3PS8505B 11/18/09
Low–noise, Phase –Locked Loop
Clock Driver with 10 Clock Outputs
Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
VCC Supply voltage 3.0 3.6
VIH High level input voltage 2.0
VIL Low level input voltage 0.8
VIInput Voltage 0.0 VCC
TAOperating free-air temperature 0 85 °C
Electrical Characteristics (Over recommended operating free-air temperature range.)
Pull Up/Down Currents of PI6C2510-133E, VCC = 3.0V
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Max Units
ICH Pull-up current VOUT = 2.4V –13.6
Pull-up current VOUT = 2.0V –22
Pull-down current VOUT = 0.8V 19
Pull-down current VOUT = 0.55V 13
AC Specifi cations - Timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating
free-air temperature.
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
FCLK Input Clock Frequency 25 150 MHz
Input Clock Duty Cycle 40 60 %
Stabilization Time after power up 1 ms
Switching Characteristics (Over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature,
Parameter From To VCC = 3.3V ± 0.3V,
Min. Typ. Max.
tphase error, with and without
spread spectrum CLK_IN↑ at 133MHz FB_IN↑–150 +150
psJitter, cycle-to-cycle, with and
without spread spectrum
Any Output or FB_
OUT in CLKn at 133
Output or FB_OUT
in CLKn+1 –75 +75
Skew, at 133 MHz Any Y or FB_OUT
Any Y or FB_OUT
Duty Cycle 45 50 55 %
tr, rise-time, 0.4V to 2.0V 1.0 ns
tf, fall-time, 2.0V to 0.4V 1.1
Note: These switching parameters are guaranteed, but not production tested.