Honeywell’s S150 Silicon On Insulator
(SOI) is radiation hardened through the use
of advanced and proprietary design, layout
and process hardening techniques. The 150
nm process is a technology with a 32Å gate
oxide for 1.8 V transistors and 70Å gate
oxide for 3.3 V transistors. The memory
element is a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ)
that is composed of a magnetic storage
layer structure and a magnetic pinned layer
structure separated by an insulating tunnel
barrier interlayer. During a write cycle, the
storage layer is written by the application of
two orthogonal currents of the desired
polarity using row-and-column addressing.
The resistance of the MTJ depends on the
magnetic state of the storage layer, which
uses the pinned layer structure as a
reference, and which enables sensing,
signal amplification, and readback. The
resistance change is a consequence of the
change in tunneling magnetoresistance
(TMR) between the storage and pinned
layers that depends on the magnetic state of
the storage layer. With read and write cycles
in excess of 1015, there is no wear-out.
Hamming 5-Bit ECC
A 5-bit Hamming ECC is generated for all
data written into memory. This code allows
for the correction of all single-bit errors per
address. On a read cycle, the data is read
from memory and corrected, if necessary,
before being placed on the output data bus.
There is no change made to the actual data
in the memory cells based on the ECC
results. Actual data in memory is changed
only upon writing new values.
Total Ionizing Radiation Dose
The MRAM will meet all stated functional
and electrical specifications over the entire
operating temperature range after the
specified total ionizing radiation dose. All
electrical and timing performance
parameters will remain within specifications
after rebound at typical VDD and T =125°C
extrapolated to ten years of operation. Total
dose hardness is assured by wafer level
testing of process monitor transistors and
RAM product using 10 KeV X-ray and Co60
radiation sources. Transistor gate threshold
shift correlations have been made between
10 KeV X-rays applied at a dose rate of
1x105 rad(SiO2)/min at T = 25°C and gamma
rays (Cobalt 60 source) to ensure that wafer
level X-ray testing is consistent with
standard military radiation test
Transient Pulse Ionizing Radiation
The MRAM is capable of writing, reading,
and retaining stored data during and after
exposure to a transient ionizing radiation
pulse, up to the specified transient dose rate
upset specification, when applied under
recommended operating conditions. To
ensure validity of all specified performance
parameters before, during, and after
radiation (timing degradation during
transient pulse radiation is ±10%), it is
suggested that stiffening capacitance be
placed near the package VDD2 and ground
It is recommended that the inductance
between the MRAM package leads and the
stiffening capacitance be less that 1.0 nH. If
there are no operate through or valid stored-
data requirements, typical circuit board
mounted de-coupling capacitors are
recommended. The MRAM will meet any
functional or electrical specification after
exposure to a radiation pulse up to the
transient dose rate survivability
specification, when applied under
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