0Ch Max Power (Self) 01 0Dh Max Power (Bus) 32 0Eh Hub Controller Max Current (Self) 01 0Fh Hub Controller Max Current (Bus) 32 10h Power-on Time 32 11h Language ID High 00 12h Language ID Low R 00 13h Manufacturer String Length R 00 14h Product String Length R 00 15h Serial String Length R 00 16h-53h Manufacturer String R 00 SMSC USB251x 12 13 14 12 25 8B 35 DATASHEET 9B Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 8.2 Internal Default, EEPROM and SMBus Register Memory Map (continued) USB2517/17i USB2514B/14Bi USB2513B/13Bi USB2512B/12Bi USB2514/14i USB2513/13i USB2512/12i USB2512A/12Ai DEFAULT ROM VALUES (HEXIDECIMAL) ADDRESS REGISTER NAME 54h-91h Product String R 00 92h-CFh Serial String R 00 D0h Battery Charging Enable E0h Reserved F5h Reserved F6h Boost_Up F7h Boost_7:5 F8h Boost_x:0 00 F9h Reserved 00 FAh Port Swap 00 FBh Port Map 12 00 FCh Port Map 34 FDh Port Map 56 R 00 FEh Port Map 7 R 00 FFh Status/Command Note: SMBus register only R 00 00 R 00 R 00 R 00 00 00 R 00 R 00 00 Register 00h: Vendor ID (LSB) BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 VID_LSB Least Significant Byte of the Vendor ID. This is a 16-bit value that uniquely identifies the Vendor of the user device (assigned by USB-Interface Forum). This field is set by the OEM using either the SMBus or EEPROM interface options. Register 01h: Vendor ID (MSB) BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 VID_MSB Most Significant Byte of the Vendor ID. This is a 16-bit value that uniquely identifies the Vendor of the user device (assigned by USB-Interface Forum). This field is set by the OEM using either the SMBus or EEPROM interface options. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 36 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register 02h: Product ID (LSB) BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 PID_LSB Least Significant Byte of the Product ID. This is a 16-bit value that the Vendor can assign that uniquely identifies this particular product (assigned by OEM). This field is set by the OEM using either the SMBus or EEPROM interface options. Register 03h: Product ID (MSB) BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 PID_MSB Most Significant Byte of the Product ID. This is a 16-bit value that the Vendor can assign that uniquely identifies this particular product (assigned by OEM). This field is set by the OEM using either the SMBus or EEPROM interface options. Register 04h: Device ID (LSB) BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 DID_LSB DESCRIPTION Least Significant Byte of the Device ID. This is a 16-bit device release number in BCD format (assigned by OEM). This field is set by the OEM using either the SMBus or EEPROM interface options. Register 05h: Device ID (MSB) BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 DID_MSB SMSC USB251x DESCRIPTION Most Significant Byte of the Device ID. This is a 16-bit device release number in BCD format (assigned by OEM). This field is set by the OEM using either the SMBus or EEPROM interface options. 37 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register 06h: CONFIG_BYTE_1 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7 SELF_BUS_PWR DESCRIPTION Self or Bus Power: Selects between Self- and Bus-Powered operation. The hub is either self-powered (draws less than 2 mA of upstream bus power) or bus-powered (limited to a 100 mA maximum of upstream power prior to being configured by the host controller). When configured as a bus-powered device, the SMSC hub consumes less than 100 mA of current prior to being configured. After configuration, the buspowered SMSC hub (along with all associated hub circuitry, any embedded devices if part of a compound device, and 100 mA per externally available downstream port) must consume no more than 500 mA of upstream VBUS current. The current consumption is system dependent, and the OEM must ensure that the USB 2.0 specifications are not violated. When configured as a self-powered device, <1 mA of upstream VBUS current is consumed and all ports are available, with each port being capable of sourcing 500 mA of current. This field is set by the OEM using either the SMBus or EEPROM interface options. Please see the description under dynamic power for the self-/bus- power functionality when dynamic power switching is enabled. '0' = Bus-powered operation '1' = Self-powered operation If dynamic power switching is enabled, this bit is ignored and the LOCAL_PWR pin is used to determine if the hub is operating from self or bus power. 6 Reserved 5 HS_DISABLE Reserved Hi-speed Disable: Disables the capability to attach as either a Hi-/Full-Speed device, and forces attachment as Full-Speed only (i.e. no Hi-Speed support). '0' = Hi-/Full-speed `1' = Full-speed-Only (Hi-speed disabled!) 4 MTT_ENABLE Multi-TT enable: Enables one transaction translator per port operation. (Not available on the USB2512A/12Ai.) Selects between a mode where only one transaction translator is available for all ports (Single-TT), or each port gets a dedicated transaction translator (Multi-TT). '0' = Single TT for all ports `1' = One TT per port (when multiple TT's are supported) 3 EOP_DISABLE EOP Disable: Disables EOP generation at EOF1 when in Full-Speed mode. During FS operation only, this permits the hub to send EOP if no downstream traffic is detected at EOF1. See Section 11.3.1 of the USB 2.0 specification for additional details. '0' = EOP generation is normal `1' = EOP generation is disabled Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 38 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 2:1 CURRENT_SNS DESCRIPTION Over-Current Sense: Selects current sensing on a port-by-port basis, all ports ganged, or none (only for bus-powered hubs). The ability to support current sensing on a port or ganged basis is hardware implementation dependent. `00' = Ganged sensing (all ports together) `01' = Individual (port-by-port) `1x' = Over-current sensing not supported (must only be used with buspowered configurations!) 0 PORT_PWR Port Power Switching: Enables power switching on all ports simultaneously (ganged), or port power is individually switched on and off on a port- by-port basis (individual). The ability to support power enabling on a port or ganged basis is hardware implementation dependent. `0' = Ganged switching (all ports together) `1' = Individual port-by-port switching Register 07h: Configuration Data Byte 2 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7 DYNAMIC DESCRIPTION Dynamic Power Enable: Controls the ability of the hub to automatically change from self-powered operation to bus-powered operation if the local power source is removed or is unavailable (and from bus-powered to selfpowered if the local power source is restored). When dynamic power switching is enabled, the hub detects the availability of a local power source by monitoring the external LOCAL_PWR pin. If the hub detects a change in power source availability, the hub immediately disconnects and removes power from all downstream devices and disconnects the upstream port. The hub will then re-attach to the upstream port as either a bus-powered hub (if local-power is unavailable) or a selfpowered hub (if local power is available). `0' = No dynamic auto-switching `1' = Dynamic auto-switching capable 6 Reserved 5:4 OC_TIMER Reserved OverCurrent Timer: Over-current Timer delay. `00' = 0.1 ms `01' = 4.0 ms `10' = 8.0 ms `11' = 16.0 ms 3 COMPOUND Compound Device: Allows OEM to indicate that the hub is part of a compound (see the USB specification for definition) device. The applicable port(s) must also be defined as having a "Non-Removable Device". Note: When configured via strapping options, declaring a port as nonremovable automatically causes the hub controller to report that it is part of a compound device. `0' = No `1' = Yes, The hub is part of a compound device 2:0 SMSC USB251x Reserved Reserved 39 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register 08h: Configuration Data Byte 3 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:4 Reserved 3 PRTMAP_EN DESCRIPTION Reserved Port mapping enable: Selects the method used by the hub to assign port numbers and disable ports. `0' = Standard mode `1' = Port mapping mode 2:1 LED_MODE LED Mode Selection: The LED_A[x:1]_N and LED_B[x:1]_N pins support several different modes of operation (depending upon OEM implementation of the LED circuit). `00' = USB Mode `01' = Speed Indication Mode `10' = Same as `00', USB Mode `11' = Same as `00', USB Mode Warning: Do not enable an LED mode that requires LED pins that are not available in the specific package being used in the implementation. Note: 0 STRING_EN The hub will only report that it supports LED's to the host when USB mode is selected. All other modes will be reported as No LED Support. Enables String Descriptor Support `0' = String support disabled `1' = String support enabled Register 09h: Non-Removable Device BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 NR_DEVICE DESCRIPTION Non-removable Device: Indicates which port(s) include non-removable devices. `0' = port is removable `1' = port is non-removable Informs the host if one of the active ports has a permanent device that is undetachable from the hub. (Note: The device must provide its own descriptor data.) When using the internal default option, the NON_REM[1:0] pins will designate the appropriate ports as being non- removable. Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 7= 6= 5= 4= 3= 2= 1= 0= Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register 0Ah: Port Disable For Self-Powered Operation BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 PORT_DIS_SP DESCRIPTION Port Disable Self-Powered: Disables 1 or more ports. 0 = Port is available 1 = Port is disabled During self-powered operation when mapping mode is disabled (PRTMAP_EN='0'), this selects the ports which will be permanently disabled, and are not available to be enabled or enumerated by a host controller. The ports can be disabled in any order, the internal logic will automatically report the correct number of enabled ports to the USB host, and will reorder the active ports in order to ensure proper function. When using the internal default option, the PRT_DIS_P[x:1] and PRT_DIS_M[x:1] pins will disable the appropriate ports. Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7= 6= 5= 4= 3= 2= 1= 0= Controls Port 7 Controls Port 6 Controls Port 5 Controls Port 4 Controls Port 3 Controls Port 2 Controls Port 1 Reserved, always = `0' Register 0Bh: Port Disable For Bus-Powered Operation BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 PORT_DIS_BP DESCRIPTION Port Disable Bus-Powered: Disables 1 or more ports. 0 = Port is available 1 = Port is disabled During self-powered operation when mapping mode is disabled (PRTMAP_EN='0'), this selects the ports which will be permanently disabled, and are not available to be enabled or enumerated by a host Controller. The ports can be disabled in any order, the internal logic will automatically report the correct number of enabled ports to the USB host, and will reorder the active ports in order to ensure proper function. When using the internal default option, the PRT_DIS_P[x:1] and PRT_DIS_M[x:1] pins will disable the appropriate ports. Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit SMSC USB251x 7= Controls Port 7 6= Controls Port 6 5= Controls Port 5 4= Controls Port 4 3= Controls Port 3 2= Controls Port 2 1= Controls Port 1 0 is Reserved, always = `0' 41 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register 0Ch: Max Power For Self-Powered Operation BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 MAX_PWR_SP Max Power Self_Powered: Value in 2 mA increments that the hub consumes from an upstream port (VBUS) when operating as a self-powered hub. This value includes the hub silicon along with the combined power consumption (from VBUS) of all associated circuitry on the board. This value also includes the power consumption of a permanently attached peripheral if the hub is configured as a compound device, and the embedded peripheral reports 0 mA in its descriptors. Note: The USB 2.0 specification does not permit this value to exceed 100 mA Register 0Dh: Max Power For Bus-Powered Operation BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 MAX_PWR_BP Max Power Bus_Powered: Value in 2 mA increments that the hub consumes from an upstream port (VBUS) when operating as a bus-powered hub. This value includes the hub silicon along with the combined power consumption (from VBUS) of all associated circuitry on the board. This value also includes the power consumption of a permanently attached peripheral if the hub is configured as a compound device, and the embedded peripheral reports 0 mA in its descriptors. Register 0Eh: Hub Controller Max Current For Self-Powered Operation BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 HC_MAX_C_SP Hub Controller Max Current Self-Powered: Value in 2 mA increments that the hub consumes from an upstream port (VBUS) when operating as a selfpowered hub. This value includes the hub silicon along with the combined power consumption (from VBUS) of all associated circuitry on the board. This value does NOT include the power consumption of a permanently attached peripheral if the hub is configured as a compound device. Note: The USB 2.0 specification does not permit this value to exceed 100 mA A value of 50 (decimal) indicates 100 mA, which is the default value. Register 0Fh: Hub Controller Max Current For Bus-Powered Operation BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 HC_MAX_C_BP Hub Controller Max Current Bus-Powered: Value in 2 mA increments that the hub consumes from an upstream port (VBUS) when operating as a buspowered hub. This value will include the hub silicon along with the combined power consumption (from VBUS) of all associated circuitry on the board. This value will NOT include the power consumption of a permanently attached peripheral if the hub is configured as a compound device. A value of 50 (decimal) would indicate 100 mA, which is the default value. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 42 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register 10h: Power-On Time BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 POWER_ON_TIME Power-On Time: The length of time that it takes (in 2 ms intervals) from the time the host initiated power-on sequence begins on a port until power is adequate on that port. Register 11h: Language ID High BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 LANG_ID_H USB Language ID (Upper 8 bits of a 16-bit ID field) Register 12h: Language ID Low BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 LANG_ID_L DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION USB Language ID (Lower 8 bits of a 16-bit ID field) Register 13h: Manufacturer String Length BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 MFR_STR_LEN DESCRIPTION Manufacturer String Length When supported, the maximum string length is 31 characters. Register 14h: Product String Length BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 PRD_STR_LEN DESCRIPTION Product String Length When supported, the maximum string length is 31 characters. Register 15h: Serial String Length BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 SER_STR_LEN DESCRIPTION Serial String Length When supported, the maximum string length is 31 characters. SMSC USB251x 43 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register 16h-53h: Manufacturer String BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 MFR_STR DESCRIPTION Manufacturer String, UNICODE UTF-16LE per USB 2.0 specification When supported, the maximum string length is 31 characters (62 bytes). Note: The string consists of individual 16-bit UNICODE UTF-16LE characters. The Characters will be stored starting with the LSB at the least significant address and the MSB at the next 8-bit location (subsequent characters must be stored in sequential contiguous address in the same LSB, MSB manner). Some EEPROM programmers may transpose the MSB and LSB, thus reversing the Byte order. Please pay careful attention to the Byte ordering or your selected programming tools. Register 54h-91h: Product String BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 PRD_STR DESCRIPTION Product String, UNICODE UTF-16LE per USB 2.0 specification When supported, the maximum string length is 31 characters (62 bytes). Note: The string consists of individual 16-bit UNICODE UTF-16LE characters. The Characters will be stored starting with the LSB at the least significant address and the MSB at the next 8-bit location (subsequent characters must be stored in sequential contiguous address in the same LSB, MSB manner). Some EEPROM programmers may transpose the MSB and LSB, thus reversing the Byte order. Please pay careful attention to the Byte ordering or your selected programming tools. Register 92h-CFh: Serial String BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 SER_STR DESCRIPTION Serial String, UNICODE UTF-16LE per USB 2.0 specification When supported, the maximum string length is 31 characters (62 bytes). Note: Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) The string consists of individual 16-bit UNICODE UTF-16LE characters. The Characters will be stored starting with the LSB at the least significant address and the MSB at the next 8-bit location (subsequent characters must be stored in sequential contiguous address in the same LSB, MSB manner). Some EEPROM programmers may transpose the MSB and LSB, thus reversing the Byte order. Please pay careful attention to the Byte ordering or your selected programming tools. 44 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register D0h: Battery Charging Enable BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 BC_EN DESCRIPTION Only available in USB251xB/Bi hub family products. Battery Charging Enable: Enables the battery charging feature for the corresponding port. '0' = Battery Charging support is not enabled '1' = Battery charging support is enabled Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7= 6= 5= 4= 3= 2= 1= 0= Reserved Reserved Reserved Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Reserved 4 3 2 1 Register F6h: Boost_Up BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:2 Reserved 1:0 BOOST_IOUT DESCRIPTION Reserved USB electrical signaling drive strength Boost Bit for the Upstream Port. `00' = Normal electrical drive strength = No boost `01' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Low (~ 4% boost) `10' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Medium (~ 8% boost) `11' = Elevated electrical drive strength = High (~12% boost) Note: "Boost" could result in non-USB Compliant parameters, OEM should use a `00' value unless specific implementation issues require additional signal boosting to correct for degraded USB signalling levels. Register F7h: Boost_7:5 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:6 Reserved 5:4 BOOST_IOUT_7 DESCRIPTION Reserved USB electrical signaling drive strength Boost Bit for Downstream Port `7'. `00' = Normal electrical drive strength = No boost `01' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Low (~4% boost) `10' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Medium (~ 8% boost) `11' = Elevated electrical drive strength = High (~12% boost) 3:2 BOOST_IOUT_6 USB electrical signaling drive strength Boost Bit for Downstream Port `6'. `00' = Normal electrical drive strength = No boost `01' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Low (~4% boost) `10' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Medium (~ 8% boost) `11' = Elevated electrical drive strength = High (~12% boost) SMSC USB251x 45 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 1:0 BOOST_IOUT_5 DESCRIPTION USB electrical signaling drive strength Boost Bit for Downstream Port `5'. `00' = Normal electrical drive strength = No boost `01' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Low (~4% boost) `10' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Medium (~ 8% boost) `11' = Elevated electrical drive strength = High (~12% boost) Note: "Boost" could result in non-USB Compliant parameters, OEM should use a `00' value unless specific implementation issues require additional signal boosting to correct for degraded USB signalling levels. Register F8h: Boost_4:0 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:6 BOOST_IOUT_4 DESCRIPTION USB electrical signaling drive strength Boost Bit for Downstream Port `4'. `00' = Normal electrical drive strength = No boost `01' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Low (~4% boost) `10' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Medium (~ 8% boost) `11' = Elevated electrical drive strength = High (~12% boost) 5:4 BOOST_IOUT_3 USB electrical signaling drive strength Boost Bit for Downstream Port `3'. `00' = Normal electrical drive strength = No boost `01' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Low (~4% boost) `10' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Medium (~ 8% boost) `11' = Elevated electrical drive strength = High (~12% boost) 3:2 BOOST_IOUT_2 USB electrical signaling drive strength Boost Bit for Downstream Port `2'. `00' = Normal electrical drive strength = No boost `01' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Low (~4% boost) `10' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Medium (~ 8% boost) `11' = Elevated electrical drive strength = High (~12% boost) 1:0 BOOST_IOUT_1 USB electrical signaling drive strength Boost Bit for Downstream Port `1'. `00' = Normal electrical drive strength = No boost `01' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Low (~4% boost) `10' = Elevated electrical drive strength = Medium (~ 8% boost) `11' = Elevated electrical drive strength = High (~12% boost) Note: "Boost" could result in non-USB Compliant parameters, OEM should use a `00' value unless specific implementation issues require additional signal boosting to correct for degraded USB signalling levels. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 46 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register FAh: Port Swap BIT NUMBER BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7:0 PRTSP Port Swap: Swaps the Upstream and Downstream USB DP and DM Pins for ease of board routing to devices and connectors. `0' = USB D+ functionality is associated with the DP pin and D- functionality is associated with the DM pin. `1' = USB D+ functionality is associated with the DM pin and D- functionality is associated with the DP pin. Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit SMSC USB251x 7= 6= 5= 4= 3= 2= 1= 0= Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port Controls Port When this bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 is `1', the upstream port DP/DM is swapped. 47 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register FBh: PortMap 12 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 PRTR12 DESCRIPTION PortMap register for ports 1 & 2. When a hub is enumerated by a USB host controller, the hub is only permitted to report how many ports it has; the hub is not permitted to select a numerical range or assignment. The host controller will number the downstream ports of the hub starting with the number '1', up to the number of ports that the hub reported having. The host's port number is referred to as "Logical Port Number" and the physical port on the hub is the "Physical Port Number". When mapping mode is enabled (see PRTMAP_EN in Register 08h: Configuration Data Byte 3) the hub's downstream port numbers can be mapped to different logical port numbers (assigned by the host). Note: OEM must ensure that contiguous logical port numbers are used, starting from #1 up to the maximum number of enabled ports; this ensures that the hub's ports are numbered in accordance with the way a host will communicate with the ports. Table 8.3 PortMap Register for Ports 1 & 2 Bit [7:4] Bit [3:0] Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) `0000' Physical Port 2 is Disabled `0001' Physical Port 2 is mapped to Logical Port 1 `0010' Physical Port 2 is mapped to Logical Port 2 `0011' Physical Port 2 is mapped to Logical Port 3 `0100' Physical Port 2 is mapped to Logical Port 4 `0101' Physical Port 2 is mapped to Logical Port 5 `0100' Physical Port 2 is mapped to Logical Port 6 `0111' Physical Port 2 is mapped to Logical Port 7 `1000' to `1111' Reserved, will default to `0000' value `0000' Physical Port 1 is Disabled `0001' Physical Port 1 is mapped to Logical Port 1 `0010' Physical Port 1 is mapped to Logical Port 2 `0011' Physical Port 1 is mapped to Logical Port 3 `0100' Physical Port 1 is mapped to Logical Port 4 `0101' Physical Port 1 is mapped to Logical Port 5 `0110' Physical Port 1 is mapped to Logical Port 6 `0111' Physical Port 1 is mapped to Logical Port 7 `1000' to `1111' Reserved, will default to `0000' value 48 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register FCh: PortMap 34 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 PRTR34 DESCRIPTION PortMap register for ports 3 & 4. When a hub is enumerated by a USB host controller, the hub is only permitted to report how many ports it has; the hub is not permitted to select a numerical range or assignment. The host controller will number the downstream ports of the hub starting with the number '1', up to the number of ports that the hub reported having. The host's port number is referred to as "Logical Port Number" and the physical port on the hub is the "Physical Port Number". When mapping mode is enabled (see PRTMAP_EN in Register 08h: Configuration Data Byte 3) the hub's downstream port numbers can be mapped to different logical port numbers (assigned by the host). Note: OEM must ensure that contiguous logical port numbers are used, starting from #1 up to the maximum number of enabled ports; this ensures that the hub's ports are numbered in accordance with the way a host will communicate with the ports. Table 8.4 PortMap Register for Ports 3 & 4 Bit [7:4] Bit [3:0] SMSC USB251x `0000' Physical Port 4 is Disabled `0001' Physical Port 4 is mapped to Logical Port 1 `0010' Physical Port 4 is mapped to Logical Port 2 `0011' Physical Port 4 is mapped to Logical Port 3 `0100' Physical Port 4 is mapped to Logical Port 4 `0101' Physical Port 4 is mapped to Logical Port 5 `0100' Physical Port 4 is mapped to Logical Port 6 `0111' Physical Port 4 is mapped to Logical Port 7 `1000' to `1111' Reserved, will default to `0000' value `0000' Physical Port 3 is Disabled `0001' Physical Port 3 is mapped to Logical Port 1 `0010' Physical Port 3 is mapped to Logical Port 2 `0011' Physical Port 3 is mapped to Logical Port 3 `0100' Physical Port 3 is mapped to Logical Port 4 `0101' Physical Port 3 is mapped to Logical Port 5 `0110' Physical Port 3 is mapped to Logical Port 6 `0111' Physical Port 3 is mapped to Logical Port 7 `1000' to `1111' Reserved, will default to `0000' value 49 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register FDh: PortMap 56 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 PRTR56 DESCRIPTION PortMap register for ports 5 & 6. When a hub is enumerated by a USB host controller, the hub is only permitted to report how many ports it has; the hub is not permitted to select a numerical range or assignment. The host controller will number the downstream ports of the hub starting with the number '1', up to the number of ports that the hub reported having. The host's port number is referred to as "Logical Port Number" and the physical port on the hub is the "Physical Port Number". When mapping mode is enabled (see PRTMAP_EN in Register 08h: Configuration Data Byte 3) the hub's downstream port numbers can be mapped to different logical port numbers (assigned by the host). Note: OEM must ensure that contiguous logical port numbers are used, starting from #1 up to the maximum number of enabled ports; this ensures that the hub's ports are numbered in accordance with the way a host will communicate with the ports. Table 8.5 PortMap Register for Ports 5 & 6 Bit [7:4] Bit [3:0] Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) `0000' Physical Port 6 is Disabled `0001' Physical Port 6 is mapped to Logical Port 1 `0010' Physical Port 6 is mapped to Logical Port 2 `0011' Physical Port 6 is mapped to Logical Port 3 `0100' Physical Port 6 is mapped to Logical Port 4 `0101' Physical Port 6 is mapped to Logical Port 5 `0100' Physical Port 6 is mapped to Logical Port 6 `0111' Physical Port 6 is mapped to Logical Port 7 `1000' to `1111' Reserved, will default to `0000' value `0000' Physical Port 5 is Disabled `0001' Physical Port 5 is mapped to Logical Port 1 `0010' Physical Port 5 is mapped to Logical Port 2 `0011' Physical Port 5 is mapped to Logical Port 3 `0100' Physical Port 5 is mapped to Logical Port 4 `0101' Physical Port 5 is mapped to Logical Port 5 `0110' Physical Port 5 is mapped to Logical Port 6 `0111' Physical Port 5 is mapped to Logical Port 7 `1000' to `1111' Reserved, will default to `0000' value 50 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register FEh: PortMap 7 BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:0 PRTR7 DESCRIPTION PortMap register for port 7. When a hub is enumerated by a USB host controller, the hub is only permitted to report how many ports it has; the hub is not permitted to select a numerical range or assignment. The host controller will number the downstream ports of the hub starting with the number '1', up to the number of ports that the hub reported having. The host's port number is referred to as "Logical Port Number" and the physical port on the hub is the "Physical Port Number". When mapping mode is enabled (see PRTMAP_EN in Register 08h: Configuration Data Byte 3) the hub's downstream port numbers can be mapped to different logical port numbers (assigned by the host). Note: OEM must ensure that contiguous logical port numbers are used, starting from #1 up to the maximum number of enabled ports; this ensures that the hub's ports are numbered in accordance with the way a host will communicate with the ports. Table 8.6 PortMap Register for Port 7 SMSC USB251x Bit [7:4] `0000' to `1111' Reserved Bit [3:0] `0000' Physical Port 7 is Disabled `0001' Physical Port 7 is mapped to Logical Port 1 `0010' Physical Port 7 is mapped to Logical Port 2 `0011' Physical Port 7 is mapped to Logical Port 3 `0100' Physical Port 7 is mapped to Logical Port 4 `0101' Physical Port 7 is mapped to Logical Port 5 `0110' Physical Port 7 is mapped to Logical Port 6 `0111' Physical Port 7 is mapped to Logical Port 7 `1000' to `1111' Reserved, will default to `0000' value 51 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Register FFh: Status/Command BIT NUMBER BIT NAME 7:3 Reserved 2 INTF_PW_DN DESCRIPTION Reserved SMBus Interface Power Down `0' = Interface is active `1' = Interface power down after ACK has completed 1 RESET Reset the SMBus Interface and internal memory back to RESET_N assertion default settings. `0' = Normal Run/Idle State `1' = Force a reset of registers to their default state 0 USB_ATTACH USB Attach (and write protect) `0' = SMBus slave interface is active `1' = The hub will signal a USB attach event to an upstream device, and the internal memory (address range 00h-FEh) is "write-protected" to prevent unintentional data corruption. 8.2.2 I2C EEPROM The I2C EEPROM interface implements a subset of the I2C Master specification (Please refer to the Philips Semiconductor Standard I2C-Bus specification for details on I2C bus protocols). The SMSC hub's I2C EEPROM interface is designed to attach to a single "dedicated" I2C EEPROM, and it conforms to the Standard-mode I2C specification (100 kbit/s transfer rate and 7-bit addressing) for protocol and electrical compatibility. Note: Extensions to the I2C specification are not supported. The hub acts as the master and generates the serial clock SCL, controls the bus access (determines which device acts as the transmitter and which device acts as the receiver), and generates the START and STOP conditions. Implementation Characteristics The hub will only access an EEPROM using the sequential read protocol. Pull-Up Resistor The circuit board designer is required to place external pull-up resistors (10 k recommended) on the SDA / SMBDATA and SCL / SMBCLK / CFG_SEL[0] lines (per SMBus 1.0 specification, and EEPROM manufacturer guidelines) to VDD33 in order to assure proper operation. I2C EEPROM Slave Address The slave address is 1010000. Note: 10-bit addressing is NOT supported. 8.2.3 In-Circuit EEPROM Programming The EEPROM can be programmed via ATE (automatic test equipment) by pulling RESET_N low (which tri-states the hub's EEPROM interface and allows an external source to program the EEPROM). Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 52 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet 8.3 SMBus Slave Interface Instead of loading User-Defined Descriptor data from an external EEPROM, the SMSC hub can be configured to receive a code load from an external processor via an SMBus interface. The SMBus interface shares the same pins as the EEPROM interface; if CFG_SEL[1] & CFG_SEL[0] activate the SMBus interface, external EEPROM support is no longer available (and the user-defined descriptor data must be downloaded via the SMBus). The SMSC hub waits indefinitely for the SMBus code load to complete and only "appears" as a newly connected device on USB after the code load is complete. The hub's SMBus implementation is a slave-only SMBus device. The implementation only supports read block and write block protocols. The hub responds to other protocols as described in Section 8.3.3, "Invalid Protocol Response Behavior," on page 54. Reference the System Management Bus specification, Rev 1.0. The SMBus interface is used to read and write the registers in the device. The register set is shown in Section 8.2.1, "Internal Register Set (Common to EEPROM and SMBus)," on page 35. 8.3.1 SMBus Slave Addresses The SMBus slave address is 58h (01011000b). 8.3.2 Bus Protocols Typical Write Block and Read Block protocols are shown below. Register accesses are performed using 7-bit slave addressing, an 8-bit register address field, and an 8-bit data field. The shading indicates the hub driving data on the SMBDATA line; otherwise, host data is on the SDA/SMBDATA line. The slave address is the unique SMBus Interface Address for the hub that identifies it on SMBus. The register address field is the internal address of the register to be accessed. The register data field is the data that the host is attempting to write to the register or the contents of the register that the host is attempting to read. Note: Data bytes are transferred MSB first. Block Read/Write The block write begins with a slave address and a write condition. After the command code, the host issues a byte count which describes how many more bytes will follow in the message. If a slave had 20 bytes to send, the first byte would be the number 20 (14h), followed by the 20 bytes of data. The byte count may not be 0. A block read or write is allowed to transfer a maximum of 32 data bytes. Note: For the following SMBus tables: D e n o te s M a s te r-to -S la v e D e n o te s S la v e -to -M a s te r 1 7 1 1 S Slave Address Wr A 8 1 Register Address A ... 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 Byte Count = N A Data byte 1 A Data byte 2 A Data byte N A P Block Write Figure 8.1 Block Write SMSC USB251x 53 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Block Read A block read differs from a block write in that the repeated start condition exists to satisfy the I2C specification's requirement for a change in the transfer direction. 1 S 7 Slave Address 1 1 8 1 1 7 1 1 Wr A Register Address A S Slave Address Rd A ... 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 Byte Count = N A Data byte 1 A Data byte 2 A Data byte N A P Block Read Figure 8.2 Block Read 8.3.3 Invalid Protocol Response Behavior Registers that are accessed with an invalid protocol are not updated. A register is only updated following a valid protocol. The only valid protocols are write block and read block, which are described above. The hub only responds to the hardware selected Slave Address (0101100x). Attempting to communicate with the hub over SMBus with an invalid slave address or invalid protocol results in no response, and the SMBus Slave Interface returns to the idle state. The only valid registers that are accessible by the SMBus slave address are the registers defined in the Registers Section. The hub does not respond to undefined registers. 8.3.4 General Call Address Response The hub does not respond to a general call address of 0000_000b. 8.3.5 Slave Device Time-Out According to the SMBus specification, version 1.0 devices in a transfer can abort the transfer in progress and release the bus when any single clock low interval exceeds 25 ms (TTIMEOUT, MIN). Devices that have detected this condition must reset their communication and be able to receive a new START condition no later than 35 ms (TTIMEOUT, MAX). Note: Some simple devices do not contain a clock low drive circuit; this simple kind of device typically resets its communications port after a start or stop condition. The slave device time-out must be implemented. 8.3.6 Stretching the SCLK Signal The hub supports stretching of the SCLK by other devices on the SMBus. The hub does not stretch the SCLK. 8.3.7 SMBus Timing The SMBus Slave Interface complies with the SMBus AC Timing specification. See the SMBus timing in the "Timing Diagram" section. 8.3.8 Bus Reset Sequence The SMBus slave interface resets and returns to the idle state upon a START field followed immediately by a STOP field. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 54 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet 8.3.9 SMBus Alert Response Address The SMBALERT# signal is not supported by the hub. Undefined Registers The registers shown in Table 8.2 are the defined registers in the hub. Reads to undefined registers return 00h. Writes to undefined registers have no effect and do not return an error. Reserved Registers Reserved registers should be written to `0' unless otherwise specified. Contents read should be ignored. 8.4 Default Configuration Option To configure the SMSC hub in its default configuration, strap CFG_SEL[2:0] to 00h. This procedure configures the hub to the internal defaults and enables the strapping options. Please see Section 8.2.1, "Internal Register Set (Common to EEPROM and SMBus)" for the list of the default values. For specific pin strapping options, please see Chapter 5, Pin Descriptions for instructions on how to modify the default values. Options include port disable and non-removable pin strapping. 8.5 Default Strapping Options The USB251x can be configured via a combination of internal default values and pin strap options. Please see Table 8.2 for specific details on how to enable the default/pin-strap configuration option. The strapping option pins only cover a limited sub-set of the configuration options. The internal default values will be used for the bits & registers that are not controlled by a strapping option pin. Please refer to Table 8.2 for the internal default values that are loaded when this option is selected. 8.6 Strap Options Table 8.7 Summary of Strap Options Part Number Normal USB251x USB251xi USB251xA USB251xAi 3 Internal Pull-Down LED 8.6.1 3 USB251xB USB251xBi Resistor Value (R) 3 47 - 100 k 3 10 k 3 47 - 100 k Notes Only applicable to port power pins. Contains a built-in resistor. Non-Removable Strap Option The strap function of the NON_REM[x:0] pins are enabled through the internal default configuration. The driver type of each strap pin is I/O (no internal pull-up or pull-down for the input function). Use this type of strap option for NON_REM[1:0]. Figure 8.3 shows an example of Strap High and Strap Low. Use the Strap High configuration to set the strap option value to a `1'. Use the Strap Low configuration to set the strap option value to `0'. SMSC USB251x 55 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet +V R k Primary Function/ Strap High Strap Pin HUB Primary Function/ Strap Low Strap Pin HUB R k GND Figure 8.3 Non-Removable Pin Strap Example 8.6.2 Internal Pull-Down (IPD) If a pin's strap function is enabled thru hub configuration selection, (Table 8.1 Hub Configuration Selection) and the strap pins driver type is IPD/O (internal pull-down for the Input function), use this type of strap option. The following figure shows an example of Strap High and Strap Low. Use the Strap High configuration to set the strap option value to a `1'. Use the Strap Low configuration to set the strap option value to 0. +V R k Primary Function/ Strap High Strap Pin (IPD) HUB Primary Function/ Strap Low Strap Pin (IPD) HUB VSS VSS Figure 8.4 Pin Strap Option with IPD Pin Example 8.6.3 LED Strap Option If a pin's strap function of the LED pins are enabled thru the internal default configuration, the driver type of each strap pin is I/O (no internal pull-up or pull-down for the input function). When the strap pin shares functionality with an LED, use this type of strap option. The internal logic will drive the LED appropriately (active high or low) depending on the sampled strap option. Figure 8.5 shows an example of Strap High and Strap Low. Use the Strap High configuration to set the strap option value to a `1'. Use the Strap Low configuration to set the strap option value to `0'. R k LED/ Strap High Strap Pin Strap Pin HUB HUB R k LED/ Strap Low Figure 8.5 LED Pin Strap Example Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 56 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet USB2513/13i and USB2514/14i Only: The LED_A[x:1]_N pins are sampled after RESET_N negation, and the logic values are used to configure the hub if the internal default configuration mode is selected. The implementation shown in Figure 8.5 shows a recommended passive scheme. When a pin is configured with a "Strap High" configuration, the LED functions with active low signaling, and the PAD will "sink" the current from the external supply. When a pin is configured with a "Strap Low" configuration, the LED functions with active high signaling, and the PAD will source the current to the external LED. 8.7 Reset There are two different resets that the hub experiences. One is a hardware reset via the RESET_N pin and the second is a USB Bus Reset. 8.7.1 External Hardware RESET_N A valid hardware reset is defined as assertion of RESET_N for a minimum of 1 s after all power supplies are within operating range. While reset is asserted, the hub (and its associated external circuitry) consumes less than 500 A of current from the upstream USB power source. Assertion of RESET_N (external pin) causes the following: 1. All downstream ports are disabled, and PRTPWR power to downstream devices is removed (unless BC_EN is enabled). 2. The PHYs are disabled, and the differential pairs will be in a high-impedance state. 3. All transactions immediately terminate; no states are saved. 4. All internal registers return to the default state (in most cases, 00(h)). 5. The external crystal oscillator is halted. 6. The PLL is halted. The hub is "operational" 500 s after RESET_N is negated. Once operational, the hub immediately reads OEM-specific data from the external EEPROM (if the SMBus option is not disabled). RESET_N for Strapping Option Configuration Hardware reset asserted Drive Strap Outputs to inactive levels Read Strap Options t1 Attach USB Upstream USB Reset recovery t6 t5 Start completion request response Idle t7 t8 t2 t3 RESET_N VSS t4 Strap Pins Don't Care Valid Driven by Hub if strap is an output. Don't Care VSS Figure 8.6 Reset_N Timing for Default/Strap Option Mode SMSC USB251x 57 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 8.8 Reset_N Timing for Default/Strap Option Mode NAME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1 sec Strap Setup Time 16.7 nsec t3 Strap Hold Time. 16.7 t4 hub outputs driven to inactive logic states t5 USB Attach (See Note). t6 Host acknowledges attach and signals USB Reset. t7 USB Idle. t8 Completion time for requests (with or without data stage). t1 RESET_N Asserted. t2 1.5 1400 nsec 2 sec 100 msec 100 msec undefined msec 5 msec Notes: When in bus-powered mode, the hub and its associated circuitry must not consume more than 100 mA from the upstream USB power source during t1+t5. All power supplies must have reached the operating levels mandated in Chapter 9, DC Parameters, prior to (or coincident with) the assertion of RESET_N. RESET_N for EEPROM Configuration Hardware reset asserted Read Strap Options Read EEPROM + Set Options Attach USB Upstream USB Reset recovery Start completion request response Idle t4 t1 t2 t6 t5 t3 t7 RESET_N VSS Figure 8.7 Reset_N Timing for EEPROM Mode Table 8.9 Reset_N Timing for EEPROM Mode NAME DESCRIPTION t1 RESET_N Asserted. t2 Hub Recovery/Stabilization. t3 EEPROM Read / Hub Config. t4 USB Attach (See Note). Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) MIN TYP MAX sec 1 2.0 58 DATASHEET UNITS 500 sec 99.5 msec 100 msec SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 8.9 Reset_N Timing for EEPROM Mode (continued) NAME DESCRIPTION MIN t5 Host acknowledges attach and signals USB Reset. t6 USB Idle. t7 Completion time for requests (with or without data stage). TYP MAX UNITS 100 msec undefined msec 5 msec Notes: When in bus-powered mode, the hub and its associated circuitry must not consume more than 100 mA from the upstream USB power source during t4+t5+t6+t7. All power supplies must have reached the operating levels mandated in Chapter 9, DC Parameters, prior to (or coincident with) the assertion of RESET_N. RESET_N for SMBus Slave Configuration Hardware reset asserted Reset Negation t1 Hub PHY SMBus Code Stabilization Load t2 t3 Attach USB Upstream USB Reset recovery t6 t5 t4 Start completion request response Idle t7 RESET_N VSS Figure 8.8 Reset_N Timing for SMBus Mode Table 8.10 Reset_N Timing for SMBus Mode NAME DESCRIPTION MIN t1 RESET_N Asserted. t2 Hub Recovery/Stabilization. t3 SMBus Code Load (See Note). t4 Hub Configuration and USB Attach. t5 Host acknowledges attach and signals USB Reset. t6 USB Idle. t7 Completion time for requests (with or without data stage). TYP MAX UNITS sec 1 250 500 sec 300 msec 100 msec 100 msec Undefined msec 5 msec Notes: SMSC USB251x For bus-powered configurations, the 99.5 ms (MAX) is required, and the hub and its associated circuitry must not consume more than 100 mA from the upstream USB power source during 59 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet t2+t3+t4+t5+t6+t7. For Self-Powered configurations, t3 MAX is not applicable and the time to load the configuration is determined by the external SMBus host. 8.7.2 All power supplies must have reached the operating levels mandated in Chapter 9, DC Parameters, prior to (or coincident with) the assertion of RESET_N. USB Bus Reset In response to the upstream port signaling a reset to the hub, the hub does the following: Note: The hub does not propagate the upstream USB reset to downstream devices. 1. Sets default address to 0. 2. Sets configuration to: Unconfigured. 3. Negates PRTPWR[x:1] to all downstream ports unless battery charging (BC_EN) is enabled. 4. Clears all TT buffers. 5. Moves device from suspended to active (if suspended). 6. Complies with Section 11.10 of the USB 2.0 specification for behavior after completion of the reset sequence. The host then configures the hub and the hub's downstream port devices in accordance with the USB specification. Note: The hub does not propagate the upstream USB reset to downstream devices. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 60 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 9 DC Parameters 9.1 Maximum Guaranteed Ratings PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS Storage Temperature TSTOR -55 150 C Lead Temperature 3.3 V supply voltage Refer to JEDEC Specification J-STD020D. VDD33 PLLFILT CRFILT 4.6 V Voltage on any I/O pin -0.5 5.5 V Voltage on XTALIN -0.5 4.0 V Voltage on XTALOUT -0.5 2.5 V 9.2 COMMENTS Applies to all parts. Note 9.1 Stresses above the specified parameters could cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Note 9.2 When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the absolute maximum ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes on their outputs when the AC power is switched on or off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. When this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. Operating Conditions PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS Commercial Operating Temperature TA 0 70 C Extended Commercial Operating Temperature TAE 0 85 C COMMENTS Ambient temperature in still air. Only applies to USB251x and USB251xA products. Ambient temperature in still air. Only applies to USB251xB products. Industrial Operating Temperature TAI -40 85 C Ambient temperature in still air. Only applies to USB251xi, USB251xAi, and USB251xBi products. 3.3 V supply voltage VDD33 3.0 3.6 V Applies to all parts. 3.3 V supply rise time tRT 0 400 s See Figure 9.1 SMSC USB251x 61 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet PARAMETER SYMBOL Voltage on any I/O pin MIN MAX UNITS COMMENTS -0.3 5.5 V If any 3.3 V supply voltage drops below 3.0 V, then the MAX becomes: (3.3 V supply voltage) + 0.5 Voltage on XTALIN -0.3 V VDD33 Voltage tRT VDD33 3.3 V 100% 90% VSS 10% t90% t10% Time Figure 9.1 Supply Rise Time Model Table 9.1 DC Electrical Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V COMMENTS I, IS Type Input Buffer Low Input Level VILI High Input Level VIHI 2.0 IIL -10 +10 A VHYSI 250 350 mV 0.8 V Input Leakage Hysteresis (`IS' Only) TTL Levels V VIN = 0 to VDD33 Input Buffer with Pull-Up (IPU) Low Input Level High Input Level Low Input Leakage High Input Leakage VILI TTL Levels VIHI 2.0 V IILL +35 +90 A VIN = 0 IIHL -10 +10 A VIN = VDD33 0.8 V TTL Levels Input Buffer with Pull-Down (IPD) Low Input Level High Input Level Low Input Leakage High Input Leakage Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) VILI VIHI 2.0 IILL +10 -10 A VIN = 0 IIHL -35 -90 A VIN = VDD33 62 DATASHEET V SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 9.1 DC Electrical Characteristics (continued) PARAMETER SYMBOL USB251x/xi/xA/xAi ICLK Input Buffer MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.5 V VILCK Low Input Level High Input Level Input Leakage USB251xB/xBi ICLK Input Buffer VIHCK 1.4 IIL -10 V VILCK Low Input Level High Input Level Input Leakage VIHCK 0.9 IIL -10 COMMENTS +10 A 0.3 V VIN = 0 to VDD33 V +10 A 0.4 V VIN = 0 to VDD33 O12, I/O12 &I/OSD12 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level Output Leakage Hysteresis (`SD' pad only) IOL = 12 mA @ VDD33 = 3.3 V VOH 2.4 V IOL -10 +10 A IOH = -12 mA @ VDD33 = 3.3 V VHYSC 250 350 mV VIN = 0 to VDD33 (Note 9.1) Note 9.3 Output leakage is measured with the current pins in high impedance. Note 9.4 See USB 2.0 specification for USB DC electrical characteristics. Table 9.2 Supply Current Unconfigured: Hi-Speed Host (ICCINTHS) PART TYP MAX UNITS USB2512/12i/12A/12Ai 90 95 mA USB2512B/12Bi 40 45 USB2513/13i 95 105 USB2513B/13Bi 40 45 USB2514/14i 95 105 USB2514B/14Bi 45 50 USB2517/17i 120 130 SMSC USB251x MIN 63 DATASHEET COMMENTS Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 9.3 Supply Current Unconfigured: Full-Speed Host (ICCINTFS) PART MIN TYP MAX UNITS USB2512/12i/12A/12Ai 80 85 mA USB2512B/12Bi 35 40 USB2513/13i 80 90 USB2513B/13Bi 35 40 USB2514/14i 80 90 USB2514B/14Bi 35 40 USB2517/17i 105 115 COMMENTS Table 9.4 Supply Current Configured: Hi-Speed Host (IHCH1) PART TYP MAX UNITS COMMENTS USB2512 130 155 mA USB2512i 130 160 This is the base current of one downstream port. USB2512A 120 145 USB2512Ai 120 150 USB2512B 60 65 USB2512Bi 60 70 USB2513 150 180 USB2513i 150 185 USB2513B 65 70 USB2513Bi 65 75 USB2514 155 200 USB2514i 155 205 USB2514B 70 80 USB2514Bi 70 85 USB2517 240 275 USB2517i 240 280 Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) MIN 64 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 9.4 Supply Current Configured: Hi-Speed Host (IHCH1) PART MIN USB251x/xi/xA/xAi Supply Current Configured Hi-Speed Host, each additional downstream port USB251xB/xBi Supply Current Configured Hi-Speed Host, each additional downstream port TYP MAX 1 port base 1 port base + + 15 mA 40 mA 1 port base 1 port base + + 25 mA 25 mA UNITS COMMENTS mA mA Table 9.5 Supply Current Configured: Full-Speed Host (IFCC1) PART TYP MAX UNITS COMMENTS USB2512 105 125 mA USB2512i 105 135 This is the base current of one downstream port. USB2512A 95 115 USB2512Ai 95 125 USB2512B 45 50 USB2512Bi 45 55 USB2513 125 135 USB2513i 125 140 USB2513B 50 55 USB2513Bi 50 60 USB2514 140 150 USB2514i 140 155 USB2514B 50 60 USB2514Bi 50 65 USB2517 215 220 USB2517i 215 225 1 port base 1 port base + + 0 mA 0 mA 1 port base 1 port base + + 8 mA 8 mA USB251x/xi/xA/xAi Supply Current Configured Full-Speed Host, each additional downstream port USB251xB/xBi Supply Current Configured Full-Speed Host, each additional downstream port SMSC USB251x MIN 65 DATASHEET There is no additional current for additional ports. mA mA Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 9.6 USB251x/xi/xA/xAi Supply Current Suspend (ICSBY) PART MIN TYP MAX UNITS COMMENTS USB2512/12A 310 420 A All supplies combined USB2512i/12Ai 310 600 USB2513 310 420 USB2513i 310 550 USB2514 310 420 USB2514i 310 600 USB2517 310 610 USB2517i 310 800 Table 9.7 USB251xB/xBi Supply Current Suspend (ICSBY) PART MIN TYP MAX USB2512B 475 1000 USB2512Bi 475 1200 USB2513B 500 1100 USB2513Bi 500 1300 USB2514B 550 1200 USB2514Bi 550 1500 UNITS COMMENTS A All supplies combined Table 9.8 USB251x/xi/xA/xAi Supply Current Reset (ICRST) PART MIN TYP MAX USB2512/12A 105 275 USB2512i/12Ai 105 400 USB2513 105 230 USB2513i 100 350 USB2514 100 275 USB2514i 100 400 USB2517 115 320 USB2517i 115 600 Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) UNITS COMMENTS A All supplies combined 66 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Table 9.9 USB251xB/xBi Supply Current Reset (ICRST) PART MIN TYP MAX USB2512B 550 1100 USB2512Bi 550 1250 USB2513B 650 1200 USB2513Bi 650 1400 USB2514B 750 1400 USB2514Bi 750 1600 UNITS COMMENTS A All supplies combined Table 9.10 Pin Capacitance for USB251x, USB251xi, USB251xA, USB251xAi LIMITS PARAMETER Clock Input Capacitance Input Capacitance Output Capacitance SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT TEST CONDITION CXTAL 2 pF All pins except USB pins and the pins under the test tied to AC ground. CIN 10 pF (See Note 9.5) COUT 20 pF Table 9.11 Pin Capacitance for USB251xB and USB251xBi LIMITS PARAMETER Clock Input Capacitance Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Note 9.5 SMSC USB251x SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT TEST CONDITION CXTAL 6 pF All pins except USB pins and the pins under the test tied to AC ground. CIN 6 pF (See Note 9.5) COUT 6 pF Capacitance TA = 25C; fc = 1 MHz; VDD33 = 3.3 V 67 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet 9.2.1 Package Thermal Specifications Thermal parameters are measured or estimated for devices with the exposed pad soldered to thermal vias in a multilayer 2S2P PCB per JESD51. Thermal resistance is measured from the die to the ambient air. The values provided are based on the package body, die size, maximum power consumption, 85C ambient temperature, and 125C junction temperature of the die. Table 9.12 Package Thermal Resistance Parameters SYMBOL USB2512/12i USB2513/13i USB2514/14i (C/W) USB2512A/12Ai USB2512B/12Bi USB2513B/13Bi USB2514B/14Bi USB2513/13i USB2514/14i (C/W) (C/W) (C/W) VELOCITY (meters/sec) 48-PIN QFN - 36-PIN QFN PACKAGE JA JT JC 34.2 36.2 40.1 31.6 0 29.9 33.4 35.0 27.6 1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.3 0 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.4 1 3.0 5.1 6.3 3.0 0 3.0 5.1 6.3 3.0 1 Use the following formulas to calculate the junction temperature: TJ = P x JA + TA TJ = P x JT + TT TJ = P x JC + TC Table 9.13 Legend SYMBOL Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) DESCRIPTION TJ Junction temperature P Power dissipated JA Junction-to-ambient-temperature JC Junction-to-top-of-package JT Junction-to-bottom-of-case TA Ambient temperature TC Temperature of the bottom of the case TT Temperature of the top of the case 68 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Chapter 10 AC Specifications 10.1 Oscillator/Crystal Crystal: Parallel Resonant, Fundamental Mode, 24/481 MHz 350 ppm. External Clock: 50% Duty cycle 10%, 24/48 MHz 350 ppm, Jitter < 100 ps rms. XTAL1 (CS1 = CB1 + CXTAL1 ) C1 C0 Crystal 1M CL C2 XTAL2 (CS2 = CB2 + CXTAL2 ) Figure 10.1 Typical Crystal Circuit Table 10.1 Crystal Circuit Legend SYMBOL DESCRIPTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH C0 Crystal shunt capacitance CL Crystal load capacitance CB Total board or trace capacitance OEM board design CS Stray capacitance SMSC IC and OEM board design CXTAL XTAL pin input capacitance SMSC IC C1 Load capacitors installed on OEM board Calculated values based on Figure 10.2, "Formula to Find the Value of C1 and C2" (See Note 10.2) C2 Crystal manufacturer's specification (See Note 10.1) C1 = 2 x (CL - C0) - CS1 C2 = 2 x (CL - C0) - CS2 Figure 10.2 Formula to Find the Value of C1 and C2 Note 10.1 C0 is usually included (subtracted by the crystal manufacturer) in the specification for CL and should be set to `0' for use in the calculation of the capacitance formulas in Figure 10.2, "Formula to Find the Value of C1 and C2". However, the OEM PCB itself may present a parasitic capacitance between XTALIN and XTALOUT. For an accurate calculation of C1 and C2, take the parasitic capacitance between traces XTALIN and XTALOUT into account. Note 10.2 Each of these capacitance values is typically approximately 18 pF. 1.Only when SEL48 is available and supported. SMSC USB251x 69 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet 10.2 Ceramic Resonator 24 MHz 350 ppm XTAL1 24 MHz Ceramic Resonator 1M XTAL2 Figure 10.3 Ceramic Resonator Usage with SMSC IC 10.3 External Clock 50% Duty cycle 10%, 24 MHz 350 ppm, Jitter < 100 ps rms. The external clock is recommended to conform to the signaling level designated in the JESD76-2 specification on 1.8 V CMOS Logic. XTALOUT should be treated as a no connect. 10.3.1 SMBus Interface The SMSC Hub conforms to all voltage, power, and timing characteristics and specifications as set forth in the SMBus 1.0 specification for Slave-Only devices (except as noted in Section 8.3, "SMBus Slave Interface," on page 53. 10.3.2 I2C EEPROM Clock frequency is fixed at 60 KHz 20%. 10.3.3 USB 2.0 The SMSC Hub conforms to all voltage, power, and timing characteristics and specifications as set forth in the USB 2.0 specification. Please refer to the USB 2.0 specification for more information. Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 70 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 High-Speed 2-Port Hub Controller Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) Figure 11.1 36-Pin QFN, 6x6 mm Body, 0.5 mm Pitch Chapter 11 Package Outlines Datasheet 71 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 High-Speed 2-Port Hub Controller Figure 11.2 48-Pin QFN, 7x7 mm Body, 0.5 mm Pitch Datasheet Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 72 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 High-Speed 2-Port Hub Controller Figure 11.3 64-Pin QFN, 9x9 mm Body, 0.5 mm Pitch Datasheet Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 73 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet 11.1 Tape and Reel Specifications Figure 11.4 36-Pin Package Tape Specifications Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 74 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Figure 11.5 48-Pin Package Tape Specifications SMSC USB251x 75 DATASHEET Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Controller Datasheet Figure 11.6 36-Pin and 48-Pin Package Reel Specifications Revision 1.1 (04-26-10) 76 DATASHEET SMSC USB251x Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Microchip: USB2512AI-AEZG-TR