Functional Description
Dat a Sheet 17 V2.2, 2003-06
3.1 Memory Subsystem and Organization
The memory space of the XC161 is configured in a Von Neumann architecture, which
means that all internal and external resources, such as code memory, data memory,
registers and I/O ports, are organized within the same linear address space. This
common memory space includes 16 Mbytes and is arranged as 256 segments of
64 Kbytes each, where each segment consists of four data pages of 16 Kbytes each.
The entire memory space can be accessed bytewise or wordwise. Portions of the on-
chip DPRAM and the register spaces (E/SFR) have additionally been made directly
The internal data memory areas and the Special Function Register areas (SFR and
ESFR) are mapped into segment 0, the system segment.
The P rogr am Mana gement Unit ( PMU) handl es all code fetches and, therefore, controls
accesses to the program memories, such as Flash memory and PSRAM.
The Data Management Unit (DMU) handles all data transfers and, therefore, controls
accesses to the DSRAM and the on-chip peripherals.
Both units (PMU and DMU) are connected via the high-speed system bus to exchange
data. Thi s is requ ir ed if operands are re ad from p rogram memory, code or data i s written
to the PS RAM, code is fetched from external memory, or data is read from or written to
ext ernal re sources, including pe ripherals on the LX bus ( such as TwinCAN). The system
bus allows concurrent two-way communication for maxi mum transfer performance.
128 Kbytes of on-chip Flash memory store code or constant data. The on-chip Flash
memory is organized as four 8-Kbyte sectors, one 32-Kbyte sector, and one 64-Kbyte
sector. Each sector can be separately write protected1), erased and programmed (in
blocks of 128 Bytes). The complete Flash area can be read-protected. A password
sequence temporarily unlocks protected areas. The Flash module combines very fast
64-bit one-cycle read accesses with protected and efficient writing algorithms for
programming and erasing. Thus, program execution out of the internal Flash results in
maximum performance. Dynamic error correction provides extremely high read data
security for all read accesses.
Programming typically takes 2 ms per 128-byte block (5 ms max.), erasing a sector
typically takes 200 ms (500 ms max.).
2 Kbytes of on-chip Program SRAM (PSRAM ) are provided to store user code or data.
The PSRAM is accessed via the PMU and is therefore optimized for code fetches.
4 Kbytes of on- chip Data SRAM (DSRAM) are provided as a storage for general user
data.The DSRAM is accessed via the DMU and is therefore optimized for data accesses.
2 Kbytes of on-chip Dual-Port RAM (DPRAM) are provided as a storage for user
defi ned variables, for the system stack, general purpose register banks. A register bank
can consi st of up to 16 wordwid e (R0 to R15) and/or bytew ide (RL0, RH0, …, RL7, RH7)
1) Each two 8-Kbyte sectors are combined for write-protection purposes.