Microwave solid state multiplier varactor diodes book 1 part 8 of Maximum Typical 2 Capacitance Va Transit Cut-off Type a 3 25 at Va max. Time Frequency No. Description 56 68 (pF) (v) (v} {ps} (GHz) BAYS6 Silicon planar diode for use in high p04 81 16 40 120 - 25 efficiency multplier circuits, input 35 6 Powers up to 30W BXY27 Silicon ptanar expitaxial varactor SoD-31 N 45 6 55 - 70 diode for use in muitipliers up ta S band and input powers up to 10W BXY28 Silicon planar epitaxial varactor $0D-31 N 15 6 45 - 100 min. diode for use in high efficiency multipliers in the 2 to 4 GHz range BXY29 Silicon planar epitaxial varactor $0D-31 N 1.0 6 25 - 120 diode for use in frequency multiplier circuits in the 4 to 8 GHz range BXY32 Silicon planar step recovery diode $SOD-31 N 0.75 6 20 150 150 for high order frequency multipliers with outputs in X band BXY35A, C Silicon planar epitaxial varactor 9 6 100 - 25 BXY36B,C,D diodes for frequency multiptiers up 5 6 70 500 76 BXY37B,C,D to 18 GHz, available in a variety of 3 6 70 350 100 BXY38B,C,D,E outlines 1.6 6 50 300 120 BXY39B,C,D, Suffix A= Drawing ref. bOo4 B51 1.0 6 40 200 150 BXY40B,C,D,E B= $0D31 0.65 6 25 150 180 BXY41B,C,D,E c= $00-43 R 04 6 25 100 200 D= = BM E= $0045 $ BxY56 High efficiency siticon diodes for $O0D-31 N 2.0 6 60 - 160 BXYS7 muitiptiers with output frequencies 39 6 60 - 140 in C and X bands 1N4885 Silicon varactor diode for use in bOo4 BI 35 6 150 _ 25 high efficiency multiplier circuits 1N5162 Siticon planar epitaxial varactor SOD-31 N 6 6 75 -~ 100 1N5153 diodes for use in muttipliers up to SOD43 R 6 6 78 _ 100 $ band IN5155 Silicon planar epitaxial varactor $OD-31 N 2 6 35 _ 120 diode for use in multipliers up to C band 1N5157 Silicon planar epitaxial varactor $0031 N o8 6 20 - 200 diode for use in multipliers up to % band special purpose varactor diodes o o 3 Capacitance Va. Series Typicat 5 at Vp max, Resonant Cut-off Type 3 2 2 Frequency Frequency No. Description o 6&2 (pF) (vy vy (GHz) (GHz) CAY10 Gallium arsenide diode, diffused $0D-31 N 04 Qa 6 10 250 mesa type, for use in microwave Parametric amplifiers, frequency multipliers and switches cxy10 Gallium arsenide diode with a high $OD-46 T 0.2 0 6 30 400 cut-off frequency for use in parametric amplifiers, frequency multipliers and switches cxy12 Gallium arsenide diode with a high SsOD46 T 0.25 6 10 29 500 cut-off frequency for use in frequency multipliers up to Q band 2 Frequency Attenuation Insertion Type 3 2 Range Loss No. Description re) a" (GHz) (dB) (dB) CX22A Gallium arsenide devices $OD-31 N 2-7 20 0.2 CXY22B for limiter applications 7 12 16 03 from C to X band 2 2 z Excess Noise . Type 3 38 Ratio Cj ir No. Description 6 & 3 (dB) (pF) mA) BAT31 Silicon avalanche device $0D-31 N 34 06 5.0 for use as noise source from 10MHz to 18GHz 46