uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-1
Revision A (3/1/03)
Product Carrier Guide for Die and Wafers
Carrier Designs for Singulated Die
Waffle Pack
Surftape and Reel
GEL-PAK Die Tray
Carrier Designs for Wafers
Wafer Jar
GEL-PAK Wafer Tray
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-2
Revision A (3/1/03)
Select AMD products are available in die or
wafer format without having been assembled
into a conventional IC package. In these formats,
the devices have under go ne so me func ti ona l test-
ing. When the testing has been extensive enough
to cover all required temperatures and parame-
ters, th e d ie i s re fe rr ed t o as e ithe r Kn ow n Good
Die (KGD) if the die has been sawn from the
wafer, or Known Good Wafer (KGW) if the
wafer has not been sawn. Contact your AMD
sales representative for information on which
AMD prod ucts are availa ble in these formats.
As shown below, several product carrier options
are available for die and wafers. A distinction is
made between die and KGD, as well as between
wafers and KGW since the package codes in
AMD’s OPN (Ordering Part Number) for these di ffer.
Product Carrier Guide for Die and Wafers
Format Size Device Carrier OPN Package
Code1AMD Internal
Package Code Packing Container2
Die3All sizes Waffle pack XP GDP Dry pack4 & 4K/8C box
Surftape and reel XT GDT Dry pack4 & 1R box
Wafer3All sizes Wa fer jar N/A N/A Wafer box & 4K box
GEL-PAK wafer tray DW GDW 1R box
Known Good
Die (KGD) All sizes
Waffle pack5DP GDP Dry pack4 & 4K/8C box
GEL-PAK die tray5DG GDG Dry pack4 & 4K/8C box
Surftape and reel DT GDT D ry pack4 & 1R box
Known Good
Wafer (KGW) All sizes GEL-PAK wafer tray DW GDW 1R box
Wafer jar5WJ GWJ 4K box
1These package codes are part of the OPN, and not a suffix to the OPN.
2Explanations of the packing container names can be found in Chapt er 13 Packing Methods and Labels.
3Die refer to fabricated silicon die that have been singulated but not functionally tested. W afer refers to fabricated silicon wafers,
either sawn or unsawn, but still m ounted on the wafer mount tape.
4This product is packed in dry pack bags for protection; however , as it is not moisture sensitive product, the product is not baked
prior to packing.
5Optional; upon customer request only.
Figu r e 11.1 The surft ape- and- r eel ca rri er (ri ght) i s pr ef err e d
over the waffle pack carrier (lef t) for shipping singulated d ie.
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-3
Revision A (3/1/03)
AMD offers the following carrier designs and
material s for singulated die:
Waffle pack
GEL-PAK die tray
Wa ffle Pac k . Waffle packs have been the tradi-
tional ca rrie r for sing ulate d die, esp ecial ly di e tha t
has not been functionally tested to KGD levels.
The waffle pack is made of conductive, polypro-
pylene, and its size is standardized at two inches
square. In an array across the tray are indented
pockets for housing each dice. The quantity of
pockets per waffle pack varies depending on the
die size. A dice is placed in each pocket and ori-
entated to be consistent with all other die in the
tray. A slip of lint-free, glassine paper is placed
over the array of die, and then another waffle tray
is stacked on top. Up to five waffle packs are uni-
formly stacked and secured in place with two
plastic clips, as shown in Figure 11.2. Up to nine
stacks of waffle packs are sealed in a dry pack bag for extra cushioning protection. A pre-baked Humidity
Indicator Card (HIC) and a desiccant are included in the bag during vacuum packing. The dry pack bags
are packed into a 4K/8C Q-PACK box for shipment.
Waffle Pack Labels - A die sale label is applied to the top
cover of each stack of waffle packs. The same label is applied
to the outside of the dry pack bag. Figure 11.3 provides an
example of this label.
Surftape and Reel. The surftape-and-reel carrier, shown in
Figure 11.1 on page 11-2, is AMDs optimum carr ier desi gn for
shipping singulated die in a format compatible with a high-vol-
ume, automated board assembly operation. It is preferred over
waffle packs because it eliminates movement of the die during
shipment, thus reducing the risk of damage. Also, many differ-
ent die sizes can be accommodated with only a few standard
surf tape size s.
The design for surftape-and-reel is similar to the standard tape-
and-reel carriers popular for conventional surface-mount packages. It consists of a surftape wrapped
around a re el havi ng a stan dard si ze diamet er of 7- inche s (178 mm) . Two sizes of sur ftape , all fi ttin g on the
same stan dard si ze ree l, are avail able to ac commodate t he ran ge of di e size s of fer ed by AMD in die format .
Figure 11.2 Waffle packs are carefully packed for shipment.
Figure 1 1.3 A die sale label is applied to
the cover of each waffle pack stack, as
well as to the outside of the dry p ack bag
in which the stacks are packed.
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-4
Revision A (3/1/03)
Surftape Design - The surftape, as illustrated
in Figure 11.4, consists of a conductive, poly-
styrene tape with windows punched in it to
create a slightly recessed pocket for each dice.
Two strips of sticky tape backing are attached
along the two sides of the window. The sticky
tape has a pressure-sensitive adhesive coating
which holds each dice in place, thus eliminat-
ing the risk of d amage to the di ce due to move-
ment. The sticky tape allows for easy and safe
removal of each dice during the push-up step
in the pick-and-place operation.
Each dice is loaded into the surftape with the topside of the dice
exposed and the dice orientation consistent throughout the reel.
The adhesive strips within each window secure each dice in place.
Because the pocket is slighted recessed, each dice is protected
from exposure by the next layer of surftape wound around the
reel. There are at least 1000 mm of surftape left empty at the
beginning of the reel (i.e., the leader pockets) and at least 1000
mm of tape left empty at the end of the reel. A cover tape of ace-
tate is wrapped around the outer layer, and a surfwrap end sticker (see Figure 11.5) holds this in place.
Surftape Dimensions - The dimensions of AMDs surftape, which conform to the EIA 481 standards,
are shown o n page 11-5. The Ao and Bo di mensions are the cri ti ca l one s f or determining which t ape size
is requ ired f or a s pecif ic dic e size . Consul t your AMD sa le s represe nt ative to obt ain spe cifi c produ ct dic e
size information.
Die O rientation - D ie orientation in the surftape is uniform for all die in the tape. For the most part, the
device pin one is orientated to the top of the pocket, parallel with and on the side closest to the sprocket
holes. Contact your AMD sales representative for more product-specific information.
Placement of the dice in the cavity shall be centered, with no more than a ±0.05 mm variation from the
centerlines of the cavity.
Reel Design - Each surftape is wound around a plastic, antistatic reel that has a uniform diameter of
seven inches for all surftape sizes. The dimensions for these and the die counts per reel are provided on
page 11-6.
OPNs per Reel - Only o n e w a fer lo t is lo a ded i nto e a ch re el . T he re fo re, the re wi ll n e ver b e a mixtu re of
different Ordering Part Numbers (OPNs) in a reel.
Surftape and Reel Packing - Surftape and reel packing is covered in the following paragraphs, includ-
ing information about what labels are applied to the reel , dry pack bag, and 1R box.
Figu re 11.4 Sticky tape r uns along the two side s of each window
of the surftape to hold the die in place.
Figure 11.5 An end sticker is applied to
the ou te r s tr ip of acetone ta pe to s ec ure
the surftape on the reel.
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-5
Revision A (3/1/03)
Surftape Dimensions
Tape3Pockets and Pi tch 3
(Max) W1
(Nom) T
(Max) T1
(Max) Ao
(Nom) Bo
(Nom) Do E1 Po P24
12 mm 12.1 2.5 0.85 0.10 6.35 6.35 1.5
4.0 ±0.025 2.0 8.0 5.5
16 mm 16.1 2.5 10.2 10.2 4.0 ±0.025 12.0 7.5
1All dimensions are in millimeters.
2The tape size listed pertains to the width of the tape. Which size applies is determined by the product die size. Contact your
AMD sales representative to find out which applies to the specific AMD product.
3Tolerances are ±0.1 mm unless otherwise specified.
4The P1 and P2 dimensions change to having a tolerance of ±0.05 mm when the die is placed. This is based on the centerline
of the die.
5An asterisk (*) denotes critical dimensions.
6There are 1000 mm of leader tape and 1000 mm of trailer tape.
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-6
Revision A (3/1/03)
Reel Dimensions and Quantity per Reel
Tape Size Width of Reel2Device Counts Per Reel5
D (Max) D1
12 mm 18.4 12.4 2500
16 mm 22.4 16.4 1600
1All dimensions are in millimeters.
2Tolerances are: xx.x = ± 0.5 mm and xx = ± 2.0 mm, unless otherwise stated.
3These dimensions may vary by +2.0 mm and -0.0 mm.
4An asterisk (*) denotes a critical dimension.
5There is at least 1000 mm of surft ape left empty at the beginning of t he reel (i. e., the leader pockets) and 1000 mm of tape left
empty at the end of the reel.
6To determine which reel size applies to the specific AMD product in die format, consult your AMD sales representative.
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-7
Revision A (3/1/03)
Surftape and Reel Packing and Labeling. Each surf-
tape-and-reel carrier is packed in a dry pack bag, wrapped in
bubble pack for cushioning protection, and then packed in a
1R box. A label , a sample of which is sho wn in Fi gure 11.6, is
applied to each reel, as well as to the dry pack bag, to identify
the contents of the reel and provide some traceability informa-
tion about the wafer lots from which the die came. Informa-
tion contained on the label includes wafer run number, date
code, die quantity, ordering part number, assembly lot num-
ber, and customer part number.
A Q-PACK inventory label is applied to the outside of each
1R box in which surftape-and-reel carriers are shipped. A
sample of this label is shown in Figure 11.7. See Figure 13.5
on page 13-8, for a description of the information contained
on the Q-PACK inventory label.
Figure 11.8 on page 11-8 illustrates the packing sequence for
surftape and reel.
Contact your AMD sales representative if you have additional
GEL-PAK Die Tray. AMD also offers GEL-PAK product
carrie rs f or singulat ed die, up on cust omer r equ est on ly. As this
is a more costly product carrier, AMD recommends it be used
only in cases of low-volum e production.
Cont act your AMD sale s repre sentativ e for mor e information
it you are interested in this carrie r option.
Figure 11.6 A sample standard KGD label .
Figure 11.7 A Q-PACK invent ory label is
appli ed to the outside of each 1R box.
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-8
Revision A (3/1/03)
Dry pack
1R box
32 mm - 56 mm
(P) OPN:
(1P) P/N: 8 905 959 252
(IT) RUN NO: LF78550
(IT) LOT NO: T000350
(9D) D/C: 0106
(Q) TOTAL: 1600
(Q) QTY: 1600
AM29F800BB-70DTE 2
(P) OPN:
(1P) P/N: 8 905 959 252
(IT) RUN NO: LF78550
(IT) LOT NO: T000350
(9D) D/C: 0106
(Q) TOTAL: 1600
(Q) QTY: 1600
AM29F800BB-70DTE 2
and reel Humidity indicator
card and one
desiccant pak go
inside the dry pack
(P) OPN:
(1P) P/N: 8 905 959 252
(IT) RUN NO:LF78550
(IT) LOT NO:T000350
(9D) D/C: 0106
(Q) TOTAL: 1600
(Q) QTY:1600
(P) OPN:
(1P) P/N:
8 905 959 252
(9D) D/C:
(Q) QTY:
AM29F800BB-70DTE 2
(9D) D/C:
(Q) QTY:
KGD Label
(see Figure 6.6)
Figure 11.8 Each surftape-and-reel is packed in a dry pack bag, wrapped in bubble pack for cushioning protection, and then
packed in a 1R box.
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-9
Revision A (3/1/03)
AMD offers two types of carrier designs for waf ers. These inc lude:
Wafer jar
GEL-PAK wafer tray
Wafer Jar. Wafer jars are the standard product carrier for fabricated wafers that have not been function-
ally tested. Wafers are packed in a wafer jar that is made of conductive, polypropylene, on top of an insert
of antistatic, polyurethane foam. Another insert of this foam, or as many as needed to fill the jar, is placed
on top of the wafer stack. A piece of lint-free filter paper is inserted between each wafer. A wafer jar lid,
made of the same material as the jar, snaps onto the jar.
Each jar is labeled to identify its contents.
Generally, the wafer jars are packed for shipment in a 4k box, however a larger box may be used if there
are enough jars to warrant it. Bubble pack sheets are used as dunnage to take up any excess space. Each
box is the n labe led w ith a standard Q -PAC K inventory label (see Figure 11.7 on page 11-7).
GEL-PAK W afer Tray. GEL-PAK wafer trays have become a more popular carrier for wafers because
their design is co mpat ible wi th pr esent ation to commonl y used wafer saw equi pment. T he GEL-PAK wafer
tray is typically used for unsawn wafers, although it is also compatible for use with sawn wafers that are
stil l intact on the stick y tape from the sawin g ope ration.
Design and Materials - The GEL-PAK wafer tray is a standard, square size that can accommodate
wafers up to 8 inc hes in diame ter. An adhesive GEL membrane is stret che d acro ss the tray and th e wafe r
is placed on top of this membrane (see Figure 11.9 on page 11-10). Up to four GEL-PAK wafer trays,
with a slip of glassine paper placed between each tray, can be stacked into a GEL-PAK tray box. The
conductive properties of the GEL membrane protect the wafer beneath it from electrical damage.
GEL-PAK Wafer Tray Packing and Labeling - Figure 11.9 on page 11-10 illustrates the packing
sequence for wafers in GEL-PAK wafer tray boxes, and the labels that are applied. Each GEL-PAK
wafer tray box is labeled to identify the contents and provide some production traceability information.
Information contained on the label includes wafer run number, date code, die quantity, ordering part
number, assembly lot number, and customer part number.
Each GEL-PAK tray box is then packed in a 1R box, which is labeled with a standard Q-PACK inven-
tory label (Figure 11.7 on page 11-7).
If you require additi onal information about the GEL-PAK wafer tray design and packing method, contact
your AMD sales representative.
uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-10
Revision A (3/1/03)
GEL-PAK tray
(up to 4 per box)
Wafer (one per tray)
GEL membrane
GEL-PAK tray box
Bubble pack (folded)
Recycle label
1R shipping box
(32 mm - 56 mm) Seal with
sealing tape (3X)
Inventory Label
Standard KGD Label
(see Figure 6.6)
Figure 11.9 Wafer GEL- PAK tr ays are popul ar carriers for Kn ow n Good Wafers because th e wa fers are
mounted in a configuration that is adaptable to wafer sawing operations.