MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual Supports: MC9S08PA16(A) and MC9S08PA8(A) Document Number: MC9S08PA16RM Rev 2, 08/2014 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Section number Title Page Chapter 1 Device Overview 1.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................31 1.2 MCU block diagram....................................................................................................................................................... 32 1.3 System clock distribution................................................................................................................................................33 Chapter 2 Pins and connections 2.1 Device pin assignment.................................................................................................................................................... 37 2.2 Pin functions................................................................................................................................................................... 39 2.2.1 Power (VDD, VSS)..........................................................................................................................................39 2.2.2 Analog power supply and reference pins (VDDA/VREFH and VSSA/VREFL)............................................40 2.2.3 Oscillator (XTAL, EXTAL)............................................................................................................................ 40 2.2.4 External reset pin (RESET)..............................................................................................................................41 2.2.5 Background/mode select (BKGD/MS)............................................................................................................ 41 2.2.6 Port A input/output (I/O) pins (PTA-PTA0)................................................................................................... 42 2.2.7 Port B input/output (I/O) pins (PTB7-PTB0)..................................................................................................43 2.2.8 Port C input/output (I/O) pins (PTC-PTC0)....................................................................................................43 2.2.9 Port D input/output (I/O) pins (PTD7-PTD0)................................................................................................. 43 2.2.10 Port E input/Output (I/O) pins (PTE4-PTE0)..................................................................................................43 2.2.11 True open drain pins (PTA3-PTA2)................................................................................................................43 2.2.12 High current drive pins (PTB4, PTB5, PTD0, PTD1)..................................................................................... 44 2.2.13 Peripheral pinouts............................................................................................................................................ 44 Chapter 3 Power management 3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................47 3.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................................... 47 3.2.1 Run mode......................................................................................................................................................... 47 3.2.2 Wait mode........................................................................................................................................................ 48 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3 Section number 3.3 Title Page 3.2.3 Stop3 mode...................................................................................................................................................... 48 3.2.4 Active BDM enabled in stop3 mode................................................................................................................48 3.2.5 LVD enabled in stop mode.............................................................................................................................. 49 3.2.6 Power modes behaviors................................................................................................................................... 49 Low voltage detect (LVD) system..................................................................................................................................50 3.3.1 Power-on reset (POR) operation...................................................................................................................... 51 3.3.2 LVD reset operation.........................................................................................................................................51 3.3.3 Low-voltage warning (LVW).......................................................................................................................... 51 3.4 Bandgap reference.......................................................................................................................................................... 52 3.5 Power management control bits and registers................................................................................................................ 52 3.5.1 System Power Management Status and Control 1 Register (PMC_SPMSC1)................................................52 3.5.2 System Power Management Status and Control 2 Register (PMC_SPMSC2)................................................54 Chapter 4 Memory map 4.1 Memory map...................................................................................................................................................................55 4.2 Reset and interrupt vector assignments...........................................................................................................................56 4.3 Register addresses and bit assignments.......................................................................................................................... 57 4.4 Random-access memory (RAM).................................................................................................................................... 67 4.5 Flash and EEPROM........................................................................................................................................................68 4.5.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................... 68 4.5.2 Function descriptions....................................................................................................................................... 70 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................ 70 Flash and EEPROM memory map.................................................................................................70 Flash and EEPROM initialization after system reset.....................................................................71 Flash and EEPROM command operations.....................................................................................71 Flash and EEPROM interrupts.......................................................................................................76 Protection....................................................................................................................................... 77 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 4.6 Title Page Security.......................................................................................................................................... 80 Flash and EEPROM commands.....................................................................................................82 Flash and EEPROM command summary...................................................................................... 84 Flash and EEPROM registers descriptions..................................................................................................................... 98 4.6.1 Flash Clock Divider Register (NVM_FCLKDIV)...........................................................................................98 4.6.2 Flash Security Register (NVM_FSEC)............................................................................................................99 4.6.3 Flash CCOB Index Register (NVM_FCCOBIX)............................................................................................ 100 4.6.4 Flash Configuration Register (NVM_FCNFG)............................................................................................... 100 4.6.5 Flash Error Configuration Register (NVM_FERCNFG).................................................................................101 4.6.6 Flash Status Register (NVM_FSTAT).............................................................................................................102 4.6.7 Flash Error Status Register (NVM_FERSTAT).............................................................................................. 103 4.6.8 Flash Protection Register (NVM_FPROT)......................................................................................................104 4.6.9 EEPROM Protection Register (NVM_EEPROT)............................................................................................105 4.6.10 Flash Common Command Object Register:High (NVM_FCCOBHI)............................................................ 106 4.6.11 Flash Common Command Object Register: Low (NVM_FCCOBLO)...........................................................107 4.6.12 Flash Option Register (NVM_FOPT)..............................................................................................................107 Chapter 5 Interrupt 5.1 5.2 Interrupts......................................................................................................................................................................... 109 5.1.1 Interrupt stack frame........................................................................................................................................ 110 5.1.2 Interrupt vectors, sources, and local masks......................................................................................................111 5.1.3 Hardware nested interrupt................................................................................................................................ 114 Interrupt priority level register....................................................................................................... 115 Interrupt priority level comparator set........................................................................................... 116 Interrupt priority mask update and restore mechanism..................................................................116 Integration and application of the IPC........................................................................................... 117 IRQ..................................................................................................................................................................................117 5.2.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 118 Pin configuration options............................................................................................................... 118 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 Section number 5.3 Page Edge and level sensitivity.............................................................................................................. 119 Interrupt pin request register...........................................................................................................................................119 5.3.1 5.4 Title Interrupt Pin Request Status and Control Register (IRQ_SC)......................................................................... 120 Interrupt priority control register.................................................................................................................................... 121 5.4.1 IPC Status and Control Register (IPC_SC)......................................................................................................122 5.4.2 Interrupt Priority Mask Pseudo Stack Register (IPC_IPMPS)........................................................................ 123 5.4.3 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRSn)............................................................................................123 Chapter 6 System control 6.1 System device identification (SDID).............................................................................................................................. 125 6.2 Universally unique identification (UUID)...................................................................................................................... 125 6.3 Reset and system initialization........................................................................................................................................125 6.4 System options................................................................................................................................................................ 126 6.5 6.6 6.4.1 BKGD pin enable.............................................................................................................................................126 6.4.2 RESET pin enable............................................................................................................................................ 126 6.4.3 SCI0 pin reassignment..................................................................................................................................... 126 6.4.4 SPI0 pin reassignment......................................................................................................................................127 6.4.5 IIC pins reassignments..................................................................................................................................... 127 6.4.6 FTM0 channels pin reassignment.................................................................................................................... 127 6.4.7 FTM2 channels pin reassignment.................................................................................................................... 127 6.4.8 Bus clock output pin enable............................................................................................................................. 127 System interconnection...................................................................................................................................................128 6.5.1 SCI0 TxD modulation...................................................................................................................................... 128 6.5.2 SCI0 RxD capture............................................................................................................................................ 129 6.5.3 SCI0 RxD filter................................................................................................................................................ 129 6.5.4 FTM2 software synchronization...................................................................................................................... 130 6.5.5 ADC hardware trigger......................................................................................................................................130 System Control Registers................................................................................................................................................131 6.6.1 System Reset Status Register (SYS_SRS).......................................................................................................131 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 6 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 6.6.2 System Background Debug Force Reset Register (SYS_SBDFR)..................................................................133 6.6.3 System Device Identification Register: High (SYS_SDIDH)......................................................................... 134 6.6.4 System Device Identification Register: Low (SYS_SDIDL).......................................................................... 134 6.6.5 System Options Register 1 (SYS_SOPT1)...................................................................................................... 135 6.6.6 System Options Register 2 (SYS_SOPT2)...................................................................................................... 136 6.6.7 System Options Register 3 (SYS_SOPT3)...................................................................................................... 137 6.6.8 System Options Register 4 (SYS_SOPT4)...................................................................................................... 138 6.6.9 Illegal Address Register: High (SYS_ILLAH)................................................................................................ 139 6.6.10 Illegal Address Register: Low (SYS_ILLAL)................................................................................................. 139 6.6.11 Universally Unique Identifier Register 1 (SYS_UUID1)................................................................................ 140 6.6.12 Universally Unique Identifier Register 2 (SYS_UUID2)................................................................................ 140 6.6.13 Universally Unique Identifier Register 3 (SYS_UUID3)................................................................................ 141 6.6.14 Universally Unique Identifier Register 4 (SYS_UUID4)................................................................................ 141 6.6.15 Universally Unique Identifier Register 5 (SYS_UUID5)................................................................................ 142 6.6.16 Universally Unique Identifier Register 6 (SYS_UUID6)................................................................................ 142 6.6.17 Universally Unique Identifier Register 7 (SYS_UUID7)................................................................................ 143 6.6.18 Universally Unique Identifier Register 8 (SYS_UUID8)................................................................................ 143 Chapter 7 Parallel input/output 7.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................145 7.2 Port data and data direction.............................................................................................................................................147 7.3 Internal pullup enable..................................................................................................................................................... 148 7.4 Input glitch filter setting..................................................................................................................................................148 7.5 High current drive........................................................................................................................................................... 149 7.6 Pin behavior in stop mode...............................................................................................................................................149 7.7 Port data registers............................................................................................................................................................149 7.7.1 Port A Data Register (PORT_PTAD).............................................................................................................. 150 7.7.2 Port B Data Register (PORT_PTBD).............................................................................................................. 150 7.7.3 Port C Data Register (PORT_PTCD).............................................................................................................. 151 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7 Section number Title Page 7.7.4 Port D Data Register (PORT_PTDD).............................................................................................................. 151 7.7.5 Port E Data Register (PORT_PTED)...............................................................................................................152 7.7.6 Port High Drive Enable Register (PORT_HDRVE)........................................................................................152 7.7.7 Port A Output Enable Register (PORT_PTAOE)............................................................................................153 7.7.8 Port B Output Enable Register (PORT_PTBOE)............................................................................................ 154 7.7.9 Port C Output Enable Register (PORT_PTCOE)............................................................................................ 156 7.7.10 Port D Output Enable Register (PORT_PTDOE)............................................................................................157 7.7.11 Port E Output Enable Register (PORT_PTEOE).............................................................................................158 7.7.12 Port A Input Enable Register (PORT_PTAIE)................................................................................................ 159 7.7.13 Port B Input Enable Register (PORT_PTBIE)................................................................................................ 160 7.7.14 Port C Input Enable Register (PORT_PTCIE)................................................................................................ 161 7.7.15 Port D Input Enable Register (PORT_PTDIE)................................................................................................ 163 7.7.16 Port E Input Enable Register (PORT_PTEIE)................................................................................................. 164 7.7.17 Port Filter Register 0 (PORT_IOFLT0)...........................................................................................................165 7.7.18 Port Filter Register 1 (PORT_IOFLT1)...........................................................................................................166 7.7.19 Port Filter Register 2 (PORT_IOFLT2)...........................................................................................................166 7.7.20 Port Clock Division Register (PORT_FCLKDIV).......................................................................................... 167 7.7.21 Port A Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTAPE)............................................................................................. 168 7.7.22 Port B Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTBPE)..............................................................................................169 7.7.23 Port C Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTCPE)..............................................................................................171 7.7.24 Port D Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTDPE)............................................................................................. 172 7.7.25 Port E Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTEPE).............................................................................................. 173 Chapter 8 Clock management 8.1 Clock module.................................................................................................................................................................. 175 8.2 Internal clock source (ICS)............................................................................................................................................. 177 8.2.1 Function description.........................................................................................................................................177 Bus frequency divider.................................................................................................................... 178 Low power bit usage...................................................................................................................... 178 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 8 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.3 Title Page Internal reference clock (ICSIRCLK)............................................................................................178 Fixed frequency clock (ICSFFCLK)..............................................................................................179 BDC clock......................................................................................................................................180 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................... 180 FLL engaged internal (FEI)........................................................................................................... 181 FLL engaged external (FEE)..........................................................................................................182 FLL bypassed internal (FBI)..........................................................................................................182 FLL bypassed internal low power (FBILP)................................................................................... 182 FLL bypassed external (FBE)........................................................................................................ 183 FLL bypassed external low power (FBELP)................................................................................. 183 Stop (STOP)................................................................................................................................... 184 FLL lock and clock monitor.............................................................................................................................185 FLL clock lock............................................................................................................................... 185 External reference clock monitor................................................................................................... 185 Initialization / application information........................................................................................................................... 185 8.3.1 Initializing FEI mode....................................................................................................................................... 186 8.3.2 Initializing FBI mode....................................................................................................................................... 186 8.3.3 Initializing FEE mode...................................................................................................................................... 186 8.3.4 Initializing FBE mode...................................................................................................................................... 187 8.3.5 External oscillator (OSC).................................................................................................................................187 Bypass mode.................................................................................................................................. 188 Low-power configuration.............................................................................................................. 188 High-gain configuration................................................................................................................. 189 Initializing external oscillator for peripherals................................................................................ 189 8.4 1 kHz low-power oscillator (LPO)................................................................................................................................. 190 8.5 Peripheral clock gating................................................................................................................................................... 190 8.6 ICS control registers....................................................................................................................................................... 190 8.6.1 ICS Control Register 1 (ICS_C1).................................................................................................................... 191 8.6.2 ICS Control Register 2 (ICS_C2).................................................................................................................... 192 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9 Section number 8.7 Title Page 8.6.3 ICS Control Register 3 (ICS_C3).................................................................................................................... 193 8.6.4 ICS Control Register 4 (ICS_C4).................................................................................................................... 193 8.6.5 ICS Status Register (ICS_S)............................................................................................................................ 194 8.6.6 OSC Status and Control Register (ICS_OSCSC)............................................................................................ 195 System clock gating control registers............................................................................................................................. 196 8.7.1 System Clock Gating Control 1 Register (SCG_C1).......................................................................................197 8.7.2 System Clock Gating Control 2 Register (SCG_C2).......................................................................................198 8.7.3 System Clock Gating Control 3 Register (SCG_C3).......................................................................................199 8.7.4 System Clock Gating Control 4 Register (SCG_C4).......................................................................................200 Chapter 9 Chip configurations 9.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................203 9.2 Core modules.................................................................................................................................................................. 203 9.3 9.2.1 Central processor unit (CPU)........................................................................................................................... 203 9.2.2 Debug module (DBG)...................................................................................................................................... 203 System modules.............................................................................................................................................................. 204 9.3.1 Watchdog (WDOG)......................................................................................................................................... 204 9.4 Clock module.................................................................................................................................................................. 204 9.5 Memory...........................................................................................................................................................................206 9.5.1 Random-access-memory (RAM)..................................................................................................................... 206 9.5.2 Non-volatile memory (NVM).......................................................................................................................... 206 9.6 Power modules................................................................................................................................................................206 9.7 Security........................................................................................................................................................................... 207 9.7.1 9.8 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)......................................................................................................................207 Timers............................................................................................................................................................................. 209 9.8.1 FlexTimer module (FTM)................................................................................................................................ 209 FTM0 interconnection....................................................................................................................210 FTM2 interconnection....................................................................................................................211 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 9.8.2 9.9 Page 8-bit modulo timer (MTIM)............................................................................................................................. 211 9.8.3 Title MTIM0 as ADC hardware trigger................................................................................................. 212 Real-time counter (RTC)................................................................................................................................. 213 Communication interfaces.............................................................................................................................................. 215 9.9.1 Serial communications interface (SCI)............................................................................................................ 215 SCI0 infrared functions.................................................................................................................. 217 9.9.2 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-bit SPI).................................................................................................... 218 9.9.3 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)...........................................................................................................................219 9.10 Analog.............................................................................................................................................................................221 9.10.1 9.10.2 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)..................................................................................................................221 ADC channel assignments............................................................................................................. 222 Alternate clock............................................................................................................................... 223 Hardware trigger............................................................................................................................ 223 Temperature sensor........................................................................................................................ 223 Analog comparator (ACMP)............................................................................................................................224 ACMP configuration information.................................................................................................. 225 ACMP in stop3 mode.....................................................................................................................226 ACMP for SCI0 RXD filter........................................................................................................... 226 9.11 Human-machine interfaces HMI.....................................................................................................................................226 9.11.1 Keyboard interrupts (KBI)............................................................................................................................... 226 Chapter 10 Central processor unit 10.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................229 10.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 229 10.2 Programmer's Model and CPU Registers....................................................................................................................... 230 10.2.1 Accumulator (A).............................................................................................................................................. 230 10.2.2 Index Register (H:X)........................................................................................................................................231 10.2.3 Stack Pointer (SP)............................................................................................................................................ 231 10.2.4 Program Counter (PC)..................................................................................................................................... 232 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 11 Section number 10.2.5 Title Page Condition Code Register (CCR)...................................................................................................................... 232 10.3 Addressing Modes.......................................................................................................................................................... 233 10.3.1 Inherent Addressing Mode (INH).................................................................................................................... 234 10.3.2 Relative Addressing Mode (REL)....................................................................................................................234 10.3.3 Immediate Addressing Mode (IMM)............................................................................................................... 234 10.3.4 Direct Addressing Mode (DIR)........................................................................................................................235 10.3.5 Extended Addressing Mode (EXT)..................................................................................................................235 10.3.6 Indexed Addressing Mode............................................................................................................................... 236 10.3.7 Indexed, No Offset (IX)................................................................................................................. 236 Indexed, No Offset with Post Increment (IX+)..............................................................................236 Indexed, 8-Bit Offset (IX1)............................................................................................................236 Indexed, 8-Bit Offset with Post Increment (IX1+)........................................................................ 237 Indexed, 16-Bit Offset (IX2)..........................................................................................................237 SP-Relative, 8-Bit Offset (SP1)..................................................................................................... 237 SP-Relative, 16-Bit Offset (SP2)................................................................................................... 238 Memory to memory Addressing Mode............................................................................................................ 238 Direct to Direct...............................................................................................................................238 Immediate to Direct....................................................................................................................... 238 Indexed to Direct, Post Increment..................................................................................................238 Direct to Indexed, Post-Increment................................................................................................. 239 10.4 Operation modes............................................................................................................................................................. 239 10.4.1 Stop mode........................................................................................................................................................ 239 10.4.2 Wait mode........................................................................................................................................................ 239 10.4.3 Background mode............................................................................................................................................ 240 10.4.4 Security mode.................................................................................................................................................. 241 10.5 HCS08 V6 Opcodes........................................................................................................................................................243 10.6 Special Operations.......................................................................................................................................................... 243 10.6.1 Reset Sequence................................................................................................................................................ 243 10.6.2 Interrupt Sequence........................................................................................................................................... 243 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 12 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 10.7 Instruction Set Summary.................................................................................................................................................244 Chapter 11 Keyboard Interrupts (KBI) 11.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................257 11.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 257 11.1.2 Modes of Operation......................................................................................................................................... 257 11.1.3 KBI in Wait mode.......................................................................................................................... 257 KBI in Stop modes......................................................................................................................... 258 Block Diagram................................................................................................................................................. 258 11.2 External signals description............................................................................................................................................ 258 11.3 Register definition...........................................................................................................................................................259 11.4 Memory Map and Registers............................................................................................................................................259 11.4.1 KBI Status and Control Register (KBIx_SC).................................................................................................. 259 11.4.2 KBIx Pin Enable Register (KBIx_PE)............................................................................................................. 260 11.4.3 KBIx Edge Select Register (KBIx_ES)........................................................................................................... 261 11.5 Functional Description....................................................................................................................................................261 11.5.1 Edge-only sensitivity........................................................................................................................................261 11.5.2 Edge and level sensitivity................................................................................................................................ 262 11.5.3 KBI Pullup Resistor......................................................................................................................................... 262 11.5.4 KBI initialization..............................................................................................................................................262 Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 12.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................265 12.1.1 FlexTimer philosophy...................................................................................................................................... 265 12.1.2 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 266 12.1.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................... 267 12.1.4 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................. 267 12.2 Signal description............................................................................................................................................................270 12.2.1 EXTCLK -- FTM external clock.................................................................................................................... 270 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 13 Section number Title Page 12.2.2 CHn -- FTM channel (n) I/O pin.................................................................................................................... 270 12.2.3 FAULTj -- FTM fault input............................................................................................................................ 270 12.3 Memory map and register definition...............................................................................................................................271 12.3.1 Module memory map....................................................................................................................................... 271 12.3.2 Register descriptions........................................................................................................................................ 271 12.3.3 Status and Control (FTMx_SC)....................................................................................................................... 274 12.3.4 Counter High (FTMx_CNTH)......................................................................................................................... 275 12.3.5 Counter Low (FTMx_CNTL).......................................................................................................................... 276 12.3.6 Modulo High (FTMx_MODH)........................................................................................................................ 276 12.3.7 Modulo Low (FTMx_MODL)......................................................................................................................... 277 12.3.8 Channel Status and Control (FTMx_CnSC).................................................................................................... 277 12.3.9 Channel Value High (FTMx_CnVH)...............................................................................................................280 12.3.10 Channel Value Low (FTMx_CnVL)................................................................................................................281 12.3.11 Counter Initial Value High (FTMx_CNTINH)................................................................................................ 281 12.3.12 Counter Initial Value Low (FTMx_CNTINL)................................................................................................. 282 12.3.13 Capture and Compare Status (FTMx_STATUS)............................................................................................. 282 12.3.14 Features Mode Selection (FTMx_MODE)...................................................................................................... 284 12.3.15 Synchronization (FTMx_SYNC)..................................................................................................................... 285 12.3.16 Initial State for Channel Output (FTMx_OUTINIT)....................................................................................... 287 12.3.17 Output Mask (FTMx_OUTMASK)................................................................................................................. 289 12.3.18 Function for Linked Channels (FTMx_COMBINEn)..................................................................................... 290 12.3.19 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTMx_DEADTIME)......................................................................................... 292 12.3.20 External Trigger (FTMx_EXTTRIG).............................................................................................................. 293 12.3.21 Channels Polarity (FTMx_POL)...................................................................................................................... 294 12.3.22 Fault Mode Status (FTMx_FMS).....................................................................................................................296 12.3.23 Input Capture Filter Control (FTMx_FILTERn)............................................................................................. 297 12.3.24 Fault Input Filter Control (FTMx_FLTFILTER).............................................................................................298 12.3.25 Fault Input Control (FTMx_FLTCTRL)..........................................................................................................299 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 14 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 12.4 Functional Description....................................................................................................................................................300 12.4.1 Clock Source.................................................................................................................................................... 301 Counter Clock Source.................................................................................................................... 301 12.4.2 Prescaler........................................................................................................................................................... 302 12.4.3 Counter.............................................................................................................................................................302 12.4.4 Up counting....................................................................................................................................302 Up-down counting..........................................................................................................................305 Free running counter...................................................................................................................... 306 Counter reset.................................................................................................................................. 307 Input capture mode...........................................................................................................................................307 Filter for input capture mode......................................................................................................... 308 12.4.5 Output compare mode...................................................................................................................................... 309 12.4.6 Edge-aligned PWM (EPWM) mode................................................................................................................ 311 12.4.7 Center-aligned PWM (CPWM) mode..............................................................................................................313 12.4.8 Combine mode................................................................................................................................................. 315 12.4.9 Asymmetrical PWM...................................................................................................................... 322 Complementary mode...................................................................................................................................... 322 12.4.10 Update of the registers with write buffers........................................................................................................323 CNTINH:L registers...................................................................................................................... 323 MODH:L registers......................................................................................................................... 323 CnVH:L registers........................................................................................................................... 324 12.4.11 PWM synchronization......................................................................................................................................325 Hardware trigger............................................................................................................................ 325 Software trigger..............................................................................................................................326 Boundary cycle.............................................................................................................................. 327 MODH:L registers synchronization...............................................................................................328 CnVH:L registers synchronization.................................................................................................330 OUTMASK register synchronization............................................................................................ 330 FTM counter synchronization........................................................................................................ 332 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 15 Section number Title Page Summary of PWM synchronization...............................................................................................334 12.4.12 Deadtime insertion........................................................................................................................................... 336 Deadtime insertion corner cases.................................................................................................... 337 12.4.13 Output mask..................................................................................................................................................... 338 12.4.14 Fault control..................................................................................................................................................... 339 Automatic fault clearing.................................................................................................................341 Manual fault clearing..................................................................................................................... 342 12.4.15 Polarity control.................................................................................................................................................343 12.4.16 Initialization..................................................................................................................................................... 343 12.4.17 Features priority............................................................................................................................................... 344 12.4.18 Channel trigger output..................................................................................................................................... 344 12.4.19 Initialization trigger..........................................................................................................................................345 12.4.20 Capture test mode.............................................................................................................................................347 12.4.21 Dual edge capture mode...................................................................................................................................348 One-shot capture mode.................................................................................................................. 350 Continuous capture mode...............................................................................................................350 Pulse width measurement...............................................................................................................351 Period measurement....................................................................................................................... 353 Read coherency mechanism...........................................................................................................355 12.4.22 TPM emulation................................................................................................................................................ 357 MODH:L and CnVH:L synchronization........................................................................................357 Free running counter...................................................................................................................... 357 Write to SC.....................................................................................................................................357 Write to CnSC................................................................................................................................ 357 12.4.23 BDM mode.......................................................................................................................................................357 12.5 Reset overview................................................................................................................................................................358 12.6 FTM Interrupts................................................................................................................................................................360 12.6.1 Timer overflow interrupt..................................................................................................................................360 12.6.2 Channel (n) interrupt........................................................................................................................................ 360 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 16 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 12.6.3 Title Page Fault interrupt...................................................................................................................................................360 Chapter 13 8-bit modulo timer (MTIM) 13.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................361 13.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................................... 361 13.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................................... 361 13.3.1 MTIM in wait mode......................................................................................................................................... 362 13.3.2 MTIM in stop mode......................................................................................................................................... 362 13.3.3 MTIM in active background mode.................................................................................................................. 362 13.4 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................................362 13.5 External signal description..............................................................................................................................................363 13.6 Register definition...........................................................................................................................................................363 13.6.1 MTIM Status and Control Register (MTIMx_SC).......................................................................................... 363 13.6.2 MTIM Clock Configuration Register (MTIMx_CLK).................................................................................... 364 13.6.3 MTIM Counter Register (MTIMx_CNT)........................................................................................................ 365 13.6.4 MTIM Modulo Register (MTIMx_MOD)....................................................................................................... 366 13.7 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................366 13.7.1 MTIM operation example................................................................................................................................ 367 Chapter 14 Real-time counter (RTC) 14.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................369 14.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................................... 369 14.2.1 14.2.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................... 369 Wait mode...................................................................................................................................... 369 Stop modes..................................................................................................................................... 370 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................. 370 14.3 External signal description..............................................................................................................................................370 14.4 Register definition...........................................................................................................................................................371 14.4.1 RTC Status and Control Register 1 (RTC_SC1)............................................................................................. 371 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 17 Section number Title Page 14.4.2 RTC Status and Control Register 2 (RTC_SC2)............................................................................................. 372 14.4.3 RTC Modulo Register: High (RTC_MODH).................................................................................................. 373 14.4.4 RTC Modulo Register: Low (RTC_MODL)................................................................................................... 373 14.4.5 RTC Counter Register: High (RTC_CNTH)................................................................................................... 374 14.4.6 RTC Counter Register: Low (RTC_CNTL).................................................................................................... 374 14.5 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................375 14.5.1 RTC operation example................................................................................................................................... 376 14.6 Initialization/application information............................................................................................................................. 377 Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) 15.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................379 15.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 379 15.1.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................... 379 15.1.3 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................. 380 15.2 SCI signal descriptions................................................................................................................................................... 382 15.2.1 Detailed signal descriptions............................................................................................................................. 382 15.3 Register definition...........................................................................................................................................................382 15.3.1 SCI Baud Rate Register: High (SCIx_BDH)................................................................................................... 383 15.3.2 SCI Baud Rate Register: Low (SCIx_BDL).................................................................................................... 384 15.3.3 SCI Control Register 1 (SCIx_C1)...................................................................................................................385 15.3.4 SCI Control Register 2 (SCIx_C2)...................................................................................................................386 15.3.5 SCI Status Register 1 (SCIx_S1)..................................................................................................................... 387 15.3.6 SCI Status Register 2 (SCIx_S2)..................................................................................................................... 389 15.3.7 SCI Control Register 3 (SCIx_C3)...................................................................................................................391 15.3.8 SCI Data Register (SCIx_D)............................................................................................................................ 392 15.4 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................393 15.4.1 Baud rate generation........................................................................................................................................ 393 15.4.2 Transmitter functional description................................................................................................................... 394 Send break and queued idle........................................................................................................... 394 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 18 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 15.4.3 Title Page Receiver functional description....................................................................................................................... 395 Data sampling technique................................................................................................................ 396 Receiver wake-up operation...........................................................................................................397 15.4.4 Interrupts and status flags................................................................................................................................ 398 15.4.5 Baud rate tolerance...........................................................................................................................................399 15.4.6 Slow data tolerance........................................................................................................................ 400 Fast data tolerance..........................................................................................................................401 Additional SCI functions................................................................................................................................. 402 8- and 9-bit data modes.................................................................................................................. 402 Stop mode operation...................................................................................................................... 402 Loop mode..................................................................................................................................... 403 Single-wire operation..................................................................................................................... 403 Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) 16.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................405 16.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 405 16.1.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................... 406 16.1.3 Block diagrams................................................................................................................................................ 407 SPI system block diagram..............................................................................................................407 SPI module block diagram............................................................................................................. 407 16.2 External signal description..............................................................................................................................................409 16.2.1 SPSCK -- SPI Serial Clock.............................................................................................................................409 16.2.2 MOSI -- Master Data Out, Slave Data In....................................................................................................... 410 16.2.3 MISO -- Master Data In, Slave Data Out....................................................................................................... 410 16.2.4 SS -- Slave Select............................................................................................................................................410 16.3 Memory map/register definition..................................................................................................................................... 411 16.3.1 SPI Control Register 1 (SPIx_C1)................................................................................................................... 411 16.3.2 SPI Control Register 2 (SPIx_C2)................................................................................................................... 413 16.3.3 SPI Baud Rate Register (SPIx_BR)................................................................................................................. 414 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 19 Section number Title Page 16.3.4 SPI Status Register (SPIx_S)........................................................................................................................... 415 16.3.5 SPI Data Register (SPIx_D)............................................................................................................................. 416 16.3.6 SPI Match Register (SPIx_M)..........................................................................................................................417 16.4 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................417 16.4.1 General............................................................................................................................................................. 417 16.4.2 Master mode.....................................................................................................................................................418 16.4.3 Slave mode....................................................................................................................................................... 419 16.4.4 SPI clock formats............................................................................................................................................. 421 16.4.5 SPI baud rate generation.................................................................................................................................. 424 16.4.6 Special features................................................................................................................................................ 424 16.4.7 SS Output....................................................................................................................................... 424 Bidirectional mode (MOMI or SISO)............................................................................................ 425 Error conditions................................................................................................................................................426 16.4.8 16.4.9 Mode fault error............................................................................................................................. 426 Low-power mode options................................................................................................................................ 427 SPI in Run mode............................................................................................................................ 427 SPI in Wait mode........................................................................................................................... 427 SPI in Stop mode............................................................................................................................428 Reset.................................................................................................................................................................428 16.4.10 Interrupts.......................................................................................................................................................... 429 MODF............................................................................................................................................ 429 SPRF.............................................................................................................................................. 429 SPTEF............................................................................................................................................ 430 SPMF............................................................................................................................................. 430 16.5 Initialization/application information............................................................................................................................. 430 16.5.1 Initialization sequence......................................................................................................................................430 16.5.2 Pseudo-Code Example..................................................................................................................................... 431 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 20 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 17.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................433 17.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 433 17.1.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................... 434 17.1.3 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................. 434 17.2 I2C signal descriptions....................................................................................................................................................435 17.3 Memory map/register definition..................................................................................................................................... 436 17.3.1 I2C Address Register 1 (I2C_A1)....................................................................................................................436 17.3.2 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2C_F)..........................................................................................................437 17.3.3 I2C Control Register 1 (I2C_C1).....................................................................................................................438 17.3.4 I2C Status register (I2C_S).............................................................................................................................. 439 17.3.5 I2C Data I/O register (I2C_D)......................................................................................................................... 441 17.3.6 I2C Control Register 2 (I2C_C2).....................................................................................................................442 17.3.7 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register (I2C_FLT)............................................................................ 442 17.3.8 I2C Range Address register (I2C_RA)............................................................................................................ 443 17.3.9 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C_SMB).......................................................................................443 17.3.10 I2C Address Register 2 (I2C_A2)....................................................................................................................445 17.3.11 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C_SLTH)....................................................................................... 445 17.3.12 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2C_SLTL).........................................................................................446 17.4 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................446 17.4.1 I2C protocol..................................................................................................................................................... 446 START signal................................................................................................................................ 447 Slave address transmission.............................................................................................................447 Data transfers................................................................................................................................. 448 STOP signal................................................................................................................................... 448 Repeated START signal.................................................................................................................449 Arbitration procedure..................................................................................................................... 449 Clock synchronization....................................................................................................................449 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 21 Section number Title Page Handshaking...................................................................................................................................450 Clock stretching............................................................................................................................. 450 I2C divider and hold values........................................................................................................... 450 17.4.2 10-bit address................................................................................................................................................... 451 Master-transmitter addresses a slave-receiver............................................................................... 452 Master-receiver addresses a slave-transmitter............................................................................... 452 17.4.3 Address matching.............................................................................................................................................453 17.4.4 System management bus specification............................................................................................................ 454 Timeouts.........................................................................................................................................454 FAST ACK and NACK................................................................................................................. 456 17.4.5 Resets............................................................................................................................................................... 456 17.4.6 Interrupts.......................................................................................................................................................... 456 Byte transfer interrupt.................................................................................................................... 457 Address detect interrupt................................................................................................................. 457 Exit from low-power/stop modes...................................................................................................457 Arbitration lost interrupt................................................................................................................ 458 Timeout interrupt in SMBus.......................................................................................................... 458 17.4.7 Programmable input glitch filter...................................................................................................................... 459 17.4.8 Address matching wake-up.............................................................................................................................. 459 17.5 Initialization/application information............................................................................................................................. 460 Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 18.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................463 18.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 463 18.1.2 Block Diagram................................................................................................................................................. 464 18.2 External Signal Description............................................................................................................................................ 464 18.2.1 Analog Power (VDDA)................................................................................................................................... 465 18.2.2 Analog Ground (VSSA)...................................................................................................................................465 18.2.3 Voltage Reference High (VREFH).................................................................................................................. 465 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 22 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 18.2.4 Voltage Reference Low (VREFL)................................................................................................................... 465 18.2.5 Analog Channel Inputs (ADx)......................................................................................................................... 465 18.3 ADC Control Registers................................................................................................................................................... 466 18.3.1 Status and Control Register 1 (ADC_SC1)......................................................................................................466 18.3.2 Status and Control Register 2 (ADC_SC2)......................................................................................................468 18.3.3 Status and Control Register 3 (ADC_SC3)......................................................................................................469 18.3.4 Status and Control Register 4 (ADC_SC4)......................................................................................................470 18.3.5 Conversion Result High Register (ADC_RH)................................................................................................. 471 18.3.6 Conversion Result Low Register (ADC_RL).................................................................................................. 472 18.3.7 Compare Value High Register (ADC_CVH)...................................................................................................473 18.3.8 Compare Value Low Register (ADC_CVL)....................................................................................................473 18.3.9 Pin Control 1 Register (ADC_APCTL1)......................................................................................................... 474 18.3.10 Pin Control 2 Register (ADC_APCTL2)......................................................................................................... 475 18.4 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................476 18.4.1 Clock select and divide control........................................................................................................................ 476 18.4.2 Input select and pin control.............................................................................................................................. 477 18.4.3 Hardware trigger.............................................................................................................................................. 477 18.4.4 Conversion control........................................................................................................................................... 478 Initiating conversions..................................................................................................................... 478 Completing conversions.................................................................................................................478 Aborting conversions..................................................................................................................... 479 Power control................................................................................................................................. 479 Sample time and total conversion time.......................................................................................... 480 18.4.5 Automatic compare function............................................................................................................................481 18.4.6 FIFO operation................................................................................................................................................. 482 18.4.7 MCU wait mode operation...............................................................................................................................485 18.4.8 MCU Stop mode operation.............................................................................................................................. 486 Stop mode with ADACK disabled.................................................................................................486 Stop mode with ADACK enabled..................................................................................................486 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 23 Section number Title Page 18.5 Initialization information................................................................................................................................................ 487 18.5.1 18.5.2 ADC module initialization example................................................................................................................ 487 Initialization sequence....................................................................................................................487 Pseudo-code example.....................................................................................................................488 ADC FIFO module initialization example.......................................................................................................488 Pseudo-code example.....................................................................................................................489 18.6 Application information..................................................................................................................................................490 18.6.1 18.6.2 External pins and routing................................................................................................................................. 490 Analog supply pins.........................................................................................................................490 Analog reference pins.................................................................................................................... 490 Analog input pins........................................................................................................................... 491 Sources of error................................................................................................................................................ 492 Sampling error................................................................................................................................492 Pin leakage error............................................................................................................................ 492 Noise-induced errors...................................................................................................................... 492 Code width and quantization error.................................................................................................493 Linearity errors...............................................................................................................................494 Code jitter, non-monotonicity, and missing codes.........................................................................494 Chapter 19 Analog comparator (ACMP) 19.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................497 19.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 497 19.1.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................... 497 19.1.3 Operation in Wait mode................................................................................................................. 498 Operation in Stop mode................................................................................................................. 498 Operation in Debug mode.............................................................................................................. 498 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................. 498 19.2 External signal description..............................................................................................................................................498 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 24 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 19.3 Memory map and register definition...............................................................................................................................499 19.3.1 ACMP Control and Status Register (ACMP_CS)........................................................................................... 499 19.3.2 ACMP Control Register 0 (ACMP_C0).......................................................................................................... 500 19.3.3 ACMP Control Register 1 (ACMP_C1).......................................................................................................... 501 19.3.4 ACMP Control Register 2 (ACMP_C2).......................................................................................................... 501 19.4 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................502 19.5 Setup and operation of ACMP........................................................................................................................................503 19.6 Resets.............................................................................................................................................................................. 503 19.7 Interrupts......................................................................................................................................................................... 503 Chapter 20 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 20.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................505 20.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................................... 505 20.3 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................................505 20.4 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................................... 506 20.5 Register definition...........................................................................................................................................................506 20.5.1 CRC Data 0 Register (CRC_D0)..................................................................................................................... 507 20.5.2 CRC Data 1 Register (CRC_D1)..................................................................................................................... 507 20.5.3 CRC Data 2 Register (CRC_D2)..................................................................................................................... 508 20.5.4 CRC Data 3 Register (CRC_D3)..................................................................................................................... 509 20.5.5 CRC Polynomial 0 Register (CRC_P0)........................................................................................................... 509 20.5.6 CRC Polynomial 1 Register (CRC_P1)........................................................................................................... 510 20.5.7 CRC Polynomial 2 Register (CRC_P2)........................................................................................................... 510 20.5.8 CRC Polynomial 3 Register (CRC_P3)........................................................................................................... 511 20.5.9 CRC Control Register (CRC_CTRL).............................................................................................................. 511 20.6 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................512 20.6.1 16-bit CRC calculation.....................................................................................................................................512 20.6.2 32-bit CRC calculation.....................................................................................................................................512 20.6.3 Bit reverse........................................................................................................................................................ 513 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 25 Section number Title Page 20.6.4 Result complement...........................................................................................................................................513 20.6.5 CCITT compliant CRC example......................................................................................................................513 Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) 21.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................515 21.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 515 21.1.2 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................. 516 21.2 Memory map and register definition...............................................................................................................................517 21.2.1 Watchdog Control and Status Register 1 (WDOG_CS1)................................................................................ 517 21.2.2 Watchdog Control and Status Register 2 (WDOG_CS2)................................................................................ 519 21.2.3 Watchdog Counter Register: High (WDOG_CNTH)...................................................................................... 520 21.2.4 Watchdog Counter Register: Low (WDOG_CNTL)....................................................................................... 520 21.2.5 Watchdog Timeout Value Register: High (WDOG_TOVALH)..................................................................... 521 21.2.6 Watchdog Timeout Value Register: Low (WDOG_TOVALL)...................................................................... 521 21.2.7 Watchdog Window Register: High (WDOG_WINH)..................................................................................... 522 21.2.8 Watchdog Window Register: Low (WDOG_WINL)...................................................................................... 522 21.3 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................523 21.3.1 21.3.2 Watchdog refresh mechanism.......................................................................................................................... 523 Window mode................................................................................................................................ 524 Refreshing the Watchdog...............................................................................................................524 Example code: Refreshing the Watchdog...................................................................................... 525 Configuring the Watchdog...............................................................................................................................525 Reconfiguring the Watchdog......................................................................................................... 525 Unlocking the Watchdog............................................................................................................... 526 Example code: Reconfiguring the Watchdog................................................................................ 526 21.3.3 Clock source.....................................................................................................................................................526 21.3.4 Using interrupts to delay resets........................................................................................................................ 528 21.3.5 Backup reset..................................................................................................................................................... 528 21.3.6 Functionality in debug and low-power modes................................................................................................. 528 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 26 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 21.3.7 Title Page Fast testing of the watchdog.............................................................................................................................529 Testing each byte of the counter.................................................................................................... 529 Entering user mode........................................................................................................................ 530 Chapter 22 Development support 22.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................531 22.1.1 Forcing active background...............................................................................................................................531 22.1.2 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 531 22.2 Background debug controller (BDC)..............................................................................................................................532 22.2.1 BKGD pin description..................................................................................................................................... 533 22.2.2 Communication details.................................................................................................................................... 534 22.2.3 BDC commands............................................................................................................................................... 536 22.2.4 BDC hardware breakpoint............................................................................................................................... 539 22.3 On-chip debug system (DBG)........................................................................................................................................ 539 22.3.1 Comparators A and B.......................................................................................................................................540 22.3.2 Bus capture information and FIFO operation.................................................................................................. 540 22.3.3 Change-of-flow information............................................................................................................................ 541 22.3.4 Tag vs. force breakpoints and triggers............................................................................................................. 542 22.3.5 Trigger modes.................................................................................................................................................. 543 22.3.6 Hardware breakpoints...................................................................................................................................... 544 22.4 Memory map and register description............................................................................................................................ 545 22.4.1 BDC Status and Control Register (BDC_SCR)............................................................................................... 545 22.4.2 BDC Breakpoint Match Register: High (BDC_BKPTH)................................................................................ 547 22.4.3 BDC Breakpoint Register: Low (BDC_BKPTL)............................................................................................ 548 22.4.4 System Background Debug Force Reset Register (BDC_SBDFR).................................................................548 Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) 23.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................551 23.1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 551 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 27 Section number Title Page 23.1.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................... 552 23.1.3 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................................. 552 23.2 Signal description............................................................................................................................................................553 23.3 Memory map and registers..............................................................................................................................................553 23.3.1 Debug Comparator A High Register (DBG_CAH)......................................................................................... 554 23.3.2 Debug Comparator A Low Register (DBG_CAL).......................................................................................... 555 23.3.3 Debug Comparator B High Register (DBG_CBH)..........................................................................................556 23.3.4 Debug Comparator B Low Register (DBG_CBL)...........................................................................................556 23.3.5 Debug Comparator C High Register (DBG_CCH)..........................................................................................557 23.3.6 Debug Comparator C Low Register (DBG_CCL)...........................................................................................558 23.3.7 Debug FIFO High Register (DBG_FH)...........................................................................................................558 23.3.8 Debug FIFO Low Register (DBG_FL)............................................................................................................ 559 23.3.9 Debug Comparator A Extension Register (DBG_CAX)................................................................................. 560 23.3.10 Debug Comparator B Extension Register (DBG_CBX)..................................................................................561 23.3.11 Debug Comparator C Extension Register (DBG_CCX)..................................................................................562 23.3.12 Debug FIFO Extended Information Register (DBG_FX)................................................................................563 23.3.13 Debug Control Register (DBG_C)...................................................................................................................563 23.3.14 Debug Trigger Register (DBG_T)................................................................................................................... 564 23.3.15 Debug Status Register (DBG_S)......................................................................................................................566 23.3.16 Debug Count Status Register (DBG_CNT)..................................................................................................... 567 23.4 Functional description.....................................................................................................................................................568 23.4.1 23.4.2 Comparator.......................................................................................................................................................568 RWA and RWAEN in full modes..................................................................................................568 Comparator C in loop1 capture mode............................................................................................ 568 Breakpoints...................................................................................................................................................... 569 Hardware breakpoints.................................................................................................................... 569 23.4.3 Trigger selection.............................................................................................................................................. 570 23.4.4 Trigger break control (TBC)............................................................................................................................ 570 Begin- and end-trigger................................................................................................................... 571 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 28 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 23.4.5 23.4.6 Title Page Arming the DBG module............................................................................................................... 571 Trigger modes................................................................................................................................ 572 FIFO................................................................................................................................................................. 574 Storing data in FIFO...................................................................................................................... 575 Storing with begin-trigger.............................................................................................................. 575 Storing with end-trigger................................................................................................................. 575 Reading data from FIFO................................................................................................................ 575 Interrupt priority...............................................................................................................................................576 23.5 Resets.............................................................................................................................................................................. 577 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 29 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 30 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Device Overview 1.1 Introduction These devices are members of the low-cost, high-performance HCS08 family of 8-bit microcontroller units (MCUs). All MCUs in the family use the enhanced HCS08 central processor unit and are available with a variety of modules, memory sizes and types, and package types. The following table summarizes the peripheral availability per package type for the devices available. Table 1-1. Memory and package availability Feature MC9S08PA16 MC9S08PA8 Flash size (bytes) 16,384 8,192 EEPROM size (bytes) 256 256 RAM size (bytes) 2,048 2,048 LQFP-44 Yes Yes LQFP-32 Yes Yes SOIC-20 Yes Yes TSSOP-20 Yes Yes TSSOP-16 Yes Yes Table 1-2. Feature availability Pin number Bus frequency (MHz) 44-pin 32-pin 20-pin 16-pin 20 20 20 20 IRQ Yes WDOG Yes DBG Yes IPC Yes CRC Yes ICS Yes Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 31 MCU block diagram Table 1-2. Feature availability (continued) Pin number 44-pin 32-pin 20-pin XOSC Yes RTC Yes SPI0 (8-bit) Yes IIC Yes ACMP Yes FTM0 channels 2-ch FTM2 channels 16-pin 6-ch MTIM0 2-ch Yes SCI0 Yes SCI1 Yes No ADC 12-channel, 12-bit 12-channel, 12-bit 10-channel, 10-bit 8-channel, 10-bit KBI pins 8 8 8 8 GPIO 37 28 18 14 1.2 MCU block diagram The block diagram below shows the structure of the MCUs. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 32 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Chapter 1 Device Overview PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 1-1. MCU block diagram 1.3 System clock distribution These series contain three on-chip clock sources: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 33 System clock distribution * Internal clock source (ICS) module -- The main clock source generator providing bus clock and other reference clocks to peripherals * External oscillator (XOSC) module -- The external oscillator providing reference clock to internal clock source (ICS), the real-time clock counter clock module (RTC) and other MCU sub-systems. * Low-power oscillator (LPO) module -- The on-chip low-power oscillator providing 1 kHz reference clock to RTC and watchdog (WDOG). NOTE For this device, the system clock is the bus clock. The following figure shows a simplified clock connection diagram. 1-kHz LPO XTAL EXTAL OSC LPOCLK OSCOUT ICSIRCLK WDG RTC ICSFFCLK ICS ICSCLK (~8 MHz after reset) CPU RAM TCLK0 TCLK2 ADC ACMP SPI FTM0 MTIM0 FTM2 CRC FLASH BDC DBG IPC SCI0 SCI1 IIC /2 KBI ICSLCLK Figure 1-2. System clock distribution diagram The clock system supplies: * ICSCLK(BUS) -- This up to 20 MHz clock source is used as the bus clock that is the reference to CPU and all peripherals. Control bits in the ICS control registers determine which of the clock sources is connected: * Internal reference clock * External reference clock * Frequency-locked loop (FLL) output MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 34 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Device Overview * ICSLCLK -- This clock source is derived from the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) of the ICS when the ICS is configured to run off of the internal or external reference clock. Development tools can select this internal self-clocked source (8 MHz) to speed up BDC communications in systems where the bus clock is slow. * ICSIRCLK -- This is the internal reference clock and can be selected as the clock source to the WDOG module. * ICSFFCLK -- This generates the fixed frequency clock (FFCLK) after being synchronized to the bus clock. It can be selected as clock source to the FTM and MTIM modules. The frequency of the ICSFFCLK is determined by the setting of the ICS. * LPOCLK -- This clock is generated from an internal low power oscillator (1 kHz) that is completely independent of the ICS module. The LPOCLK can be selected as the clock source to the RTC or WDOG modules. * OSCOUT -- This is the direct output of the external oscillator module and can be selected as the clock source for RTC, WDOG and ADC. * TCLK0 -- This is an optional external clock source for the FTM0 and MTIM0 modules. The TCLK0 must be limited to 1/4th frequency of the bus clock for synchronization. * TCLK2 -- This is an optional external clock source for the FTM2 module. The TCLK2 must be limited to 1/4th frequency of the bus clock for synchronization. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 35 System clock distribution MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 36 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Pins and connections PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 35 34 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 36 PTE2/MISO0 38 37 PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 39 PTC5/FTM0CH1 40 41 42 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTC4/FTM0CH0 44 43 2.1 Device pin assignment 33 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA 2 32 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL 2 PTD1/FTM2CH31 1 1 2 PTE4/TCLK2 PTE3/BUSOUT VDD 3 31 PTD2 4 30 PTD3 5 29 PTD4 VDDA /VREFH 6 28 VDD PTD0/FTM2CH2 18 19 20 21 22 PTD5 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 17 PTD6 23 16 11 PTD7 VSS PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 14 25 24 15 9 10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTB7/SCL/EXTAL PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 12 26 13 27 8 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS01 7 VSS PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO01 VSSA /VREFL VSS Pins in bold are not available on less pin-count packages. 1. High source/sink current pins 2. True open drain pins Figure 2-1. MC9S08PA16 44-pin LQFP package MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 37 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 29 28 27 26 25 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK1/RESET PTC4/FTM0CH0 30 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 32 31 Device pin assignment PTD1/FTM2CH31 1 PTD0/FTM2CH2 1 2 VDD 3 22 PTD2 VDDA/VREFH 4 21 PTD3 PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 24 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA 2 23 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL2 14 15 16 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 17 12 8 13 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 18 11 7 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTB7/SCL/EXTAL 9 19 10 20 6 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS01 5 VSS PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO01 VSSA/VREFL Pins in bold are not available on less pin-count packages. 1. High source/sink current pins 2. True open drain pins Figure 2-2. MC9S08PA16 32-pin LQFP package PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET 1 20 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS VDD VSS 2 19 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 3 18 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA2 4 17 16 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL2 15 14 13 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 12 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 11 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTB7/SCL/EXTAL 5 PTB6/SDA/XTAL 6 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS01 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO01 7 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 8 9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 10 PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 Pins in bold are not available on less pin-count packages. 1. High source/sink current pins 2. True open drain pins Figure 2-3. MC9S08PA16 20-pin SOIC and TSSOP package MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 38 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Pins and connections PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET 1 16 PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS VDD VSS 2 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 4 15 14 13 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL2 PTB7/SCL/EXTAL 5 12 PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB6/SDA/XTAL 6 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 7 11 10 8 9 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS01 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO01 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA 2 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 Pins in bold are not available on less pin-count packages. 1. High source/sink current pins 2. True open drain pins Figure 2-4. MC9S08PA16 16-pin TSSOP package 2.2 Pin functions 2.2.1 Power (VDD, VSS) VDD and VSS are the primary power supply pins for the MCU. This voltage source supplies power to all I/O buffer circuitry and to an internal voltage regulator. The internal voltage regulator provides a regulated lower-voltage source to the CPU and to the MCU's other internal circuitry. Typically, application systems have two separate capacitors across the power pins. In this case, there should be a bulk electrolytic capacitor, such as a 10 F tantalum capacitor, that provides bulk charge storage for the overall system and a 0.1 F ceramic bypass capacitor located as near to the paired VDD and VSS power pins as practical to suppress high-frequency noise. MCU Vss VDD C1 0.1 F C2 VDD Figure 2-5. Power supply bypassing MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 39 Pin functions 2.2.2 Analog power supply and reference pins (VDDA/VREFH and VSSA/VREFL) VDDA and VSSA are the power supply pins for the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Connect the VDDA pin to the same voltage potential as VDD, and the VSSA pin to the same voltage potential as VSS. De-coupling of these pins should be as per the digital supply. A 0.1 F ceramic bypass capacitor should be located as near to the MCU power pins as practical to suppress highfrequency noise. MCU VDDA /VREFH VSSA /V REFL C1 0.1 F External reference voltage Figure 2-6. Analog power supply bypassing VREFH is the high reference supply for the ADC, and is internally connected to VDDA. VREFL is the low reference supply for the ADC, and is internally connected to VSSA. 2.2.3 Oscillator (XTAL, EXTAL) The XTAL and EXTAL pins are used to provide the connections for the on-chip oscillator. The oscillator (XOSC) in this MCU is a Pierce oscillator that can accommodate a crystal or ceramic resonator. Optionally, an external clock source can be connected to the EXTAL input pin. The oscillator can be configured to run in stop3 mode. Refer to the following figure, RS (when used) and RF must be low-inductance resistors such as carbon composition resistors. Wire-wound resistors, and some metal film resistors, have too much inductance. C1 and C2 normally must be high-quality ceramic capacitors that are specifically designed for high-frequency applications. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 40 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Pins and connections MCU EXTAL XTAL Rs RF X1 C1 C2 Figure 2-7. Typical crystal or resonator circuit RF is used to provide a bias path to keep the EXTAL input in its linear range during crystal startup; its value is not generally critical. Typical systems use 1 M to 10 M. Higher values are sensitive to humidity and lower values reduce gain and (in extreme cases) could prevent startup. C1 and C2 are typically in the 5 pF to 25 pF range and are chosen to match the requirements of a specific crystal or resonator. Take into account printed circuit board (PCB) capacitance and MCU pin capacitance when selecting C1 and C2. The crystal manufacturer typically specifies a load capacitance, which is the series combination of C1 and C2 (which are usually the same size). As a first-order approximation, use 10 pF as an estimate of combined pin and PCB capacitance for each oscillator pin (EXTAL and XTAL). 2.2.4 External reset pin (RESET) A low on the RESET pin forces the MCU to an known startup state. RESET is bidirectional, allowing a reset of the entire system. It is driven low when any internal reset source is asserted. This pin contains an internal pullup resistor. 2.2.5 Background/mode select (BKGD/MS) During a power-on-reset (POR) or background debug force reset, the PTA4/ACMPO/ BKGD/MS pin functions as a mode select pin. Immediately after internal reset rises the pin functions as the background pin and can be used for background debug communication. While the pin functions as a background/mode selection pin, it includes an internal pullup device and a standard output driver. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 41 Pin functions The background debug communication function is enabled when SOPT1[BKGDPE] bit is set. SOPT1[BKGDPE] is set following any reset of the MCU and must be cleared to use the PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS pin's alternative pin functions. If this pin is floating, the MCU will enter normal operating mode at the rising edge of reset. If a debug system is connected to the 6-pin standard background debug header, it can hold BKGD/MS low during the POR or immediately after issuing a background debug force reset, which will force the MCU into active background mode. The BKGD pin is used primarily for background debug controller (BDC) communications using a custom protocol that uses 16 clock cycles of the target MCU's BDC clock per bit time. The target MCU's BDC clock can run as fast as the bus clock, so there should never be any significant capacitance connected to the BKGD/MS pin that interferes with background serial communications. When the pin performs output only PTA4, it can drive only capacitance-limited MOSFET. Driving a bipolar transistor directly by PTA4 is prohibited because this can cause mode entry fault and BKGD errors. Although the BKGD pin is a pseudo open-drain pin, the background debug communication protocol provides brief, actively driven, high speedup pulses to ensure fast rise time. Small capacitances from cables and the absolute value of the internal pullup device play almost no role in determining rise and fall time on the BKGD pin. PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET Optional Manual Reset BKGD/MS VSS V DD Figure 2-8. Typical debug circuit 2.2.6 Port A input/output (I/O) pins (PTA-PTA0) PTA-PTA0 except PTA4 are general-purpose, bidirectional I/O port pins. These port pins also have selectable pullup devices when configured for input mode except PTA4. The pullup devices are selectable on an individual port bit basis. The pulling devices are disengaged when configured for output mode except when PTA2 and PTA3 are used as SDA and SCL function. PTA3 and PTA2 provide true open drain when operated as output. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 42 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Pins and connections 2.2.7 Port B input/output (I/O) pins (PTB7-PTB0) PTB7-PTB0 are general-purpose, bidirectional I/O port pins. These port pins also have selectable pullup devices when configured for input mode, the pullup devices are selectable on an individual port bit basis. The pulling devices are disengaged when configured for output mode. 2.2.8 Port C input/output (I/O) pins (PTC-PTC0) PTC-PTC0 are general-purpose, bidirectional I/O port pins. These port pins also have selectable pullup devices when configured for input mode, and the pullup devices are selectable on an individual port bit basis. The pulling devices are disengaged when configured for output mode. 2.2.9 Port D input/output (I/O) pins (PTD7-PTD0) PTD7-PTD0 are general-purpose, bidirectional I/O port pins. These port pins also have selectable pullup devices when configured for input mode, the pullup devices are selectable on an individual port bit basis. The pulling devices are disengaged when configured for output mode. 2.2.10 Port E input/Output (I/O) pins (PTE4-PTE0) PTE4-PTE0 are general-purpose, bidirectional I/O port pins. These port pins also have selectable pullup devices when configured for input mode, the pullup devices are selectable on an individual port bit basis. The pulling devices are disengaged when configured for output mode. 2.2.11 True open drain pins (PTA3-PTA2) PTA3 and PTA2 operate in true open drain mode. NOTE When configuring IIC to use SDA(PTA2) and SCL(PTA3) pins, if an application uses internal pullups instead of external pullups, the internal pullups remain present setting when the MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 43 Pin functions pins are configured as outputs, but they are automatically disabled to save power when the output values are low. 2.2.12 High current drive pins (PTB4, PTB5, PTD0, PTD1) When high current function is enabled, PTB4, PTB5, PTD0 and PTD1 can drive output current. Each high current drive pin can drive higher sink/source current than the other normal pins, please refer to data sheet for the drive capacity. 2.2.13 Peripheral pinouts These MCUs support up to 37 general-purpose I/O pins, which are shared with on-chip peripheral functions (FTM, ACMP, ADC, SCI, SPI, IIC, KBI, etc.). These 37 generalpurpose I/O pins include one output-only pin (PTA4). When a port pin is configured as general-purpose input, or when a peripheral uses the port pin as an input, the software can enable a pullup device. When a high current drive port pin is configured as general-purpose output or when a peripheral uses the port pin as an output, software can select alternative drive strengths. For information about controlling these pins as general-purpose I/O pins, see the Parallel input/output. For information about how and when on-chip peripheral systems use these pins, see the appropriate module chapter. Immediately after reset, all pins are configured as high-impedance general-purpose IO with internal pullup devices disabled. Table 2-1. Pin availability by package pin-count Pin Number Lowest Priority <-- --> Highest 44-LQFP 32-LQFP 20-TSSOP 16-TSSOP Port Pin Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Alt 4 1 1 -- -- PTD11 -- FTM2CH3 -- -- -- FTM2CH2 -- -- 2 2 -- -- PTD01 3 -- -- -- PTE4 -- TCLK2 -- -- 4 -- -- -- PTE3 -- BUSOUT -- -- 5 3 3 3 -- -- -- -- VDD 6 4 -- -- -- -- -- VDDA VREFH 7 5 -- -- -- -- -- VSSA VREFL 8 6 4 4 -- -- -- -- VSS 9 7 5 5 PTB7 -- -- SCL EXTAL 10 8 6 6 PTB6 -- -- SDA XTAL Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 44 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Pins and connections Table 2-1. Pin availability by package pin-count (continued) Pin Number Lowest Priority <-- --> Highest 44-LQFP 32-LQFP 20-TSSOP 16-TSSOP Port Pin Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Alt 4 11 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Vss 12 9 7 7 PTB51 -- FTM2CH5 SS0 -- 13 10 8 8 PTB41 -- FTM2CH4 MISO0 -- 14 11 9 -- PTC3 -- FTM2CH3 ADP11 -- 15 12 10 -- PTC2 -- FTM2CH2 ADP10 -- 16 -- -- -- PTD7 -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- PTD6 -- -- -- -- 18 -- -- -- PTD5 -- -- -- -- 19 13 11 -- PTC1 -- FTM2CH1 ADP9 -- 20 14 12 -- PTC0 -- FTM2CH0 ADP8 -- 21 15 13 9 PTB3 KBI0P7 MOSI0 ADP7 -- 22 16 14 10 PTB2 KBI0P6 SPSCK0 ADP6 -- 23 17 15 11 PTB1 KBI0P5 TXD0 ADP5 -- 24 18 16 12 PTB0 KBI0P4 RXD0 ADP4 -- 25 19 -- -- PTA7 -- FTM2FAULT2 ADP3 -- 26 20 -- -- PTA6 -- FTM2FAULT1 ADP2 -- 27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Vss 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- VDD 29 -- -- -- PTD4 -- -- -- -- 30 21 -- -- PTD3 -- -- -- -- 31 22 -- -- PTD2 -- -- -- -- 13 PTA32 KBI0P3 TXD0 SCL -- KBI0P2 RXD0 SDA -- 32 23 17 33 24 18 14 PTA22 34 25 19 15 PTA1 KBI0P1 FTM0CH1 ACMP1 ADP1 35 26 20 16 PTA0 KBI0P0 FTM0CH0 ACMP0 ADP0 36 27 -- -- PTC7 -- TxD1 -- -- 37 28 -- -- PTC6 -- RxD1 -- -- 38 -- -- -- PTE2 -- MISO0 -- -- 39 -- -- -- PTE1 -- MOSI0 -- -- 40 -- -- -- PTE0 -- SPSCK0 -- -- 41 29 -- -- PTC5 -- FTM0CH1 -- -- 42 30 -- -- PTC4 -- FTM0CH0 -- -- 43 31 1 1 PTA5 IRQ TCLK0 -- RESET 44 32 2 2 PTA4 -- ACMPO BKGD MS 1. This is a high current drive pin when operated as output. Please see High current drive for more information. 2. This is a true open-drain pin when operated as output. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 45 Pin functions Note When an alternative function is first enabled, it is possible to get a spurious edge to the module. User software must clear any associated flags before interrupts are enabled. The table above illustrates the priority if multiple modules are enabled. The highest priority module will have control over the pin. Selecting a higher priority pin function with a lower priority function already enabled can cause spurious edges to the lower priority module. Disable all modules that share a pin before enabling another module. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 46 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Power management 3.1 Introduction The operating modes of the device are described in this chapter. Entry into each mode, exit from each mode, and functionality while in each of the modes are described. 3.2 Features These MCUs feature the following power modes: * Run mode * Wait mode * CPU shuts down to conserve power * Bus clocks are running * Full voltage regulation is maintained * Stop3 modes * System clocks stopped; voltage regulator in standby * all internal circuits powered for fast recovery 3.2.1 Run mode This is the normal operating mode. In this mode, the CPU executes code from internal memory with execution beginning at the address fetched from memory at 0xFFFE: 0xFFFF after reset. The power supply is fully regulating and all peripherals can be active in run mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 47 Features 3.2.2 Wait mode Wait mode is entered by executing a WAIT instruction. Upon execution of the WAIT instruction, the CPU enters a low-power state in which it is not clocked. The I bit in CCR is cleared when the CPU enters the wait mode, enabling interrupts. When an interrupt request occurs, the CPU exits the wait mode and resumes processing, beginning with the stacking operations leading to the interrupt service routine. While the MCU is in wait mode, there are some restrictions on which background debug commands can be used. Only the BACKGROUND command and memory-access-withstatus commands are available when the MCU is in wait mode. The memory-access-withstatus commands do not allow memory access, but they report an error indicating that the MCU is in either stop or wait mode. The BACKGROUND command can be used to wake the MCU from wait mode and enter active background mode. 3.2.3 Stop3 mode To enter stop3, the user must execute a STOP instruction with stop mode enabled (SOPT1[STOPE] = 1). Upon entering the stop3 mode, all of the clocks in the MCU are halted by default, but OSC clock and internal reference clock can be turned on by setting the ICS control registers. The ICS enters its standby state, as does the voltage regulator and the ADC. The states of all of the internal registers and logic, as well as the RAM content, are maintained. The I/O pin states are not latched at the pin. Instead they are maintained by virtue of the states of the internal logic driving the pins being maintained. Exit from stop3 is done by asserting reset or through an interrupt. The interrupt include the asynchronous interrupt from the IRQ or KBI pins, the SCI receive interrupt, the ADC, ACMP, IIC or LVI interrupt and the real-time interrupt. If stop3 is exited by means of the RESET pin, then the MCU will be reset and operation will resume after taking the reset vector. Exit by means of an asynchronous interrupt or the real-time interrupt will result in the MCU taking the appropriate interrupt vector. The LPO (1 kHz) for the real-time counter clock allows a wakeup from stop3 mode with no external components. When RTC_SC2[RTCPS] is clear, the real-time counter clock function is disabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 48 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Power management 3.2.4 Active BDM enabled in stop3 mode Entry into the active background mode from run mode is enabled if the BDC_SCR[ENBDM] bit is set. This register is described in the development support. If BDC_SCR[ENBDM] is set when the CPU executes a STOP instruction, the system clocks to the background debug logic remain active when the MCU enters stop mode, so background debug communication is still possible. In addition, the voltage regulator does not enter its low-power standby state but maintains full internal regulation. Most background commands are not available in stop mode. The memory-access-withstatus commands do not allow memory access, but they report an error indicating that the MCU is in either stop or wait mode. The BACKGROUND command can be used to wake the MCU from stop and enter active background mode if the BDC_SCR[ENBDM] bit is set. After entering background debug mode, all background commands are available. 3.2.5 LVD enabled in stop mode The LVD system is capable of generating either an interrupt or a reset when the supply voltage drops below the LVD voltage. If the LVD is enabled in stop (LVDE and LVDSE bits in SPMSC1 both set) at the time the CPU executes a STOP instruction, then the voltage regulator remains active during stop3 mode. 3.2.6 Power modes behaviors Executing the WAIT or STOP command puts the MCU in a low power consumption mode for standby situations. The system integration module (SIM) holds the CPU in a non-clocked state. The operation of each of these modes is described in the following subsections. Both STOP and WAIT clear the interrupt mask (I) in the condition code register, allowing interrupt to occur. The following table shows the low power mode behaviors. Table 3-1. Low power mode behavior Mode Run Wait Stop3 PMC Full regulation Full regulation Loose regulation ICS On On Optional on OSC On On Optional on LPO On On On CPU On Standby Standby FLASH On On Standby Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 49 Low voltage detect (LVD) system Table 3-1. Low power mode behavior (continued) Mode Run Wait Stop3 RAM On Standby Standby ADC On On Optional on ACMP On On Optional on I/O On On States held SCI On On Standby SPI On On Standby IIC On On Standby FTM On On Standby MTIM On On Standby WDOG On On Optional on DBG On On Standby IPC On On Standby CRC On On Standby RTC On On Optional on LVD On On Optional on 3.3 Low voltage detect (LVD) system This device includes a system to protect against low voltage conditions in order to protect memory contents and control MCU system states during supply voltage variations. This system consists of a power-on reset (POR) circuit and an LVD circuit with a user selectable trip voltage, either high (VLVDH) or low (VLVDL). The LVD circuit is enabled when SPMSC1[LVDE] is set and the trip voltage is selected by SPMSC2[LVDV]. The LVD is disabled upon entering the stop modes unless the SPMSC1[LVDSE] bit is set or active BDM enabled (BDCSCR[ENBDM]=1). If SPMSC1[LVDSE] and SPMSC1[LVDE] are both set, the current consumption in stop3 with the LVD enabled will be greater. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 50 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Power management vDD LVDV:LVDWV R1 LVD0 + LVD1 LVD LVW0 LVW1 LVW2 LVW3 + LVW vBG Bandgap R7 vss Figure 3-1. Low voltage detect (LVD) block diagram 3.3.1 Power-on reset (POR) operation When power is initially applied to the MCU, or when the supply voltage drops below the VPOR level, the POR circuit will cause a reset condition. As the supply voltage rises, the LVD circuit will hold the chip in reset until the supply has risen above the VLVDL level. Both the SRS[POR] and SRS[LVD] are set following a POR. 3.3.2 LVD reset operation The LVD can be configured to generate a reset upon detection of a low voltage condition by setting SPMSC1[LVDRE] to 1. After an LVD reset has occurred, the LVD system will hold the MCU in reset until the supply voltage has risen above the level determined by LVDV. The SRS[LVD] bit is set following either an LVD reset or POR. 3.3.3 Low-voltage warning (LVW) The LVD system has a low voltage warning flag to indicate that the supply voltage is approaching the LVD voltage. When a low voltage condition is detected and the LVD circuit is configured for interrupt operation (SPMSC1[LVDE] set, SPMSC1[LVWIE] set), SPMSC1[LVWF] will be set and LVW interrupt will occur. There are four userselectable trip voltages for the LVW upon each LVDV configuration. The trip voltage is selected by SPMSC2[LVWV]. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 51 Bandgap reference 3.4 Bandgap reference This device includes an on-chip bandgap reference (1.2V) connected to ADC channel and ACMP. The bandgap reference voltage will not drop under the full operating voltage even when the operating voltage is falling. This reference voltage acts as an ideal reference voltage for accurate measurements. 3.5 Power management control bits and registers PMC memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 3040 System Power Management Status and Control 1 Register (PMC_SPMSC1) 8 R/W 1Ch 3.5.1/52 3041 System Power Management Status and Control 2 Register (PMC_SPMSC2) 8 R/W 00h 3.5.2/54 3.5.1 System Power Management Status and Control 1 Register (PMC_SPMSC1) This high page register contains status and control bits to support the low-voltage detection function, and to enable the bandgap voltage reference for use by the ADC module. This register should be written during the user's reset initialization program to set the desired controls, even if the desired settings are the same as the reset settings. Address: 3040h base + 0h offset = 3040h Bit Read 7 6 LVWF 0 Write Reset LVWACK 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 LVWIE LVDRE LVDSE LVDE BGBDS BGBE 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 PMC_SPMSC1 field descriptions Field 7 LVWF Description Low-Voltage Warning Flag The LVWF bit indicates the low-voltage warning status. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 52 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Power management PMC_SPMSC1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description NOTE: LVWF will be set in the case when VSupply transitions below the trip point or after reset and VSupply is already below VLVW. LVWF bit may be 1 after power on reset, therefore, to use LVW interrupt function, before enabling LVWIE, LVWF must be cleared by writing LVWACK first. 0 1 6 LVWACK 5 LVWIE Low-Voltage Warning Acknowledge If LVWF = 1, a low-voltage condition has occurred. To acknowledge this low-voltage warning, write 1 to LVWACK, which automatically clears LVWF to 0 if the low-voltage warning is no longer present. Low-Voltage Warning Interrupt Enable This bit enables hardware interrupt requests for LVWF. 0 1 4 LVDRE Low-voltage warning is not present. Low-voltage warning is present or was present. Hardware interrupt disabled (use polling). Request a hardware interrupt when LVWF = 1. Low-Voltage Detect Reset Enable This write-once bit enables LVD events to generate a hardware reset (provided LVDE = 1). NOTE: This bit can be written only one time after reset. Additional writes are ignored. 0 1 3 LVDSE Low-Voltage Detect Stop Enable Provided LVDE = 1, this read/write bit determines whether the low-voltage detect function operates when the MCU is in stop mode. 0 1 2 LVDE LVD events do not generate hardware resets. Force an MCU reset when an enabled low-voltage detect event occurs. Low-voltage detect disabled during stop mode. Low-voltage detect enabled during stop mode. Low-Voltage Detect Enable This write-once bit enables low-voltage detect logic and qualifies the operation of other bits in this register. NOTE: This bit can be written only one time after reset. Additional writes are ignored. 0 1 1 BGBDS Bandgap Buffer Drive Select This bit is used to select the high drive mode of the bandgap buffer. 0 1 0 BGBE LVD logic disabled. LVD logic enabled. Bandgap buffer enabled in low drive mode if BGBE = 1. Bandgap buffer enabled in high drive mode if BGBE = 1. Bandgap Buffer Enable This bit enables an internal buffer for the bandgap voltage reference for use by the ADC module on one of its internal channels. 0 1 Bandgap buffer disabled. Bandgap buffer enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 53 Power management control bits and registers 3.5.2 System Power Management Status and Control 2 Register (PMC_SPMSC2) This register is used to report the status of the low-voltage warning function, and to configure the stop mode behavior of the MCU. This register should be written during the user's reset initialization program to set the desired controls, even if the desired settings are the same as the reset settings. Address: 3040h base + 1h offset = 3041h Bit 7 Read Write Reset 0 6 LVDV 0 0 5 4 3 2 LVWV 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PMC_SPMSC2 field descriptions Field 7 Reserved 6 LVDV Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Low-Voltage Detect Voltage Select This write-once bit selects the low-voltage detect (LVD) trip point setting. See data sheet for details. 0 1 5-4 LVWV Low-Voltage Warning Voltage Select This bit selects the low-voltage warning (LVW) trip point voltage. See data sheet for details. 00 01 10 11 Reserved Low trip point selected (VLVD = VLVDL). High trip point selected (VLVD = VLVDH). Low trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW1). Middle 1 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW2). Middle 2 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW3). High trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW4). This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 54 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map 4.1 Memory map The HCS08 core processor can address 64 KB of memory space. The memory map, shown in the following figure, includes: * User flash memory (flash) * MC9S08PA16: 16,384 bytes; 32 pages of 512 bytes each * MC9S08PA8: 8,192 bytes; 16 pages of 512 bytes each * Random-access memory (RAM) * MC9S08PA16: 2,048 bytes * MC9S08PA8: 2,048 bytes * Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) * MC9S08PA16: 256 bytes; 128 pages of 2 bytes each * MC9S08PA8: 256 bytes; 128 pages of 2 bytes each * Direct-page registers (0x0000 through 0x003F) * High-page registers (0x3000 through 0x30FF) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 55 Reset and interrupt vector assignments 0x0000 0x003F 0x0040 0x0000 0x003F 0x0040 DIRECT PAGE REGISTERS 2048 BYTES RAM 2048 BYTES RAM 0x083F 0x0840 0x083F 0x0840 UNIMPLEMENTED 0x2FFF 0x3000 0x30FF 0x3100 0x31FF 0x3200 DIRECT PAGE REGISTERS UNIMPLEMENTED 0x3000 0x30FF 0x3100 0x31FF HIGH PAGE REGISTERS 256 BYTES EEPROM HIGH PAGE REGISTERS 256 BYTES EEPROM UNIMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED 0xC000 0xE000 16,384B FLASH 8,192B FLASH 0xFFAF 0xFFB0 0xFFFF 0xFFAF 0xFFB0 0xFFFF VECTOR TABLE MC9S08PA16 VECTOR TABLE MC9S08PA8 0xFFB0 map Figure 4-1. Memory 4.2 Reset and interrupt vector assignments The following table shows address assignments for reset and interrupt vectors. The vector names shown in this table are the labels used in the Freescale-provided header files for the device. Table 4-1. Reset and interrupt vectors Address (high/low) Vector Vector name 0xFFB0:FFB1 NVM Vnvm 0xFFB2:FFB3 Reserved Reserved 0xFFB4:FFB5 KBI0 Vkbi0 0xFFB6:FFB7 Reserved Reserved 0xFFB8:FFB9 RTC Vrtc 0xFFBA:FFBB IIC Viic 0xFFBC:FFBD Reserved Reserved 0xFEBE:FFBF SPI0 Vspi0 0xFFC0:FFC1 Reserved Reserved Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 56 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-1. Reset and interrupt vectors (continued) Address Vector Vector name Reserved Reserved 0xFFC4:FFC5 Reserved Reserved 0xFFC6:FFC7 SCI1 transmit Vsci1txd 0xFFC8:FFC9 SCI1 receive Vsci1rxd 0xFFCA:FFCB SCI1 error Vsci1err 0xFFCC:FFCD SCI0 transmit Vsci0txd 0xFFCE:FFCF SCI0 receive Vsci0rxd 0xFFD0:FFD1 SCI0 error Vsci0err 0xFFD2:FFD3 ADC Vadc (high/low) 0xFFC2:FFC3 0xFFD4:FFD5 ACMP Vacmp 0xFFD6:FFD7 Reserved Reserved 0xFFD8:FFD9 MTIM0 Vmtim0 0xFFDA:FFDB FTM0 overflow Vftm0ovf 0xFFDC:FFDD FTM0 channel 1 Vftm0ch1 0xFFDE:FFDF FTM0 channel 0 Vftm0ch0 0xFFE0:FFE1 Reserved Reserved 0xFFE2:FFE3 Reserved Reserved 0xFFE4:FFE5 Reserved Reserved 0xFFE6:FFE7 FTM2 overflow Vftm2ovf 0xFFE8:FFE9 FTM2 channel 5 Vftm2ch5 0xFFEA:FFEB FTM2 channel 4 Vftm2ch4 0xFFEC:FFED FTM2 channel 3 Vftm2ch3 0xFFEE:FFEF FTM2 channel 2 Vftm2ch2 0xFFF0:FFF1 FTM2 channel 1 Vftm2ch1 0xFFF2:FFF3 FTM2 channel 0 Vftm2ch0 0xFFF4:FFF5 FTM2 fault Vftm2flt 0xFFF6:FFF7 Clock loss of lock Vclk 0xFFF8:FFF9 Low voltage warning Vlvw 0xFFFA:FFFB IRQ or Watchdog Virq or Vwdog 0xFFFC:FFFD SWI Vswi 0xFFFE:FFFF Reset Vreset 4.3 Register addresses and bit assignments The register definitions vary in different memory sizes. The register addresses of unused peripherals are reserved. The following table shows the register availability of the devices. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 57 Register addresses and bit assignments Table 4-2. Peripheral registers availability Address Bytes Peripheral registers 0x0000--0x0004 5 Port data 0x0010--0x0017 8 ADC 0x0018--0x001B 4 MTIM0 0x0020--0x002A 11 FTM0 0x002C--0x002F 4 ACMP 0x003B--0x003B 1 IRQ 0x003C--0x003C 1 KBI0 0x003E--0x003F 2 IPC 0x3000--0x300B 12 SIM 0x300C--0x300F 4 SCG 0x3010--0x301F 16 DBG 0x3020--0x302C 13 NVM 0x3030--0x3037 8 WDOG 0x3038--0x303E 7 ICS, XOSC 0x3040--0x3041 2 PMC 0x304A--0x304B 2 SYS 0x3050--0x3059 10 IPC 0x3060--0x3068 9 CRC 0x306A--0x306F 6 RTC 0x3070--0x307B 12 IIC 0x307C--0x307D 2 KBI0 0x3080--0x3087 8 SCI0 0x3088--0x308F 8 SCI1 0x3098--0x309F 8 SPI0 0x30AC--0x30AD 2 ADC 0x30AF--0x30AF 1 Port high drive enable 0x30B0--0x30B4 5 Port output enable 0x30B8--0x30BC 5 Port input enable 0x30C0--0x30EA 43 FTM2 0x30EC--0x30EF 4 Port filter 0x30F0--0x30F4 5 Port pullup 0x30F8--0x30FF 8 SYS The registers in the devices are divided into two groups: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 58 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map * Direct-page registers are located in the first 64 locations in the memory map, so they can be accessed with efficient direct addressing mode instructions. * High-page registers are used much less often, so they are located above 0x3000 in the memory map. This leaves room in the direct page for more frequently used registers and variables. Direct-page registers can be accessed with efficient direct addressing mode instructions. Bit manipulation instructions can be used to access any bit in a direct-page register. The direct page registers can use the more efficient direct addressing mode, which requires only the lower byte of the address. The following tables are summaries of all user-accessible direct-page and high-page registers and control bits. Cells that are not associated with named bits are shaded. A shaded cell with a 0 indicates this unused bit always reads as a 0; and a shaded cell with a 1 indicates this unused bit always reads as a 1. Shaded cells with dashes indicate unused or reserved bit locations that could read as 1s or 0s. Table 4-3. Direct-page register allocation Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x0000 PORT_PTAD PTAD7 PTAD6 PTAD5 PTAD4 PTAD3 PTAD2 PTAD1 PTAD0 0x0001 PORT_PTBD PTBD7 PTBD6 PTBD5 PTBD4 PTBD3 PTBD2 PTBD1 PTBD0 0x0002 PORT_PTCD PTCD7 PTCD6 PTCD5 PTCD4 PTCD3 PTCD2 PTCD1 PTCD0 0x0003 PORT_PTDD PTDD7 PTDD6 PTDD5 PTDD4 PTDD3 PTDD2 PTDD1 PTDD0 0x0004 PORT_PTED -- -- -- PTED4 PTED3 PTED2 PTED1 PTED0 0x0005-0x0007 Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x0008-0x000F Reserved -- -- -- 0x0010 ADC_SC1 COCO AIEN ADCO 0x0011 ADC_SC2 ADACT ADTRG ACFE 0x0012 ADC_SC3 ADLPC ADIV ADLSM P 0x0013 ADC_SC4 -- ASCAN ACFSEL E -- -- 0x0014 ADC_RH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x0015 ADC_RL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x0016 ADC_CVH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x0017 ADC_CVL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x0018 MTIM0_SC TOF TOIE TRST TSTP -- -- -- -- -- -- ADCH ACFGT FEMPT Y FFULL MODE 0x0019 MTIM0_CLK 0x001A MTIM0_CNT CLKS COUNT 0x001B MTIM0_MOD MOD ADICLK AFDEP PS Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 59 Register addresses and bit assignments Table 4-3. Direct-page register allocation (continued) Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 -- -- 0x001C-0X001F Reserved -- -- 0x0020 FTM0_SC TOF TOIE 0x0021 FTM0_CNTH Bit 15 14 13 0x0022 FTM0_CNTL Bit 7 6 0x0023 FTM0_MODH Bit 15 0x0024 FTM0_MODL 0x0025 0x0026 3 2 1 Bit 0 -- -- -- -- CLKS0 PS2 PS1 PS0 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 FTM0_C0SC CHF CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA -- -- FTM0_C0VH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 CPWMS CLKS1 0x0027 FTM0_C0VL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x0028 FTM0_C1SC CHF CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA -- -- 0x0029 FTM0_C1VH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x002A FTM0_C1VL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x002B Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x002C ACMP_CS ACE HYST ACF ACIE ACO ACOPE ACMOD 0x002D ACMP_C0 -- -- -- -- ACNSEL 0x002E ACMP_C1 DACEN DACRE F 0x002F ACMP_C2 -- -- -- -- -- 0x0030-0x003A Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x003B IRQ_SC -- IRQF IRQACK IRQIE IRQMO D 0x003C KBI0_SC -- -- KBF KBACK KBIE KBMOD 0x003D Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x003E IPC_SC IPCE -- PSE PSF PULIPM -- 0x003F IPC_IPMPS ACPSEL DACVAL IRQPDD IRQEDG IRQPE -- IPM3 -- IPM2 ACIPE2 ACIPE1 ACIPE0 -- IPM IPM1 IPM0 Table 4-4. High-page register allocation Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3000 SYS_SRS POR PIN WDOG ILOP ILAD LOC LVD -- 0x3001 SYS_SBDFR -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BDFR 0x3002 SYS_SDIDH -- -- -- -- ID11 ID10 ID9 ID8 0x3003 SYS_SDIDL ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3 ID2 ID1 ID0 0x3004 SYS_SOPT1 SCI0PS SPI0PS IICPS FTM2PS BKGDP E RSTPE FWAKE STOPE 0x3005 SYS_SOPT2 TXDME FTMSY NC RXDFE RXDCE -- -- 0x3006 SYS_SOPT3 DLYACT FTM0P S -- -- CLKOE 0x3007 SYS_SOPT4 0x3008-0x300B Reserved ADHWTS BUSREF DELAY -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 60 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-4. High-page register allocation (continued) Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x300C SCG_C1 FTM2 -- FTM0 -- -- -- MTIM0 RTC 0x300D SCG_C2 -- -- DBG NVM IPC CRC -- -- 0x300E SCG_C3 -- -- SCI1 SCI0 -- SPI0 IIC -- 0x300F SCG_C4 ACMP -- ADC -- IRQ -- -- KBI0 0x3010 DBG_CAH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x3011 DBG_CAL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3012 DBG_CBH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x3013 DBG_CBL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3014 DBG_CCH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x3015 DBG_CCL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3016 DBG_FH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x3017 DBG_FL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3018 DBG_CAX RWAEN RWA -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x3019 DBG_CBX RWBEN RWB -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x301A DBG_CCX RWCEN RWC -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x301B DBG_FX PPACC -- -- -- -- -- -- Bit 16 0x301C DBG_C DBGEN ARM TAG BRKEN -- -- -- LOOP1 0x301D DBG_T TRGSE L BEGIN -- -- 0x301E DBG_S AF BF CF -- -- ARMF 0x301F DBG_CNT -- -- -- -- 0x3020 NVM_FCLKDIV FDIVLD FDIVLC K FDIV5 FDIV4 FDIV3 FDIV2 FDIV1 FDIV0 0x3021 NVM_FSEC 1 1 1 1 SEC1 SEC0 0x3022 NVM_FCCOBIX -- -- -- -- -- 0x3023 Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x3024 NVM_FCNFG CCIE -- -- IGNSF -- -- FDFD FSFD 0x3025 NVM_FERCNFG -- -- -- -- -- -- DFDIE SFDIE 0x3026 NVM_FSTAT CCIF -- -- MGSTA MGSTA T1 T0 0x3027 NVM_FERSTAT -- -- -- -- -- -- DFDIF SFDIF 0x3028 NVM_FPROT FPOEN -- FPHDIS FPHS1 FPHS0 -- -- -- 0x3029 NVM_EEPROT DPOPE N -- -- -- -- DPS2 DPS1 DPS0 0x302A NVM_FCCOBHI CCOB1 5 CCOB1 4 CCOB1 3 CCOB1 2 CCOB1 1 CCOB1 0 CCOB9 CCOB8 0x302B NVM_FCCOBLO CCOB7 CCOB6 CCOB5 CCOB4 CCOB3 CCOB2 CCOB1 CCOB0 0x302C NVM_FOPT NV7 NV6 NV5 NV4 NV3 NV2 NV1 NV0 0x302D-0x302F Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- KEYEN1 KEYEN0 TRG -- -- CNT ACCER MGBUS FPVIOL R Y CCOBIX CCOBIX CCOBIX 2 1 0 -- -- Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 61 Register addresses and bit assignments Table 4-4. High-page register allocation (continued) Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 0x3030 WDOG_CS1 EN INT UPDAT E 0x3031 WDOG_CS2 WIN FLG -- PRES -- -- 0x3032 WDOG_CNTH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x3033 WDOG_CNTL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3034 WDOG_TOVALH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x3035 WDOG_TOVALL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3036 WDOG_WINH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x3037 WDOG_WINL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3038 ICS_C1 0x3039 ICS_C2 0x303A ICS_C3 0x303B ICS_C4 LOLIE -- CME -- 0x303C ICS_S LOLS LOCK -- IREFST 0x303D Reserved -- -- -- -- 0x303E ICS_OSCSC OSCEN -- 0x303F Reserved -- -- -- 0x3040 PMC_SPMSC1 LVWF LVWAC K LVWIE 0x3041 PMC_SPMSC2 -- LVDV 0x3042-0x3049 Reserved -- -- -- 0x304A SYS_ILLAH Bit 15 14 13 CLKS 3 TST RDIV BDIV LP 2 1 Bit 0 DBG WAIT STOP IREFS -- CLK IRCLKE IREFST N EN -- -- -- -- -- SCFTRI M -- -- SCTRIM -- CLKST -- -- -- -- -- RANGE HGO OSCINI T -- -- -- -- -- LVDRE LVDSE LVDE BGBDS BGBE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12 11 19 9 Bit 8 OSCST OSCOS EN LVWV 0x304B SYS_ILLAL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x304C-0x304F Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x3050 IPC_ILRS0 ILR3 ILR2 ILR1 ILR0 0x3051 IPC_ILRS1 ILR7 ILR6 ILR5 ILR4 0x3052 IPC_ILRS2 ILR11 ILR10 ILR9 ILR8 0x3053 IPC_ILRS3 ILR15 ILR14 ILR13 ILR12 0x3054 IPC_ILRS4 ILR19 ILR18 ILR17 ILR16 0x3055 IPC_ILRS5 ILR23 ILR22 ILR21 ILR20 0x3056 IPC_ILRS6 ILR27 ILR26 ILR25 ILR24 0x3057 IPC_ILRS7 ILR31 ILR30 ILR29 ILR28 0x3058 IPC_ILRS8 ILR35 ILR34 ILR33 ILR32 0x3059 IPC_ILRS9 ILR39 ILR38 ILR37 ILR36 0x305A-0x305F Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x3060 CRC_D0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Bit 24 0x3061 CRC_D1 Bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Bit 16 0x3062 CRC_D2 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 62 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-4. High-page register allocation (continued) Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3063 CRC_D3 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3064 CRC_P0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Bit 24 0x3065 CRC_P1 Bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Bit 16 0x3066 CRC_P2 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x3067 CRC_P3 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3068 CRC_CTRL 0 FXOR WAS TCRC TOT TOTR 0x3069 Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x306A RTC_SC1 RTIF RTIE -- RTCO -- -- -- -- 0x306B RTC_SC2 -- -- -- 0x306C RTC_MODH MODH 0x306D RTC_MODL MODL 0x306E RTC_CNTH CNTH 0x306F RTC_CNTL CNTL 0x3070 I2C_A1 RTCLKS AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 MULT RTCPS AD2 AD1 0 0x3071 I2C_F 0x3072 I2C_C1 IICEN IICIE MST TX TXAK ICR RSTA WUEN -- 0x3073 I2C_S TCF IAAS BUSY ARBL RAM SRW IICIF RXAK 0x3074 I2C_D 0x3075 I2C_C2 GCAEN ADEXT HDRS SBRC RMEN AD10 AD9 AD8 0x3076 I2C_FLT -- -- -- FLT4 FLT3 FLT2 FLT1 FLT0 0x3077 I2C_RA 0x3078 I2C_SMB FACK 0x3079 I2C_A2 SAD7 0x307A I2C_SLTH 0x307B DATA RAD ALERTE SIICAE TCKSEL N N -- SLTF SHTF1 SHTF2 SHTF2I E SAD3 SAD2 SAD1 -- SSLT15 SSLT14 SSLT13 SSLT12 SSLT11 SSLT10 SSLT9 SSLT8 I2C_SLTL SSLT7 SSLT1 SSLT0 0x307C KBI0_PE KBIPE7 KBIPE6 KBIPE5 KBIPE4 KBIPE3 KBIPE2 KBIPE1 KBIPE0 0x307D KBI0_ES KBEDG KBEDG KBEDG KBEDG KBEDG KBEDG KBEDG KBEDG 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0x307E-0x307F Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x3080 SCI0_BDH LBKDIE RXEDGI E SBNS SBR12 SBR11 SBR10 SBR9 SBR8 0x3081 SCI0_BDL SBR7 SBR6 SBR5 SBR4 SBR3 SBR2 SBR1 SBR0 0x3082 SCI0_C1 LOOPS SCISWA I RSRC M WAKE ILT PE PT 0x3083 SCI0_C2 TIE TCIE RIE ILIE TE RE RWU SBK 0x3084 SCI0_S1 TDRE TC RDRF IDLE OR NF FE PF 0x3085 SCI0_S2 LBKDIF RXEDGI F -- RXINV RWUID BRK13 LBKDE RAF 0x3086 SCI0_C3 R8 T8 TXDIR TXINV ORIE NEIE FEIE PEIE 0x3087 SCI0_D D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SAD6 SSLT6 SAD5 SSLT5 SAD4 SSLT4 SSLT3' SSLT2 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 63 Register addresses and bit assignments Table 4-4. High-page register allocation (continued) Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x3088 SCI1_BDH LBKDIE RXEDGI E SBNS SBR12 SBR11 SBR10 SBR9 SBR8 0x3089 SCI1_BDL SBR7 SBR6 SBR5 SBR4 SBR3 SBR2 SBR1 SBR0 0x308A SCI1_C1 LOOPS SCISWA I RSRC M WAKE ILT PE PT 0x308B SCI1_C2 TIE TCIE RIE ILIE TE RE RWU SBK 0x308C SCI1_S1 TDRE TC RDRF IDLE OR NF FE PF 0x308D SCI1_S2 LBKDIF RXEDGI F -- RXINV RWUID BRK13 LBKDE RAF 0x308E SCI1_C3 R8 T8 TXDIR TXINV ORIE NEIE FEIE PEIE 0x308F SCI1_D D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0x3090-0x3097 Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x3098 SPI0_C1 SPIE SPE SPTIE MSTR CPOL CPHA SSOE LSBFE 0x3099 SPI0_C2 SPMIE -- -- -- SPISWA I SPC0 0x309A SPI0_BR -- SPPR2 SPPR1 SPPR0 SPR3 SPR2 SPR1 SPR0 0x309B SPI0_S SPRF SPMF SPTEF MODF -- -- -- -- 0x309C Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x309D SPI0_D Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x309E Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x309F SPI0_M Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30A0-0x30AB Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x30AC ADC_APCTL1 ADPC7 ADPC6 ADPC5 ADPC4 ADPC3 ADPC2 ADPC1 ADPC0 0x30AD ADC_APCTL2 -- -- -- -- ADPC11 ADPC10 ADPC9 ADPC8 0x30AE Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x30AF PORT_HDRVE -- -- -- -- PTD1 PTD0 PTB5 PTB4 0x30B0 PORT_PTAOE PTAOE7 PTAOE6 PTAOE5 PTAOE4 PTAOE3 PTAOE2 PTAOE1 PTAOE0 0x30B1 PORT_PTBOE PTBOE7 PTBOE6 PTBOE5 PTBOE4 PTBOE3 PTBOE2 PTBOE1 PTBOE0 0x30B2 PORT_PTCOE PTCOE 7 PTCOE 6 PTCOE 5 PTCOE 4 PTCOE 3 PTCOE 2 PTCOE 1 PTCOE 0 0x30B3 PORT_PTDOE PTDOE 7 PTDOE 6 PTDOE 5 PTDOE 4 PTDOE 3 PTDOE 2 PTDOE 1 PTDOE 0 MODFE BIDIRO N E 0x30B4 PORT_PTEOE -- -- -- 0x30B5-0x30B7 Reserved -- -- -- PTEOE4 PTEOE3 PTEOE2 PTEOE1 PTEOE0 -- -- -- -- -- 0x30B8 PORT_PTAIE PTAIE7 PTAIE6 PTAIE5 -- PTAIE3 PTAIE2 PTAIE1 PTAIE0 0x30B9 PORT_PTBIE PTBIE7 PTBIE6 PTBIE5 PTBIE4 PTBIE3 PTBIE2 PTBIE1 PTBIE0 0x30BA PORT_PTCIE PTCIE7 PTCIE6 PTCIE5 PTCIE4 PTCIE3 PTCIE2 PTCIE1 PTCIE0 0x30BB PORT_PTDIE PTDIE7 PTDIE6 PTDIE5 PTDIE4 PTDIE3 PTDIE2 PTDIE1 PTDIE0 0x30BC PORT_PTEIE -- -- -- PTEIE4 PTEIE3 PTEIE2 PTEIE1 PTEIE0 0x30BD-0x30BF Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x30C0 FTM2_SC TOF TOIE CLKS0 PS2 PS1 PS0 CPWMS CLKS1 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 64 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-4. High-page register allocation (continued) Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30C1 FTM2_CNTH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30C2 FTM2_CNTL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30C3 FTM2_MODH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30C4 FTM2_MODL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30C5 FTM2_C0SC CHF CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA -- -- 0x30C6 FTM2_C0VH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30C7 FTM2_C0VL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30C8 FTM2_C1SC CHF CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA -- -- 0x30C9 FTM2_C1VH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30CA FTM2_C1VL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30CB FTM2_C2SC CHF CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA -- -- 0x30CC FTM2_C2VH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30CD FTM2_C2VL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30CE FTM2_C3SC CHF CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA -- -- 0x30CF FTM2_C3VH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30D0 FTM2_C3VL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30D1 FTM2_C4SC CHF CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA -- -- 0x30D2 FTM2_C4VH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30D3 FTM2_C4VL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30D4 FTM2_C5SC CHF CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA -- -- 0x30D5 FTM2_C5VH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30D6 FTM2_C5VL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30D7 FTM2_CNTINH Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 0x30D8 FTM2_CNTINL Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30D9 FTM2_STATUS CH7F CH6F CH5F CH4F CH3F CH2F CH1F CH0F 0x30DA FTM2_MODE FAULTI E INIT FTMEN 0x30DB FTM2_SYNC SWSYN C TRIG2 TRIG1 TRIG0 SYNCH OM REINIT CNTMA CNTMIN X 0x30DC FTM2_OUTINIT CH7OI CH6OI CH5OI CH4OI CH3OI CH2OI CH1OI 0x30DD FTM2_OUTMASK 0x30DE FTM2_COMBINE0 -- FAULTE SYNCE N N DTEN DECAP DECAP EN COMP COMBI NE 0x30DF FTM2_COMBINE1 -- FAULTE SYNCE N N DTEN DECAP DECAP EN COMP COMBI NE 0x30E0 FTM2_COMBINE2 -- FAULTE SYNCE N N DTEN DECAP DECAP EN COMP COMBI NE 0x30E1 FTM2_COMBINE3 -- FAULTE SYNCE N N DTEN DECAP DECAP EN COMP COMBI NE 0x30E2 FTM2_DEATIME FAULTM CAPTE PWMSY WPDIS ST NC CH0OI CH7OM CH6OM CH5OM CH4OM CH3OM CH2OM CH1OM CH0OM DTPS DTVAL Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 65 Register addresses and bit assignments Table 4-4. High-page register allocation (continued) Address Register name Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0x30E3 FTM2_EXTTRIG TRIGF 0x30E4 FTM2_POL POL7 POL6 POL5 POL4 POL3 0x30E5 FTM2_FMS FAULTF WPEN FAULTI N -- -- 0x30E6 FTM2_FILTER0 CHoddFVAL CHevenFVAL 0x30E7 FTM2_FILTER1 CHoddFVAL CHevenFVAL 0x30E8 FTM2_FLTFILTER 0x30E9 FTM2_FLTCTRL 0x30EA-0x30EB Reserved 0x30EC PORT_IOFLT0 0x30ED PORT_IOFLT1 -- -- -- -- 0x30EE PORT_IOFLT2 -- -- -- -- 0x30EF PORT_FCLKDIV FLTDIV3 0x30F0 PORT_PTAPE PTAPE7 PTAPE6 PTAPE5 0x30F1 PORT_PTBPE PTBPE7 PTBPE6 PTBPE5 PTBPE4 PTBPE3 PTBPE2 PTBPE1 PTBPE0 0x30F2 PORT_PTCPE PTCPE7 PTCPE6 PTCPE5 PTCPE4 PTCPE3 PTCPE2 PTCPE1 PTCPE0 0x30F3 PORT_PTDPE PTDPE7 PTDPE6 PTDPE5 PTDPE4 PTDPE3 PTDPE2 PTDPE1 PTDPE0 0x30F4 PORT_PTEPE INITTRI CH1TRI CH0TRI CH5TRI CH4TRI CH3TRI CH2TRI GEN G G G G G G -- -- -- POL2 POL1 POL0 FAULTF FAULTF FAULTF 2 1 0 -- FFVAL FFLTR3 FFLTR2 FFLTR1 FFLTR0 FAULT3 FAULT2 FAULT1 FAULT0 EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN -- -- -- FLTD -- -- -- FLTC -- -- FLTB -- -- -- FLTA -- FLTKBI0 FLTDIV2 -- -- FLTE FLTRST FLTDIV1 PTAPE3 PTAPE2 PTAPE1 PTAPE0 PTEPE4 PTEPE3 PTEPE2 PTEPE1 PTEPE0 0x30F5-0x30F7 Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x30F8 SYS_UUID1 ID63 ID62 ID61 ID60 ID59 ID58 ID57 ID56 0x30F9 SYS_UUID2 ID55 ID54 ID53 ID52 ID51 ID50 ID49 ID48 0x30FA SYS_UUID3 ID47 ID46 ID45 ID44 ID43 ID42 ID41 ID40 0x30FB SYS_UUID4 ID39 ID38 ID37 ID36 ID35 ID34 ID33 ID32 0x30FC SYS_UUID5 ID31 ID30 ID29 ID28 ID27 ID26 ID25 ID24 0x30FD SYS_UUID6 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20 ID19 ID18 ID17 ID16 0x30FE SYS_UUID7 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10 ID9 ID8 0x30FF SYS_UUID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3 ID2 ID1 ID0 Several reserved flash memory locations, shown in the following table, are used for storing values used by several registers. These registers include an 8-byte backdoor key, NV_BACKKEY, which can be used to gain access to secure memory resources. During reset events, the contents of NVPROT and NVOPT in the reserved flash memory are transferred into corresponding FPROT and FOPT registers in the high-page registers area to control security and block protection options. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 66 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-5. Reserved flash memory addresses Address Register Name Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0xFF70 NV_BACKKEY0 BACKKEY0 0xFF71 NV_BACKKEY1 BACKKEY1 0xFF72 NV_BACKKEY2 BACKKEY2 0xFF73 NV_BACKKEY3 BACKKEY3 0xFF74 NV_BACKKEY4 BACKKEY4 0xFF75 NV_BACKKEY5 BACKKEY5 0xFF76 NV_BACKKEY6 BACKKEY6 0xFF77 NV_BACKKEY7 0xFF78 Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0xFF79 Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0xFF7A Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0xFF7B Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0xFF7C NV_FPROT FPOPE N -- FPHDIS -- -- -- 0xFF7D NV_EEPROT DPOPE N 0xFF7E NV_FOPT 0xFF7F NV_FSEC BACKKEY7 FPH -- DPS NV KEYEN 1 1 1 1 SEC The 8-byte comparison key can be used to temporarily disengage memory security provided the key enable field, NV_FSEC[KEYEN], is 10b. This key mechanism can be accessed only through user code running in secure memory. A security key cannot be entered directly through background debug commands. This security key can be disabled completely by programming the NV_FSEC[KEYEN] bit to 0. If the security key is disabled, the only way to disengage security is by mass erasing the flash if needed, normally through the background debug interface and verifying that flash is blank. To avoid returning to secure mode after the next reset, program the security bits, NV_FSEC[SEC], to the unsecured state (10b). 4.4 Random-access memory (RAM) This section describes the 2048 bytes of RAM (random-access memory). These devices include static RAM. The locations in RAM below 0x0100 can be accessed using the more efficient direct addressing mode. Any single bit in this area can be accessed with the bit manipulation instructions (BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 67 Flash and EEPROM The RAM retains data when the MCU is in low-power wait, or stop3 mode. At power-on, the contents of RAM are uninitialized. RAM data is unaffected by any reset provided that the supply voltage does not drop below the minimum value for RAM retention. For compatibility with older M68HC05 MCUs, the HCS08 resets the stack pointer to 0x00FF. In this series, re-initialize the stack pointer to the top of the RAM so that the direct-page RAM can be used for frequently accessed RAM variables and bit-addressable program variables. Include the following 2-instruction sequence in your reset initialization routine (where RamLast is equated to the highest address of the RAM in the Freescale-provided equate file). LDHX TXS #RamLast+1 ;point one past RAM ;SP<-(H:X-1) When security is enabled, the RAM is considered a secure memory resource and is not accessible through BDM or code executing from non-secure memory. 4.5 Flash and EEPROM 4.5.1 Overview This device includes various configuration of flash and EEPROM. The controller for flash and EEPROM is ideal for single-supply applications for field programming without external high voltage sources for program or erase operations. The flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications that allow for field reprogramming without requiring external high voltage sources for program or erase operations. The flash module includes a memory controller that executes commands to modify flash memory contents. The user interface to the memory controller consists of the indexed flash common command object (FCCOB) register, which is written to with the command, global address, data, and any required command parameters. The memory controller must complete the execution of a command before the FCCOB register is written to with a new command. CAUTION A flash byte or longword must be in the erased state before being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits within a flash byte or longword is not allowed. The flash memory is read as bytes. Read access time is one bus cycle for bytes. For flash memory, an erased bit reads 1 and a programmed bit reads 0. It is possible to read from flash MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 68 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map memory while commands are being executed on EEPROM memory. It is not possible to read from EEPROM memory while a command (erase/program) is executing on flash memory. Simultaneous EEPROM memory are implemented with error correction codes (ECC) that can resolve single bit faults and detect double bit faults. The following figure shows the block diagram of the flash and EEPROM module. Command Interrupt Request Error Interrupt Request Bus Clock Flash Interface FLASH 4Kx32 Sector 0 Clock Divider Registers Sector 1 Protection Security NVM controller CPU Sector 31 EEPROM 256x8 Sector 0 Sector 1 Sector 127 Figure 4-2. Flash and EEPROM block diagram Flash features: * 16 KB of flash memory composed of one 16 KB flash block divided into 32 sectors of 512 bytes * Automated program and erase algorithm with verification * Fast sector erase and longword program operation * Ability to read the flash memory while programming a word in the EEPROM memory * Flexible protection scheme to prevent accidental program or erase of flash memory EEPROM features: * 256 bytes of EEPROM memory composed of one 256 byte EEPROM block divided into sectors of 2 bytes * Single bit fault correction and double bit fault detection within a word during read operations * Automated program and erase algorithm with verification and generation of ECC parity bits * Fast sector erase and byte program operation MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 69 Flash and EEPROM * Protection scheme to prevent accidental program or erase of EEPROM memory * Ability to program up to four bytes in a burst sequence Other features * No external high-voltage power supply required for flash memory program and erase operations * Interrupt generation on flash command completion and flash error detection * Security mechanism to prevent unauthorized access to the flash memory 4.5.2 Function descriptions Modes of operation The flash and EEPROM module provides the normal user mode of operation. The operating mode is determined by module-level inputs and affects the FCLKDIV, FCNFG, and EEPROT registers. Wait mode The flash and EEPROM module is not affected if the MCU enters wait mode. The flash module can recover the MCU from wait via the CCIF interrupt. See Flash and EEPROM interrupts. Stop mode If a flash and EEPROM command is active, that is, FSTAT[CCIF] = 0, when the MCU requests stop mode, the current NVM operation will be completed before the MCU is allowed to enter stop mode. Flash and EEPROM memory map The MCU places the flash memory between global address 0x0000 and 0xFFFF as shown in the following table. Not all flash are available to users because some addresses are overlapped with RAM, EEPROM, and registers. MC9S08PA16 contains a piece of 16 KB flash that is fully available for users. This flash block is divided into 32 sectors of 512 bytes. MC9S08PA8 contains a piece of 8 KB flash that is fully available for users. This flash block is divided into 16 sectors of 512 bytes. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 70 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-6. Flash memory addressing Device Global address Size (Bytes) Description User availability MC9S08PA16 0xC000 -- 0xFFFF 16 KB Flash block contains Sector [0:31]: fully flash configuration field available MC9S08PA8 0xE000 -- 0xFFFF 8 KB Flash block contains Sector [0:15]: fully flash configuration field available Flash and EEPROM initialization after system reset On each system reset, the flash and EEPROM module executes an initialization sequence that establishes initial values for the flash and EEPROM block configuration parameters, the FPROT and EEPROT protection registers, and the FOPT and FSEC registers. The initialization routine reverts to built-in default values that leave the module in a fully protected and secured state if errors are encountered during execution of the reset sequence. If a double bit fault is detected during the reset sequence, both FSTAT[MGSTAT] bits will be set. FSTAT[CCIF] is cleared throughout the initialization sequence. The NVM module holds off all CPU access for a portion of the initialization sequence. Flash and EEPROM reads are allowed after the hold is removed. Completion of the initialization sequence is marked by setting FSTAT[CCIF] high, which enables user commands. If a reset occurs while any flash or EEPROM command is in progress, that command will be immediately aborted. The state of the word being programmed or the sector/block being erased is not guaranteed. Flash and EEPROM command operations Flash and EEPROM command operations are used to modify flash and EEPROM memory contents. The command operations contain three steps: 1. Configure the clock for flash or EEPROM program and erase command operations. 2. Use command write sequence to set flash and EEPROM command parameters and launch execution. 3. Execute valid flash and EEPROM commands according to MCU functional mode and MCU security state. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 71 Flash and EEPROM The figure below shows a general flowchart of the flash or EEPROM command write sequence. START Read: FCLKDIV register Clock Divider Value Check FDIV Correct? No Read: FSTAT register Yes Read: FSTAT register FCCOB Availability Check CCIF Set? No NOTE: FCLKDIV must be set after each reset Yes No CCIF Set? Write: FCLKDIV register Yes Access Error and Protection Violation Check ACCERR or FPVIOL Set? No Results from previous Command Yes Write: FSTAT register Clear ACCERR FPVIOL 0x30 Write to FCCOBIX register to identify specific command parameter to load Write to FCCOB register to load required command parameter More Parameters? No Yes Write: FSTAT register (to launch command) Clear CCIF 0x80 Read: FSTAT register Bit Polling for Command Completion Check No CCIF Set? Yes END Figure 4-3. Generic flash and EEPROM command write sequence flowchart MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 72 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Writing the FCLKDIV register Prior to issuing any flash and EEPROM program or erase command after a reset, the user is required to write the FCLKDIV register to divide BUSCLK down to a target FCLK of 1MHz. The following table shows recommended values for the FDIV field based on BUSCLK frequency. Table 4-7. FDIV values for various BUSCLK frequencies BUSCLK frequency FDIV[5:0] (MHz) MIN1 MAX2 1.0 1.6 0x00 1.6 2.6 0x01 2.6 3.6 0x02 3.6 4.6 0x03 4.6 5.6 0x04 5.6 6.6 0x05 6.6 7.6 0x06 7.6 8.6 0x07 8.6 9.6 0x08 9.6 10.6 0x09 10.6 11.6 0x0A 11.6 12.6 0x0B 12.6 13.6 0x0C 13.6 14.6 0x0D 14.6 15.6 0x0E 15.6 16.6 0x0F 16.6 17.6 0x10 17.6 18.6 0x11 18.6 19.6 0x12 19.6 20.0 0x13 1. BUSCLK is greater than this value 2. BUSCLK is less than or equal to this value CAUTION Programming or erasing the flash and EEPROM memory cannot be performed if the bus clock runs at less than 0.8 MHz. Setting FCLKDIV[FDIV] too high can destroy the flash and EEPROM memory due to overstress. Setting FCLKDIV[FDIV] too low can result in incomplete programming or erasure of the flash and EEPROM memory cells. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 73 Flash and EEPROM When the FCLKDIV register is written, the FCLKDIV[FDIVLD] bit is set automatically. If the FCLKDIV[FDIVLD] bit is 0, the FCLKDIV register has not been written since the last reset. If the FCLKDIV register has not been written, any flash and EEPROM program or erase command loaded during a command write sequence will not execute and the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit will be set. Command write sequence The memory controller will launch all valid flash and EEPROM commands entered using a command write sequence. Before launching a command, the FSTAT[ACCERR] and FSTAT[FPVIOL] bits must be clear and the FSTAT[CCIF] flag will be tested to determine the status of the current command write sequence. If FSTAT[CCIF] is 0, indicating that the previous command write sequence is still active, a new command write sequence cannot be started and all writes to the FCCOB register are ignored. The FCCOB parameter fields must be loaded with all required parameters for the flash and EEPROM command being executed. Access to the FCCOB parameter fields is controlled via FCCOBIX[CCOBIX] bits. Flash and EEPROM command mode uses the indexed FCCOB register to provide a command code and its relevant parameters to the memory controller. First, the user must set up all required FCCOB field. Then they can initiate the command's execution by writing a 1 to the FSTAT[CCIF] bit. This action clears the CCIF command completion flag to 0. When the user clears the FSTAT[CCIF] bit all FCCOB parameter field are locked and cannot be changed by the user until the command completes (evidenced by the memory controller returning FSTAT[CCIF] to1). Some commands return information to the FCCOB register array. The generic format for the FCCOB parameter fields in flash and EEPROM command mode is shown in the following table. The return values are available for reading after the FSTAT[CCIF] flag has been returned to 1 by the memory controller. Writes to the unimplemented parameter fields, FCCOBIX[CCOBIX] =110b and FCCOBIX[CCOBIX] = 111b, are ignored with read from these fields returning 0x0000. The table below shows the generic flash command format. The high byte of the first word in the CCOB array contains the command code, followed by the parameters for this specific flash command. For details on the FCCOB settings required by each command, see the flash command descriptions in Flash and EEPROM command summary . MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 74 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-8. FCCOB - flash and EEPROM command mode typical usage CCOBIX[2:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 Byte FCCOB parameter fields in flash and EEPROM command mode HI FCMD[7:0] defining flash command LO Global address [23:16] HI Global address [15:8] LO Global address [7:0] HI Data 0 [15:8] LO Data 0 [7:0] HI Data 1 [15:8] LO Data 1 [7:0] HI Data 2 [15:8] LO Data 2 [7:0] HI Data 3 [15:8] LO Data 3 [7:0] The contents of the FCCOB parameter fields are transferred to the memory controller when the user clears the FSTAT[CCIF] command completion flag by writing 1. The CCIF flag will remain clear until the flash and EEPROM command has completed. Upon completion, the memory controller will return FSTAT[CCIF] to 1 and the FCCOB register will be used to communicate any results. The following table presents the valid flash and EEPROM commands, as enabled by the combination of the functional MCU mode with the MCU security state of unsecured or secured. MCU secured state is selected by NVM_FSEC[SEC]. Table 4-9. Flash and EEPROM commands by mode and security state Unsecured Secured U1 U2 Erase verify all blocks * * 0x02 Erase verify block * * 0x03 Erase verify flash section * N/A 0x04 Read once * N/A 0x06 Program flash * N/A 0x07 Program once * N/A 0x08 Erase all block * * 0x09 Erase flash block * * 0x0A Erase flash sector * N/A 0x0B Unsecure NVM N/A * 0x0C Verify backdoor access key * * FCMD Command 0x01 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 75 Flash and EEPROM Table 4-9. Flash and EEPROM commands by mode and security state (continued) Unsecured Secured U1 U2 Set user margin level * N/A 0x10 Erase verify EEPROM section * * 0x11 Program EEPROM * N/A 0x12 Erase EEPROM sector * N/A FCMD Command 0x0D 1. Unsecured User mode 2. Secured User mode Flash and EEPROM interrupts The flash and EEPROM module can generate an interrupt when a flash command operation has completed or when a flash and EEPROM command operation has detected an ECC fault. Table 4-10. Flash interrupt source Interrupt source Flash and EEPROM command complete ECC double bit fault on flash and EEPROM read ECC single bit fault on flash and EEPROM read Interrupt flag Local enable Global (CCR) mask CCIF CCIE (FSTAT register) (FCNFG register) DFDIF DFDIE (FERSTAT register) (FERCNFG register) SFDIF SFDIE (FERSTAT register) (FERCNFG register) I Bit I Bit I Bit Description of flash and EEPROM interrupt operation The flash module uses the FSTAT[CCIF] flag in combination with the FCNFG[CCIE] interrupt enable bit to generate the flash command interrupt request. The flash module uses the DFDIF and SFDIF flags in combination with the FERSTAT[DFDIE] and FERSTAT[SFDIE] interrupt enable bits to generate the flash error interrupt request. The logic used for generating the flash module interrupts is shown in the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 76 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Flash and EEPROM Command Complete Interrupt Request CCIE CCIF CPU Interrupt DFDIE DFDIF Flash and EEPROM Error Interrupt Request SFDIE SFDIF Figure 4-4. Flash and EEPROM module interrupts implementation Protection The FPROT register can be set to protect regions in the flash memory from accidental programming or erasing. Two separate memory regions, one growing downward from global address 0xFFFF in the flash memory, called the higher region; and the remaining addresses in the flash memory, can be activated for protection. The flash memory addresses covered by these protectable regions are shown in the flash memory map. The higher address region is mainly targeted to hold the boot loader code because it covers the vector space. 0x0000 Flash START = 0xC000 0xD000 Protection Movable End Flash Protected/Unprotected Higher Region 2, 4, 8, 16 Kbytes 0xE000 0xF000 Protection Fixed End 0xF800 0xFFFF Flash Configuration Field 16 bytes (0xFF70 0xFF7F) Figure 4-5. Flash protection memory map Default protection settings as well as security information that allows the MCU to restrict access to the flash module are stored in the flash configuration field as described in the table below. Table 4-11. Flash configuration field Global address Size (Bytes) 0xFF70 -- 0xFF771 8 Description Backdoor comparison key. See Verify backdoor access key command and Unsecuring the MCU using backdoor key access. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 77 Flash and EEPROM Table 4-11. Flash configuration field (continued) Global address Size (Bytes) Description 0xFF78 -- 0xFF7B 4 Reserved 0xFF7C1 1 Flash protection byte 0xFF7D1 1 EEPROM protection byte 0xFF7E1 1 Flash nonvolatile byte 0xFF7F1 1 Flash security byte 1. 0xFF78-0xFF7F for a flash phrase and must be programmed in a single command write sequence. Each byte in the 0xFF78-0xFF7B reserved field must be programmed to 0xFF. The flash and EEPROM module provides protection to the MCU. During the reset sequence, the FPROT register is loaded with the contents of the flash protection byte in the flash configuration field at global address 0xFF7C in flash memory. The protection functions depend on the configuration of bit settings in FPORT register. Table 4-12. Flash protection function FPOPEN FPHDIS Function1 1 1 No flash protection 1 0 Protected high range 0 1 Full flash memory protected 0 0 Unprotected high range 1. For range sizes, see Table 4. The flash protection scheme can be used by applications requiring reprogramming in single chip mode while providing as much protection as possible if reprogramming is not required. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 78 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map FPHDIS = 1 FPHDIS = 0 FPHDIS = 1 FPHDIS = 0 Scenario 3 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 0 FPOPEN = 1 FPOPEN = 1 FPOPEN = 0 FPOPEN = 0 Flash Start Address FPHS[1:0] 0xFFFF Unprotected region Protected region with size defined by FPHS Protected region not defined by FPHS Figure 4-6. Flash protection scenarios The general guideline is that flash protection can only be added and not removed. The following table specifies all valid transitions between flash protection scenarios. Any attempt to write an invalid scenario to the FPROT register will be ignored. The contents of the FPROT register reflect the active protection scenario. See the FPROT[FPHS] and FPROT[FPLS] bit descriptions for additional restrictions. Table 4-13. Flash protection scenario transitions From protection scenario To protection scenario 0 0 1 x x 1 2 3 x 2 3 x x x x x x The flash protection address range is listed in the following two tables regarding the scenarios in the table above. Table 4-14. Flash protection higher address range FPHS[1:0] Global address range Protected size 00 0xF800 - 0xFFFF 2 Kbytes 01 0xF000 - 0xFFFF 4 Kbytes 10 0xE000 - 0xFFFF 8 Kbytes 11 0xC000 - 0xFFFF 16 Kbytes MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 79 Flash and EEPROM During the reset sequence, fields NVM_EEPROT[DPOPEN] and NVM_EEPROT[DPS] are loaded with the contents of the EEPROM protection byte in the flash configuration field at global address 0xFF7D located in flash memory. EEPROM protection address range is specified by the NVM_EEPROT[DPS]. Table 4-15. EEPROM protection address range DPS[2:0] Global address range Protected size 000 0x3100 - 0x311F 32 bytes 001 0x3100 - 0x313F 64 bytes 010 0x3100 - 0x315F 96 bytes 011 0x3100 - 0x317F 128 bytes 100 0x3100 - 0x319F 160 bytes 101 0x3100 - 0x31BF 192 bytes 110 0x3100 - 0x31DF 224 bytes 111 0x3100 - 0x31FF 256 bytes All possible flash protection scenarios are shown in Figure 4-6. Although the protection scheme is loaded from the flash memory at global address 0xFF7C during the reset sequence, it can be changed by the user. Security The flash and EEPROM module provides security information to the MCU. The flash security state is defined by the NVM_FSEC[SEC] bits. During reset, the flash module initializes the NVM_FSEC register using data read from the security byte of the flash and EEPROM configuration field at global address 0xFF7F. The security state out of reset can be permanently changed by programming the security byte, assuming that the MCU is starting from a mode where the necessary flash and EEPROM erase and program commands are available and that the upper region of the flash is unprotected. If the flash security byte is successfully programmed, its new value will take affect after the next MCU reset. The following subsections describe these security-related subjects: * Unsecuring the MCU using backdoor key access * Unsecuring the MCU using BDM * Mode and security effects on flash and EEPROM command availability MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 80 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Unsecuring the MCU using backdoor key access The MCU may be unsecured by using the backdoor key access feature which requires knowledge of the contents of the backdoor keys, which are four 16-bit words programmed at addresses 0xFF70-0xFF77. If the KEYEN[1:0] bits are in the enabled state, the verify backdoor access key command - see Verify backdoor access key command, allows the user to present four prospective keys for comparison to the keys stored in the flash and EEPROM memory via the memory controller. If the keys presented in the verify backdoor access key command match the backdoor keys stored in the flash and EEPROM memory, the FSEC[SEC] bits will be changed to unsecure the MCU. Key values of 0x0000 and 0xFFFF are not permitted as backdoor keys. While the Verify Backdoor Access Key command is active, flash memory and EEPROM memory will not be available for read access and will return invalid data. The user code stored in the flash memory must have a method of receiving the backdoor keys from an external stimulus. This external stimulus would typically be through one of the on-chip serial ports. If the KEYEN[1:0] bits are in the enabled state, the MCU can be unsecured by the backdoor key access sequence described below: 1. Follow the command sequence for the verify backdoor access key command as explained in Verify backdoor access key command. 2. If the verify backdoor access key command is successful, the MCU is unsecured and the FSEC[SEC] bits are forced to the unsecure state of 10. The verify backdoor access key command is monitored by the memory controller and an illegal key will prohibit future use of the verify backdoor access key command. A reset of the MCU is the only method to re-enable the verify backdoor access key command. The security as defined in the flash and EEPROM security byte (0xFF7F) is not changed by using the verify backdoor access key command sequence. The backdoor keys stored in addresses 0xFF70-0xFF77 are unaffected by the verify backdoor access key command sequence. The verify backdoor access key command sequence has no effect on the program and erase protections defined in the flash and EEPROM protection register, FPORT. After the backdoor keys have been correctly matched, the MCU will be unsecured. After the MCU is unsecured, the sector containing the flash and EEPROM security byte can be erased and the flash and EEPROM security byte can be reprogrammed to the unsecure state, if desired. In the unsecure state, the user has full control of the contents of the backdoor keys by programming addresses 0xFF70-0xFF77 in the flash configuration field. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 81 Flash and EEPROM Unsecuring the MCU using BDM A secured MCU can be unsecured by using the following method to erase the flash and EEPROM memory: 1. Reset the MCU. 2. Set FCDIV register as described in Writing the FCLKDIV register. 3. Configure registers NVM_FERSTAT and NVM_FPROT to disable protection in the flash and EEPROM memory. 4. Execute the erase all blocks command write sequence to erase the flash and EEPROM memory. Alternately, the unsecure NVM command can be executed. If the flash and EEPROM memory are verified as erased, the MCU will be unsecured. All BDM. commands will now be enabled and the flash security byte may be programmed to the unsecure state by continuing with the steps that follow. 5. Execute the program flash command write sequence to program the flash security byte to the unsecured state. 6. Reset the MCU. Mode and security effects on flash and EEPROM command availability The availability of flash and EEPROM module commands depends on the MCU operating mode and security state as shown in Table 4-9. Flash and EEPROM commands Flash commands The following table summarizes the valid flash commands as well as the effects of the commands on the flash block and other resources within the flash and EEPROM module. Table 4-16. Flash commands FCMD Command Function on flash memory 0x01 Erase verify all blocks 0x02 Erase verify block 0x03 Erase verify flash section 0x04 Read Once Verify that all flash (and EEPROM) blocks are erased Verify that a flash block is erased Verify that a given number of words starting at the address provided are erased Read a dedicated 64 byte field in the nonvolatile information register in flash block that was previously programmed using the program once command Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 82 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-16. Flash commands (continued) FCMD Command Function on flash memory 0x06 Program flash Program up to two longwords in a flash block 0x07 Program once Program a dedicated 64 byte field in the nonvolatile information register in flash block that is allowed to be programmed only once Erase all flash and EEPROM blocks 0x08 An erase of all flash blocks is possible only when the FPROT[FPHDIS], and FPROT[FPOEN] bits and the EEPROT[DPOPEN] bit are set prior to launching the command Erase all block Erase a flash or EEPROM block 0x09 Erase flash block An erase of the full flash block is possible only when FPROT[FPHDIS], and FPROT[FPOEN] bits are set prior to launching the command 0x0A Erase flash sector Erase all bytes in a flash sector 0x0B Unsecure flash Supports a method of releasing MCU security by erasing all flash (and EEPROM) blocks and verifying that all flash (and EEPROM) blocks are erased 0x0C Verify backdoor access key Supports a method of releasing MCU security by verifying a set of security keys 0x0D Set user margin level Specifies a user margin read level for all flash blocks EEPROM commands The following table summarizes the valid EEPROM commands along with the effects of the commands on the EEPROM block. Table 4-17. EEPROM commands FCMD Command Function on flash memory 0x01 Erase verify all blocks 0x02 Erase verify block Verify that all EEPROM (and flash) blocks are erased. Verify that an EEPROM block is erased. Erase all EEPROM and flash blocks 0x08 Erase all block An erase of all EEPROM blocks is possible only when the FPROT[FPHDIS], and FPROT[FPOEN] bits and the DPOPEN bit in the EEPORT register are set prior to launching the command. Erase a EEPROM and flash block 0x09 Erase EEPROM Block 0x0B Unsecure EEPROM 0x0D Set User Margin Level Specifies a user margin read level for all flash blocks. 0x10 Erase Verify EEPROM Section Verify that a given number of bytes starting at the address provided are erased. 0x11 Program EEPROM Program up to four bytes in the EEPROM block. 0x12 Erase EEPROM Sector Erase all bytes in a sector of the EEPROM block. An erase of the full flash block is possible only when FPROT[FPHDIS] and FPROT[FPOPEN] bits are set prior to launching the command. Supports a method of releasing MCU security by erasing all EEPROM and flash blocks and verifying that all EEPROM and flash blocks are erased. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 83 Flash and EEPROM Allowed simultaneous flash and EEPROM operations Only the operations marked 'OK' in the following table are permitted to be run simultaneously on the flash and EEPROM blocks. Some operations cannot be executed simultaneously because certain hardware resources are shared by the two memories. The priority has been placed on permitting flash reads while program and erase operations execute on the EEPROM, providing read (flash) while write (EEPROM) functionality. Table 4-18. Allowed simultaneous flash and EEPROM operations Program flash Read EEPROM Read Margin read Program Sector erase OK OK OK Mass erase Margin Read1 Program Sector Erase Mass Erase2 OK 1. A 'Margin read' is any read after executing the margin setting commands 'Set user margin level' or 'Set field margin level' with anything but the 'normal' level specified. See the Note on margin settings in 2. The 'Mass erase' operations are commands 'Erase all blocks' and 'Erase flash block' Flash and EEPROM command summary This section provides details of all available flash commands launched by a command write sequence. The FSTAT[ACCERR] bit will be set during the command write sequence if any of the following illegal steps are performed, causing the command not to be processed by the memory controller: * Starting any command write sequence that programs or erases flash memory before initializing the FLCKDIV register. * Writing an invalid command as part of the command write sequence. * For additional possible errors, refer to the error handling table provided for each command. If a flash block is read during the execution of an algorithm (FSTAT[CCIF] = 0) on that same block, the read operation will return invalid data if both flags FERSTAT[SFDIF] and FERSTAT[DFDIF] are set. If the FERSTAT[SFDIF] or FERSTAT[DFDIF] flags were not previously set when the invalid read operation occurred, both the FERSTAT[SFDIF] and FERSTAT[DFDIF] flags will be set. If the FSTAT[ACCERR] or FSTAT[FPVIOL] bits are set, the user must clear these bits before starting any command write sequence. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 84 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map CAUTION An EEPROM byte or flash longword must be in the erased state before being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits within an EEPROM byte or flash longword is not allowed. Erase verify all blocks command The erase verify all blocks command will verify that all flash and EEPROM blocks have been erased. Table 4-19. Erase verify all blocks command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x01 Not required Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the erase verify all blocks command, the memory controller will verify that the entire flash memory space is erased. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the erase verify all blocks operation has completed. If all blocks are not erased, it means blank check failed and both NVM_FSTAT[MGSTAT] bits will be set. Table 4-20. Erase verify all blocks command error handling Register Error bit Error condition ACCERR Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 000 at command launch FPVIOL NVM_FSTAT None MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the read1 or if blank check failed MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the read or if blank check failed 1. As found in the memory map for NVM Erase verify block command The erase verify block command allows the user to verify that an entire flash or EEPROM block has been erased. The FCCOB global address [23:0] bits determine which block must be verified. Table 4-21. Erase verify block command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x02 Global address [23:16] to identify Flash block1 001 Global address [15:0] in flash block to be verified MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 85 Flash and EEPROM 1. Global address [23] selects between flash (0) or EEPROM (1) block, that can otherwise eventually share the same address on the MCU global memory map. Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the erase verify block command, the memory controller will verify that the selected flash or EEPROM block is erased. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the erase verify block operation has completed. If the block is not erased, it means blank check failed and both NVM_FSTAT[MGSTAT] bits will be set. Table 4-22. Erase verify block command error handling Register Error bit Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 000 at command launch ACCERR Set if an invalid global address [23:0] is supplied1 FPVIOL FSTAT None MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the read or if blank check failed MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the read or if blank check failed 1. As found in the memory map for NVM Erase verify flash section command The erase verify flash section command will verify that a section of code in the flash memory is erased. The erase verify flash section command defines the starting point of the code to be verified and the number of longwords. Table 4-23. Erase verify flash section command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x03 Global address [23:16] of flash block 001 Global address [15:0] of the first longwords to be verified 010 Number of long words to be verified Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the erase verify flash section command, the memory controller will verify that the selected section of flash memory is erased. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the erase verify flash section operation has completed. If the section is not erased, it means blank check failed and both FSTAT[MGSTAT] bits will be set. Table 4-24. Erase verify flash section command error handling Register Error bit Error condition FSTAT ACCERR Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 010 at command launch Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 86 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-24. Erase verify flash section command error handling (continued) Register Error bit Error condition Set if command not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Set if an invalid global address [23:0] is supplied (see Table 4-6)1 Set if a misaligned long words address is supplied (global address[1:0] != 00) Set if the requested section crosses flash address boundary FPVIOL None MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the read2 or if blank check failed MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the read2 or if blank check failed 1. As defined by the memory map for NVM 2. As found in the memory map for NVM Read once command The read once command provides read access to a reserved 64 byte field (8 phrase) located in the nonvolatile information register of flash. The read once field can only be programmed once and can not be erased. It can be used to store the product ID or any other information that can be written only once. It is programmed using the program once command described in Program once command. To avoid code runaway, the read once command must not be executed from the flash block containing the program once reserved field. Table 4-25. Read once command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] 000 FCCOB parameters 0x04 Not required 001 Read once phrase index (0x0000 - 0x0007) 010 Read once word 0 value 011 Read once word 1 value 100 Read once word 2 value 101 Read once word 3 value Upon clearing FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the read once command, a read once phrase is fetched and stored in the FCCOB indexed register. The FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the read once operation has completed. Valid phrase index values for the read once command range from 0x0000 to 0x0007. During execution of the read once command, any attempt to read addresses within flash block will return invalid data. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 87 Flash and EEPROM Table 4-26. Read once command error handling Register Error bit Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 001 at command launch ACCERR Set if an invalid phrase index is supplied FSTAT Set if command is not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) FPVIOL None MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the read MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the read Program flash command The program flash operation will program up to two previously erased longwords in the flash memory using an embedded algorithm. Note A flash phrase must be in the erased state before being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits within a flash phrase is not allowed. Table 4-27. Program flash command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x06 Global address [23:16] to identify flash block 001 Global address [15:0] of longwords location to be programmed1 010 Word 0 (longword 0) program value 011 Word 1 (longword 0) program value 100 Word 2 (longword 1) program value 101 Word 3 (longword 1) program value 1. Global address [1:0] must be 00. Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the program flash command, the memory controller will program the data words to the supplied global address and will then proceed to verify the data words read back as expected. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the program flash operation has completed. Table 4-28. Program flash command error handling Register Error bit Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] 011 or 101 at command launch NVM_FSTAT ACCERR Set if command not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Set if an invalid global address [23:0] is supplied (see Table 4-6)1 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 88 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-28. Program flash command error handling (continued) Register Error bit Error condition Set if a misaligned longword address is supplied (global address [1:0] != 00) Set if the requested group of words breaches the end of the flash block. FPVIOL Set if the global address [23:0] points to a protected data MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the verify operation MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the verify operation 1. As defined by the memory map of NVM Program once command The program once command restricts programming to a reserved 64 byte field (8 phrases) in the nonvolatile information register located in flash. The program once reserved field can be read using the read once command as described in Read once command. The program once command must be issued only because the nonvolatile information register in flash cannot be erased. To avoid code runaway, the read once command must not be executed from the flash block containing the program once reserved field. Table 4-29. Program once command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] 000 FCCOB parameters 0x07 Not required 001 Program Once phrase index (0x000 - 0x0007) 010 Program once Word 0 value 011 Program once Word 1value 100 Program once Word 2 value 101 Program once Word 3 value Upon clearing FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the program once command, the memory controller first verifies that the selected phrase is erased. If erased, then the selected phrase will be programmed and then verified with read back. The FSTAT[CCIF] flag will remain clear, setting only after the program once operation has completed. The reserved nonvolatile information register accessed by the program once command cannot be erased, and any attempt to program one of these phrases a second time will not be allowed. Valid phrase index values for the program once command range from 0x0000 to 0x0007. During execution of the program once command, any attempt to read addresses within flash will return invalid data. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 89 Flash and EEPROM Table 4-30. Program once command error handling Register Error bit Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 101 at command launch ACCERR Set if command not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Set if an invalid phrase index is supplied Set if the requested phrase has already been programmed1 FSTAT FPVIOL None MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the verify operation MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the verify operation 1. If a program once phrase is initially programmed to 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF, the program once command will be allowed to execute again on that same phrase. Erase all blocks command The erase all blocks operation will erase the entire flash and EEPROM memory space. Table 4-31. Erase all blocks command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x08 Not required Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the erase all blocks command, the memory controller will erase the entire NVM memory space and verify that it is erased. If the memory controller verifies that the entire NVM memory space was properly erased, security will be released. Therefore, the device is in unsecured state. During the execution of this command (NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] = 0) the user must not write to any NVM module register. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the erase all blocks operation has completed. Table 4-32. Erase all blocks command error handling Register Error bit ACCERR NVM_FSTAT FPVIOL Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] 000 at command launch Set if command not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Set if any area of the flash or EEPROM memory is protected MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the verify operation1 MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the verify operation1 1. As found in the memory map for NVM MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 90 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Erase flash block command The erase flash block operation will erase all addresses in a flash or EEPROM block. Table 4-33. Erase flash block command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] FCCOB parameters 000 Global address [23:16] to identify flash block1 0x09 001 Global address[15:0] in flash block to be erased 1. Global address [23] selects between flash (0) or EEPROM (1) block, that can otherwise eventually share the same address on the MCU global memory map. Upon clearing FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the erase flash block command, the memory controller will erase the selected flash block and verify that it is erased. The FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the erase flash block operation has completed. Table 4-34. Erase flash block command error handling Register Error Bit Error Condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 001 at command launch ACCERR Set if command not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Set if an invalid global address [23:16] is supplied1 FSTAT FPVIOL Set if an area of the selected flash block is protected MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the verify operation2 MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the verify operation2 1. As defined by the memory map for NVM 2. As found in the memory map for NVM Erase flash sector command The erase flash sector operation will erase all addresses in a flash sector. Table 4-35. Erase flash sector command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] FCCOB parameters 000 001 0x0A Global address [23:16] to identify flash block to be erased Global address [15:0] anywhere within the sector to be erased. Refer to Overview for the flash sector size Upon clearing FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the erase flash sector command, the memory controller will erase the selected flash sector and then verify that it is erased. The FSTAT[CCIF] flag will be set after the erase flash sector operation has completed. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 91 Flash and EEPROM Table 4-36. Erase flash sector command error handling Register Error bit Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 001 at command launch Set if command not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) ACCERR Set if an invalid global address [23:16] is supplied.1 (see Table 4-6) Set if a misaligned longword address is supplied (global address [1:0] != 00) FSTAT FPVIOL Set if the selected flash sector is protected MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the verify operation MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the verify operation 1. As defined by the memory map for NVM Unsecure flash command The unsecure flash command will erase the entire flash and EEPROM memory space, and if the erase is successful, will release security. Table 4-37. Unsecure flash command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] FCCOB parameters 000 0x0B Not required Upon clearing FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the unsecure flash command, the memory controller will erase the entire flash and EEPROM memory space and verify that it is erased. If the memory controller verifies that the entire flash and EEPROM memory space was properly erased, security will be released. If the erase verify is not successful, the unsecure flash operation sets FSTAT[MGSTAT1] and terminates without changing the security state. During the execution of this command (FSTAT[CCIF] = 0), the user must not write to any flash and EEPROM module register. The FSTAT[CCIF] flag is set after the unsecure flash operation has completed. Table 4-38. Unsecure flash command error handling Register Error bit ACCERR FSTAT FPVIOL Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 000 at command launch Set if command is not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Set if any area of the flash or EEPROM memory is protected MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the verify operation1 MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the verify operation1 1. As found in the memory map for NVM MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 92 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Verify backdoor access key command The verify backdoor access key command will execute only if it is enabled by the NVM_FSEC[KEYEN] bits. The verify backdoor access key command releases security if user-supplied keys match those stored in the flash security bytes of the flash configuration field. See Table 4-6 for details. The code that performs verifying backdoor access command must be running from RAM or EEPROM. Table 4-39. Verify backdoor access key command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x0C Not required 001 Key 0 010 Key 1 011 Key 2 100 Key 3 Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the verify backdoor access key command, the memory controller will check the NVM_FSEC[KEYEN] bits to verify that this command is enabled. If not enabled, the memory controller sets the NVM_FSTAT[ACCERR] bit. If the command is enabled, the memory controller compares the key provided in FCCOB to the backdoor comparison key in the flash configuration field with Key 0 compared to 0xFF70, and so on. If the backdoor keys match, security will be released. If the backdoor keys do not match, security is not released and all future attempts to execute the verify backdoor access key command are aborted (set NVM_FSTAT[ACCERR]) until a reset occurs. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag is set after the verify backdoor access key operation has completed. Table 4-40. Verify backdoor access key command error handling Register Error bit Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] 100 at command launch ACCERR NVM_FSTAT Set if an incorrect backdoor key is supplied Set if backdoor key access has not been enabled (KEYEN[1:0] 10 Set if the backdoor key has mismatched since the last reset FPVIOL None MGSTAT1 None MGSTAT0 None MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 93 Flash and EEPROM Set user margin level command The user margin is a small delta to the normal read reference level and, in effect, is a minimum safety margin. That is, if the reads pass at the tighter tolerances of the user margins, the normal reads have at least that much safety margin before users experience data loss. The set user margin level command causes the memory controller to set the margin level for future read operations of the flash or EEPROM block. Table 4-41. Set user margin level command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x0D Global address [23:16] to identify flash block1 001 Global address [15:0] to identify flash block 010 Margin level setting 1. Global Address [23] selects between flash (0) or EEPROM (1) block, that can otherwise eventually share the same address on the MCU global memory map. Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the set user margin level command, the memory controller will set the user margin level for the targeted block and then set the NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag. Note When the EEPROM block is targeted, the EEPROM user margin levels are applied only to the EEPROM reads. However, when the Flash block is targeted, the flash user margin levels are applied to both Flash and EEPROM reads. It is not possible to apply user margin levels to the flash block only. Valid margin level settings for the set user margin level command are defined in the following tables. Table 4-42. Valid set user margin level settings CCOB Level description (CCOBIX = 010) 0x0000 Return to normal level 0x0001 User margin-1 level1 0x0002 User margin-0 level2 1. Read margin to the erased state 2. Read margin to the programmed state MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 94 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-43. Set user margin level command error handling Register Error bit Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] != 010 at command launch Set if command is not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) ACCERR Set if an invalid global address [23:0] is supplied NVM_FSTAT Set if an invalid margin level setting is supplied FPVIOL None MGSTAT1 None MGSTAT0 None Note User margin levels can be used to check that NVM memory contents have adequate margin for normal level read operations. If unexpected results are encountered when checking NVM memory contents at user margin levels, a potential loss of information has been detected. Erase verify EEPROM section command The erase verify EEPROM section command will verify that a section of code in the EEPROM is erased. The erase verify EEPROM section command defines the starting point of the data to be verified and the number of bytes. Table 4-44. Erase verify EEPROM section command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x10 Global address [23:16] to identify the EEPROM block 001 Global address [15:0] of the first byte to be verified 010 Number of bytes to be verified Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the erase verify that EEPROM section command, the memory controller will verify the selected section of EEPROM memory is erased. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the erase verify EEPROM section operation has completed. If the section is not erased, which means that blank check failed, both NVM_FSTAT[MGSTAT] bits will be set. Table 4-45. Erase verify EEPROM section command error handling Register Error bit FSTAT ACCERR Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] 010 at command launch Set if command is not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 95 Flash and EEPROM Table 4-45. Erase verify EEPROM section command error handling (continued) Register Error bit Error condition Set if an invalid global address [23:0] is supplied Set if the requested section breaches the end of the EEPROM block FPVIOL None MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the read or if blank check failed MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the read or it blank check failed. Program EEPROM command The program EEPROM operation programs one to four previously erased bytes in the EEPROM block. The program EEPROM operation will confirm that the targeted location(s) were successfully programmed upon completion. Note A EEPROM byte must be in the erased state before being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits within a EEPROM byte is not allowed. Table 4-46. Program EEPROM command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x11 Global address [23:16] to identify the EEPROM block 001 Global address [15:0] of the first word to be verified 010 Byte 0 program value 011 Byte 1 program value, if desired 100 Byte 2 program value, if desired 101 Byte 3 program value, if desired Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the program EEPROM command, the user-supplied words will be transferred to the memory controller and be programmed if the area is unprotected. The CCOBIX index value at program EEPROM command launch determines how many bytes will be programmed in the EEPROM block. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag is set when the operation has completed. Table 4-47. Program EEPROM command error handling Register Error Bit NVM_FSTAT ACCERR Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] < 010 at command launch Set if CCOBIX[2:0] >101 at command launch Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 96 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Table 4-47. Program EEPROM command error handling (continued) Register Error Bit Error condition Set if command is not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Set if an invalid global address [23:0] is supplied Set if the requested group of words breaches the end of the EEPROM block FPVIOL Set if the selected area of the EEPROM memory is protected MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the verify operation MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the verify operation Erase EEPROM sector command The erase EEPROM sector operation will erase all addresses in a sector of the EEPROM block. Table 4-48. Erase EEPROM sector command FCCOB requirements CCOBIX[2:0] NVM_FCCOBHI parameters NVM_FCCOBLO parameters 000 0x12 Global address [23:16] to identify EEPROM block 001 Global address [15:0] anywhere within the sector to be erased. See Overview for EEPROM sector size Upon clearing NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] to launch the erase EEPROM sector command, the memory controller will erase the selected EEPROM sector and verify that it is erased. The NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] flag will set after the erase EEPROM sector operation has completed. Table 4-49. Erase EEPROM sector command error handling Register Error bit Error condition Set if CCOBIX[2:0] 001 at command launch ACCERR Set if command is not available in current mode (see Table 4-9) Set if an invalid global address [23:0] is supplied (see Table 4-6) NVM_FSTAT FPVIOL Set if the selected area of the EEPROM memory is protected MGSTAT1 Set if any errors have been encountered during the verify operation MGSTAT0 Set if any non-correctable errors have been encountered during the verify operation MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 97 Flash and EEPROM registers descriptions 4.6 Flash and EEPROM registers descriptions The flash module contains a set of 16 user control and status registers located between 0x3020 and 0x302F. In the case of the writable registers, the write accesses are forbidden during flash command execution. For more details, see Caution note in Flash and EEPROM memory map. A summary of the flash module registers is given in the following table with detailed descriptions in the following subsections. NVM memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 3020 Flash Clock Divider Register (NVM_FCLKDIV) 8 R/W 00h 4.6.1/98 3021 Flash Security Register (NVM_FSEC) 8 R Undefined 4.6.2/99 3022 Flash CCOB Index Register (NVM_FCCOBIX) 8 R/W 00h 4.6.3/100 3024 Flash Configuration Register (NVM_FCNFG) 8 R/W 00h 4.6.4/100 3025 Flash Error Configuration Register (NVM_FERCNFG) 8 R/W 00h 4.6.5/101 3026 Flash Status Register (NVM_FSTAT) 8 R/W 80h 4.6.6/102 3027 Flash Error Status Register (NVM_FERSTAT) 8 R/W 00h 4.6.7/103 3028 Flash Protection Register (NVM_FPROT) 8 R Undefined 4.6.8/104 3029 EEPROM Protection Register (NVM_EEPROT) 8 R/W Undefined 4.6.9/105 302A Flash Common Command Object Register:High (NVM_FCCOBHI) 8 R/W 00h 4.6.10/106 302B Flash Common Command Object Register: Low (NVM_FCCOBLO) 8 R/W 00h 4.6.11/107 302C Flash Option Register (NVM_FOPT) 8 R Undefined 4.6.12/107 4.6.1 Flash Clock Divider Register (NVM_FCLKDIV) The FCLKDIV register is used to control timed events in program and erase algorithms. NOTE The FCLKDIV register must not be written while a flash command is executing (NVM_FSTAT[CCIF] = 0) Address: 3020h base + 0h offset = 3020h Bit Read 7 FDIVLD Write Reset 0 6 5 4 3 FDIVLCK 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 FDIV 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 98 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map NVM_FCLKDIV field descriptions Field Description 7 FDIVLD Clock Divider Loaded 6 FDIVLCK Clock Divider Locked FDIV 0 1 0 1 FCLKDIV register has not been written since the last reset. FCLKDIV register has been written since the last reset. FDIV field is open for writing. FDIV value is locked and cannot be changed. After the lock bit is set high, only reset can clear this bit and restore writability to the FDIV field in user mode. Clock Divider Bits FDIV[5:0] must be set to effectively divide BUSCLK down to 1MHz to control timed events during flash program and erase algorithms. Refer to the table in the Writing the FCLKDIV register for the recommended values of FDIV based on the BUSCLK frequency. 4.6.2 Flash Security Register (NVM_FSEC) The FSEC register holds all bits associated with the security of the MCU and NVM module. All bits in the FSEC register are readable but not writable. During the reset sequence, the FSEC register is loaded with the contents of the flash security byte in the flash configuration field at global address 0xFF7F located in flash memory. See Security for security function. Address: 3020h base + 1h offset = 3021h Bit 7 Read 6 5 4 KEYEN 3 2 1 Reserved 0 SEC Write Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. NVM_FSEC field descriptions Field 7-6 KEYEN Description Backdoor Key Security Enable Bits The KEYEN[1:0] bits define the enabling of backdoor key access to the flash module. NOTE: 01 is the preferred KEYEN state to disable backdoor key access. 00 01 10 11 Disabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 99 Flash and EEPROM registers descriptions NVM_FSEC field descriptions (continued) Field 5-2 Reserved SEC Description This field is reserved. Flash Security Bits The SEC[1:0] bits define the security state of the MCU. If the flash module is unsecured using backdoor key access, the SEC bits are forced to 10. NOTE: 01 is the preferred SEC state to set MCU to secured state. 00 01 10 11 Secured Secured Unsecured Secured 4.6.3 Flash CCOB Index Register (NVM_FCCOBIX) The FCCOBIX register is used to index the FCCOB register for NVM memory operations. Address: 3020h base + 2h offset = 3022h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 CCOBIX 0 0 0 0 0 NVM_FCCOBIX field descriptions Field Description 7-3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CCOBIX Common Command Register Index The CCOBIX bits are used to select which word of the FCCOB register array is being read or written to. 4.6.4 Flash Configuration Register (NVM_FCNFG) The FCNFG register enables the flash command complete interrupt and forces ECC faults on flash array read access from the CPU. Address: 3020h base + 4h offset = 3024h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 0 CCIE 0 5 0 4 3 0 IGNSF 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 FDFD FSFD 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 100 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map NVM_FCNFG field descriptions Field 7 CCIE Description Command Complete Interrupt Enable The CCIE bit controls interrupt generation when a flash command has completed. 0 1 6-5 Reserved 4 IGNSF This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Ignore Single Bit Fault The IGNSF controls single bit fault reporting in the FERSTAT register. 0 1 3-2 Reserved 1 FDFD All single bit faults detected during array reads are reported. Single bit faults detected during array reads are not reported and the single bit fault interrupt will not be generated. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Force Double Bit Fault Detect The FDFD bit allows the user to simulate a double bit fault during flash array read operations and check the associated interrupt routine. The FDFD bit is cleared by writing a 0 to FDFD. 0 1 0 FSFD Command complete interrupt disabled. An interrupt will be requested whenever the CCIF flag in the FSTAT register is set. Flash array read operations will set the FERSTAT[DFDIF] flag only if a double bit fault is detected. Any flash array read operation will force the FERSTAT[DFDIF] flag to be set and an interrupt will be generated as long as the DFDIE interrupt enable in the FERCNFG register is set. Force Single Bit Fault Detect The FSFD bit allows the user to simulate a single bit fault during flash array read operations and check the associated interrupt routine. The FSFD bit is cleared by writing a 0 to FSFD. 0 1 Flash array read operations will set the SFDIF flag in the FERSTAT register only if a single bit fault is detected. Flash array read operation will force the SFDIF flag in the FERSTAT register to be set and an interrupt will be generated as long as the SFDIE interrupt enable in the FERCNFG register is set. 4.6.5 Flash Error Configuration Register (NVM_FERCNFG) The FERCNFG register enables the flash error interrupts for the FERSTAT flags. Address: 3020h base + 5h offset = 3025h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 DFDIE SFDIE 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 101 Flash and EEPROM registers descriptions NVM_FERCNFG field descriptions Field 7-2 Reserved 1 DFDIE Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Double Bit Fault Detect Interrupt Enable The DFDIE bit controls interrupt generation when a double bit fault is detected during a flash block read operation. 0 1 0 SFDIE DFDIF interrupt disabled. An interrupt will be requested whenever the DFDIF flag is set. Single Bit Fault Detect Interrupt Enable The SFDIE bit controls interrupt generation when a single bit fault is detected during a flash block read operation. 0 1 SFDIF interrupt disabled whenever the SFDIF flag is set. An interrupt will be requested whenever the SFDIF flag is set. 4.6.6 Flash Status Register (NVM_FSTAT) The FSTAT register reports the operational status of the flash and EEPROM module. Address: 3020h base + 6h offset = 3026h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 CCIF 1 5 0 0 4 ACCERR FPVIOL 0 0 3 2 MGBUSY 0 0 0 1 0 MGSTAT 0 0 NVM_FSTAT field descriptions Field 7 CCIF Description Command Complete Interrupt Flag The CCIF flag indicates that a flash command has completed. The CCIF flag is cleared by writing a 1 to CCIF to launch a command and CCIF will stay low until command completion or command violation. 0 1 Flash command in progress. Flash command has completed. 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 ACCERR Flash Access Error Flag The ACCERR bit indicates an illegal access has occurred to the flash memory caused by either a violation of the command write sequence or issuing an illegal flash command. While ACCERR is set, the CCIF flag cannot be cleared to launch a command. The ACCERR bit is cleared by writing a 1 to ACCERR. Writing a 0 to the ACCERR bit has no effect on ACCERR. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 102 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map NVM_FSTAT field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 4 FPVIOL Flash Protection Violation Flag The FPVIOL bit indicates an attempt was made to program or erase an address in a protected area of flash or EEPROM memory during a command write sequence. The FPVIOL bit is cleared by writing a 1 to FPVIOL. Writing a 0 to the FPIOL bit has no effect on FPIOL. While FPIOL is set, it is not possible to launch a command or start a command write sequence. 0 1 3 MGBUSY No access error detected. Access error detected. No protection violation detected. Protection violation detected. Memory Controller Busy Flag The MGBUSY flag reflects the active state of the memory controller. 0 1 Memory controller is idle. Memory controller is busy executing a flash command (CCIF = 0). 2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MGSTAT Memory Controller Command Completion Status Flag One or more MGSTAT flag bits are set if an error is detected during execution of a flash command or during the flash reset sequence. NOTE: Reset value can deviate from the value shown if a double bit fault is detected during the reset sequence. 4.6.7 Flash Error Status Register (NVM_FERSTAT) The FERSTAT register reflects the error status of internal flash and EEPROM operations. Address: 3020h base + 7h offset = 3027h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 DFDIF SFDIF 0 0 NVM_FERSTAT field descriptions Field 7-2 Reserved 1 DFDIF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Double Bit Fault Detect Interrupt Flag The setting of the DFDIF flag indicates that a double bit fault was detected in the stored parity and data bits during a flash array read operation or that a flash array read operation returning invalid data was Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 103 Flash and EEPROM registers descriptions NVM_FERSTAT field descriptions (continued) Field Description attempted on a flash block that was under a flash command operation. The DFDIF flag is cleared by writing a 1 to DFDIF. Writing a 0 to DFDIF has no effect on DFDIF. NOTE: The single bit fault and double bit fault flags are mutually exclusive for parity errors, meaning that an ECC fault occurrence can be either single fault or double fault but never both. A simultaneous access collision, when the flash array read operation is returning invalid data attempted while a command is running, is indicated when both SFDIF and DFDIF flags are high. NOTE: There is a one cycle delay in storing the ECC DFDIF and SFDIF fault flags in the register. At least one NOP is required after a flash memory read before checking FERSTAT for the occurrence of EEC errors. 0 1 0 SFDIF No double bit fault detected. Double bit fault detected or a flash array read operation returning invalid data was attempted while command running. Single Bit Fault Detect Interrupt Flag With the IGNSF bit in the FCNFG register clear, the SFDIF flag indicates that a single bit fault was detected in the stored parity and data bits during a flash array read operation or that a flash array read operation returning invalid data was attempted on a flash block that was under a flash command operation. The SFDIF flag is cleared by writing a 1 to SFDIF. Writing a 0 to SFDIF has no effect on SRFDIF. 0 1 No single bit fault detected. Single bit fault detected and corrected or a flash array read operation returning invalid data was attempted while command running. 4.6.8 Flash Protection Register (NVM_FPROT) The FPROT register defines which flash sectors are protected against program and erase operations. The unreserved bits of the FPROT register are writable with the restriction that the size of the protected region can only be increased (see Protection). During the reset sequence, the FPROT register is loaded with the contents of the flash protection byte in the flash configuration field at global address 0xFF7C located in flash memory. To change the flash protection that will be loaded during the reset sequence, the upper sector of the flash memory must be unprotected, then the flash protection byte must be reprogrammed. Trying to alter data in any protected area in the flash memory will result in a protection violation error and the FPVIOL bit will be set in the FSTAT register. The block erase of a flash block is not possible if any of the flash sectors contained in the same flash block are protected. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 104 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map Address: 3020h base + 8h offset = 3028h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 FPOPEN 1 FPHDIS x* x* x* 4 3 2 FPHS x* 1 0 0 x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. NVM_FPROT field descriptions Field 7 FPOPEN Description Flash Protection Operation Enable The FPOPEN bit determines the protection function for program or erase operations. 0 1 6 Reserved 5 FPHDIS This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1. Flash Protection Higher Address Range Disable The FPHDIS bit determines whether there is a protected/unprotected area in a specific region of the flash memory ending with global address 0xFFFF. 0 1 4-3 FPHS Reserved When FPOPEN is clear, the FPHDIS and FPLDIS bits define unprotected address ranges as specified by the corresponding FPHS and FPLS bits. When FPOPEN is set, the FPHDIS and FPLDIS bits enable protection for the address range specified by the corresponding FPHS and FPLS bits. Protection/Unprotection enabled. Protection/Unprotection disabled. Flash Protection Higher Address Size The FPHS bits determine the size of the protected/unprotected area in flash memory. The FPHS bits can be written to only while the FPHDIS bit is set. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4.6.9 EEPROM Protection Register (NVM_EEPROT) The EEPROT register defines which EEPROM sectors are protected against program and erase operations. The unreserved bits of the EEPROT register are writable with the restriction that protection can be added but not removed. Writes must increase the DPS value and the DPOPEN bit can only be written from 1, protection disabled, to 0, protection enabled. If the DPOPEN bit is set, the state of the DPS bits is irrelevant. During the reset sequence, fields DPOPEN and DPS of the EEPROT register are loaded with the contents of the EEPROM protection byte in the flash configuration field at global address 0xFF7D located in flash memory. To change the EEPROM protection that MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 105 Flash and EEPROM registers descriptions will be loaded during the reset sequence, the flash sector containing the EEPROM protection byte must be unprotected. Then the EEPROM protection byte must be programmed. Trying to alter data in any protected area in the EEPROM memory will result in a protection violation error and the FPVIOL bit will be set in the FSTAT register. Block erase of the EEPROM memory is not possible if any of the EEPROM sectors are protected. Address: 3020h base + 9h offset = 3029h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 DPOPEN x* 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* 0 DPS x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. NVM_EEPROT field descriptions Field 7 DPOPEN Description EEPROM Protection Control 0 1 6-3 Reserved DPS Enables EEPROM memory protection from program and erase with protected address range defined by DPS bits. Disables EEPROM memory protection from program and erase. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. EEPROM Protection Size These bits determine the size of the protected area in the EEPROM memory. 4.6.10 Flash Common Command Object Register:High (NVM_FCCOBHI) The FCCOB is an array of six words addressed via the CCOBIX index found in the FCCOBIX register. Byte-wide reads and writes are allowed to the FCCOB register. Address: 3020h base + Ah offset = 302Ah Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CCOB 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 106 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory map NVM_FCCOBHI field descriptions Field CCOB Description Common Command Object Bit 15:8 High 8 bits of common command object register 4.6.11 Flash Common Command Object Register: Low (NVM_FCCOBLO) The FCCOB is an array of six words addressed via the CCOBIX index found in the FCCOBIX register. Byte-wide reads and writes are allowed to the FCCOB register. Address: 3020h base + Bh offset = 302Bh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CCOB 0 0 0 0 NVM_FCCOBLO field descriptions Field CCOB Description Common Command Object Bit 7:0 Low 8 bits of common command object register 4.6.12 Flash Option Register (NVM_FOPT) The FOPT register is the flash option register. During the reset sequence, the FOPT register is loaded from the flash nonvolatile byte in the flash configuration field at global address 0xFF7E located in flash memory as indicated by reset condition. Address: 3020h base + Ch offset = 302Ch Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* NV Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 107 Flash and EEPROM registers descriptions NVM_FOPT field descriptions Field NV Description Nonvolatile Bits The NV[7:0] bits are available as nonvolatile bits. During the reset sequence, the FOPT register is loaded from the flash nonvolatile byte in the flash configuration field at global address 0xFF7E located in flash memory. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 108 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Interrupt 5.1 Interrupts Interrupts save the current CPU status and registers, execute an interrupt service routine (ISR), and then restore the CPU status so that processing resumes where it left off before the interrupt. Other than the software interrupt (SWI), which is a program instruction, interrupts are caused by hardware events such as an edge on the IRQ pin or a timeroverflow event. The debug module can also generate an SWI under certain circumstances. If an event occurs in an enabled interrupt source, an associated read-only status flag will be set. The CPU will not respond unless only the local interrupt enable is a logic 1. The I bit in the CCR is 0 to allow interrupts. The global interrupt mask (I bit) in the CCR is initially set after reset that masks (prevents) all maskable interrupt sources. The user program initializes the stack pointer and performs other system setups before clearing the I bit to allow the CPU to respond to interrupts. When the CPU receives a qualified interrupt request, it completes the current instruction before responding to the interrupt. The interrupt sequence obeys the same cycle-by-cycle sequence as the SWI instruction and consists of: * Saving the CPU registers on the stack. * Setting the I bit in the CCR to mask further interrupts. * Fetching the interrupt vector for the highest-priority interrupt that is currently pending. * Filling the instruction queue with the first three bytes of program information starting from the address fetched from the interrupt vector locations. While the CPU is responding to the interrupt, the I bit is automatically set to prevent another interrupt from interrupting the ISR itself, which is called nesting of interrupts. Normally, the I bit is restored to 0 when the CCR is restored from the value stacked on MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 109 Interrupts entry to the ISR. In rare cases, the I bit may be cleared inside an ISR, after clearing the status flag that generated the interrupt, so that other interrupts can be serviced without waiting for the first service routine to finish. This practice is recommended only for the most experienced programmers because it can lead to subtle program errors that are difficult to debug. The interrupt service routine ends with a return-from-interrupt (RTI) instruction that restores the CCR, A, X, and PC registers to their pre-interrupt values by reading the previously saved information off the stack. Note For compatibility with the M68HC08, the H register is not automatically saved and restored. Push H onto the stack at the start of the interrupt service routine (ISR) and restore it immediately before the RTI that is used to return from the ISR. When two or more interrupts are pending when the I bit is cleared, the highest priority source is serviced first. 5.1.1 Interrupt stack frame The following figure shows the contents and organization of a stack frame. Before the interrupt, the stack pointer (SP) points at the next available byte location on the stack. The current values of CPU registers are stored on the stack, starting with the low-order byte of the program counter (PC) and ending with the CCR. After stacking, the SP points at the next available location on the stack, which is the address that is one less than the address where the CCR was saved. The PC value that is stacked is the address of the instruction in the main program that would have executed next if the interrupt had not occurred. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 110 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Interrupt UNSTACKING ORDER TOWARD LOWER ADDRESSES 7 0 5 1 4 2 3 3 * X) INDEX REGISTER (LOW BYTE 2 4 PROGRAM COUNTER HIGH 1 5 PROGRAM COUNTER LOW CONDITION CODE REGISTER SP AFTER INTERRUPT STACKING ACCUMULATOR STACKING ORDER SP BEFORE THE INTERRUPT TOWARD HIGHER ADDRESSES * High byte (H) of index register is not automatically stacked. Figure 5-1. Interrupt stack frame When an RTI instruction executes, these values are recovered from the stack in reverse order. As part of the RTI sequence, the CPU fills the instruction pipeline by reading three bytes of program information, starting from the PC address recovered from the stack. The status flag causing the interrupt must be acknowledged (cleared) before returning from the ISR. Typically, the flag must be cleared at the beginning of the ISR because if another interrupt is generated by this source it will be registered so that it can be serviced after completion of the current ISR. 5.1.2 Interrupt vectors, sources, and local masks The following table provides a summary of all interrupt sources. High-priority sources are located toward the bottom of the table. The high-order byte of the address for the interrupt service routine is located at the first address in the vector address column, and the low-order byte of the address for the interrupt service routine is located at the next higher address. When an interrupt condition occurs, an associated flag bit is set. If the associated local interrupt enable is 1, an interrupt request is sent to the CPU. If the global interrupt mask (I bit in the CCR) is 0, the CPU finishes the current instruction, stacks the PCL, PCH, X, A, and CCR CPU registers, sets the I bit, and then fetches the interrupt vector for the highest priority pending interrupt. Processing then continues in the interrupt service routine. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 111 Interrupts Table 5-1. Vector summary (from lowest to highest priority) Vector number Address (high/ low) Vector name Module Source Local enable CCIF 39 0xFFB0:FFB1 Vnvm NVM DFDIF Description CCIE NVM command complete interrupt SFDIF 38 0xFFB2:FFB3 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 37 0xFFB4:FFB5 Vkeyboard0 KBI0 KBF KBIE Keyboard interrupt 0 36 0xFFB6:FFB7 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 35 0xFFB8:FFB9 Vrtc RTC RTIF RTIE RTC overflow 34 0xFFBA:FFBB Viic IIC IICIF IICIE IIC 33 0xFFBC:FFBD Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused SPRF SPIE SPI0 receive MODF SPIE SPI0 mode fault SPTEF SPTIE SPI0 transmit SPMF SPMIE SPI0 match 32 0xFFBE:FFBF Vspi0 SPI0 31 0xFFC0:FFC1 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 30 0xFFC2:FFC3 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 29 0xFFC4:FFC5 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 28 0xFFC6:FFC7 Vsci1tx SCI1 TRDE TIE TC TCIE IDLE ILIE RDRF RIE LBKDIF LBKDIE RXEDGIF RXEDGIE OR ORIE NF NEIE FE FEIE PF PEIE TRDE TIE TC TCIE IDLE ILIE RDRF RIE LBKDIF LBKDIE RXEDGIF RXEDGIE OR ORIE NF NEIE FE FEIE PF PEIE 27 26 25 24 23 0xFFC8:FFC9 0xFFCA:FFCB 0xFFCC:FFCD 0xFFCE:FFCF 0xFFD0:FFD1 Vsci1rx Vsci1err Vsci0tx Vsci0rx Vsci0err SCI1 SCI1 SCI0 SCI0 SCI0 SCI1 transmit SCI1 receive SCI1 error SCI0 transmit SCI0 receive SCI0 error Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 112 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Interrupt Table 5-1. Vector summary (from lowest to highest priority) (continued) Vector number Address (high/ low) Vector name Module Source Local enable Description 22 0xFFD2:FFD3 Vadc ADC COCO AIEN ADC conversion complete interrupt 21 0xFFD4:FFD5 Vacmp ACMP ACF ACIE Analog comparator interrupt 20 0xFFD6:FFD7 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 19 0xFFD8:FFD9 Vmtim0 MTIM0 TOF TOIE MTIM0 overflow interrupt 18 0xFFDA:FFDB Vftm0ovf FTM0 TOF TOIE FTM0 overflow 17 0xFFDC:FFDD Vftm0ch1 FTM0CH1 CH1F CH1IE FTM0 channel 1 16 0xFFDE:FFDF Vftm0ch0 FTM0CH0 CH0F CH0IE FTM0 channel 0 15 0xFFE0:FFE1 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 14 0xFFE2:FFE3 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 13 0xFFE4:FFE5 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 12 0xFFE6:FFE7 Vftm2ovf FTM2 TOF TOIE FTM2 overflow 11 0xFFE8:FFE9 Vftm2ch5 FTM2CH5 CH5F CH5IE FTM2 channel 5 10 0xFFEA:FFEB Vftm2ch4 FTM2CH4 CH4F CH4IE FTM2 channel 4 9 0xFFEC:FFED Vftm2ch3 FTM2CH3 CH3F CH3IE FTM2 channel 3 8 0xFFEE:FFEF Vftm2ch2 FTM2CH2 CH2F CH2IE FTM2 channel 2 7 0xFFF0:FFF1 Vftm2ch1 FTM2CH1 CH1F CH1IE FTM2 channel 1 6 0xFFF2:FFF3 Vftm2ch0 FTM2CH0 CH0F CH0IE FTM2 channel 0 5 0xFFF4:FFF5 Vftm2fault FTM2 FAULTF FAULTIE FTM2 fault 4 0xFFF6:FFF7 Vclk ICS LOLS LOLIE Clock loss of lock 3 0xFFF8:FFF9 Vlvw System control LVWF LVWIE Low-voltage warning 2 0xFFFA:FFFB Vwdog WDOG WDOGF WDOGI WDOG timeout Virq IRQ IRQF IRQIE IRQ interrupt 1 0xFFFC:FFFD Vswi Core SWI Instruction -- Software interrupt WDOGE Watchdog timer LVDRE Low-voltage detect WDOG LVD RESET pin 0 0xFFFE:FFFF Vreset System control Illegal opcode Illegal address POR ICS BDFR RSTPE -- -- -- -- External pin Illegal opcode Illegal address Power-on-reset CME ICS loss of clk reset -- BDM force reset MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 113 Interrupts 5.1.3 Hardware nested interrupt This device has interrupt priority controller (IPC) module to provide up to four-level nested interrupt capability. IPC includes the following features: * Four-level programmable interrupt priority for each interrupt source. * Support for prioritized preemptive interrupt service routines * Low-priority interrupt requests are blocked when high-priority interrupt service routines are being serviced. * Higher or equal priority level interrupt requests can preempt lower priority interrupts being serviced. * Automatic update of interrupt priority mask with being serviced interrupt source priority level when the interrupt vector is being fetched. * Interrupt priority mask can be modified during main flow or interrupt service execution. * Previous interrupt mask level is automatically stored when interrupt vector is fetched (four levels of previous values accommodated) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 114 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Interrupt Inputs Outputs INTIN0 INTOUT0 + v ILR0[1:0] INTIN1 INTOUT1 ILR1[1:0] . . . v + . . . . . . . . . INTOUT47 INTIN47 ILR0 . . . ILR47 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ILR47[1:0] Stop 1 + v ILR Register Content CPU 0 00 IPCE (IPC Enable) DECODE AND SHIFT LOGIC IPMPS (Interrupt Priority Mask Pseudo Stack Register) IPM [1 :0] [1:0] [1:0] [1:0] [1:0] Two bits are pushed during vector fetch Two bits are pulled by software (PULIPM = 1) 6 ADDRESS[5:0] VFETCH Figure 5-2. Interrupt priority controller block diagram The IPC works with the existing HCS08 interrupt mechanism to allow nested interrupts with programmable priority levels. This module also allows implementation of preemptive interrupt according to the programmed interrupt priority with minimal software overhead. The IPC consists of three major functional blocks: * The interrupt priority level registers * The interrupt priority level comparator set * The interrupt mask register update and restore mechanism MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 115 Interrupts Interrupt priority level register This set of registers is associated with the interrupt sources to the HCS08 CPU. Each interrupt priority level is a 2-bit value such that a user can program the interrupt priority level of each source to priority 0, 1, 2, or 3. Level 3 has the highest priority while level 0 has the lowest. Software can read or write to these registers at any time. The interrupt priority level comparator set, interrupt mask register update, and restore mechanism use this information. Interrupt priority level comparator set When the module is enabled, an active interrupt request forces a comparison between the corresponding ILR and the 2-bit interrupt mask IPM[1:0]. In stop3 mode, the IPM[1:0] is substituted by value 00b. If the ILR value is greater than or equal to the value of the interrupt priority mask (IPM bits in IPCSC), the corresponding interrupt out (INTOUT) signal will be asserted and signals an interrupt request to the HCS08 CPU. When the module is disabled, the interrupt request signal from the source is directly passed to the CPU. The interrupt priority level programmed in the interrupt priority register will not affect the inherent interrupt priority arbitration as defined by the HCS08 CPU because the IPC is an external module. Therefore, if two (or more) interrupts are present in the HCS08 CPU at the same time, the inherent priority in HCS08 CPU will perform arbitration by the inherent interrupt priority. Interrupt priority mask update and restore mechanism The interrupt priority mask (IPM) is two bits located in the least significant end of IPCSC register. These two bits control which interrupt is allowed to be presented to the HCS08 CPU. During vector fetch, the interrupt priority mask is updated automatically with the value of the ILR corresponding to that interrupt source. The original value of the IPM will be saved onto IPMPS for restoration after the interrupt service routine completes execution. When the interrupt service routine completes execution, the user restore the original value of IPM by writing 1 to the IPCSC[PULIPM] bit. In both cases, the IPMPS is a shift register functioning as a pseudo stack register for storing the IPM. When the IPM is updated, the original value is shifted into IPMPS. The IPMPS can store four levels of IPM. If the last position of IPMPS is written, the PSF flag indicates that the IPMPS is full. If all the values in the IPMPS were read, the PSE flag indicates that the IPMPS is empty. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 116 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Interrupt Integration and application of the IPC All interrupt inputs that comes from peripheral modules are synchronous signals. None of the asynchronous signals of the interrupts are routed to IPC. The asynchronous signals of the interrupts are routed directly to SIM module to wake system clocks in stop3 mode. Additional care must be exercised when IRQ is reprioritized by IPC. CPU instructions BIL and BIH need input from IRQ pin. If IRQ interrupt is masked, BIL and BIH still work but the IRQ interrupt will not occur. * The interrupt priority controller must be enabled to function. While inside an interrupt service routine, some work has to be done to enable other higher priority interrupts. The following is a pseudo code example written in assembly language: INT_SER : BCLR . . . . . CLI enabled . . . . BSET RTI INTFLAG,INTFLAG_R ; clear flag that generate interrupt ; do the most critical part ; which it cannot be interrupted ; global interrupt enable and nested interrupt ; continue the less critical PULIPM, PULIPM_R ; restore the old IPM value before leaving ; then you can return * A minimum overhead of six bus clock cycles is added inside an interrupt services routine to enable preemptive interrupts. * As an interrupt of the same priority level is allowed to pass through IPC to HCS08 CPU, the flag generating the interrupt must be cleared before doing CLI to enable preemptive interrupts. * The IPM is automatically updated to the level the interrupt is servicing and the original level is kept in IPMPS. Watch out for the full (PSF) bit if nesting for more than four levels is expected. * Before leaving the interrupt service routine, the previous levels must be restored manually by setting PULIPM bit. Watch out for the full (PSF) bit and empty (PSE) bit. 5.2 IRQ The IRQ (external interrupt) module provides a maskable interrupt input. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 117 IRQ 5.2.1 Features Features of the IRQ module include: * A Dedicated External Interrupt Pin * IRQ Interrupt Control Bits * Programmable Edge-only or Edge and Level Interrupt Sensitivity * Automatic Interrupt Acknowledge * Internal pullup device A low level applied to the external interrupt request (IRQ) pin can latch a CPU interrupt request. The following figure shows the structure of the IRQ module: IRQACK RESET SYNCHRONIZER BUSCLK VDD 1 IRQ 0 IRQF D S CLR Q SYNCHRONIZER CK IRQPE STOP IRQEDG To pullup enable logic for IRQ IRQPDD TO CPU FOR BIL/BIH INSTRUCTIONS IRQMOD STOP BYPASS IRQIE TO INTERNAL MODULES WAKE-UP INPUTS IRQ INTERRUPT REQUEST Figure 5-3. IRQ module block diagram External interrupts are managed by the IRQSC status and control register. When the IRQ function is enabled, synchronous logic monitors the pin for edge-only or edge-and-level events. When the MCU is in stop mode and system clocks are shut down, a separate asynchronous path is used so that the IRQ, if enabled, can wake the MCU. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 118 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Interrupt Pin configuration options The IRQ pin enable control bit (IRQSC[IRQPE]) must be 1 for the IRQ pin to act as the IRQ input. The user can choose the polarity of edges or levels detected (IRQEDG), whether the pin detects edges-only or edges and levels (IRQMOD), or whether an event causes an interrupt or only sets the IRQF flag, which can be polled by software. When enabled, the IRQ pin defaults to use an internal pullup device (IRQSC[IRQPDD] = 0). If the user uses an external pullup or pulldown, the IRQSC[IRQPDD] can be written to a 1 to turn off the internal device. BIH and BIL instructions may be used to detect the level on the IRQ pin when it is configured to act as the IRQ input. Note This pin does not contain a clamp diode to VDD and must not be driven above VDD. The voltage measured on the internally pullup IRQ pin may be as low as VDD - 0.7 V. The internal gates connected to this pin are pulled all the way to VDD. When enabling the IRQ pin for use, the IRQF will be set, and must be cleared prior to enabling the interrupt. When configuring the pin for falling edge and level sensitivity in a 3 V system, it is necessary to wait at least cycles between clearing the flag and enabling the interrupt. Edge and level sensitivity The IRQSC[IRQMOD] control bit reconfigures the detection logic so that it can detect edge events and pin levels. In this detection mode, the IRQF status flag is set when an edge is detected, if the IRQ pin changes from the de-asserted to the asserted level, but the flag is continuously set and cannot be cleared as long as the IRQ pin remains at the asserted level. 5.3 Interrupt pin request register IRQ memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name 3B Interrupt Pin Request Status and Control Register (IRQ_SC) Width Access (in bits) 8 R/W Reset value Section/ page 00h 5.3.1/120 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 119 Interrupt pin request register 5.3.1 Interrupt Pin Request Status and Control Register (IRQ_SC) This direct page register includes status and control bits, which are used to configure the IRQ function, report status, and acknowledge IRQ events. Address: 3Bh base + 0h offset = 3Bh Bit 7 Read 0 Write Reset 0 6 5 4 IRQPDD IRQEDG IRQPE 0 0 0 3 2 IRQF 0 IRQACK 0 0 1 0 IRQIE IRQMOD 0 0 IRQ_SC field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6 IRQPDD Interrupt Request (IRQ) Pull Device Disable This read/write control bit is used to disable the internal pullup device when the IRQ pin is enabled (IRQPE = 1) allowing for an external device to be used. 0 1 5 IRQEDG Interrupt Request (IRQ) Edge Select This read/write control bit is used to select the polarity of edges or levels on the IRQ pin that cause IRQF to be set. The IRQMOD control bit determines whether the IRQ pin is sensitive to both edges and levels or only edges. When the IRQ pin is enabled as the IRQ input and is configured to detect rising edges, the optional pullup resistor is disabled. 0 1 4 IRQPE This read/write control bit enables the IRQ pin function. When this bit is set the IRQ pin can be used as an interrupt request. IRQ pin function is disabled. IRQ pin function is enabled. IRQ Flag This read-only status bit indicates when an interrupt request event has occurred. 0 1 2 IRQACK IRQ is falling edge or falling edge/low-level sensitive. IRQ is rising edge or rising edge/high-level sensitive. IRQ Pin Enable 0 1 3 IRQF IRQ pull device enabled if IRQPE = 1. IRQ pull device disabled if IRQPE = 1. No IRQ request. IRQ event detected. IRQ Acknowledge This write-only bit is used to acknowledge interrupt request events (write 1 to clear IRQF). Writing 0 has no meaning or effect. Reads always return 0. If edge-and-level detection is selected (IRQMOD = 1), IRQF cannot be cleared while the IRQ pin remains at its asserted level. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 120 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Interrupt IRQ_SC field descriptions (continued) Field 1 IRQIE Description IRQ Interrupt Enable This read/write control bit determines whether IRQ events generate an interrupt request. 0 1 0 IRQMOD Interrupt request when IRQF set is disabled (use polling). Interrupt requested whenever IRQF = 1. IRQ Detection Mode This read/write control bit selects either edge-only detection or edge-and-level detection. 0 1 IRQ event on falling/rising edges only. IRQ event on falling/rising edges and low/high levels. 5.4 Interrupt priority control register IPC memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 3E IPC Status and Control Register (IPC_SC) 8 R/W 20h 5.4.1/122 3F Interrupt Priority Mask Pseudo Stack Register (IPC_IPMPS) 8 R 00h 5.4.2/123 3050 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS0) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3051 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS1) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3052 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS2) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3053 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS3) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3054 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS4) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3055 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS5) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3056 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS6) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3057 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS7) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3058 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS8) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 3059 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRS9) 8 R/W 00h 5.4.3/123 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 121 Interrupt priority control register 5.4.1 IPC Status and Control Register (IPC_SC) This register contains status and control bits for the IPC. Address: 3Eh base + 0h offset = 3Eh Bit Read Write Reset 7 IPCE 0 6 5 4 3 2 0 PSE PSF 0 0 1 IPM PULIPM 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 IPC_SC field descriptions Field 7 IPCE Description Interrupt Priority Controller Enable This bit enables/disables the interrupt priority controller module. 0 1 6 Reserved Disables IPCE. Interrupt generated from the interrupt source is passed directly to CPU without processing (bypass mode). The IPMPS register is not updated when the module is disabled. Enables IPCE and interrupt generated from the interrupt source is processed by IPC before passing to CPU. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 PSE Pseudo Stack Empty 4 PSF Pseudo Stack Full This bit indicates that the pseudo stack has no valid information. This bit is automatically updated after each IPMPS register push or pull operation. This bit indicates that the pseudo stack register IPMPS register is full. It is automatically updated after each IPMPS register push or pull operation. If additional interrupt is nested after this bit is set, the earliest interrupt mask value(IPM0[1:0]) stacked in IPMPS will be lost. 0 1 3 PULIPM Pull IPM from IPMPS This bit pulls stacked IPM value from IPMPS register to IPM bits of IPCSC. Zeros are shifted into bit positions 1 and 0 of IPMPS. 0 1 2 Reserved IPM IPMPS register is not full. IPMPS register is full. No operation. Writing 1 to this bit causes a 2-bit value from the interrupt priority mask pseudo stack register to be pulled to the IPM bits of IPCSC to restore the previous IPM value. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Interrupt Priority Mask This field sets the mask for the interrupt priority control. If the interrupt priority controller is enabled, the interrupt source with an interrupt level (ILRxx) value that is greater than or equal to the value of IPM will be presented to the CPU. Writes to this field are allowed, but doing this will not push information to the Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 122 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Interrupt IPC_SC field descriptions (continued) Field Description IPMPS register. Writing IPM with PULIPM setting when IPCE is already set, the IPM will restore the value pulled from the IPMPS register, not the value written to the IPM register. 5.4.2 Interrupt Priority Mask Pseudo Stack Register (IPC_IPMPS) This register is used to store the previous interrupt priority mask level temporarily when the currently active interrupt is executed. Address: 3Eh base + 1h offset = 3Fh Bit 7 Read 6 5 IPM3 4 3 IPM2 2 1 IPM1 0 IPM0 Write Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IPC_IPMPS field descriptions Field Description 7-6 IPM3 Interrupt Priority Mask pseudo stack position 3 5-4 IPM2 Interrupt Priority Mask pseudo stack position 2 3-2 IPM1 Interrupt Priority Mask pseudo stack position 1 IPM0 Interrupt Priority Mask pseudo stack position 0 This field is the pseudo stack register for IPM3. The most recent information is stored in IPM3. This field is the pseudo stack register for IPM2. The most recent information is stored in IPM2. This field is the pseudo stack register for IPM1. The most recent information is stored in IPM1. This field is the pseudo stack register for IPM0. The most recent information is stored in IPM0. 5.4.3 Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRSn) This set of registers (ILRS0-ILRS9) contains the user specified interrupt level for each interrupt source, and indicates the number of the register (ILRSn is ILRS0 through ILRS9). Address: 3Eh base + 3012h offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 9d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 ILRn3 0 4 3 ILRn2 0 0 2 1 ILRn1 0 0 0 ILRn0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 123 Interrupt priority control register IPC_ILRSn field descriptions Field Description 7-6 ILRn3 Interrupt Level Register for Source n*4+3 5-4 ILRn2 Interrupt Level Register for Source n*4+2 3-2 ILRn1 Interrupt Level Register for Source n*4+1 ILRn0 Interrupt Level Register for Source n*4+0 This field sets the interrupt level for interrupt source n*4+3. This field sets the interrupt level for interrupt source n*4+2. This field sets the interrupt level for interrupt source n*4+1. This field sets the interrupt level for interrupt source n*4+0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 124 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control 6.1 System device identification (SDID) This device is hard coded to the value 0x0042 in SDID registers. 6.2 Universally unique identification (UUID) This device contains up to 64-bit UUID to identify each device in this family. The intent of UUID is to enable distributed systems to uniquely identify information without significant central coordination. 6.3 Reset and system initialization Resetting the MCU provides a way to start processing from a set of known initial conditions. During reset, most control and status registers are forced to initial values and the program counter is loaded from the reset vector (0xFFFE:0xFFFF). On-chip peripheral modules are disabled and I/O pins are initially configured as general-purpose high-impedance inputs with disabled pullup devices. The CCR[I] bit is set to block maskable interrupts so that the user program has a chance to initialize the stack pointer (SP) and system control settings. SP is forced to 0x00FF at reset. This device has the following sources for reset: * Power-on reset (POR) * Low-voltage detect (LVD) * Watchdog (WDOG) timer * Illegal opcode detect (ILOP) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 125 System options * Illegal address detect (ILAD) * Background debug forced reset * External reset pin (RESET) * Internal clock source module reset (CLK) Each of these sources, with the exception of the background debug forced reset, has an associated bit in the system reset status (SRS) register. When the MCU is reset by ILAD, the address of illegal address is captured in illegal address register, which is a 16-bit register consisting of ILLAL and ILLAH that contains the LSB and MSB 8-bit of the address, respectively. 6.4 System options 6.4.1 BKGD pin enable After POR, PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS pin functions as BKGD output. The SYS_SOPT1[BKGDPE] bit must be set to enable the background debug mode pin enable function. When this bit is clear, this pin can function as PTA4 or ACMP output. 6.4.2 RESET pin enable After POR reset, PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET functions as RESET. The SYS_SOPT1[RSTPE] bit must be set to enable the reset functions. When this bit is clear, this pin can function as PTA5, IRQ, or TCLK0. 6.4.3 SCI0 pin reassignment After reset, SCI0 module pinouts of RxD and TxD are mapped on PTB0 and PTB1, respectively. SYS_SOPT1[SCI0PS] bit enables to reassign SCI0 pinouts on PTA2 and PTA3. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 126 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control 6.4.4 SPI0 pin reassignment After reset, SPI0 module pinouts of SPSCK0, MOSI0, MISO0, and SS0 are mapped on PTB2, PTB3, PTB4, and PTB5. SYS_SOPT1[SPI0PS] bit enables to reassign the SPI0 pinouts on PTE0, PTE1, PTE2, and PTB5 respectively. 6.4.5 IIC pins reassignments After POR reset, IIC module pinouts of SDA and SCL are mapped on PTA2 and PTA3. SYS_SOPT1[IICPS] bit enables to reassign the IIC pinout pair on PTB6 and PTB7 respectively. Please note the PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true open drain, which can support different level IIC communication. When PTB6 and PTB7 act as IIC pins, the remote IIC level is limited to no more than MCU VDD. 6.4.6 FTM0 channels pin reassignment After reset, FTM0 channels pinouts of FTM0CH0 and FTM0CH1 are mapped on PTA0 and PTA1, respectively. SOPT3[FTM0PS] bit enables to reassign FTM0 channels pinouts on PTC4 and PTC5. 6.4.7 FTM2 channels pin reassignment After POR reset, FTM2 channel pinouts of FTM2CH2, and FTM2CH3 are default mapped on PTC2, and PTC3. When set, SYS_SOPT1[FTM2PS] bit enables to reassignment these FTM2 channels on PTD0, and PTD1, respectively. As PTD0, PTD1, PTB4, and PTB5 can provide up to 20 mA sink/source current, up to 4 FTM2 channels can provide high current with the same time base when this bit is set. 6.4.8 Bus clock output pin enable The system bus clock can be outputted on PTE3 when the SYS_SOPT3[CLKOE] bits are set by nonzero. Before mapping on the pinout, the output of bus clock can be pre-divided by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 by setting SYS_SOPT3[BUSREF]. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 127 System interconnection 6.5 System interconnection This device contains a set of system-level logics for module-to-module interconnection for flexible configuration. These interconnections provide the hardware trigger function between modules with least software configuration, which is ideal for infrared communication, serial communication baudrate detection, low-end motor control, metering clock calibration, and other general-purpose applications. RXDFE + RTC ovf 1 ADC trg 00 01 10 11 ovf MTIM0 SCI0 FTM0 - 0 rxd txd RxD0 0 TxD0 1 ch0 ch1 ACMP 1 0 0 ovf ICSCLK ADHWT DELAY /2N BUSREF 1 FTM0CH1 inittrg fault0 matchtrg fault1 fault2 FTM2 fault3 trigger0 trigger1 trigger2 FTMSYNC FTM2FAULT1 FTM2FAULT2 RXDCE TXDME CLKOE BUSOUT Figure 6-1. System interconnection diagram 6.5.1 SCI0 TxD modulation SCI0 TXD can be modulated by FTM0 channel 0 output. When SYS_SOPT2[TXDME] bit is set, the TXD output is passed to an AND gate with FTM0 channel 0 output before mapping on TXD0 pinout. When this bit is clear, the TXD is directly mapped on the pinout. To enable IR modulation function, both FTM0CH0 and SCI must be active. The FTM0 counter modulo register specifies the period of the PWM, and the FTM0 channel 0 value register specifies the duty cycle of the PWM. Then, when TXDME bit is enabled, each data transmitted via TXD0 from SCI0 is modulated by the FTM0 channel 0 output, and the FTM0CH0 pin is released to other shared functions regardless of the configuration of FTM0 pin reassignment. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 128 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control TXD0 SCI0 0 PTB1/KBI0P5/TXD0/ADP5 1 FTM0CH0 PORT LOGIC TXDME Figure 6-2. IR modulation diagram 6.5.2 SCI0 RxD capture RxD0 pin is selectable connected to SCI0 module directly or tagged to FTM0 channel 1. When SYS_SOPT2[RXDCE] bit is set, the RxD0 pin is connected to both SCI0 and FTM0 channel 1, and the FTM0CH1 pin is released to other shared functions regardless of the configuration of FTM0 pin reassignment. When this bit is clear, the RxD0 pin is connected to SCI0 only. RxD0 RxD0 SCI0 FTM0 CH1 RXDCE Figure 6-3. RxD0 capture function diagram 6.5.3 SCI0 RxD filter When SYS_SOPT2[RXDFE] bit is clear, the RxD0 pin is connected to SCI0 module directly. When this bit is set, the ACMP output is connected to the receive channel of SCI0. To enable RxD filter function, both SCI0 and ACMP must be active. If this function is active, the SCI0 external RxD0 pin is released to other shared functions regardless of the configuration of SCI0 pin reassignment. When SCI0 RxD capture function is active, the ACMP output is injected to FTM0CH1 as well. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 129 System interconnection RXD0 SCI0 0 1 ACMP0 ACMP1 + To SCI0 RxD Capture Function RXDFE From Internal or External Reference Voltage Figure 6-4. IR demodulation diagram 6.5.4 FTM2 software synchronization FTM2 contains three synchronization input trigger, one of which is a software trigger by writing 1 to the SYS_SOPT2[FTMSYNC] bit. Writing 0 to this bit takes no effect. This bit is always read 0. 6.5.5 ADC hardware trigger ADC module may initiate a conversion via a hardware trigger. MTIM0 overflow, RTC, FTM2 match trigger with 8-bit programmable delay, and FTM2 init trigger with 8-bit programmable delay can be enabled as the hardware trigger for the ADC module by setting the SYS_SOPT2[ADHWT] bits. The following table shows the ADC hardware trigger setting. Table 6-1. ADC hardware trigger setting ADHWT ADC hardware trigger 0:0 RTC overflow 0:1 MTIM0 overflow 1:0 FTM2 init trigger with 8-bit programmable delay 1:1 FTM2 match trigger with 8-bit programmable delay When ADC hardware trigger selects the output of FTM2 triggers, an 8-bit delay block will be enabled. This logic delays any trigger from FTM2 with an 8-bit counter whose value is specified by SYS_SOPT4[DELAY] bit. The reference clock to this module is the output of ICSCLK with selectable pre-divider specified by SYS_SOPT3[BUSREF]. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 130 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control 6.6 System Control Registers SYS memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 3000 System Reset Status Register (SYS_SRS) 8 R 82h 6.6.1/131 3001 System Background Debug Force Reset Register (SYS_SBDFR) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 6.6.2/133 3002 System Device Identification Register: High (SYS_SDIDH) 8 R 00h 6.6.3/134 3003 System Device Identification Register: Low (SYS_SDIDL) 8 R 42h 6.6.4/134 3004 System Options Register 1 (SYS_SOPT1) 8 R/W 0Ch 6.6.5/135 3005 System Options Register 2 (SYS_SOPT2) 8 R/W 00h 6.6.6/136 3006 System Options Register 3 (SYS_SOPT3) 8 R/W 00h 6.6.7/137 3007 System Options Register 4 (SYS_SOPT4) 8 R/W 00h 6.6.8/138 304A Illegal Address Register: High (SYS_ILLAH) 8 R Undefined 6.6.9/139 304B Illegal Address Register: Low (SYS_ILLAL) 8 R Undefined 6.6.10/139 30F8 Universally Unique Identifier Register 1 (SYS_UUID1) 8 R Undefined 6.6.11/140 30F9 Universally Unique Identifier Register 2 (SYS_UUID2) 8 R Undefined 6.6.12/140 30FA Universally Unique Identifier Register 3 (SYS_UUID3) 8 R Undefined 6.6.13/141 30FB Universally Unique Identifier Register 4 (SYS_UUID4) 8 R Undefined 6.6.14/141 30FC Universally Unique Identifier Register 5 (SYS_UUID5) 8 R Undefined 6.6.15/142 30FD Universally Unique Identifier Register 6 (SYS_UUID6) 8 R Undefined 6.6.16/142 30FE Universally Unique Identifier Register 7 (SYS_UUID7) 8 R Undefined 6.6.17/143 30FF Universally Unique Identifier Register 8 (SYS_UUID8) 8 R Undefined 6.6.18/143 6.6.1 System Reset Status Register (SYS_SRS) This register includes read-only status flags to indicate the source of the most recent reset. When a debug host forces reset by writing 1 to the SYS_SBDFR[BDFR] bit, none of the status bits in SRS will be set. The reset state of these bits depends on what caused the MCU to reset. NOTE For PIN, WDOG, and ILOP, any of these reset sources that are active at the time of reset (not including POR or LVR) will cause the corresponding bit(s) to be set; bits corresponding to sources that are not active at the time of reset will be cleared. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 131 System Control Registers NOTE The RESET values in the figure are values for power on reset; for other resets, the values depend on the trigger causes. Address: 3000h base + 0h offset = 3000h Bit Read 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 POR PIN WDOG ILOP ILAD LOC LVD 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Write Reset SYS_SRS field descriptions Field 7 POR Description Power-On Reset Reset was caused by the power-on detection logic. When the internal supply voltage was ramping up at the time, the low-voltage reset (LVR) status bit is also set to indicate that the reset occurred while the internal supply was below the LVR threshold. NOTE: This bit POR to 1, LVR to uncertain value and reset to 0 at any other conditions. 0 1 6 PIN External Reset Pin Reset was caused by an active low level on the external reset pin. 0 1 5 WDOG Reset was caused by the WDOG timer timing out. This reset source may be blocked by WDOGE = 0. Reset was caused by an attempt to execute an unimplemented or illegal opcode. The STOP instruction is considered illegal if stop is disabled by STOPE = 0 in the SOPT register. The BGND instruction is considered illegal if active background mode is disabled by ENBDM = 0 in the BDCSC register. Reset not caused by an illegal opcode. Reset caused by an illegal opcode. Illegal Address Reset was caused by an attempt to access a illegal address. The illegal address is captured in illegal address register (ILLAH:ILLAL). 0 1 2 LOC Reset not caused by WDOG timeout. Reset caused by WDOG timeout. Illegal Opcode 0 1 3 ILAD Reset not caused by external reset pin. Reset came from external reset pin. Watchdog (WDOG) 0 1 4 ILOP Reset not caused by POR. POR caused reset. Reset not caused by an illegal address. Reset caused by an illegal address. Internal Clock Source Module Reset Reset was caused by an ICS module reset. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 132 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control SYS_SRS field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 1 LVD Reset not caused by ICS module. Reset caused by ICS module. Low Voltage Detect If the LVDRE bit is set in run mode or both LVDRE and LVDSE bits are set in stop mode, and the supply drops below the LVD trip voltage, an LVD reset will occur. This bit is also set by POR. NOTE: This bit reset to 1 on POR and LVR and reset to 0 on other reset. 0 1 0 Reserved Reset not caused by LVD trip or POR. Reset caused by LVD trip or POR. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6.6.2 System Background Debug Force Reset Register (SYS_SBDFR) This register contains a single write-only control bit. A serial background command such as WRITE_BYTE must be used to write to SYS_SBDFR. Attempts to write this register from a user program are ignored. Reads always return 0x00. NOTE This register is the same as the BDC_SBDFR. Address: 3000h base + 1h offset = 3001h Bit 7 6 5 Read 4 3 2 1 0 0 Write Reset 0 BDFR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SYS_SBDFR field descriptions Field 7-1 Reserved 0 BDFR Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Background Debug Force Reset A serial background command such as WRITE_BYTE may be used to allow an external debug host to force a target system reset. Writing logic 1 to this bit forces an MCU reset. This bit cannot be written from a user program. NOTE: BDFR is writable only through serial background debug commands, not from user programs. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 133 System Control Registers 6.6.3 System Device Identification Register: High (SYS_SDIDH) This read-only register, together with SYS_SDIDL, is included so that host development systems can identify the HCS08 derivative and revision number. This allows the development software to recognize where specific memory blocks, registers, and control bits are located in a target MCU. Address: 3000h base + 2h offset = 3002h Bit 7 6 Read 4 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 ID Reserved Write Reset 5 0 0 0 0 SYS_SDIDH field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved ID Description This field is reserved. Part Identification Number These bits, together with the SYS_SDIDL, indicate part identification number. Each derivative in the HCS08 family has a unique identification number. This device is hard coded to the value 0x42. 6.6.4 System Device Identification Register: Low (SYS_SDIDL) This read-only register, together with SYS_SDIDH, is included so host development systems can identify the HCS08 derivative and revision number. This allows the development software to recognize where specific memory blocks, registers, and control bits are located in a target MCU. Address: 3000h base + 3h offset = 3003h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 ID Write Reset 0 1 0 0 SYS_SDIDL field descriptions Field ID Description Part Identification Number These bits, together with the SYS_SDIDH, indicate part identification number. Each derivative in the HCS08 family has a unique identification number. This device is hard coded to the value 0x42. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 134 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control 6.6.5 System Options Register 1 (SYS_SOPT1) Address: 3000h base + 4h offset = 3004h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SCI0PS SPI0PS IICPS FTM2PS BKGDPE RSTPE FWAKE STOPE 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 SYS_SOPT1 field descriptions Field 7 SCI0PS Description SCI0 Pin Select This write-once bit selects the SCI0 pinouts. 0 1 6 SPI0PS SPI0 Pin Select This write-once bit selects the SPI0 Pinouts. 0 1 5 IICPS This write-once bit selects the IIC port pins. This write-once bit selects the FTM2 channels port pins. FTM2 channels mapped on PTC0, PTC1, PTC2, PTC3, PTB4, and PTB5. FTM2 channels mapped on PTC0, PTC1, PTD0, PTD1, PTB4, and PTB5. Background Debug Mode Pin Enable This write-once bit when set enables the PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS pin to function as BKGD/MS. When clear, the pin functions as output only PTA4. This pin defaults to the BKGD/MS function following any MCU reset. 0 1 2 RSTPE IIC SCL and SDA are mapped on PTA3 and PTA2, respectively. IIC SCL and SDA are mapped on PTB7 and PTB6, respectively. FTM2 Port Pin Select 0 1 3 BKGDPE SPI0 SPSCK0, MOSI0, MISO0, and SS0 are mapped on PTB2, PTB3, PTB4, and PTB5. SPI0 SPSCK0, MOSI0, MISO0, and SS0 are mapped on PTE0, PTE1, PTE2, and PTB5. IIC Port Pin Select 0 1 4 FTM2PS SCI0 RxD and TxD are mapped on PTB0 and PTB1. SCI0 RxD and TxD are mapped on PTA2 and PTA3. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS as PTA4 or ACMPO function. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS as BKGD function. RESET Pin Enable This write-once bit can be written after any reset. When RSTPE is set, the PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET pin functions as RESET. When clear, the pin functions as one of its alternative functions. This pin defaults to RESET following an MCU POR. Other resets will not affect this bit. When RSTPE is set, an internal pullup device on RESET is enabled. 0 1 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET pin functions as PTA5, IRQ, or TCLK0. PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET pin functions as RESET. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 135 System Control Registers SYS_SOPT1 field descriptions (continued) Field 1 FWAKE Description Fast Wakeup Enable This write once bit can set CPU wakeup without any interrupt subroutine serviced. This action saved more than 11 cycles(whole interrupt subroutine time). After wake up CPU continue the address before wait or stop. NOTE: When FWAKE is set, user should avoid generating interrupt 0~8 bus clock cycles after issuing the stop instruction, or the MCU may stuck at stop3 mode and cannot wake up by interrupts. 0 1 0 STOPE CPU wakes up as normal. CPU wakes up without any interrupt subroutine serviced. Stop Mode Enable This write-once bit defaults to 0 after reset, which disables stop mode. If stop mode is disabled and a user program attempts to execute a STOP instruction, an illegal opcode reset occurs. 0 1 Stop mode disabled. Stop mode enabled. 6.6.6 System Options Register 2 (SYS_SOPT2) This register may be read/write at any time. SYS_SOPT2 should be written during the user's reset initialization program to set the desired controls even if the desired settings are the same as the reset settings. Address: 3000h base + 5h offset = 3005h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 TXDME 0 0 FTMSYNC 5 4 RXDFE RXDCE 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 ADHWTS 0 0 0 SYS_SOPT2 field descriptions Field 7 TXDME Description SCI0 TxD Modulation Select This bit enables the SCI0 TxD output modulated by FTM0 channel 0. 0 1 6 FTMSYNC TxD0 output is connected to pinout directly. TxD0 output is modulated by FTM0 channel 0 before mapped to pinout. FTM2 Synchronization Select Writing a 1 to this bit generates a PWM synchronization trigger to the FTM modules. 0 1 No synchronization triggered. Generate a PWM synchronization trigger to the FTM2 modules. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 136 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control SYS_SOPT2 field descriptions (continued) Field 5 RXDFE Description SCI0 RxD Filter Select This bit enables the SCI0 RxD input filtered by ACMP. When this function is enabled, any signal tagged with ACMP inputs can be regarded SCI0. 0 1 4 RXDCE RXD0 input signal is connected to SCI0 module directly. RXD0 input signal is filtered by ACMP, then injected to SCI0. SCI0 RxD Capture Select This bit enables the SCI0 RxD is captured by FTM0 channel 1. 0 1 RXD0 input signal is connected to SCI0 module only. RXD0 input signal is connected to SCI0 module and FTM0 channel 1. 3-2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. ADHWTS ADC Hardware Trigger Source These bits select the ADC hardware trigger source. All trigger sources start ADC conversion on rising edge. 00 01 10 11 RTC overflow as the ADC hardware trigger. MTIM0 overflow as the ADC hardware trigger. FTM2 init trigger with 8-bit programmable delay. FTM2 match trigger with 8-bit programmable delay. 6.6.7 System Options Register 3 (SYS_SOPT3) This register may be read and written at any time. Address: 3000h base + 6h offset = 3006h Bit Read 7 6 DLYACT Write Reset 0 5 4 0 FTM0PS 0 0 3 2 CLKOE 0 0 1 0 BUSREF 0 0 0 SYS_SOPT3 field descriptions Field 7 DLYACT Description FTM2 Trigger Delay Active This read-only bit specifies the status if the FTM2 initial or match delay is active. This bit is set when an FTM2 trigger arrives and the delay counter is ticking. Otherwise, this bit will be clear. 0 1 The delay inactive. The delay active. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 137 System Control Registers SYS_SOPT3 field descriptions (continued) Field 6 FTM0PS Description FTM0 Pin Select This write-once bit selects the FTM0 Pinouts. 0 1 5-4 Reserved 3 CLKOE This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CLK Output Enable This bit enables reference clock output on PTE3 0 1 BUSREF FTM0CH0 and FTM0CH1 are mapped on PTA0 and PTA1. FTM0CH0 and FTM0CH1 are mapped on PTC4 and PTC5. ICSCLK output disabled on PTE3. ICSCLK output enabled on PTE3. BUS Output select This bit enables bus clock output on PTE3 via an optional prescalar. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Bus. Bus divided by 2. Bus divided by 4. Bus divided by 8. Bus divided by 16. Bus divided by 32. Bus divided by 64. Bus divided by 128. 6.6.8 System Options Register 4 (SYS_SOPT4) Address: 3000h base + 7h offset = 3007h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 DELAY 0 0 0 0 SYS_SOPT4 field descriptions Field DELAY Description FTM2 Trigger Delay These bits specify the delay from FTM2 initial or match trigger to ADC hardware trigger upon the setting of ADHWT. The 8-bit modulo value allows the delay from 0 to 255 upon the BUSREF clock settings. This is a one-shot counter that starts ticking when the trigger arrives and stop ticking when the counter value reaches the modulo value that is defined. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 138 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control 6.6.9 Illegal Address Register: High (SYS_ILLAH) The SYS_ILLAH is a read-only register containing the high 8-bit of the illegal address of ILAD reset. Address: 3000h base + 4Ah offset = 304Ah Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ADDR[15:8] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SYS_ILLAH field descriptions Field ADDR[15:8] Description High 8-bit of illegal address NOTE: For ILAD, it reset to the high 8-bit of the illegal address; in other cases, the reset to values are undetermined. 6.6.10 Illegal Address Register: Low (SYS_ILLAL) The SYS_ILLAL is a read-only register containing the low 8-bit of the illegal address of ILAD reset. Address: 3000h base + 4Bh offset = 304Bh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ADDR[7:0] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 139 System Control Registers SYS_ILLAL field descriptions Field ADDR[7:0] Description Low 8-bit of illegal address NOTE: For ILAD, it resets to the low 8-bit of the illegal address; in other cases, the reset to values are undetermined. 6.6.11 Universally Unique Identifier Register 1 (SYS_UUID1) The read-only SYS_UUIDx registers contain a series of 64-bit number to identify the unique device in the family. Address: 3000h base + F8h offset = 30F8h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ID[63:56] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SYS_UUID1 field descriptions Field ID[63:56] Description Universally Unique Identifier 6.6.12 Universally Unique Identifier Register 2 (SYS_UUID2) The read-only SYS_UUIDx registers contain a series of 63-bit number to identify the unique device in the family. Address: 3000h base + F9h offset = 30F9h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ID[55:48] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 140 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control SYS_UUID2 field descriptions Field ID[55:48] Description Universally Unique Identifier 6.6.13 Universally Unique Identifier Register 3 (SYS_UUID3) The read-only SYS_UUIDx registers contain a series of 63-bit number to identify the unique device in the family. Address: 3000h base + FAh offset = 30FAh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ID[47:40] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SYS_UUID3 field descriptions Field ID[47:40] Description Universally Unique Identifier 6.6.14 Universally Unique Identifier Register 4 (SYS_UUID4) The read-only SYS_UUIDx registers contain a series of 63-bit number to identify the unique device in the family. Address: 3000h base + FBh offset = 30FBh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ID[39:32] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SYS_UUID4 field descriptions Field ID[39:32] Description Universally Unique Identifier MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 141 System Control Registers 6.6.15 Universally Unique Identifier Register 5 (SYS_UUID5) The read-only SYS_UUIDx registers contain a series of 64-bit number to identify the unique device in the family. Address: 3000h base + FCh offset = 30FCh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ID[31:24] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SYS_UUID5 field descriptions Field ID[31:24] Description Universally Unique Identifier 6.6.16 Universally Unique Identifier Register 6 (SYS_UUID6) The read-only SYS_UUIDx registers contain a series of 64-bit number to identify the unique device in the family. Address: 3000h base + FDh offset = 30FDh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ID[23:16] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SYS_UUID6 field descriptions Field ID[23:16] Description Universally Unique Identifier MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 142 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 System control 6.6.17 Universally Unique Identifier Register 7 (SYS_UUID7) The read-only SYS_UUIDx registers contain a series of 64-bit number to identify the unique device in the family. Address: 3000h base + FEh offset = 30FEh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ID[15:8] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SYS_UUID7 field descriptions Field ID[15:8] Description Universally Unique Identifier 6.6.18 Universally Unique Identifier Register 8 (SYS_UUID8) The read-only SYS_UUIDx registers contain a series of 64-bit number to identify the unique device in the family. Address: 3000h base + FFh offset = 30FFh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* ID[7:0] Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SYS_UUID8 field descriptions Field ID[7:0] Description Universally Unique Identifier MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 143 System Control Registers MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 144 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output 7.1 Introduction This device has five sets of I/O ports, which include up to 37 general-purpose I/O pins. Not all pins are available on all devices. See Table 2-1 to determine which functions are available for a specific device. Many of the I/O pins are shared with on-chip peripheral functions, as shown in Table 2-1. The peripheral modules have priority over the I/O, so when a peripheral is enabled, the associated I/O functions are disabled. After reset, the shared peripheral functions are disabled so that the pins are controlled by the parallel I/O except PTA4 and PTA5 that are default to BKGD/MS and RESET function. All of the parallel I/O are configured as high-impedance (Hi-Z). The pin control functions for each pin are configured as follows: * input disabled (PTxIEn = 0), * output disabled (PTxOEn = 0), and * internal pullups disabled (PTxPEn = 0). Additionally, the parallel I/O that support high drive capability are disabled (HDRVE = 0x00) after reset. The following three figures show the structures of each I/O pin. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 145 Introduction PTxPEn PTxOEn PTxDn PTxIEn 0 CPU read PTxDn 1 Figure 7-1. Normal I/O structure PTxPEn PTxOEn PTxIEn PTxDn 0 CPU read PTxDn 1 Figure 7-2. SDA(PTA2)/SCL(PTA3) structure MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 146 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PTxPEn PTxOEn PTxDn PTxIEn 0 CPU read PTxDn 1 HDRVE Figure 7-3. High drive I/O structure 7.2 Port data and data direction Reading and writing of parallel I/O is accomplished through the port data registers (PTxD). The direction, input or output, is controlled through the input enable or output enable registers. After reset, all parallel I/O default to the Hi-Z state. The corresponding bit in output enable register (PTxOE) or input enable register (PTxIE) must be configured for output or input operation. Each port pin has an input enable bit and an output enable bit. When PTxIEn = 1, a read from PTxDn returns the input value of the associated pin; when PTxIEn = 0, a read from PTxDn returns the last value written to the port data register. NOTE The PTxOE must be clear when the corresponding pin is used as input function to avoid contention. If set the corresponding PTxOE and PTxIE bits at same time, read from PTxDn will always return the output data. When a peripheral module or system function is in control of a port pin, the data direction register bit still controls what is returned for reads of the port data register, even though the peripheral system has overriding control of the actual pin direction. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 147 Internal pullup enable When a shared analog function is enabled for a pin, all digital pin functions are disabled. A read of the port data register returns a value of 0 for any bits that have shared analog functions enabled. In general, whenever a pin is shared with both an alternate digital function and an analog function, the analog function has priority such that if both of the digital and analog functions are enabled, the analog function controls the pin. A write of valid data to a port data register must occur before setting the output enable bit of an associated port pin. This ensures that the pin will not be driven with an incorrect data value. 7.3 Internal pullup enable An internal pullup device can be enabled for each port pin by setting the corresponding bit in one of the pullup enable registers (PTxPEn). The internal pullup device is disabled if the pin is configured as an output by the parallel I/O control logic, or by any shared peripheral function, regardless of the state of the corresponding pullup enable register bit. The internal pullup device is also disabled if the pin is controlled by an analog function. NOTE When configuring IIC to use "SDA(PTA2) and SCL(PTA3)" pins, and if an application uses internal pullups instead of external pullups, the internal pullups remain present setting when the pins are configured as outputs, but they are automatically disabled to save power when the output values are low. 7.4 Input glitch filter setting A filter is implemented for each port pin that is configured as a digital input. It can be used as a simple low-pass filter to filter any glitch that is introduced from the pins of GPIO, IRQ,RESET, and KBI. The glitch width threshold can be adjusted easily by setting registers PORT_IOFLTn and PORT_FCLKDIV between 1~4096 BUSCLKs (or 1~128 LPOCLKs). This configurable glitch filter can take the place of an on board external analog filter, and greatly improve the EMC performance. Setting register PORT_IOFLTn can configure the filter of the whole port, etc. set PORT_IOFLT0[FLTA] will affect all PTAn pins. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 148 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output 7.5 High current drive Output high sink/source current drive can be enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the HDRVE register for PTD1, PTD0, PTB5 and PTB4. Output high sink/source current when they are operated as output. High current drive function is disabled if the pin is configured as an input by the parallel I/O control logic. When configured as any shared peripheral function, high current drive function still works on these pins, but only when they are configured as outputs. 7.6 Pin behavior in stop mode In stop3 mode, all I/O is maintained because internal logic circuitry stays powered up. Upon recovery, normal I/O function is available to the user. 7.7 Port data registers PORT memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 0 Port A Data Register (PORT_PTAD) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.1/150 1 Port B Data Register (PORT_PTBD) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.2/150 2 Port C Data Register (PORT_PTCD) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.3/151 3 Port D Data Register (PORT_PTDD) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.4/151 4 Port E Data Register (PORT_PTED) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.5/152 30AF Port High Drive Enable Register (PORT_HDRVE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.6/152 30B0 Port A Output Enable Register (PORT_PTAOE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.7/153 30B1 Port B Output Enable Register (PORT_PTBOE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.8/154 30B2 Port C Output Enable Register (PORT_PTCOE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.9/156 30B3 Port D Output Enable Register (PORT_PTDOE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.10/157 30B4 Port E Output Enable Register (PORT_PTEOE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.11/158 30B8 Port A Input Enable Register (PORT_PTAIE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.12/159 30B9 Port B Input Enable Register (PORT_PTBIE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.13/160 30BA Port C Input Enable Register (PORT_PTCIE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.14/161 30BB Port D Input Enable Register (PORT_PTDIE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.15/163 30BC Port E Input Enable Register (PORT_PTEIE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.16/164 30EC Port Filter Register 0 (PORT_IOFLT0) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.17/165 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 149 Port data registers PORT memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 30ED Port Filter Register 1 (PORT_IOFLT1) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.18/166 30EE Port Filter Register 2 (PORT_IOFLT2) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.19/166 30EF Port Clock Division Register (PORT_FCLKDIV) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.20/167 30F0 Port A Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTAPE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.21/168 30F1 Port B Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTBPE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.22/169 30F2 Port C Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTCPE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.23/171 30F3 Port D Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTDPE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.24/172 30F4 Port E Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTEPE) 8 R/W 00h 7.7.25/173 7.7.1 Port A Data Register (PORT_PTAD) Address: 0h base + 0h offset = 0h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 PTAD 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTAD field descriptions Field PTAD Description Port A Data Register Bits For port A pins that are configured as inputs, a read returns the logic level on the pin. For port A pins that are configured as outputs, a read returns the last value that was written to this register. For port A pins that are configured as Hi-Z, a read returns uncertainty data. Writes are latched into all bits of this register. For port A pins that are configured as outputs, the logic level is driven out of the corresponding MCU pin. Reset forces PTAD to all 0s, but these 0s are not driven out of the corresponding pins because reset also configures all port pins as high-impedance inputs with pullups disabled. 7.7.2 Port B Data Register (PORT_PTBD) Address: 0h base + 1h offset = 1h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 PTBD 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 150 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_PTBD field descriptions Field PTBD Description Port B Data Register Bits For port B pins that are configured as inputs, a read returns the logic level on the pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs, a read returns the last value that was written to this register. For port B pins that are configured as Hi-Z, a read returns uncertainty data. Writes are latched into all bits of this register. For port B pins that are configured as outputs, the logic level is driven out of the corresponding MCU pin. Reset forces PTBD to all 0s, but these 0s are not driven out of the corresponding pins because reset also configures all port pins as high-impedance inputs with pullups disabled. 7.7.3 Port C Data Register (PORT_PTCD) Address: 0h base + 2h offset = 2h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 PTCD 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTCD field descriptions Field PTCD Description Port C Data Register Bits For port C pins that are configured as inputs, a read returns the logic level on the pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs, a read returns the last value that was written to this register. For port C pins that are configured as Hi-Z, a read returns uncertainty data. Writes are latched into all bits of this register. For port C pins that are configured as outputs, the logic level is driven out of the corresponding MCU pin. Reset forces PTCD to all 0s, but these 0s are not driven out of the corresponding pins because reset also configures all port pins as high-impedance inputs with pullups disabled. 7.7.4 Port D Data Register (PORT_PTDD) Address: 0h base + 3h offset = 3h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 PTDD 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 151 Port data registers PORT_PTDD field descriptions Field PTDD Description Port D Data Register Bits For port D pins that are configured as inputs, a read returns the logic level on the pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs, a read returns the last value that was written to this register. For port D pins that are configured as Hi-Z, a read returns uncertainty data. Writes are latched into all bits of this register. For port D pins that are configured as outputs, the logic level is driven out of the corresponding MCU pin. Reset forces PTDD to all 0s, but these 0s are not driven out of the corresponding pins because reset also configures all port pins as high-impedance inputs with pullups disabled. 7.7.5 Port E Data Register (PORT_PTED) Address: 0h base + 4h offset = 4h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 PTED 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTED field descriptions Field 7-5 Reserved PTED Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Port E Data Register Bits For port E pins that are configured as inputs, a read returns the logic level on the pin. For port E pins that are configured as outputs, a read returns the last value that was written to this register. For port E pins that are configured as Hi-Z, a read returns uncertainty data. Writes are latched into all bits of this register. For port E pins that are configured as outputs, the logic level is driven out of the corresponding MCU pin. Reset forces PTED to all 0s, but these 0s are not driven out of the corresponding pins because reset also configures all port pins as high-impedance inputs with pullups disabled. 7.7.6 Port High Drive Enable Register (PORT_HDRVE) Address: 0h base + 30AFh offset = 30AFh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 PTD1 PTD0 PTB5 PTB4 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 152 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_HDRVE field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved 3 PTD1 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. PTD1 This read/write bit enables the high current drive capability of PTD1 0 1 2 PTD0 PTD0 This read/write bit enables the high current drive capability of PTD0 0 1 1 PTB5 PTD0 is disabled to offer high current drive capability. PTD0 is enable to offer high current drive capability. PTB5 This read/write bit enables the high current drive capability of PTB5 0 1 0 PTB4 PTD1 is disabled to offer high current drive capability. PTD1 is enable to offer high current drive capability. PTB5 is disabled to offer high current drive capability. PTB5 is enable to offer high current drive capability. PTB4 This read/write bit enables the high current drive capability of PTB4 0 1 PTB4 is disabled to offer high current drive capability. PTB4 is enable to offer high current drive capability. 7.7.7 Port A Output Enable Register (PORT_PTAOE) Address: 0h base + 30B0h offset = 30B0h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTAOE7 PTAOE6 PTAOE5 PTAOE4 PTAOE3 PTAOE2 PTAOE1 PTAOE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTAOE field descriptions Field 7 PTAOE7 Description Output Enable for Port A Bit 7 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an output. 0 1 6 PTAOE6 Output Disabled for port A bit 7. Output Enabled for port A bit 7. Output Enable for Port A Bit 6 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an output. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 153 Port data registers PORT_PTAOE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 PTAOE5 Output Enable for Port A Bit 5 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an output. 0 1 4 PTAOE4 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an output. This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an output. This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an output. Output Disabled for port A bit 2. Output Enabled for port A bit 2. Output Enable for Port A Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an output. 0 1 0 PTAOE0 Output Disabled for port A bit 3. Output Enabled for port A bit 3. Output Enable for Port A Bit 2 0 1 1 PTAOE1 Output Disabled for port A bit 4. Output Enabled for port A bit 4. Output Enable for Port A Bit 3 0 1 2 PTAOE2 Output Disabled for port A bit 5. Output Enabled for port A bit 5. Output Enable for Port A Bit 4 0 1 3 PTAOE3 Output Disabled for port A bit 6. Output Enabled for port A bit 6. Output Disabled for port A bit 1. Output Enabled for port A bit 1. Output Enable for Port A Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an output. 0 1 Output Disabled for port A bit 0. Output Enabled for port A bit 0. 7.7.8 Port B Output Enable Register (PORT_PTBOE) Address: 0h base + 30B1h offset = 30B1h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTBOE7 PTBOE6 PTBOE5 PTBOE4 PTBOE3 PTBOE2 PTBOE1 PTBOE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 154 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_PTBOE field descriptions Field 7 PTBOE7 Description Output Enable for Port B Bit 7 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an output. 0 1 6 PTBOE6 Output Enable for Port B Bit 6 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an output. 0 1 5 PTBOE5 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an output. This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an output. This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an output. This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an output. Output Disabled for port B bit 2. Output Enabled for port B bit 2. Output Enable for Port B Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an output. 0 1 0 PTBOE0 Output Disabled for port B bit 3. Output Enabled for port B bit 3. Output Enable for Port B Bit 2 0 1 1 PTBOE1 Output Disabled for port B bit 4. Output Enabled for port B bit 4. Output Enable for Port B Bit 3 0 1 2 PTBOE2 Output Disabled for port B bit 5. Output Enabled for port B bit 5. Output Enable for Port B Bit 4 0 1 3 PTBOE3 Output Disabled for port B bit 6. Output Enabled for port B bit 6. Output Enable for Port B Bit 5 0 1 4 PTBOE4 Output Disabled for port B bit 7. Output Enabled for port B bit 7. Output Disabled for port B bit 1. Output Enabled for port B bit 1. Output Enable for Port B Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an output. 0 1 Output Disabled for port B bit 0. Output Enabled for port B bit 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 155 Port data registers 7.7.9 Port C Output Enable Register (PORT_PTCOE) Address: 0h base + 30B2h offset = 30B2h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTCOE7 PTCOE6 PTCOE5 PTCOE4 PTCOE3 PTCOE2 PTCOE1 PTCOE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTCOE field descriptions Field 7 PTCOE7 Description Output Enable for Port C Bit 7 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an output. 0 1 6 PTCOE6 Output Enable for Port C Bit 6 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an output. 0 1 5 PTCOE5 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an output. This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an output. This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an output. Output Disabled for port C bit 3. Output Enabled for port C bit 3. Output Enable for Port C Bit 2 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an output. 0 1 1 PTCOE1 Output Disabled for port C bit 4. Output Enabled for port C bit 4. Output Enable for Port C Bit 3 0 1 2 PTCOE2 Output Disabled for port C bit 5. Output Enabled for port C bit 5. Output Enable for Port C Bit 4 0 1 3 PTCOE3 Output Disabled for port C bit 6. Output Enabled for port C bit 6. Output Enable for Port C Bit 5 0 1 4 PTCOE4 Output Disabled for port C bit 7. Output Enabled for port C bit 7. Output Disabled for port C bit 2. Output Enabled for port C bit 2. Output Enable for Port C Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an output. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 156 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_PTCOE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 0 PTCOE0 Output Disabled for port C bit 1. Output Enabled for port C bit 1. Output Enable for Port C Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an output. 0 1 Output Disabled for port C bit 0. Output Enabled for port C bit 0. 7.7.10 Port D Output Enable Register (PORT_PTDOE) Address: 0h base + 30B3h offset = 30B3h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTDOE7 PTDOE6 PTDOE5 PTDOE4 PTDOE3 PTDOE2 PTDOE1 PTDOE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTDOE field descriptions Field 7 PTDOE7 Description Output Enable for Port D Bit 7 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an output. 0 1 6 PTDOE6 Output Enable for Port D Bit 6 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an output. 0 1 5 PTDOE5 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an output. Output Disabled for port D bit 5. Output Enabled for port D bit 5. Output Enable for Port D Bit 4 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an output. 0 1 3 PTDOE3 Output Disabled for port D bit 6. Output Enabled for port D bit 6. Output Enable for Port D Bit 5 0 1 4 PTDOE4 Output Disabled for port D bit 7. Output Enabled for port D bit 7. Output Disabled for port D bit 4. Output Enabled for port D bit 4. Output Enable for Port D Bit 3 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an output. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 157 Port data registers PORT_PTDOE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 2 PTDOE2 Output Enable for Port D Bit 2 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an output. 0 1 1 PTDOE1 Output Disabled for port D bit 2. Output Enabled for port D bit 2. Output Enable for Port D Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an output. 0 1 0 PTDOE0 Output Disabled for port D bit 3. Output Enabled for port D bit 3. Output Disabled for port D bit 1. Output Enabled for port D bit 1. Output Enable for Port D Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an output. 0 1 Output Disabled for port D bit 0. Output Enabled for port D bit 0. 7.7.11 Port E Output Enable Register (PORT_PTEOE) Address: 0h base + 30B4h offset = 30B4h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 PTEOE4 PTEOE3 PTEOE2 PTEOE1 PTEOE0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTEOE field descriptions Field Description 7-5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4 PTEOE4 Output Enable for Port E Bit 4 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an output. 0 1 3 PTEOE3 Output Disabled for port E bit 4. Output Enabled for port E bit 4. Output Enable for Port E Bit 3 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an output. 0 1 Output Disabled for port E bit 3. Output Enabled for port E bit 3. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 158 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_PTEOE field descriptions (continued) Field 2 PTEOE2 Description Output Enable for Port E Bit 2 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an output. 0 1 1 PTEOE1 Output Enable for Port E Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an output. 0 1 0 PTEOE0 Output Disabled for port E bit 2. Output Enabled for port E bit 2. Output Disabled for port E bit 1. Output Enabled for port E bit 1. Output Enable for Port E Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an output. 0 1 Output Disabled for port E bit 0. Output Enabled for port E bit 0. 7.7.12 Port A Input Enable Register (PORT_PTAIE) Address: 0h base + 30B8h offset = 30B8h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 PTAIE7 PTAIE6 PTAIE5 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 PTAIE3 PTAIE2 PTAIE1 PTAIE0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTAIE field descriptions Field 7 PTAIE7 Description Input Enable for Port A Bit 7 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an input. 0 1 6 PTAIE6 Input Enable for Port A Bit 6 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an input. 0 1 5 PTAIE5 Input disabled for port A bit 7. Input enabled for port A bit 7. Input disabled for port A bit 6. Input enabled for port A bit 6. Input Enable for Port A Bit 5 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an input. 0 1 Input disabled for port A bit 5. Input enabled for port A bit 5. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 159 Port data registers PORT_PTAIE field descriptions (continued) Field 4 Reserved 3 PTAIE3 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Input Enable for Port A Bit 3 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an input. 0 1 2 PTAIE2 Input Enable for Port A Bit 2 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an input. 0 1 1 PTAIE1 Input disabled for port A bit 2. Input enabled for port A bit 2. Input Enable for Port A Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an input. 0 1 0 PTAIE0 Input disabled for port A bit 3. Input enabled for port A bit 3. Input disabled for port A bit 1. Input enabled for port A bit 1. Input Enable for Port A Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port A pin as an input. 0 1 Input disabled for port A bit 0. Input enabled for port A bit 0. 7.7.13 Port B Input Enable Register (PORT_PTBIE) Address: 0h base + 30B9h offset = 30B9h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTBIE7 PTBIE6 PTBIE5 PTBIE4 PTBIE3 PTBIE2 PTBIE1 PTBIE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTBIE field descriptions Field 7 PTBIE7 Description Input Enable for Port B Bit 7 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an input. 0 1 6 PTBIE6 Input disabled for port B bit 7. Input enabled for port B bit 7. Input Enable for Port B Bit 6 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an input. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 160 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_PTBIE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 PTBIE5 Input Enable for Port B Bit 5 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an input. 0 1 4 PTBIE4 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an input. This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an input. This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an input. Input disabled for port B bit 2. Input enabled for port B bit 2. Input Enable for Port B Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an input. 0 1 0 PTBIE0 Input disabled for port B bit 3. Input enabled for port B bit 3. Input Enable for Port B Bit 2 0 1 1 PTBIE1 Input disabled for port B bit 4. Input enabled for port B bit 4. Input Enable for Port B Bit 3 0 1 2 PTBIE2 Input disabled for port B bit 5. Input enabled for port B bit 5. Input Enable for Port B Bit 4 0 1 3 PTBIE3 Input disabled for port B bit 6. Input enabled for port B bit 6. Input disabled for port B bit 1. Input enabled for port B bit 1. Input Enable for Port B Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port B pin as an input. 0 1 Input disabled for port B bit 0. Input enabled for port B bit 0. 7.7.14 Port C Input Enable Register (PORT_PTCIE) Address: 0h base + 30BAh offset = 30BAh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTCIE7 PTCIE6 PTCIE5 PTCIE4 PTCIE3 PTCIE2 PTCIE1 PTCIE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 161 Port data registers PORT_PTCIE field descriptions Field 7 PTCIE7 Description Input Enable for Port C Bit 7 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an input. 0 1 6 PTCIE6 Input Enable for Port C Bit 6 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an input. 0 1 5 PTCIE5 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an input. This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an input. This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an input. This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an input. Input disabled for port C bit 2. Input enabled for port C bit 2. Input Enable for Port C Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an input. 0 1 0 PTCIE0 Input disabled for port C bit 3. Input enabled for port C bit 3. Input Enable for Port C Bit 2 0 1 1 PTCIE1 Input disabled for port C bit 4. Input enabled for port C bit 4. Input Enable for Port C Bit 3 0 1 2 PTCIE2 Input disabled for port C bit 5. Input enabled for port C bit 5. Input Enable for Port C Bit 4 0 1 3 PTCIE3 Input disabled for port C bit 6. Input enabled for port C bit 6. Input Enable for Port C Bit 5 0 1 4 PTCIE4 Input disabled for port C bit 7. Input enabled for port C bit 7. Input disabled for port C bit 1. Input enabled for port C bit 1. Input Enable for Port C Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port C pin as an input. 0 1 Input disabled for port C bit 0. Input enabled for port C bit 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 162 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output 7.7.15 Port D Input Enable Register (PORT_PTDIE) Address: 0h base + 30BBh offset = 30BBh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTDIE7 PTDIE6 PTDIE5 PTDIE4 PTDIE3 PTDIE2 PTDIE1 PTDIE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTDIE field descriptions Field 7 PTDIE7 Description Input Enable for Port D Bit 7 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an input. 0 1 6 PTDIE6 Input Enable for Port D Bit 6 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an input. 0 1 5 PTDIE5 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an input. This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an input. This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an input. Input disabled for port D bit 3. Input enabled for port D bit 3. Input Enable for Port D Bit 2 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an input. 0 1 1 PTDIE1 Input disabled for port D bit 4. Input enabled for port D bit 4. Input Enable for Port D Bit 3 0 1 2 PTDIE2 Input disabled for port D bit 5. Input enabled for port D bit 5. Input Enable for Port D Bit 4 0 1 3 PTDIE3 Input disabled for port D bit 6. Input enabled for port D bit 6. Input Enable for Port D Bit 5 0 1 4 PTDIE4 Input disabled for port D bit 7. Input enabled for port D bit 7. Input disabled for port D bit 2. Input enabled for port D bit 2. Input Enable for Port D Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an input. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 163 Port data registers PORT_PTDIE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 0 PTDIE0 Input disabled for port D bit 1. Input enabled for port D bit 1. Input Enable for Port D Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port D pin as an input. 0 1 Input disabled for port D bit 0. Input enabled for port D bit 0. 7.7.16 Port E Input Enable Register (PORT_PTEIE) Address: 0h base + 30BCh offset = 30BCh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 PTEIE4 PTEIE3 PTEIE2 PTEIE1 PTEIE0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTEIE field descriptions Field 7-5 Reserved 4 PTEIE4 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Input Enable for Port E Bit 4 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an input. 0 1 3 PTEIE3 Input Enable for Port E Bit 3 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an input. 0 1 2 PTEIE2 Input disabled for port E bit 3. Input enabled for port E bit 3. Input Enable for Port E Bit 2 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an input. 0 1 1 PTEIE1 Input disabled for port E bit 4. Input enabled for port E bit 4. Input disabled for port E bit 2. Input enabled for port E bit 2. Input Enable for Port E Bit 1 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an input. 0 1 Input disabled for port E bit 1. Input enabled for port E bit 1. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 164 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_PTEIE field descriptions (continued) Field 0 PTEIE0 Description Input Enable for Port E Bit 0 This read/write bit enables the port E pin as an input. 0 1 Input disabled for port E bit 0. Input enabled for port E bit 0. 7.7.17 Port Filter Register 0 (PORT_IOFLT0) This register sets the filters for input from PTA to PTD. Address: 0h base + 30ECh offset = 30ECh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 FLTD 0 4 3 FLTC 0 0 2 1 FLTB 0 0 0 FLTA 0 0 0 PORT_IOFLT0 field descriptions Field Description 7-6 FLTD Filter selection for input from PTD 5-4 FLTC Filter selection for input from PTC 3-2 FLTB Filter selection for input from PTB FLTA Filter selection for input from PTA 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 BUSCLK FLTDIV1 FLTDIV2 FLTDIV3 BUSCLK FLTDIV1 FLTDIV2 FLTDIV3 BUSCLK FLTDIV1 FLTDIV2 FLTDIV3 BUSCLK FLTDIV1 FLTDIV2 FLTDIV3 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 165 Port data registers 7.7.18 Port Filter Register 1 (PORT_IOFLT1) This register sets the filters for input from PTE. Address: 0h base + 30EDh offset = 30EDh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 FLTE 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 PORT_IOFLT1 field descriptions Field 7-2 Reserved FLTE Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Filter selection for input from PTE 00 01 10 11 BUSCLK FLTDIV1 FLTDIV2 FLTDIV3 7.7.19 Port Filter Register 2 (PORT_IOFLT2) This register sets the filters for input. Address: 0h base + 30EEh offset = 30EEh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 FLTKBI0 0 0 0 FLTRST 0 0 0 PORT_IOFLT2 field descriptions Field Description 7-4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3-2 FLTKBI0 Filter selection for input from KBI0 FLTRST Filter selection for input from RESET/IRQ 00 01 10 11 BUSCLK Select FLTDIV1, and will switch to FLTDIV3 in stop mode automatically. Select FLTDIV2, and will switch to FLTDIV3 in stop mode automatically. FLTDIV3 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 166 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_IOFLT2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 00 01 10 11 No filter. Select FLTDIV1, and will switch to FLTDIV3 in stop mode automatically. Select FLTDIV2, and will switch to FLTDIV3 in stop mode automatically. FLTDIV3 7.7.20 Port Clock Division Register (PORT_FCLKDIV) Configure the high/low level glitch width threshold. Glitches that are shorter than the selected clock width will be filtered out; glitches that are more than twice the selected clock width will not be filtered out (they will pass to the internal circuitry). Address: 0h base + 30EFh offset = 30EFh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 FLTDIV3 0 0 3 2 1 FLTDIV2 0 0 0 0 FLTDIV1 0 0 0 PORT_FCLKDIV field descriptions Field 7-5 FLTDIV3 Description Filter Division Set 3 Port Filter Division Set 3 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 4-2 FLTDIV2 Filter Division Set 2 Port Filter Division Set 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 FLTDIV1 LPOCLK. LPOCLK/2. LPOCLK/4. LPOCLK/8. LPOCLK/16. LPOCLK/32. LPOCLK/64. LPOCLK/128. BUSCLK/32. BUSCLK/64. BUSCLK/128. BUSCLK/256. BUSCLK/512. BUSCLK/1024. BUSCLK/2048. BUSCLK/4096. Filter Division Set 1 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 167 Port data registers PORT_FCLKDIV field descriptions (continued) Field Description Port Filter Division Set 1 00 01 10 11 BUSCLK/2. BUSCLK/4. BUSCLK/8. BUSCLK/16. 7.7.21 Port A Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTAPE) Address: 0h base + 30F0h offset = 30F0h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 PTAPE7 PTAPE6 PTAPE5 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 PTAPE3 PTAPE2 PTAPE1 PTAPE0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTAPE field descriptions Field 7 PTAPE7 Description Pull Enable for Port A Bit 7 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 6 PTAPE6 Pull Enable for Port A Bit 6 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 5 PTAPE5 Pullup disabled for port A bit 7. Pullup enabled for port A bit 7. Pullup disabled for port A bit 6. Pullup enabled for port A bit 6. Pull Enable for Port A Bit 5 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 Pullup disabled for port A bit 5. Pullup enabled for port A bit 5. 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 PTAPE3 Pull Enable for Port A Bit 3 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. NOTE: When configuring to use this pin as output high for IIC, the internal pullup device remains active when PTAPE3 is set. It is automatically disabled to save power when output low. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 168 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_PTAPE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 2 PTAPE2 Pullup disabled for port A bit 3. Pullup enabled for port A bit 3. Pull Enable for Port A Bit 2 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. NOTE: When configuring to use this pin as output high for IIC, the internal pullup device remains active when PTAPE2 is set. It is automatically disabled to save power when output low. 0 1 1 PTAPE1 Pull Enable for Port A Bit 1 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 0 PTAPE0 Pullup disabled for port A bit 2. Pullup enabled for port A bit 2. Pullup disabled for port A bit 1. Pullup enabled for port A bit 1. Pull Enable for Port A Bit 0 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 Pullup disabled for port A bit 0. Pullup enabled for port A bit 0. 7.7.22 Port B Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTBPE) Address: 0h base + 30F1h offset = 30F1h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTBPE7 PTBPE6 PTBPE5 PTBPE4 PTBPE3 PTBPE2 PTBPE1 PTBPE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTBPE field descriptions Field 7 PTBPE7 Description Pull Enable for Port B Bit 7 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTB pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 6 PTBPE6 Pullup disabled for port B bit 7. Pullup enabled for port B bit 7. Pull Enable for Port B Bit 6 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTB pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 169 Port data registers PORT_PTBPE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 PTBPE5 Pull Enable for Port B Bit 5 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTB pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 4 PTBPE4 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTB pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTB pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTB pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. Pullup disabled for port B bit 2. Pullup enabled for port B bit 2. Pull Enable for Port B Bit 1 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTB pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 0 PTBPE0 Pullup disabled for port B bit 3. Pullup enabled for port B bit 3. Pull Enable for Port B Bit 2 0 1 1 PTBPE1 Pullup disabled for port B bit 4. Pullup enabled for port B bit 4. Pull Enable for Port B Bit 3 0 1 2 PTBPE2 Pullup disabled for port B bit 5. Pullup enabled for port B bit 5. Pull Enable for Port B Bit 4 0 1 3 PTBPE3 Pullup disabled for port B bit 6. Pullup enabled for port B bit 6. Pullup disabled for port B bit 1. Pullup enabled for port B bit 1. Pull Enable for Port B Bit 0 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTB pin. For port B pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 Pullup disabled for port B bit 0. Pullup enabled for port B bit 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 170 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output 7.7.23 Port C Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTCPE) Address: 0h base + 30F2h offset = 30F2h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTCPE7 PTCPE6 PTCPE5 PTCPE4 PTCPE3 PTCPE2 PTCPE1 PTCPE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTCPE field descriptions Field 7 PTCPE7 Description Pull Enable for Port C Bit 7 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTC pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 6 PTCPE6 Pull Enable for Port C Bit 6 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTC pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 5 PTCPE5 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTC pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTC pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. Pullup disabled for port C bit 4. Pullup enabled for port C bit 4. Pull Enable for Port C Bit 3 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTC pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 2 PTCPE2 Pullup disabled for port C bit 5. Pullup enabled for port C bit 5. Pull Enable for Port C Bit 4 0 1 3 PTCPE3 Pullup disabled for port C bit 6. Pullup enabled for port C bit 6. Pull Enable for Port C Bit 5 0 1 4 PTCPE4 Pullup disabled for port C bit 7. Pullup enabled for port C bit 7. Pullup disabled for port C bit 3. Pullup enabled for port C bit 3. Pull Enable for Port C Bit 2 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTC pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 Pullup disabled for port C bit 2. Pullup enabled for port C bit 2. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 171 Port data registers PORT_PTCPE field descriptions (continued) Field 1 PTCPE1 Description Pull Enable for Port C Bit 1 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTC pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 0 PTCPE0 Pullup disabled for port C bit 1. Pullup enabled for port C bit 1. Pull Enable for Port C Bit 0 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTC pin. For port C pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 Pullup disabled for port C bit 0. Pullup enabled for port C bit 0. 7.7.24 Port D Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTDPE) Address: 0h base + 30F3h offset = 30F3h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PTDPE7 PTDPE6 PTDPE5 PTDPE4 PTDPE3 PTDPE2 PTDPE1 PTDPE0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTDPE field descriptions Field 7 PTDPE7 Description Pull Enable for Port D Bit 7 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTD pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 6 PTDPE6 Pull Enable for Port D Bit 6 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTD pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 5 PTDPE5 Pullup disabled for port D bit 6. Pullup enabled for port D bit 6. Pull Enable for Port D Bit 5 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTD pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 4 PTDPE4 Pullup disabled for port D bit 7. Pullup enabled for port D bit 7. Pullup disabled for port D bit 5. Pullup enabled for port D bit 5. Pull Enable for Port D Bit 4 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 172 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Parallel input/output PORT_PTDPE field descriptions (continued) Field Description This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTD pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 3 PTDPE3 Pull Enable for Port D Bit 3 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTD pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 2 PTDPE2 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTD pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. Pullup disabled for port D bit 2. Pullup enabled for port D bit 2. Pull Enable for Port D Bit 1 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTD pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 0 PTDPE0 Pullup disabled for port D bit 3. Pullup enabled for port D bit 3. Pull Enable for Port D Bit 2 0 1 1 PTDPE1 Pullup disabled for port D bit 4. Pullup enabled for port D bit 4. Pullup disabled for port D bit 1. Pullup enabled for port D bit 1. Pull Enable for Port D Bit 0 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTD pin. For port D pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 Pullup disabled for port D bit 0. Pullup enabled for port D bit 0. 7.7.25 Port E Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTEPE) Address: 0h base + 30F4h offset = 30F4h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 PTEPE4 PTEPE3 PTEPE2 PTEPE1 PTEPE0 0 0 0 0 0 PORT_PTEPE field descriptions Field 7-5 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 173 Port data registers PORT_PTEPE field descriptions (continued) Field 4 PTEPE4 Description Pull Enable for Port E Bit 4 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTE pin. For port E pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 3 PTEPE3 Pull Enable for Port E Bit 3 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTE pin. For port E pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 2 PTEPE2 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTE pin. For port E pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. Pullup disabled for port E bit 2. Pullup enabled for port E bit 2. Pull Enable for Port E Bit 1 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTE pin. For port E pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 0 PTEPE0 Pullup disabled for port E bit 3. Pullup enabled for port E bit 3. Pull Enable for Port E Bit 2 0 1 1 PTEPE1 Pullup disabled for port E bit 4. Pullup enabled for port E bit 4. Pullup disabled for port E bit 1. Pullup enabled for port E bit 1. Pull Enable for Port E Bit 0 This control bit determines if the internal pullup device is enabled for the associated PTE pin. For port E pins that are configured as outputs or Hi-Z, these bits have no effect. 0 1 Pullup disabled for port E bit 0. Pullup enabled for port E bit 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 174 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management 8.1 Clock module This device has ICS, XOSC, and LPO clock modules. The internal clock source (ICS) module provides several clock source options for this device. The module contains a frequency-locked loop (FLL) that is controllable by either an internal or external reference clock. The module can select clock from the FLL or bypass the FLL as a source of the MCU system clock. The selected clock source is passed through a reduced bus divider, which allows a lower output clock frequency to be derived. The external oscillator (XOSC) module allows an external crystal, ceramic resonator, or other external clock source to produce the external reference clock. The output of XOSC module can be used as the reference of ICS to generate system bus clock, and/or clock source of watchdog (WDOG), real-time counter (RTC), and analog-to-digital (ADC) modules. The low-power oscillator (LPO) module is an on-chip low-power oscillator providing 1 kHz reference clock to RTC and watchdog (WDOG). The following figures show the block diagram, highlighting the clock modules. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 175 Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Clock module PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 8-1. Device block diagram highlighting clock modules and pins MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 176 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management 8.2 Internal clock source (ICS) The internal clock source (ICS) module provides clock source options for the MCU. The module contains a frequency-locked loop (FLL) as a clock source that is controllable by an internal or external reference clock. The module can provide this FLL clock or the internal reference clock as a source for the MCU system clock, ICSCLK. Whichever clock source is chosen, ICSCLK is the output from a bus clock divider (BDIV), which allows a lower clock frequency to be derived. Key features of the ICS module are: * Frequency-locked loop (FLL) is trimmable for accuracy * Internal or external reference clocks can be used to control the FLL * Reference divider is provided for external clock * Internal reference clock has nine trim bits available * Internal or external reference clocks can be selected as the clock source for the MCU * Whichever clock is selected as the source can be divided down by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 * FLL Engaged Internal mode is automatically selected out of reset * A constant divide by 2 of the DCO output that can be select as BDC clock. * Digitally-controlled oscillator (DCO) optimized for 16 MHz to 20 MHz frequency range * FLL lock detector and external clock monitor * FLL lock detector with interrupt capability * External reference clock monitor with reset capability 8.2.1 Function description The following figure shows the ICS block diagram. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 177 Internal clock source (ICS) External Reference Clock / Oscillator Internal Clock Source Block ICSIRCLK IRCLKEN IREFSTEN BDIV Internal Reference Clock / 2n n=0-7 ICSOUT LP CLKS FLL SCFTRIMSCTRIM / 2n n=0-7 DCOOUT Filter DCO 2 ICSLCLK ICSBDCCLK CLKSW IREFS BUSCLK RDIV ICSFFCLK IREFST CLKST LOLIE LOLS LOCK CME Figure 8-2. Internal clock source (ICS) Bus frequency divider The ICS_C2[BDIV] bits can be changed at anytime and the actual switch to the new frequency occurs immediately. Low power bit usage The low power bit (ICS_C2[LP]) is provided to allow the FLL to be disabled and thus conserve power when it is not used. However, in some applications it may be desirable to allow the FLL to be enabled and to lock for maximum accuracy before switching to an FLL engaged mode. To do this, write the ICS_C2[LP] bit to 0. Internal reference clock (ICSIRCLK) When ICS_C1[IRCLKEN] is set the internal reference clock signal is presented as ICSIRCLK, which can be used as an additional clock source. To re-target the ICSIRCLK frequency, write a new value to the ICS_C3[SCTRIM] and ICS_C4[SCFTRIM] bits to trim the period of the internal reference clock: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 178 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management * Writing a larger value slows down the ICSIRCLK frequency. * Writing a smaller value to the ICSTRM register speeds up the ICSIRCLK frequency. The TRIM bits affect the ICSOUT frequency if the ICS is in FLL engaged internal (FEI), FLL bypassed internal (FBI), or FLL bypassed internal low power (FBILP) mode. Until ICSIRCLK is trimmed, programming low reference divider (BDIV) factors may result in ICSOUT frequencies that exceed the maximum chip-level frequency and violate the chip-level clock timing specifications. If ICS_C1[IREFSTEN] is set and the ICS_C1[IRCLKEN] bit is written to 1, the internal reference clock keeps running during stop mode in order to provide a fast recovery upon exiting stop. All MCU devices are factory programmed with a trim value in a factory reserved memory location (i.e. reserved nonvolatile information registers that can not be accessed by users). This value is uploaded to the ICS_C3 register and ICS_C4 register during any reset initialization. For finer precision, trim the internal oscillator in the application and set the ICS_C4[SCFTRIM] bit accordingly. NOTE Some tools like ProcessorExpert or USB Multilink may use flash memory location, such as 0xFF6F and/or 0xFF6E, to store the temporary trim value. Fixed frequency clock (ICSFFCLK) The ICS presents the divided FLL reference clock as ICSFFCLK for use as an additional clock source. ICSFFCLK frequency must be no more than 1/4 of the ICSOUT frequency to be valid. When ICSFFCLK is valid, ICS output signal (ICSFFE) gets asserted high. Because of this requirement, in bypass modes the ICSFFCLK is valid only in bypass external modes (FBE and FBELP) for the following combinations of BDIV, RDIV, and RANGE values: * RANGE=1 * BDIV=000 (divide by 1), RDIV 010 * BDIV=001 (divide by 2), RDIV 011 * BDIV=010 (divide by 4), RDIV 100 * BDIV=011 (divide by 8), RDIV 101 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 179 Internal clock source (ICS) * BDIV=100 (divide by 16), NA * BDIV=101 (divide by 32), NA * BDIV=110 (divide by 64), NA * BDIV=111 (divide by 128), NA BDC clock The ICS presents the DCO output clock divided by two as ICSLCLK for use as a clock source for BDC communications. ICSLCLK is not available in FLL bypassed internal low power (FBILP) and FLL bypassed external low power (FBELP) modes. The ICSLCLK can be selected as BDC clock. 8.2.2 Modes of operation There are seven modes of operation for the ICS: FEI, FEE, FBI, FBILP, FBE, FBELP, and stop. The following figure shows the seven states of the ICS as a state diagram. The arrows indicate the allowed movements between the states. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 180 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management IREFS=1 CLKS=00 IREFS=0 CLKS=10 BDM Enabled or LP =0 FLL Bypassed External Low Power(FBELP) FLL Engaged Internal (FEI) FLL Bypassed Internal (FBI) FLL Bypassed External (FBE) IREFS=0 CLKS=10 BDM Disabled and LP=1 IREFS=1 CLKS=01 BDM Enabled or LP=0 FLL Bypassed Internal Low Power(FBILP) IREFS=1 CLKS=01 BDM Disabled and LP=1 FLL Engaged External (FEE) IREFS=0 CLKS=00 Entered from any state when MCU enters stop Stop Returns to state that was active before MCU entered stop, unless RESET occurs while in stop. Figure 8-3. ICS clocking switching modes The ICS_C1[IREFS] bit can be changed at anytime, but the actual switch to the newly selected clock is shown by the ICS_S[IREFST] bit. When switching between FLL engaged internal (FEI) and FLL engaged external (FEE) modes, the FLL will lock again after the switch is completed. The ICS_C1[CLKS] bits can also be changed at anytime, but the actual switch to the newly selected clock is shown by the ICS_S[CLKST] bits. If the newly selected clock is not available, the previous clock remains selected. FLL engaged internal (FEI) FLL engaged internal (FEI) is the default mode of operation and is entered when all of the following conditions occur: * ICS_C1[CLKS] bits are written to 0b * ICS_C1[IREFS] bit is written to 1b MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 181 Internal clock source (ICS) In FLL engaged internal mode, the ICSOUT clock is derived from the FLL clock, which is controlled by the internal reference clock. The FLL loop locks the frequency to the 512 times the internal reference frequency. The ICSLCLK is available for BDC communications, and the internal reference clock is enabled. FLL engaged external (FEE) The FLL engaged external (FEE) mode is entered when all of the following conditions occur: * ICS_C1[CLKS] bits are written to 00b * ICS_C1[IREFS] bit written to 0b * ICS_C1[RDIV] bits are written to divide external reference clock to be within the range of 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz In FLL engaged external mode, the ICSOUT clock is derived from the FLL clock, which is controlled by the external reference clock source. The FLL loop locks the frequency to the 512 times the external reference frequency, as selected by the ICS_C1[RDIV] bits. The ICSLCLK is available for BDC communications, and the external reference clock is enabled. FLL bypassed internal (FBI) The FLL bypassed internal (FBI) mode is entered when all of the following conditions occur: * ICS_C1[CLKS] bits are written to 01 * ICS_C1[IREFS] bit is written to 1 * BDM mode is active or ICS_C2[LP] bit is written to 0 In FLL bypassed internal mode, the ICSOUT clock is derived from the internal reference clock. The FLL clock is controlled by the internal reference clock, and the FLL loop locks the FLL frequency to the 512 times the internal reference frequency. The ICSLCLK will be available for BDC communications, and the internal reference clock is enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 182 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management FLL bypassed internal low power (FBILP) The FLL bypassed internal low power (FBILP) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur: * ICS_C1[CLKS] bits are written to 01 * ICS_C1[IREFS] bit is written to 1 * BDM mode is not active and ICS_C2[LP] bit is written to 1 In FLL bypassed internal low power mode, the ICSOUT clock is derived from the internal reference clock and the FLL is disabled. The ICSLCLK will be not be available for BDC communications, and the internal reference clock is enabled. FLL bypassed external (FBE) The FLL bypassed external (FBE) mode is entered when all of the following conditions occur: * ICS_C1[CLKS] bits are written to 10 * ICS_C1[IREFS] bit is written to 0 * ICS_C1[RDIV] bits are written to divide external reference clock to be within the range of 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz * BDM mode is active or ICS_C2[LP] bit is written to 0 In FLL bypassed external mode, the ICSOUT clock is derived from the external reference clock source. The FLL clock is controlled by the external reference clock, and the FLL loop locks the FLL frequency to the 512 times the external reference frequency, as selected by the ICS_C1[RDIV] bits, so that the ICSLCLK will be available for BDC communications, and the external reference clock is enabled. FLL bypassed external low power (FBELP) The FLL bypassed external low power (FBELP) mode is entered when all of the following conditions occur: * ICS_C1[CLKS] bits are written to 10 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 183 Internal clock source (ICS) * ICS_C1[IREFS] bit is written to 0 * BDM mode is not active and ICS_C2[LP] bit is written to 1 In FLL bypassed external low power mode, the ICSOUT clock is derived from the external reference clock source and the FLL is disabled. The ICSLCLK will be not available for BDC communications. The external reference clock source is enabled. Stop (STOP) In stop mode, the FLL is disabled and the internal clock source can be enabled or disabled. The BDC clock is not available and the ICS does not provide MCU clock source. Stop mode is entered whenever the MCU enters a stop state. In this mode, all ICS clock signals are static except in the following cases: * ICSIRCLK will be active in stop mode when all of the following conditions occur: * ICS_C1[IRCLKEN] bit is written to 1 * ICS_C1[IREFSTEN] bit is written to 1 * OSCOUT will be active in stop mode when all of the following conditions occur: * ICS_OSCSC[OSCEN] bit is written to 1 * ICS_OSCSC[OSCSTEN] bit is written to 1 NOTE The DCO frequency changes from the pre-stop value to its reset value and the FLL need to re-acquire the lock before the frequency is stable. Timing sensitive operations must wait for the FLL acquisition time, tAquire, before executing. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 184 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management 8.2.3 FLL lock and clock monitor FLL clock lock In FBE and FEE modes, the clock detector source uses the external reference as the reference. When FLL is detected from lock to unlock, the ICS_S[LOLS] bit is set. An interrupt will be generated if ICS_C4[LOLIE] bit is set. ICS_S[LOLS] bit is cleared by reset or by writing a logic 1 to ICS_S[LOLS] when ICS_S[LOLS] is set. Writing a logic 0 to ICS_S[LOLS] has no effect. In FBI and FEI modes, the lock detector source uses the internal reference as the reference. When FLL is detected from lock to unlock, the ICS_S[LOLS] bit is set. An interrupt will be generated if ICS_S[LOLS] bit is set. ICS_S[LOLS] bit is cleared by reset or by writing a logic 1 to ICS_S[LOLS] when ICS_S[LOLS] is set. Writing a logic 0 to ICS_S[LOLS] has no effect. In FBELP and FBILP modes, the FLL is not on, therefore, lock detect function is not applicable. External reference clock monitor In FBE, FEE, FEI, or FBI modes, if ICS_C4[CME] bit is written to 1, the clock monitor is enabled. If the external reference falls below a certain frequency, such as floc_high or floc_low depending on the ICS_OSCSC[RANGE] bit, the MCU will reset. The SYS_SRS[CLK] bit will be set to indicate the error. In FBELP or FBILP modes, the FLL is not on, so the external reference clock monitor will not function even if ICS_C4[CME] bit is written to 1. External reference clock monitor uses FLL as the internal reference clock. The FLL must be functional before ICS_C4[CME] bit is set. 8.3 Initialization / application information This section provides example code to give some basic direction to a user on how to initialize and configure the ICS module. The example software is implemented in C language. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 185 Initialization / application information 8.3.1 Initializing FEI mode The following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FEI mode. Example: FEI mode initialization routine /* the ICS_C2 ICS_C1 ICS_C2 ICS_C3 */ /* the ICS_C2 ICS_C1 ICS_C2 ICS_C3 */ /* the ICS_C2 ICS_C1 ICS_C2 ICS_C3 following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FEI mode generating 20MHz bus*/ = 0x00; = 0x04; /* internal reference clock to FLL */ = 0x00; /* BDIV = 0, no prescalar */ = TRIM_VALUE_39K0625HZ; /* FLL output 20MHz, TRIM_VALUE_39K0625HZ is ~0x50 typically following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FEI mode generating 5MHz bus*/ = 0x00; = 0x04; /* internal reference clock to FLL */ = 0x40; /* BDIV = 2, prescalar = 4 */ = TRIM_VALUE_39K0625HZ; /* FLL output 20MHz, TRIM_VALUE_39K0625HZ is ~0x50 typically following code segment demonstrates = 0x00; = 0x04; /* internal reference clock = 0xA0; /* BDIV = 5, prescalar = 32 = TRIM_VALUE_31K25HZ; /* FLL output setting ICS to FEI mode generating 500kHz bus*/ to FLL */ */ 16MHz, TRIM_VALUE_31K25HZ is ~0x90 typically */ 8.3.2 Initializing FBI mode The following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FBI mode. Example: FBI mode initialization routine /* the ICS_C2 ICS_C1 ICS_C2 ICS_C3 following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FBI mode generating 32768Hz bus*/ = 0x00; = 0x40; = 0x00; = TRIM_VALUE_32K768HZ; /* TRIM_VALUE_31K25HZ is ~0x90 typically */ 8.3.3 Initializing FEE mode The following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FEE mode. Example: FEE mode initialization routine /* the following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FEE mode generating 8MHZ bus*/ /* supposing external 4MHZ crystal is installed in high gain mode */ ICS_OSCSC = 0x96; /* high-range, high-gain, oscillator required */ while (ICS_OSCINIT == 0); /* waiting until oscillator is ready */ ICS_C1 = 0x10; /* external clock reference (31.25kHz) to FLL, RDIV = 2, external prescalar = 128 */ ICS_C2 = 0x20; /* BDIV = 1, prescalar = 2 */ MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 186 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management 8.3.4 Initializing FBE mode The following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FBE mode. Example: FBE mode initialization routine /* the following code segment demonstrates setting ICS to FBE mode generating 20MHZ bus*/ /* supposing external 20MHZ crystal is installed in high gain mode */ ICS_OSCSC = 0x96; /* high-range, high-gain, oscillator required */ while (ICS_OSCINIT == 0); /* waiting until oscillator is ready */ ICS_C1 = 0x80; /* external clock reference (20MHZ) to FLL output */ ICS_C2 = 0x00; /* BDIV = 0, prescalar = 1 */ 8.3.5 External oscillator (OSC) The oscillator module provides the reference clock for internal reference clock module (ICS), the real time counter clock module, and other MCU sub-systems. OSCINIT Initialization Oscillator High Gain LP RANGE XTLCLK EN Oscillator Low-Powe r OSCOS OSCOUT MCU EXTAL XTAL Rs RF X1 C1 C2 Figure 8-4. Oscillator module block diagram MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 187 Initialization / application information The external oscillator circuit is designed for use with an external crystal or ceramic resonator to provide an accurate clock source. In its typical configuration, the oscillator is connected in a Pierce oscillator configuration, as shown in the above figure. This figure shows only the logical representation of the internal components and may not represent actual circuitry. The oscillator configuration uses five components: * Crystal or ceramic, X1 * Fixed capacitor, C1 * Tuning capacitor, C2, which can also be a fixed capacitor * Feedback resistor, RB * Series resistor, RS (optional) Bypass mode In bypass mode (ICS_OSCSC[OSCEN] = 0, ICS_OSCSC[OSCOS] = 0), external clock module is disabled. EXTAL can be used as the input of external clock source. When external clock source is not used in this mode, the EXTAL can be used as GPIO or other function muxed with this pinout. XTAL can be used as GPIO or other function muxed with its pinout even EXTAL is used as external clock source. The following figure shows the typical OSC bypass mode connection. MCU EXTAL External Clock Input XTAL GPIO Figure 8-5. OSC bypass mode connection Low-power configuration In low-power mode, when ICS_OSCSC[OSCEN] = 1, ICS_OSCSC[OSCOS] = 1, and ICS_OSCSC[HGO] = 0, the series resistor RS is not used. The feedback resistor RF must be carefully selected to get best performance. The figure below shows the typical OSC low-gain mode connection. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 188 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management MCU XTAL EXTAL RF X1 C1 C2 Figure 8-6. OSC low-power mode connection High-gain configuration In high-gain mode, when ICS_OSCSC[OSCEN] = 1, ICS_OSCSC[OSCOS] = 1, and ICS_OSCSC[HGO] = 1, the series resistor RS must be used. The series resistor RS and feedback resistor RF must be carefully selected to get best performance. The following figure shows the typical OSC high-gain mode connection. MCU EXTAL XTAL RS RF X1 C1 C2 Figure 8-7. OSC high-gain mode connection Initializing external oscillator for peripherals The following code segment demonstrates initializing external oscillator. Example: External oscillator initialization routine MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 189 1 kHz low-power oscillator (LPO) /* the following code segment demonstrates initializing external oscillator */ /* supposing external 32768Hz crystal is installed in low power mode */ ICS_OSCSC = 0xA0; /* low-range, low-power, oscillator required, ERCLK enabled in stop mode */ while (ICS_OSCSC_OSCINIT == 0); /* waiting until oscillator is ready */ 8.4 1 kHz low-power oscillator (LPO) The 1 kHz low-power oscillator acts as a standalone low-frequency clock source in all run, wait, and stop3 modes. 8.5 Peripheral clock gating This device includes a clock gating system to manage the bus clock sources to the individual peripherals. Using this system, the user can enable or disable the bus clock to each of the peripherals at the clock source, eliminating unnecessary clocks to peripherals that are not in use, thereby reducing the overall run and wait mode currents. Out of reset, all peripheral clocks will be enabled. For lowest possible run wait currents, user software should disable the clock source to any peripheral not in use. The actual clock will be enabled or disabled immediately following the write to the Clock Gating Control registers (SCG_Cx). Any peripheral with a gated clock cannot be used unless its clock is enabled. Writing to the registers of a peripheral with a disabled clock has no effect. Note User software should disable the peripheral before disabling the clocks to the peripheral. When clocks are re-enabled to a peripheral, the peripheral registers need to be re-initialized by user software. In stop modes, the bus clock is disabled for all gated peripherals, regardless of the setting in SCG_Cx registers. 8.6 ICS control registers MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 190 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management ICS memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 3038 ICS Control Register 1 (ICS_C1) 8 R/W 04h 8.6.1/191 3039 ICS Control Register 2 (ICS_C2) 8 R/W 20h 8.6.2/192 303A ICS Control Register 3 (ICS_C3) 8 R/W Undefined 8.6.3/193 303B ICS Control Register 4 (ICS_C4) 8 R/W 00h 8.6.4/193 303C ICS Status Register (ICS_S) 8 R 10h 8.6.5/194 303E OSC Status and Control Register (ICS_OSCSC) 8 R/W 00h 8.6.6/195 2 1 0 IREFS IRCLKEN IREFSTEN 1 0 0 8.6.1 ICS Control Register 1 (ICS_C1) Address: 3038h base + 0h offset = 3038h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 CLKS 0 4 3 RDIV 0 0 0 0 ICS_C1 field descriptions Field 7-6 CLKS Description Clock Source Select Selects the clock source that controls the bus frequency. The actual bus frequency depends on the value of the BDIV bits. 00 01 10 11 5-3 RDIV Output of FLL is selected. Internal reference clock is selected. External reference clock is selected. Reserved. Reference Divider Selects the amount to divide down the FLL reference clock selected by the IREFS bits. Resulting frequency must be in the range 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz. RDIV ICS_OSCSC[RANGE]= 0 ICS_OSCSC[RANGE]= 1 000 11 32 001 2 64 010 4 128 011 8 256 100 16 512 101 32 1024 110 64 Reserved 111 128 Reserved Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 191 ICS control registers ICS_C1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 1. Reset default 2 IREFS Internal Reference Select The IREFS bit selects the reference clock source for the FLL. 0 1 1 IRCLKEN Internal Reference Clock Enable The IRCLKEN bit enables the internal reference clock for use as ICSIRCLK. 0 1 0 IREFSTEN External reference clock selected. Internal reference clock selected. ICSIRCLK inactive. ICSIRCLK active. Internal Reference Stop Enable The IREFSTEN bit controls whether or not the internal reference clock remains enabled when the ICS enters stop mode. 0 1 Internal reference clock is disabled in stop. Internal reference clock stays enabled in stop if IRCLKEN is set or if ICS is in FEI, FBI, or FBILP mode before entering stop. 1. Reset default 8.6.2 ICS Control Register 2 (ICS_C2) Address: 3038h base + 1h offset = 3039h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 BDIV 0 0 4 3 2 LP 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICS_C2 field descriptions Field 7-5 BDIV Description Bus Frequency Divider Selects the amount to divide down the clock source selected by the CLKS bits. This controls the bus frequency. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Encoding 0 - Divides selected clock by 1. Encoding 1 - Divides selected clock by 2. Encoding 2 - Divides selected clock by 4. Encoding 3 - Divides selected clock by 8. Encoding 4 - Divides selected clock by 16. Encoding 5 - Divides selected clock by 32. Encoding 6 - Divides selected clock by 64. Encoding 7 - Divides selected clock by 128. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 192 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management ICS_C2 field descriptions (continued) Field 4 LP Description Low Power Select The LP bit controls whether the FLL is disabled in FLL bypassed modes. 0 1 Reserved FLL is not disabled in bypass mode. FLL is disabled in bypass modes unless BDM is active. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 8.6.3 ICS Control Register 3 (ICS_C3) Address: 3038h base + 2h offset = 303Ah Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* SCTRIM x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. ICS_C3 field descriptions Field SCTRIM Description Slow Internal Reference Clock Trim Setting The SCTRIM bits control the slow internal reference clock frequency by controlling the internal reference clock period. The bits are binary weighted. In other words, bit 1 adjusts twice as much as bit 0. Increasing the binary value in SCTRIM will increase the period, and decreasing the value will decrease the period. An additional fine trim bit is available in ICSC4 as the SCFTRIM bit. 8.6.4 ICS Control Register 4 (ICS_C4) Address: 3038h base + 3h offset = 303Bh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 LOLIE 0 CME 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 SCFTRIM 0 0 0 ICS_C4 field descriptions Field 7 LOLIE Description Loss of Lock Interrupt Determines if an interrupt request is made following a loss of lock indication. The LOLIE bit has an effect only when LOLS is set. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 193 ICS control registers ICS_C4 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6 Reserved 5 CME No request on loss of lock. Generate an interrupt request on loss of lock. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Clock Monitor Enable Determines if a reset request is made following a loss of external clock indication. The CME bit should be set to a logic 1 only when the ICS is in an operational mode that uses the external clock (FEE or FBE). 0 1 Clock monitor is disabled. Generate a reset request on loss of external clock. 4-1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 SCFTRIM Slow Internal Reference Clock Fine Trim The SCFTRIM bit controls the smallest adjustment of the internal reference clock frequency. Setting SCFTRIM will increase the period and clearing SCFTRIM will decrease the period by the smallest amount possible. NOTE: SCFTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location when not in any BDM mode. 8.6.5 ICS Status Register (ICS_S) Address: 3038h base + 4h offset = 303Ch Bit Read 7 6 5 4 3 LOLS LOCK 0 IREFST 0 0 0 1 2 1 CLKST 0 0 Write Reset 0 0 0 0 ICS_S field descriptions Field 7 LOLS Description Loss of Lock Status This bit is a sticky indication of lock status for the FLL. LOLS is set when lock detection is enabled and after acquiring lock, the FLL output frequency has fallen outside the lock exit frequency tolerance, Dunl. LOLIE determines whether an interrupt request is made when set. LOLS is cleared by reset or by writing a logic 1 to LOLS when LOLS is set. Writing a logic 0 to LOLS has no effect. 0 1 6 LOCK FLL has not lost lock since LOLS was last cleared. FLL has lost lock since LOLS was last cleared. Lock Status Indicates whether the FLL has acquired lock. Lock detection is disabled when FLL is disabled. If the lock status bit is set then changing the value of any of the following bits IREFS, RDIV[2:0], or, if in FEI or FBI modes, TRIM[7:0] will cause the lock status bit to clear and stay cleared until the FLL has reacquired lock. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 194 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management ICS_S field descriptions (continued) Field Description Stop mode entry will also cause the lock status bit to clear and stay cleared until the FLL has reacquired lock. NOTE: Wait at least for Tqcquire after wake from stop mode to start timing critical tasks like serial communication. Do not need to wait for LOCK bit to set after wake from stop mode. 0 1 5 Reserved 4 IREFST This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Internal Reference Status The IREFST bit indicates the current source for the reference clock. The IREFST bit does not update immediately after a write to the IREFS bit due to internal synchronization between clock domains. 0 1 3-2 CLKST Source of reference clock is external clock. Source of reference clock is internal clock. Clock Mode Status The CLKST bits indicate the current clock mode. The CLKST bits don't update immediately after a write to the CLKS bits due to internal synchronization between clock domains. 00 01 10 11 Reserved FLL is currently unlocked. FLL is currently locked. Output of FLL is selected. FLL Bypassed, internal reference clock is selected. FLL Bypassed, external reference clock is selected. Reserved. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 8.6.6 OSC Status and Control Register (ICS_OSCSC) Address: 3038h base + 6h offset = 303Eh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 OSCEN 0 0 5 4 OSCSTEN OSCOS 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 1 RANGE HGO 0 0 0 OSCINIT 0 ICS_OSCSC field descriptions Field 7 OSCEN Description OSC Enable The OSCEN bit enables the external clock for use as ICSERCLK. 0 1 OSC module disabled. OSC module enabled. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 195 System clock gating control registers ICS_OSCSC field descriptions (continued) Field Description 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 OSCSTEN OSC Enable in Stop mode The OSCSTEN bit controls whether or not the OSC clock remains enabled when MCU enters stop mode. 0 1 4 OSCOS OSC Output Select This bit is used to select the output clock of OSC module. 0 1 3 Reserved 2 RANGE Frequency Range Select Selects the frequency range for the OSC module. Low frequency range of 31.25kHz - 39.0625kHz. High frequency range of 4 - 20MHz. High Gain Oscillator Select The HGO bit controls the OSC mode of operation. 0 1 0 OSCINIT External clock source from EXTAL pin is selected. Oscillator clock source is selected. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 1 HGO OSC clock is disabled in stop. OSC stays enabled in stop if OSCEN is set or if ICS is set or ICS requests to be active before entering stop. Low gain mode. High gain mode. OSC Initialization This bit set after the initialization cycles of oscillator completes. 0 1 Oscillator initialization not completes. Oscillator initialization completed. 8.7 System clock gating control registers SCG memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 300C System Clock Gating Control 1 Register (SCG_C1) 8 R/W A3h 8.7.1/197 300D System Clock Gating Control 2 Register (SCG_C2) 8 R/W 3Ch 8.7.2/198 300E System Clock Gating Control 3 Register (SCG_C3) 8 R/W 36h 8.7.3/199 300F System Clock Gating Control 4 Register (SCG_C4) 8 R/W A9h 8.7.4/200 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 196 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management 8.7.1 System Clock Gating Control 1 Register (SCG_C1) This high page register contains control bits to enable or disable the bus clock to the FTMs, MTIMs, and RTC modules. Gating off the clocks to unused peripherals is used to reduce the MCU's run and wait currents. NOTE User software should disable the peripheral before disabling the clocks to the peripheral. When clocks are re-enabled to a peripheral, the peripheral registers need to be re-initialized by user software. Address: 300Ch base + 0h offset = 300Ch Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 FTM2 0 FTM0 1 0 1 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 MTIM0 RTC 1 1 SCG_C1 field descriptions Field 7 FTM2 Description FTM2 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the FTM2 module. 0 1 6 Reserved 5 FTM0 This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. FTM0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the FTM0 module. 0 1 4-2 Reserved 1 MTIM0 Bus clock to the FTM0 module is disabled. Bus clock to the FTM0 module is enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MTIM0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the MTIM0 module. 0 1 0 RTC Bus clock to the FTM2 module is disabled. Bus clock to the FTM2 module is enabled. Bus clock to the MTIM0 module is disabled. Bus clock to the MTIM0 module is enabled. RTC Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the RTC module. 0 1 Bus clock to the MTRTCIM1 module is disabled. Bus clock to the RTC module is enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 197 System clock gating control registers 8.7.2 System Clock Gating Control 2 Register (SCG_C2) This high-page register contains control bits to enable or disable the bus clock to the DBG, NVM, CRC, and IPC modules. Gating off the clocks to unused peripherals is used to reduce the MCU's run and wait currents. NOTE User software should disable the peripheral before disabling the clocks to the peripheral. When clocks are re-enabled to a peripheral, the peripheral registers need to be re-initialized by user software. Address: 300Ch base + 1h offset = 300Dh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 DBG NVM IPC CRC 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 SCG_C2 field descriptions Field 7-6 Reserved 5 DBG Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. DBG Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the DBG module. 0 1 4 NVM NVM Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the NVM module. 0 1 3 IPC This bit controls the clock gate to the IPC module. Bus clock to the IPC module is disabled. Bus clock to the IPC module is enabled. CRC Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the CRC module. 0 1 Reserved Bus clock to the NVM module is disabled. Bus clock to the NVM module is enabled. IPC Clock Gate Control 0 1 2 CRC Bus clock to the DBG module is disabled. Bus clock to the DBG module is enabled. Bus clock to the CRC module is disabled. Bus clock to the CRC module is enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 198 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management 8.7.3 System Clock Gating Control 3 Register (SCG_C3) This high page register contains control bits to enable or disable the bus clock to the SCI, SPI, IIC modules. Gating off the clocks to unused peripherals is used to reduce the MCU's run and wait currents. NOTE User software should disable the peripheral before disabling the clocks to the peripheral. When clocks are re-enabled to a peripheral, the peripheral registers need to be re-initialized by user software. Address: 300Ch base + 2h offset = 300Eh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 0 0 0 5 4 3 SCI1 SCI0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 SPI0 IIC 0 1 1 0 SCG_C3 field descriptions Field 7-6 Reserved 5 SCI1 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. SCI1 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the SCI1 module. 0 1 4 SCI0 SCI0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the SCI0 module. 0 1 3 Reserved 2 SPI0 Bus clock to the SCI0 module is disabled. Bus clock to the SCI0 module is enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. SPI0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the SPI0 module. 0 1 1 IIC Bus clock to the SCI1 module is disabled. Bus clock to the SCI1 module is enabled. Bus clock to the SPI0 module is disabled. Bus clock to the SPI0 module is enabled. IIC Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the IIC module. 0 1 Bus clock to the IIC module is disabled. Bus clock to the IIC module is enabled. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 199 System clock gating control registers SCG_C3 field descriptions (continued) Field 0 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 8.7.4 System Clock Gating Control 4 Register (SCG_C4) This high page register contains control bits to enable or disable the bus clock to the ACMP, ADC, IRQ, and KBI modules. Gating off the clocks to unused peripherals is used to reduce the MCU's run and wait currents. NOTE User software should disable the peripheral before disabling the clocks to the peripheral. When clocks are re-enabled to a peripheral, the peripheral registers need to be re-initialized by user software. Address: 300Ch base + 3h offset = 300Fh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 ACMP 0 1 0 5 4 3 ADC 0 IRQ 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 KBI0 0 1 SCG_C4 field descriptions Field 7 ACMP Description ACMP Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the ACMP module. 0 1 6 Reserved 5 ADC This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. ADC Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the ADC module. 0 1 4 Reserved 3 IRQ Bus clock to the ACMP module is disabled. Bus clock to the ACMP module is enabled. Bus clock to the ADC module is disabled. Bus clock to the ADC module is enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. IRQ Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the IRQ module. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 200 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Clock management SCG_C4 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 2-1 Reserved 0 KBI0 Bus clock to the IRQ module is disabled. Bus clock to the IRQ module is enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KBI0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the KBI0 module. 0 1 Bus clock to the KBI0 module is disabled. Bus clock to the KBI0 module is enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 201 System clock gating control registers MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 202 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations 9.1 Introduction This chapter provides details on the individual modules of the device. It includes: * device block diagrams highlighting the specific modules and pin-outs * specific module-to-module interactions not necessarily discussed in the individual module chapters, and * links for more information 9.2 Core modules 9.2.1 Central processor unit (CPU) The HCS08 CPU is fully source- and object-code-compatible with the M68HC08 CPU. Several instructions and enhanced addressing modes were added to improve C compiler efficiency and to support a new background debug system which replaces the monitor mode of earlier M68HC08 microcontrollers. 9.2.2 Debug module (DBG) The DBG module implements an on-chip ICE (in-circuit emulation) system and allows non-intrusive debug of application software by providing an on-chip trace buffer with flexible triggering capability. The trigger can also provide extended breakpoint capacity. The on-chip ICE system is optimized for the HCS08 8-bit architecture and supports 64 KB of memory space. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 203 System modules 9.3 System modules 9.3.1 Watchdog (WDOG) The watchdog timer (WDOG) module triggers a system reset if it is allowed to time out. The program is expected to periodically reload the watchdog timer, thereby preventing it from timing out. However, if a fault occurs that causes the program to stop working, the timer will not be reloaded and it will time out. The resulting trigger of a system reset brings the system back from an unresponsive state into a normal state. 9.4 Clock module This device has ICS, XOSC, and LPO clock modules. The internal clock source (ICS) module provides several clock source options for this device. The module contains a frequency-locked loop (FLL) that is controllable by either an internal or external reference clock. The module can select clock from the FLL or bypass the FLL as a source of the MCU system clock. The selected clock source is passed through a reduced bus divider, which allows a lower output clock frequency to be derived. The external oscillator (XOSC) module allows an external crystal, ceramic resonator, or other external clock source to produce the external reference clock. The output of XOSC module can be used as the reference of ICS to generate system bus clock, and/or clock source of watchdog (WDOG), real-time counter (RTC), and analog-to-digital (ADC) modules. The low-power oscillator (LPO) module is an on-chip low-power oscillator providing 1 kHz reference clock to RTC and watchdog (WDOG). The following figures show the block diagram, highlighting the clock modules. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 204 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Chapter 9 Chip configurations PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-1. Device block diagram highlighting clock modules and pins MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 205 Memory 9.5 Memory 9.5.1 Random-access-memory (RAM) This device contains2,048 byte static RAM and addresses 0x0040 through 0x083F. The location of the stack RAM is programmable. The 16-bit stack pointer allows the stack to be anywhere in the 64 KB memory space. 9.5.2 Non-volatile memory (NVM) The NVM is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field programming without requiring external high voltage sources from program or erase operations. The NVM module includes a memory controller that executes commands to modify NVM contents. This device contains two types of non-volatile memory: Flash memory and EEPROM. The Flash is mostly used for the storage of program and constant. The EEPROM is used for storing frequently modified non-volatile data. Non-volatile memory (NVM) includes: * Flash memory * MC9S08PA16--16,384 bytes: 32 sectors of 512 bytes * MC9S08PA8--8,192 bytes: 16 sectors of 512 bytes * EEPROM memory * MC9S08PA16--256 bytes: 128 sector of 2 bytes * MC9S08PA8--256 bytes: 128 sector of 2 bytes 9.6 Power modules This device contains on-chip regulator for various operational power modes of run, wait, and stop3 modes. The low voltage detect (LVD) system allows the system to protect against low voltage conditions in order to protect memory contents and control MCU system states during supply voltage variations. The on-chip bandgap reference (1.2V), which is internally connected to ADC channel, provides independent accuracy reference which will not drop over the full operating voltage even when the operating voltage is falling. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 206 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations 9.7 Security 9.7.1 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) The CRC generator module uses a programmable polynomial to generate CRC code for error detection. The 16-bit code is calculated for 8-bit of data at a time, and provides a simple check for all accessible memory locations in flash and RAM. The following figure shows the device block diagram highlighting the CRC module. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 207 Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Security PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-2. Device block diagram highlighting CRC module MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 208 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations 9.8 Timers 9.8.1 FlexTimer module (FTM) The FlexTimer module is an up to six-channel timer that supports input capture, output compare, and the generation of PWM signals to control electric motor and power management applications. FTM time reference is a 16-bit counter that can be used as an unsigned or signed counter. This MCU contains up to two FTM modules with one 6-channel FTM and one 2-channel FTMs. FTM0 has two independent channels, are fully compatible to the TPM. FTM2, which has six channels, is backward compatible to the TPM for simple configuration and operation, and features hardware deadtime insertion, pairs with complementary outputs, generation of triggers, and fault inputs. Each FTM module has independent external clock input. The following table summarizes the external signals of FTM modules. Table 9-1. FTM module external signals FTM FTM0 FTM2 Functions Default Alternate channel 0 PTA0/FTM0CH0 PTC4/FTM0CH0 channel 1 PTA1/FTM0CH1 PTC5/FTM0CH1 alternate clock PTA5/TCLK0 channel 0 PTC0/FTM2CH0 channel 1 PTC1/FTM2CH1 channel 2 PTC2/FTM2CH2 PTD0/FTM2CH2 channel 3 PTC3/FTM2CH3 PTD1/FTM2CH3 channel 4 PTB4/FTM2CH4 channel 5 PTB5/FTM2CH5 fault 1 PTA6/FTM2FAULT1 fault 2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2 alternate clock PTE4/TCLK2 The following figure shows the device block diagram highlighting FTM modules and pins. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 209 Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Timers PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-3. Device block diagram highlighting FTM modules and pins FTM0 interconnection SCI0 TxD signal can be modulated by FTM0 channel 0 PWM output. Please refer to SCI0 TxD modulation. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 210 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations SCI0 RxD signal can be tagged by FTM0 channel 1 input capture function. Please refer to SCI0 RxD filter. FTM2 interconnection FTM2 supports three PWM synchronization sources: * Trigger0 is connected to the output of ACMP. * Trigger1 is connected to FTM0 channel 0 output. * Trigger2 is a software trigger by writing 1 to the SYS_SOPT2[FTMSYNC] bit. Please refer to System interconnection. FTM2 supports four FTM fault sources: * * * * Fault 0 is connected to ACMP output. Fault1 is connected to PTA6. Fault 2 is connected to PTA7. Fault 3 is not used. Please refer to System interconnection. FTM2 supports seven FTM triggers including an initialization trigger and six channel triggers to other modules. The initialization trigger and match trigger are optionally connected to ADC hardware trigger via an 8-bit delay counter. All other triggers are not used in this device. Please refer to System interconnection. 9.8.2 8-bit modulo timer (MTIM) MTIM0 8-bit modulo timer module that provide a circuit of selectable clock sources and a programmable interrupt. The MTIM module contain an 8-bit modulo counter, which can operate as a free-running counter or a modulo counter. A timer overflow interrupt can be enabled to generate periodic interrupts for time-based software events. MTIM module may also use external clock source. The following figure shows the device block diagram highlighting the MTIM module and pins. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 211 Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Timers PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-4. Block diagram highlighting the MTIM module and pins MTIM0 as ADC hardware trigger MTIM0 overflow can be used as ADC hardware trigger. See ADC hardware trigger for details. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 212 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations 9.8.3 Real-time counter (RTC) The real-time counter (RTC) consists of one 16-bit counter, one 16-bit comparator, several binary-based and decimal-based prescaler dividers, two clock sources, and one programmable periodic interrupt. This module can be used for time-of-day, calendar or any task scheduling functions. It can also serve as a cyclic wakeup from low power modes without external components. RTC overflow trigger can be used as hardware trigger for ADC module. Furthermore, when the trigger is enabled, RTC can toggle external pin function if the counter overflows. The following figure shows the device block diagram highlighting RTC module and pin. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 213 Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Timers PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-5. Device block diagram highlighting RTC module and pin MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 214 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations 9.9 Communication interfaces 9.9.1 Serial communications interface (SCI) This device includes two independent serial communications interface (SCI) modules. Typically, these systems are used to connect to the RS232 serial input/output port of a personal computer or workstation. They can also be used to communicate with other embedded controllers. A flexible, 13-bit, modulo-based baud rate generator supports a broad range of standard baud rates beyond 115.2 kBd. Transmit and receive within the same SCI use a common baud rate, and each SCI module has a separate baud rate generator. This SCI system offers many advanced features not commonly found on other asynchronous serial I/O peripherals of the embedded controllers. The receiver employs an advanced data sampling technique that ensures reliable communication and noise detection. Hardware parity, receiver wakeup, and double buffering on transmit and receive are also included. The following figure shows the device block diagram highlighting SCI modules and pins. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 215 Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Communication interfaces PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-6. Device block diagram highlighting SCI modules and pins MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 216 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations SCI0 infrared functions SCI0 TxD modulation SCI0 TxD output can be modulated by FTM0 channel 0 PWM output. Please refer to SCI0 TxD modulation. SCI0 RxD tag ACMP module output can be directly ejected to SCI0 RxD. In this mode, SCI0 external RxD pinout does not work. Any external signal tagged to ACMP inputs can be set as SCI input. Please refer to SCI0 RxD filter. FTM registers The following table lists all the FTM registers this device has. Table 9-2. FTM registers Registers (x=0, 2) FTM0 FTM2 FTMx_SC Y Y FTM2_CNTH Y Y FTMx_CNTL Y Y FTMx_MODH Y Y FTMx_MODL Y Y FTMx_C0SC Y Y FTMx_C0VH Y Y FTMx_C0VL Y Y FTMx_C1SC Y Y FTMx_C1VH Y Y FTMx_C1VL Y Y FTMx_C2SC N Y FTMx_C2VH N Y FTMx_C2VL N Y FTMx_C3SC N Y FTMx_C3VH N Y FTMx_C3VL N Y FTMx_C4SC N Y FTMx_C4VH N Y FTMx_C4VL N Y FTMx_C5SC N Y FTMx_C5VH N Y Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 217 SCI0 infrared functions Table 9-2. FTM registers (continued) Registers (x=0, 2) FTM0 FTM2 FTMx_C5VL N Y FTMx_CNTINH N Y FTMx_CNTINL N Y FTMx_STATUS N Y FTMx_MODE N Y FTMx_SYNC N Y FTMx_OUTINIT N Y FTMx_OUTMASK N Y FTMx_COMBINE0 N Y FTMx_COMBINE1 N Y FTMx_COMBINE2 N Y FTMx_DEADTIME N Y FTMx_EXTTRIG N Y FTMx_POL N Y FTMx_FMS N Y FTMx_FILTER0 N Y FTMx_FILTER1 N Y FTMx_FLTFILTER N Y FTMx_FLTCTRL N Y 9.9.2 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-bit SPI) This MCU contains an 8-bit serial peripheral interface (SPI0) module which provides for full-duplex, synchronous, serial communication between the MCU and peripheral devices. These peripheral devices can include other microcontrollers, analog-to-digital converters, shift registers, sensors, memories, etc. The following figure shows the device block diagram highlighting 8-bit SPI module and pins. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 218 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Chapter 9 Chip configurations PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-7. Device block diagram highlighting 8-bit SPI module and pins 9.9.3 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) This device contains an inter-integrated circuit (I2C) module for communication with other integrated circuits. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 219 SCI0 infrared functions Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D The following figure shows the device block diagram highlighting I2C module and pins. PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD INTERRUPT PRIORITY KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER (MTIM) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-8. Device block diagram highlighting I2C module and pins MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 220 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations 9.10 Analog 9.10.1 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) This device contains an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) of 12-bit, a successive approximation ADC for operation within an integrated microcontroller system-on-chip. The ADC channel assignments, alternate clock function, and hardware trigger function are configured as described following sections. The following figure shows device block diagram highlighting ADC module and pins. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 221 Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D Analog PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-9. Device block diagram highlighting ADC module and pins ADC channel assignments The ADC channel assignments for the device are shown in the following table. Reserved channels convert to an unknown value. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 222 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations Alternate clock The ADC module is capable of performing conversions using the MCU bus clock, the bus clock divided by two, the local asynchronous clock (ADACK) within the module, or the alternate clock, ALTCLK. The alternate clock for the devices is the external oscillator output (OSCOUT). The selected clock source must run at a frequency such that the ADC conversion clock (ADCK) runs at a frequency within its specified range (fADCK) after being divided down from the ALTCLK input as determined by the ADIV bits. ALTCLK is active while the MCU is in wait mode provided the conditions described above are met. This allows ALTCLK to be used as the conversion clock source for the ADC while the MCU is in wait mode. ALTCLK cannot be used as the ADC conversion clock source while the MCU is in stop3 mode. Hardware trigger The ADC hardware trigger is selectable from MTIM0 overflow, RTC overflow, FTM2 match trigger with 8-bit programmable delay, or FTM2 init trigger with 8-bit programmable delay . The MCU can be configured to use any of those four hardware trigger sources in run and wait modes. The RTC overflow can be used as ADC hardware trigger in STOP3 mode. Please refer to ADC hardware trigger. Temperature sensor The ADC module integrates an on-chip temperature sensor. Following actions must be performed to use this temperature sensor. * Configure ADC for long sample with a maximum of 1 MHz clock * Convert the bandgap voltage reference channel (AD23) * By converting the digital value of the bandgap voltage reference channel using the value of VBG the user can determine VDD. * Convert the temperature sensor channel (AD22) * By using the calculated value of VDD, convert the digital value of AD22 into a voltage, VTEMP MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 223 Analog The following equation provides an approximate transfer function of the on-chip temperature sensor for VDD = 5.0V, Temp = 25C, using the ADC at fADCK = 1.0 MHz and configured for long sample. where: * VTEMP is the voltage of the temperature sensor channel at the ambient temperature * VTEMP25 is the voltage of the temperature sensor channel at 25 C * m is the hot or cold voltage versus temperature slope in V/C For temperature calculations, use the VTEMP25 and m values in the data sheet. In application code, you read the temperature sensor channel, calculate VTEMP, and compare it to VTEMP25. If VTEMP is greater than VTEMP25, the cold slope value is applied in the above equation. If VTEMP is less than VTEMP25 the hot slope value is applied. Calibrating at 25C will improve accuracy to 4.5C. Calibration at three points -40C, 25C, and 105C will improve accuracy to 2.5C. After calibration has been completed, you will need to calculate the slope for both hot and cold. In application code, you can calculate the temperature as detailed above and determine if it is above or below 25C. After you have determined whether the temperature is above or below 25 C. you can recalculate the temperature using the hot or cold slope value obtained during calibration. 9.10.2 Analog comparator (ACMP) The analog comparator module (ACMP) provides a circuit for comparing two analog input voltages or for comparing one analog input voltage to an internal reference voltage. The comparator circuit is used to operate across the full range of the supply voltage (railto-rail operation). The ACMP features four different inputs muxed with both positive and negative inputs to the ACMP. One is fixed connected to built-in DAC output. ACMP0 and ACMP1 are externally mapped on pinouts. ACMP2 is reserved. When using the bandgap reference voltage as the reference voltage to the built-in DAC, the user must enable the bandgap buffer by setting BGBE =1 in SPMSC1. For value of bandgap voltage reference see Bandgap reference. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 224 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D The following figure shows the device block diagram highlighting ACMP modules and pins. PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-10. Device block diagram highlighting ACMP modules and pins MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 225 Human-machine interfaces HMI ACMP configuration information The ACMP features four different inputs muxed with both positive and negative inputs to the ACMP. One is fixed connected to built-in DAC output. ACMP0 and ACMP1 are externally mapped on pinouts. ACMP2 is reserved. The following table shows the connection of ACMP input assignments. Table 9-3. ACMP module external signals ACMP Channel Connection 0 PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 1 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 2 Reserved 3 DAC output When using the bandgap reference voltage as the reference voltage to the built-in DAC, the user must enable the bandgap buffer by setting BGBE =1 in SPMSC1. For value of bandgap voltage reference see Bandgap reference. ACMP in stop3 mode ACMP continues to operate in stop3 mode if enabled. If ACMP_SC[ACOPE] is enabled, comparator output will operate as in the normal operating mode and will control ACMPO pin. The MCU is brought out of stop when a compare event occurs and ACMP_SC[ACIE] is enabled; ACF flag sets accordingly. ACMP for SCI0 RXD filter ACMP module output can be directly ejected to SCI0 RxD. In this mode, SCI0 external RxD pinout does not work. Any external signal tagged to ACMP inputs can be regarded as input pins. Please refer SCI0 RxD filter. 9.11 Human-machine interfaces HMI 9.11.1 Keyboard interrupts (KBI) This device has one KBI modules with up to 8 keyboard interrupt inputs grouped in a KBI modules available depending on packages. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 226 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Chip configurations Port A Port B CPU PTB0/KBI0P4/RxD0/ADP4 PTB1/KBI0P5/TxD0/ADP5 PTB2/KBI0P6/SPSCK0/ADP6 PTB3/KBI0P7/MOSI0/ADP7 PTB4/FTM2CH4/MISO0 3 PTB5/FTM2CH5/SS0 3 PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB7/SCL/EXTAL Port C HCS08 CORE PTA0/KBI0P0/FTM0CH0/ACMP0/ADP0 PTA1/KBI0P1/FTM0CH1/ACMP1/ADP1 PTA2/KBI0P2/RxD0/SDA1 PTA3/KBI0P3/TxD0/SCL1 PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 2 PTA5/IRQ/TCLK0/RESET PTA6/FTM2FAULT1/ADP2 PTA7/FTM2FAULT2/ADP3 PTC0/FTM2CH0/ADP8 PTC1/FTM2CH1/ADP9 PTC2/FTM2CH2/ADP10 PTC3/FTM2CH3/ADP11 PTC4/FTM0CH0 PTC5/FTM0CH1 PTC6/RxD1 PTC7/TxD1 Port D The following figure shows the device block diagram with the KBI modules and pins highlighted. PTD0/FTM2CH23 PTD1/FTM2CH33 PTD2 PTD3 PTD4 PTD5 PTD6 PTD7 BDC SYSTEM INTEGRATION MODULE (SIM) WDG IRQ 1 kHz OSC LVD KEYBOARD INTERRUPT MODULE (KBI0) INTER-INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUS (IIC) 8-BIT MODULO TIMER INTERRUPT PRIORITY (MTIM0) CONTROLLER(IPC) 2-CH FLEX TIMER ON-CHIP ICE AND DEBUG MODUE (DBG) MODULE (FTM0) 6-CH FLEX TIMER MODULE (FTM2) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI0) USER EEPROM MC9S08PA16 = 256 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 256 bytes USER RAM MC9S08PA16 = 2,048 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 2,048 bytes 20 MHz INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE (ICS) EXTAL XTAL VDD VSS VDD4 VSS 4 VSS 4 VREFH VDDA VREFL VSSA EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOURCE (XOSC) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE (SCI1) ANALOG COMPARATOR (ACMP) Port E USER FLASH MC9S08PA16 = 16,384 bytes MC9S08PA8 = 8,192 bytes REAL-TIME CLOCK (RTC) PTE0/SPSCK0 PTE1/MOSI0 PTE2/MISO0 PTE3/BUSOUT PTE4/TCLK2 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI0) POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (PMC) 12-CH 12-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC) CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) 1. PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output. 2. PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS is an output-only pin when used as port pin. 3. PTD0, PTD1, PTB4 and PTB5 can provide high sink/source current drive. 4. The secondary power pair of V DD and VSS (pin 11, 27 and 28 in 44-pin package) are not bonded in 32-pin, 20-pin or 16-pin packages. Figure 9-11. Block diagram highlighting KBI modules and pins MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 227 Human-machine interfaces HMI MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 228 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit 10.1 Introduction This section provides summary information about the registers, addressing modes, special operations, instructions and exceptions processing of the HCS08 V6 CPU. The HCS08 V6 CPU is fully source- and object-code-compatible with the HCS08 CPU. 10.1.1 Features Features of the HCS08 V6 CPU include: * Object code fully upward-compatible with M68HC05 and M68HC08 families * 16-bit stack pointer (any size stack anywhere in 64 KB CPU address space) * 16-bit index register (H:X) with powerful indexed addressing modes * 8-bit accumulator (A) * Many instructions treat X as a second general-purpose 8-bit register * Seven addressing modes: * Inherent -- Operands in internal registers * Relative -- 8-bit signed offset to branch destination * Immediate -- Operand in next object code byte(s) * Direct -- Operand in memory at 0x0000-0x00FF * Extended -- Operand anywhere in 64-Kbyte address space MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 229 Programmer's Model and CPU Registers * Indexed relative to H:X -- Five submodes including auto increment * Indexed relative to SP -- Improves C efficiency dramatically * Memory-to-memory data move instructions with four address mode combinations * Overflow, half-carry, negative, zero, and carry condition codes support conditional branching on the results of signed, unsigned, and binary-coded decimal (BCD) operations * Efficient bit manipulation instructions * STOP and WAIT instructions to invoke low-power operating modes 10.2 Programmer's Model and CPU Registers Figure 10-1 shows the five CPU registers. CPU registers are not part of the memory map. 7 0 ACCUMULATOR A 16-BIT INDEX REGISTER H:X 8 7 0 15 INDEX REGISTER (H) INDEX REGISTER (X) 15 0 SP STACK POINTER 0 15 PC PROGRAM COUNTER 7 CONDITION CODE REGISTER 0 V 1 1 H I N Z C CCR CARRY ZERO NEGATIVE INTERRUPT MASK HALF-CARRY (FROM BIT 3) TWO'S COMPLEMENT OVERFLOW Figure 10-1. CPU Registers 10.2.1 Accumulator (A) The A accumulator is a general-purpose 8-bit register. One input operand from the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is connected to the accumulator, and the ALU results are often stored into the A accumulator after arithmetic and logical operations. The MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 230 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit accumulator can be loaded from memory using various addressing modes to specify the address where the loaded data comes from, or the contents of A can be stored to memory using various addressing modes to specify the address where data from A will be stored. Reset has no effect on the contents of the A accumulator. 10.2.2 Index Register (H:X) This 16-bit register is actually two separate 8-bit registers (H and X), which often work together as a 16-bit address pointer where H holds the upper byte of an address and X holds the lower byte of the address. All indexed addressing mode instructions use the full 16-bit value in H:X as an index reference pointer; however, for compatibility with the earlier M68HC05 family, some instructions operate only on the low-order 8-bit half (X). Many instructions treat X as a second general-purpose 8-bit register that can be used to hold 8-bit data values. X can be cleared, incremented, decremented, complemented, negated, shifted, or rotated. Transfer instructions allow data to be transferred from A or transferred to A where arithmetic and logical operations can then be performed. For compatibility with the earlier M68HC05 family, H is forced to 0x00 during reset. Reset has no effect on the contents of X. 10.2.3 Stack Pointer (SP) This 16-bit address pointer register points at the next available location on the automatic last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack. The stack may be located anywhere in the 64 KB address space that has RAM, and can be any size up to the amount of available RAM. The stack is used to automatically save the return address for subroutine calls, the return address and CPU registers during interrupts, and for local variables. The AIS (add immediate to stack pointer) instruction adds an 8-bit signed immediate value to SP. This is most often used to allocate or deallocate space for local variables on the stack. SP is forced to 0x00FF at reset for compatibility with the earlier M68HC05 family. HCS08 V6 programs normally change the value in SP to the address of the last location (highest address) in on-chip RAM during reset initialization to free up direct page RAM (from the end of the on-chip registers to 0x00FF). The RSP (reset stack pointer) instruction was included for compatibility with the M68HC05 family and is seldom used in new HCS08 V6 programs because it affects only the low-order half of the stack pointer. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 231 Programmer's Model and CPU Registers 10.2.4 Program Counter (PC) The program counter is a 16-bit register that contains the address of the next instruction or operand to be fetched. During normal program execution, the program counter automatically increments to the next sequential memory location every time an instruction or operand is fetched. Jump, branch, interrupt, and return operations load the program counter with an address other than that of the next sequential location. This is called a change-of-flow. During reset, the program counter is loaded with the reset vector that is located at 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF. The vector stored there is the address of the first instruction that will be executed after exiting the reset state. 10.2.5 Condition Code Register (CCR) The 8-bit condition code register contains the interrupt mask (I) and five flags that indicate the results of the instruction just executed. Bits 6 and 5 are set permanently to 1. The following paragraphs describe the functions of the condition code bits in general terms. Table 10-1. CCR Register Field Descriptions Field 7 V Description Two's Complement Overflow Flag -- The CPU sets the overflow flag when a two's complement overflow occurs. The signed branch instructions BGT, BGE, BLE, and BLT use the overflow flag. 0 No overflow 1 Overflow 4 H Half-Carry Flag -- The CPU sets the half-carry flag when a carry occurs between accumulator bits 3 and 4 during an add-without-carry (ADD) or add-with-carry (ADC) operation. The half-carry flag is required for binary-coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic operations. The DAA instruction uses the states of the H and C condition code bits to automatically add a correction value to the result from a previous ADD or ADC on BCD operands to correct the result to a valid BCD value. 0 No carry between bits 3 and 4 1 Carry between bits 3 and 4 3 I Interrupt Mask Bit -- When the interrupt mask is set, all maskable CPU interrupts are disabled. CPU interrupts are enabled when the interrupt mask is cleared. When a CPU interrupt occurs, the interrupt mask is set automatically after the CPU registers are saved on the stack, but before the first instruction of the interrupt service routine is executed. Interrupts are not recognized at the instruction boundary after any instruction that clears I (CLI or TAP). This ensures that the next instruction after a CLI or TAP will always be executed without the possibility of an intervening interrupt, provided I was set. 0 Interrupts enabled Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 232 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit Table 10-1. CCR Register Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description 1 Interrupts disabled 2 N Negative Flag -- The CPU sets the negative flag when an arithmetic operation, logic operation, or data manipulation produces a negative result, setting bit 7 of the result. Simply loading or storing an 8-bit or 16-bit value causes N to be set if the most significant bit of the loaded or stored value was 1. 0 Non-negative result 1 Negative result 1 Z Zero Flag -- The CPU sets the zero flag when an arithmetic operation, logic operation, or data manipulation produces a result of 0x00 or 0x0000. Simply loading or storing an 8-bit or 16-bit value causes Z to be set if the loaded or stored value was all 0s. 0 Non-zero result 1 Zero result 0 C Carry/Borrow Flag -- The CPU sets the carry/borrow flag when an addition operation produces a carry out of bit 7 of the accumulator or when a subtraction operation requires a borrow. Some instructions -- such as bit test and branch, shift, and rotate -- also clear or set the carry/borrow flag. 0 No carry out of bit 7 1 Carry out of bit 7 10.3 Addressing Modes Addressing modes define the way the CPU accesses operands and data. In the HCS08 V6, memory, status and control registers, and input/output (I/O) ports share a single 64 KB CPU address space. This arrangement means that the same instructions that access variables in RAM can also be used to access I/O and control registers or nonvolatile program space. Some instructions use more than one addressing mode. For instance, move instructions use one addressing mode to specify the source operand and a second addressing mode to specify the destination address. Instructions such as BRCLR, BRSET, CBEQ, and DBNZ use one addressing mode to specify the location of an operand for a test and then use relative addressing mode to specify the branch destination address when the tested condition is true. For BRCLR, BRSET, CBEQ, and DBNZ, the addressing mode listed in the instruction set tables is the addressing mode needed to access the operand to be tested, and relative addressing mode is implied for the branch destination. Every addressing mode, except inherent, generates a 16-bit effective address. The effective address is the address of the memory location that the instruction acts on. Effective address computations do not require extra execution cycles. The HCS08 V6 CPU uses the 16 addressing modes described in the following sections. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 233 Addressing Modes 10.3.1 Inherent Addressing Mode (INH) In this addressing mode, instructions either have no operands or all operands are in internal CPU registers. In either case, the CPU does not need to access any memory locations to complete the instruction. Examples: NOP CLRA ;this instruction has no operands ;operand is a CPU register 10.3.2 Relative Addressing Mode (REL) Relative addressing mode is used to specify the destination location for branch instructions. A signed two's complement byte offset value is located in the memory location immediately following the opcode. The offset gives a branching range of -128 to +127 bytes. In most assemblers, the programmer does not need to calculate the offset, because the assembler determines the proper offset and verifies that it is within the span of the branch. During program execution, if a branch condition is true, the signed offset is signextended to a 16-bit value and is added to the current contents of the program counter, which causes program execution to continue at the branch destination address. If a branch condition is false, the CPU executes the next instruction. 10.3.3 Immediate Addressing Mode (IMM) The operand for instructions with the immediate addressing mode is contained in the byte(s) immediately following the opcode. The byte or bytes that follow the opcode are the value of the statement rather than the address of the value. The pound symbol (#) is used to indicate an immediate addressing mode operand. One very common programming error is to accidentally omit the # symbol. This causes the assembler to misinterpret the following expression as an address rather than explicitly provided data. For example LDA #$55 means to load the immediate value $55 into the accumulator, while LDA $55 means to load the value from address $0055 into the accumulator. Without the # symbol, the instruction is erroneously interpreted as a direct addressing instruction. Example: LDA CPHX LDHX #$55 #$FFFF #$67 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 234 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit The size of the immediate operand is implied by the instruction context. In the third example, the instruction implies a 16-bit immediate value, but only an 8-bit value is supplied. In this case the assembler generates the 16-bit value $0067 because the CPU expects a 16-bit value in the instruction stream. 10.3.4 Direct Addressing Mode (DIR) This addressing mode is sometimes called zero-page addressing because it accesses operands in the address range $0000 through $00FF. Since these addresses always begin with $00, only the low byte of the address needs to be included in the instruction, which saves program space and execution time. A system can be optimized by placing the most commonly accessed data in this area of memory. The low byte of the operand address is supplied with the instruction and the high byte of the address is assumed to be zero. Examples: LDA $55 The value $55 is taken to be the low byte of an address in the range $0000 through $00FF. The high byte of the address is assumed to be zero. During execution, the CPU combines the value $55 from the instruction with the assumed value of $00 to form the address $0055, which is then used to access the data to be loaded into accumulator. LDHX $20 In this example, the value $20 is combined with the assumed value of $00 to form the address $0020. Since the LDHX instruction requires a 16-bit value, a 16-bit word of data is read from addresses $0020 and $0021. After execution, the H:X index register has the value from address $0020 in its high byte and the value from address $0021 in its low byte. The same happens for CPHX and STHX. BRSET 0,$80,foo In this example, direct addressing is used to access the operand and relative addressing is used to identify the destination address of a branch, in case the branch-taken conditions are met. This is also the case for BRCLR. 10.3.5 Extended Addressing Mode (EXT) In extended addressing, the full 16-bit address of the memory location to be operated on is provided in the instruction. Extended addressing can access any location in the 64 KB memory map. Example: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 235 Addressing Modes LDA $F03B This instruction uses extended addressing because $F03B is above the zero page. In most assemblers, the programmer does not need to specify whether an instruction is direct or extended. The assembler automatically selects the shortest form of the instruction. 10.3.6 Indexed Addressing Mode Indexed addressing mode has seven variations, including five that use the 16-bit H:X index register pair and two that use the stack pointer as the base reference. Indexed, No Offset (IX) Instructions using the indexed, no offset addressing mode are one-byte instructions that can access data with variable addresses. The X (Index register low byte) register contains the low byte of the conditional address of the operand and the H (Index register high byte) register contains the high byte of the address. Indexed, no offset instructions can move a pointer through a table or hold the address of a frequently used RAM or input/output (I/O) location. Indexed, No Offset with Post Increment (IX+) Instructions using the indexed, no offset with post increment addressing mode are twobyte instructions that address the operands and then increment the Index register (H:X). The X (Index register low byte) register contains the low byte of the conditional address of the operand and the H (Index register high byte) register contains the high byte of the address. This addressing mode is usually used for table searches. MOV and CBEQ instructions use this addressing mode as well. Indexed, 8-Bit Offset (IX1) Indexed with 8-bit offset instructions are two-byte instructions that can access data with a variable address. The CPU adds the unsigned bytes in the H:X register to the unsigned byte immediately following the opcode. The sum is the effective address. Indexed, 8-bit offset instructions are useful in selecting the k-th element in an n-element table. The table can begin anywhere and can extend as far as the address map allows. The k value would typically be in H:X, and the address of the beginning of the table would be MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 236 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit in the byte following the opcode. Using H:X in this way, this addressing mode is limited to the first 256 addresses in memory. Tables can be located anywhere in the address map when H:X is used as the base address, and the byte following the opcode is the offset. Indexed, 8-Bit Offset with Post Increment (IX1+) Indexed, 8-bit offset with post-increment instructions are three-byte instructions that access the operands with variable addresses, then increment H:X. The CPU adds the unsigned bytes in the H:X register to the byte immediately following the opcode. The sum is the effective address. This addressing mode is generally used for table searches. This addressing mode is used for CBEQ instruction. Indexed, 16-Bit Offset (IX2) Indexed, 16-bit offset instructions are three-byte instructions that can access data with variable addresses at any location in memory. The CPU adds the unsigned contents of H:X to the 16-bit unsigned word formed by the two bytes following the opcode. The sum is the effective address of the operand. The first byte after the opcode is the most significant byte of the 16-bit offset; the second byte is the least significant byte of the 16bit offset. As with direct and extended addressing, most assemblers determine the shortest form of indexed addressing. Indexed, 16-bit offset instructions are useful in selecting the k-th element in an n-element table. The table can begin anywhere and can extend as far as the address map allows. The k value would typically be in H:X, and the address of the beginning of the table would be in the bytes following the opcode. SP-Relative, 8-Bit Offset (SP1) Stack pointer, 8-bit offset instructions are three-byte instructions that address operands in much the same way as indexed 8-bit offset instructions, except that the 8-bit offset is added to the value of the stack pointer instead of the index register. The stack pointer, 8-bit offset addressing mode permits easy addressing of data on the stack. The CPU adds the unsigned byte in the 16-bit stack pointer (SP) register to the unsigned byte following the opcode. The sum is the effective address of the operand. If interrupts are disabled, this addressing mode allows the stack pointer to be used as a second "index" register. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 237 Addressing Modes Stack pointer relative instructions require a pre-byte for access. Consequently, all SP relative instructions take one cycle longer than their index relative counterparts. SP-Relative, 16-Bit Offset (SP2) Stack pointer, 16-bit offset instructions are four-byte instructions used to access data relative to the stack pointer with variable addresses at any location in memory. The CPU adds the unsigned contents of the 16-bit stack pointer to the 16-bit unsigned word formed by the two bytes following the opcode. The sum is the effective address of the operand. As with direct and extended addressing, most assemblers determine the shortest form of stack pointer addressing. Due to the pre-byte, stack pointer relative instructions take one cycle longer than their index relative counterparts. Stack pointer, 16-bit offset instructions are useful in selecting the k-th element a an nelement table. The table can begin anywhere and can extend anywhere in memory. The k value would typically be in the stack pointer register, and the address of the beginning of the table is located in the two bytes following the two-byte opcode. 10.3.7 Memory to memory Addressing Mode Memory to memory addressing mode has the following four variations. Direct to Direct This addressing mode is used to move data within the direct page of memory. Both the source operand and the destination operand are in the direct page. The source data is addressed by the first byte immediately following the opcode, and the destination location is addressed by the second byte following the opcode. Immediate to Direct This addressing mode is used to move an 8-bit constant to any location in the direct page memory. The source data is the byte immediately following the opcode, and the destination is addressed by the second byte following the opcode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 238 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit Indexed to Direct, Post Increment Used only by the MOV instruction, this addressing mode accesses a source operand addressed by the H:X register, and a destination location within the direct page addressed by the byte following the opcode. H:X is incremented after the source operand is accessed. Direct to Indexed, Post-Increment Used only with the MOV instruction, this addressing mode accesses a source operand addressed by the byte following the opcode, and a destination location addressed by the H:X register. H:X is incremented after the destination operand is written. 10.4 Operation modes The CPU can be placed into the following operation modes: stop, wait, background and security. 10.4.1 Stop mode Usually, all system clocks, including the crystal oscillator (when used), are halted during stop mode to minimize power consumption. In such systems, external circuitry is needed to control the time spent in stop mode and to issue a signal to wake up the target MCU when it is time to resume processing. Unlike the earlier M68HC05 and M68HC08 MCUs, the HCS08 V6 can be configured to keep a minimum set of clocks running in stop mode. This optionally allows an internal periodic signal to wake the target MCU from stop mode. When a host debug system is connected to the background debug pin (BKGD) and the ENBDM control bit has been set by a serial command through the background interface (or because the MCU was reset into active background mode), the oscillator is forced to remain active when the MCU enters stop mode. In this case, if a serial BACKGROUND command is issued to the MCU through the background debug interface while the CPU is in stop mode, CPU clocks will resume and the CPU will enter active background mode where other serial background commands can be processed. This ensures that a host development system can still gain access to a target MCU even if it is in stop mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 239 Operation modes 10.4.2 Wait mode The WAIT instruction enables interrupts by clearing the I bit in the CCR. It then halts the clocks to the CPU to reduce overall power consumption while the CPU is waiting for the interrupt or reset event that will wake the CPU from wait mode. When an interrupt or reset event occurs, the CPU clocks will resume and the interrupt or reset event will be processed normally. If a serial BACKGROUND command is issued to the MCU through the background debug interface while the CPU is in wait mode, CPU clocks will resume and the CPU will enter active background mode where other serial background commands can be processed. This ensures that a host development system can still gain access to a target MCU even if it is in wait mode. While in wait mode, there are some restrictions on which background debug commands can be used. Only the BACKGROUND command and memory-access-with-status commands are available while in wait mode. The memory-access-with-status commands do not allow memory access, but they report an error indicating that the CPU is in either stop or wait mode. The BACKGROUND command can be used to wake the CPU from wait mode and enter active background mode. 10.4.3 Background mode Background instruction (BGND) is not used in normal user programs because it forces the CPU to stop processing user instructions and enter the active background mode waiting for serial background commands. The only way to resume execution of the user program is through reset or by a host debug system issuing a GO, TRACE1, or TAGGO serial command through the background debug interface. Software-based breakpoints can be set by replacing an opcode at the desired breakpoint address with the BGND opcode. When the program reaches this breakpoint address, the CPU is forced to active background mode rather than continuing the user program. The active background mode functions are managed through the background debug controller (BDC) in the HCS08 V6 core. The BDC provides the means for analyzing MCU operation during software development. Active background mode is entered in any of the following ways: * When the BKGD/MS pin is low at the time the MCU exits reset. * When a BACKGROUND command is received through the BKGD pin. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 240 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit * When a BGND instruction is executed. * When encountering a BDC breakpoint. Background commands are of two types: * Non-intrusive commands, defined as commands that can be issued while the user program is running. Non-intrusive commands can be issued through the BKGD pin while the MCU is in run mode; non-intrusive commands can also be executed when the MCU is in the active background mode. Non-intrusive commands include: * Memory access commands * Memory-access-with-status commands * BDC register access commands * The BACKGROUND command * Active background commands, which can be executed only while the MCU is in active background mode. Active background commands include commands to: * Read or write CPU registers * Trace one user program instruction at a time * Leave active background mode to return to the user's application program (GO) The active background mode is used to program a bootloader or user application program into the flash program memory before the MCU is operated in run mode for the first time. The active background mode can also be used to erase and reprogram the flash memory after it has been previously programmed. 10.4.4 Security mode Usually HCS08 V6 MCUs are implemented with a secure operating mode. When in secure mode, external access to internal memory is restricted, so that only instructions fetched from secure memory can access secure memory. The method by which the MCU is put into secure mode is not defined by the HCS08 V6 Core. The core receives an external input signal that, when asserted, informs to the core that the MCU is in secure mode. While in secure mode, the core controls the following set of conditions: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 241 Operation modes 1. The RAM, flash, and EEPROM arrays are considered secure memory. All registers in Direct Page or High Page are considered non-secure memory. 2. Read data is tagged as either secure or non-secure during a program read, depending on whether the read is from secure or non-secure memory. 3. A data read of secure memory returns a value of $00 when the current instruction is tagged as non-secure or the access is a BDC access. 4. A data write to secure memory is blocked and data at the target address does not change state when the current instruction is tagged as non-secure or the access is through BDC. 5. A data write to secure memory is never blocked during the stacking cycles of interrupt service routines. 6. Data accesses to either secure or non-secure memory are allowed when the current instruction is tagged as secure. 7. BDC accesses to non-secure memory are allowed. When the device is in the non-secure mode, secure memory is treated the same as nonsecure memory, and all accesses are allowed. Table 10-2 details the security conditions for allowing or disabling a read access. Table 10-2. Security conditions for read access Inputs conditions Read control Security enabled Ram, flash or EEPROM access Program or vector read Current CPU instruction from secure memory Current access is via BDC Read access allowed 0 x x x x 1 1 0 x x x 1 1 1 1 x x 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 242 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit 10.5 HCS08 V6 Opcodes The HCS08 V6 Core has 254 one-byte opcodes and 47 two-byte opcodes, totaling 301 opcodes. For a more detailed description of the HCS08 V6 instructions please refer to the Instruction Set Summary section. 10.6 Special Operations The CPU performs a few special operations that are similar to instructions but do not have opcodes like other CPU instructions. This section provides additional information about these operations. 10.6.1 Reset Sequence Reset can be caused by a power-on-reset (POR) event, internal conditions such as the COP (computer operating properly) watchdog, or by assertion of an external active-low reset pin. When a reset event occurs, the CPU immediately stops whatever it is doing (the MCU does not wait for an instruction boundary before responding to a reset event). The reset event is considered concluded when the sequence to determine whether the reset came from an internal source is done and when the reset pin is no longer asserted. At the conclusion of a reset event, the CPU performs a 6-cycle sequence to fetch the reset vector from $FFFE and $FFFF and to fill the instruction queue in preparation for execution of the first program instruction. 10.6.2 Interrupt Sequence When an interrupt is requested, the CPU completes the current instruction before responding to the interrupt. At this point, the program counter is pointing at the start of the next instruction, which is where the CPU should return after servicing the interrupt. The CPU responds to an interrupt by performing the same sequence of operations as for a software interrupt (SWI) instruction, except the address used for the vector fetch is determined by the highest priority interrupt that is pending when the interrupt sequence started. The CPU sequence for an interrupt is: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 243 Instruction Set Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Store the contents of PCL, PCH, X, A, and CCR on the stack, in that order. Set the I bit in the CCR. Fetch the high-order half of the interrupt vector. Fetch the low-order half of the interrupt vector. Delay for one free bus cycle. Fetch three bytes of program information starting at the address indicated by the interrupt vector to fill the instruction queue in preparation for execution of the first instruction in the interrupt service routine. After the CCR contents are pushed onto the stack, the I bit in the CCR is set to prevent other interrupts while in the interrupt service routine. Although it is possible to clear the I bit with an instruction in the interrupt service routine, this would allow nesting of interrupts (which is not recommended because it leads to programs that are difficult to debug and maintain). For compatibility with the earlier M68HC05 MCUs, the high-order half of the H:X index register pair (H) is not saved on the stack as part of the interrupt sequence. The user must use a PSHH instruction at the beginning of the service routine to save H and then use a PULH instruction just before the RTI that ends the interrupt service routine. It is not necessary to save H if you are certain that the interrupt service routine does not use any instructions or auto-increment addressing modes that might change the value of H. The software interrupt (SWI) instruction is like a hardware interrupt except that it is not masked by the global I bit in the CCR and it is associated with an instruction opcode within the program so it is not asynchronous to program execution. 10.7 Instruction Set Summary Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary I N Z C Address Mode Bus Cycles ADC #opr8i - IMM A9 ii 2 ADC opr8a - DIR B9 dd 3 ADC opr16a - EXT C9 hh ll 4 ADC oprx16,X - IX2 D9 ee ff 4 - IX1 E9 ff 3 ADC ,X - IX F9 ADC oprx16,SP - SP2 9ED9 ee ff 5 ADC oprx8,SP - SP1 9EE9 ff 4 Source Form ADC oprx8,X Operation Add with Carry Description A (A) + (M) + (C) Opcode V H Operand Effect on CCR 3 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 244 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) I N Z C Address Mode Bus Cycles ADD #opr8i - IMM AB ii 2 ADD opr8a - DIR BB dd 3 ADD opr16a - EXT CB hh ll 4 ADD oprx16,X - IX2 DB ee ff 4 - IX1 EB ff 3 ADD ,X - IX FB ADD oprx16,SP - SP2 9EDB ee ff 5 ADD oprx8,SP - SP1 9EEB ff 4 - - - - - - IMM A7 ii 2 - - - - - - IMM AF ii 2 AND #opr8i 0 - - - IMM A4 ii 2 AND opr8a 0 - - - DIR B4 dd 3 AND opr16a 0 - - - EXT C4 hh ll 4 AND oprx16,X 0 - - - IX2 D4 ee ff 4 0 - - - IX1 E4 ff 3 AND ,X 0 - - - IX F4 AND oprx16,SP 0 - - - SP2 9ED4 ee ff 5 AND oprx8,SP 0 - - - SP1 9EE4 ff 4 ASL opr8a - - DIR 38 dd 5 ASLA - - INH 48 - - INH 58 - - IX1 68 ASL ,X - - IX 78 ASL oprx8,SP - - SP1 9E68 ff 6 ASR opr8a - - DIR 37 dd 5 ASRA - - INH 47 1 ASRX - - INH 57 1 - - IX1 67 ASR ,X - - IX 77 ASR oprx8,SP - - SP1 9E67 ff 6 - - - - - - REL 24 rr 3 - - - - - - DIR (b0) 11 dd 5 Source Form ADD oprx8,X Operation Add without Carry Description A (A) + (M) AIS #opr8i Add Immediate Value SP (SP) + (M) where (Signed) to Stack M is sign extended to a Pointer 16-bit value AIX #opr8i Add Immediate Value (Signed) to Index Register (H:X) AND oprx8,X Logical AND H:X (H:X) + (M) where M is sign extended to a 16-bit value A (A) & (M) ASLX ASL oprx8,X ASR oprx8,X BCC rel Arithmetic Shift Left (same as LSL) Arithmetic Shift Right Branch if Carry Bit Clear C MSB, LSB 0 MSB MSB, LSB C Branch if (C) = 0 Opcode V H Operand Effect on CCR 3 3 1 1 ff 5 4 ff 5 4 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 245 Instruction Set Summary BCLR n,opr8a Operation Clear Bit n in Memory Description Mn 0 Bus Cycles Source Form Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) V H I N Z C Address Mode - - - - - - DIR (b1) 13 dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b2) 15 dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b3) 17 dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b4) 19 dd - - - - - - DIR (b5) 1B dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b6) 1D dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b7) 1F dd 5 BCS rel Branch if Carry Bit Set (same as BLO) Branch if (C) = 1 - - - - - - REL 25 rr 3 BEQ rel Branch if Equal Branch if (Z) = 1 - - - - - - REL 27 rr 3 BGE rel Branch if Greater Than or Equal To (Signed Operands) Branch if (N V) = 0 - - - - - - REL 90 rr 3 BGND Enter Active Background if ENBDM =1 Waits For and Processes BDM Commands Until GO, TRACE1, or TAGGO - - - - - - INH 82 BGT rel Branch if Greater Than (Signed Operands) Branch if (Z) | (N V) = - 0 - - - - - REL 92 rr 3 5+ BHCC rel Branch if Half Carry Bit Clear Branch if (H) = 0 - - - - - - REL 28 rr 3 BHCS rel Branch if Half Carry Bit Set Branch if (H) = 1 - - - - - - REL 29 rr 3 BHI rel Branch if Higher Branch if (C) | (Z) = 0 - - - - - - REL 22 rr 3 BHS rel Branch if Higher or Same (same as BCC) Branch if (C) = 0 - - - - - - REL 24 rr 3 BIH rel Branch if IRQ Pin High Branch if IRQ pin = 1 - - - - - - REL 2F rr 3 BIL rel Branch if IRQ Pin Low Branch if IRQ pin = 0 - - - - - - REL 2E rr 3 BIT #opr8i 0 - - - IMM A5 ii 2 BIT opr8a 0 - - - DIR B5 dd 3 BIT opr16a 0 - - - EXT C5 hh ll 4 0 - - - IX2 D5 ee ff 4 BIT oprx8,X 0 - - - IX1 E5 ff 3 BIT ,X 0 - - - IX F5 BIT oprx16,SP 0 - - - SP2 9ED5 ee ff 5 BIT oprx8,SP 0 - - - SP1 9EE5 ff 4 BIT oprx16,X Bit Test (A) & (M), (CCR Updated but Operands Not Changed) 3 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 246 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit BLE rel Operation Description I N Z C Address Mode - - - - - REL 93 rr 3 V H Branch if Less Than or Branch if (Z) | (N V) = - Equal To (Signed 1 Operands) Bus Cycles Source Form Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) BLO rel Branch if Lower (Same as BCS) Branch if (C) = 1 - - - - - - REL 25 rr 3 BLS rel Branch if Lower or Same Branch if (C) | (Z) = 1 - - - - - - REL 23 rr 3 BLT rel Branch if Less Than (Signed Operands) Branch if (N V ) = 1 - - - - - - REL 91 rr 3 BMC rel Branch if Interrupt Mask Clear Branch if (I) = 0 - - - - - - REL 2C rr 3 BMI rel Branch if Minus Branch if (N) = 1 - - - - - - REL 2B rr 3 BMS rel Branch if Interrupt Mask Set Branch if (I) = 1 - - - - - - REL 2D rr 3 BNE rel Branch if Not Equal Branch if (Z) = 0 - - - - - - REL 26 rr 3 BPL rel Branch if Plus Branch if (N) = 0 - - - - - - REL 2A rr 3 BRA rel Branch Always No Test - - - - - - REL 20 rr 3 - - - - - DIR (b0) 01 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b1) 03 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b2) 05 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b3) 07 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b4) 09 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b5) 0B dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b6) 0D dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b7) 0F dd rr 5 - - - - - - REL 21 rr 3 - - - - - DIR (b0) 00 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b1) 02 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b2) 04 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b3) 06 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b4) 08 dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b5) 0A dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b6) 0C dd rr 5 - - - - - DIR (b7) 0E dd rr 5 - - - - - - DIR (b0) 10 dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b1) 12 dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b2) 14 dd 5 BRCLR n,opr8a,rel BRN rel BRSET n,opr8a,rel Branch if Bit n in Memory Clear Branch Never Branch if Bit n in Memory Set Branch if (Mn) = 0 Uses 3 Bus Cycles Branch if (Mn) = 1 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 247 Instruction Set Summary BSET n,opr8a Operation Set Bit n in Memory Description Mn 1 Bus Cycles Source Form Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) V H I N Z C Address Mode - - - - - - DIR (b3) 16 dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b4) 18 dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b5) 1A dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b6) 1C dd 5 - - - - - - DIR (b7) 1E dd 5 - - - - - - REL AD rr 5 PC (PC) + 0x0002 push (PCL) BSR rel Branch to Subroutine SP (SP) - 0x0001 push (PCH) SP (SP) - 0x0001 PC (PC) + rel CBEQ opr8a,rel Branch if (A) = (M) - - - - - - DIR 31 dd rr 5 CBEQA #opr8i,rel Branch if (A) = (M) - - - - - - IMM 41 ii rr 4 Branch if (X) = (M) - - - - - - IMM 51 ii rr 4 CBEQ oprx8,X +,rel Branch if (A) = (M) - - - - - - IX1+ 61 ff rr 5 CBEQ ,X+,rel Branch if (A) = (M) - - - - - - IX+ 71 rr 5 CBEQ oprx8,SP,rel Branch if (A) = (M) - - - - - - SP1 9E61 ff rr 6 CBEQX #opr8i,rel Compare and Branch if Equal CLC Clear Carry Bit C0 - - - - - 0 INH 98 1 CLI Clear Interrupt Mask Bit I0 - - 0 - - - INH 9A 1 CLR opr8a M 0x00 0 - - 0 1 - DIR 3F CLRA A 0x00 0 - - 0 1 - INH 4F 1 CLRX X 0x00 0 - - 0 1 - INH 5F 1 dd 5 H 0x00 0 - - 0 1 - INH 8C CLR oprx8,X M 0x00 0 - - 0 1 - IX1 6F CLR ,X M 0x00 0 - - 0 1 - IX 7F CLR oprx8,SP M 0x00 0 - - 0 1 - SP1 9E6F ff 6 CMP #opr8i - - IMM A1 ii 2 CMP opr8a - - DIR B1 dd 3 CMP opr16a - - EXT C1 hh ll 4 - - IX2 D1 ee ff 4 - - IX1 E1 ff 3 CMP ,X - - IX F1 CMP oprx16,SP - - SP2 9ED1 CLRH Clear CMP oprx16,X CMP oprx8,X Compare Accumulator (A) - (M); (CCR with Memory Updated But Operands Not Changed) 1 ff 5 4 3 ee ff 5 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 248 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit Operation Description CMP oprx8,SP Bus Cycles Source Form Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) V H I N Z C Address Mode - - SP1 9EE1 ff 4 dd 5 COM opr8a M (M) = 0xFF - (M) 0 - - 1 DIR 33 COMA A (A) = 0xFF - (A) 0 - - 1 INH 43 1 X (X) = 0xFF - (X) 0 - - 1 INH 53 1 COM oprx8,X M (M) = 0xFF - (M) 0 - - 1 IX1 63 COM ,X M (M) = 0xFF - (M) 0 - - 1 IX 73 COM oprx8,SP M (M) = 0xFF - (M) 0 - - 1 SP1 9E63 ff 6 CPHX opr16a - - EXT 3E hh ll 6 CPHX #opr16i - - IMM 65 jj kk 3 - - DIR 75 dd 5 CPHX oprx8,SP - - SP1 9EF3 ff 6 CPX #opr8i - - IMM A3 ii 2 CPX opr8a - - DIR B3 dd 3 CPX opr16a - - EXT C3 hh ll 4 - - IX2 D3 ee ff 4 CPX oprx8,X - - IX1 E3 ff 3 CPX ,X - - IX F3 CPX oprx16,SP - - SP2 9ED3 ee ff 5 CPX oprx8,SP - - SP1 9EE3 ff 4 U - - INH 72 DBNZ opr8a,rel - - - - - - DIR 3B dd rr 7 DBNZA rel - - - - - - INH 4B rr 4 DBNZX rel - - - - - - INH 5B rr 4 - - - - - - IX1 6B ff rr 7 DBNZ ,X,rel - - - - - - IX 7B rr 6 DBNZ oprx8,SP,rel - - - - - - SP1 9E6B ff rr 8 dd 5 COMX CPHX opr8a CPX oprx16,X DAA DBNZ oprx8,X,rel One's Complement Compare Index Register (H:X) with Memory Compare X (Index Register Low) with Memory Decimal Adjust Accumulator After ADD or ADC of BCD Values Decrement and Branch if Not Zero (H:X) - (M:M + 0x0001); (CCR Updated But Operands Not Changed) (X) - (M); (CCR Updated But Operands Not Changed) (A)10 Decrement A, X, or M Branch if (result) 0 Affects X, Not H ff 5 4 3 1 DEC opr8a M (M) - 0x01 - - - DIR 3A DECA A (A) - 0x01 - - - INH 4A 1 DECX X (X) - 0x01 - - - INH 5A 1 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 249 Instruction Set Summary Bus Cycles Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) V H I N Z C Address Mode - - - IX1 6A M (M) - 0x01 - - - IX 7A M (M) - 0x01 - - - SP1 9E6A A (H:A)/(X), H Remainder - - - - INH 52 EOR #opr8i 0 - - - IMM A8 ii 2 EOR opr8a 0 - - - DIR B8 dd 3 EOR opr16a 0 - - - EXT C8 hh ll 4 EOR oprx16,X 0 - - - IX2 D8 ee ff 4 0 - - - IX1 E8 ff 3 EOR ,X 0 - - - IX F8 EOR oprx16,SP 0 - - - SP2 9ED8 ee ff 5 EOR oprx8,SP 0 - - - SP1 9EE8 ff 4 dd 5 Source Form Operation Description Decrement M (M) - 0x01 DEC ,X DEC oprx8,SP DEC oprx8,X DIV EOR oprx8,X Divide Exclusive OR Memory with Accumulator A (A M) ff 5 4 ff 6 6 3 INC opr8a M (M) + 0x01 - - - DIR 3C INCA A (A) + 0x01 - - - INH 4C 1 INCX X (X) + 0x01 - - - INH 5C 1 M (M) + 0x01 - - - IX1 6C INC ,X M (M) + 0x01 - - - IX 7C INC oprx8,SP M (M) + 0x01 - - - INC oprx8,X Increment ff 5 4 SP1 9E6C ff 6 JMP opr8a DIR BC dd 3 JMP opr16a EXT CC hh ll 4 IX2 DC ee ff 4 JMP oprx8,X IX1 EC ff 3 JMP ,X IX FC JMP oprx16,X PC Jump Address Jump JSR opr8a JSR opr16a - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - DIR BD dd 5 PC (PC) + n (n = 1, 2, - or 3) Push (PCL) - - - - - EXT CD hh ll 6 SP (SP) - 0x0001 Push (PCH) - - - - - - IX2 DD ee ff 6 JSR oprx8,X SP (SP) - 0x0001 - - - - - - IX1 ED ff 5 JSR ,X PC Unconditional Address - - - - - - IX FD 0 - - - IMM A6 ii 2 LDA opr8a DIR B6 dd 3 LDA opr16a EXT C6 hh ll 4 IX2 D6 ee ff 4 IX1 E6 ff 3 JSR oprx16,X Jump to Subroutine LDA #opr8i LDA oprx16,X LDA oprx8,X Load Accumulator from Memory A (M) 5 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 250 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit Operation Description V H I N Z C LDA ,X Address Mode Bus Cycles Source Form Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) IX F6 3 LDA oprx16,SP SP2 9ED6 ee ff 5 LDA oprx8,SP SP1 9EE6 ff 4 LDHX #opr16i 0 - - - IMM 45 jj kk 3 LDHX opr8a 0 - - - DIR 55 dd 4 0 - - - EXT 32 hh ll 5 0 - - - IX 9EAE LDHX oprx16,X 0 - - - IX2 9EBE ee ff 6 LDHX oprx8,X 0 - - - IX1 9ECE ff 5 LDHX oprx8,SP 0 - - - SP1 9EFE ff 5 LDX #opr8i 0 - - - IMM AE ii 2 LDX opr8a 0 - - - DIR BE dd 3 LDX opr16a 0 - - - EXT CE hh ll 4 LDX oprx16,X 0 - - - IX2 DE ee ff 4 0 - - - IX1 EE ff 3 LDX ,X 0 - - - IX FE LDX oprx16,SP 0 - - - SP2 9EDE ee ff 5 LDX oprx8,SP 0 - - - SP1 9EEE ff 4 LSL opr8a - - DIR 38 dd 5 LSLA - - INH 48 - - INH 58 - - IX1 68 LSL ,X - - IX 78 LSL oprx8,SP - - SP1 9E68 ff 6 LSR opr8a - - 0 DIR 34 dd 5 LSRA - - 0 INH 44 1 LSRX - - 0 INH 54 1 - - 0 IX1 64 LSR ,X - - 0 IX 74 LSR oprx8,SP - - 0 SP1 9E64 ff 6 MOV opr8a,opr8a 0 - - - DIR/DIR 4E dd 5 0 - - - DIR/IX+ 5E dd 5 LDHX opr16a LDHX ,X LDX oprx8,X Load Index Register (H:X) from Memory Load X (Index Register Low) from Memory H:X (M:M + 0x0001) X (M) LSLX LSL oprx8,X LSR oprx8,X MOV opr8a,X+ Logical Shift Left (Same as ASL) Logical Shift Right Move C MSB, LSB 0 0 MSB, LSB C (M)destination (M)source 5 3 1 1 ff 5 4 ff 5 4 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 251 Instruction Set Summary Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) MOV #opr8i,opr8a Description V H I N Z C Address Mode Bus Cycles Operation - IMM/DIR 6E ii 4 dd 5 H:X (H:X) + 0x0001 0 in IX+/DIR and DIR/IX+ Modes - - MOV ,X+,opr8a Opcode Source Form Operand Effect on CCR 0 - - - IX+/DIR 7E X:A (X) x (A) - 0 - - - 0 INH 42 NEG opr8a M - (M) = 0x00 - (M) - - DIR 30 NEGA A - (A) = 0x00 - (A) - - INH 40 1 X - (X) = 0x00 - (X) - - INH 50 1 NEG oprx8,X M - (M) = 0x00 - (M) - - IX1 60 NEG ,X M - (M) = 0x00 - (M) - - IX 70 NEG oprx8,SP M - (M) = 0x00 - (M) - - SP1 9E60 MUL NEGX Unsigned multiply Negate (Two's Complement) 5 dd ff 5 5 4 ff 6 NOP No Operation Uses 1 Bus Cycle - - - - - - INH 9D 1 NSA Nibble Swap Accumulator A (A[3:0]:A[7:4]) - - - - - - INH 62 1 ORA #opr8i 0 - - - IMM AA ORA opr8a 0 - - - DIR ORA opr16a 0 - - - EXT ORA oprx16,X 0 - - - IX2 0 - - - ORA ,X 0 - - ORA oprx16,SP 0 - - ORA oprx8,SP 0 - - ORA oprx8,X Inclusive OR Accumulator and Memory A (A) | (M) ii 2 BA dd 3 CA hh ll 4 DA ee ff 4 IX1 EA ff 3 - IX FA - SP2 9EDA ee ff 5 - SP1 9EEA ff 4 3 PSHA Push Accumulator onto Stack Push (A); SP (SP) - 0x0001 - - - - - - INH 87 2 PSHH Push H (Index Register High) onto Stack Push (H); SP (SP) - 0x0001 - - - - - - INH 8B 2 PSHX Push X (Index Register Low) onto Stack Push (X); SP (SP) - 0x0001 - - - - - - INH 89 2 PULA Pull Accumulator from Stack SP (SP + 0x0001); Pull (A) - - - - - - INH 86 3 PULH Pull H (Index Register High) from Stack SP (SP + 0x0001); Pull (H) - - - - - - INH 8A 3 PULX Pull X (Index Register Low) from Stack SP (SP + 0x0001); Pull (X) - - - - - - INH 88 3 ROL opr8a - - DIR 39 ROLA - - INH 49 dd 5 1 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 252 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit Bus Cycles Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) V H I N Z C Address Mode - - INH 59 - - IX1 69 ROL ,X - - IX 79 ROL oprx8,SP - - SP1 9E69 ff 6 ROR opr8a - - DIR 36 dd 5 RORA - - INH 46 1 RORX - - INH 56 1 - - IX1 66 ROR ,X - - IX 76 ROR oprx8,SP - - SP1 9E66 - - - - - - INH 9C 1 INH 80 9 - - - - - - INH 81 6 SBC #opr8i - - IMM A2 ii 2 SBC opr8a - - DIR B2 dd 3 SBC opr16a - - EXT C2 hh ll 4 SBC oprx16,X - - IX2 D2 ee ff 4 ff 3 Source Form Operation Description ROLX ROL oprx8,X ROR oprx8,X RSP Rotate Left through Carry Rotate Right through Carry Reset Stack Pointer C MSB, LSB C LSB C, C MSB SP 0xFF (High Byte Not Affected) 1 ff 5 4 ff 5 4 ff 6 SP (SP) + 0x0001, Pull (CCR) SP (SP) + 0x0001, Pull (A) RTI Return from Interrupt SP (SP) + 0x0001, Pull (X) SP (SP) + 0x0001, Pull (PCH) SP (SP) + 0x0001, Pull (PCL) SP SP + 0x0001, Pull (PCH) RTS Return from Subroutine SP SP + 0x0001, Pull (PCL) SBC oprx8,X Subtract with Carry A (A) - (M) - (C) - - IX1 E2 SBC ,X - - IX F2 SBC oprx16,SP - - SP2 9ED2 ee ff 5 SBC oprx8,SP - - SP1 9EE2 ff 4 3 SEC Set Carry Bit C1 - - - - - 1 INH 99 1 SEI Set Interrupt Mask Bit I1 - - 1 - - - INH 9B 1 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 253 Instruction Set Summary Bus Cycles Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) V H I N Z C Address Mode STA opr8a 0 - - - DIR B7 dd 3 STA opr16a 0 - - - EXT C7 hh ll 4 STA oprx16,X 0 - - - IX2 D7 ee ff 4 STA oprx8,X 0 - - - IX1 E7 ff 3 0 - - - IX F7 STA oprx16,SP 0 - - - SP2 9ED7 ee ff 5 STA oprx8,SP 0 - - - SP1 9EE7 ff 4 STHX opr8a 0 - - - DIR 35 dd 4 Store H:X (Index Reg.) (M:M + 0x0001) (H:X) 0 - - - EXT 96 hh ll 5 0 - - - SP1 9EFF ff 5 - - 0 - - - INH 8E STX opr8a 0 - - - DIR BF STX opr16a 0 - - - EXT STX oprx16,X 0 - - - IX2 STX oprx8,X 0 - - - 0 - - STX oprx16,SP 0 - - STX oprx8,SP 0 - - SUB #opr8i - SUB opr8a SUB opr16a SUB oprx16,X Source Form STA ,X STHX opr16a Operation Store Accumulator in Memory Description M (A) STHX oprx8,SP STOP Enable Interrupts: Stop Processing. Refer to MCU Documentation. I bit 0; Stop Processing 2 3+ dd 3 CF hh ll 4 DF ee ff 4 IX1 EF ff 3 - IX FF - SP2 9EDF ee ff 5 - SP1 9EEF ff 4 - IMM A0 ii 2 - - DIR B0 dd 3 - - EXT C0 hh ll 4 - - IX2 D0 ee ff 4 - - IX1 E0 ff 3 SUB ,X - - IX F0 SUB oprx16,SP - - SP2 9ED0 ee ff 5 SUB oprx8,SP - - SP1 9EE0 ff 4 STX ,X SUB oprx8,X Store X (Low 8 Bits of Index Register) in Memory Subtract M (X) A (A) - (M) 2 3 PC (PC) + 0x0001 Push (PCL) SP (SP) - 0x0001 Push (PCH) SP (SP) - 0x0001, Push (X) SP (SP) - 0x0001 Push (A) Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 254 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Central processor unit SWI Operation Description Software Interrupt SP (SP) - 0x0001 Push (CCR) Bus Cycles Source Form Operand Effect on CCR Opcode Table 10-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued) V H I N Z C Address Mode - - 1 - - - INH 83 11 SP (SP) - 0x0001 I 1 PCH Interrupt Vector High Byte PCL Interrupt Vector Low Byte TAP Transfer Accumulator to CCR CCR (A) INH 84 1 TAX Transfer Accumulator to X (Index Register Low) X (A) - - - - - - INH 97 1 TPA Transfer CCR to Accumulator A (CCR) - - - - - - INH 85 1 TST opr8a (M) - 0x00 0 - - - DIR 3D TSTA (A) - 0x00 0 - - - INH 4D 1 TSTX (X) - 0x00 0 - - - INH 5D 1 (M) - 0x00 0 - - - IX1 6D TST ,X (M) - 0x00 0 - - - IX 7D TST oprx8,SP (M) - 0x00 0 - - - SP1 9E6D TST oprx8,X Test for Negative or Zero dd ff 4 4 3 ff 5 TSX Transfer SP to Index Register H:X (SP) + 0x0001 - - - - - - INH 95 2 TXA Transfer X (Index Reg. Low) to Accumulator A (X) - - - - - - INH 9F 1 TXS Transfer Index Register to SP SP (H:X) - 0x0001 - - - - - - INH 94 2 WAIT Enable Interrupts Wait for Interrupt I bit 0, Halt CPU - - 0 - - - INH 8F 3+ MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 255 Instruction Set Summary MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 256 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Keyboard Interrupts (KBI) 11.1 Introduction 11.1.1 Features The KBI features include: * Up to eight keyboard interrupt pins with individual pin enable bits * Each keyboard interrupt pin is programmable as: * falling-edge sensitivity only * rising-edge sensitivity only * both falling-edge and low-level sensitivity * both rising-edge and high-level sensitivity * One software-enabled keyboard interrupt * Exit from low-power modes 11.1.2 Modes of Operation This section defines the KBI operation in: * Wait mode * Stop mode * Background debug mode MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 257 External signals description KBI in Wait mode Executing the Wait instruction places the MCU into Wait mode. The KBI interrupt should be enabled (KBI_SC[KBIE] = 1), if desired, before executing the Wait instruction, allowing the KBI to continue to operate while the MCU is in Wait mode. An enabled KBI pin (KBI_PE[KBIPEn] = 1) can be used to bring the MCU out of Wait mode if the KBI interrupt is enabled (KBI_SC[KBIE] = 1). KBI in Stop modes Executing the Stop instruction places the MCU into Stop mode (when Stop is selected), where the KBI can operate asynchronously. If this is the desired behavior, the KBI interrupt must be enabled (KBI_SC[KBIE] = 1) before executing the Stop instruction, allowing the KBI to continue to operate while the MCU is in Stop mode. An enabled KBI pin (KBI_PE[KBIPEn] = 1) can be used to bring the MCU out of Stop mode if the KBI interrupt is enabled (KBI_SC[KBIE] = 1). 11.1.3 Block Diagram The block diagram for the keyboard interrupt module is shown below.. BUSCLK KBACK 1 KBIxP0 0 VDD S KBIPE0 RESET D CLR KBF Q SYNCHRONIZER CK KBEDG0 KEYBOARD INTERRUPT FF 1 KBIxPn 0 S KBIPEn STOP STOP BYPASS KBIx INTERRUPT REQUEST KBMOD KBIE KBEDGn Figure 11-1. KBI block diagram 11.2 External signals description The KBI input pins can be used to detect either falling edges, or both falling edge and low-level interrupt requests. The KBI input pins can also be used to detect either rising edges, or both rising edge and high-level interrupt requests. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 258 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Keyboard Interrupts (KBI) The signal properties of KBI are shown in the following table: Table 11-1. External signals description Signal Function KBIxPn I/O Keyboard interrupt pins I 11.3 Register definition The KBI includes following registers: * A pin status and control register, KBIx_SC * A pin enable register, KBIx_PE * An edge select register, KBIx_ES See the direct-page register summary in the Memory chapter for the absolute address assignments for all KBI registers. This section refers to registers and control bits only by their names. Some MCUs may have more than one KBI, so register names include placeholder characters to identify which KBI is being referenced. 11.4 Memory Map and Registers KBI memory map Absolute address (hex) 3C Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page KBI Status and Control Register (KBI0_SC) 8 R/W 00h 11.4.1/259 307C KBIx Pin Enable Register (KBI0_PE) 8 R/W 00h 11.4.2/260 307D KBIx Edge Select Register (KBI0_ES) 8 R/W 00h 11.4.3/261 11.4.1 KBI Status and Control Register (KBIx_SC) KBI_SC contains the status flag and control bits, which are used to configure the KBI. Address: 3Ch base + 0h offset = 3Ch Bit 7 6 Read 5 4 0 3 KBF Write Reset 2 KBACK 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 KBIE KBMOD 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 259 Memory Map and Registers KBIx_SC field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved 3 KBF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KBI Interrupt Flag KBF indicates when a KBI interrupt request is detected. Writes have no effect on KBF. 0 1 2 KBACK 1 KBIE KBI Acknowledge Writing a 1 to KBACK is part of the flag clearing mechanism. KBI Interrupt Enable KBIE determines whether a KBI interrupt is enabled or not. 0 1 0 KBMOD KBI interrupt request not detected. KBI interrupt request detected. KBI interrupt not enabled. KBI interrupt enabled. KBI Detection Mode KBMOD (along with the KBEDG bits) controls the detection mode of the KBI interrupt pins. 0 1 Keyboard detects edges only. Keyboard detects both edges and levels. 11.4.2 KBIx Pin Enable Register (KBIx_PE) KBIx_PE contains the pin enable control bits. Address: 3Ch base + 3040h offset = 307Ch Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 KBIPE 0 0 0 0 KBIx_PE field descriptions Field KBIPE Description KBI Pin Enables Each of the KBIPEn bits enable the corresponding KBI interrupt pin. 0 1 Pin is not enabled as KBI interrupt. Pin is enabled as KBI interrupt. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 260 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Keyboard Interrupts (KBI) 11.4.3 KBIx Edge Select Register (KBIx_ES) KBIx_ES contains the edge select control bits. Address: 3Ch base + 3041h offset = 307Dh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 KBEDG 0 0 0 0 KBIx_ES field descriptions Field KBEDG Description KBI Edge Selects Each of the KBEDGn bits selects the falling edge/low-level or rising edge/high-level function of the corresponding pin. 0 1 Falling edge/low level. Rising edge/high level. 11.5 Functional Description This on-chip peripheral module is called a keyboard interrupt module because originally it was designed to simplify the connection and use of row-column matrices of keyboard switches. However, these inputs are also useful as extra external interrupt inputs and as an external means of waking the MCU from stop or wait low-power modes. The KBI module allows up to eight pins to act as additional interrupt sources. Writing to the KBIx_PE[KBIPEn] bits independently enables or disables each KBI pin. Each KBI pin can be configured as edge sensitive or edge and level sensitive based on the KBIx_SC[KBMOD] bit. Edge sensitive can be software programmed to be either falling or rising; the level can be either low or high. The polarity of the edge or edge and level sensitivity is selected using the KBIx_ES[KBEDGn] bits. 11.5.1 Edge-only sensitivity Synchronous logic is used to detect edges. A falling edge is detected when an enabled keyboard interrupt (KBIx_PE[KBIPEn]=1) input signal is seen as a logic 1 (the deasserted level) during one bus cycle and then a logic 0 (the asserted level) during the MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 261 Functional Description next cycle. A rising edge is detected when the input signal is seen as a logic 0 (the deasserted level) during one bus cycle and then a logic 1 (the asserted level) during the next cycle. Before the first edge is detected, all enabled keyboard interrupt input signals must be at the deasserted logic levels. After any edge is detected, all enabled keyboard interrupt input signals must return to the deasserted level before any new edge can be detected. A valid edge on an enabled KBI pin will set KBIx_SC[KBF]. If KBIx_SC[KBIE] is set, an interrupt request will be presented to the MPU. Clearing of KBIx_SC[KBF] is accomplished by writing a 1 to KBIx_SC[KBACK]. 11.5.2 Edge and level sensitivity A valid edge or level on an enabled KBI pin will set KBIx_SC[KBF]. If KBIx_SC[KBIE] is set, an interrupt request will be presented to the MCU. Clearing of KBIx_SC[KBF] is accomplished by writing a 1 to KBIx_SC[KBACK], provided all enabled keyboard inputs are at their deasserted levels. KBIx_SC[KBF] will remain set if any enabled KBI pin is asserted while attempting to clear KBIx_SC[KBF] by writing a 1 to KBIx_SC[KBACK]. 11.5.3 KBI Pullup Resistor Each KBI pin, if enabled by KBIx_PE, can be configured via the associated I/O port pull enable register, see chapter, to use: * an internal pullup resistor, or * no resistor If an internal pullup resistor is enabled for an enabled KBI pin, the associated I/O port pull select register (see I/O Port chapter) can be used to select an internal pullup resistor. 11.5.4 KBI initialization When a keyboard interrupt pin is first enabled, it is possible to get a false keyboard interrupt flag. To prevent a false interrupt request during keyboard initialization, the user should do the following: 1. Mask keyboard interrupts by clearing KBIx_SC[KBIE]. 2. Enable the KBI polarity by setting the appropriate KBIx_ES[KBEDGn] bits. 3. Before using internal pullup resistors, configure the associated bits in PORT_. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 262 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Keyboard Interrupts (KBI) 4. Enable the KBI pins by setting the appropriate KBIx_PE[KBIPEn] bits. 5. Write to KBIx_SC[KBACK] to clear any false interrupts. 6. Set KBIx_SC[KBIE] to enable interrupts. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 263 Functional Description MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 264 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 12.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The FlexTimer module is a two to eight channel timer which supports input capture, output compare, and the generation of PWM signals to control electric motor and power management applications. The FTM time reference is a 16-bit counter that can be used as an unsigned or signed counter. 12.1.1 FlexTimer philosophy The FlexTimer is built upon a very simple timer used for many years on Freescale's 8-bit microcontrollers, the HCS08 Timer PWM Module - TPM. The FlexTimer extends the functionality to meet the demands of motor control, digital lighting solutions, and power conversion, while providing low cost and backwards compatibility with the TPM module. Several key enhancements are made: signed up-counter, dead time insertion hardware, fault control inputs, enhanced triggering functionality and initialization, and polarity control. All of the features common with the TPM module have fully backwards compatible register assignments and the FlexTimer can use code on the same core platform without change to perform the same functions. A small exception to this is when the FlexTimer clock frequency is twice bus clock frequency to provide extra resolution for high speed PWM applications. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 265 Introduction Motor control and power conversion features have been added through a dedicated set of registers. The new features, such as hardware dead time insertion, polarity, fault control, and masking, greatly reduce loading on the execution software and are usually each controlled by a group of registers. All of the new features are disabled after reset by default. Flextimer input triggers can come directly from other modules integrated on the chip, such as comparators or ADCs, to automatically initiate timer functions. These triggers can be linked in a variety of ways during integration of the modules so please note carefully the options available for used FlexTimer configuration. All main user access registers are buffered to ease the load on the executing software. A number of trigger options exist to determine which registers are updated with this user defined data. 12.1.2 Features The FTM features include: * Selectable FTM source clock: * Source clock can be the system clock, the fixed frequency clock, or an external clock * Fixed frequency clock is an additional clock input to allow the selection of an on chip clock source other than the system clock * Selecting external clock connects FTM clock to a chip level input pin therefore allowing to synchronize the FTM counter with an off chip clock source * Prescaler divide-by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 * FTM has a 16-bit counter * It can be a free-running counter or a counter with initial and final value * The counting can be up or up-down * Each channel can be configured for input capture, output compare, or edge-aligned PWM mode * In input capture mode: * The capture can occur on rising edges, falling edges or both edges * An input filter can be selected for some channels MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 266 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) * In output compare mode the output signal can be set, cleared, or toggled on match * All channels can be configured for center-aligned PWM mode * Each pair of channels can be combined to generate a PWM signal with independent control of both edges of PWM signal * The FTM channels can operate as pairs with equal outputs, pairs with complementary outputs, or independent channels with independent outputs * The deadtime insertion is available for each complementary pair * Generation of triggers (match trigger) * Software control of PWM outputs * Up to four fault inputs for global fault control * The polarity of each channel is configurable * The generation of an interrupt per channel * The generation of an interrupt when the counter overflows * The generation of an interrupt when the fault condition is detected * Synchronized loading of write buffered FTM registers * Write protection for critical registers * Backwards compatible with TPM * Testing of input captures for a stuck at zero and one conditions * Dual edge capture for pulse and period width measurement 12.1.3 Modes of operation When the MCU is in active BDM background or BDM foreground mode, the FTM temporarily suspends all counting until the MCU returns to normal user operating mode. During stop mode, all FTM input clocks are stopped, so the FTM is effectively disabled until clocks resume. During wait mode, the FTM continues to operate normally. If the FTM does not need to produce a real time reference or provide the interrupt sources needed to wake the MCU from wait mode, the power can then be saved by disabling FTM functions before entering wait mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 267 Introduction 12.1.4 Block diagram The FTM uses one input/output (I/O) pin per channel, CHn (FTM channel (n)) where n is the channel number (0-7). The following figure shows the FTM structure. The central component of the FTM is the 16-bit counter with programmable initial and final values and its counting can be up or up-down. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 268 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) CLKS[1:0] FTMEN no clock selected (FTM counter disable) PS[2:0] system clock divided by 2 fixed frequency clock Prescaler 3( 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128) synchronizer external clock INITTRIGEN CPWMS initialization trigger CNTINH:L CAPTEST TOIE FTM counter (16-bit counter) FAULTM[1:0] FFVAL[3:0] FAULTIE FAULTnEN* FFLTRnEN* fault input n* MODH:L FAULTIN FAULTF FAULTFn* Fault control fault interrupt channel 0 input Input capture mode logic C0VH:L C1VH:L channel 1 input Input capture mode logic DECAPEN COMBINE CPWMS channel 0 interrupt CH0F CH0TRIG DECAPEN COMBINE CPWMS MS0B:MS0A ELS0B:ELS0A DTEN DTPS[1:0] DTVAL[5:0] Output modes logic Deadtime insertion channel 6 input Input capture mode logic C6VH:L C7VH:L channel 7 input Input capture mode logic DECAPEN COMBINE CPWMS INT CH0OI CH1OI Initialization channel 0 match trigger FAULTM[1:0] FAULTEN POL0 POL1 SYNCHOM CH0OM CH1OM Fault control Polarity control Output mask COMP MS1B:MS1A ELS1B:ELS1A CH1F channel 0 output channel 1 output channel 1 match trigger CH1TRIG channel 1 interrupt CH1IE CH6IE Dual edge capture mode logic fault condition *where n = 3, 2, 1, 0 CH0IE Dual edge capture mode logic timer overflow interrupt TOF CH6F channel 6 interrupt DECAPEN COMBINE CPWMS MS6B:MS6A ELS6B:ELS6A DTEN DTPS[1:0] DTVAL[5:0] INT CH6OI CH7OI Output modes logic Deadtime insertion Initialization SYNCHOM CH6OM FAULTM[1:0] FAULTEN CH7OM Output mask Fault control POL6 POL7 Polarity control channel 6 output channel 7 output COMP MS7B:MS7A ELS7B:ELS7A CH7F CH7IE channel 7 interrupt Figure 12-1. FTM block diagram MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 269 Signal description 12.2 Signal description The following table shows the user-accessible signals for the FTM. Table 12-1. Signal properties Name EXTCLK Function External clock - FTM external clock can be selected to drive the FTM counter. CHn1 Channel (n) - I/O pin associated with FTM channel (n). FAULTj2 Fault input (j) - input pin associated with fault input (j). 1. n = channel number (0 to 7) 2. j = fault input (0 to 3) 12.2.1 EXTCLK -- FTM external clock The external clock input signal is used as the FTM counter clock if selected by CLKS[1:0] bits in the SC register. This clock signal must not exceed 1/4 of system clock frequency. The FTM counter prescaler selection and settings are also used when an external clock is selected. 12.2.2 CHn -- FTM channel (n) I/O pin Each FTM channel can be configured to operate either as input or output. The direction associated with each channel, input or output, is selected according to the mode assigned for that channel. 12.2.3 FAULTj -- FTM fault input The fault input signals are used to control the CHn channel output state. If a fault is detected, the FAULTj signal is asserted and the channel output is put in a safe state. The behavior of the fault logic is defined by the FAULTM[1:0] control bits in the MODE register and FAULTEN bit in the COMBINEm register. Note that each FAULTj input may affect all channels selectively since FAULTM[1:0] and FAULTEN control bits are defined for each pair of channels. Each FAULTj input is activated by its corresponding FAULTjEN bit in the FLTCTRL register. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 270 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 12.3 Memory map and register definition This section provides a detailed description of all FTM registers. 12.3.1 Module memory map This section presents a high-level summary of the FTM registers and how they are mapped. The FTM memory map can be split into two sets of registers. The first set has the original TPM registers. Starting with Counter Initial Value High (CNTINH), the second set has the FTM specific registers. Any second set registers, or bits within these registers, that are used by an unavailable function in the FTM configuration remain in the memory map and in the reset value even though they have no active function. Note Do not write to the FTM specific registers (second set registers) when FTMEN = 0. 12.3.2 Register descriptions This section consists of register descriptions in address order. NOTE Not all the registers in the following memory map are available for this device, see FTM registers for details. FTM memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 20 Status and Control (FTM0_SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.3/274 21 Counter High (FTM0_CNTH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.4/275 22 Counter Low (FTM0_CNTL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.5/276 23 Modulo High (FTM0_MODH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.6/276 24 Modulo Low (FTM0_MODL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.7/277 25 Channel Status and Control (FTM0_C0SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 271 Memory map and register definition FTM memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 26 Channel Value High (FTM0_C0VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 27 Channel Value Low (FTM0_C0VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 28 Channel Status and Control (FTM0_C1SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 29 Channel Value High (FTM0_C1VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 2A Channel Value Low (FTM0_C1VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 2B Channel Status and Control (FTM0_C2SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 2C Channel Value High (FTM0_C2VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 2D Channel Value Low (FTM0_C2VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 2E Channel Status and Control (FTM0_C3SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 2F Channel Value High (FTM0_C3VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 30 Channel Value Low (FTM0_C3VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 31 Channel Status and Control (FTM0_C4SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 32 Channel Value High (FTM0_C4VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 33 Channel Value Low (FTM0_C4VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 34 Channel Status and Control (FTM0_C5SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 35 Channel Value High (FTM0_C5VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 36 Channel Value Low (FTM0_C5VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 37 Counter Initial Value High (FTM0_CNTINH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.11/281 38 Counter Initial Value Low (FTM0_CNTINL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.12/282 39 Capture and Compare Status (FTM0_STATUS) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.13/282 3A Features Mode Selection (FTM0_MODE) 8 R/W 04h 12.3.14/284 3B Synchronization (FTM0_SYNC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.15/285 3C Initial State for Channel Output (FTM0_OUTINIT) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.16/287 3D Output Mask (FTM0_OUTMASK) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.17/289 3E Function for Linked Channels (FTM0_COMBINE0) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.18/290 3F Function for Linked Channels (FTM0_COMBINE1) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.18/290 40 Function for Linked Channels (FTM0_COMBINE2) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.18/290 42 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTM0_DEADTIME) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.19/292 43 External Trigger (FTM0_EXTTRIG) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.20/293 44 Channels Polarity (FTM0_POL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.21/294 45 Fault Mode Status (FTM0_FMS) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.22/296 46 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM0_FILTER0) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.23/297 47 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM0_FILTER1) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.23/297 48 Fault Input Filter Control (FTM0_FLTFILTER) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.24/298 49 Fault Input Control (FTM0_FLTCTRL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.25/299 30C0 Status and Control (FTM2_SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.3/274 30C1 Counter High (FTM2_CNTH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.4/275 30C2 Counter Low (FTM2_CNTL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.5/276 Table continues on the next page... 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Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 30C3 Modulo High (FTM2_MODH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.6/276 30C4 Modulo Low (FTM2_MODL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.7/277 30C5 Channel Status and Control (FTM2_C0SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 30C6 Channel Value High (FTM2_C0VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 30C7 Channel Value Low (FTM2_C0VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 30C8 Channel Status and Control (FTM2_C1SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 30C9 Channel Value High (FTM2_C1VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 30CA Channel Value Low (FTM2_C1VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 30CB Channel Status and Control (FTM2_C2SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 30CC Channel Value High (FTM2_C2VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 30CD Channel Value Low (FTM2_C2VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 30CE Channel Status and Control (FTM2_C3SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 30CF Channel Value High (FTM2_C3VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 30D0 Channel Value Low (FTM2_C3VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 30D1 Channel Status and Control (FTM2_C4SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 30D2 Channel Value High (FTM2_C4VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 30D3 Channel Value Low (FTM2_C4VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 30D4 Channel Status and Control (FTM2_C5SC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.8/277 30D5 Channel Value High (FTM2_C5VH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.9/280 30D6 Channel Value Low (FTM2_C5VL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.10/281 30D7 Counter Initial Value High (FTM2_CNTINH) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.11/281 30D8 Counter Initial Value Low (FTM2_CNTINL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.12/282 30D9 Capture and Compare Status (FTM2_STATUS) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.13/282 30DA Features Mode Selection (FTM2_MODE) 8 R/W 04h 12.3.14/284 30DB Synchronization (FTM2_SYNC) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.15/285 30DC Initial State for Channel Output (FTM2_OUTINIT) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.16/287 30DD Output Mask (FTM2_OUTMASK) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.17/289 30DE Function for Linked Channels (FTM2_COMBINE0) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.18/290 30DF Function for Linked Channels (FTM2_COMBINE1) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.18/290 30E0 Function for Linked Channels (FTM2_COMBINE2) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.18/290 30E2 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTM2_DEADTIME) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.19/292 30E3 External Trigger (FTM2_EXTTRIG) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.20/293 30E4 Channels Polarity (FTM2_POL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.21/294 30E5 Fault Mode Status (FTM2_FMS) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.22/296 30E6 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM2_FILTER0) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.23/297 30E7 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM2_FILTER1) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.23/297 30E8 Fault Input Filter Control (FTM2_FLTFILTER) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.24/298 30E9 Fault Input Control (FTM2_FLTCTRL) 8 R/W 00h 12.3.25/299 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 273 Memory map and register definition 12.3.3 Status and Control (FTMx_SC) SC contains the overflow status flag and control bits used to configure the interrupt enable, FTM configuration, clock source, and prescaler factor. These controls relate to all channels within this module. Address: Base address + 0h offset Bit 7 Read TOF Write 0 Reset 0 6 5 TOIE CPWMS 0 0 4 3 2 CLKS 0 1 0 PS 0 0 0 0 FTMx_SC field descriptions Field 7 TOF Description Timer Overflow Flag Set by hardware when the FTM counter passes the value in the Counter Modulo registers. The TOF bit is cleared by reading the SC register while TOF is set and then writing a 0 to TOF bit. Writing a 1 to TOF has no effect. If another FTM overflow occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no effect; therefore, TOF remains set indicating an overflow has occurred. In this case a TOF interrupt request is not lost due to the clearing sequence for a previous TOF. 0 1 6 TOIE Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable Enables FTM overflow interrupts. 0 1 5 CPWMS FTM counter has not overflowed. FTM counter has overflowed. Disable TOF interrupts. Use software polling. Enable TOF interrupts. An interrupt is generated when TOF equals one. Center-aligned PWM Select Selects CPWM mode. This mode configures the FTM to operate in up-down counting mode. CPWMS is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 4-3 CLKS FTM counter operates in up counting mode. FTM counter operates in up-down counting mode. Clock Source Selection Selects one of the three FTM counter clock sources. CLKS is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 00 01 10 11 No clock selected (this in effect disables the FTM counter). If MODE[FTMEN] = 0, the System clock divided by 2 is selected. If MODE[FTMEN] = 1, the System clock is selected. Fixed frequency clock External clock Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 274 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_SC field descriptions (continued) Field PS Description Prescale Factor Selection Selects one of 8 division factors for the clock source selected by CLKS. The new prescaler factor affects the clock source on the next system clock cycle after the new value is updated into the register bits. PS is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Divide by 1 Divide by 2 Divide by 4 Divide by 8 Divide by 16 Divide by 32 Divide by 64 Divide by 128 12.3.4 Counter High (FTMx_CNTH) The Counter registers contain the high and low bytes of the counter value. Reading either byte latches the contents of both bytes into a buffer where they remain latched until the other half is read. This allows coherent 16-bit reads in either big-endian or little-endian order which makes this more friendly to various compiler implementations. The coherency mechanism is automatically restarted by an MCU reset or any write to the Status and Control register. Writing any value to COUNT_H or COUNT_L updates the FTM counter with its initial 16-bit value (contained in the Counter Initial Value registers) and resets the read coherency mechanism, regardless of the data involved in the write. When BDM is active, the FTM counter is frozen (this is the value that you may read); the read coherency mechanism is frozen such that the buffer latches remain in the state they were in when the BDM became active, even if one or both counter bytes are read while BDM is active. This assures that if you were in the middle of reading a 16-bit register when BDM became active, it reads the appropriate value from the other half of the 16-bit value after returning to normal execution. Address: Base address + 1h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 COUNT_H 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 275 Memory map and register definition FTMx_CNTH field descriptions Field COUNT_H Description Counter value high byte 12.3.5 Counter Low (FTMx_CNTL) See the description for the Counter High register. Address: Base address + 2h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 COUNT_L 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CNTL field descriptions Field COUNT_L Description Counter value low byte 12.3.6 Modulo High (FTMx_MODH) The Modulo registers contain the high and low bytes of the modulo value for the FTM counter. After the FTM counter reaches the modulo value, the overflow flag (TOF) becomes set at the next clock, and the next value of FTM counter depends on the selected counting method (Counter). Writing to either byte latches the value into a buffer. The register is updated with the value of their write buffer according to Update of the registers with write buffers. If MODE[FTMEN] = 0, this write coherency mechanism may be manually reset by writing to the SC register whether BDM is active or not. When BDM is active, this write coherency mechanism is frozen such that the buffer latches remain in the state they were in when the BDM became active, even if one or both bytes of the modulo register are written while BDM is active. Any write to the modulo register bypasses the buffer latches and directly writes to the modulo register while BDM is active. It is recommended to initialize the FTM counter, by writing to CNTH or CNTL, before writing to the FTM modulo register to avoid confusion about when the first counter overflow will occur. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 276 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Address: Base address + 3h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 MOD_H 0 0 0 0 FTMx_MODH field descriptions Field MOD_H Description High byte of the modulo value 12.3.7 Modulo Low (FTMx_MODL) See the description for the Modulo High register. Address: Base address + 4h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 MOD_L 0 0 0 0 FTMx_MODL field descriptions Field MOD_L Description Low byte of the modulo value 12.3.8 Channel Status and Control (FTMx_CnSC) CnSC contains the channel-interrupt-status flag and control bits used to configure the interrupt enable, channel configuration, and pin function. Table 12-73. Mode, edge, and level selection DECAPEN COMBINE CPWMS MSnB:MSnA ELSnB:ELSnA Mode Configuration X X X XX 00 None Pin not used for FTM 0 0 0 00 01 Input capture Capture on Rising Edge Only 10 Capture on Falling Edge Only 11 Capture on Rising or Falling Edge Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 277 Memory map and register definition Table 12-73. Mode, edge, and level selection (continued) DECAPEN COMBINE CPWMS MSnB:MSnA ELSnB:ELSnA Mode Configuration 01 01 Output compare Toggle Output on match 1X 10 Clear Output on match 11 Set Output on match 10 Edge-aligned PWM High-true pulses (clear Output on match) X1 1 1 1 0 XX 0 XX 0 X0 10 Low-true pulses (set Output on match) Center-aligned PWM High-true pulses (clear Output on match-up) X1 Low-true pulses (set Output on match-up) 10 Combine PWM High-true pulses (set on channel (n) match, and clear on channel (n+1) match) X1 Low-true pulses (clear on channel (n) match, and set on channel (n +1) match) See the following table. Dual Edge Capture Mode X1 One-shot capture mode Continuous capture mode Table 12-74. Dual edge capture mode -- edge polarity selection ELSnB ELSnA Channel Port Enable Detected Edges 0 0 Disabled No edge 0 1 Enabled Rising edge 1 0 Enabled Falling edge 1 1 Enabled Rising and falling edges MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 278 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Address: Base address + 5h offset + (3d x i), where i=0d to 5d Bit 7 Read CHF Write 0 Reset 0 6 5 4 3 2 CHIE MSB MSA ELSB ELSA 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CnSC field descriptions Field 7 CHF Description Channel Flag Set by hardware when an event occurs on the channel. CHF is cleared by reading the CnSC register while CHnF is set and then writing a 0 to the CHF bit. Writing a 1 to CHF has no effect. If another event occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no effect; therefore, CHF remains set indicating an event has occurred. In this case a CHF interrupt request is not lost due to the clearing sequence for a previous CHF. 0 1 6 CHIE Channel Interrupt Enable Enables channel interrupts. 0 1 5 MSB No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Disable channel interrupts. Use software polling. Enable channel interrupts. Channel Mode Select Used for further selections in the channel logic. Its functionality is dependent on the channel mode. See the table in the register description. MSB is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 4 MSA Channel Mode Select Used for further selections in the channel logic. Its functionality is dependent on the channel mode. See the table in the register description. MSA is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 3 ELSB Edge or Level Select 2 ELSA Edge or Level Select The functionality of ELSB and ELSA depends on the channel mode. See the table in the register description. ELSB is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. The functionality of ELSB and ELSA depends on the channel mode. See the table in the register description. ELSA is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 279 Memory map and register definition 12.3.9 Channel Value High (FTMx_CnVH) These registers contain the captured FTM counter value of the input capture function or the match value for the output modes. In input capture, capture test, and dual edge capture modes, reading a single byte in CnV latches the contents into a buffer where they remain latched until the other byte is read. This latching mechanism also resets, or becomes unlatched, when the CnSC register is written whether BDM mode is active or not. Any write to the channel registers is ignored during these input modes. When BDM is active, the read coherency mechanism is frozen such that the buffer latches remain in the state they were in when the BDM became active, even if one or both bytes of the channel value register are read while BDM is active. This ensures that if you were in the middle of reading a 16-bit register when BDM became active, it reads the appropriate value from the other half of the 16-bit value after returning to normal execution. Any read of the CnV registers in BDM mode bypasses the buffer latches and returns the value of these registers and not the value of their read buffer. In output modes, writing to CnV latches the value into a buffer. The registers are updated with the value of their write buffer according to Update of the registers with write buffers. If MODE[FTMEN] = 0, this write coherency mechanism may be manually reset by writing to the CnSC register whether BDM mode is active or not. This latching mechanism allows coherent 16-bit writes in either big-endian or little-endian order, which is friendly to various compiler implementations. When BDM is active, the write coherency mechanism is frozen such that the buffer latches remain in the state they were in when the BDM became active even if one or both bytes of the channel value register are written while BDM is active. Any write to the CnV registers bypasses the buffer latches and writes directly to the register while BDM is active. The values written to the channel value registers while BDM is active are used in output modes operation after normal execution resumes. Writes to the channel value registers while BDM is active do not interfere with the partial completion of a coherency sequence. After the write coherency mechanism has been fully exercised, the channel value registers are updated using the buffered values while BDM was not active. Address: Base address + 6h offset + (3d x i), where i=0d to 5d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 VAL_H 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 280 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_CnVH field descriptions Field VAL_H Description Channel Value High Byte Captured FTM counter value of the input capture function or the match value for the output modes 12.3.10 Channel Value Low (FTMx_CnVL) See the description for the Channel Value High register. Address: Base address + 7h offset + (3d x i), where i=0d to 5d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 VAL_L 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CnVL field descriptions Field VAL_L Description Channel Value Low Byte Captured FTM counter value of the input capture function or the match value for the output modes 12.3.11 Counter Initial Value High (FTMx_CNTINH) The Counter Initial Value registers contain the high and low bytes of the initial value for the FTM counter. Writing to either byte latches the value into a buffer. The registers are updated with the value of their write buffer. When BDM is active, the write coherency mechanism is frozen such that the buffer latches remain in the state they were in when the BDM became active, even if one or both bytes of the counter initial value register are written while BDM is active. Any write to the counter initial value registers bypasses the buffer latches and writes directly to the counter initial value register while BDM is active. The first time that the FTM clock is selected (first write to change the CLKS bits to a non-zero value), FTM counter starts with the value 0x0000. To avoid this behavior, before the first write to select the FTM clock, write the new value to the Counter Initial Value registers and then initialize the FTM counter by writing any value to CNT). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 281 Memory map and register definition Address: Base address + 17h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 INIT_H 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CNTINH field descriptions Field INIT_H Description Counter Initial Value High Byte 12.3.12 Counter Initial Value Low (FTMx_CNTINL) See the description for the Counter Initial Value High register. Address: Base address + 18h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 INIT_L 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CNTINL field descriptions Field INIT_L Description Counter Initial Value Low Byte 12.3.13 Capture and Compare Status (FTMx_STATUS) STATUS contains a copy of the status flag CHnF bit, in CnSC, for each FTM channel for software convenience. Each CHnF bit in STATUS is a mirror of CHnF bit in CnSC. All CHnF bits can be checked using only one read of STATUS. All CHnF bits can be cleared by reading STATUS followed by writing 0x00 to STATUS. Hardware sets the individual channel flags when an event occurs on the channel. CHF is cleared by reading STATUS while CHnF is set and then writing a 0 to the CHF bit. Writing a 1 to CHF has no effect. If another event occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no effect; therefore, CHF remains set indicating an event has occurred. In this case, a CHF interrupt request is not lost due to the clearing sequence for a previous CHF. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 282 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) NOTE The use of STATUS register is available only when (MODE[FTMEN] = 1), (COMBINE = 1), and (CPWMS = 0). The use of this register with (MODE[FTMEN] = 0), (COMBINE = 0), or (CPWMS = 1) is not recommended and its results are not guaranteed. Address: Base address + 19h offset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read Bit CH7F CH6F CH5F CH4F CH3F CH2F CH1F CH0F Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_STATUS field descriptions Field 7 CH7F Description Channel 7 Flag See the register description. 0 1 6 CH6F Channel 6 Flag See the register description. 0 1 5 CH5F See the register description. See the register description. No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 3 Flag See the register description. 0 1 2 CH2F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 4 Flag 0 1 3 CH3F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 5 Flag 0 1 4 CH4F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 2 Flag See the register description. 0 1 No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 283 Memory map and register definition FTMx_STATUS field descriptions (continued) Field 1 CH1F Description Channel 1 Flag See the register description. 0 1 0 CH0F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 0 Flag See the register description. 0 1 No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. 12.3.14 Features Mode Selection (FTMx_MODE) This register contains the control bits used to configure the fault interrupt and fault control, capture test mode, PWM synchronization, write protection, channel output initialization, and enable the enhanced features of the FTM. These controls relate to all channels within this module. Address: Base address + 1Ah offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 FAULTIE 0 5 FAULTM 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 CAPTEST PWMSYNC WPDIS INIT FTMEN 0 0 1 0 0 FTMx_MODE field descriptions Field 7 FAULTIE Description Fault Interrupt Enable Enables the generation of an interrupt when a fault is detected by FTM and the FTM fault control is enabled. 0 1 6-5 FAULTM Fault control interrupt is disabled. Fault control interrupt is enabled. Fault Control Mode Defines the FTM fault control mode. FAULTM is write protected. These bits can be written only if MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 00 01 10 11 Fault control is disabled for all channels. Fault control is enabled for even channels only (channels 0, 2, 4, and 6), and the selected mode is the manual fault clearing. Fault control is enabled for all channels, and the selected mode is the manual fault clearing. Fault control is enabled for all channels, and the selected mode is the automatic fault clearing. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 284 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_MODE field descriptions (continued) Field 4 CAPTEST Description Capture Test Mode Enable Enables the capture test mode. CAPTEST bit is write protected. This bit can be written only if WPDIS = 1. 0 1 3 PWMSYNC PWM Synchronization Mode Selects which triggers can be used by MOD, CV, CHnOM, and FTM counter synchronization (PWM synchronization). 0 1 2 WPDIS No restrictions. Software and hardware triggers can be used by MOD, CV, CHnOM, and FTM counter synchronization. Software trigger can be used only by MOD and CV synchronization, and hardware triggers can be used only by CHnOM and FTM counter synchronization. Write Protection Disable When write protection is enabled (MODE[WPDIS] = 0), write protected bits can not be written. When write protection is disabled (MODE[WPDIS] = 1), write protected bits can be written. The WPDIS bit is the negation of the WPEN bit. WPDIS is cleared when 1 is written to WPEN. WPDIS is set when WPEN bit is read as a 1 and then 1 is written to WPDIS. Writing 0 to WPDIS has no effect. 0 1 1 INIT Capture test mode is disabled. Capture test mode is enabled. Write protection is enabled. Write protection is disabled. Initialize the Output Channels When a 1 is written to INIT bit the output channels are initialized according to the state of their corresponding bit in the OUTINIT register. Writing a 0 to INIT bit has no effect. The INIT bit is always read as 0. 0 FTMEN FTM Enable This bit is write protected, and can be written only if WPDIS = 1. 0 1 Only the TPM-compatible registers (first set of registers) can be used without any restriction. Do not use the FTM-specific registers. All registers including the FTM-specific registers (second set of registers) are available for use with no restrictions. 12.3.15 Synchronization (FTMx_SYNC) This register configures the PWM synchronization. A synchronization event can perform the synchronized update of MOD, CV, and OUTMASK registers with the value of their write buffer and the FTM counter initialization. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 285 Memory map and register definition NOTE The software trigger (SWSYNC bit) and hardware triggers (TRIG0, TRIG1, and TRIG2 bits) have a potential conflict if used together. Use only hardware or software triggers but not both at the same time, otherwise unpredictable behavior is likely to happen. The selection of the boundary cycle (CNTMAX and CNTMIN bits) is intended to provide the update of MOD, CNTIN, and CV across all enabled channels simultaneously. The use of the boundary cycle selection together with TRIG0, TRIG1, or TRIG2 bits is likely to result in unpredictable behavior. The MODE[PWMSYNC] bit determines which type of trigger event controls the functions enabled by the SYNC register. Address: Base address + 1Bh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SWSYNC TRIG2 TRIG1 TRIG0 SYNCHOM REINIT CNTMAX CNTMIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_SYNC field descriptions Field 7 SWSYNC Description PWM Synchronization Software Trigger Selects the software trigger as the PWM synchronization trigger. The software trigger occurs when a 1 is written to SWSYNC bit. 0 1 6 TRIG2 PWM Synchronization External Trigger 2 Selects external trigger 2 as the PWM synchronization trigger. External trigger 2 occurs when the FTM detects a rising edge in the trigger 2 input signal. 0 1 5 TRIG1 External trigger 2 is not selected. External trigger 2 is selected. PWM Synchronization External Trigger 1 Selects external trigger 1 as the PWM synchronization trigger. External trigger 1 occurs when the FTM detects a rising edge in the trigger 1 input signal. 0 1 4 TRIG0 Software trigger is not selected. Software trigger is selected. External trigger 1 is not selected. External trigger 1 is selected. PWM Synchronization External Trigger 0 Selects external trigger 0 as the PWM synchronization trigger. External trigger 0 occurs when the FTM detects a rising edge in the trigger 0 input signal. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 286 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_SYNC field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 3 SYNCHOM Output Mask Synchronization Selects when the CHnOM bits in register OUTMASK are updated with the value of their write buffer. 0 1 2 REINIT Determines if the FTM counter is reinitialized when the selected trigger for the synchronization is detected. FTM counter continues to count normally. FTM counter is updated with its initial value when the selected trigger is detected. Maximum Boundary Cycle Enable Determines when the MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers are updated with their write buffer contents following a PWM synchronization event. If CNTMAX is enabled, the registers are updated when the FTM counter reaches its maximum value MOD. 0 1 0 CNTMIN CHnOM bits are updated with the value of the OUTMASK write buffer in all rising edges of the system clock. CHnOM bits are updated with the value of the OUTMASK write buffer only by the PWM synchronization. FTM Counter Reinitialization by Synchronization (See "FTM Counter Synchronization") 0 1 1 CNTMAX External trigger 0 is not selected. External trigger 0 is selected. The maximum boundary cycle is disabled. The maximum boundary cycle is enabled. Minimum Boundary Cycle Enable Determines when the MOD and CV registers are updated with their write buffer contents after a PWM synchronization event. If CNTMIN is enabled, the registers are updated when the FTM counter reaches its minimum value CNTIN. 0 1 The minimum boundary cycle is disabled. The minimum boundary cycle is enabled. 12.3.16 Initial State for Channel Output (FTMx_OUTINIT) Address: Base address + 1Ch offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH7OI CH6OI CH5OI CH4OI CH3OI CH2OI CH1OI CH0OI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_OUTINIT field descriptions Field 7 CH7OI Description Channel 7 Output Initialization Value Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 287 Memory map and register definition FTMx_OUTINIT field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6 CH6OI Channel 6 Output Initialization Value Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. 0 1 5 CH5OI Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 1 Output Initialization Value Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. 0 1 0 CH0OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 2 Output Initialization Value 0 1 1 CH1OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 3 Output Initialization Value 0 1 2 CH2OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 4 Output Initialization Value 0 1 3 CH3OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 5 Output Initialization Value 0 1 4 CH4OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 0 Output Initialization Value Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. 0 1 The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 288 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 12.3.17 Output Mask (FTMx_OUTMASK) This register provides a mask for each FTM channel. The mask of a channel determines if its output responds, that is, it is masked or not, when a match occurs. This feature is used for BLDC control applications where the PWM signal is presented to an electric motor at specific times to provide electronic commutation. Any write to the OUTMASK register stores the value into a write buffer. The register is updated with the value of its write buffer according to PWM synchronization. Address: Base address + 1Dh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH7OM CH6OM CH5OM CH4OM CH3OM CH2OM CH1OM CH0OM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_OUTMASK field descriptions Field 7 CH7OM Description Channel 7 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked (forced to its inactive state) or unmasked (it continues to operate normally). 0 1 6 CH6OM Channel 6 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked (forced to its inactive state) or unmasked (it continues to operate normally). 0 1 5 CH5OM Defines if the channel output is masked (forced to its inactive state) or unmasked (it continues to operate normally). Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 4 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked (forced to its inactive state) or unmasked (it continues to operate normally). 0 1 3 CH3OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 5 Output Mask 0 1 4 CH4OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 3 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked (forced to its inactive state) or unmasked (it continues to operate normally). Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 289 Memory map and register definition FTMx_OUTMASK field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 2 CH2OM Channel 2 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked (forced to its inactive state) or unmasked (it continues to operate normally). 0 1 1 CH1OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 1 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked (forced to its inactive state) or unmasked (it continues to operate normally). 0 1 0 CH0OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 0 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked (forced to its inactive state) or unmasked (it continues to operate normally). 0 1 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. 12.3.18 Function for Linked Channels (FTMx_COMBINEn) This register contains the control bits used to configure the fault control, synchronization, deadtime, dual edge capture mode, complementary, and combine features of channels (n) and (n+1). * COMBINE0 supports channels 0 and 1. * COMBINE1 supports channels 2 and 3. * COMBINE2 supports channels 4 and 5. NOTE The channel (n) is the even channel and the channel (n+1) is the odd channel of a pair of channels. Address: Base address + 1Eh offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 2d Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read Write Reset 0 FAULTEN SYNCEN DTEN DECAP DECAPEN COMP COMBINE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 290 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_COMBINEn field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6 FAULTEN Fault Control Enable Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 5 SYNCEN Synchronization Enable Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V. 0 1 4 DTEN The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled. The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled. Deadtime Enable Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 3 DECAP The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled. The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled. Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the configuration of the dual edge capture bits. This field applies only when MODE[FTMEN] = 1 and DECAPEN = 1. DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if dual edge capture one-shot mode is selected and when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made. 0 1 2 DECAPEN The dual edge captures are inactive. The dual edge captures are active. Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable Enables the dual edge capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA, and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in dual edge capture mode according to the table Mode, Edge, and Level Selection in the description of the CnSC register. This field applies only when MODE[FTMEN] = 1. DECAPEN is write protected, this bit can be written only if MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 1 COMP The dual edge capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled. The dual edge capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled. Complement of Channel (n) Enables complementary mode for the combined channels. In complementary mode the channel (n+1) output is the inverse of the channel (n) output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output. The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 291 Memory map and register definition FTMx_COMBINEn field descriptions (continued) Field 0 COMBINE Description Combine Channels Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent. Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined. 12.3.19 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTMx_DEADTIME) This register selects the deadtime prescaler factor and deadtime value. All FTM channels use this clock prescaler and this deadtime value for the deadtime insertion. Address: Base address + 22h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 DTPS 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 DTVAL 0 0 0 0 FTMx_DEADTIME field descriptions Field 7-6 DTPS Description Deadtime Prescaler Value Selects the division factor of the system clock. This prescaled clock is used by the deadtime counter. DTPS is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0x 10 11 DTVAL Divide the system clock by 1. Divide the system clock by 4. Divide the system clock by 16. Deadtime Value Selects the deadtime insertion value for the deadtime counter. The deadtime counter is clocked by a scaled version of the system clock. See the description of DTPS. Deadtime insert value = (DTPS x DTVAL). DTVAL selects the number of deadtime counts inserted as follows: * When DTVAL is 0, no counts are inserted. * When DTVAL is 1, 1 count is inserted. * When DTVAL is 2, 2 counts are inserted. This pattern continues up to a possible 63 counts. DTVAL is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 292 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 12.3.20 External Trigger (FTMx_EXTTRIG) This register indicates when a channel trigger was generated, enables the generation of a trigger when the FTM counter is equal to its initial value, and selects which channels are used in the generation of the channel triggers. Several FTM channels can be selected to generate multiple triggers in one PWM period. Channels 6 and 7 are not used to generate channel triggers. Address: Base address + 23h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TRIGF INITTRIGEN CH1TRIG CH0TRIG CH5TRIG CH4TRIG CH3TRIG CH2TRIG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_EXTTRIG field descriptions Field 7 TRIGF Description Channel Trigger Flag Set by hardware when a channel trigger is generated. Clear TRIGF by reading EXTTRIG while TRIGF is set and then writing a 0 to TRIGF. Writing a 1 to TRIGF has no effect. If another channel trigger is generated before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so TRIGF remains set after the clear sequence is completed for the earlier TRIGF. 0 1 6 INITTRIGEN Initialization Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the trigger when the FTM counter is equal to its initial value. 0 1 5 CH1TRIG Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CV register. The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Channel 0 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CV register. 0 1 3 CH5TRIG The generation of initialization trigger is disabled. The generation of initialization trigger is enabled. Channel 1 Trigger Enable 0 1 4 CH0TRIG No channel trigger was generated. A channel trigger was generated. The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Channel 5 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CV register. 0 1 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 293 Memory map and register definition FTMx_EXTTRIG field descriptions (continued) Field 2 CH4TRIG Description Channel 4 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CV register. 0 1 1 CH3TRIG Channel 3 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CV register. 0 1 0 CH2TRIG The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Channel 2 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CV register. 0 1 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. 12.3.21 Channels Polarity (FTMx_POL) This register defines the output polarity of the FTM channels. NOTE The safe value that is driven in a channel output when the fault control is enabled and a fault condition is detected is the inactive state of the channel. That is, the safe value of a channel is the value of its POL bit. Address: Base address + 24h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 POL7 POL6 POL5 POL4 POL3 POL2 POL1 POL0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_POL field descriptions Field 7 POL7 Description Channel 7 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 6 POL6 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 6 Polarity Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 294 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_POL field descriptions (continued) Field Description Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 5 POL5 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 5 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 4 POL4 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 4 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 3 POL3 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 3 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 2 POL2 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 2 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 1 POL1 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 1 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 0 POL0 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 0 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 295 Memory map and register definition 12.3.22 Fault Mode Status (FTMx_FMS) This register contains the fault detection flags, write protection enable bit, and the logic OR of the enable fault inputs. Address: Base address + 25h offset Bit 7 6 Read FAULTF Write 0 Reset 0 WPEN 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 FAULTIN 0 FAULTF3 FAULTF2 FAULTF1 FAULTF0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_FMS field descriptions Field 7 FAULTF Description Fault Detection Flag Represents the logic OR of the individual FAULTFn bits. Clear FAULTF by reading the FMS register while FAULTF is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF while there is no existing fault condition at the enabled fault inputs. Writing a 1 to FAULTF has no effect. If another fault condition is detected in an enabled fault input before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. FAULTF is also cleared when FAULTFn bits are cleared individually. 0 1 6 WPEN Write Protection Enable The WPEN bit is the negation of the WPDIS bit. WPEN is set when 1 is written to it. WPEN is cleared when WPEN bit is read as a 1 and then 1 is written to WPDIS. Writing 0 to WPEN has no effect. 0 1 5 FAULTIN No fault condition was detected. A fault condition was detected. Write protection is disabled. Write protected bits can be written. Write protection is enabled. Write protected bits cannot be written. Fault Inputs Represents the logic OR of the enabled fault input after its filter, if its filter is enabled, when fault control is enabled. 0 1 The value of the fault input is 0. The value of the fault input is 1. 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 FAULTF3 Fault Detection Flag 3 Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault condition is detected in the fault input. Clear FAULTF by reading the FMS register while FAULTFn is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTFn FAULTF while there is no existing fault condition at the fault input n. Writing a 1 to FAULTFn has no effect. FAULTFn bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 296 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_FMS field descriptions (continued) Field Description If another fault condition is detected at fault input n before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTFn remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. 0 1 2 FAULTF2 No fault condition was detected in the fault input. A fault condition was detected in the fault input. Fault Detection Flag 2 Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault condition is detected in the fault input. Clear FAULTF by reading the FMS register while FAULTFn is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTFn FAULTF while there is no existing fault condition at the fault input n. Writing a 1 to FAULTFn has no effect. FAULTFn bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared. If another fault condition is detected at fault input n before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTFn remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. 0 1 1 FAULTF1 No fault condition was detected in the fault input. A fault condition was detected in the fault input. Fault Detection Flag 1 Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault condition is detected in the fault input. Clear FAULTF by reading the FMS register while FAULTFn is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTFn FAULTF while there is no existing fault condition at the fault input n. Writing a 1 to FAULTFn has no effect. FAULTFn bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared. If another fault condition is detected at fault input n before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTFn remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. 0 1 0 FAULTF0 No fault condition was detected in the fault input. A fault condition was detected in the fault input. Fault Detection Flag 0 Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault condition is detected in the fault input. Clear FAULTF by reading the FMS register while FAULTFn is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTFn FAULTF while there is no existing fault condition at the fault input n. Writing a 1 to FAULTFn has no effect. FAULTFn bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared. If another fault condition is detected at fault input n before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTFn remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. 0 1 No fault condition was detected in the fault input. A fault condition was detected in the fault input. 12.3.23 Input Capture Filter Control (FTMx_FILTERn) This register selects the filter value for the inputs of channels. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 297 Memory map and register definition * FILTER0 supports Channels 0 and 1. * FILTER1 supports Channels 2 and 3. * Channels 4 and 5 do not have an input filter. NOTE Writing to this register has immediate effect and must be done only when the input capture modes of the affected channels are disabled. Failure to do this could result in a missing valid signal. Address: Base address + 26h offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 CHoddFVAL 0 0 2 1 0 CHevenFVAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 FTMx_FILTERn field descriptions Field 7-4 CHoddFVAL Description Input Filter for Odd Channel Selects the filter value for the odd-numbered channel input. The filter is disabled when the value is zero. CHevenFVAL Input Filter for Even Channel Selects the filter value for the even-numbered channel input. The filter is disabled when the value is zero. 12.3.24 Fault Input Filter Control (FTMx_FLTFILTER) This register selects the fault inputs and enables the fault input filter. Address: Base address + 28h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 FFVAL 0 0 0 0 FTMx_FLTFILTER field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved FFVAL Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Fault Input Filter Selects the filter value for the fault inputs. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 298 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_FLTFILTER field descriptions (continued) Field Description The fault filter is disabled when the value is zero. NOTE: Writing to this field has immediate effect and must be done only when the fault control or the fault input is disabled. Failure to do so could result in a missing fault detection. 12.3.25 Fault Input Control (FTMx_FLTCTRL) This register selects the fault inputs and enables the fault input filter. Address: Base address + 29h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FFLTR3EN FFLTR2EN FFLTR1EN FFLTR0EN FAULT3EN FAULT2EN FAULT1EN FAULT0EN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_FLTCTRL field descriptions Field 7 FFLTR3EN Description Fault Input 3 Filter Enable Enables the filter for the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 6 FFLTR2EN Fault input filter is disabled. Fault input filter is enabled. Fault Input 2 Filter Enable Enables the filter for the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 5 FFLTR1EN Fault input filter is disabled. Fault input filter is enabled. Fault Input 1 Filter Enable Enables the filter for the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 4 FFLTR0EN Fault input filter is disabled. Fault input filter is enabled. Fault Input 0 Filter Enable Enables the filter for the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 Fault input filter is disabled. Fault input filter is enabled. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 299 Functional Description FTMx_FLTCTRL field descriptions (continued) Field 3 FAULT3EN Description Fault Input 3 Enable Enables the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 2 FAULT2EN Fault input is disabled. Fault input is enabled. Fault Input 2 Enable Enables the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 1 FAULT1EN Fault input is disabled. Fault input is enabled. Fault Input 1 Enable Enables the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 0 FAULT0EN Fault input is disabled. Fault input is enabled. Fault Input 0 Enable Enables the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 Fault input is disabled. Fault input is enabled. 12.4 Functional Description The following sections describe the FTM features. The notation used in this document to represent the counters and the generation of the signals is shown in the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 300 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Channel (n) - high-true EPWM PS[2:0] = 001 CNTINH:L = 0x0000 MODH:L = 0x0004 CnVH:L = 0x0002 prescaler counter FTM counter 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 channel (n) output counter overflow channel (n) match counter overflow channel (n) match counter overflow channel (n) match Figure 12-140. Notation used 12.4.1 Clock Source FTM module has only one clock domain that is the system clock. Counter Clock Source The CLKS[1:0] bits in the SC register select one of three possible clock sources for the FTM counter or disable the FTM counter. After any MCU reset, CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 so no clock source is selected. The CLKS[1:0] bits may be read or written at any time. Disabling the FTM counter by writing 0:0 to the CLKS[1:0] bits does not affect the FTM counter value or other registers. The fixed frequency clock is an alternative clock source for the FTM counter that allows the selection of a clock other than the system clock or an external clock. This clock input is defined by chip integration. Refer to chip specific documentation for further information. Due to FTM hardware implementation limitations, the frequency of the fixed frequency clock must not exceed the system clock frequency. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 301 Functional Description The external clock passes through a synchronizer clocked by the system clock to ensure that counter transitions are properly aligned to system clock transitions. Therefore, to meet the Nyquist criteria and account for jitter, the frequency of the external clock source must not exceed 1/4 of the system clock frequency. 12.4.2 Prescaler The selected counter clock source passes through a prescaler that is a 7-bit counter. The value of the prescaler is selected by the PS[2:0] bits. The following figure shows an example of the prescaler counter and FTM counter. EPWM PS[2:0] = 001 CNTINH:L = 0x0000 MODH:L = 0x0003 selected input clock prescaler counter 1 FTM counter 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 Figure 12-141. Example of the prescaler counter 12.4.3 Counter The FTM has a 16-bit counter that is used by the channels either for input or output modes. The FTM counter clock is the selected clock divided by the prescaler (see Prescaler). The FTM counter has these modes of operation: * up counting (see Up counting) * up-down counting (see Up-down counting) Up counting Up counting is selected when (CPWMS = 0). CNTINH:L defines the starting value of the count and MODH:L defines the final value of the count; see the following figure. The value of CNTINH:L is loaded into the FTM counter, and the counter increments until the value of MODH:L is reached, at which point the counter is reloaded with CNTINH:L. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 302 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) The FTM period when using up counting is (MODH:L - CNTINH:L + 0x0001) x period of the FTM counter clock. The TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from MODH:L to CNTINH:L. FTM counting is up CNTINH:L = 0xFFFC (in two's complement is equal to -4) MODH:L = 0x0004 FTM counter (in decimal values) 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit period of FTM counter clock period of counting = (MODH:L - CNTINH:L + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock Figure 12-142. Example of FTM up and signed counting If (CNTINH:L = 0x0000), the FTM counting is equivalent to TPM up counting; that is, up and unsigned counting. See the following figure. If (CNTINH[7] = 1), then the initial value of the FTM counter is a negative number in two's complement format, so the FTM counting is up and signed. Conversely, if (CNTINH[7] = 0 and CNTINH:L 0x0000), then the initial value of the FTM counter is a positive number, therefore the FTM counting is up and unsigned. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 303 Functional Description FTM counting is up CNTINH:L = 0x0000 MODH:L = 0x0004 FTM counter 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit period of FTM counter clock period of counting = (MODH:L - CNTINH:L + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock = (MODH:L + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock Figure 12-143. Example of FTM up counting with CNTIN = 0x0000 Note * FTM operation is valid only when the value of the CNTINH:L registers is less than the value of the MODH:L registers, either in the unsigned counting or signed counting.. Software must ensure that the values in the CNTINH:L and MODH:L registers meet this requirement. Any values of CNTINH:L and MODH:L that do not satisfy this criteria can result in unpredictable behavior. * MODH:L = CNTINH:L is a redundant condition. In this case, the FTM counter is always equal to MODH:L and the TOF bit is set in each rising edge of the FTM counter clock. * When MODH:L = 0x0000, CNTINH:L = 0x0000 (for example after reset), and FTMEN = 1, the FTM counter remains stopped at 0x0000 until a non-zero value is written into the MODH:L or CNTINH:L registers. * Setting CNTINH:L to be greater than the value of MODH:L is not recommended as this unusual setting may make the FTM operation difficult to comprehend. However, there is no restriction on this configuration, and an example is shown in the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 304 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counting is up MODH:L = 0x0005 CNTINH:L = 0x0015 load of CNTINH:L FTM counter load of CNTINH:L 0x0005 0x0015 0x0016 ... 0xFFFE 0xFFFF 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 0x0015 0x0016 ... TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit Figure 12-144. Example of up counting when the value of CNTIN registers is greater than the value of MOD registers Up-down counting Up-down counting is selected when (CPWMS = 1). CNTINH:L defines the starting value of the count and MODH:L defines the final value of the count. The value of CNTINH:L is loaded into the FTM counter, and the counter increments until the value of MODH:L is reached, at which point the counter is decremented until it returns to the value of CNTINH:L and the up-down counting restarts. The FTM period when using up-down counting is 2 x (MODH:L - CNTINH:L) x period of the FTM counter clock. The TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from MODH:L to (MODH:L - 1). If (CNTINH:L = 0x0000), the FTM counting is equivalent to TPM up-down counting; that is, up-down and unsigned counting. See the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 305 Functional Description FTM counting is up-down CNTINH:L = 0x0000 MODH:L = 0x0004 FTM counter 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 TOF bit set TOF bit period of FTM counter clock set TOF bit period of counting = 2 x (MODH:L - CNTINH:L) x period of FTM counter clock = 2 x MODH:L x period of FTM counter clock Figure 12-145. Example of up-down counting when CNTIN = 0x0000 Note * The up-down counting is available only when (CNTINH:L = 0x0000). * The configuration with (CNTINH:L 0x0000) when (CPWMS = 1) is not recommended and its results are not guaranteed. Free running counter If (FTMEN = 0) and (MODH:L = 0x0000 or MODH:L = 0xFFFF), the FTM counter is a free running counter. In this case, the FTM counter runs free from 0x0000 through 0xFFFF and the TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000 See the following figure. FTMEN = 0 MODH:L = 0x0000 FTM counter ... 0x0003 0x0004 ... 0xFFFE 0xFFFF 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 0x0006 ... TOF bit set TOF bit Figure 12-146. Example when the FTM counter is a free running The FTM counter is also a free running counter when all of the following apply: * (FTMEN = 1) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 306 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) * (CPWMS = 0) * (CNTINH:L = 0x0000) * (MODH:L = 0xFFFF) In this case, the FTM counter runs free from 0x0000 through 0xFFFF and the TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. Counter reset Any write to CNTH or CNTL register resets the FTM counter to the value of CNTINH:L and the channels output to its initial value, except for channels in output compare mode. The FTM counter synchronization can also be used to force the value of CNTINH:L into the FTM counter and the channels output to its initial value, except for channels in output compare mode. 12.4.4 Input capture mode The input capture mode is selected when (DECAPEN = 0), (COMBINE = 0), (CPWMS = 0), (MSnB:MSnA = 0:0), and (ELSnB:ELSnA 0:0). When a selected edge occurs on the channel input, the current value of the FTM counter is captured into the CnVH:L registers. At the same time, the CHnF bit is set and the channel interrupt is generated if enabled by CHnIE = 1. See the following figure. When a channel is configured for input capture, the CHn pin is an edge-sensitive input. ELSnB:ELSnA control bits determine which edge, falling or rising, triggers input-capture event. Note that the maximum frequency for the channel input signal to be detected correctly is system clock divided by four, which is required to meet Nyquist criteria for signal sampling. When either half of the 16-bit capture register (CnVH:L) is read, the other half is latched into a buffer to support coherent 16-bit access in big-endian or little-endian order. This read coherency mechanism can be manually reset by writing to CnSC register. Writes to the CnVH:L registers are ignored in input capture mode. While in BDM, the input capture function works as configured. When a selected edge event occurs, the FTM counter value, which is frozen because of BDM, is captured into the CnVH:L registers and the CHnF bit is set. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 307 Functional Description was rising edge selected? is filter enabled? 0 synchronizer 0 channel (n) input system clock D CLK Q D rising edge 1 CHnIE Filter* 1 channel (n) interrupt CHnF edge detector Q CLK 0 CnVH:L[15:0] falling edge 0 1 0 was falling edge selected? * NOTE: Filtering function is only available in the inputs of channel 0, 1, 2, and 3 FTM counter Figure 12-147. Input capture mode If the channel input does not have a filter enabled, then the input signal is always delayed three rising edges of the system clock; that is, two rising edges to the synchronizer plus one more rising edge to the edge detector. In other words, the CHnF bit is set on the third rising edge of the system clock after a valid edge occurs on the channel input. Note * Input capture mode is available only with (CNTINH:L = 0x0000). * Input capture mode with (CNTINH:L 0x0000) is not recommended and its results are not guaranteed. Filter for input capture mode The filter function is available only on channels 0, 1, 2, and 3. Firstly, the input signal is synchronized by the system clock. Following synchronization, the input signal enters the filter block; see the following figure. When there is a state change in the input signal, the 5-bit counter is reset and starts counting up. As long as the new state is stable on the input, the counter continues to increment. If the 5-bit counter overflows (the counter exceeds the value of the CHnFVAL[3:0] bits), the state change of the input signal is validated. It is then transmitted as a pulse edge to the edge detector. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 308 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) CHnFVAL[3:0] Logic to control channel (n) input after the synchronizer the filter counter 5-bit up counter divided by 4 Logic to define the filter output S filter output Q C CLK system clock Figure 12-148. Channel input filter If the opposite edge appears on the input signal before validation, the counter is reset. At the next input transition, the counter starts counting again. Any pulse shorter than the minimum valid width (CHnFVAL[3:0] bits x 4 system clocks) is regarded as a glitch and is not passed on to the edge detector. A timing diagram of the input filter is shown in the following figure. The filter function is disabled when CHnFVAL[3:0] bits are zero. In this case, the input signal is delayed three rising edges of the system clock. If (CHnFVAL[3:0] 0000), then the input signal is delayed by the minimum pulse width (CHnFVAL[3:0] x 4 system clocks) plus a further four rising edges of the system clock (two rising edges to the synchronizer, one rising edge to the filter output plus one more to the edge detector). In other words, CHnF is set (4 + 4 x CHnFVAL[3:0]) system clock periods after a valid edge occurs on the channel input. The clock for the 5-bit counter in the channel input filter is the system clock divided by 4. system clock divided by 4 channel (n) input after the synchronizer 5-bit counter CHnFVAL[3:0] = 0010 (binary value) Time filter output Figure 12-149. Channel input filter example 12.4.5 Output compare mode The output compare mode is selected when (DECAPEN = 0), (COMBINE = 0), (CPWMS = 0) and (MSnB:MSnA = 0:1). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 309 Functional Description In output compare mode, the FTM can generate timed pulses with programmable position, polarity, duration, and frequency. When the counter matches the value in the CnVH:CnVL registers of an output compare channel, the channel (n) output can be set, cleared, or toggled. When a channel is initially configured to toggle mode, the previous value of the channel output is held until the first output compare event occurs. The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnVH:CnVL). MODH:L = 0x0005 CnVH:L = 0x0003 channel (n) match counter overflow CNTH:L ... 2 1 0 channel (n) output previous value CHnF bit previous value 4 3 channel (n) match counter overflow 5 1 0 2 counter overflow 4 3 5 1 0 ... TOF bit Figure 12-150. Example of the output compare mode when the match toggles the channel output MODH:L = 0x0005 CnVH:L = 0x0003 CNTH:L channel (n) output CHnF bit ... 0 counter overflow channel (n) match counter overflow 2 1 3 4 5 0 counter overflow channel (n) match 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 ... previous value previous value TOF bit Figure 12-151. Example of the output compare mode when the match clears the channel output MODH:L = 0x0005 CnVH:L = 0x0003 channel (n) match counter overflow CNTH:L channel (n) output CHnF bit ... 0 1 2 3 counter overflow 4 5 0 channel (n) match 1 2 3 counter overflow 4 5 0 1 ... previous value previous value TOF bit Figure 12-152. Example of the output compare mode when the match sets the channel output MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 310 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) It is possible to use the output compare mode with (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0). In this case, when the counter reaches the value in the CnVH:CnVL registers, the CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated, if CHnIE = 1. However, the channel (n) output is not modified and controlled by FTM. Note * Output compare mode is available only with (CNTINH:CNTINL = 0x0000). * Output compare mode with (CNTINH:CNTINL 0x0000) is not recommended and its results are not guaranteed. 12.4.6 Edge-aligned PWM (EPWM) mode The edge-aligned mode is selected when all of the following apply: * (DECAPEN = 0) * (COMBINE = 0) * (CPWMS = 0) * (MSnB = 1) The EPWM period is determined by (MODH:L - CNTINH:L + 0x0001) and the pulse width (duty cycle) is determined by (CnVH:L - CNTINH:L). The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnVH:L), that is, at the end of the pulse width. This type of PWM signal is called edge-aligned because the leading edges of all PWM signals are aligned with the beginning of the period, which is the same for all channels within an FTM. counter overflow counter overflow counter overflow period pulse width channel (n) output channel (n) match channel (n) match channel (n) match Figure 12-153. EPWM period and pulse width with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) when the counter reaches the value in the CnVH:L registers, the CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1), however, the channel (n) output is not controlled by FTM. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 311 Functional Description If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the counter overflow, when the value of CNTINH:L is loaded into the FTM counter. Additionally, it is forced low at the channel (n) match, when the FTM counter = CnVH:L. See the following figure. MODH:L = 0x0008 CnVH:L = 0x0005 counter overflow CNTH:L ... 0 channel (n) match 1 2 3 4 5 counter overflow 6 7 8 0 1 2 ... channel (n) output previous value CHnF bit TOF bit Figure 12-154. EPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the counter overflow, when the value of CNTINH:L is loaded into the FTM counter. Additionally, it is forced high at the channel (n) match, when the FTM counter = CnVH:L. See the following figure. MODH:L = 0x0008 CnVH:L = 0x0005 CNTH:L counter overflow ... 0 channel (n) match 1 2 3 4 5 counter overflow 6 7 8 0 1 2 ... channel (n) output CHnF bit previous value TOF bit Figure 12-155. EPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 If (CnVH:L = 0x0000), then the channel (n) output is a 0% duty cycle EPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set, even when there is the channel (n) match. If (CnVH:L > MODH:L), then the channel (n) output is a 100% duty cycle EPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set, even when there is the channel (n) match. Therefore, MODH:MODL must be less than 0xFFFF in order to get a 100% duty cycle EPWM signal. Note * EPWM mode is available only with (CNTINH:L = 0x0000). * EPWM mode with (CNTINH:L 0x0000) is not recommended and its results are not guaranteed. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 312 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 12.4.7 Center-aligned PWM (CPWM) mode The center-aligned mode is selected when all of the following apply: * (DECAPEN = 0) * (COMBINE = 0) * (CPWMS = 1) The CPWM pulse width (duty cycle) is determined by 2 x (CnVH:L - CNTINH:L). The period is determined by 2 x (MODH:L - CNTINH:L). See the following figure. MODH:L must be kept in the range of 0x0001 to 0x7FFF because values outside this range can produce ambiguous results. In the CPWM mode, the FTM counter counts up until it reaches MODH:L and then counts down until it reaches the value of CNTINH:L. The CHnF bit is set and channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnVH:L) when the FTM counting is down, at the begin of the pulse width, and when the FTM counting is up, at the end of the pulse width. This type of PWM signal is called center-aligned because the pulse width centers for all channels are aligned with the value of CNTINH:L. The other channel modes are not compatible with the up-down counter (CPWMS = 1). Therefore, all FTM channels must be used in CPWM mode when (CPWMS = 1). FTM counter = CNTINH:L counter overflow FTM counter = MODH:L channel (n) match (FTM counting is up) channel (n) match (FTM counting is down) counter overflow FTM counter = MODH:L channel (n) output pulse width 2 x (CnVH:L - CNTINH:L) period 2 x (MODH:L - CNTINH:L) Figure 12-156. CPWM period and pulse width with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) when the counter reaches the value in the CnVH:L registers, the CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1), however the channel (n) output is not controlled by FTM. If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnVH:L) when counting down, and it is forced low at the channel (n) match when counting up; see the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 313 Functional Description counter overflow channel (n) match in down counting MODH:L = 0x0008 CnVH:L = 0x0005 ... CNTH:L 7 7 8 6 5 4 3 counter overflow channel (n) match in down counting channel (n) match in up counting 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 7 6 5 ... channel (n) output previous value CHnF bit TOF bit Figure 12-157. CPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnVH:L) when counting down, and it is forced high at the channel (n) match when counting up; see the following figure. counter overflow counter overflow MODH:L = 0x0008 CnVH:L = 0x0005 channel (n) match in down counting CNTH:L ... 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 channel (n) match in up counting 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 channel (n) match in down counting 7 8 7 6 5 ... channel (n) output CHnF bit previous value TOF bit Figure 12-158. CPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 If (CnVH:L = 0x0000) or (CnVH:L is a negative value, that is, CnVH[7] = 1) then the channel (n) output is a 0% duty cycle CPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set even when there is the channel (n) match. If (CnVH:L is a positive value, that is, CnVH[7] = 0), (CnVH:L MODH:L), and (MODH:L 0x0000), then the channel (n) output is a 100% duty cycle CPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set even when there is the channel (n) match. This implies that the usable range of periods set by MODH:L is 0x0001 through 0x7FFE, or 0x7FFF if you do not need to generate a 100% duty cycle CPWM signal. This is not a significant limitation because the resulting period is much longer than required for normal applications. The CPWM mode must not be used when the FTM counter is a free running counter. Note * CPWM mode is available only with (CNTINH:L = 0x0000). * CPWM mode with (CNTINH:L 0x0000) is not recommended and its results are not guaranteed. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 314 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 12.4.8 Combine mode The combine mode is selected when all of the following apply: * (FTMEN = 1) * (DECAPEN = 0) * (COMBINE = 1) * (CPWMS = 0) In combine mode, the even channel (n) and adjacent odd channel (n+1) are combined to generate a PWM signal in the channel (n) output. In the combine mode, the PWM period is determined by (MODH:L - CNTINH:L + 0x0001) and the PWM pulse width (duty cycle) is determined by (|C(n+1)VH:L - C(n)VH:L|). The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)VH:L). The CH(n+1)F bit is set and the channel (n+1) interrupt is generated (if CH(n+1)IE = 1) at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)VH:C(n+1)VL). If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the beginning of the period (FTM counter = CNTINH:L) and at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)VH:L). It is forced high at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)VH:L). See the following figure. If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the beginning of the period (FTM counter = CNTINH:L) and at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)VH:L). It is forced low at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)VH:L). See the following figure. In combine mode, the ELS(n+1)B and ELS(n+1)A bits are not used in the generation of the channels (n) and (n+1) output. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 12-159. Combine mode The following figures illustrate the generation of PWM signals using combine mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 315 Functional Description FTM counter MODH:L C(n+1)VH:L C(n)VH:L CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 12-160. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and (C(n)V < C(n+1)V) FTM counter MODH:L = C(n+1)VH:L C(n)VH:L CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 12-161. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (C(n+1)V = MOD) FTM counter MODH:L C(n+1)VH:L C(n)VH:L = CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 12-162. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 316 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter MODH:L = C(n+1)VH:L C(n)VH:L CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 not fully 100% duty cycle not fully 0% duty cycle Figure 12-163. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (C(n)V is almost equal to CNTIN) and (C(n+1)V = MOD) FTM counter MODH:L C(n+1)VH:L C(n)VH:L = CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 not fully 100% duty cycle not fully 0% duty cycle Figure 12-164. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and (C(n+1)V is almost equal to MOD) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 317 Functional Description FTM counter C(n+1)VH:L MODH:L CNTINH:L C(n)VH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 12-165. Channel (n) output if C(n)V and C(n+1)V are not between CNTIN and MOD FTM counter MODH:L C(n+1)VH:L = C(n)VH:L CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 12-166. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and (CnV = C(n+1)V) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 318 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter MODH:L C(n+1)VH:L = C(n)VH:L = CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 12-167. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = C(n+1)V = CNTIN) MODH:L = C(n+1)VH:L = C(n)VH:L FTM counter CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 12-168. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = C(n+1)V = MOD) FTM counter MODH:L C(n)VH:L C(n+1)VH:L CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle channel (n) match is ignored Figure 12-169. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and (C(n)V > C(n+1)V) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 319 Functional Description FTM counter MODH:L C(n+1)VH:L CNTINH:L C(n)VH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 12-170. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V < CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) FTM counter MODH:L C(n)VH:L CNTINH:L C(n+1)VH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 12-171. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V < CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 320 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter C(n)VH:L MODH:L C(n+1)VH:L CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 12-172. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) FTM counter C(n+1)VH:L MODH:L C(n)VH:L CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 12-173. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 321 Functional Description FTM counter C(n+1)VH:L MODH:L = C(n)VH:L CNTINH:L channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 not fully 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 not fully 100% duty cycle Figure 12-174. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n)V = MOD) Asymmetrical PWM In the combine mode, the control of the PWM signal first edge (when the channel (n) match occurs, that is, FTM counter = C(n)VH:L) is independent of the control of the PWM signal second edge (when the channel (n+1) match occurs, that is, FTM counter = C(n+1)VH:L). So, the combine mode allows to generate asymmetrical PWM signals. 12.4.9 Complementary mode The complementary mode is selected when all of the following apply: * (FTMEN = 1) * (DECAPEN = 0) * (COMBINE = 1) * (CPWMS = 0) * (COMP = 1) In complementary mode the channel (n+1) output is the inverse of the channel (n) output. The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output if all of the following apply: * (FTMEN = 1) * (DECAPEN = 0) * (COMBINE = 1) * (CPWMS = 0) * (COMP = 0) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 322 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n+1) output with COMP = 0 channel (n+1) output with COMP = 1 Figure 12-175. Channel (n+1) output in complementary mode with (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0) channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 channel (n+1) output with COMP = 0 channel (n+1) output with COMP = 1 Figure 12-176. Channel (n+1) output in complementary mode with (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1) 12.4.10 Update of the registers with write buffers This section describes the updating of registers that have write buffers. CNTINH:L registers CNTINH:L registers are always updated with their write buffer after both bytes have been written. MODH:L registers If (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0), then MODH:L registers are updated when their second byte is written, independent of FTMEN bit. If (CLKS[1:0] 0:0 and FTMEN = 0), then MODH:L registers are updated according to the CPWMS bit: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 323 Functional Description * If the selected mode is not CPWM mode, then MODH:L registers are updated after both bytes have been written and the FTM counter changes from (MODH:L) to (CNTINH:L). If the FTM counter is a free-running counter, then this update is made when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. * If the selected mode is CPWM mode, then MODH:L registers are updated after both bytes have been written and the FTM counter changes from MODH:L to (MODH:L - 0x0001). If (CLKS[1:0] 0:0 and FTMEN = 1), then MODH:L registers are updated by PWM synchronization. See MODH:L registers synchronization. CnVH:L registers If (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0), then CnVH:L registers are updated when their second byte is written, independent of FTMEN bit. If (CLKS[1:0] 0:0 and FTMEN = 0), then CnVH:L registers are updated according to the selected mode: * If the selected mode is output compare mode, then CnVH:L registers are updated after their second byte is written and on the next change of the FTM counter. * If the selected mode is EPWM mode, the CnVH:L registers are updated after both bytes have been written and the FTM counter changes from MODH:L to CNTINH:L. If the FTM counter is a free running counter, then this update is made when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. * If the selected mode is CPWM mode, then CnVH:L registers are updated after both bytes have been written and the FTM counter changes from MODH:L to (MODH:L - 0x0001). If (CLKS[1:0] 0:0 and FTMEN = 1), then CnVH:L registers are updated according to the selected mode: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 324 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) * If the selected mode is output compare mode, then CnVH:L registers are updated according to the SYNCEN bit. If (SYNCEN = 0), then CnVH:L registers are updated after their second byte is written and on the next change of the FTM counter. If (SYNCEN = 1), then CnVH:L registers are updated by PWM synchronization. See CnVH:L registers synchronization. * If the selected mode is not output compare mode and (SYNCEN = 1), then CnVH:L registers are updated by PWM synchronization. See CnVH:L registers synchronization. 12.4.11 PWM synchronization PWM synchronization provides an opportunity to update registers with the contents of their write buffers. It can also be used to synchronize two or more FlexTimer modules on the same MCU. PWM synchronization updates the MODH:L and CnVH:L registers with their write buffers. It is also possible to force the FTM counter to its initial value and update the CHnOM bits in OUTMASK using PWM synchronization. Note PWM synchronization is available only in combine mode. Hardware trigger Each hardware trigger is synchronized by the system clock. The input signals are: trigger_0, trigger_1, and trigger_2. A rising edge on the selected hardware trigger input (trigger n event) initiates PWM synchronization. A hardware trigger is selected when its enable bit is set (TRIGn = 1 where n = 0, 1, or 2). The TRIGn bit is cleared when 0 is written to it or when the trigger n event is detected. For example, if TRIG0 and TRIG1 are enabled and only the trigger 1 event occurs, only the TRIG1 bit is cleared. If a trigger n event occurs together with a write to set the TRIGn bit, then the synchronization is made, but the TRIGn bit remains set because of the last write. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 325 Functional Description system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger_0 input synchronized trigger_0 by system clock trigger 0 event Notes - All hardware trigger (input signals: trigger_0, trigger_1, and trigger_2) have this same behavior Figure 12-177. Hardware trigger event Software trigger A software trigger event occurs when 1 is written to the SWSYNC bit. The SWSYNC bit is cleared when 0 is written to it or when the PWM synchronization, which is initiated by the software event, is completed. If the software trigger event occurs together with the event that clears the SWSYNC bit, then the synchronization is made using this trigger event and the SWSYNC bit remains set because of the last write. For example, if PWMSYNC = 0 and REINIT = 0 and there is a software trigger event, then the load of MODH:L and CnVH:L registers is made only at the boundary cycle (CNTMIN and CNTMAX). In this case, the SWSYNC bit is cleared only at the boundary cycle, so you do not know when this bit is cleared. Therefore, it is possible a new write to set SWSYNC happens when FTM is clearing the SWSYNC because it is the selected boundary cycle of PWM synchronization that was started previously by the software trigger event. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 326 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event PWM synchronization Figure 12-178. Software Trigger event Boundary cycle The CNTMAX and CNTMIN bits select the boundary cycle when the MODH:L and CnVH:L registers are updated with the value of their write buffer by PWM synchronization, except if (PWMSYNC = 0 and REINIT = 1). If CNTMIN = 1, then the boundary cycle is the CNTINH:L value. MODH:L and CnVH:L registers are updated when the FTM counter reaches the CNTINH:L value. If CPWMS = 0, then CNTINH:L is reached when the FTM counter changes from MODH:L to CNTINH:L. If CPWMS = 1, then CNTINH:L is reached when the FTM counter changes from (CNTINH:L + 0x0001) to CNTINH:L. If CNTMAX = 1, then the boundary cycle is the MODH:L value. MODH:L and CnVH:L registers are updated when the FTM counter reaches the MODH:L value. MODH:L is reached when the FTM counter changes from (MODH:L - 0x0001) to MODH:L, regardless of the CPWMS configuration. If no boundary cycle was selected (CNTMAX = 0 and CNTMIN = 0), then the update of the MODH:L and CnVH:L registers is not made, unless (PWMSYNC = 0 and REINIT = 1). If both boundary cycles were selected (CNTMAX = 1 and CNTMIN = 1), then the update of the MODH:L and CnVH:L registers is made in the first boundary cycle that occurs with valid conditions for MODH:L or CnVH:L synchronization, except if (PWMSYNC = 0 and REINIT = 1). The CNTMAX and CNTMIN bits are cleared only by software. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 327 Functional Description Note * PWM synchronization boundary cycle is available only when (CNTMIN = 1). * PWM synchronization with (CNTMAX = 1) is not recommended and its results are not guaranteed. MODH:L registers synchronization The MODH:L synchronization occurs when the MODH:L registers are updated with the value of their write buffer. The synchronization requires both bytes of MODH:L to have been written in one of the following situations. * If PWMSYNC = 0 and REINIT = 0, then the synchronization is made on the next selected boundary cycle after an enabled trigger event takes place. If the trigger event was a software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared on the next selected boundary cycle. See the following figure. system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event selected boundary cycle MODH:L registers are updated if both bytes were written Figure 12-179. MODH:L synchronization when (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 0), and software trigger was used If the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the trigger enable bit (TRIGn) is cleared when the trigger n event is detected. See the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 328 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event selected boundary cycle MODH:L registers are updated if both bytes were written Figure 12-180. MODH:L synchronization when (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 0), and a hardware trigger was used * If PWMSYNC = 0 and REINIT = 1, then the synchronization is made on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared. See the following figure. system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event MODH:L registers are updated if both bytes were written Figure 12-181. MODH:L synchronization when (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 1), and software trigger was used If the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the TRIGn bit is cleared. See the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 329 Functional Description system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event MODH:L registers are updated if both bytes were written Figure 12-182. MODH:L synchronization when (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 1), and a hardware trigger was used * If PWMSYNC = 1, then the synchronization is made on the next selected boundary cycle after the enabled software trigger event takes place. The SWSYNC bit is cleared on the next selected boundary cycle. See the following figure. system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event selected boundary cycle MODH:L registers are updated if both bytes were written Figure 12-183. MODH:L synchronization when (PWMSYNC = 1) CnVH:L registers synchronization The CnVH:L synchronization occurs when the CnVH:L registers are updated with the value of their write buffer. The synchronization requires both bytes of CnVH:L to have been written, SYNCEN = 1 and either a hardware or software trigger event as per MODH:L registers synchronization. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 330 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) OUTMASK register synchronization Any write to a CHnOM bit updates the OUTMASK write buffer. The CHnOM bit is updated with the value of its corresponding bit in the OUTMASK write buffer according to SYNCHOM and PWMSYNC bits. * If SYNCHOM = 0, then the CHnOM bit is updated with the value of its write buffer equivalent in all rising edges of the system clock. system clock write to CHnOM bit set CHnOM clear CHnOM write buffer of CHnOM bit CHnOM bit Figure 12-184. CHnOM synchronization when (SYNCHOM = 0) * If SYNCHOM = 1 and PWMSYNC = 0, then this synchronization is made on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared on the next selected boundary cycle. See the following figure. system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event selected boundary cycle CHnOM bit is updated SWSYNC bit is cleared Figure 12-185. CHnOM synchronization when (SYNCHOM = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0) and software trigger was used If the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the trigger enable bit (TRIGn) is cleared when the trigger n event is detected. See the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 331 Functional Description system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event CHnOM bit is updated and TRIG0 bit is cleared Figure 12-186. CHnOM synchronization when (SYNCHOM = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0), and a hardware trigger was used * If SYNCHOM = 1 and PWMSYNC = 1, then this synchronization is made on the next enabled hardware trigger event. The trigger enable bit (TRIGn) is cleared when the enabled hardware trigger n event is detected. See the following figure. system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event CHnOM bit is updated and TRIG0 bit is cleared Figure 12-187. CHnOM Synchronization when (SYNCHOM = 1), (PWMSYNC = 1), and a hardware trigger was used FTM counter synchronization The FTM counter synchronization occurs when the FTM counter is updated with the value of the CNTINH:L registers and the channel outputs are forced to their initial value as defined by the channel configuration. * If REINIT = 0, then this synchronization is made when the FTM counter changes from MODH:L to CNTINH:L. * If REINIT = 1 and PWMSYNC = 0, then this synchronization is made on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared. See the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 332 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event FTM counter is reset and channel outputs are forced to their initial value Figure 12-188. FTM counter synchronization when (REINIT = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0), and software trigger was used If the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the TRIGn bit is cleared. See the following figure. system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event FTM counter is reset and channel outputs are forced to their initial value Figure 12-189. FTM counter synchronization when (REINIT = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0), and a hardware trigger was used * If REINIT = 1 and PWMSYNC = 1, then this synchronization is made on the next enabled hardware trigger event. The trigger enable bit (TRIGn) is cleared when the enabled hardware trigger n event is detected. See the following figure. system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event FTM counter is reset and channel outputs are forced to their initial value Figure 12-190. FTM counter synchronization when (REINIT = 1), (PWMSYNC = 1), and a hardware trigger was used MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 333 Functional Description Summary of PWM synchronization The following table shows the summary of PWM synchronization. Table 12-185. Summary of PWM synchronization Register or bit PWMSYN C REINIT CNTINH:L X X SYNCH CNTMA OM X X X CNTMI N SYNCE Description N X X Changes take effect after the second byte is written. Effect is seen after the next TOF or PWM synchronization. MODH:L CnVH:L 0 0 X 1 0 X MODH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the counter reaches its maximum value after the enabled hardware or software trigger has occurred. 0 0 X 0 1 X MODH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the counter reaches its minimum value after the enabled hardware or software trigger has occurred. 0 1 X X X X MODH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the enabled hardware or software trigger occurs. 1 X X 1 0 X MODH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the counter reaches its maximum value after the enabled software trigger has occurred. 1 X X 0 1 X MODH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the counter reaches its minimum value after the enabled software trigger has occurred. 0 0 X 1 0 1 CnVH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the counter reaches its maximum value after the enabled hardware or software trigger has occurred. 0 0 X 0 1 1 CnVH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the counter reaches its minimum value after the enabled hardware or software trigger has occurred. 0 1 X X X 1 CnVH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the enabled hardware or software trigger occurs. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 334 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Table 12-185. Summary of PWM synchronization (continued) Register or bit PWMSYN C REINIT 1 X X 1 0 1 CnVH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the counter reaches its maximum value after the enabled software trigger has occurred. 1 X X 0 1 1 CnVH:L are updated with their write buffer contents when the counter reaches its minimum value after the enabled software trigger has occurred. 0 1 X X X X CNTH:L are forced to the FTM counter initial value when the enabled hardware or software trigger occurs. 1 1 X X X X CNTH:L are forced to the FTM counter initial value when the enabled hardware trigger occurs. X X 0 X X X Changes to OUTMASK take effect on the next rising edge of the system clock. 0 X 1 X X X OUTMASK is updated with its write buffer contents when the enabled hardware or software trigger occurs. 1 X 1 X X X OUTMASK is updated with its write buffer contents when the enabled hardware trigger occurs. 0 0 X 1 0 X SWSYNC bit is cleared when the counter reaches its maximum value after the enabled software trigger has occurred. 0 0 X 0 1 X SWSYNC bit is cleared when the counter reaches its minimum value after the enabled software trigger has occurred. 0 1 X X X X SWSYNC bit is cleared when the enabled software trigger occurs. 1 X X 1 0 X SWSYNC bit is cleared when the counter reaches its maximum value after the enabled software trigger has occurred. 1 X X 0 1 X SWSYNC bit is cleared when the counter reaches its minimum value after the enabled software trigger has occurred. X X X X X X TRIGn bit is cleared when the enabled hardware trigger has occurred. CNTH:L OUTMASK SWSYNC bit TRIGn bit SYNCH CNTMA OM X CNTMI N SYNCE Description N MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 335 Functional Description 12.4.12 Deadtime insertion The deadtime insertion is enabled when (DTEN = 1) and (DTVAL[5:0] is non- zero). DEADTIME register defines the deadtime delay that can be used for all FTM channels. The DTPS[1:0] bits define the prescaler for the system clock and the DTVAL[5:0] bits define the deadtime modulo; that is, the number of deadtime prescaler clocks). The deadtime delay insertion ensures that no two complementary signals (channel (n) and (n+1)) drive the active state at the same time. For POL(n) = 0, POL(n+1) = 0, and deadtime enabled, a rising edge on the output of channel (n) remains low for the duration of the deadtime delay, after which the rising edge appears on the output. Similarly, when a falling edge is due on the output of channel (n), the channel (n+1) output remains low for the duration of the deadtime delay, after which the channel (n+1) output will have a rising edge. For POL(n) = 1, POL(n+1) = 1, and deadtime enabled, a falling edge on the output of channel (n) remains high for the duration of the deadtime delay, after which the falling edge appears on the output. Similarly, when a rising edge is due on the output of channel (n), the channel (n+1) output remains high for the duration of the deadtime delay, after which the channel (n+1) output will have a falling edge. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) Figure 12-191. Deadtime insertion with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) = 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 336 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) Figure 12-192. Deadtime insertion with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) = 0 NOTE Deadtime feature is available only in combine and complementary modes. Deadtime insertion corner cases If (PS[2:0] bits are cleared), (DTPS[1:0] = 0:0 or DTPS[1:0] = 0:1): * and the deadtime delay is greater than or equal to the channel (n) duty cycle ((C(n +1)VH:L - C(n)VH:L) x system clock), then the channel (n) output is always the inactive value (POL(n) bit value). * and the deadtime delay is greater than or equal to the channel (n+1) duty cycle ((MODH:L - CNTINH:L + 1 - (C(n+1)VH:L - C(n)VH:L) ) x system clock), then the channel (n+1) output is always the inactive value (POL(n+1) bit value). Although in most cases the deadtime delay is not comparable to channels (n) and (n+1) duty cycle, the following figures show examples where the deadtime delay is comparable to the duty cycle. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 337 Functional Description channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) Figure 12-193. Example of the deadtime insertion (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) = 0) when the deadtime delay is comparable to channel (n+1) duty cycle channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) Figure 12-194. Example of the deadtime insertion (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) = 0) when the deadtime delay Is comparable to channels (n) and (n+1) duty cycle 12.4.13 Output mask The output mask register OUTMASK can be used to force channel outputs to their inactive state through software; for example, to control a BLDC motor. Any write to a CHnOM bit updates the OUTMASK write buffer. The CHnOM bit is updated with the value of its corresponding bit in the OUTMASK write buffer according to OUTMASK register synchronization. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 338 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) If CHnOM = 1, then the channel (n) output is forced to its inactive state, defined by the POLn bit in register POL. If CHnOM = 0, then the channel (n) output is unaffected by the output mask function. When a CHnOM bit is cleared, the channel (n) output is enabled. See the following figure. the beginning of new PWM cycles FTM counter channel (n) output (before output mask) CHnOM bit channel (n) output (after output mask) configured PWM signal starts to be available in the channel (n) output channel (n) output is disabled Figure 12-195. Output mask The following table shows the output mask result before the polarity control. Table 12-186. Output mask result for channel (n) before the polarity control CHnOM Output Mask Input Output Mask Result 0 inactive state inactive state active state active state inactive state inactive state 1 active state Note Output mask is available only in combine mode. 12.4.14 Fault control The fault control is enabled if (FTMEN = 1) and (FAULTM[1:0] 0:0). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 339 Functional Description FTM can have up to four fault inputs. FAULTnEN bit (where n = 0, 1, 2, 3) enables the fault input n and FFLTRnEN bit enables the fault input n filter. FFVAL[3:0] bits select the value of the enabled filter in each enabled fault input. First, each fault input signal is synchronized by the system clock; see the synchronizer block in the following figure. Following synchronization, the fault input n signal enters the filter block. When there is a state change in the fault input n signal, the 5-bit counter is reset and starts counting up. As long as the new state is stable on the fault input n, the counter continues to increment. If the 5-bit counter overflows and exceeds the value of the FFVAL[3:0] bits, the new fault input n value is validated. It is then transmitted as a pulse edge to the edge detector. If the opposite edge appears on the fault input n signal before validation (counter overflow), the counter is reset. At the next input transition, the counter starts counting again. Any pulse that is shorter than the minimum value selected by FFVAL[3:0] bits (x system clock) is regarded as a glitch and is not passed on to the edge detector. The fault input n filter is disabled when the FFVAL[3:0] bits are zero or when FAULTnEN = 0. In this case the fault input n signal is delayed two rising edges of the system clock and the FAULTFn bit is set on the third rising edge of the system clock after a rising edge occurs on the fault input n. If FFVAL[3:0] 0000 and FAULTnEN = 1, then the fault input n signal is delayed (3 + FFVAL[3:0]) rising edges of the system clock; that is, the FAULTFn bit is set (4 + FFVAL[3:0]) rising edges of the system clock after a rising edge occurs on the fault input n. (FFVAL[3:0] 0000) and (FFLTRnEN*) FLTnPOL synchronizer fault input n* value 0 fault input n* system clock D CLK Q D CLK Q Fault filter (5-bit counter) 1 fault input polarity control rising edge edge FAULTFn* detector * where n = 3, 2, 1, 0 Figure 12-196. Fault input n control block diagram If the fault control and fault input n are enabled and a rising edge at the fault input n signal is detected, then the FAULTFn bit is set. The FAULTF bit is the logic OR of FAULTFn[3:0] bits. See the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 340 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) fault input 0 value fault input 1 value fault input 2 value fault input 3 value FAULTIN FAULTIE FAULTF0 FAULTF1 fault interrupt FAULTF FAULTF2 FAULTF3 Figure 12-197. FAULTF and FAULTIN bits and fault interrupt If the fault control is enabled (FAULTM[1:0] 0:0), a fault condition has occurred (rising edge at the logic OR of the enabled fault input) and (FAULTEN = 1), then channel (n) and (n+1) outputs are forced to their safe value (that is, the channel (n) output is forced to the value of POL(n) and the channel (n+1) is forced to the value of POL(n +1)). The fault interrupt is generated when (FAULTF = 1) and (FAULTIE = 1). This interrupt request remains set until: * Software clears the FAULTF bit (by reading FAULTF bit as 1 and writing 0 to it) * Software clears the FAULTIE bit * A reset occurs Note Fault control is available only in combine mode. Automatic fault clearing If the automatic fault clearing is selected (FAULTM[1:0] = 1:1), then the disabled channel outputs are enabled when the fault input signal (FAULTIN) returns to zero and a new PWM cycle begins. See the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 341 Functional Description the beginning of new PWM cycles FTM counter channel (n) output (before fault control) FAULTIN bit channel (n) output (after fault control with automatic fault clearing and POLn=0) FAULTF bit FAULTF bit is cleared Figure 12-198. Fault control with automatic fault clearing Manual fault clearing If the manual fault clearing is selected (FAULTM[1:0] = 0:1 or 1:0), then disabled channel outputs are enabled when the FAULTF bit is cleared and a new PWM cycle begins. See the following figure. It is possible to manually clear a fault by clearing the FAULTF bit, and enable disabled channels regardless of the fault input signal (FAULTIN) (the filter output if the filter is enabled or the synchronizer output if the filter is disabled). However, it is recommended to verify the value of the fault input signal (value of the FAULTIN bit) before clearing the FAULTF bit to avoid unpredictable results. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 342 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) the beginning of new PWM cycles FTM counter channel (n) output (before fault control) FAULTIN bit channel (n) output (after fault control with manual fault clearing and POLn=0) FAULTF bit FAULTF bit is cleared Figure 12-199. Fault control with manual fault clearing 12.4.15 Polarity control The POLn bit selects the channel (n) output polarity: * If (POLn = 0), the channel (n) output polarity is active-high: one is the active state; zero is the inactive state. * If (POLn = 1), the channel (n) output polarity is active-low: zero is the active state; one is the inactive state. Note Polarity control is available only in combine mode. 12.4.16 Initialization The initialization forces the CHnOI bit value to the channel (n) output when a one is written to the INIT bit. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 343 Functional Description Note * It is recommended to use the initialization only when the FTM counter is disabled (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0). * Initialization is available only in combine mode. 12.4.17 Features priority The following figure shows the priority of the features that can be combined to generate channel (n) and (n+1) outputs. Output modes logic (generation of channels (n) and (n 1) output in Output Compare, EPWM, CPWM, Combine and/or Complementary modes) Deadtime Insertion Initialization Output Mask Fault Control Polarity Control channel (n) output channel (n 1) output Figure 12-200. FTM features priority 12.4.18 Channel trigger output The channel trigger output is generated if (FTMEN = 1) and one or more channels were selected by the CHjTRIG bit, where j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. The CHjTRIG bit defines if the channel (j) match (that is, FTM counter = C(j)VH:L) generates the trigger. The channel trigger output provides a trigger signal that is used for on-chip modules. The FTM is able to generate multiple triggers in one PWM period. Because each trigger is generated for a specific channel, several channels are required to implement this functionality. This behavior is described in the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 344 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) the beginning of new PWM cycles FTM counter = C1VH:L FTM counter = C0VH:L FTM counter = C5VH:L FTM counter = C4VH:L FTM counter = C3VH:L FTM counter = C2VH:L match trigger when CH2TRIG=0, CH3TRIG=0, CH4TRIG=0, CH5TRIG=0, CH0TRIG=0, and CH1TRIG=0 match trigger when CH2TRIG=0, CH3TRIG=0, CH4TRIG=0, CH5TRIG=0, CH0TRIG=1, and CH1TRIG=0 match trigger when CH2TRIG=0, CH3TRIG=1, CH4TRIG=1, CH5TRIG=1, CH0TRIG=0, and CH1TRIG=0 match trigger when CH2TRIG=1, CH3TRIG=1, CH4TRIG=1, CH5TRIG=1, CH0TRIG=1, and CH1TRIG=1 Figure 12-201. Match triggers Note Match trigger is available only in combine mode. 12.4.19 Initialization trigger If INITTRIGEN = 1, the FTM generates a trigger when the FTM counter is updated with the CNTINH:L registers value in the following cases: * The FTM counter is automatically updated with the CNTINH:L registers value by selected counting mode. CNTINH:L = 0x0000 MODH:L = 0x000F CPWMS = 0 system clock FTM counter 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 initialization trigger Figure 12-202. Initialization trigger is generated when the FTM counter achieves the value of CNTINH:L MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 345 Functional Description * When there is a write to CNTH or CNTL register CNTINH:L = 0x0000 MODH:L = 0x000F CPWMS = 0 system clock FTM counter 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 write to CNTH initialization trigger Figure 12-203. Initialization trigger is generated when there is a write to CNTH or CNTL * When there is the FTM counter synchronization CNTINH:L = 0x0000 MODH:L = 0x000F CPWMS = 0 REINIT = 1 system clock FTM counter 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 FTM counter synchronization initialization trigger Figure 12-204. Initialization trigger is generated when there is the FTM counter synchronization * If (CNTH:L = CNTINH:L), (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0), and a value different from zero is written to CLKS[1:0] bits CNTINH:L = 0x0000 MODH:L = 0x000F CPWMS = 0 system clock 0x00 FTM counter CLKS[1:0] bits 00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 01 initialization trigger Figure 12-205. Initialization trigger is generated if (CNTH:L = CNTINH:L) and (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0) and a value different from zero is written to CLKS[1:0] bits The initialization trigger output provides a trigger signal that is used for on-chip modules. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 346 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Note Initialization trigger is available only in combine mode. 12.4.20 Capture test mode The capture test mode allows the testing of the CnVH:L registers, the FTM counter, and the interconnection logic between the FTM counter and CnVH:L registers. In this test mode, all channels must be configured for input capture mode (see Input capture mode) and FTM counter must be configured for up-counting (see Up counting). When the capture test mode is enabled (CAPTEST = 1), the FTM counter is frozen and any write to CNTH and CNTL updates directly the FTM counter; see the following figure. After both bytes were written, independent of the order, all CnVH:L registers are updated with the value that was written to CNTH:L registers and CHnF bits are set. Therefore, the FTM counter is updated with its next value according to its configuration. Its next value depends on CNTINH:L, MODH:L, and the value that was written to FTM counter. The next reads of CnVH:L registers return the value that was written to FTM counter and the next reads of CNTH:L register return the next value of the FTM counter. The read coherency mechanism of CNTH:L and CnVH:L registers remains enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 347 Functional Description FTM counter clock set CAPTEST clear CAPTEST write to MODE CAPTEST bit FTM counter 0x1053 0x1054 0x1055 0x1056 0x7856 0x78AC 0x78AD 0x78AE 0x78AF 0x78B0 write 0x78 write to CNTH write 0xAC write to CNTL CH0F bit C0VH:L 0x0300 0x78AC Notes - FTM counter configuration: (FTMEN = 1), (CAPTEST = 1), (CPWMS = 0), (CNTINH:L = 0x0000) and (MODH:L = 0xFFFF) - FTM channel n configuration: input capture mode - (DECAPEN = 0), (COMBINE = 0), and (MSnB:MSnA = 0:0) Figure 12-206. Capture test mode 12.4.21 Dual edge capture mode The dual edge capture mode is selected if FTMEN = 1 and DECAPEN = 1. This mode allows software to measure a pulse width or period of the signal on the input of channel (n) of a channel pair. The channel (n) filter can be active in this mode when n is the channels 0 or 2. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 348 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMEN DECAPEN is filter DECAP enabled? MS(n)A ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A 0 synchronizer channel (n) input system clock D Q CLK D CLK Q CH(n)IE CH(n)F C(n)VH:L[15:0] Dual edge capture mode logic Filter* 1 channel (n) interrupt CH(n+1)IE CH(n+1)F channel (n+1) interrupt C(n+1)VH:L[15:0] FTM counter * Filtering function for dual edge capture mode is only available in the channels 0 and 2 Figure 12-207. Dual edge capture mode block diagram The MS(n)A bit defines if the dual edge capture mode is one-shot or continuous according to table "Mode, Edge, and Level Selection". The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the edge that is captured by channel (n), and ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the edge that is captured by channel (n+1) as described in table "Dual Edge Capture Mode -- Edge Polarity Selection". If both ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the same edge, then it is the period measurement. If these bits select different edges, then it is a pulse width measurement. In the dual edge capture mode, only channel (n) input is used and channel (n+1) input is ignored. If the selected edge by channel (n) bits is detected at channel (n) input, then CH(n)F bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CH(n)IE = 1). If the selected edge by channel (n+1) bits is detected at channel (n) input and (CH(n)F = 1), then CH(n+1)F bit is set and the channel (n+1) interrupt is generated (if CH(n+1)IE = 1). The C(n)VH:L registers store the value of FTM counter when the selected edge by channel (n) is detected at channel (n) input. The C(n+1)VH:L registers store the value of FTM counter when the selected edge by channel (n+1) is detected at channel (n) input. In this mode, the coherency mechanism of the pair of channels ensures that data is coherent when the C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers are read. Note that the C(n)VH:L registers must be read first before reading the C(n+1)VH:L registers. C(n)VH:L registers must be read first than C(n+1)VH:L registers. Note * The CH(n)F, CH(n)IE, MS(n)A, ELS(n)B, and ELS(n)A bits are channel (n) bits. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 349 Functional Description * The CH(n+1)F, CH(n+1)IE, MS(n+1)A, ELS(n+1)B, and ELS(n+1)A bits are channel (n+1) bits. * It is expected that the dual edge capture mode be used with ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1 or 1:0, ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:1 or 1:0 and the FTM counter in free running counter mode. See Free running counter. One-shot capture mode The one-shot capture mode is selected when (FTMEN = 1), (DECAPEN = 1), and (MS(n)A = 0). In this capture mode, only one pair of edges at the channel (n) input is captured. The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the first edge to be captured, and ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the second edge to be captured. The edge captures are enabled while DECAP bit is set. For each new measurement in one-shot capture mode, first the CH(n)F and CH(n+1) bits must be cleared, and then the DECAP bit must be set. In this mode, the DECAP bit is automatically cleared by FTM when the edge selected by channel (n+1) is captured. Therefore, while DECAP bit is set, the one-shot capture is in process. When this bit is cleared, both edges were captured and the captured values are ready for reading in the C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers. Similarly, when the CH(n+1)F bit is set, both edges were captured and the captured values are ready for reading in the C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers. Continuous capture mode The continuous capture mode is selected when (FTMEN = 1), (DECAPEN = 1), and (MS(n)A = 1). In this capture mode, the edges at the channel (n) input are captured continuously. The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the initial edge to be captured, and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the final edge to be captured. The edge captures are enabled while DECAP bit is set. For the initial use, first the CH(n)F and CH(n+1)F bits must be cleared, and then DECAP bit must be set to start the continuous measurements. When the CH(n+1)F bit is set, both edges are captured and the captured values are ready for reading in the C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers. The latest captured values are always available in these registers even after the DECAP bit is cleared. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 350 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) In this mode, it is possible to clear only the CH(n+1)F bit. Therefore, when the CH(n+1)F bit is set again, the latest captured values are available in C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers. For a new sequence of the measurements in the dual edge capture - continuous mode, it is recommended to clear the CH(n)F and CH(n+1) bits to start new measurements. Pulse width measurement If the channel (n) is configured to capture rising edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1) and the channel (n+1) to capture falling edges (ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 1:0), then the positive polarity pulse width is measured. If the channel (n) is configured to capture falling edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 1:0) and the channel (n+1) to capture rising edges (ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:1), then the negative polarity pulse width is measured. The pulse width measurement can be made in one-shot capture mode (One-shot capture mode) or continuous capture mode (Continuous capture mode). The following figure shows an example of the dual edge capture - one-shot mode used to measure the positive polarity pulse width. The DECAPEN bit selects the dual edge capture mode. The DECAP bit is set to enable the measurement of next positive polarity pulse width. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first edge of this pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set and DECAP bit is cleared when the second edge of this pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. Both DECAP and CH(n+1)F bits indicate when two edges of the pulse were captured and the C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers are ready for reading. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 351 Functional Description 4 FTM counter 12 8 3 7 2 6 1 16 11 10 5 20 15 14 9 13 24 19 18 17 28 23 27 22 26 21 25 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) DECAPEN bit set DECAPEN DECAP bit set DECAP C(n)VH:L 1 3 5 7 9 15 2 4 6 8 10 16 19 CH(n)F bit clear CH(n)F C(n+1)VH:L 20 22 24 CH(n+1)F bit clear CH(n+1)F problem 1 problem 2 Note: - The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user. - Problem 1: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F. - Problem 2: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F. Figure 12-208. Dual edge capture - one-shot mode for positive polarity pulse width measurement The following figure shows an example of the dual edge capture - continuous mode used to measure the positive polarity pulse width. The DECAPEN bit selects the dual edge capture mode, so it keeps set in all operation mode. While the DECAP bit is set the configured measurements are made. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first edge of the positive polarity pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set when the second edge of this pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit indicates when two edges of the pulse were captured and the C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers are ready for reading. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 352 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 4 FTM counter 12 8 3 7 2 6 1 16 11 10 5 20 15 14 9 13 24 19 18 17 28 23 27 22 26 21 25 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) DECAPEN bit set DECAPEN DECAP bit set DECAP C(n)VH:L 1 3 5 7 9 11 15 19 21 23 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 22 24 CH(n)F bit clear CH(n)F C(n+1)VH:L CH(n+1)F bit clear CH(n+1)F Note - The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user. Figure 12-209. Dual edge capture - continuous mode for positive polarity pulse width measurement Period measurement If the channels (n) and (n+1) are configured to capture consecutive edges of the same polarity, then the period of the channel (n) input signal is measured. If both channels (n) and (n+1) are configured to capture rising edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1 and ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:1), then the period between two consecutive rising edges is measured. If both channels (n) and (n+1) are configured to capture falling edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 1:0 and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 1:0), then the period between two consecutive rising edges is measured. The period measurement can be made in one-shot capture mode (One-shot capture mode) or continuous capture mode (Continuous capture mode). The following figure shows an example of the dual edge capture - one-shot mode used to measure the period between two consecutive rising edges. The DECAPEN bit selects the dual edge capture mode, so it keeps set in all operation mode. The DECAP bit is set to MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 353 Functional Description enable the measurement of next period. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set and DECAP bit is cleared when the second rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. Both DECAP and CH(n+1)F bits indicate when two selected edges were captured and the C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers are ready for reading. 4 8 3 FTM counter 2 11 6 1 16 12 7 10 5 20 15 13 28 23 18 14 9 24 19 27 22 17 21 26 25 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) DECAPEN bit set DECAPEN DECAP bit set DECAP C(n)VH:L 1 3 5 6 7 14 17 2 4 6 7 9 15 18 18 20 27 23 26 CH(n)F bit clear CH(n)F C(n+1)VH:L 20 CH(n+1)F bit clear CH(n+1)F problem 1 problem 2 problem 3 Note - The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user. - Problem 1: channel (n) input = 0, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F. - Problem 2: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F. - Problem 3: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F. Figure 12-210. Dual edge capture - one-shot mode to measure of the period between two consecutive rising edges The following figure shows an example of the dual edge capture - continuous mode used to measure the period between two consecutive rising edges. The DECAPEN bit selects the dual edge capture mode, so it keeps set in all operation mode. While the DECAP bit is set the configured measurements are made. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 354 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) is set when the second rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit indicates when two edges of the period were captured and the C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers are ready for reading. 4 FTM counter 12 8 3 2 6 1 16 11 7 9 24 19 14 10 5 20 15 18 13 28 23 27 22 17 21 26 25 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) DECAPEN bit set DECAPEN DECAP bit set DECAP C(n)VH:L 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 CH(n)F bit clear CH(n)F C(n+1)VH:L CH(n+1)F bit clear CH(n+1)F Note: - The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user. Figure 12-211. Dual edge capture - continuous mode to measure of the period between two consecutive rising edges Read coherency mechanism The dual edge capture mode implements a read coherency mechanism between the FTM counter value captured in C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers. The read coherency mechanism is illustrated in the following figure. In this example, the channels (n) and (n +1) are in dual edge capture - continuous mode for positive polarity pulse width measurement. Thus, the channel (n) is configured to capture the FTM counter value when there is a rising edge at channel (n) input signal, and channel (n+1) to capture the FTM counter value when there is a falling edge at channel (n) input signal. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 355 Functional Description When a rising edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal, the FTM counter value is captured into channel (n) capture buffer. The channel (n) capture buffer value is transferred to C(n)VH:L registers when a falling edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal. C(n)VH:L registers have the FTM counter value when the previous rising edge occurred, and the channel (n) capture buffer has the FTM counter value when the last rising edge occurred. When a negative edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal, the FTM counter value is captured into channel (n+1) capture buffer. The channel (n+1) capture buffer value is transferred to C(n+1)VH:L registers when the first byte of C(n)VH:L registers is read. In the following figure, the read of C(n)VH returns the FTM counter high byte value when the event 1 occurred, and the read of C(n+1)VL returns the FTM counter low byte value when the event 1 occurred. The read of C(n+1)VL returns the FTM counter low byte value when the event 2 occurred, and the read of C(n+1)VH returns the FTM counter high byte value when the event 2 occurred. event 1 FTM counter 1 event 2 2 event 3 3 event 4 4 event 5 5 event 6 event 8 event 7 6 7 8 event 9 9 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) channel (n) capture buffer C(n)VH:L channel (n+1) capture buffer 1 3 1 2 5 7 9 3 5 7 4 6 8 C(n+1)VH:L 2 channel (n) read buffer 1 channel (n+1) read buffer 2 read C(n)VH read C(n)VL read C(n+1)VL read C(n+1)VH Figure 12-212. Dual edge capture mode read coherency mechanism C(n)VH:L registers must be read prior to C(n+1)VH:L registers in dual edge capture oneshot and continuous modes for the read coherency mechanism works properly. Either the high or low bytes of C(n)VH:L and C(n+1)VH:L registers can be accessed first; however, the C(n)VH:L registers must be read prior to the C(n+1)VH:L registers in dual edge capture oneshot and continuous modes for the read coherency mechanism to work properly. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 356 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 12.4.22 TPM emulation This section describe the FTM features that are selected according to the FTMEN bit. MODH:L and CnVH:L synchronization If (FTMEN = 0), then the MODH:L and CnVH:L registers are updated according to the Update of the registers with write buffers and they are not updated by PWM synchronization. If (FTMEN = 1), then the MODH:L and CnVH:L registers are updated only by PWM synchronization (PWM synchronization). Free running counter If (FTMEN = 0), then the FTM counter is a free running counter when (MODH:L = 0x0000) or (MODH:L = 0xFFFF). If (FTMEN = 1), then the FTM counter is a free running counter when (CPWMS = 0), (CNTINH:L = 0x0000), and (MODH:L = 0xFFFF). Write to SC If (FTMEN = 0), then a write to the SC register resets the write coherency mechanism of MODH:L registers. If (FTMEN = 1), then a write to the SC register does not reset the write coherency mechanism of MODH:L registers. Write to CnSC If (FTMEN = 0), then a write to the CnSC register resets the write coherency mechanism of CnVH:L registers. If (FTMEN = 1), then a write to the CnSC register does not reset the write coherency mechanism of CnVH:L registers. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 357 Reset overview 12.4.23 BDM mode When BDM mode is active, the FlexTimer counter and the channels output are frozen. However, the value of FlexTimer counter or the channels output are modified in BDM mode when: * A write of any value to the CNTH or CNTL registers (Counter reset) resets the FTM counter to the value of CNTINH:L and the channels output to their initial value, except for channels in output compare mode. * The PWM synchronization with REINIT = 1 (see FTM counter synchronization) resets the FTM counter to the value of CNTINH:L registers and the channels output to their initial value, except for channels in output compare mode. * The initialization (Initialization) forces the value of the CHnOI bit to the channel (n) output. Note Do not use the above cases together with fault control (Fault control). If fault control is enabled and the fault condition is at the enabled fault input, these cases reset the FTM counter to the CNTINH:L value and the channels output to their initial value. 12.5 Reset overview The FTM is reset whenever any chip reset occurs. When the FTM exits from reset: * The FTM counter and the prescaler counter are zero and are stopped (CLKS[1:0] = 0b00) * The timer overflow interrupt is zero (Timer overflow interrupt) * The channels interrupts are zero (Channel (n) interrupt) * The fault interrupt is zero (Fault interrupt) * The channels are in input capture mode (Input capture mode) * The channels outputs are zero * The channels pins are not controlled by FTM (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0b00). See table "Mode, Edge, and Level Selection" MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 358 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 FlexTimer Module (FTM) The following figure shows the FTM behavior after the reset. At the reset (item 1), the FTM counter is disabled (see table "FTM Clock Source Selection"), its value is updated to zero and the pins are not controlled by FTM (table "Mode, Edge, and Level Selection"). After the reset, the FTM should be configured (item 2). It is necessary to define the FTM counter mode, the FTM counting limits (MODH:L and CNTINH:L registers value), the channels mode and CnVH:L registers value according to the channels mode. Because of this, you should write any value to CNTH or CNTL registers (item 3). This write updates the FTM counter with the value of CNTINH:L and the channels output with its initial value (except for channels in output compare mode) (Counter reset). The next step is to select the FTM counter clock by the CLKS[1:0] bits (item 4). It is important to highlight that the pins are controlled only by FTM when CLKS[1:0] bits are different from zero (table "Mode, Edge, and Level Selection"). (3) write any value to CNTH or CNTL registers (1) FTM reset FTM counter CLKS[1:0] (4) write 0b01 to CLKS[1:0] XXXX 0x0000 XX 0b00 0x0010 0x0011 0x0012 0x0013 0x0014 0x0015 0x0016 0x0017 0x0018 . . . 0b01 channel (n) output (2) FTM configuration channel (n) pin is controlled by FTM Note - CNTINH:L = 0x0010 - Channel (n) is in low-true combine mode with CNTINH:L < C(n)VH:L < C(n+1)VH:L < MODH:L - C(n)VH:L = 0x0015 Figure 12-213. FTM behavior after the reset when the channel (n) is in combine mode The following figure shows an example when the channel (n) is in output compare mode and the channel (n) output is toggled when there is a match. In the output compare mode, the channel output is not updated to its initial value when there is a write to CNTH or CNTL registers (item 3). In this case, it is recommended to use the initialization (Initialization) to update the channel output to the selected value (item 4). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 359 FTM Interrupts (3) write any value to CNTH or CNTL registers (1) FTM reset FTM counter CLKS[1:0] (4) use of initialization to update the channel output to the zero (5) write 0b01 to CLKS[1:0] XXXX 0x0000 XX 0b00 0x0010 0x0011 0x0012 0x0013 0x0014 0x0015 0x0016 0x0017 . . . 0b01 channel (n) output (2) FTM configuration channel (n) pin is controlled by FTM Note - CNTINH:L = 0x0010 - Channel (n) is in output compare and the channel (n) output is toggled when there is a match - C(n)VH:L = 0x0014 Figure 12-214. FTM behavior after the reset when the channel (n) is in output compare mode 12.6 FTM Interrupts 12.6.1 Timer overflow interrupt The timer overflow interrupt is generated when (TOIE = 1) and (TOF = 1). 12.6.2 Channel (n) interrupt The channel (n) interrupt is generated when (CHnIE = 1) and (CHnF = 1). 12.6.3 Fault interrupt The fault interrupt is generated when (FAULTIE = 1) and (FAULTF = 1). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 360 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 8-bit modulo timer (MTIM) 13.1 Introduction The MTIM is a simple 8-bit timer with several software selectable clock sources and a programmable interrupt. For MCUs that have more than one MTIM, the MTIMs are collectively called MTIMx. For example, MTIMx for an MCU with two MTIMs would refer to MTIM1 and MTIM2. For MCUs that have exactly one MTIM, it is always referred to as MTIM. 13.2 Features Timer system features include: * 8-bit up-counter: * Free-running or 8-bit modulo limit * Software controllable interrupt on overflow * Counter reset bit (TRST) * Counter stop bit (TSTP) * Four software selectable clock sources for input to prescaler: * System bus clock - rising edge * Fixed frequency clock (XCLK) - rising edge * External clock source on the TCLK pin - rising edge * External clock source on the TCLK pin - falling edge * Nine selectable clock prescale values: * Clock source divide by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 13.3 Modes of operation This section defines the MTIM's operation in stop, wait, and background debug modes. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 361 Block diagram 13.3.1 MTIM in wait mode The MTIM continues to run in wait mode if enabled before executing the WAIT instruction. Therefore, the MTIM can be used to bring the MCU out of wait mode if the timer overflow interrupt is enabled. For lowest possible current consumption, the MTIM must be stopped by software if not needed as an interrupt source during wait mode. 13.3.2 MTIM in stop mode The MTIM is disabled in stop mode, regardless of the settings before executing the STOP instruction. Therefore, the MTIM cannot be used as a wakeup source from stop modes. If stop3 is exited with a reset, the MTIM will be put into its reset state. If stop3 is exited with an interrupt, the MTIM continues from the state it was in when stop3 was entered. If the counter was active upon entering stop3, the count will resume from the current value. 13.3.3 MTIM in active background mode The MTIM suspends all counting until the microcontroller returns to normal user operating mode. Counting resumes from the suspended value as long as an MTIM reset did not occur, MTIM_SC[TRST] written to a 1 or MTIM_MOD written. 13.4 Block diagram The block diagram for the modulo timer module is shown in the following figure. BUSCLK XCLK TCLK MTIM_ INTERRU PT SYNC CLOCK SOURCE SELECT PRESCALE AND SELECT DIVIDE BY CLKS PS 8-BIT COUNTER (MTIM_CNT) TRST TSTP 8-BIT COMPARATOR TOF TOIE 8-BIT MODULO (MTIM_MOD) Figure 13-1. Modulo timer (MTIM) block diagram MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 362 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 8-bit modulo timer (MTIM) 13.5 External signal description The MTIM includes one external signal, TCLK, used to input an external clock when selected as the MTIM clock source. The signal properties of TCLK are shown in the following table. Table 13-1. MTIM external signal Signal Function TCLK I/O External clock source input into MTIM I The TCLK input must be synchronized by the bus clock. Also, variations in duty cycle and clock jitter must be accommodated. Therefore, the TCLK signal must be limited to one-fourth of the bus frequency. The TCLK pin can be muxed with a general-purpose port pin. 13.6 Register definition MTIM memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 18 MTIM Status and Control Register (MTIM0_SC) 8 R/W 10h 13.6.1/363 19 MTIM Clock Configuration Register (MTIM0_CLK) 8 R/W 00h 13.6.2/364 1A MTIM Counter Register (MTIM0_CNT) 8 R 00h 13.6.3/365 1B MTIM Modulo Register (MTIM0_MOD) 8 R/W 00h 13.6.4/366 13.6.1 MTIM Status and Control Register (MTIMx_SC) MTIM_SC contains the overflow status flag and control bits that are used to configure the interrupt enable, reset the counter, and stop the counter. Address: 18h base + 0h offset = 18h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 TOF TOIE 0 0 5 0 TRST 0 4 3 2 TSTP 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 363 Register definition MTIMx_SC field descriptions Field 7 TOF Description MTIM Overflow Flag This bit is set when the MTIM counter register overflows to 0x00 after reaching the value in the MTIM modulo register. Clear TOF by reading the MTIM_SC register while TOF is set, then write a 0 to TOF. TOF is also cleared when TRST is written to a 1 or when any value is written to the MTIM_MOD register. 0 1 6 TOIE MTIM Overflow Interrupt Enable This read/write bit enables MTIM overflow interrupts. If TOIE is set, then an interrupt is generated when TOF = 1. Reset clears TOIE. Do not set TOIE if TOF = 1. Clear TOF first, then set TOIE. 0 1 5 TRST When a 1 is written to this write-only bit, the MTIM counter register resets to 0x00 and TOF is cleared. Reading this bit always returns 0. No effect. MTIM counter remains at current state. MTIM counter is reset to 0x00. MTIM Counter Stop When set, this read/write bit stops the MTIM counter at its current value. Counting resumes from the current value when TSTP is cleared. Reset sets TSTP to prevent the MTIM from counting. 0 1 Reserved TOF interrupts are disabled. Use software polling. TOF interrupts are enabled. MTIM Counter Reset 0 1 4 TSTP MTIM counter has not reached the overflow value in the MTIM modulo register. MTIM counter has reached the overflow value in the MTIM modulo register. MTIM counter is active. MTIM counter is stopped. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 13.6.2 MTIM Clock Configuration Register (MTIMx_CLK) MTIM_CLK contains the clock select bits (CLKS) and the prescaler select bits (PS). Address: 18h base + 1h offset = 19h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 0 0 4 3 2 CLKS 0 0 1 0 0 0 PS 0 0 0 MTIMx_CLK field descriptions Field 7-6 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 364 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 8-bit modulo timer (MTIM) MTIMx_CLK field descriptions (continued) Field 5-4 CLKS Description Clock Source Select These two read/write bits select one of four different clock sources as the input to the MTIM prescaler. Changing the clock source while the counter is active does not clear the counter. The count continues with the new clock source. Reset clears CLKS to 000b. 00 01 10 11 PS Encoding 0. Bus clock (BUSCLK). Encoding 1. Fixed-frequency clock (XCLK). Encoding 2. External source (TCLK pin), falling edge. Encoding 3. External source (TCLK pin), rising edge. Clock Source Prescaler These four read/write bits select one of nine outputs from the 8-bit prescaler. Changing the prescaler value while the counter is active does not clear the counter. The count continues with the new prescaler value. Reset clears PS to 0000b. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 Others Encoding 0. MTIM clock source. Encoding 1. MTIM clock source/2. Encoding 2. MTIM clock source/4. Encoding 3. MTIM clock source/8. Encoding 4. MTIM clock source/16. Encoding 5. MTIM clock source/32. Encoding 6. MTIM clock source/64. Encoding 7. MTIM clock source/128. Encoding 8. MTIM clock source/256. Default to MTIM clock source/256. 13.6.3 MTIM Counter Register (MTIMx_CNT) MTIM_CNT is the read-only value of the current MTIM count of the 8-bit counter. Address: 18h base + 2h offset = 1Ah Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 COUNT Write Reset 0 0 0 0 MTIMx_CNT field descriptions Field COUNT Description MTIM Count These eight read-only bits contain the current value of the 8-bit counter. Writes have no effect to this register. Reset clears the count to 0x00. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 365 Functional description 13.6.4 MTIM Modulo Register (MTIMx_MOD) Address: 18h base + 3h offset = 1Bh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 MOD 0 0 0 0 MTIMx_MOD field descriptions Field MOD Description MTIM Modulo These eight read/write bits contain the modulo value used to reset the count and set TOF. A value of 0x00 puts the MTIM in free-running mode. Writing to MTIM_MOD resets the COUNT to 0x00 and clears TOF. Reset sets the modulo to 0x00. 13.7 Functional description The MTIM consists of a main 8-bit up-counter with an 8-bit modulo register, a clock source selector, and a prescaler block with nine selectable values. The module also contains software-selectable interrupt logic. The MTIM counter (MTIM_CNT) has three modes of operation: stopped, free-running, and modulo. Out of reset, the counter is stopped. If the counter is started without writing a new value to the modulo register, then the counter will be in free-running mode. The counter is in modulo mode when a value other than 0x00 is in the modulo register while the counter is running. After any MCU reset, the counter is stopped and reset to 0x00, and the modulus is set to 0x00. The bus clock is selected as the default clock source and the prescale value is divide by 1. To start the MTIM in free-running mode, simply write to the MTIM status and control register (MTIM_SC), and clear the MTIM stop bit (TSTP). Four clock sources are software selectable: the internal bus clock, the fixed frequency clock (XCLK), and an external clock on the TCLK pin, selectable as incrementing on either rising or falling edges. The MTIM clock select bits, CLKS1:CLKS0, in MTIM_CLK are used to select the desired clock source. If the counter is active (SC[TSTP] = 0) when a new clock source is selected, the counter will continue counting from the previous value using the new clock source. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 366 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 8-bit modulo timer (MTIM) Nine prescale values are software selectable: clock source divided by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256. The prescaler select bits (CLK[PS]) in MTIM_CLK select the desired prescale value. If the counter is active (SC[TSTP] = 0) when a new prescaler value is selected, the counter will continue counting from the previous value using the new prescaler value. The MTIM modulo register (MTIM_MOD) allows the overflow compare value to be set to any value from 0x01 to 0xFF. Reset clears the modulo value to 0x00, which results in a free running counter. When the counter is active (SC[TSTP] = 0), the counter increments at the selected rate until the count matches the modulo value. When these values match, the counter overflows to 0x00 and continues counting. The MTIM overflow flag (SC[TOF]) is set whenever the counter overflows. The flag sets on the transition from the modulo value to 0x00. Writing to MTIM_MOD while the counter is active resets the counter to 0x00 and clears SC[TOF]. Clearing SC[TOF] is a two-step process. The first step is to read the MTIM_SC register while SC[TOF] is set. The second step is to write a 0 to SC[TOF]. If another overflow occurs between the first and second step, the clearing process is reset and SC[TOF] will remain set after the second step is performed. This will prevent the second occurrence from being missed. SC[TOF] is also cleared when a 1 is written to SC[TRST] or when any value is written to the MTIM_MOD register. The MTIM allows for an optional interrupt to be generated whenever SC[TOF] is set. To enable the MTIM overflow interrupt, set the MTIM overflow interrupt enable bit (SC[TOIE]). SC[TOIE] must never be written to a 1 while SC[TOF] = 1. Instead, SC[TOF] must be cleared first, then the SC[TOIE] can be set to 1. 13.7.1 MTIM operation example This section shows an example of the MTIM operation as the counter reaches a matching value from the modulo register. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 367 Functional description selected clock source MTIM clock (PS=%0010) MTIM_CNT MTIM_MOD: 0xA7 0xA8 0xA9 0xAA 0x00 0x01 0xAA Figure 13-10. MTIM counter overflow example In the above example, the selected clock source could be any of the four possible choices. The prescaler is set to CLK[PS] = 0010b or divide-by-4. The modulo value in the MTIM_MOD register is set to 0xAA. When the counter, MTIM_CNT, reaches the modulo value of 0xAA, it overflows to 0x00 and continues counting. The timer overflow flag, SC[TOF], sets when the counter value changes from 0xAA to 0x00. An MTIM overflow interrupt is generated when SC[TOF] is set, if SC[TOIE] = 1. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 368 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Real-time counter (RTC) 14.1 Introduction The real-time counter (RTC) consists of one 16-bit counter, one 16-bit comparator, several binary-based and decimal-based prescaler dividers, three clock sources, one programmable periodic interrupt, and one programmable external toggle pulse output. This module can be used for time-of-day, calendar or any task scheduling functions. It can also serve as a cyclic wake-up from low-power modes, Stop and Wait without the need of external components. 14.2 Features Features of the RTC module include: * 16-bit up-counter * 16-bit modulo match limit * Software controllable periodic interrupt on match * Software selectable clock sources for input to prescaler with programmable 16 bit prescaler * OSC 32.768KHz nominal. * LPO (~1 kHz) * Bus clock 14.2.1 Modes of operation This section defines the RTC operation in Stop, Wait, and Background Debug modes. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 369 External signal description Wait mode The RTC continues to run in Wait mode if enabled before executing the WAIT instruction. Therefore, the RTC can be used to bring the MCU out of Wait mode if the real-time interrupt is enabled. For lowest possible current consumption, the RTC must be stopped by software if not needed as an interrupt source during Wait mode. Stop modes The RTC continues to run in Stop mode if the RTC is enabled before executing the STOP instruction. Therefore, the RTC can be used to bring the MCU out of stop modes with no external components, if the real-time interrupt is enabled. 14.2.2 Block diagram The block diagram for the RTC module is shown in the following figure. RTCMOD 16-bit modulo 16-bit latch 16-bit modulo 1 16-bit comparator EXT CLK LPO CLK CLOCK DIVIDER BUS CLK BUS CLK RTIF D Q RTC INTERRUPT REQUEST R 16-bit counter RTIE D Q Q RTCLKS RTCPS OUTPUT TOGLE RTCO RTCCNT Write 1 to RTIF Figure 14-1. Real-time counter (RTC) block diagram 14.3 External signal description RTCO is the output of RTC. After MCU reset, the RTC_SC1[RTCO] is set to high. When the counter overflows, the output is toggled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 370 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Real-time counter (RTC) 14.4 Register definition The RTC includes a status and control register, a 16-bit counter register, and a 16-bit modulo register. RTC memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 306A RTC Status and Control Register 1 (RTC_SC1) 8 R/W 00h 14.4.1/371 306B RTC Status and Control Register 2 (RTC_SC2) 8 R/W 00h 14.4.2/372 306C RTC Modulo Register: High (RTC_MODH) 8 R/W 00h 14.4.3/373 306D RTC Modulo Register: Low (RTC_MODL) 8 R/W 00h 14.4.4/373 306E RTC Counter Register: High (RTC_CNTH) 8 R 00h 14.4.5/374 306F RTC Counter Register: Low (RTC_CNTL) 8 R 00h 14.4.6/374 14.4.1 RTC Status and Control Register 1 (RTC_SC1) RTC_SC1 contains the real-time interrupt status flag (RTIF), and the toggle output enable bit (RTCO). Address: 306Ah base + 0h offset = 306Ah Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 RTIF RTIE 0 RTCO 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 RTC_SC1 field descriptions Field 7 RTIF Description Real-Time Interrupt Flag This status bit indicates the RTC counter register reached the value in the RTC modulo register. Writing a logic 0 has no effect. Writing a logic 1 clears the bit and the real-time interrupt request. Reset clears RTIF to 0. 0 1 6 RTIE RTC counter has not reached the value in the RTC modulo register. RTC counter has reached the value in the RTC modulo register. Real-Time Interrupt Enable This read/write bit enables real-time interrupts. If RTIE is set, then an interrupt is generated when RTIF is set. Reset clears RTIE to 0. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 371 Register definition RTC_SC1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 Reserved 4 RTCO This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Real-Time Counter Output The read/write bit enables real-time to toggle output on pinout. If this bit is set, the RTCO pinout will be toggled when RTC counter overflows. 0 1 Reserved Real-time interrupt requests are disabled. Use software polling. Real-time interrupt requests are enabled. Real-time counter output disabled. Real-time counter output enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 14.4.2 RTC Status and Control Register 2 (RTC_SC2) RTC_SC2 contains the clock select bits (RTCLKS) and the prescaler select bits (RTCPS). Address: 306Ah base + 1h offset = 306Bh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 3 2 0 RTCLKS 0 4 0 0 1 0 RTCPS 0 0 0 0 0 RTC_SC2 field descriptions Field 7-6 RTCLKS Description Real-Time Clock Source Select These two read/write bits select the clock source input to the RTC prescaler. Changing the clock source clears the prescaler and RTCCNT counters. Reset clears RTCLKS to 00. 00 01 10 11 5-3 Reserved RTCPS External clock source. Real-time clock source is 1 kHz. Bus clock. Bus clock. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Real-Time Clock Prescaler Select These four read/write bits select binary-based or decimal-based divide-by values for the clock source. Changing the prescaler value clears the prescaler and RTCCNT counters. Reset clears RTCPS to 0000. 000 001 Off If RTCLKS = x0, it is 1; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 128. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 372 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Real-time counter (RTC) RTC_SC2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 010 011 100 101 110 111 If RTCLKS = x0, it is 2; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 256. If RTCLKS = x0, it is 4; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 512. If RTCLKS = x0, it is 8; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 1024. If RTCLKS = x0, it is 16; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 2048. If RTCLKS = x0, it is 32; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 100. If RTCLKS = x0, it is 64; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 1000. 14.4.3 RTC Modulo Register: High (RTC_MODH) RTC_MODH, together with RTC_MODL, indicates the value of the 16-bit modulo value. Address: 306Ah base + 2h offset = 306Ch Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 MODH 0 0 0 0 RTC_MODH field descriptions Field MODH Description RTC Modulo High These sixteen read/write bits, MODH and MODL, contain the modulo value used to reset the count to 0x0000 upon a compare match and set the RTIF status bit. A value of 0x00 of the MODH an MODL sets the RTIF bit on each rising edge of the prescaler output. Reset sets the modulo to 0x00. 14.4.4 RTC Modulo Register: Low (RTC_MODL) RTC_MODL, together with RTC_MODH, indicates the value of the 16-bit modulo value. Address: 306Ah base + 3h offset = 306Dh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 MODL 0 0 0 0 RTC_MODL field descriptions Field MODL Description RTC Modulo Low MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 373 Register definition RTC_MODL field descriptions (continued) Field Description These sixteen read/write bits, MODH and MODL, contain the modulo value used to reset the count to 0x0000 upon a compare match and set the RTIF status bit. A value of 0x00 of the MODH an MODL sets the RTIF bit on each rising edge of the prescaler output. Reset sets the modulo to 0x00. 14.4.5 RTC Counter Register: High (RTC_CNTH) RTC_CNTH, together with RTC_CNTL, indicates the read-only value of the current RTC count of the 16-bit counter. NOTE The RTC_CNTL must be read first to lock the counter and then read RTC_CNTH to correctly read 16-bit counter. Address: 306Ah base + 4h offset = 306Eh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CNTH Write Reset 0 0 0 0 RTC_CNTH field descriptions Field CNTH Description RTC Count High CNTH and CNTL contain the current value of the 16-bit counter. Writes have no effect to this register. Reset or writing different values to RTCLKS and RTCPS clear the count to 0x00. 14.4.6 RTC Counter Register: Low (RTC_CNTL) RTC_CNTL, together with RTC_CNTH, indicates the read-only value of the current RTC count of the 16-bit counter. Address: 306Ah base + 5h offset = 306Fh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CNTL Write Reset 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 374 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Real-time counter (RTC) RTC_CNTL field descriptions Field CNTL Description RTC Count Low CNTH and CNTL contain the current value of the 16-bit counter. Writes have no effect to this register. Reset or writing different values to RTCLKS and RTCPS clear the count to 0x00. 14.5 Functional description The RTC is composed of a main 16-bit up-counter with a 16-bit modulo register, a clock source selector, and a prescaler block with binary-based and decimal-based selectable values. The module also contains software selectable interrupt logic and toggle logic for pinout. After any MCU reset, the counter is stopped and reset to 0x0000, the modulus register is set to 0x0000, and the prescaler is off. The external oscillator clock is selected as the default clock source. To start the prescaler, write any value other than 0 to the Prescaler Select field (RTC_SC2[RTCPS]). The clock sources are software selectable: the external oscillator (OSC), on-chip low power oscillator (LPO), and bus clock. The RTC Clock Select field (RTC_SC2[RTCLKS]) is used to select the desired clock source to the prescaler dividers. If a different value is written to RTC_SC2[RTCLKS], the prescaler and CNTH and RTC_CNTL counters are reset to 0x00. RTC_SC2[RTCPS] and RTC_SC2[RTCLKS] select the desired divide-by value. If a different value is written to RTC_SC2[RTCPS], the prescaler and RTCCNT counters are reset to 0x00. The following table shows different prescaler period values. Table 14-8. Prescaler period RTCPS 32768Hz OSC clock LPO clock (1 kHz) Bus clock (8 MHz) Bus clock (8 MHz) source prescaler source prescaler source prescaler source prescaler period (RTCLKS = 00) period (RTCLKS = 01) period (RTCLKS = 10) period (RTCLKS = 11) 000 Off Off Off Off 001 30.5176 s 128 ms 125 ns 16 s 010 61.0351 s 256 ms 250 ns 32 s 011 122.0703 s 512 ms 500 ns 64 s 100 244.1406 s 1024 ms 1 s 128 s 101 488.28125 s 2048 ms 2 s 256 s 110 976.5625 s 100 ms 4 s 12.5 s 111 1.9531 ms 1s 8 s 125 s MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 375 Functional description The RTC Modulo register (RTC_MODH and RTC_MODL) allows the compare value to be set to any value from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. When the counter is active, the counter increments at the selected rate until the count matches the modulo value. When these values match, the counter resets to 0x0000 and continues counting. The Real-Time Interrupt Flag (RTC_SC1[RTIF]) is set whenever a match occurs. The flag sets on the transition from the modulo value to 0x0000. The modulo value written to RTC_MODH and RTC_MODL is latched until the RTC counter overflows or RTC_SC2[RTCPS] is selected nonzero. The RTC allows for an interrupt to be generated whenever RTC_SC1[RTIF] is set. To enable the real-time interrupt, set the Real-Time Interrupt Enable field (RTC_SC1[RTIE]). RTC_SC1[RTIF] is cleared by writing a 1 to RTC_SC1[RTIF]. The RTC also allows an output to external pinout by toggling the level. RTC_SC1[RTCO] must be set to enable toggling external pinout. The level depends on the previous state of the pinout when the counter overflows if this function is active. 14.5.1 RTC operation example This section shows an example of the RTC operation as the counter reaches a matching value from the modulo register. OSC (32768Hz) RTCLKS = 00b RTC Clock RTCPS = 001b RTCCNT RTCPS = 001b 32765 32766 32767 0 1 2 3 4 16-bit modulo 32767 32767 32767 32766 32766 32766 32766 32766 RTCMOD 32766 32766 32766 RTIF RTCO Figure 14-8. RTC counter overflow example In the above example, the external clock source is selected. The prescaler is set to RTC_SC2[RTCPS] = 001b or passthrough. The actual modulo value used by 16-bit comparator is 32767, when the modulo value in the RTC_MODH and RTC_MODL registers is set to 32766. When the counter, RTC_CNTH and RTC_CNTL, reaches the MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 376 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Real-time counter (RTC) modulo value of 32767, the counter overflows to 0x00 and continues counting. The modulo value is updated by fetching from RTC_MODH and RTC_MODL registers. The real-time interrupt flag, RTC_SC1[RTIF], sets when the counter value changes from 0x7FFF to 0x0000. The RTC_SC1[RTCO] toggles as well when the RTC_SC1[RTIF] is set. 14.6 Initialization/application information This section provides example code to give some basic direction to a user on how to initialize and configure the RTC module. The example software is implemented in C language. The example below shows how to implement time of day with the RTC using the OSC clock source to achieve the lowest possible power consumption. Example: 14.6.1 Software calendar implementation in RTC ISR /* Initialize the elapsed time counters */ Seconds = 0; Minutes = 0; Hours = 0; Days=0; /* Configure RTC to interrupt every 1 second from OSC (32.768KHz) clock source */ RTC_MOD = 511; // overflow every 32 times RTC_SC2 = RTC_SC2_RTCPS_MASK; // external 32768 clock selected with 1/64 predivider. RTC_SC1 = RTC_SC1_RTIF_MASK | RTC_SC1_RTIE_MASK; // interrupt cleared and enabled /********************************************************************** Function Name : RTC_ISR Notes : Interrupt service routine for RTC module. **********************************************************************/ void RTC_ISR(void) { /* Clears the interrupt flag, RTIF, and interrupt request */ RTC_SC1 |= RTC_SC1_RTIF_MASK; /* RTC interrupts every 1 Second */ Seconds++; /* 60 seconds in a minute */ if (Seconds > 59) { Minutes++; Seconds = 0; } /* 60 minutes in an hour */ if (Minutes > 59) { Hours++; Minutes = 0; } /* 24 hours in a day */ if (Hours > 23) { MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 377 Initialization/application information Days ++; Hours = 0; } } MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 378 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) 15.1 Introduction 15.1.1 Features Features of SCI module include: * Full-duplex, standard non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format * Double-buffered transmitter and receiver with separate enables * Programmable baud rates (13-bit modulo divider) * Interrupt-driven or polled operation: * Transmit data register empty and transmission complete * Receive data register full * Receive overrun, parity error, framing error, and noise error * Idle receiver detect * Active edge on receive pin * Break detect supporting LIN * Hardware parity generation and checking * Programmable 8-bit or 9-bit character length * Programmable 1-bit or 2-bit stop bits * Receiver wakeup by idle-line or address-mark * Optional 13-bit break character generation / 11-bit break character detection * Selectable transmitter output polarity 15.1.2 Modes of operation See Section Functional description for details concerning SCI operation in these modes: * 8- and 9-bit data modes * Stop mode operation MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 379 Introduction * Loop mode * Single-wire mode 15.1.3 Block diagram The following figure shows the transmitter portion of the SCI. Internal Bus (Write-Only) LOOPS SCID - Tx Buffer Loop Control Stop Start 11-BIT Transmit Shift Register M 1x Baud Rate Clock H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 To Receive Data In To TxD Pin L lsb RSRC SHIFT DIRECTION Break (All 0s) Parity Generation PT Preamble (All 1s) PE Shift Enable T8 Load From SCIxD TXINV SCI Controls TxD TE SBK Transmit Control TXDIR TxD Direction TO TxD Pin Logic BRK13 TDRE TIE TC Tx Interrupt Request TCIE Figure 15-1. SCI transmitter block diagram The following figure shows the receiver portion of the SCI. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 380 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) Internal Bus (Read-only) 16 x Baud Rate Clock Divide By 16 From Transmitter H Data Recovery RXINV WAKE ILT 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Start LBKDE lsb Stop From RxD Pin M msb RSRC 11-Bit Receive Shift Register Single-Wire Loop Control All 1s LOOPS SCID - Rx Buffer 0 L 1 Shift Direction Wakeup Logic RWU RWUID RDRF RIE IDLE ILIE LBKDIF Rx Interrupt Request LBKDIE From RxD Pin Active Edge Detect RXEDGIF RXEDGIE OR ORIE FE FEIE NF Error Interrupt Request NEIE PE PT Parity Checking PF PEIE Figure 15-2. SCI receiver block diagram MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 381 SCI signal descriptions 15.2 SCI signal descriptions The SCI signals are shown in the table found here. Table 15-1. SCI signal descriptions Signal Description I/O RxD Receive data I TxD Transmit data I/O 15.2.1 Detailed signal descriptions The detailed signal descriptions of the SCI are shown in the following table. Table 15-2. SCI--Detailed signal descriptions Signal I/O Description RxD I Receive data. Serial data input to receiver. TxD State meaning Whether RxD is interpreted as a 1 or 0 depends on the bit encoding method along with other configuration settings. Timing Sampled at a frequency determined by the module clock divided by the baud rate. I/O Transmit data. Serial data output from transmitter. State meaning Timing Whether TxD is interpreted as a 1 or 0 depends on the bit encoding method along with other configuration settings. Driven at the beginning or within a bit time according to the bit encoding method along with other configuration settings. Otherwise, transmissions are independent of reception timing. 15.3 Register definition The SCI has 8-bit registers to control baud rate, select SCI options, report SCI status, and for transmit/receive data. Refer to the direct-page register summary in the memory chapter of this document or the absolute address assignments for all SCI registers. This section refers to registers and control bits only by their names. A Freescale-provided equate or header file is used to translate these names into the appropriate absolute addresses. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 382 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) SCI memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 3080 SCI Baud Rate Register: High (SCI0_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.1/383 3081 SCI Baud Rate Register: Low (SCI0_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 15.3.2/384 3082 SCI Control Register 1 (SCI0_C1) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.3/385 3083 SCI Control Register 2 (SCI0_C2) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.4/386 3084 SCI Status Register 1 (SCI0_S1) 8 R C0h 15.3.5/387 3085 SCI Status Register 2 (SCI0_S2) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.6/389 3086 SCI Control Register 3 (SCI0_C3) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.7/391 3087 SCI Data Register (SCI0_D) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.8/392 3088 SCI Baud Rate Register: High (SCI1_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.1/383 3089 SCI Baud Rate Register: Low (SCI1_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 15.3.2/384 308A SCI Control Register 1 (SCI1_C1) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.3/385 308B SCI Control Register 2 (SCI1_C2) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.4/386 308C SCI Status Register 1 (SCI1_S1) 8 R C0h 15.3.5/387 308D SCI Status Register 2 (SCI1_S2) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.6/389 308E SCI Control Register 3 (SCI1_C3) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.7/391 308F SCI Data Register (SCI1_D) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.8/392 15.3.1 SCI Baud Rate Register: High (SCIx_BDH) This register, along with SCI_BDL, controls the prescale divisor for SCI baud rate generation. To update the 13-bit baud rate setting [SBR12:SBR0], first write to SCI_BDH to buffer the high half of the new value and then write to SCI_BDL. The working value in SCI_BDH does not change until SCI_BDL is written. Address: Base address + 0h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 LBKDIE RXEDGIE SBNS 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 SBR 0 0 0 SCIx_BDH field descriptions Field 7 LBKDIE 6 RXEDGIE Description LIN Break Detect Interrupt Enable (for LBKDIF) 0 1 Hardware interrupts from SCI_S2[LBKDIF] disabled (use polling). Hardware interrupt requested when SCI_S2[LBKDIF] flag is 1. RxD Input Active Edge Interrupt Enable (for RXEDGIF) Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 383 Register definition SCIx_BDH field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 SBNS Stop Bit Number Select SBNS determines whether data characters are one or two stop bits. 0 1 SBR Hardware interrupts from SCI_S2[RXEDGIF] disabled (use polling). Hardware interrupt requested when SCI_S2[RXEDGIF] flag is 1. One stop bit. Two stop bit. Baud Rate Modulo Divisor. The 13 bits in SBR[12:0] are referred to collectively as BR, and they set the modulo divide rate for the SCI baud rate generator. When BR is cleared, the SCI baud rate generator is disabled to reduce supply current. When BR is 1 - 8191, the SCI baud rate equals BUSCLK/(16xBR). 15.3.2 SCI Baud Rate Register: Low (SCIx_BDL) This register, along with SCI_BDH, control the prescale divisor for SCI baud rate generation. To update the 13-bit baud rate setting [SBR12:SBR0], first write to SCI_BDH to buffer the high half of the new value and then write to SCI_BDL. The working value in SCI_BDH does not change until SCI_BDL is written. SCI_BDL is reset to a non-zero value, so after reset the baud rate generator remains disabled until the first time the receiver or transmitter is enabled; that is, SCI_C2[RE] or SCI_C2[TE] bits are written to 1. Address: Base address + 1h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 SBR 0 0 0 0 SCIx_BDL field descriptions Field SBR Description Baud Rate Modulo Divisor These 13 bits in SBR[12:0] are referred to collectively as BR. They set the modulo divide rate for the SCI baud rate generator. When BR is cleared, the SCI baud rate generator is disabled to reduce supply current. When BR is 1 - 8191, the SCI baud rate equals BUSCLK/(16xBR). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 384 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) 15.3.3 SCI Control Register 1 (SCIx_C1) This read/write register controls various optional features of the SCI system. Address: Base address + 2h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOOPS SCISWAI RSRC M WAKE ILT PE PT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCIx_C1 field descriptions Field 7 LOOPS Description Loop Mode Select Selects between loop back modes and normal 2-pin full-duplex modes. When LOOPS is set, the transmitter output is internally connected to the receiver input. 0 1 6 SCISWAI SCI Stops in Wait Mode 0 1 5 RSRC This bit has no meaning or effect unless the LOOPS bit is set to 1. When LOOPS is set, the receiver input is internally connected to the TxD pin and RSRC determines whether this connection is also connected to the transmitter output. 1 3 WAKE 2 ILT SCI clocks continue to run in wait mode so the SCI can be the source of an interrupt that wakes up the CPU. SCI clocks freeze while CPU is in wait mode. Receiver Source Select 0 4 M Normal operation - RxD and TxD use separate pins. Loop mode or single-wire mode where transmitter outputs are internally connected to receiver input. (See RSRC bit.) RxD pin is not used by SCI. Provided LOOPS is set, RSRC is cleared, selects internal loop back mode and the SCI does not use the RxD pins. Single-wire SCI mode where the TxD pin is connected to the transmitter output and receiver input. 9-Bit or 8-Bit Mode Select 0 1 Normal - start + 8 data bits (lsb first) + stop. Receiver and transmitter use 9-bit data characters start + 8 data bits (lsb first) + 9th data bit + stop. Receiver Wakeup Method Select 0 1 Idle-line wakeup. Address-mark wakeup. Idle Line Type Select Setting this bit to 1 ensures that the stop bits and logic 1 bits at the end of a character do not count toward the 10 or 11 bit times of logic high level needed by the idle line detection logic. 0 1 Idle character bit count starts after start bit. Idle character bit count starts after stop bit. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 385 Register definition SCIx_C1 field descriptions (continued) Field 1 PE Description Parity Enable Enables hardware parity generation and checking. When parity is enabled, the most significant bit (msb) of the data character, eighth or ninth data bit, is treated as the parity bit. 0 1 0 PT No hardware parity generation or checking. Parity enabled. Parity Type Provided parity is enabled (PE = 1), this bit selects even or odd parity. Odd parity means the total number of 1s in the data character, including the parity bit, is odd. Even parity means the total number of 1s in the data character, including the parity bit, is even. 0 1 Even parity. Odd parity. 15.3.4 SCI Control Register 2 (SCIx_C2) This register can be read or written at any time. Address: Base address + 3h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TIE TCIE RIE ILIE TE RE RWU SBK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCIx_C2 field descriptions Field 7 TIE 6 TCIE Description Transmit Interrupt Enable for TDRE 0 1 Hardware interrupts from TDRE disabled; use polling. Hardware interrupt requested when TDRE flag is 1. Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable for TC 0 1 Hardware interrupts from TC disabled; use polling. Hardware interrupt requested when TC flag is 1. 5 RIE Receiver Interrupt Enable for RDRF 4 ILIE Idle Line Interrupt Enable for IDLE 3 TE Transmitter Enable 0 1 0 1 Hardware interrupts from RDRF disabled; use polling. Hardware interrupt requested when RDRF flag is 1. Hardware interrupts from IDLE disabled; use polling. Hardware interrupt requested when IDLE flag is 1. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 386 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) SCIx_C2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description TE must be 1 to use the SCI transmitter. When TE is set, the SCI forces the TxD pin to act as an output for the SCI system. When the SCI is configured for single-wire operation (LOOPS = RSRC = 1), TXDIR controls the direction of traffic on the single SCI communication line (TxD pin). TE can also queue an idle character by clearing TE then setting TE while a transmission is in progress. When TE is written to 0, the transmitter keeps control of the port TxD pin until any data, queued idle, or queued break character finishes transmitting before allowing the pin to revert to a general-purpose I/O pin. 0 1 2 RE Receiver Enable When the SCI receiver is off, the RxD pin reverts to being a general-purpose port I/O pin. If LOOPS is set the RxD pin reverts to being a general-purpose I/O pin even if RE is set. 0 1 1 RWU Receiver off. Receiver on. Receiver Wakeup Control This bit can be written to 1 to place the SCI receiver in a standby state where it waits for automatic hardware detection of a selected wakeup condition. The wakeup condition is an idle line between messages, WAKE = 0, idle-line wakeup, or a logic 1 in the most significant data bit in a character, WAKE = 1, address-mark wakeup. Application software sets RWU and, normally, a selected hardware condition automatically clears RWU. 0 1 0 SBK Transmitter off. Transmitter on. Normal SCI receiver operation. SCI receiver in standby waiting for wakeup condition. Send Break Writing a 1 and then a 0 to SBK queues a break character in the transmit data stream. Additional break characters of 10 or 11 or 12, 13 or 14 or 15 if BRK13 = 1, bit times of logic 0 are queued as long as SBK is set. Depending on the timing of the set and clear of SBK relative to the information currently being transmitted, a second break character may be queued before software clears SBK. 0 1 Normal transmitter operation. Queue break character(s) to be sent. 15.3.5 SCI Status Register 1 (SCIx_S1) This register has eight read-only status flags. Writes have no effect. Special software sequences, which do not involve writing to this register, clear these status flags. Address: Base address + 4h offset Bit Read 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TDRE TC RDRF IDLE OR NF FE PF 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Write Reset MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 387 Register definition SCIx_S1 field descriptions Field 7 TDRE Description Transmit Data Register Empty Flag TDRE is set out of reset and when a transmit data value transfers from the transmit data buffer to the transmit shifter, leaving room for a new character in the buffer. To clear TDRE, read SCI_S1 with TDRE set and then write to the SCI data register (SCI_D). 0 1 6 TC Transmission Complete Flag TC is set out of reset and when TDRE is set and no data, preamble, or break character is being transmitted. TC is cleared automatically by reading SCI_S1 with TC set and then doing one of the following: * Write to the SCI data register (SCI_D) to transmit new data * Queue a preamble by changing TE from 0 to 1 * Queue a break character by writing 1 to SCI_C2[SBK] 0 1 5 RDRF Transmitter active (sending data, a preamble, or a break). Transmitter idle (transmission activity complete). Receive Data Register Full Flag RDRF becomes set when a character transfers from the receive shifter into the receive data register (SCI_D). To clear RDRF, read SCI_S1 with RDRF set and then read the SCI data register (SCI_D). 0 1 4 IDLE Transmit data register (buffer) full. Transmit data register (buffer) empty. Receive data register empty. Receive data register full. Idle Line Flag IDLE is set when the SCI receive line becomes idle for a full character time after a period of activity. When ILT is cleared, the receiver starts counting idle bit times after the start bit. If the receive character is all 1s, these bit times and the stop bits time count toward the full character time of logic high, 10 or 11 bit times depending on the M control bit, needed for the receiver to detect an idle line. When ILT is set, the receiver doesn't start counting idle bit times until after the stop bits. The stop bits and any logic high bit times at the end of the previous character do not count toward the full character time of logic high needed for the receiver to detect an idle line. To clear IDLE, read SCI_S1 with IDLE set and then read the SCI data register (SCI_D). After IDLE has been cleared, it cannot become set again until after a new character has been received and RDRF has been set. IDLE is set only once even if the receive line remains idle for an extended period. 0 1 3 OR Receiver Overrun Flag OR is set when a new serial character is ready to be transferred to the receive data register (buffer), but the previously received character has not been read from SCI_D yet. In this case, the new character, and all associated error information, is lost because there is no room to move it into SCI_D. To clear OR, read SCI_S1 with OR set and then read the SCI data register (SCI_D). 0 1 2 NF No idle line detected. Idle line was detected. No overrun. Receive overrun (new SCI data lost). Noise Flag The advanced sampling technique used in the receiver takes seven samples during the start bit and three samples in each data bit and the stop bits. If any of these samples disagrees with the rest of the samples Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 388 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) SCIx_S1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description within any bit time in the frame, the flag NF is set at the same time as RDRF is set for the character. To clear NF, read SCI_S1 and then read the SCI data register (SCI_D). 0 1 1 FE No noise detected. Noise detected in the received character in SCI_D. Framing Error Flag FE is set at the same time as RDRF when the receiver detects a logic 0 where the stop bits was expected. This suggests the receiver was not properly aligned to a character frame. To clear FE, read SCI_S1 with FE set and then read the SCI data register (SCI_D). 0 1 0 PF No framing error detected. This does not guarantee the framing is correct. Framing error. Parity Error Flag PF is set at the same time as RDRF when parity is enabled (PE = 1) and the parity bit in the received character does not agree with the expected parity value. To clear PF, read SCI_S1 and then read the SCI data register (SCI_D). 0 1 No parity error. Parity error. 15.3.6 SCI Status Register 2 (SCIx_S2) This register contains one read-only status flag. When using an internal oscillator in a LIN system, it is necessary to raise the break detection threshold one bit time. Under the worst case timing conditions allowed in LIN, it is possible that a 0x00 data character can appear to be 10.26 bit times long at a slave running 14% faster than the master. This would trigger normal break detection circuitry designed to detect a 10-bit break symbol. When the LBKDE bit is set, framing errors are inhibited and the break detection threshold changes from 10 bits to 11 bits, preventing false detection of a 0x00 data character as a LIN break symbol. Address: Base address + 5h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 LBKDIF RXEDGIF 0 0 5 0 0 4 3 2 1 RXINV RWUID BRK13 LBKDE 0 0 0 0 0 RAF 0 SCIx_S2 field descriptions Field 7 LBKDIF Description LIN Break Detect Interrupt Flag LBKDIF is set when the LIN break detect circuitry is enabled and a LIN break character is detected. LBKDIF is cleared by writing a 1 to it. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 389 Register definition SCIx_S2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6 RXEDGIF RxD Pin Active Edge Interrupt Flag RXEDGIF is set when an active edge, falling if RXINV = 0, rising if RXINV=1, on the RxD pin occurs. RXEDGIF is cleared by writing a 1 to it. 0 1 5 Reserved 4 RXINV No LIN break character has been detected. LIN break character has been detected. No active edge on the receive pin has occurred. An active edge on the receive pin has occurred. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Receive Data Inversion Setting this bit reverses the polarity of the received data input. NOTE: Setting RXINV inverts the RxD input for all cases: data bits, start and stop bits, break, and idle. 0 1 3 RWUID Receive Wake Up Idle Detect RWUID controls whether the idle character that wakes up the receiver sets the IDLE bit. 0 1 2 BRK13 BRK13 selects a longer transmitted break character length. Detection of a framing error is not affected by the state of this bit. 1 Break character is transmitted with length of 10 bit times (if M = 0, SBNS = 0) or 11 (if M = 1, SBNS = 0 or M = 0, SBNS = 1) or 12 (if M = 1, SBNS = 1). Break character is transmitted with length of 13 bit times (if M = 0, SBNS = 0) or 14 (if M = 1, SBNS = 0 or M = 0, SBNS = 1) or 15 (if M = 1, SBNS = 1). LIN Break Detection Enable LBKDE selects a longer break character detection length. While LBKDE is set, framing error (FE) and receive data register full (RDRF) flags are prevented from setting. 0 1 0 RAF During receive standby state (RWU = 1), the IDLE bit does not get set upon detection of an idle character. During receive standby state (RWU = 1), the IDLE bit gets set upon detection of an idle character. Break Character Generation Length 0 1 LBKDE Receive data not inverted. Receive data inverted. Break character is detected at length 10 bit times (if M = 0, SBNS = 0) or 11 (if M = 1, SBNS = 0 or M = 0, SBNS = 1) or 12 (if M = 1, SBNS = 1). Break character is detected at length of 11 bit times (if M = 0, SBNS = 0) or 12 (if M = 1, SBNS = 0 or M = 0, SBNS = 1) or 13 (if M = 1, SBNS = 1). Receiver Active Flag RAF is set when the SCI receiver detects the beginning of a valid start bit, and RAF is cleared automatically when the receiver detects an idle line. This status flag can be used to check whether an SCI character is being received before instructing the MCU to go to stop mode. 0 1 SCI receiver idle waiting for a start bit. SCI receiver active (RxD input not idle). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 390 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) 15.3.7 SCI Control Register 3 (SCIx_C3) Address: Base address + 6h offset Bit Read 7 R8 Write Reset 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 T8 TXDIR TXINV ORIE NEIE FEIE PEIE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCIx_C3 field descriptions Field Description 7 R8 Ninth Data Bit for Receiver 6 T8 Ninth Data Bit for Transmitter 5 TXDIR When the SCI is configured for 9-bit data (M = 1), R8 can be thought of as a ninth receive data bit to the left of the msb of the buffered data in the SCI_D register. When reading 9-bit data, read R8 before reading SCI_D because reading SCI_D completes automatic flag clearing sequences that could allow R8 and SCI_D to be overwritten with new data. When the SCI is configured for 9-bit data (M = 1), T8 may be thought of as a ninth transmit data bit to the left of the msb of the data in the SCI_D register. When writing 9-bit data, the entire 9-bit value is transferred to the SCI shift register after SCI_D is written so T8 should be written, if it needs to change from its previous value, before SCI_D is written. If T8 does not need to change in the new value, such as when it is used to generate mark or space parity, it need not be written each time SCI_D is written. TxD Pin Direction in Single-Wire Mode When the SCI is configured for single-wire half-duplex operation (LOOPS = RSRC = 1), this bit determines the direction of data at the TxD pin. 0 1 4 TXINV TxD pin is an input in single-wire mode. TxD pin is an output in single-wire mode. Transmit Data Inversion Setting this bit reverses the polarity of the transmitted data output. NOTE: Setting TXINV inverts the TxD output for all cases: data bits, start and stop bits, break, and idle. 0 1 3 ORIE Overrun Interrupt Enable This bit enables the overrun flag (OR) to generate hardware interrupt requests. 0 1 2 NEIE Transmit data not inverted. Transmit data inverted. OR interrupts disabled; use polling. Hardware interrupt requested when OR is set. Noise Error Interrupt Enable This bit enables the noise flag (NF) to generate hardware interrupt requests. 0 1 NF interrupts disabled; use polling). Hardware interrupt requested when NF is set. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 391 Register definition SCIx_C3 field descriptions (continued) Field 1 FEIE Description Framing Error Interrupt Enable This bit enables the framing error flag (FE) to generate hardware interrupt requests. 0 1 0 PEIE FE interrupts disabled; use polling). Hardware interrupt requested when FE is set. Parity Error Interrupt Enable This bit enables the parity error flag (PF) to generate hardware interrupt requests. 0 1 PF interrupts disabled; use polling). Hardware interrupt requested when PF is set. 15.3.8 SCI Data Register (SCIx_D) This register is actually two separate registers. Reads return the contents of the read-only receive data buffer and writes go to the write-only transmit data buffer. Reads and writes of this register are also involved in the automatic flag clearing mechanisms for the SCI status flags. Address: Base address + 7h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R7T7 R6T6 R5T5 R4T4 R3T3 R2T2 R1T1 R0T0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCIx_D field descriptions Field Description 7 R7T7 Read receive data buffer 7 or write transmit data buffer 7. 6 R6T6 Read receive data buffer 6 or write transmit data buffer 6. 5 R5T5 Read receive data buffer 5 or write transmit data buffer 5. 4 R4T4 Read receive data buffer 4 or write transmit data buffer 4. 3 R3T3 Read receive data buffer 3 or write transmit data buffer 3. 2 R2T2 Read receive data buffer 2 or write transmit data buffer 2. 1 R1T1 Read receive data buffer 1 or write transmit data buffer 1. 0 R0T0 Read receive data buffer 0 or write transmit data buffer 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 392 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) SCIx_D field descriptions (continued) Field Description 15.4 Functional description The SCI allows full-duplex, asynchronous, NRZ serial communication among the MCU and remote devices, including other MCUs. The SCI comprises a baud rate generator, transmitter, and receiver block. The transmitter and receiver operate independently, although they use the same baud rate generator. During normal operation, the MCU monitors the status of the SCI, writes the data to be transmitted, and processes received data. The following describes each of the blocks of the SCI. 15.4.1 Baud rate generation As shown in the figure found here, the clock source for the SCI baud rate generator is the bus-rate clock. Modulo Divide By (1 through 8191) SCI Module Clock SBR[12:0] Baud Rate Generator Off If [SBR12:SBR0] =0 Divide By 16 16 Tx Baud Rate Rx Sampling Clock (16 x Baud Rate) Baud Rate = SCI Module Clock SBR[12:0] x 16 Figure 15-27. SCI baud rate generation SCI communications require the transmitter and receiver, which typically derive baud rates from independent clock sources, to use the same baud rate. Allowed tolerance on this baud frequency depends on the details of how the receiver synchronizes to the leading edge of the start bit and how bit sampling is performed. The MCU resynchronizes to bit boundaries on every high-to-low transition. In the worst case, there are no such transitions in the full 10- or 11-bit or 12-bittime character frame so any mismatch in baud rate is accumulated for the whole character time. For a Freescale SCI system whose bus frequency is driven by a crystal, the allowed baud rate mismatch is about 4.5 percent for 8-bit data format and about 4 percent for 9-bit data MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 393 Functional description format. Although baud rate modulo divider settings do not always produce baud rates that exactly match standard rates, it is normally possible to get within a few percent, which is acceptable for reliable communications. 15.4.2 Transmitter functional description This section describes the overall block diagram for the SCI transmitter, as well as specialized functions for sending break and idle characters. The transmitter output (TxD) idle state defaults to logic high, SCI_C3[TXINV] is cleared following reset. The transmitter output is inverted by setting SCI_C3[TXINV]. The transmitter is enabled by setting the TE bit in SCI_C2. This queues a preamble character that is one full character frame of the idle state. The transmitter then remains idle until data is available in the transmit data buffer. Programs store data into the transmit data buffer by writing to the SCI data register (SCI_D). The central element of the SCI transmitter is the transmit shift register that is 10 or 11 or 12 bits long depending on the setting in the SCI_C1[M] control bit and SCI_BDH[SBNS] bit. For the remainder of this section, assume SCI_C1[M] is cleared, SCI_BDH[SBNS] is also cleared, selecting the normal 8-bit data mode. In 8-bit data mode, the shift register holds a start bit, eight data bits, and a stop bit. When the transmit shift register is available for a new SCI character, the value waiting in the transmit data register is transferred to the shift register, synchronized with the baud rate clock, and the transmit data register empty (SCI_S1[TDRE]) status flag is set to indicate another character may be written to the transmit data buffer at SCI_D. NOTE Always read SCI_S1 before writing to SCI_D to allow data to be transmitted. If no new character is waiting in the transmit data buffer after a stop bit is shifted out the TxD pin, the transmitter sets the transmit complete flag and enters an idle mode, with TxD high, waiting for more characters to transmit. Writing 0 to SCI_C2[TE] does not immediately release the pin to be a general-purpose I/O pin. Any transmit activity in progress must first be completed. This includes data characters in progress, queued idle characters, and queued break characters. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 394 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) Send break and queued idle SCI_C2[SBK] sends break characters originally used to gain the attention of old teletype receivers. Break characters are a full character time of logic 0, 10 bit times including the start and stop bits. A longer break of 13 bit times can be enabled by setting SCI_S2[BRK13]. Normally, a program would wait for SCI_S1[TDRE] to become set to indicate the last character of a message has moved to the transmit shifter, write 1, and then write 0 to SCI_C2[SBK]. This action queues a break character to be sent as soon as the shifter is available. If SCI_C2[SBK] remains 1 when the queued break moves into the shifter, synchronized to the baud rate clock, an additional break character is queued. If the receiving device is another Freescale Semiconductor SCI, the break characters are received as 0s in all eight data bits and a framing error (SCI_S1[FE] = 1) occurs. When idle-line wake-up is used, a full character time of idle (logic 1) is needed between messages to wake up any sleeping receivers. Normally, a program would wait for SCI_S1[TDRE] to become set to indicate the last character of a message has moved to the transmit shifter, then write 0 and then write 1 to the SCI_C2[TE] bit. This action queues an idle character to be sent as soon as the shifter is available. As long as the character in the shifter does not finish while SCI_C2[TE] is cleared, the SCI transmitter never actually releases control of the TxD pin. If there is a possibility of the shifter finishing while SCI_C2[TE] is cleared, set the general-purpose I/O controls so the pin shared with TxD is an output driving a logic 1. This ensures that the TxD line looks like a normal idle line even if the SCI loses control of the port pin between writing 0 and then 1 to SCI_C2[TE]. The length of the break character is affected by the SCI_S2[BRK13] and SCI_C1[M] as shown below. Table 15-30. Break character length BRK13 M SBNS Break character length 0 0 0 10 bit times 0 0 1 11 bit times 0 1 0 11 bit times 0 1 1 12 bit times 1 0 0 13 bit times 1 0 1 14 bit times 1 1 0 14 bit times 1 1 1 15 bit times MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 395 Functional description 15.4.3 Receiver functional description In this section, the receiver block diagram is a guide for the overall receiver functional description. Next, the data sampling technique used to reconstruct receiver data is described in more detail. Finally, two variations of the receiver wakeup function are explained. The receiver input is inverted by setting SCI_S2[RXINV]. The receiver is enabled by setting the SCI_C2[RE] bit. Character frames consist of a start bit of logic 0, eight (or nine) data bits (lsb first), and one (or two) stop bits of logic 1. For information about 9-bit data mode, refer to 8- and 9-bit data modes. For the remainder of this discussion, assume the SCI is configured for normal 8-bit data mode. After receiving the stop bit into the receive shifter, and provided the receive data register is not already full, the data character is transferred to the receive data register and the receive data register full (SCI_S1[RDRF]) status flag is set. If SCI_S1[RDRF] was already set indicating the receive data register (buffer) was already full, the overrun (OR) status flag is set and the new data is lost. Because the SCI receiver is double-buffered, the program has one full character time after SCI_S1[RDRF] is set before the data in the receive data buffer must be read to avoid a receiver overrun. When a program detects that the receive data register is full (SCI_S1[RDRF] = 1), it gets the data from the receive data register by reading SCI_D. The SCI_S1[RDRF] flag is cleared automatically by a two-step sequence normally satisfied in the course of the user's program that manages receive data. Refer to Interrupts and status flags for more details about flag clearing. Data sampling technique The SCI receiver uses a 16x baud rate clock for sampling. The oversampling ratio is fixed at 16. The receiver starts by taking logic level samples at 16 times the baud rate to search for a falling edge on the RxD serial data input pin. A falling edge is defined as a logic 0 sample after three consecutive logic 1 samples. The 16x baud rate clock divides the bit time into 16 segments labeled SCI_D[RT1] through SCI_D[RT16]. When a falling edge is located, three more samples are taken at SCI_D[RT3], SCI_D[RT5], and SCI_D[RT7] to make sure this was a real start bit and not merely noise. If at least two of these three samples are 0, the receiver assumes it is synchronized to a receive character. The receiver then samples each bit time, including the start and stop bits, at SCI_D[RT8], SCI_D[RT9], and SCI_D[RT10] to determine the logic level for that bit. The logic level is interpreted to be that of the majority of the samples taken during the bit time. In the case of the start bit, the bit is assumed to be 0 if at least two of the samples at MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 396 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) SCI_D[RT3], SCI_D[RT5], and SCI_D[RT7] are 0 even if one or all of the samples taken at SCI_D[RT8], SCI_D[RT9], and SCI_D[RT10] are 1s. If any sample in any bit time, including the start and stop bits, in a character frame fails to agree with the logic level for that bit, the noise flag (SCI_S1[NF]) is set when the received character is transferred to the receive data buffer. The falling edge detection logic continuously looks for falling edges. If an edge is detected, the sample clock is resynchronized to bit times. This improves the reliability of the receiver in the presence of noise or mismatched baud rates. It does not improve worst case analysis because some characters do not have any extra falling edges anywhere in the character frame. In the case of a framing error, provided the received character was not a break character, the sampling logic that searches for a falling edge is filled with three logic 1 samples so that a new start bit can be detected almost immediately. In the case of a framing error, the receiver is inhibited from receiving any new characters until the framing error flag is cleared. The receive shift register continues to function, but a complete character cannot transfer to the receive data buffer if SCI_S1[FE] remains set. Receiver wake-up operation Receiver wake-up is a hardware mechanism that allows an SCI receiver to ignore the characters in a message intended for a different SCI receiver. In such a system, all receivers evaluate the first character(s) of each message, and as soon as they determine the message is intended for a different receiver, they write logic 1 to the receiver wake up control field (SCI_C2[RWU]). When SCI_C2[RWU] is set, the status flags associated with the receiver, (with the exception of the idle bit, IDLE, when SCI_S2[RWUID] is set), are inhibited from setting, thus eliminating the software overhead for handling the unimportant message characters. At the end of a message, or at the beginning of the next message, all receivers automatically force SCI_C2[RWU] to 0, so all receivers wake up in time to look at the first character(s) of the next message. Idle-line wakeup When wake is cleared, the receiver is configured for idle-line wakeup. In this mode, SCI_C2[RWU] is cleared automatically when the receiver detects a full character time of the idle-line level. The SCI_C1[M] control field selects 8-bit or 9-bit data mode and SCI_BDH[SBNS] selects 1-bit or 2-bit stop bit number that determines how many bit times of idle are needed to constitute a full character time, 10 or 11 or 12 bit times because of the start and stop bits. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 397 Functional description When SCII_C2[RWU] is 1 and SCI_S2[RWUID] is 0, the idle condition that wakes up the receiver does not set SCI_S1[IDLE]. The receiver wakes up and waits for the first data character of the next message that sets SCI_S1[RDRF] and generates an interrupt, if enabled. When SCI_S2[RWUID] is 1, any idle condition sets SCI_S1[IDLE] flag and generates an interrupt if enabled, regardless of whether SCI_C2[RWU] is 0 or 1. The idle-line type (SCI_C1[ILT]) control bit selects one of two ways to detect an idle line. When SCI_C1[ILT] is cleared, the idle bit counter starts after the start bit so the stop bit and any logic 1s at the end of a character count toward the full character time of idle. When SCI_C1[ILT] is set, the idle bit counter does not start until after a stop bit time, so the idle detection is not affected by the data in the last character of the previous message. Address-mark wakeup When wake is set, the receiver is configured for address-mark wakeup. In this mode, SCI_C2[RWU] is cleared automatically when the receiver detects a, or two, if SCI_BDH[SBNS] = 1, logic 1 in the most significant bits of a received character, eighth bit when SCI_C1[M] is cleared and ninth bit when SCI_C1[M] is set. Address-mark wakeup allows messages to contain idle characters, but requires the msb be reserved for use in address frames. The one, or two, if SCI_BDH[SBNS] = 1, logic 1s msb of an address frame clears the SCI_C2[RWU] bit before the stop bits are received and sets the SCI_S1[RDRF] flag. In this case, the character with the msb set is received even though the receiver was sleeping during most of this character time. 15.4.4 Interrupts and status flags The SCI system has three separate interrupt vectors to reduce the amount of software needed to isolate the cause of the interrupt. One interrupt vector is associated with the transmitter for SCI_S1[TDRE] and SCI_S1[TC] events. Another interrupt vector is associated with the receiver for RDRF, IDLE, RXEDGIF, and LBKDIF events. A third vector is used for OR, NF, FE, and PF error conditions. Each of these ten interrupt sources can be separately masked by local interrupt enable masks. The flags can be polled by software when the local masks are cleared to disable generation of hardware interrupt requests. The SCI transmitter has two status flags that can optionally generate hardware interrupt requests. Transmit data register empty (SCI_S1[TDRE]) indicates when there is room in the transmit data buffer to write another transmit character to SCI_D. If the transmit interrupt enable (SCI_C2[TIE]) bit is set, a hardware interrupt is requested when SCI_S1[TDRE] is set. Transmit complete (SCI_S1[TC]) indicates that the transmitter is MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 398 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) finished transmitting all data, preamble, and break characters and is idle with TxD at the inactive level. This flag is often used in systems with modems to determine when it is safe to turn off the modem. If the transmit complete interrupt enable (SCI_C2[TCIE]) bit is set, a hardware interrupt is requested when SCI_S1[TC] is set. Instead of hardware interrupts, software polling may be used to monitor the SCI_S1[TDRE] and SCI_S1[TC] status flags if the corresponding SCI_C2[TIE] or SCI_C2[TCIE] local interrupt masks are cleared. When a program detects that the receive data register is full (SCI_S1[RDRF] = 1), it gets the data from the receive data register by reading SCI_D. The SCI_S1[RDRF] flag is cleared by reading SCI_S1 while SCI_S1[RDRF] is set and then reading SCI_D. When polling is used, this sequence is naturally satisfied in the normal course of the user program. If hardware interrupts are used, SCI_S1 must be read in the interrupt service routine (ISR). Normally, this is done in the ISR anyway to check for receive errors, so the sequence is automatically satisfied. The IDLE status flag includes logic that prevents it from getting set repeatedly when the RxD line remains idle for an extended period of time. IDLE is cleared by reading SCI_S1 while SCI_S1[IDLE] is set and then reading SCI_D. After SCI_S1[IDLE] has been cleared, it cannot become set again until the receiver has received at least one new character and has set SCI_S1[RDRF]. If the associated error was detected in the received character that caused SCI_S1[RDRF] to be set, the error flags - noise flag (SCI_S1[NF]), framing error (SCI_S1[FE]), and parity error flag (SCI_S1[PF]) - are set at the same time as SCI_S1[RDRF]. These flags are not set in overrun cases. If SCI_S1[RDRF] was already set when a new character is ready to be transferred from the receive shifter to the receive data buffer, the overrun (SCI_S1[OR]) flag is set instead of the data along with any associated NF, FE, or PF condition is lost. At any time, an active edge on the RxD serial data input pin causes the SCI_S2[RXEDGIF] flag to set. The SCI_S2[RXEDGIF] flag is cleared by writing a 1 to it. This function depends on the receiver being enabled (SCI_C2[RE] = 1). 15.4.5 Baud rate tolerance A transmitting device may operate at a baud rate below or above that of the receiver. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 399 Functional description Accumulated bit time misalignment can cause one of the three stop bit data samples (RT8, RT9, and RT10) to fall outside the actual stop bit. A noise error will occur if the RT8, RT9, and RT10 samples are not all the same logical values. A framing error will occur if the receiver clock is misaligned in such a way that the majority of the RT8, RT9, and RT10 stop bit samples are a logic zero. As the receiver samples an incoming frame, it re-synchronizes the RT clock on any valid falling edge within the frame. Resynchronization within frames will correct a misalignment between transmitter bit times and receiver bit times. Slow data tolerance Figure 15-28 shows how much a slow received frame can be misaligned without causing a noise error or a framing error. The slow stop bit begins at RT8 instead of RT1 but arrives in time for the stop bit data samples at RT8, RT9, and RT10. RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT11 RT10 RT9 RT8 RT7 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT2 RT1 RECEIVER RT CLOCK RT12 STOP MSB DATA SAMPLES Figure 15-28. Slow data For an 8-bit data and 1 stop bit character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 9 bit times x 16 RT cycles +10 RT cycles =154 RT cycles. With the misaligned character shown in Figure 15-28, the receiver counts 154 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 9 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 3 RT cycles = 147 RT cycles. The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a slow 8-bit data and 1 stop bit character with no errors is: ((154 - 147) / 154) x 100 = 4.54% For a 9-bit data or 2 stop bits character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 10 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles = 170 RT cycles. With the misaligned character shown in Figure 15-28, the receiver counts 170 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 10 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 3 RT cycles = 163 RT cycles. The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a slow 9-bit or 2 stop bits character with no errors is: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 400 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) ((170 - 163) / 170) X 100 = 4.12% For a 9-bit data and 2 stop bit character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 11 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles = 186 RT cycles. With the misaligned character shown in Figure 15-28, the receiver counts 186 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 11 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 3 RT cycles = 179 RT cycles. The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a slow 9-bit and 2 stop bits character with no errors is: ((186 - 179) / 186) X 100 = 3.76% Fast data tolerance Figure 15-29 shows how much a fast received frame can be misaligned. The fast stop bit ends at RT10 instead of RT16 but is still sampled at RT8, RT9, and RT10. RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT12 RT11 RT10 RT9 RT8 RT7 RT6 IDLE OR NEXT FRAME RT5 RT4 RT3 RT2 RECEIVER RT CLOCK RT1 STOP DATA SAMPLES Figure 15-29. Fast data For an 8-bit data and 1 stop bit character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 9 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles = 154 RT cycles. With the misaligned character shown in Figure 15-29, the receiver counts 154 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 10 bit times x 16 RT cycles = 160 RT cycles. The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a fast 8-bit and 1 stop bit character with no errors is: ((154 - 160) / 154) x 100 = 3.90% For a 9-bit data or 2 stop bits character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 10 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles = 170 RT cycles. With the misaligned character shown in, the receiver counts 170 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 11 bit times x 16 RT cycles = 176 RT cycles. The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a fast 9-bit or 2 stop bits character with no errors is: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 401 Functional description ((170 - 176) / 170) x 100 = 3.53% For a 9-bit data and 2 stop bits character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 11 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles = 186 RT cycles. With the misaligned character shown in, the receiver counts 186 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 12 bit times x 16 RT cycles = 192 RT cycles. The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a fast 9-bit and 2 stop bits character with no errors is: ((186 - 192) / 186) x 100 = 3.23% 15.4.6 Additional SCI functions The following sections describe additional SCI functions. 8- and 9-bit data modes The SCI system, transmitter and receiver, can be configured to operate in 9-bit data mode by setting SCI_C1[M]. In 9-bit mode, there is a ninth data bit to the left of the most significant bit of the SCI data register. For the transmit data buffer, this bit is stored in T8 in SCI_C3. For the receiver, the ninth bit is held in SCI_C3[R8]. For coherent writes to the transmit data buffer, write to SCI_C3[T8] before writing to SCI_D. If the bit value to be transmitted as the ninth bit of a new character is the same as for the previous character, it is not necessary to write to SCI_C3[T8] again. When data is transferred from the transmit data buffer to the transmit shifter, the value in SCI_C3[T8] is copied at the same time data is transferred from SCI_D to the shifter. The 9-bit data mode is typically used with parity to allow eight bits of data plus the parity in the ninth bit, or it is used with address-mark wake-up so the ninth data bit can serve as the wakeup bit. In custom protocols, the ninth bit can also serve as a software-controlled marker. Stop mode operation During all stop modes, clocks to the SCI module are halted. No SCI module registers are affected in Stop mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 402 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Serial communications interface (SCI) The receive input active edge detect circuit remains active in Stop mode. An active edge on the receive input brings the CPU out of Stop mode if the interrupt is not masked (SCI_BDH[RXEDGIE] = 1). Because the clocks are halted, the SCI module resumes operation upon exit from stop, only in Stop mode. Software must ensure stop mode is not entered while there is a character (including preamble, break and normal data) being transmitted out of or received into the SCI module, that means SCI_S1[TC] =1, SCI_S1[TDRE] = 1, and SCI_S2[RAF] = 0 must all meet before entering stop mode. Loop mode When SCI_C1[LOOPS] is set, the SCI_C1[RSRC] bit in the same register chooses between loop mode (SCI_C1[RSRC] = 0) or single-wire mode (SCI_C1[RSRC] = 1). Loop mode is sometimes used to check software, independent of connections in the external system, to help isolate system problems. In this mode, the internal loop back connection from the transmitter to the receiver causes the receiver to receive characters that are sent out by the transmitter. Single-wire operation When SCI_C1[LOOPS] is set, SCI_C1[RSRC] chooses between loop mode (SCI_C1[RSRC] = 0) or single-wire mode (SCI_C1[RSRC] = 1). Single-wire mode implements a half-duplex serial connection. The receiver is internally connected to the transmitter output and to the TxD pin. The RxD pin is not used and reverts to a generalpurpose port I/O pin. In single-wire mode, the SCI_C3[TXDIR] bit controls the direction of serial data on the TxD pin. When SCI_C3[TXDIR] is cleared, the TxD pin is an input to the SCI receiver and the transmitter is temporarily disconnected from the TxD pin so an external device can send serial data to the receiver. When SCI_C3[TXDIR] is set, the TxD pin is an output driven by the transmitter. In single-wire mode, the transmitter output is internally connected to the receiver input and the RxD pin is not used by the SCI, so it reverts to a general-purpose port I/O pin. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 403 Functional description MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 404 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) 16.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The serial peripheral interface (SPI) module provides for full-duplex, synchronous, serial communication between the MCU and peripheral devices. These peripheral devices can include other microcontrollers, analog-to-digital converters, shift registers, sensors, and memories, among others. The SPI runs at a baud rate up to the bus clock divided by two in master mode and up to the bus clock divided by four in slave mode. Software can poll the status flags, or SPI operation can be interrupt driven. NOTE For the actual maximum SPI baud rate, refer to the Chip Configuration details and to the device's Data Sheet. The SPI also includes a hardware match feature for the receive data buffer. 16.1.1 Features The SPI includes these distinctive features: * Master mode or slave mode operation * Full-duplex or single-wire bidirectional mode * Programmable transmit bit rate MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 405 Introduction * Double-buffered transmit and receive data register * Serial clock phase and polarity options * Slave select output * Mode fault error flag with CPU interrupt capability * Control of SPI operation during wait mode * Selectable MSB-first or LSB-first shifting * Receive data buffer hardware match feature 16.1.2 Modes of operation The SPI functions in the following three modes. * Run mode This is the basic mode of operation. * Wait mode SPI operation in Wait mode is a configurable low power mode, controlled by the SPISWAI bit located in the SPIx_C2 register. In Wait mode, if C2[SPISWAI] is clear, the SPI operates like in Run mode. If C2[SPISWAI] is set, the SPI goes into a power conservative state, with the SPI clock generation turned off. If the SPI is configured as a master, any transmission in progress stops, but is resumed after CPU enters Run mode. If the SPI is configured as a slave, reception and transmission of a byte continues, so that the slave stays synchronized to the master. * Stop mode To reduce power consumption, the SPI is inactive in stop modes where the peripheral bus clock is stopped but internal logic states are retained. If the SPI is configured as a master, any transmission in progress stops, but is resumed after the CPU enters run mode. If the SPI is configured as a slave, reception and transmission of a data continues, so that the slave stays synchronized to the master. The SPI is completely disabled in Stop modes where the peripheral bus clock is stopped and internal logic states are not retained. When the CPU wakes from these Stop modes, all SPI register content is reset. Detailed descriptions of operating modes appear in Low-power mode options. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 406 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) 16.1.3 Block diagrams This section includes block diagrams showing SPI system connections, the internal organization of the SPI module, and the SPI clock dividers that control the master mode bit rate. SPI system block diagram The following figure shows the SPI modules of two MCUs connected in a master-slave arrangement. The master device initiates all SPI data transfers. During a transfer, the master shifts data out (on the MOSI pin) to the slave while simultaneously shifting data in (on the MISO pin) from the slave. The transfer effectively exchanges the data that was in the SPI shift registers of the two SPI systems. The SPSCK signal is a clock output from the master and an input to the slave. The slave device must be selected by a low level on the slave select input (SS pin). In this system, the master device has configured its SS pin as an optional slave select output. SLAVE MASTER MOSI MOSI SPI SHIFTER SPI SHIFTER MISO 8 BITS SPSCK CLOCK GENERATOR SS MISO 8 BITS SPSCK SS Figure 16-1. SPI system connections SPI module block diagram The following is a block diagram of the SPI module. The central element of the SPI is the SPI shift register. Data is written to the double-buffered transmitter (write to SPIx_D) and gets transferred to the SPI Shift Register at the start of a data transfer. After shifting in 8 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 407 Introduction bits of data, the data is transferred into the double-buffered receiver where it can be read from SPIx_D. Pin multiplexing logic controls connections between MCU pins and the SPI module. When the SPI is configured as a master, the clock output is routed to the SPSCK pin, the shifter output is routed to MOSI, and the shifter input is routed from the MISO pin. When the SPI is configured as a slave, the SPSCK pin is routed to the clock input of the SPI, the shifter output is routed to MISO, and the shifter input is routed from the MOSI pin. In the external SPI system, simply connect all SPSCK pins to each other, all MISO pins together, and all MOSI pins together. Peripheral devices often use slightly different names for these pins. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 408 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) PIN CONTROL M SPE MOSI (MOMI) S Tx BUFFER (WRITE SPIxD) ENABLE SPI SYSTEM M SPI SHIFT REGISTER SHIFT OUT SHIFT IN Rx BUFFER (READ SPIxD) MISO (SISO) S SPC0 BIDIROE LSBFE SHIFT DIRECTION SHIFT Rx BUFFER Tx BUFFER FULL CLOCK EMPTY MASTER CLOCK BUS RATE CLOCK MSTR SPIBR CLOCK GENERATOR CLOCK LOGIC SLAVE CLOCK MASTER/SLAVE M SPSCK S MASTER/ SLAVE MODE SELECT MODSSOE MODE FAULT DETECTION SPRF 8-BIT COMPARATOR SPIxM SS SPMF SPMIE SPTEF SPTIE MODF SPIE INTERRUPT REQUEST Figure 16-2. SPI module block diagram without FIFO 16.2 External signal description The SPI optionally shares four port pins. The function of these pins depends on the settings of SPI control bits. When the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0), these four pins revert to other functions that are not controlled by the SPI (based on chip configuration). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 409 External signal description 16.2.1 SPSCK -- SPI Serial Clock When the SPI is enabled as a slave, this pin is the serial clock input. When the SPI is enabled as a master, this pin is the serial clock output. 16.2.2 MOSI -- Master Data Out, Slave Data In When the SPI is enabled as a master and SPI pin control zero (SPC0) is 0 (not bidirectional mode), this pin is the serial data output. When the SPI is enabled as a slave and SPC0 is 0, this pin is the serial data input. If SPC0 is 1 to select single-wire bidirectional mode, and master mode is selected, this pin becomes the bidirectional data I/O pin (MOMI). Also, the bidirectional mode output enable bit determines whether the pin acts as an input (BIDIROE is 0) or an output (BIDIROE is 1). If SPC0 is 1 and slave mode is selected, this pin is not used by the SPI and reverts to other functions (based on chip configuration). 16.2.3 MISO -- Master Data In, Slave Data Out When the SPI is enabled as a master and SPI pin control zero (SPC0) is 0 (not bidirectional mode), this pin is the serial data input. When the SPI is enabled as a slave and SPC0 is 0, this pin is the serial data output. If SPC0 is 1 to select single-wire bidirectional mode, and slave mode is selected, this pin becomes the bidirectional data I/O pin (SISO), and the bidirectional mode output enable bit determines whether the pin acts as an input (BIDIROE is 0) or an output (BIDIROE is 1). If SPC0 is 1 and master mode is selected, this pin is not used by the SPI and reverts to other functions (based on chip configuration). 16.2.4 SS -- Slave Select When the SPI is enabled as a slave, this pin is the low-true slave select input. When the SPI is enabled as a master and mode fault enable is off (MODFEN is 0), this pin is not used by the SPI and reverts to other functions (based on chip configuration). When the SPI is enabled as a master and MODFEN is 1, the slave select output enable bit determines whether this pin acts as the mode fault input (SSOE is 0) or as the slave select output (SSOE is 1). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 410 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) 16.3 Memory map/register definition The SPI has 8-bit registers to select SPI options, to control baud rate, to report SPI status, to hold an SPI data match value, and for transmit/receive data. SPI memory map Address offset (hex) Absolute address (hex) 0 3098 SPI Control Register 1 (SPI0_C1) 8 1 3099 SPI Control Register 2 (SPI0_C2) 2 309A 3 Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page R/W 04h 16.3.1/411 8 R/W 00h 16.3.2/413 SPI Baud Rate Register (SPI0_BR) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.3/414 309B SPI Status Register (SPI0_S) 8 R 20h 16.3.4/415 5 309D SPI Data Register (SPI0_D) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.5/416 7 309F SPI Match Register (SPI0_M) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.6/417 Register name 16.3.1 SPI Control Register 1 (SPIx_C1) This read/write register includes the SPI enable control, interrupt enables, and configuration options. Address: 3098h base + 0h offset = 3098h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SPIE SPE SPTIE MSTR CPOL CPHA SSOE LSBFE 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 SPI0_C1 field descriptions Field 7 SPIE Description SPI Interrupt Enable: for SPRF and MODF Enables the interrupt for SPI receive buffer full (SPRF) and mode fault (MODF) events. 0 1 6 SPE Interrupts from SPRF and MODF are inhibited--use polling Request a hardware interrupt when SPRF or MODF is 1 SPI System Enable Enables the SPI system and dedicates the SPI port pins to SPI system functions. If SPE is cleared, the SPI is disabled and forced into an idle state, and all status bits in the S register are reset. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 411 Memory map/register definition SPI0_C1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 SPTIE SPI Transmit Interrupt Enable This is the interrupt enable bit for SPI transmit buffer empty (SPTEF). An interrupt occurs when the SPI transmit buffer is empty (SPTEF is set). 0 1 4 MSTR Interrupts from SPTEF inhibited (use polling) When SPTEF is 1, hardware interrupt requested Master/Slave Mode Select Selects master or slave mode operation. 0 1 3 CPOL SPI system inactive SPI system enabled SPI module configured as a slave SPI device SPI module configured as a master SPI device Clock Polarity Selects an inverted or non-inverted SPI clock. To transmit data between SPI modules, the SPI modules must have identical CPOL values. This bit effectively places an inverter in series with the clock signal either from a master SPI device or to a slave SPI device. Refer to the description of "SPI Clock Formats" for details. 0 1 2 CPHA Clock Phase Selects one of two clock formats for different kinds of synchronous serial peripheral devices. Refer to the description of "SPI Clock Formats" for details. 0 1 1 SSOE Active-high SPI clock (idles low) Active-low SPI clock (idles high) First edge on SPSCK occurs at the middle of the first cycle of a data transfer. First edge on SPSCK occurs at the start of the first cycle of a data transfer. Slave Select Output Enable This bit is used in combination with the Mode Fault Enable (MODFEN) field in the C2 register and the Master/Slave (MSTR) control bit to determine the function of the SS pin. 0 1 When C2[MODFEN] is 0: In master mode, SS pin function is general-purpose I/O (not SPI). In slave mode, SS pin function is slave select input. When C2[MODFEN] is 1: In master mode, SS pin function is SS input for mode fault. In slave mode, SS pin function is slave select input. When C2[MODFEN] is 0: In master mode, SS pin function is general-purpose I/O (not SPI). In slave mode, SS pin function is slave select input. When C2[MODFEN] is 1: In master mode, SS pin function is automatic SS output. In slave mode: SS pin function is slave select input. 0 LSBFE LSB First (shifter direction) This bit does not affect the position of the MSB and LSB in the data register. Reads and writes of the data register always have the MSB in bit 7. 0 1 SPI serial data transfers start with the most significant bit. SPI serial data transfers start with the least significant bit. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 412 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) 16.3.2 SPI Control Register 2 (SPIx_C2) This read/write register is used to control optional features of the SPI system. Bit 6 is not implemented and always reads 0. Address: 3098h base + 1h offset = 3099h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SPMIE Reserved Reserved MODFEN BIDIROE Reserved SPISWAI SPC0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI0_C2 field descriptions Field 7 SPMIE Description SPI Match Interrupt Enable This is the interrupt enable bit for the SPI receive data buffer hardware match (SPMF) function. 0 1 Interrupts from SPMF inhibited (use polling) When SPMF is 1, requests a hardware interrupt 6 Reserved This field is reserved. Do not write to this reserved bit. 5 Reserved This field is reserved. Do not write to this reserved bit. 4 MODFEN Master Mode-Fault Function Enable When the SPI is configured for slave mode, this bit has no meaning or effect. (The SS pin is the slave select input.) In master mode, this bit determines how the SS pin is used. For details, refer to the description of the SSOE bit in the C1 register. 0 1 3 BIDIROE Mode fault function disabled, master SS pin reverts to general-purpose I/O not controlled by SPI Mode fault function enabled, master SS pin acts as the mode fault input or the slave select output Bidirectional Mode Output Enable When bidirectional mode is enabled because SPI pin control 0 (SPC0) is set to 1, BIDIROE determines whether the SPI data output driver is enabled to the single bidirectional SPI I/O pin. Depending on whether the SPI is configured as a master or a slave, it uses the MOSI (MOMI) or MISO (SISO) pin, respectively, as the single SPI data I/O pin. When SPC0 is 0, BIDIROE has no meaning or effect. 0 1 Output driver disabled so SPI data I/O pin acts as an input SPI I/O pin enabled as an output 2 Reserved This field is reserved. Do not write to this reserved bit. 1 SPISWAI SPI Stop in Wait Mode This bit is used for power conservation while the device is in Wait mode. 0 1 SPI clocks continue to operate in Wait mode. SPI clocks stop when the MCU enters Wait mode. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 413 Memory map/register definition SPI0_C2 field descriptions (continued) Field 0 SPC0 Description SPI Pin Control 0 Enables bidirectional pin configurations. 0 SPI uses separate pins for data input and data output (pin mode is normal). In master mode of operation: MISO is master in and MOSI is master out. 1 In slave mode of operation: MISO is slave out and MOSI is slave in. SPI configured for single-wire bidirectional operation (pin mode is bidirectional). In master mode of operation: MISO is not used by SPI; MOSI is master in when BIDIROE is 0 or master I/O when BIDIROE is 1. In slave mode of operation: MISO is slave in when BIDIROE is 0 or slave I/O when BIDIROE is 1; MOSI is not used by SPI. 16.3.3 SPI Baud Rate Register (SPIx_BR) Use this register to set the prescaler and bit rate divisor for an SPI master. This register may be read or written at any time. Address: 3098h base + 2h offset = 309Ah Bit 7 Read Write Reset 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 SPPR[2:0] 0 0 1 0 0 0 SPR[3:0] 0 0 0 SPI0_BR field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6-4 SPPR[2:0] SPI Baud Rate Prescale Divisor This 3-bit field selects one of eight divisors for the SPI baud rate prescaler. The input to this prescaler is the bus rate clock (BUSCLK). The output of this prescaler drives the input of the SPI baud rate divider. Refer to the description of "SPI Baud Rate Generation" for details. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Baud rate prescaler divisor is 1. Baud rate prescaler divisor is 2. Baud rate prescaler divisor is 3. Baud rate prescaler divisor is 4. Baud rate prescaler divisor is 5. Baud rate prescaler divisor is 6. Baud rate prescaler divisor is 7. Baud rate prescaler divisor is 8. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 414 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) SPI0_BR field descriptions (continued) Field SPR[3:0] Description SPI Baud Rate Divisor This 4-bit field selects one of nine divisors for the SPI baud rate divider. The input to this divider comes from the SPI baud rate prescaler. Refer to the description of "SPI Baud Rate Generation" for details. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 All others Baud rate divisor is 2. Baud rate divisor is 4. Baud rate divisor is 8. Baud rate divisor is 16. Baud rate divisor is 32. Baud rate divisor is 64. Baud rate divisor is 128. Baud rate divisor is 256. Baud rate divisor is 512. Reserved 16.3.4 SPI Status Register (SPIx_S) This register contains read-only status bits. Writes have no meaning or effect. NOTE Bits 3 through 0 are not implemented and always read 0. Address: 3098h base + 3h offset = 309Bh Bit Read 7 6 5 4 SPRF SPMF SPTEF MODF 0 0 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Write Reset 0 0 SPI0_S field descriptions Field 7 SPRF Description SPI Read Buffer Full Flag SPRF is set at the completion of an SPI transfer to indicate that received data may be read from the SPI data (D) register. SPRF is cleared by reading SPRF while it is set and then reading the SPI data register. 0 1 6 SPMF No data available in the receive data buffer Data available in the receive data buffer SPI Match Flag SPMF is set after SPRF is 1 when the value in the receive data buffer matches the value in the M register. To clear the flag, read SPMF when it is set and then write a 1 to it. 0 1 Value in the receive data buffer does not match the value in the M register Value in the receive data buffer matches the value in the M register Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 415 Memory map/register definition SPI0_S field descriptions (continued) Field 5 SPTEF Description SPI Transmit Buffer Empty Flag This bit is set when the transmit data buffer is empty. SPTEF is cleared by reading the S register with SPTEF set and then writing a data value to the transmit buffer at D. The S register must be read with SPTEF set to 1 before writing data to the D register; otherwise, the D write is ignored. SPTEF is automatically set when all data from the transmit buffer transfers into the transmit shift register. For an idle SPI, data written to D is transferred to the shifter almost immediately so that SPTEF is set within two bus cycles, allowing a second set of data to be queued into the transmit buffer. After completion of the transfer of the data in the shift register, the queued data from the transmit buffer automatically moves to the shifter, and SPTEF is set to indicate that room exists for new data in the transmit buffer. If no new data is waiting in the transmit buffer, SPTEF simply remains set and no data moves from the buffer to the shifter. If a transfer does not stop, the last data that was transmitted is sent out again. 0 1 4 MODF SPI transmit buffer empty Master Mode Fault Flag MODF is set if the SPI is configured as a master and the slave select input goes low, indicating some other SPI device is also configured as a master. The SS pin acts as a mode fault error input only when C1[MSTR] is 1, C2[MODFEN] is 1, and C1[SSOE] is 0; otherwise, MODF will never be set. MODF is cleared by reading MODF while it is 1 and then writing to the SPI Control Register 1 (C1). 0 1 Reserved SPI transmit buffer not empty No mode fault error Mode fault error detected This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 16.3.5 SPI Data Register (SPIx_D) This register is both the input and output register for SPI data. A write to the register writes to the transmit data buffer, allowing data to be queued and transmitted. When the SPI is configured as a master, data queued in the transmit data buffer is transmitted immediately after the previous transmission has completed. The SPTEF bit in the S register indicates when the transmit data buffer is ready to accept new data. The S register must be read when S[SPTEF] is set before writing to the SPI data register; otherwise, the write is ignored. Data may be read from the SPI data register any time after S[SPRF] is set and before another transfer is finished. Failure to read the data out of the receive data buffer before a new transfer ends causes a receive overrun condition, and the data from the new transfer is lost. The new data is lost because the receive buffer still held the previous character and was not ready to accept the new data. There is no indication for a receive overrun condition, so the application system designer must ensure that previous data has been read from the receive buffer before a new transfer is initiated. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 416 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) Address: 3098h base + 5h offset = 309Dh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bits[7:0] 0 0 0 0 SPI0_D field descriptions Field Bits[7:0] Description Data (low byte) 16.3.6 SPI Match Register (SPIx_M) This register contains the hardware compare value. When the value received in the SPI receive data buffer equals this hardware compare value, the SPI Match Flag in the S register (S[SPMF]) sets. Address: 3098h base + 7h offset = 309Fh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bits[7:0] 0 0 0 0 SPI0_M field descriptions Field Bits[7:0] Description Hardware compare value (low byte) 16.4 Functional description This section provides the functional description of the module. 16.4.1 General The SPI system is enabled by setting the SPI enable (SPE) bit in SPI Control Register 1. While C1[SPE] is set, the four associated SPI port pins are dedicated to the SPI function as: * Slave select (SS) * Serial clock (SPSCK) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 417 Functional description * Master out/slave in (MOSI) * Master in/slave out (MISO) An SPI transfer is initiated in the master SPI device by reading the SPI status register (SPIx_S) when S[SPTEF] = 1 and then writing data to the transmit data buffer (write to SPIxD ). When a transfer is complete, received data is moved into the receive data buffer. The SPIxD register acts as the SPI receive data buffer for reads and as the SPI transmit data buffer for writes. The Clock Phase Control (CPHA) and Clock Polarity Control (CPOL) bits in the SPI Control Register 1 (SPIx_C1) select one of four possible clock formats to be used by the SPI system. The CPOL bit simply selects a non-inverted or inverted clock. C1[CPHA] is used to accommodate two fundamentally different protocols by sampling data on odd numbered SPSCK edges or on even numbered SPSCK edges. The SPI can be configured to operate as a master or as a slave. When the MSTR bit in SPI Control Register 1 is set, master mode is selected; when C1[MSTR] is clear, slave mode is selected. 16.4.2 Master mode The SPI operates in master mode when C1[MSTR] is set. Only a master SPI module can initiate transmissions. A transmission begins by reading the SPIx_S register while S[SPTEF] = 1 and writing to the master SPI data registers. If the shift register is empty, the byte immediately transfers to the shift register. The data begins shifting out on the MOSI pin under the control of the serial clock. * SPSCK * The SPR3, SPR2, SPR1, and SPR0 baud rate selection bits in conjunction with the SPPR2, SPPR1, and SPPR0 baud rate preselection bits in the SPI Baud Rate register control the baud rate generator and determine the speed of the transmission. The SPSCK pin is the SPI clock output. Through the SPSCK pin, the baud rate generator of the master controls the shift register of the slave peripheral. * MOSI, MISO pin * In master mode, the function of the serial data output pin (MOSI) and the serial data input pin (MISO) is determined by the SPC0 and BIDIROE control bits. * SS pin MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 418 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) * If C2[MODFEN] and C1[SSOE] are set, the SS pin is configured as slave select output. The SS output becomes low during each transmission and is high when the SPI is in idle state. If C2[MODFEN] is set and C1[SSOE] is cleared, the SS pin is configured as input for detecting mode fault error. If the SS input becomes low this indicates a mode fault error where another master tries to drive the MOSI and SPSCK lines. In this case, the SPI immediately switches to slave mode by clearing C1[MSTR] and also disables the slave output buffer MISO (or SISO in bidirectional mode). As a result, all outputs are disabled, and SPSCK, MOSI and MISO are inputs. If a transmission is in progress when the mode fault occurs, the transmission is aborted and the SPI is forced into idle state. This mode fault error also sets the Mode Fault (MODF) flag in the SPI Status Register (SPIx_S). If the SPI Interrupt Enable bit (SPIE) is set when S[ MODF] gets set, then an SPI interrupt sequence is also requested. When a write to the SPI Data Register in the master occurs, there is a half SPSCK-cycle delay. After the delay, SPSCK is started within the master. The rest of the transfer operation differs slightly, depending on the clock format specified by the SPI clock phase bit, CPHA, in SPI Control Register 1 (see SPI clock formats). Note A change of C1[CPOL], C1[CPHA], C1[SSOE], C1[LSBFE], C2[MODFEN], C2[SPC0], C2[BIDIROE] with C2[SPC0] set, SPPR2-SPPR0 and SPR3-SPR0 in master mode abort a transmission in progress and force the SPI into idle state. The remote slave cannot detect this, therefore the master has to ensure that the remote slave is set back to idle state. 16.4.3 Slave mode The SPI operates in slave mode when the MSTR bit in SPI Control Register 1 is clear. * SPSCK In slave mode, SPSCK is the SPI clock input from the master. * MISO, MOSI pin In slave mode, the function of the serial data output pin (MISO) and serial data input pin (MOSI) is determined by the SPC0 bit and BIDIROE bit in SPI Control Register 2. * SS pin MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 419 Functional description The SS pin is the slave select input. Before a data transmission occurs, the SS pin of the slave SPI must be low. SS must remain low until the transmission is complete. If SS goes high, the SPI is forced into an idle state. The SS input also controls the serial data output pin. If SS is high (not selected), the serial data output pin is high impedance. If SS is low, the first bit in the SPI Data Register is driven out of the serial data output pin. Also, if the slave is not selected (SS is high), then the SPSCK input is ignored and no internal shifting of the SPI shift register occurs. Although the SPI is capable of duplex operation, some SPI peripherals are capable of only receiving SPI data in a slave mode. For these simpler devices, there is no serial data out pin. Note When peripherals with duplex capability are used, take care not to simultaneously enable two receivers whose serial outputs drive the same system slave's serial data output line. As long as no more than one slave device drives the system slave's serial data output line, it is possible for several slaves to receive the same transmission from a master, although the master would not receive return information from all of the receiving slaves. If the CPHA bit in SPI Control Register 1 is clear, odd numbered edges on the SPSCK input cause the data at the serial data input pin to be latched. Even numbered edges cause the value previously latched from the serial data input pin to shift into the LSB or MSB of the SPI shift register, depending on the LSBFE bit. If C1[CPHA] is set, even numbered edges on the SPSCK input cause the data at the serial data input pin to be latched. Odd numbered edges cause the value previously latched from the serial data input pin to shift into the LSB or MSB of the SPI shift register, depending on C1[LSBFE]. When C1[CPHA] is set, the first edge is used to get the first data bit onto the serial data output pin. When C1[CPHA] is clear and the SS input is low (slave selected), the first bit of the SPI data is driven out of the serial data output pin. After the eighth shift, the transfer is considered complete and the received data is transferred into the SPI Data register. To indicate transfer is complete, the SPRF flag in the SPI Status Register is set. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 420 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) Note A change of the bits C2[BIDIROE] with C2[SPC0] set, C1[CPOL], C1[CPHA], C1[SSOE], C1[LSBFE], C2[MODFEN], and C2[SPC0] in slave mode will corrupt a transmission in progress and must be avoided. 16.4.4 SPI clock formats To accommodate a wide variety of synchronous serial peripherals from different manufacturers, the SPI system has a Clock Polarity (CPOL) bit and a Clock Phase (CPHA) control bit in the Control Register 1 to select one of four clock formats for data transfers. C1[CPOL] selectively inserts an inverter in series with the clock. C1[CPHA] chooses between two different clock phase relationships between the clock and data. The following figure shows the clock formats when CPHA = 1. At the top of the figure, the eight bit times are shown for reference with bit 1 starting at the first SPSCK edge and bit 8 ending one-half SPSCK cycle after the eighth SPSCK edge. The MSB first and LSB first lines show the order of SPI data bits depending on the setting in LSBFE. Both variations of SPSCK polarity are shown, but only one of these waveforms applies for a specific transfer, depending on the value in C1[CPOL]. The SAMPLE IN waveform applies to the MOSI input of a slave or the MISO input of a master. The MOSI waveform applies to the MOSI output pin from a master and the MISO waveform applies to the MISO output from a slave. The SS OUT waveform applies to the slave select output from a master (provided C2[MODFEN] and C1[SSOE] = 1). The master SS output goes to active low one-half SPSCK cycle before the start of the transfer and goes back high at the end of the eighth bit time of the transfer. The SS IN waveform applies to the slave select input of a slave. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 421 Functional description BIT TIME # (REFERENCE) 1 2 ... 6 8 7 SPSCK (CPOL = 0) SPSCK (CPOL = 1) SAMPLE IN (MISO OR MOSI) MOSI (MASTER OUT) MSB FIRST LSB FIRST BIT 7 BIT 0 BIT 6 BIT 1 ... ... BIT 2 BIT 5 BIT 1 BIT 6 BIT 0 BIT 7 MISO (SLAVE OUT) SS OUT (MASTER) SS IN (SLAVE) Figure 16-15. SPI clock formats (CPHA = 1) When C1[CPHA] = 1, the slave begins to drive its MISO output when SS goes to active low, but the data is not defined until the first SPSCK edge. The first SPSCK edge shifts the first bit of data from the shifter onto the MOSI output of the master and the MISO output of the slave. The next SPSCK edge causes both the master and the slave to sample the data bit values on their MISO and MOSI inputs, respectively. At the third SPSCK edge, the SPI shifter shifts one bit position which shifts in the bit value that was just sampled, and shifts the second data bit value out the other end of the shifter to the MOSI and MISO outputs of the master and slave, respectively. When C1[CPHA] = 1, the slave's SS input is not required to go to its inactive high level between transfers. In this clock format, a back-to-back transmission can occur, as follows: 1. A transmission is in progress. 2. A new data byte is written to the transmit buffer before the in-progress transmission is complete. 3. When the in-progress transmission is complete, the new, ready data byte is transmitted immediately. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 422 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) Between these two successive transmissions, no pause is inserted; the SS pin remains low. The following figure shows the clock formats when C1[CPHA] = 0. At the top of the figure, the eight bit times are shown for reference with bit 1 starting as the slave is selected (SS IN goes low), and bit 8 ends at the last SPSCK edge. The MSB first and LSB first lines show the order of SPI data bits depending on the setting in LSBFE. Both variations of SPSCK polarity are shown, but only one of these waveforms applies for a specific transfer, depending on the value in CPOL. The SAMPLE IN waveform applies to the MOSI input of a slave or the MISO input of a master. The MOSI waveform applies to the MOSI output pin from a master and the MISO waveform applies to the MISO output from a slave. The SS OUT waveform applies to the slave select output from a master (provided C2[MODFEN] and C1[SSOE] = 1). The master SS output goes to active low at the start of the first bit time of the transfer and goes back high one-half SPSCK cycle after the end of the eighth bit time of the transfer. The SS IN waveform applies to the slave select input of a slave. BIT TIME # (REFERENCE) 1 2 ... 6 7 8 SPSCK (CPOL = 0) SPSCK (CPOL = 1) SAMPLE IN (MISO OR MOSI) MOSI (MASTER OUT) MSB FIRST LSB FIRST BIT 7 BIT 0 BIT 6 BIT 1 ... ... BIT 2 BIT 5 BIT 1 BIT 6 BIT 0 BIT 7 MISO (SLAVE OUT) SS OUT (MASTER) SS IN (SLAVE) Figure 16-16. SPI clock formats (CPHA = 0) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 423 Functional description When C1[CPHA] = 0, the slave begins to drive its MISO output with the first data bit value (MSB or LSB depending on LSBFE) when SS goes to active low. The first SPSCK edge causes both the master and the slave to sample the data bit values on their MISO and MOSI inputs, respectively. At the second SPSCK edge, the SPI shifter shifts one bit position which shifts in the bit value that was just sampled and shifts the second data bit value out the other end of the shifter to the MOSI and MISO outputs of the master and slave, respectively. When C1[CPHA] = 0, the slave's SS input must go to its inactive high level between transfers. 16.4.5 SPI baud rate generation As shown in the following figure, the clock source for the SPI baud rate generator is the bus clock. The three prescale bits (SPPR2:SPPR1:SPPR0) choose a prescale divisor of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. The three rate select bits (SPR3:SPR2:SPR1:SPR0) divide the output of the prescaler stage by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512 to get the internal SPI master mode bit-rate clock. The baud rate generator is activated only when the SPI is in the master mode and a serial transfer is taking place. In the other cases, the divider is disabled to decrease IDD current. The baud rate divisor equation is as follows (except those reserved combinations in the SPI Baud Rate Divisor table). BaudRateDivisor = (SPPR + 1) x 2(SPR + 1) The baud rate can be calculated with the following equation: BaudRate = BusClock / BaudRateDivisor BUS CLOCK PRESCALER BAUD RATE DIVIDER DIVIDE BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 DIVIDE BY 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512 SPPR2:SPPR1:SPPR0 SPR3:SPR2:SPR1:SPR0 MASTER SPI BIT RATE Figure 16-17. SPI baud rate generation 16.4.6 Special features The following section describes the special features of SPI module. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 424 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) SS Output The SS output feature automatically drives the SS pin low during transmission to select external devices and drives the SS pin high during idle to deselect external devices. When the SS output is selected, the SS output pin is connected to the SS input pin of the external device. The SS output is available only in master mode during normal SPI operation by asserting C1[SSOE] and C2[MODFEN] as shown in the description of C1[SSOE]. The mode fault feature is disabled while SS output is enabled. Note Be careful when using the SS output feature in a multimaster system because the mode fault feature is not available for detecting system errors between masters. Bidirectional mode (MOMI or SISO) The bidirectional mode is selected when the SPC0 bit is set in SPI Control Register 2 (see the following table). In this mode, the SPI uses only one serial data pin for the interface with one or more external devices. C1[MSTR] decides which pin to use. The MOSI pin becomes the serial data I/O (MOMI) pin for the master mode, and the MISO pin becomes serial data I/O (SISO) pin for the slave mode. The MISO pin in master mode and MOSI pin in slave mode are not used by the SPI. Table 16-15. Normal Mode and Bidirectional Mode When SPE = 1 Master Mode MSTR = 1 Serial Out Normal Mode SPC0 = 0 Bidirectional Mode SPC0 = 1 Slave Mode MSTR = 0 MOSI SPI SPI Serial In MISO Serial Out Serial Out MOMI Serial In SPI Serial In MOSI Serial In BIDIROE SPI MISO BIDIROE Serial Out SISO The direction of each serial I/O pin depends on C2[BIDIROE]. If the pin is configured as an output, serial data from the shift register is driven out on the pin. The same pin is also the serial input to the shift register. The SPSCK is an output for the master mode and an input for the slave mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 425 Functional description SS is the input or output for the master mode, and it is always the input for the slave mode. The bidirectional mode does not affect SPSCK and SS functions. Note In bidirectional master mode, with the mode fault feature enabled, both data pins MISO and MOSI can be occupied by the SPI, though MOSI is normally used for transmissions in bidirectional mode and MISO is not used by the SPI. If a mode fault occurs, the SPI is automatically switched to slave mode. In this case, MISO becomes occupied by the SPI and MOSI is not used. Consider this scenario if the MISO pin is used for another purpose. 16.4.7 Error conditions The SPI module has one error condition: the mode fault error. Mode fault error If the SS input becomes low while the SPI is configured as a master, it indicates a system error where more than one master may be trying to drive the MOSI and SPSCK lines simultaneously. This condition is not permitted in normal operation, and it sets the MODF bit in the SPI status register automatically provided that C2[MODFEN] is set. In the special case where the SPI is in master mode and C2[MODFEN] is cleared, the SS pin is not used by the SPI. In this special case, the mode fault error function is inhibited and MODF remains cleared. If the SPI system is configured as a slave, the SS pin is a dedicated input pin. A mode fault error does not occur in slave mode. If a mode fault error occurs, the SPI is switched to slave mode, with the exception that the slave output buffer is disabled. So the SPSCK, MISO and MOSI pins are forced to be high impedance inputs to avoid any possibility of conflict with another output driver. A transmission in progress is aborted and the SPI is forced into idle state. If the mode fault error occurs in the bidirectional mode for an SPI system configured in master mode, the output enable of MOMI (MOSI in bidirectional mode) is cleared if it was set. No mode fault error occurs in the bidirectional mode for the SPI system configured in slave mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 426 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) The mode fault flag is cleared automatically by a read of the SPI Status Register (with MODF set) followed by a write to SPI Control Register 1. If the mode fault flag is cleared, the SPI becomes a normal master or slave again. 16.4.8 Low-power mode options This section describes the low-power mode options. SPI in Run mode In Run mode, with the SPI system enable (SPE) bit in the SPI Control Register 1 clear, the SPI system is in a low-power, disabled state. SPI registers can still be accessed, but clocks to the core of this module are disabled. SPI in Wait mode SPI operation in Wait mode depends upon the state of the SPISWAI bit in SPI Control Register 2. * If C2[SPISWAI] is clear, the SPI operates normally when the CPU is in Wait mode. * If C2[SPISWAI] is set, SPI clock generation ceases and the SPI module enters a power conservation state when the CPU is in wait mode. * If C2[SPISWAI] is set and the SPI is configured for master, any transmission and reception in progress stops at Wait mode entry. The transmission and reception resumes when the SPI exits Wait mode. * If C2[SPISWAI] is set and the SPI is configured as a slave, any transmission and reception in progress continues if the SPSCK continues to be driven from the master. This keeps the slave synchronized to the master and the SPSCK. If the master transmits data while the slave is in wait mode, the slave continues to send data consistent with the operation mode at the start of wait mode (that is, if the slave is currently sending its SPIx_D to the master, it continues to send the same byte. Otherwise, if the slave is currently sending the last data received byte from the master, it continues to send each previously received data from the master byte). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 427 Functional description Note Care must be taken when expecting data from a master while the slave is in a Wait mode or a Stop mode where the peripheral bus clock is stopped but internal logic states are retained. Even though the shift register continues to operate, the rest of the SPI is shut down (that is, an SPRF interrupt is not generated until an exit from Stop or Wait mode). Also, the data from the shift register is not copied into the SPIx_D registers until after the slave SPI has exited Wait or Stop mode. An SPRF flag and SPIx_D copy is only generated if Wait mode is entered or exited during a transmission. If the slave enters Wait mode in idle mode and exits Wait mode in idle mode, neither an SPRF nor a SPIx_D copy occurs. SPI in Stop mode Operation in a Stop mode where the peripheral bus clock is stopped but internal logic states are retained depends on the SPI system. The Stop mode does not depend on C2[SPISWAI]. Upon entry to this type of stop mode, the SPI module clock is disabled (held high or low). * If the SPI is in master mode and exchanging data when the CPU enters the Stop mode, the transmission is frozen until the CPU exits stop mode. After the exit from stop mode, data to and from the external SPI is exchanged correctly. * In slave mode, the SPI remains synchronized with the master. The SPI is completely disabled in a stop mode where the peripheral bus clock is stopped and internal logic states are not retained. After an exit from this type of stop mode, all registers are reset to their default values, and the SPI module must be reinitialized. 16.4.9 Reset The reset values of registers and signals are described in the Memory Map and Register Descriptions content, which details the registers and their bitfields. * If a data transmission occurs in slave mode after a reset without a write to SPIx_D, the transmission consists of "garbage" or the data last received from the master before the reset. * Reading from SPIx_D after reset always returns zeros. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 428 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) 16.4.10 Interrupts The SPI originates interrupt requests only when the SPI is enabled (the SPE bit in the SPIx_C1 register is set). The following is a description of how the SPI makes a request and how the MCU should acknowledge that request. The interrupt vector offset and interrupt priority are chip dependent. Four flag bits, three interrupt mask bits, and one interrupt vector are associated with the SPI system. The SPI interrupt enable mask (SPIE) enables interrupts from the SPI receiver full flag (SPRF) and mode fault flag (MODF). The SPI transmit interrupt enable mask (SPTIE) enables interrupts from the SPI transmit buffer empty flag (SPTEF). The SPI match interrupt enable mask bit (SPIMIE) enables interrupts from the SPI match flag (SPMF). When one of the flag bits is set, and the associated interrupt mask bit is set, a hardware interrupt request is sent to the CPU. If the interrupt mask bits are cleared, software can poll the associated flag bits instead of using interrupts. The SPI interrupt service routine (ISR) should check the flag bits to determine which event caused the interrupt. The service routine should also clear the flag bit(s) before returning from the ISR (usually near the beginning of the ISR). MODF MODF occurs when the master detects an error on the SS pin. The master SPI must be configured for the MODF feature (see the description of the C1[SSOE] bit). Once MODF is set, the current transfer is aborted and the master (MSTR) bit in the SPIx_C1 register resets to 0. The MODF interrupt is reflected in the status register's MODF flag. Clearing the flag also clears the interrupt. This interrupt stays active while the MODF flag is set. MODF has an automatic clearing process that is described in the SPI Status Register. SPRF SPRF occurs when new data has been received and copied to the SPI receive data buffer. After SPRF is set, it does not clear until it is serviced. SPRF has an automatic clearing process that is described in the SPI Status Register details. If the SPRF is not serviced before the end of the next transfer (that is, SPRF remains active throughout another transfer), the subsequent transfers are ignored and no new data is copied into the Data register. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 429 Initialization/application information SPTEF SPTEF occurs when the SPI transmit buffer is ready to accept new data. After SPTEF is set, it does not clear until it is serviced. SPTEF has an automatic clearing process that is described in the SPI Status Register details. SPMF SPMF occurs when the data in the receive data buffer is equal to the data in the SPI Match Register. 16.5 Initialization/application information This section discusses an example of how to initialize and use the SPI. 16.5.1 Initialization sequence Before the SPI module can be used for communication, an initialization procedure must be carried out, as follows: 1. Update the Control Register 1 (SPIx_C1) to enable the SPI and to control interrupt enables. This register also sets the SPI as master or slave, determines clock phase and polarity, and configures the main SPI options. 2. Update the Control Register 2 (SPIx_C2) to enable additional SPI functions such as the SPI match interrupt feature, the master mode-fault function, and bidirectional mode output as well as to control and other optional features. 3. Update the Baud Rate Register (SPIx_BR) to set the prescaler and bit rate divisor for an SPI master. 4. Update the Hardware Match Register (SPIx_M) with the value to be compared to the receive data register for triggering an interrupt if hardware match interrupts are enabled. 5. In the master, read SPIx_S while S[SPTEF] = 1, and then write to the transmit data register (SPIx_D) to begin transfer. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 430 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) 16.5.2 Pseudo-Code Example In this example, the SPI module is set up for master mode with only hardware match interrupts enabled. The SPI runs at a maximum baud rate of bus clock divided by 2. Clock phase and polarity are set for an active-high SPI clock where the first edge on SPSCK occurs at the start of the first cycle of a data transfer. SPIx_C1=0x54(%01010100) Bit 7 SPIE = 0 Disables receive and mode fault interrupts Bit 6 SPE = 1 Enables the SPI system Bit 5 SPTIE = 0 Disables SPI transmit interrupts Bit 4 MSTR = 1 Sets the SPI module as a master SPI device Bit 3 CPOL = 0 Configures SPI clock as active-high Bit 2 CPHA = 1 First edge on SPSCK at start of first data transfer cycle Bit 1 SSOE = 0 Determines SS pin function when mode fault enabled Bit 0 LSBFE = 0 SPI serial data transfers start with most significant bit SPMIE SPIx_C2 = 0x80(%10000000) Bit 7 = 1 SPI hardware match interrupt enabled Bit 6 = 0 Unimplemented Bit 5 = 0 Reserved Bit 4 MODFEN = 0 Disables mode fault function Bit 3 BIDIROE = 0 SPI data I/O pin acts as input = 0 Reserved Bit 2 Bit 1 SPISWAI = 0 SPI clocks operate in wait mode Bit 0 SPC0 = 0 uses separate pins for data input and output Bit 7 = 0 Reserved Bit 6:4 = 000 Sets prescale divisor to 1 Bit 3:0 = 0000 Sets baud rate divisor to 2 SPIx_BR = 0x00(%00000000) SPIx_S = 0x00(%00000000) Bit 7 SPRF = 0 Flag is set when receive data buffer is full Bit 6 SPMF = 0 Flag is set when SPIx_M = receive data buffer Bit 5 SPTEF = 0 Flag is set when transmit data buffer is empty Bit 4 MODF = 0 Mode fault flag for master mode = 0 Reserved Bit 3:0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 431 Initialization/application information SPIx_M = 0xXX Holds bits 0-7 of the hardware match buffer. SPIx_D = 0xxx Holds bits 0-7 of the data to be transmitted by the transmit buffer and received by the receive buffer. RESET INITIALIZE SPI SPIxC1 = 0x54 SPIxC2 = 0x80 SPIxBR = 0x00 YES SPTEF = 1 ? NO YES WRITE TO SPIxD SPRF = 1 ? NO YES READ SPIxD SPMF = 1 ? NO YES READ SPMF WHILE SET TO CLEAR FLAG, THEN WRITE A 1 TO IT CONTINUE Figure 16-18. Initialization Flowchart Example for SPI Master Device MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 432 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 17.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The inter-integrated circuit (I2C, I2C, or IIC) module provides a method of communication between a number of devices. The interface is designed to operate up to 100 kbit/s with maximum bus loading and timing. The I2C device is capable of operating at higher baud rates, up to a maximum of clock/20, with reduced bus loading. The maximum communication length and the number of devices that can be connected are limited by a maximum bus capacitance of 400 pF. The I2C module also complies with the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2. 17.1.1 Features The I2C module has the following features: * * * * * * * * * * Compatible with The I2C-Bus Specification Multimaster operation Software programmable for one of 64 different serial clock frequencies Software-selectable acknowledge bit Interrupt-driven byte-by-byte data transfer Arbitration-lost interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave Calling address identification interrupt START and STOP signal generation and detection Repeated START signal generation and detection Acknowledge bit generation and detection MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 433 Introduction * * * * * * * Bus busy detection General call recognition 10-bit address extension Support for System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2 Programmable input glitch filter Low power mode wakeup on slave address match Range slave address support 17.1.2 Modes of operation The I2C module's operation in various low power modes is as follows: * Run mode: This is the basic mode of operation. To conserve power in this mode, disable the module. * Wait mode: The module continues to operate when the core is in Wait mode and can provide a wakeup interrupt. * Stop mode: The module is inactive in Stop3 mode for reduced power consumption, except that address matching is enabled in Stop3 mode. The STOP instruction does not affect the I2C module's register states. 17.1.3 Block diagram The following figure is a functional block diagram of the I2C module. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 434 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Module Enable Address Write/Read Interrupt DATA_MUX ADDR_DECODE CTRL_REG FREQ_REG ADDR_REG Input Sync START STOP Arbitration Control Clock Control STATUS_REG DATA_REG In/Out Data Shift Register Address Compare SCL SDA Figure 17-1. I2C Functional block diagram 17.2 I2C signal descriptions The signal properties of I2C are shown in the table found here. Table 17-1. I2C signal descriptions Signal Description I/O SCL Bidirectional serial clock line of the I2C system. I/O SDA Bidirectional serial data line of the I2C system. I/O MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 435 Memory map/register definition 17.3 Memory map/register definition This section describes in detail all I2C registers accessible to the end user. I2C memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 3070 I2C Address Register 1 (I2C_A1) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.1/436 3071 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2C_F) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.2/437 3072 I2C Control Register 1 (I2C_C1) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.3/438 3073 I2C Status register (I2C_S) 8 R/W 80h 17.3.4/439 3074 I2C Data I/O register (I2C_D) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.5/441 3075 I2C Control Register 2 (I2C_C2) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.6/442 3076 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register (I2C_FLT) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.7/442 3077 I2C Range Address register (I2C_RA) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.8/443 3078 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C_SMB) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.9/443 3079 I2C Address Register 2 (I2C_A2) 8 R/W C2h 17.3.10/445 307A I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C_SLTH) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.11/445 307B I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2C_SLTL) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.12/446 17.3.1 I2C Address Register 1 (I2C_A1) This register contains the slave address to be used by the I2C module. Address: 3070h base + 0h offset = 3070h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 AD[7:1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I2C_A1 field descriptions Field 7-1 AD[7:1] 0 Reserved Description Address Contains the primary slave address used by the I2C module when it is addressed as a slave. This field is used in the 7-bit address scheme and the lower seven bits in the 10-bit address scheme. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 436 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 17.3.2 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2C_F) Address: 3070h base + 1h offset = 3071h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 MULT 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 ICR 0 0 0 0 I2C_F field descriptions Field 7-6 MULT Description Multiplier Factor Defines the multiplier factor (mul). This factor is used along with the SCL divider to generate the I2C baud rate. 00 01 10 11 ICR mul = 1 mul = 2 mul = 4 Reserved ClockRate Prescales the I2C module clock for bit rate selection. This field and the MULT field determine the I2C baud rate, the SDA hold time, the SCL start hold time, and the SCL stop hold time. For a list of values corresponding to each ICR setting, see I2C divider and hold values. The SCL divider multiplied by multiplier factor (mul) determines the I2C baud rate. I2C baud rate = I2C module clock speed (Hz)/(mul x SCL divider) The SDA hold time is the delay from the falling edge of SCL (I2C clock) to the changing of SDA (I2C data). SDA hold time = I2C module clock period (s) x mul x SDA hold value The SCL start hold time is the delay from the falling edge of SDA (I2C data) while SCL is high (start condition) to the falling edge of SCL (I2C clock). SCL start hold time = I2C module clock period (s) x mul x SCL start hold value The SCL stop hold time is the delay from the rising edge of SCL (I2C clock) to the rising edge of SDA (I2C data) while SCL is high (stop condition). SCL stop hold time = I2C module clock period (s) x mul x SCL stop hold value For example, if the I2C module clock speed is 8 MHz, the following table shows the possible hold time values with different ICR and MULT selections to achieve an I2C baud rate of 100 kbit/s. MULT ICR 2h Hold times (s) SDA SCL Start SCL Stop 00h 3.500 3.000 5.500 1h 07h 2.500 4.000 5.250 1h 0Bh 2.250 4.000 5.250 0h 14h 2.125 4.250 5.125 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 437 Memory map/register definition I2C_F field descriptions (continued) Field Description MULT ICR 0h 18h Hold times (s) SDA SCL Start SCL Stop 1.125 4.750 5.125 17.3.3 I2C Control Register 1 (I2C_C1) Address: 3070h base + 2h offset = 3072h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 IICEN IICIE MST TX TXAK 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 RSTA 0 1 WUEN 0 0 0 0 I2C_C1 field descriptions Field 7 IICEN Description I2C Enable Enables I2C module operation. 0 1 6 IICIE I2C Interrupt Enable Enables I2C interrupt requests. 0 1 5 MST Disabled Enabled Master Mode Select When MST is changed from 0 to 1, a START signal is generated on the bus and master mode is selected. When this bit changes from 1 to 0, a STOP signal is generated and the mode of operation changes from master to slave. 0 1 4 TX Disabled Enabled Slave mode Master mode Transmit Mode Select Selects the direction of master and slave transfers. In master mode this bit must be set according to the type of transfer required. Therefore, for address cycles, this bit is always set. When addressed as a slave this bit must be set by software according to the SRW bit in the status register. 0 1 Receive Transmit Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 438 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) I2C_C1 field descriptions (continued) Field 3 TXAK Description Transmit Acknowledge Enable Specifies the value driven onto the SDA during data acknowledge cycles for both master and slave receivers. The value of SMB[FACK] affects NACK/ACK generation. NOTE: SCL is held low until TXAK is written. 0 1 An acknowledge signal is sent to the bus on the following receiving byte (if FACK is cleared) or the current receiving byte (if FACK is set). No acknowledge signal is sent to the bus on the following receiving data byte (if FACK is cleared) or the current receiving data byte (if FACK is set). 2 RSTA Repeat START 1 WUEN Wakeup Enable Writing 1 to this bit generates a repeated START condition provided it is the current master. This bit will always be read as 0. Attempting a repeat at the wrong time results in loss of arbitration. The I2C module can wake the MCU from low power mode with no peripheral bus running when slave address matching occurs. 0 1 0 Reserved Normal operation. No interrupt generated when address matching in low power mode. Enables the wakeup function in low power mode. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 17.3.4 I2C Status register (I2C_S) Address: 3070h base + 3h offset = 3073h Bit Read 7 6 TCF IAAS Write Reset 1 0 5 4 BUSY ARBL 3 RAM w1c 0 0 0 2 1 0 SRW IICIF RXAK w1c 0 0 0 I2C_S field descriptions Field 7 TCF Description Transfer Complete Flag Acknowledges a byte transfer; TCF is set on the completion of a byte transfer. This bit is valid only during or immediately following a transfer to or from the I2C module. TCF is cleared by reading the I2C data register in receive mode or by writing to the I2C data register in transmit mode. 0 1 6 IAAS Transfer in progress Transfer complete Addressed As A Slave This bit is set by one of the following conditions: Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 439 Memory map/register definition I2C_S field descriptions (continued) Field Description * The calling address matches the programmed primary slave address in the A1 register, or matches the range address in the RA register (which must be set to a nonzero value and under the condition I2C_C2[RMEN] = 1). * C2[GCAEN] is set and a general call is received. * SMB[SIICAEN] is set and the calling address matches the second programmed slave address. * ALERTEN is set and an SMBus alert response address is received * RMEN is set and an address is received that is within the range between the values of the A1 and RA registers. IAAS sets before the ACK bit. The CPU must check the SRW bit and set TX/RX accordingly. Writing the C1 register with any value clears this bit. 0 1 5 BUSY Bus Busy Indicates the status of the bus regardless of slave or master mode. This bit is set when a START signal is detected and cleared when a STOP signal is detected. 0 1 4 ARBL Bus is idle Bus is busy Arbitration Lost This bit is set by hardware when the arbitration procedure is lost. The ARBL bit must be cleared by software, by writing 1 to it. 0 1 3 RAM Not addressed Addressed as a slave Standard bus operation. Loss of arbitration. Range Address Match This bit is set to 1 by any of the following conditions, if I2C_C2[RMEN] = 1: * Any nonzero calling address is received that matches the address in the RA register. * The calling address is within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers. NOTE: For the RAM bit to be set to 1 correctly, C1[IICIE] must be set to 1. Writing the C1 register with any value clears this bit to 0. 0 1 2 SRW Slave Read/Write When addressed as a slave, SRW indicates the value of the R/W command bit of the calling address sent to the master. 0 1 1 IICIF Not addressed Addressed as a slave Slave receive, master writing to slave Slave transmit, master reading from slave Interrupt Flag This bit sets when an interrupt is pending. This bit must be cleared by software by writing 1 to it, such as in the interrupt routine. One of the following events can set this bit: * One byte transfer, including ACK/NACK bit, completes if FACK is 0. An ACK or NACK is sent on the bus by writing 0 or 1 to TXAK after this bit is set in receive mode. * One byte transfer, excluding ACK/NACK bit, completes if FACK is 1. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 440 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) I2C_S field descriptions (continued) Field Description * Match of slave address to calling address including primary slave address, range slave address, alert response address, second slave address, or general call address. * Arbitration lost * In SMBus mode, any timeouts except SCL and SDA high timeouts 0 1 0 RXAK No interrupt pending Interrupt pending Receive Acknowledge 0 1 Acknowledge signal was received after the completion of one byte of data transmission on the bus No acknowledge signal detected 17.3.5 I2C Data I/O register (I2C_D) Address: 3070h base + 4h offset = 3074h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 DATA 0 0 0 0 I2C_D field descriptions Field DATA Description Data In master transmit mode, when data is written to this register, a data transfer is initiated. The most significant bit is sent first. In master receive mode, reading this register initiates receiving of the next byte of data. NOTE: When making the transition out of master receive mode, switch the I2C mode before reading the Data register to prevent an inadvertent initiation of a master receive data transfer. In slave mode, the same functions are available after an address match occurs. The C1[TX] bit must correctly reflect the desired direction of transfer in master and slave modes for the transmission to begin. For example, if the I2C module is configured for master transmit but a master receive is desired, reading the Data register does not initiate the receive. Reading the Data register returns the last byte received while the I2C module is configured in master receive or slave receive mode. The Data register does not reflect every byte that is transmitted on the I2C bus, and neither can software verify that a byte has been written to the Data register correctly by reading it back. In master transmit mode, the first byte of data written to the Data register following assertion of MST (start bit) or assertion of RSTA (repeated start bit) is used for the address transfer and must consist of the calling address (in bits 7-1) concatenated with the required R/W bit (in position bit 0). MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 441 Memory map/register definition 17.3.6 I2C Control Register 2 (I2C_C2) Address: 3070h base + 5h offset = 3075h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 0 RMEN 0 0 GCAEN ADEXT 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 AD[10:8] 0 0 0 I2C_C2 field descriptions Field 7 GCAEN Description General Call Address Enable Enables general call address. 0 1 6 ADEXT Disabled Enabled Address Extension Controls the number of bits used for the slave address. 0 1 7-bit address scheme 10-bit address scheme 5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 RMEN Range Address Matching Enable This bit controls the slave address matching for addresses between the values of the A1 and RA registers. When this bit is set, a slave address matching occurs for any address greater than the value of the A1 register and less than or equal to the value of the RA register. 0 1 AD[10:8] Range mode disabled. No address matching occurs for an address within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers. Range mode enabled. Address matching occurs when a slave receives an address within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers. Slave Address Contains the upper three bits of the slave address in the 10-bit address scheme. This field is valid only while the ADEXT bit is set. 17.3.7 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register (I2C_FLT) Address: 3070h base + 6h offset = 3076h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 4 3 0 Reserved 0 5 0 2 1 0 0 0 FLT 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 442 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) I2C_FLT field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. Writing this bit has no effect. 6-5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. FLT I2C Programmable Filter Factor Controls the width of the glitch, in terms of I2C module clock cycles, that the filter must absorb. For any glitch whose size is less than or equal to this width setting, the filter does not allow the glitch to pass. 00h 01-1Fh No filter/bypass Filter glitches up to width of n I2C module clock cycles, where n=1-31d 17.3.8 I2C Range Address register (I2C_RA) Address: 3070h base + 7h offset = 3077h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I2C_RA field descriptions Field 7-1 RAD 0 Reserved Description Range Slave Address This field contains the slave address to be used by the I2C module. The field is used in the 7-bit address scheme. If I2C_C2[RMEN] is set to 1, any nonzero value write enables this register. This register value can be considered as a maximum boundary in the range matching mode. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 17.3.9 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C_SMB) NOTE When the SCL and SDA signals are held high for a length of time greater than the high timeout period, the SHTF1 flag sets. Before reaching this threshold, while the system is detecting how long these signals are being held high, a master assumes that the bus is free. However, the SHTF1 bit is set to 1 in the bus transmission process with the idle bus state. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 443 Memory map/register definition NOTE When the TCKSEL bit is set, there is no need to monitor the SHTF1 bit because the bus speed is too high to match the protocol of SMBus. Address: 3070h base + 8h offset = 3078h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 FACK ALERTEN SIICAEN TCKSEL 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 SLTF SHTF1 SHTF2 w1c 0 w1c 0 0 0 SHTF2IE 0 I2C_SMB field descriptions Field 7 FACK Description Fast NACK/ACK Enable For SMBus packet error checking, the CPU must be able to issue an ACK or NACK according to the result of receiving data byte. 0 1 6 ALERTEN An ACK or NACK is sent on the following receiving data byte Writing 0 to TXAK after receiving a data byte generates an ACK. Writing 1 to TXAK after receiving a data byte generates a NACK. SMBus Alert Response Address Enable Enables or disables SMBus alert response address matching. NOTE: After the host responds to a device that used the alert response address, you must use software to put the device's address on the bus. The alert protocol is described in the SMBus specification. 0 1 5 SIICAEN Second I2C Address Enable Enables or disables SMBus device default address. 0 1 4 TCKSEL I2C address register 2 matching is disabled I2C address register 2 matching is enabled Timeout Counter Clock Select Selects the clock source of the timeout counter. 0 1 3 SLTF SMBus alert response address matching is disabled SMBus alert response address matching is enabled Timeout counter counts at the frequency of the I2C module clock / 64 Timeout counter counts at the frequency of the I2C module clock SCL Low Timeout Flag This bit is set when the SLT register (consisting of the SLTH and SLTL registers) is loaded with a non-zero value (LoValue) and an SCL low timeout occurs. Software clears this bit by writing a logic 1 to it. NOTE: The low timeout function is disabled when the SLT register's value is 0. 0 1 No low timeout occurs Low timeout occurs Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 444 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) I2C_SMB field descriptions (continued) Field 2 SHTF1 Description SCL High Timeout Flag 1 This read-only bit sets when SCL and SDA are held high more than clock x LoValue / 512, which indicates the bus is free. This bit is cleared automatically. 0 1 1 SHTF2 SCL High Timeout Flag 2 This bit sets when SCL is held high and SDA is held low more than clock x LoValue / 512. Software clears this bit by writing 1 to it. 0 1 0 SHTF2IE No SCL high and SDA high timeout occurs SCL high and SDA high timeout occurs No SCL high and SDA low timeout occurs SCL high and SDA low timeout occurs SHTF2 Interrupt Enable Enables SCL high and SDA low timeout interrupt. 0 1 SHTF2 interrupt is disabled SHTF2 interrupt is enabled 17.3.10 I2C Address Register 2 (I2C_A2) Address: 3070h base + 9h offset = 3079h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SAD 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I2C_A2 field descriptions Field 7-1 SAD 0 Reserved Description SMBus Address Contains the slave address used by the SMBus. This field is used on the device default address or other related addresses. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 17.3.11 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C_SLTH) Address: 3070h base + Ah offset = 307Ah Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SSLT[15:8] 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 445 Functional description I2C_SLTH field descriptions Field SSLT[15:8] Description SSLT[15:8] Most significant byte of SCL low timeout value that determines the timeout period of SCL low. 17.3.12 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2C_SLTL) Address: 3070h base + Bh offset = 307Bh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SSLT[7:0] 0 0 0 0 I2C_SLTL field descriptions Field SSLT[7:0] Description SSLT[7:0] Least significant byte of SCL low timeout value that determines the timeout period of SCL low. 17.4 Functional description This section provides a comprehensive functional description of the I2C module. 17.4.1 I2C protocol The I2C bus system uses a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL) for data transfers. All devices connected to it must have open drain or open collector outputs. A logic AND function is exercised on both lines with external pull-up resistors. The value of these resistors depends on the system. Normally, a standard instance of communication is composed of four parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. START signal Slave address transmission Data transfer STOP signal MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 446 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) The STOP signal should not be confused with the CPU STOP instruction. The following figure illustrates I2C bus system communication. LSB MSB SCL SDA 1 SDA Start Signal 3 4 5 6 7 8 Calling Address 1 XXX 3 4 5 6 D5 7 8 5 D4 D3 6 7 8 D2 D1 D0 1 Read/ Ack Write Bit XX 9 No Stop Ack Signal Bit MSB 9 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W Calling Address D7 D6 4 Data Byte LSB 2 3 2 Read/ Ack Write Bit MSB 1 LSB MSB 9 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W Start Signal SCL 2 LSB 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W Repeated Start Signal New Calling Address Read/ No Stop Ack Signal Write Bit Figure 17-14. I2C bus transmission signals START signal The bus is free when no master device is engaging the bus (both SCL and SDA are high). When the bus is free, a master may initiate communication by sending a START signal. A START signal is defined as a high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL is high. This signal denotes the beginning of a new data transfer--each data transfer might contain several bytes of data--and brings all slaves out of their idle states. Slave address transmission Immediately after the START signal, the first byte of a data transfer is the slave address transmitted by the master. This address is a 7-bit calling address followed by an R/W bit. The R/W bit tells the slave the desired direction of data transfer. * 1 = Read transfer: The slave transmits data to the master * 0 = Write transfer: The master transmits data to the slave MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 447 Functional description Only the slave with a calling address that matches the one transmitted by the master responds by sending an acknowledge bit. The slave sends the acknowledge bit by pulling SDA low at the ninth clock. No two slaves in the system can have the same address. If the I2C module is the master, it must not transmit an address that is equal to its own slave address. The I2C module cannot be master and slave at the same time. However, if arbitration is lost during an address cycle, the I2C module reverts to slave mode and operates correctly even if it is being addressed by another master. Data transfers When successful slave addressing is achieved, data transfer can proceed on a byte-bybyte basis in the direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master. All transfers that follow an address cycle are referred to as data transfers, even if they carry subaddress information for the slave device. Each data byte is 8 bits long. Data may be changed only while SCL is low. Data must be held stable while SCL is high. There is one clock pulse on SCL for each data bit, and the MSB is transferred first. Each data byte is followed by a ninth (acknowledge) bit, which is signaled from the receiving device by pulling SDA low at the ninth clock. In summary, one complete data transfer needs nine clock pulses. If the slave receiver does not acknowledge the master in the ninth bit, the slave must leave SDA high. The master interprets the failed acknowledgement as an unsuccessful data transfer. If the master receiver does not acknowledge the slave transmitter after a data byte transmission, the slave interprets it as an end to data transfer and releases the SDA line. In the case of a failed acknowledgement by either the slave or master, the data transfer is aborted and the master does one of two things: * Relinquishes the bus by generating a STOP signal. * Commences a new call by generating a repeated START signal. STOP signal The master can terminate the communication by generating a STOP signal to free the bus. A STOP signal is defined as a low-to-high transition of SDA while SCL is asserted. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 448 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) The master can generate a STOP signal even if the slave has generated an acknowledgement, at which point the slave must release the bus. Repeated START signal The master may generate a START signal followed by a calling command without generating a STOP signal first. This action is called a repeated START. The master uses a repeated START to communicate with another slave or with the same slave in a different mode (transmit/receive mode) without releasing the bus. Arbitration procedure The I2C bus is a true multimaster bus that allows more than one master to be connected on it. If two or more masters try to control the bus at the same time, a clock synchronization procedure determines the bus clock. The bus clock's low period is equal to the longest clock low period, and the high period is equal to the shortest one among the masters. The relative priority of the contending masters is determined by a data arbitration procedure. A bus master loses arbitration if it transmits logic level 1 while another master transmits logic level 0. The losing masters immediately switch to slave receive mode and stop driving SDA output. In this case, the transition from master to slave mode does not generate a STOP condition. Meanwhile, hardware sets a status bit to indicate the loss of arbitration. Clock synchronization Because wire AND logic is performed on SCL, a high-to-low transition on SCL affects all devices connected on the bus. The devices start counting their low period and, after a device's clock has gone low, that device holds SCL low until the clock reaches its high state. However, the change of low to high in this device clock might not change the state of SCL if another device clock is still within its low period. Therefore, the synchronized clock SCL is held low by the device with the longest low period. Devices with shorter low periods enter a high wait state during this time; see the following diagram. When all applicable devices have counted off their low period, the synchronized clock SCL is released and pulled high. Afterward there is no difference between the device clocks and the state of SCL, and all devices start counting their high periods. The first device to complete its high period pulls SCL low again. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 449 Functional description Delay Start Counting High Period SCL2 SCL1 SCL Internal Counter Reset Figure 17-15. I2C clock synchronization Handshaking The clock synchronization mechanism can be used as a handshake in data transfers. A slave device may hold SCL low after completing a single byte transfer (9 bits). In this case, it halts the bus clock and forces the master clock into wait states until the slave releases SCL. Clock stretching The clock synchronization mechanism can be used by slaves to slow down the bit rate of a transfer. After the master drives SCL low, a slave can drive SCL low for the required period and then release it. If the slave's SCL low period is greater than the master's SCL low period, the resulting SCL bus signal's low period is stretched. In other words, the SCL bus signal's low period is increased to be the same length as the slave's SCL low period. I2C divider and hold values NOTE For some cases on some devices, the SCL divider value may vary by 2 or 4 when ICR's value ranges from 00h to 0Fh. These potentially varying SCL divider values are highlighted in the following table. For the actual SCL divider values for your device, see the chip-specific details about the I2C module. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 450 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Table 17-15. I2C divider and hold values ICR SCL divider SDA hold value SCL hold (start) value SCL hold (stop) value SCL divider (clocks) SDA hold (clocks) SCL hold (start) value SCL hold (stop) value 00 20 7 6 11 20 160 17 78 81 01 22 7 7 12 21 192 17 94 97 02 24 8 8 13 22 224 33 110 113 03 26 04 28 8 9 14 23 256 33 126 129 9 10 15 24 288 49 142 145 05 30 9 11 16 25 320 49 158 161 06 34 10 13 18 26 384 65 190 193 07 40 10 16 21 27 480 65 238 241 08 28 7 10 15 28 320 33 158 161 09 32 7 12 17 29 384 33 190 193 0A 36 9 14 19 2A 448 65 222 225 (hex) ICR (hex) 0B 40 9 16 21 2B 512 65 254 257 0C 44 11 18 23 2C 576 97 286 289 0D 48 11 20 25 2D 640 97 318 321 0E 56 13 24 29 2E 768 129 382 385 0F 68 13 30 35 2F 960 129 478 481 10 48 9 18 25 30 640 65 318 321 11 56 9 22 29 31 768 65 382 385 12 64 13 26 33 32 896 129 446 449 13 72 13 30 37 33 1024 129 510 513 14 80 17 34 41 34 1152 193 574 577 15 88 17 38 45 35 1280 193 638 641 16 104 21 46 53 36 1536 257 766 769 17 128 21 58 65 37 1920 257 958 961 18 80 9 38 41 38 1280 129 638 641 19 96 9 46 49 39 1536 129 766 769 1A 112 17 54 57 3A 1792 257 894 897 1B 128 17 62 65 3B 2048 257 1022 1025 1C 144 25 70 73 3C 2304 385 1150 1153 1D 160 25 78 81 3D 2560 385 1278 1281 1E 192 33 94 97 3E 3072 513 1534 1537 1F 240 33 118 121 3F 3840 513 1918 1921 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 451 Functional description 17.4.2 10-bit address For 10-bit addressing, 0x11110 is used for the first 5 bits of the first address byte. Various combinations of read/write formats are possible within a transfer that includes 10-bit addressing. Master-transmitter addresses a slave-receiver The transfer direction is not changed. When a 10-bit address follows a START condition, each slave compares the first 7 bits of the first byte of the slave address (11110XX) with its own address and tests whether the eighth bit (R/W direction bit) is 0. It is possible that more than one device finds a match and generates an acknowledge (A1). Each slave that finds a match compares the 8 bits of the second byte of the slave address with its own address, but only one slave finds a match and generates an acknowledge (A2). The matching slave remains addressed by the master until it receives a STOP condition (P) or a repeated START condition (Sr) followed by a different slave address. Table 17-16. Master-transmitter addresses slave-receiver with a 10-bit address S Slave address first 7 bits 11110 + AD10 + AD9 R/W 0 A1 Slave address second byte AD[8:1] A2 Data A ... Data A/A P After the master-transmitter has sent the first byte of the 10-bit address, the slave-receiver sees an I2C interrupt. User software must ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the Data register are ignored and not treated as valid data. Master-receiver addresses a slave-transmitter The transfer direction is changed after the second R/W bit. Up to and including acknowledge bit A2, the procedure is the same as that described for a master-transmitter addressing a slave-receiver. After the repeated START condition (Sr), a matching slave remembers that it was addressed before. This slave then checks whether the first seven bits of the first byte of the slave address following Sr are the same as they were after the START condition (S), and it tests whether the eighth (R/W) bit is 1. If there is a match, the slave considers that it has been addressed as a transmitter and generates acknowledge A3. The slave-transmitter remains addressed until it receives a STOP condition (P) or a repeated START condition (Sr) followed by a different slave address. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 452 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) After a repeated START condition (Sr), all other slave devices also compare the first seven bits of the first byte of the slave address with their own addresses and test the eighth (R/W) bit. However, none of them are addressed because R/W = 1 (for 10-bit devices), or the 11110XX slave address (for 7-bit devices) does not match. Table 17-17. Master-receiver addresses a slave-transmitter with a 10-bit address S Slave address first 7 bits 11110 + AD10 + AD9 R/W 0 A1 Slave address second byte AD[8:1] A2 Sr Slave address first 7 bits 11110 + AD10 + AD9 R/W 1 A3 Data A ... Data A P After the master-receiver has sent the first byte of the 10-bit address, the slave-transmitter sees an I2C interrupt. User software must ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the Data register are ignored and not treated as valid data. 17.4.3 Address matching All received addresses can be requested in 7-bit or 10-bit address format. * AD[7:1] in Address Register 1, which contains the I2C primary slave address, always participates in the address matching process. It provides a 7-bit address. * If the ADEXT bit is set, AD[10:8] in Control Register 2 participates in the address matching process. It extends the I2C primary slave address to a 10-bit address. Additional conditions that affect address matching include: * If the GCAEN bit is set, general call participates the address matching process. * If the ALERTEN bit is set, alert response participates the address matching process. * If the SIICAEN bit is set, Address Register 2 participates in the address matching process. * If the RMEN bit is set, when the Range Address register is programmed to a nonzero value, any address within the range of values of Address Register 1 (excluded) and the Range Address register (included) participates in the address matching process. The Range Address register must be programmed to a value greater than the value of Address Register 1. When the I2C module responds to one of these addresses, it acts as a slave-receiver and the IAAS bit is set after the address cycle. Software must read the Data register after the first byte transfer to determine that the address is matched. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 453 Functional description 17.4.4 System management bus specification SMBus provides a control bus for system and power management related tasks. A system can use SMBus to pass messages to and from devices instead of tripping individual control lines. Removing the individual control lines reduces pin count. Accepting messages ensures future expandability. With the system management bus, a device can provide manufacturer information, tell the system what its model/part number is, save its state for a suspend event, report different types of errors, accept control parameters, and return its status. Timeouts The TTIMEOUT,MIN parameter allows a master or slave to conclude that a defective device is holding the clock low indefinitely or a master is intentionally trying to drive devices off the bus. The slave device must release the bus (stop driving the bus and let SCL and SDA float high) when it detects any single clock held low longer than TTIMEOUT,MIN. Devices that have detected this condition must reset their communication and be able to receive a new START condition within the timeframe of TTIMEOUT,MAX. SMBus defines a clock low timeout, TTIMEOUT, of 35 ms, specifies TLOW:SEXT as the cumulative clock low extend time for a slave device, and specifies TLOW:MEXT as the cumulative clock low extend time for a master device. SCL low timeout If the SCL line is held low by a slave device on the bus, no further communication is possible. Furthermore, the master cannot force the SCL line high to correct the error condition. To solve this problem, the SMBus protocol specifies that devices participating in a transfer must detect any clock cycle held low longer than a timeout value condition. Devices that have detected the timeout condition must reset the communication. When the I2C module is an active master, if it detects that SMBCLK low has exceeded the value of TTIMEOUT,MIN, it must generate a stop condition within or after the current data byte in the transfer process. When the I2C module is a slave, if it detects the TTIMEOUT,MIN condition, it resets its communication and is then able to receive a new START condition. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 454 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) SCL high timeout When the I2C module has determined that the SMBCLK and SMBDAT signals have been high for at least THIGH:MAX, it assumes that the bus is idle. A HIGH timeout occurs after a START condition appears on the bus but before a STOP condition appears on the bus. Any master detecting this scenario can assume the bus is free when either of the following occurs: * SHTF1 rises. * The BUSY bit is high and SHTF1 is high. When the SMBDAT signal is low and the SMBCLK signal is high for a period of time, another kind of timeout occurs. The time period must be defined in software. SHTF2 is used as the flag when the time limit is reached. This flag is also an interrupt resource, so it triggers IICIF. CSMBCLK TIMEOUT MEXT and CSMBCLK TIMEOUT SEXT The following figure illustrates the definition of the timeout intervals TLOW:SEXT and TLOW:MEXT. When in master mode, the I2C module must not cumulatively extend its clock cycles for a period greater than TLOW:MEXT within a byte, where each byte is defined as START-to-ACK, ACK-to-ACK, or ACK-to-STOP. When CSMBCLK TIMEOUT MEXT occurs, SMBus MEXT rises and also triggers the SLTF. Stop T LOW:SEXT Start T LOW:MEXT ClkAck T LOW:MEXT ClkAck T LOW:MEXT SCL SDA Figure 17-16. Timeout measurement intervals A master is allowed to abort the transaction in progress to any slave that violates the TLOW:SEXT or TTIMEOUT,MIN specifications. To abort the transaction, the master issues a STOP condition at the conclusion of the byte transfer in progress. When a slave, the I2C module must not cumulatively extend its clock cycles for a period greater than TLOW:SEXT during any message from the initial START to the STOP. When CSMBCLK TIMEOUT SEXT occurs, SEXT rises and also triggers SLTF. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 455 Functional description NOTE CSMBCLK TIMEOUT SEXT and CSMBCLK TIMEOUT MEXT are optional functions that are implemented in the second step. FAST ACK and NACK To improve reliability and communication robustness, implementation of packet error checking (PEC) by SMBus devices is optional for SMBus devices but required for devices participating in and only during the address resolution protocol (ARP) process. The PEC is a CRC-8 error checking byte, calculated on all the message bytes. The PEC is appended to the message by the device that supplied the last data byte. If the PEC is present but not correct, a NACK is issued by the receiver. Otherwise an ACK is issued. To calculate the CRC-8 by software, this module can hold the SCL line low after receiving the eighth SCL (8th bit) if this byte is a data byte. So software can determine whether an ACK or NACK should be sent to the bus by setting or clearing the TXAK bit if the FACK (fast ACK/NACK enable) bit is enabled. SMBus requires a device always to acknowledge its own address, as a mechanism to detect the presence of a removable device (such as a battery or docking station) on the bus. In addition to indicating a slave device busy condition, SMBus uses the NACK mechanism to indicate the reception of an invalid command or invalid data. Because such a condition may occur on the last byte of the transfer, SMBus devices are required to have the ability to generate the not acknowledge after the transfer of each byte and before the completion of the transaction. This requirement is important because SMBus does not provide any other resend signaling. This difference in the use of the NACK signaling has implications on the specific implementation of the SMBus port, especially in devices that handle critical system data such as the SMBus host and the SBS components. NOTE In the last byte of master receive slave transmit mode, the master must send a NACK to the bus, so FACK must be switched off before the last byte transmits. 17.4.5 Resets The I2C module is disabled after a reset. The I2C module cannot cause a core reset. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 456 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 17.4.6 Interrupts The I2C module generates an interrupt when any of the events in the table found here occur, provided that the IICIE bit is set. The interrupt is driven by the IICIF bit (of the I2C Status Register) and masked with the IICIE bit (of the I2C Control Register 1). The IICIF bit must be cleared (by software) by writing 1 to it in the interrupt routine. The SMBus timeouts interrupt is driven by SLTF and masked with the IICIE bit. The SLTF bit must be cleared by software by writing 1 to it in the interrupt routine. You can determine the interrupt type by reading the Status Register. NOTE In master receive mode, the FACK bit must be set to zero before the last byte transfer. Table 17-18. Interrupt summary Interrupt source Status Flag Local enable Complete 1-byte transfer TCF IICIF IICIE Match of received calling address IAAS IICIF IICIE Arbitration lost ARBL IICIF IICIE SMBus SCL low timeout SLTF IICIF IICIE SMBus SCL high SDA low timeout SHTF2 IICIF IICIE & SHTF2IE Wakeup from stop3 or wait mode IAAS IICIF IICIE & WUEN Byte transfer interrupt The Transfer Complete Flag (TCF) bit is set at the falling edge of the ninth clock to indicate the completion of a byte and acknowledgement transfer. When FACK is enabled, TCF is then set at the falling edge of eighth clock to indicate the completion of byte. Address detect interrupt When the calling address matches the programmed slave address (I2C Address Register) or when the GCAEN bit is set and a general call is received, the IAAS bit in the Status Register is set. The CPU is interrupted, provided the IICIE bit is set. The CPU must check the SRW bit and set its Tx mode accordingly. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 457 Functional description Exit from low-power/stop modes The slave receive input detect circuit and address matching feature are still active on low power modes (wait and stop). An asynchronous input matching slave address or general call address brings the CPU out of low power/stop mode if the interrupt is not masked. Therefore, TCF and IAAS both can trigger this interrupt. Arbitration lost interrupt The I2C is a true multimaster bus that allows more than one master to be connected on it. If two or more masters try to control the bus at the same time, the relative priority of the contending masters is determined by a data arbitration procedure. The I2C module asserts the arbitration-lost interrupt when it loses the data arbitration process and the ARBL bit in the Status Register is set. Arbitration is lost in the following circumstances: 1. SDA is sampled as low when the master drives high during an address or data transmit cycle. 2. SDA is sampled as low when the master drives high during the acknowledge bit of a data receive cycle. 3. A START cycle is attempted when the bus is busy. 4. A repeated START cycle is requested in slave mode. 5. A STOP condition is detected when the master did not request it. The ARBL bit must be cleared (by software) by writing 1 to it. Timeout interrupt in SMBus When the IICIE bit is set, the I2C module asserts a timeout interrupt (outputs SLTF and SHTF2) upon detection of any of the mentioned timeout conditions, with one exception. The SCL high and SDA high TIMEOUT mechanism must not be used to influence the timeout interrupt output, because this timeout indicates an idle condition on the bus. SHTF1 rises when it matches the SCL high and SDA high TIMEOUT and falls automatically just to indicate the bus status. The SHTF2's timeout period is the same as that of SHTF1, which is short compared to that of SLTF, so another control bit, SHTF2IE, is added to enable or disable it. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 458 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 17.4.7 Programmable input glitch filter An I2C glitch filter has been added outside legacy I2C modules but within the I2C package. This filter can absorb glitches on the I2C clock and data lines for the I2C module. The width of the glitch to absorb can be specified in terms of the number of (half) I2C module clock cycles. A single Programmable Input Glitch Filter control register is provided. Effectively, any down-up-down or up-down-up transition on the data line that occurs within the number of clock cycles programmed in this register is ignored by the I2C module. The programmer must specify the size of the glitch (in terms of I2C module clock cycles) for the filter to absorb and not pass. Noise suppress circuits SCL, SDA external signals DFF DFF DFF SCL, SDA internal signals DFF Figure 17-17. Programmable input glitch filter diagram 17.4.8 Address matching wake-up When a primary, range, or general call address match occurs when the I2C module is in slave receive mode, the MCU wakes from a low power mode where no peripheral bus is running. Data sent on the bus that is the same as a target device address might also wake the target MCU. After the address matching IAAS bit is set, an interrupt is sent at the end of address matching to wake the core. The IAAS bit must be cleared after the clock recovery. NOTE After the system recovers and is in Run mode, restart the I2C module if it is needed to transfer packets. To avoid I2C transfer problems resulting from the situation, firmware should prevent the MCU execution of a STOP instruction when the I2C module is in the middle of a transfer. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 459 Initialization/application information 17.5 Initialization/application information Module Initialization (Slave) 1. Write: Control Register 2 * to enable or disable general call * to select 10-bit or 7-bit addressing mode 2. Write: Address Register 1 to set the slave address 3. Write: Control Register 1 to enable the I2C module and interrupts 4. Initialize RAM variables (IICEN = 1 and IICIE = 1) for transmit data 5. Initialize RAM variables used to achieve the routine shown in the following figure Module Initialization (Master) 1. Write: Frequency Divider register to set the I2C baud rate (see example in description of ICR) 2. Write: Control Register 1 to enable the I2C module and interrupts 3. Initialize RAM variables (IICEN = 1 and IICIE = 1) for transmit data 4. Initialize RAM variables used to achieve the routine shown in the following figure 5. Write: Control Register 1 to enable TX 6. Write: Control Register 1 to enable MST (master mode) 7. Write: Data register with the address of the target slave (the LSB of this byte determines whether the communication is master receive or transmit) The routine shown in the following figure encompasses both master and slave I2C operations. For slave operation, an incoming I2C message that contains the proper address begins I2C communication. For master operation, communication must be initiated by writing the Data register. An example of an I2C driver which implements many of the steps described here is available in AN4342: Using the Inter-Integrated Circuit on ColdFire+ and Kinetis . MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 460 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Y Is STOPF set? Entry of ISR Clear STOPF Clear IICIF Zero Start Count N Y Clear STARTF Clear IICIF Log Start Count++ Is STARTF set? N N Is this a Repeated-START (Start Count > 1)? Clear IICIF Y Y Tx Last byte transmitted? Master mode? N Rx Tx/Rx? Y Y Arbitration lost? N Clear ARBL N RXAK=0? N Last byte to be read? N End of address cycle (master Rx)? Y Y 2nd to last byte to be read? Write next byte to Data reg Set TXACK Address transfer see note 1 Multiple addresses? N Y Y (read) SRW=1? N (write) N Data transfer see note 2 Rx Tx Read Address from Data register and store Generate stop signal (MST=0) IIAAS=1? Tx/Rx? Y N N Y IIAAS=1? N Y Y Y ACK from receiver? N Read data from Data reg and store Transmit next byte Set Tx mode Switch to Rx mode Switch to Rx mode Write data to Data reg Set Rx mode Dummy read from Data reg Generate stop signal (MST=0) Read data from Data reg and store Dummy read from Data reg Dummy read from Data reg RTI Notes: 1. If general call is enabled, check to determine if the received address is a general call address (0x00). If the received address is a general call address, the general call must be handled by user software. 2. When 10-bit addressing addresses a slave, the slave sees an interrupt following the first byte of the extended address. Ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the Data register are ignored and not treated as a valid data transfer. Figure 17-18. Typical I2C interrupt routine MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 461 Initialization/application information Entry of ISR Y SLTF=1 or SHTF2=1? N N FACK=1? See typical I2C interrupt routine flow chart Y Clear IICIF Y Tx Master mode? N Rx Y Tx/Rx? Last byte transmitted? Y Last byte to be read? Y N Clear ARBL N N Y N RXAK=0? 2nd to last byte to be read? N N Y Y Arbitration lost? Y Read data from Data reg and soft CRC End of address cycle (master Rx)? Y (read) Read data and Soft CRC N Address transfer (see note 1) SRW=1? Rx N (write) Set TXAK to proper value Delay (note 2) Clear IICIF Y IAAS=1? N Set TXAK to proper value, Clear IICIF Set TXAK to proper value Delay (note 2) Clear IICIF Switch to Rx mode Tx/Rx? ACK from receiver? Set TXACK=1, Clear FACK=0 Write next byte to Data reg N Tx Read data from Data reg and soft CRC Generate stop signal (MST=0) IAAS=1? Set Tx mode Read data from Data reg and soft CRC Set TXAK to proper value, Clear IICIF Y Clear IICIF Transmit next byte Switch to Rx mode Delay (note 2) Delay (note 2) Dummy read from Data reg Generate stop signal (MST=0) Read data from Data reg and store Write data to Data reg Read data from Data reg and store (note 3) Dummy read from Data reg RTI Notes: 1. If general call or SIICAEN is enabled, check to determine if the received address is a general call address (0x00) or an SMBus device default address. In either case, they must be handled by user software. 2. In receive mode, one bit time delay may be needed before the first and second data reading, to wait for the possible longest time period (in worst case) of the 9th SCL cycle. 3. This read is a dummy read in order to reset the SMBus receiver state machine. Figure 17-19. Typical I2C SMBus interrupt routine MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 462 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 18.1 Introduction The 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a successive approximation ADC designed for operation within an integrated microcontroller system-on-chip. 18.1.1 Features Features of the ADC module include: * Linear Successive Approximation algorithm with 8-, 10-, or 12-bit resolution * Up to 12 external analog inputs, external pin inputs, and 5 internal analog inputs including internal bandgap, temperature sensor, and references * Output formatted in 8-, 10-, or 12-bit right-justified unsigned format * Single or Continuous Conversion (automatic return to idle after single conversion) * Support up to eight result FIFO with selectable FIFO depth * Configurable sample time and conversion speed/power * Conversion complete flag and interrupt * Input clock selectable from up to four sources * Operation in Wait or Stop modes for lower noise operation * Asynchronous clock source for lower noise operation * Selectable asynchronous hardware conversion trigger * Automatic compare with interrupt for less-than, or greater-than or equal-to, programmable value MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 463 External Signal Description 18.1.2 Block Diagram This figure provides a block diagram of the ADC module. 7 5-bit ch 0 12-bit AD result 6 5-bit ch 1 12-bit AD result 5 5-bit ch 2 12-bit AD result 4 5-bit ch 3 12-bit AD result 3 4 12-bit AD result 2 5-bit ch 5-bit ch 5 12-bit AD result 1 5-bit ch 6 12-bit AD result 0 5-bit ch 7 12-bit AD result AD RESULT FIFO AD CHANNEL FIFO AFDEP Off-chip Source Channels AD1 AD2 AIEN Analog Result FIFO Fulfilled Input Channel FIFO Fulfilled AD0 Interrupt to CPU AD10 Reserved Reserved AD11 AD12 AD21-AD20 Temperature Sensor Internal Bandgap Reserved VREFL VREFH None (Module Disabled) AD22 ANALOG MUX AD0 to AD11 from External Pin Inputs or Reserved COCO SAR ADC ADCK AD23 CONTROL SEQUENCER COMPARE LOGIC AD29 AD30 AD31 AD32 ADTRG MODE ADLSMP ADLPC ACFGT On-chip Source Channels ADCO STOP ACFE ALT CLK BUS CLK 2 ADACK CLK MUX ADHWT CLOCK DIVIDER ADICLK ADIV Compare Value ASYNC CLOCK GENERATOR Figure 18-1. ADC Block Diagram 18.2 External Signal Description The ADC module supports up to 24 separate analog inputs. It also requires four supply/ reference/ground connections. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 464 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) Table 18-1. Signal Properties Name Function AD23-AD0 Analog Channel inputs VREFH High reference voltage VREFL Low reference voltage VDDA Analog power supply VSSA Analog ground 18.2.1 Analog Power (VDDA) The ADC analog portion uses VDDA as its power connection. In some packages, VDDA is connected internally to VDD. If externally available, connect the VDDA pin to the same voltage potential as VDD. External filtering may be necessary to ensure clean VDDA for good results. 18.2.2 Analog Ground (VSSA) The ADC analog portion uses VSSA as its ground connection. In some packages, VSSA is connected internally to VSS. If externally available, connect the VSSA pin to the same voltage potential as VSS. 18.2.3 Voltage Reference High (VREFH) VREFH is the high reference voltage for the converter. In some packages, VREFH is connected internally to VDDA. If externally available, VREFH may be connected to the same potential as VDDA or may be driven by an external source between the minimum VDDA specified in the data sheet and the VDDA potential (VREFH must never exceed VDDA). 18.2.4 Voltage Reference Low (VREFL) VREFL is the low-reference voltage for the converter. In some packages, VREFL is connected internally to VSSA. If externally available, connect the VREFL pin to the same voltage potential as VSSA. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 465 ADC Control Registers 18.2.5 Analog Channel Inputs (ADx) The ADC module supports up to 24 separate analog inputs. An input is selected for conversion through the ADCH channel select bits. 18.3 ADC Control Registers ADC memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 10 Status and Control Register 1 (ADC_SC1) 8 R/W 1Fh 18.3.1/466 11 Status and Control Register 2 (ADC_SC2) 8 R/W 08h 18.3.2/468 12 Status and Control Register 3 (ADC_SC3) 8 R/W 00h 18.3.3/469 13 Status and Control Register 4 (ADC_SC4) 8 R/W 00h 18.3.4/470 14 Conversion Result High Register (ADC_RH) 8 R 00h 18.3.5/471 15 Conversion Result Low Register (ADC_RL) 8 R 00h 18.3.6/472 16 Compare Value High Register (ADC_CVH) 8 R/W 00h 18.3.7/473 17 Compare Value Low Register (ADC_CVL) 8 R/W 00h 18.3.8/473 30AC Pin Control 1 Register (ADC_APCTL1) 8 R/W 00h 18.3.9/474 30AD Pin Control 2 Register (ADC_APCTL2) 8 R/W 00h 18.3.10/475 18.3.1 Status and Control Register 1 (ADC_SC1) This section describes the function of the ADC status and control register (ADC_SC1). Writing ADC_SC1 aborts the current conversion and initiates a new conversion (if the ADCH bits are equal to a value other than all 1s). When FIFO is enabled, the analog input channel FIFO is written via ADCH. The analog input channel queue must be written to ADCH continuously. The resulting FIFO follows the order in which the analog input channel is written. The ADC will start conversion when the input channel FIFO is fulfilled at the depth indicated by the ADC_SC4[AFDEP]. Any write 0x1F to these bits will reset the FIFO and stop the conversion if it is active. Address: 10h base + 0h offset = 10h Bit Read 7 COCO Write Reset 0 6 5 AIEN ADCO 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 ADCH 1 1 1 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 466 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADC_SC1 field descriptions Field 7 COCO Description Conversion Complete Flag Conversion Complete Flag. The COCO flag is a read-only bit set each time a conversion is completed when the compare function is disabled (ADC_SC2[ACFE] = 0). When the compare function is enabled (ADC_SC2[ACFE] = 1), the COCO flag is set upon completion of a conversion only if the compare result is true. When the FIFO function is enabled (ADC_SC4[AFDEP] > 0), the COCO flag is set upon completion of the set of FIFO conversion. This bit is cleared when ADC_SC1 is written or when ADC_RL is read. 0 1 6 AIEN Interrupt Enable AIEN enables conversion complete interrupts. When COCO becomes set while AIEN is high, an interrupt is asserted. 0 1 5 ADCO Conversion complete interrupt disabled. Conversion complete interrupt enabled. Continuous Conversion Enable ADCO enables continuous conversions. 0 1 ADCH Conversion not completed. Conversion completed. One conversion following a write to the ADC_SC1 when software triggered operation is selected, or one conversion following assertion of ADHWT when hardware triggered operation is selected. When the FIFO function is enabled (AFDEP > 0), a set of conversions are triggered. Continuous conversions are initiated following a write to ADC_SC1 when software triggered operation is selected. Continuous conversions are initiated by an ADHWT event when hardware triggered operation is selected. When the FIFO function is enabled (AFDEP > 0), a set of conversions are loop triggered. Input Channel Select The ADCH bits form a 5-bit field that selects one of the input channels. 00000-01011 01100-10011 10100-10101 10110 10111 11000-11100 11101 11110 11111 AD0-AD11 VSS Reserved Temperature Sensor Bandgap Reserved VREFH VREFL Module disabled NOTE: Reset FIFO in FIFO mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 467 ADC Control Registers 18.3.2 Status and Control Register 2 (ADC_SC2) The ADC_SC2 register controls the compare function, conversion trigger, and conversion active of the ADC module. Address: 10h base + 1h offset = 11h Bit Read 7 ADACT Write Reset 0 6 5 4 ADTRG ACFE ACFGT 0 0 0 3 2 FEMPTY FFULL 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ADC_SC2 field descriptions Field 7 ADACT Description Conversion Active Indicates that a conversion is in progress. ADACT is set when a conversion is initiated and cleared when a conversion is completed or aborted. 0 1 6 ADTRG Conversion Trigger Select Selects the type of trigger used for initiating a conversion. Two types of trigger are selectable: software trigger and hardware trigger. When software trigger is selected, a conversion is initiated following a write to ADC_SC1. When hardware trigger is selected, a conversion is initiated following the assertion of the ADHWT input. 0 1 5 ACFE Enables the compare function. 2 FFULL Compare function disabled. Compare function enabled. Compare Function Greater Than Enable Configures the compare function to trigger when the result of the conversion of the input being monitored is greater than or equal to the compare value. The compare function defaults to triggering when the result of the compare of the input being monitored is less than the compare value. 0 1 3 FEMPTY Software trigger selected. Hardware trigger selected. Compare Function Enable 0 1 4 ACFGT Conversion not in progress. Conversion in progress. Compare triggers when input is less than compare level. Compare triggers when input is greater than or equal to compare level. Result FIFO empty 0 1 Indicates that ADC result FIFO have at least one valid new data. Indicates that ADC result FIFO have no valid new data. Result FIFO full Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 468 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADC_SC2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 Reserved Indicates that ADC result FIFO is not full and next conversion data still can be stored into FIFO. Indicates that ADC result FIFO is full and next conversion will override old data in case of no read action. This field is reserved. 18.3.3 Status and Control Register 3 (ADC_SC3) ADC_SC3 selects the mode of operation, clock source, clock divide, and configure for low power or long sample time. Address: 10h base + 2h offset = 12h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 ADLPC 0 5 ADIV 4 3 ADLSMP 0 0 0 2 1 MODE 0 0 ADICLK 0 0 0 ADC_SC3 field descriptions Field 7 ADLPC Description Low-Power Configuration ADLPC controls the speed and power configuration of the successive approximation converter. This optimizes power consumption when higher sample rates are not required. 0 1 6-5 ADIV Clock Divide Select ADIV selects the divide ratio used by the ADC to generate the internal clock ADCK. 00 01 10 11 4 ADLSMP Divide ration = 1, and clock rate = Input clock. Divide ration = 2, and clock rate = Input clock / 2. Divide ration = 3, and clock rate = Input clock / 4. Divide ration = 4, and clock rate = Input clock / 8. Long Sample Time Configuration ADLSMP selects between long and short sample time. This adjusts the sample period to allow higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled or to maximize conversion speed for lower impedance inputs. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall power consumption when continuous conversions are enabled if high conversion rates are not required. 0 1 3-2 MODE High speed configuration. Low power configuration:The power is reduced at the expense of maximum clock speed. Short sample time. Long sample time. Conversion Mode Selection MODE bits are used to select between 12-, 10-, or 8-bit operation. 00 8-bit conversion (N=8) Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 469 ADC Control Registers ADC_SC3 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 01 10 11 ADICLK 10-bit conversion (N=10) 12-bit conversion (N=12) Reserved Input Clock Select ADICLK bits select the input clock source to generate the internal clock ADCK. 00 01 10 11 Bus clock Bus clock divided by 2 Alternate clock (ALTCLK) Asynchronous clock (ADACK) 18.3.4 Status and Control Register 4 (ADC_SC4) This register controls the FIFO scan mode, FIFO compare function and FIFO depth selection of the ADC module. Address: 10h base + 3h offset = 13h Bit 7 Read Write Reset 0 6 5 ASCANE ACFSEL 0 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 1 0 AFDEP 0 0 0 0 ADC_SC4 field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6 ASCANE FIFO Scan Mode Enable The FIFO always use the first dummied FIFO channels when it is enabled. When this bit is set and FIFO function is enabled, ADC will repeat using the first FIFO channel as the conversion channel until the result FIFO is fulfilled. In continuous mode (ADCO = 1), ADC will start next conversion with the same channel when COCO is set. 0 1 5 ACFSEL Compare function select OR/AND when the FIFO function is enabled (AFDEP > 0). When this field is cleared, ADC will OR all of compare triggers and set COCO after at least one of compare trigger occurs. When this field is set, ADC will AND all of compare triggers and set COCO after all of compare triggers occur. 0 1 4-3 Reserved FIFO scan mode disabled. FIFO scan mode enabled. OR all of compare trigger. AND all of compare trigger. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 470 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADC_SC4 field descriptions (continued) Field AFDEP Description FIFO Depth enables the FIFO function and sets the depth of FIFO. When AFDEP is cleared, the FIFO is disabled. When AFDEP is set to nonzero, the FIFO function is enabled and the depth is indicated by the AFDEP bits. The ADCH in ADC_SC1 and ADC_RH:ADC_RL must be accessed by FIFO mode when FIFO function is enabled. ADC starts conversion when the analog channel FIFO is upon the level indicated by AFDEP bits. The COCO bit is set when the set of conversions are completed and the result FIFO is upon the level indicated by AFDEP bits. NOTE: The bus clock frequency must be at least double the ADC clock when FIFO mode is enabled. It means, if ICS FBE mode is used, the ADC clock can not be ADACK. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 FIFO is disabled. 2-level FIFO is enabled. 3-level FIFO is enabled.. 4-level FIFO is enabled. 5-level FIFO is enabled. 6-level FIFO is enabled. 7-level FIFO is enabled. 8-level FIFO is enabled. 18.3.5 Conversion Result High Register (ADC_RH) In 12-bit operation, ADC_RH contains the upper four bits of the result of a 12-bit conversion. ADC_RH is updated each time a conversion completes except when automatic compare is enabled and the compare condition is not met. Reading ADC_RH prevents the ADC from transferring subsequent conversion results into the result registers until ADC_RL is read. If ADC_RL is not read until after the next conversion is completed, the intermediate conversion result is lost. In 8-bit mode, there is no interlocking with ADC_RL. When FIFO is enabled, the result FIFO is read via ADC_RH:ADC_RL. The ADC conversion completes when the input channel FIFO is fulfilled at the depth indicated by the AFDEP. The AD result FIFO can be read via ADC_RH:ADC_RL continuously by the order set in analog input channel ADCH. If the MODE bits are changed, any data in ADC_RH becomes invalid. Address: 10h base + 4h offset = 14h Bit 7 6 Read 5 4 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 ADR Write Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 471 ADC Control Registers ADC_RH field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved ADR Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Conversion Result[12:8] 18.3.6 Conversion Result Low Register (ADC_RL) ADC_RL contains the lower eight bits of the result of a 12-bit conversion. This register is updated each time a conversion completes except when automatic compare is enabled and the compare condition is not met. In 12-bit mode, reading ADC_RH prevents the ADC from transferring subsequent conversion results into the result registers until ADC_RL is read. If ADC_RL is not read until the next conversion is completed, the intermediate conversion results are lost. In 8-bit mode, there is no interlocking with ADC_RH. If the MODE bits are changed, any data in ADC_RL becomes invalid. When FIFO is enabled, the result FIFO is read via ADC_RH:ADC_RL. The ADC conversion completes when the input channel FIFO is fulfilled at the depth indicated by the AFDEP. The AD result FIFO can be read via ADC_RH:ADC_RL continuously by the order set in analog input channel FIFO. Address: 10h base + 5h offset = 15h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ADR Write Reset 0 0 0 0 ADC_RL field descriptions Field ADR Description Conversion Result[7:0] MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 472 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 18.3.7 Compare Value High Register (ADC_CVH) In 12-bit mode, this register holds the upper four bits of the 12-bit compare value. These bits are compared to the upper four bits of the result following a conversion in 12-bit mode when the compare function is enabled. Address: 10h base + 6h offset = 16h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 CV 0 0 0 0 0 ADC_CVH field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved CV Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Conversion Result[15:8] 18.3.8 Compare Value Low Register (ADC_CVL) This register holds the lower 8 bits of the 12-bit compare value. Bits CV7:CV0 are compared to the lower 8 bits of the result following a conversion in 12-bit mode. Address: 10h base + 7h offset = 17h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CV 0 0 0 0 ADC_CVL field descriptions Field CV Description Conversion Result[7:0] MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 473 ADC Control Registers 18.3.9 Pin Control 1 Register (ADC_APCTL1) The pin control registers disable the I/O port control of MCU pins used as analog inputs. APCTL1 is used to control the pins associated with channels 0-7 of the ADC module. Address: 10h base + 309Ch offset = 30ACh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADPC7 ADPC6 ADPC5 ADPC4 ADPC3 ADPC2 ADPC1 ADPC0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADC_APCTL1 field descriptions Field 7 ADPC7 Description ADC Pin Control 7 ADPC7 controls the pin associated with channel AD7. 0 1 6 ADPC6 ADC Pin Control 6 ADPC6 controls the pin associated with channel AD6. 0 1 5 ADPC5 ADPC5 controls the pin associated with channel AD5. ADPC4 controls the pin associated with channel AD4. AD4 pin I/O control enabled. AD4 pin I/O control disabled. ADC Pin Control 3 ADPC3 controls the pin associated with channel AD3. 0 1 2 ADPC2 AD5 pin I/O control enabled. AD5 pin I/O control disabled. ADC Pin Control 4 0 1 3 ADPC3 AD6 pin I/O control enabled. AD6 pin I/O control disabled. ADC Pin Control 5 0 1 4 ADPC4 AD7 pin I/O control enabled. AD7 pin I/O control disabled. AD3 pin I/O control enabled. AD3 pin I/O control disabled. ADC Pin Control 2 ADPC2 controls the pin associated with channel AD2. 0 1 AD2 pin I/O control enabled. AD2 pin I/O control disabled. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 474 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADC_APCTL1 field descriptions (continued) Field 1 ADPC1 Description ADC Pin Control 1 ADPC1 controls the pin associated with channel AD1. 0 1 0 ADPC0 AD1 pin I/O control enabled. AD1 pin I/O control disabled. ADC Pin Control 0 ADPC0 controls the pin associated with channel AD0. 0 1 AD0 pin I/O control enabled. AD0 pin I/O control disabled. 18.3.10 Pin Control 2 Register (ADC_APCTL2) APCTL2 controls channels 8-15 of the ADC module. Address: 10h base + 309Dh offset = 30ADh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 Reserved 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 ADPC11 ADPC10 ADPC9 ADPC8 0 0 0 0 0 ADC_APCTL2 field descriptions Field Description 7-4 Reserved This field is reserved. 3 ADPC11 ADC Pin Control 11 ADPC11 controls the pin associated with channel AD11. 0 1 2 ADPC10 ADC Pin Control 10 ADPC10 controls the pin associated with channel AD10. 0 1 1 ADPC9 AD10 pin I/O control enabled. AD10 pin I/O control disabled. ADC Pin Control 9 ADPC9 controls the pin associated with channel AD1. 0 1 0 ADPC8 AD11 pin I/O control enabled. AD11 pin I/O control disabled. AD9 pin I/O control enabled. AD9 pin I/O control disabled. ADC Pin Control 8 Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 475 Functional description ADC_APCTL2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description ADPC8 controls the pin associated with channel AD8. 0 1 AD8 pin I/O control enabled. AD8 pin I/O control disabled. 18.4 Functional description The ADC module is disabled during reset or when the ADC_SC1[ADCH] bits are all high. The module is idle when a conversion has completed and another conversion has not been initiated. When idle, the module is in its lowest power state. The ADC can perform an analog-to-digital conversion on any of the software selectable channels. In 12-bit mode, the selected channel voltage is converted by a successive approximation algorithm into a 12-bit digital result. In 10-bit mode, the selected channel voltage is converted by a successive approximation algorithm into a 10-bit digital result. In 8-bit mode, the selected channel voltage is converted by a successive approximation algorithm into a 8-bit digital result. When the conversion is completed, the result is placed in the data registers (ADC_RH and ADC_RL). In 10-bit mode, the result is rounded to 10 bits and placed in the data registers (ADC_RH and ADC_RL). In 8-bit mode, the result is rounded to 8 bits and placed in ADC_RL. The conversion complete flag (ADC_SC1[COCO]) is then set and an interrupt is generated if the conversion complete interrupt has been enabled (ADC_SC1[AIEN] = 1). The ADC module has the capability of automatically comparing the result of a conversion with the contents of its compare registers. The compare function is enabled by setting the ADC_SC2[ACFE] bit and operates with any of the conversion modes and configurations. 18.4.1 Clock select and divide control One of four clock sources can be selected as the clock source for the ADC module. This clock source is then divided by a configurable value to generate the input clock to the converter (ADCK). The clock is selected from one of the following sources by means of the ADC_SC3[ADICLK] bits. * The bus clock, which is equal to the frequency at which software is executed. This is the default selection following reset. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 476 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) * The bus clock divided by 2: For higher bus clock rates, this allows a maximum divide by 16 of the bus clock. * ALTCLK, that is, alternate clock which is OSCOUT * The asynchronous clock (ADACK): This clock is generated from a clock source within the ADC module. When selected as the clock source, this clock remains active while the MCU is in Wait or Stop mode and allows conversions in these modes for lower noise operation. Whichever clock is selected, its frequency must fall within the specified frequency range for ADCK. If the available clocks are too slow, the ADC does not perform according to specifications. If the available clocks are too fast, the clock must be divided to the appropriate frequency. This divider is specified by the ADC_SC3[ADIV] bits and can be divide-by 1, 2, 4, or 8. 18.4.2 Input select and pin control The Pin Control registers ( ADC_APCTL2 and ADC_APCTL1) disables the I/O port control of the pins used as analog inputs. When a pin control register bit is set, the following conditions are forced for the associated MCU pin: * The output buffer is forced to its high impedance state. * The input buffer is disabled. A read of the I/O port returns a zero for any pin with its input buffer disabled. * The pullup is disabled. 18.4.3 Hardware trigger The ADC module has a selectable asynchronous hardware conversion trigger, ADHWT, that is enabled when the ADC_SC2[ADTRG] bit is set. This source is not available on all MCUs. See the module introduction for information on the ADHWT source specific to this MCU. When ADHWT source is available and hardware trigger is enabled ( ADC_SC2[ADTRG] = 1), a conversion is initiated on the rising edge of ADHWT. If a conversion is in progress when a rising edge occurs, the rising edge is ignored. In continuous convert configuration, only the initial rising edge to launch continuous conversions is observed. The hardware trigger function operates in conjunction with any of the conversion modes and configurations. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 477 Functional description 18.4.4 Conversion control Conversions can be performed in 12-bit mode, 10-bit mode, or 8-bit mode as determined by the ADC_SC3[MODE] bits. Conversions can be initiated by a software or hardware trigger. In addition, the ADC module can be configured for low power operation, long sample time, continuous conversion, and an automatic compare of the conversion result to a software determined compare value. Initiating conversions A conversion initiates under the following conditions: * A write to ADC_SC1 or a set of write to ADC_SC1 in FIFO mode (with ADCH bits not all 1s) if software triggered operation is selected. * A hardware trigger (ADHWT) event if hardware triggered operation is selected. * The transfer of the result to the data registers when continuous conversion is enabled. If continuous conversions are enabled, a new conversion is automatically initiated after the completion of the current conversion. In software triggered operation, continuous conversions begin after ADC_SC1 is written and continue until aborted. In hardware triggered operation, continuous conversions begin after a hardware trigger event and continue until aborted. Completing conversions A conversion is completed when the result of the conversion is transferred into the data result registers, ADC_RH and ADC_RL. This is indicated by the setting of ADC_SC1[COCO]. An interrupt is generated if ADC_SC1[AIEN] is high at the time that ADC_SC1[COCO] is set. A blocking mechanism prevents a new result from overwriting previous data in ADC_RH and ADC_RL if the previous data is in the process of being read while in 12-bit or 10-bit MODE (the ADC_RH register has been read but the ADC_RL register has not). When blocking is active, the data transfer is blocked, ADC_SC1[COCO] is not set, and the new result is lost. In the case of single conversions with the compare function enabled and the compare condition false, blocking has no effect and ADC operation is terminated. In all MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 478 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) other cases of operation, when a data transfer is blocked, another conversion is initiated regardless of the state of ADC_SC1[ADCO] whether single or continuous conversions are enabled. If single conversions are enabled, the blocking mechanism could result in several discarded conversions and excess power consumption. To avoid this issue, the data registers must not be read after initiating a single conversion until the conversion completes. In fifo mode, a blocking mechanism will keep current channel conversion and no channel fifo and result fifo switching until a block mechanism is released. Aborting conversions Any conversion in progress is aborted in the following cases: * A write to ADC_SC1 occurs. * The current conversion will be aborted and a new conversion will be initiated, if ADC_SC1[ADCH] are not all 1s and ADC_SC4[AFDEP] are all 0s. * The current conversion and the rest of conversions will be aborted and no new conversion will be initialed, if ADC_SC4[AFDEP] are not all 0s. * A new conversion will be initiated when the FIFO is re-fulfilled upon the levels indicated by the ADC_SC4[AFDEP] bits). * A write to ADC_SC2, ADC_SC3, ADC_SC4, ADC_CVH, or ADC_CVL occurs. This indicates a mode of operation change has occurred and the current and rest of conversions (when ADC_SC4[AFDEP] are not all 0s) are therefore invalid. * The MCU is reset. * The MCU enters Stop mode with ADACK not enabled. When a conversion is aborted, the contents of the data registers, ADC_RH and ADC_RL, are not altered. However, they continue to be the values transferred after the completion of the last successful conversion. If the conversion was aborted by a reset, ADC_RH and ADC_RL return to their reset states. Power control The ADC module remains in its idle state until a conversion is initiated. If ADACK is selected as the conversion clock source, the ADACK clock generator is also enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 479 Functional description Power consumption when active can be reduced by setting ADC_SC3[ADLPC]. This results in a lower maximum value for fADCK (see the data sheet). Sample time and total conversion time The total conversion time depends on the sample time (as determined by ADC_SC3[ADLSMP]), the MCU bus frequency, the conversion mode (8-bit, 10-bit or 12-bit), and the frequency of the conversion clock (fADCK). After the module becomes active, sampling of the input begins.ADC_SC3[ADLSMP] selects between short (3.5 ADCK cycles) and long (23.5 ADCK cycles) sample times. When sampling is complete, the converter is isolated from the input channel and a successive approximation algorithm is performed to determine the digital value of the analog signal. The result of the conversion is transferred to ADC_RH and ADC_RL upon completion of the conversion algorithm. If the bus frequency is less than the fADCK frequency, precise sample time for continuous conversions cannot be guaranteed when short sample is enabled (ADC_SC3[ADLSMP] = 0). If the bus frequency is less than 1/11th of the fADCK frequency, precise sample time for continuous conversions cannot be guaranteed when long sample is enabled (ADC_SC3[ADLSMP] = 1). The maximum total conversion time for different conditions is summarized in the table below. Table 18-13. Total conversion time vs. control conditions Conversion type ADICLK ADLSMP Max total conversion time Single or first continuous 8-bit 0x, 10 0 20 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles Single or first continuous 10-bit or 12-bit 0x, 10 0 23 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles Single or first continuous 8-bit 0x, 10 1 40 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles Single or first continuous 10-bit or 12-bit 0x, 10 1 43 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles Single or first continuous 8-bit 11 0 5 s + 20 ADCK + 5 bus clock cycles Single or first continuous 10-bit or 12-bit 11 0 5 s + 23 ADCK + 5 bus clock cycles Single or first continuous 8-bit 11 1 5 s + 40 ADCK + 5 bus clock cycles Single or first continuous 10-bit or 12-bit 11 1 5 s + 43 ADCK + 5 bus clock cycles Subsequent continuous 8-bit; xx 0 17 ADCK cycles xx 0 20 ADCK cycles xx 1 37 ADCK cycles xx 1 40 ADCK cycles fBUS > fADCK Subsequent continuous 10-bit or 12-bit; fBUS > fADCK Subsequent continuous 8-bit; fBUS > fADCK/11 Subsequent continuous 10-bit or 12-bit; fBUS > fADCK/11 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 480 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) The maximum total conversion time is determined by the selected clock source and the divide ratio. The clock source is selectable by the ADC_SC3[ADICLK] bits, and the divide ratio is specified by the ADC_SC3[ADIV] bits. For example, in 10-bit mode, with the bus clock selected as the input clock source, the input clock divide-by-1 ratio selected, and a bus frequency of 8 MHz, then the conversion time for a single conversion as given below: The number of bus cycles at 8 MHz is: Note The ADCK frequency must be between fADCK minimum and fADCK maximum to meet ADC specifications. 18.4.5 Automatic compare function The compare function can be configured to check for an upper or lower limit. After the input is sampled and converted, the result is added to the two's complement of the compare value (ADC_CVH and ADC_CVL). When comparing to an upper limit (ADC_SC2[ACFGT] = 1), if the result is greater-than or equal-to the compare value, ADC_SC1[COCO] is set. When comparing to a lower limit (ADC_SC2[ACFGT] = 0), if the result is less than the compare value, ADC_SC1[COCO] is set. The value generated by the addition of the conversion result and the two's complement of the compare value is transferred to ADC_RH and ADC_RL. On completion of a conversion while the compare function is enabled, if the compare condition is not true, ADC_SC1[COCO] is not set and no data is transferred to the result registers. An ADC interrupt is generated on the setting of ADC_SC1[COCO] if the ADC interrupt is enabled (ADC_SC1[AIEN] = 1). On completion of all conversions while the compare function is enabled and FIFO enabled, if none of the compare conditions are not true when ADC_SC4[ACFSEL] is low or if not all of compare conditions are true when ADC_SC4[ACFSEL] is high, ADC_SC1[COCO] is not set. The compare data are transferred to the result registers regardless of compare condition true or false when FIFO enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 481 Functional description Note The compare function can monitor the voltage on a channel while the MCU is in Wait or Stop mode. The ADC interrupt wakes the MCU when the compare condition is met. Note The compare function can not work in continuous conversion mode when FIFO enabled. 18.4.6 FIFO operation The ADC module supports FIFO operation to minimize the interrupts to CPU in order to reduce CPU loading in ADC interrupt service routines. This module contains two FIFOs to buffer analog input channels and analog results respectively. The FIFO function is enabled when the ADC_SC4[AFDEP] bits are set non-zero. The FIFO depth is indicated by these bits. The FIFO supports up to eight level buffer. The analog input channel FIFO is accessed by ADC_SC1[ADCH] bits, when FIFO function is enabled. The analog channel must be written to this FIFO in order. The ADC will not start the conversion if the channel FIFO is fulfilled below the level indicated by the ADC_SC4[AFDEP] bits, no matter whether software or hardware trigger is set. Read ADC_SC1[ADCH] will read the current active channel value. Write to ADC_SC1[ADCH] will re-fill channel FIFO to initial new conversion. It will abort current conversion and any other conversions that did not start. Write to the ADC_SC1 after all the conversions are completed or ADC is in idle state. The result of the FIFO is accessed by ADC_RH:ADC_RL registers, when FIFO function is enabled. The result must be read via these two registers by the same order of analog input channel FIFO to get the proper results. Don't read ADC_RH:ADC_RL until all of the conversions are completed in FIFO mode. The ADC_SC1[COCO] bit will be set only when all conversions indicated by the analog input channel FIFO complete whatever software or hardware trigger is set. An interrupt request will be submitted to CPU if the ADC_SC1[AIEN] is set when the FIFO conversion completes and the ADC_SC1[COCO] bit is set. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 482 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) AFDEP ADC_RL read ADC_RH read AD CHANNEL FIFO ADCH ADC_RH ADC_RL 5-bit ch 7 0 16-bit AD result 5-bit ch 6 1 16-bit AD result 5-bit ch 5 2 16-bit AD result 5-bit ch 4 3 16-bit AD result 5-bit ch 5-bit ch 3 4 16-bit AD result 2 5 16-bit AD result 5-bit ch 1 6 16-bit AD result 5-bit ch 0 7 16-bit AD result AD RESULT FIFO ADCH write FIFO Read/Write Logic reset COMPARE LOGIC Result FIFO Fulfilled COMPARE LOGIC Channel FIFO Fulfilled Result FIFO read pointer FIFO Read/Write Logic D Q CK COCO Channel FIFO write pointer Result FIFO write pointer FIFO Work Logic Channel FIFO read pointer D Q CK FIFO conversion start BUS CLK Figure 18-12. FADC FIFO structure If software trigger is enabled, the next analog channel is fetched from analog input channel FIFO as soon as a conversion completes and its result is stored in the result FIFO. When all conversions set in the analog input channel FIFO completes, the ADC_SC1[COCO] bit is set and an interrupt request will be submitted to CPU if the ADC_SC1[AIEN] bit is set. If hardware trigger mode is enabled, the next analog is fetched from analog input channel FIFO only when this conversion completes, its result is stored in the result FIFO, and the next hardware trigger is fed to ADC module. When all conversions set in the analog input channel FIFO completes, the ADC_SC1[COCO] bit is set and an interrupt request will be submitted to CPU if the ADC_SC1[AIEN] bit is set. In single conversion in which ADC_SC1[ADCO] bit is clear, the ADC stops conversions when ADC_SC1[COCO] bit is set until the channel FIFO is fulfilled again or new hardware trigger occur. The FIFO also provides scan mode to simplify the dummy work of input channel FIFO. When the ADC_SC4[ASCANE] bit is set in FIFO mode, the FIFO will always use the first dummied channel in spite of the value in the input channel FIFO. The ADC conversion start to work in FIFO mode as soon as the first channel is dummied. The MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 483 Functional description following write operation to the input channel FIFO will cover the first channel element in this FIFO. In scan FIFO mode, the ADC_SC1[COCO] bit is set when the result FIFO is fulfilled according to the depth indicated by the ADC_SC4[AFDEP] bits. In continuous conversion in which the ADC_SC1[ADCO] bit is set, the ADC starts next conversion immediately when all conversions are completed. ADC module will fetch the analog input channel from the beginning of analog input channel FIFO. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 484 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) The nth AD channel fetch max = AFDEP Channel FIFO fulfilled Start FIFOed Conversion n 0 max The nth AD channel fetch Software Triggered Single Conversion COCO = 1 Conversions Completed The nth AD result store max = AFDEP Channel FIFO fulfilled Start FIFOed Conversion n 0 max The nth AD result store n 0 max ADC_SC1[COCO] = 1 Conversions Completed The nth AD channel fetch when n hardware trigger occurs n 0 max Software Triggered Continuous Conversion max = AFDEP when last hardware trigger occurs Channel FIFO fulfilled Start FIFOed Conversion when 1st hardware trigger occurs n 0 max If new trigger occurs, the new set conversions will be generated Hardware Triggered Single Conversion The nth AD result store The nth AD channel fetch ADC_SC1[COCO] = 1 Conversions Completed max = AFDEP Channel FIFO fulfilled Start FIFOed Conversion when hardware trigger occurs 0 n The nth AD result store max n 0 Hardware Triggered Continuous Conversion (Only need one hardware trigger) COCO = 1 Conversions Completed Figure 18-13. ADC FIFO conversion sequence MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 485 Functional description 18.4.7 MCU wait mode operation Wait mode is a low-power consumption standby mode from which recovery is fast because the clock sources remain active. If a conversion is in progress when the MCU enters wait mode, it continues until completion. Conversions can be initiated while the MCU is in wait mode by means of the hardware trigger or if continuous conversions are enabled. The bus clock, bus clock divided by two, ALTCLK and ADACK are available as conversion clock sources while in wait mode. ADC_SC1[COCO] is set by a conversion complete event that generates an ADC interrupt to wake the MCU from wait mode if the ADC interrupt is enabled (ADC_SC1[AIEN] = 1). 18.4.8 MCU Stop mode operation Stop mode is a low-power consumption standby mode during which most or all clock sources on the MCU are disabled. Stop mode with ADACK disabled If the asynchronous clock, ADACK, is not selected as the conversion clock, executing a STOP instruction aborts the current conversion and places the ADC in its idle state. The contents of ADC_RH and ADC_RL are unaffected by Stop mode. After exiting from Stop mode, a software or hardware trigger is required to resume conversions. Stop mode with ADACK enabled If ADACK is selected as the conversion clock, the ADC continues operation during Stop mode. For guaranteed ADC operation, the MCU's voltage regulator must remain active during Stop mode. See the module introduction for configuration information for this MCU. If a conversion is in progress when the MCU enters Stop mode, it continues until completion. Conversions can be initiated while the MCU is in Stop mode by means of the hardware trigger or if continuous conversions are enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 486 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) A conversion complete event sets the ADC_SC1[COCO] and generates an ADC interrupt to wake the MCU from Stop mode if the ADC interrupt is enabled (ADC_SC1[AIEN] = 1). In fifo mode, ADC cannot complete the conversion operation fully or wake the MCU from Stop mode. Note The ADC module can wake the system from low-power stop and cause the MCU to begin consuming run-level currents without generating a system level interrupt. To prevent this scenario, the data transfer blocking mechanism must be cleared when entering Stop and continuing ADC conversions. 18.5 Initialization information This section gives an example that provides some basic direction on how to initialize and configure the ADC module. You can configure the module for 8-, 10-, or 12-bit resolution, single or continuous conversion, and a polled or interrupt approach, among many other options. Refer to ADC_SC3 register for information used in this example. Note Hexadecimal values prefixed by a 0x, binary values prefixed by a %, and decimal values have no preceding character. 18.5.1 ADC module initialization example Before the ADC module can be used to complete conversions, it must be initialized. Given below is a method to initialize ADC module. Initialization sequence A typical initialization sequence is as follows: 1. Update the configuration register (ADC_SC3) to select the input clock source and the divide ratio used to generate the internal clock, ADCK. This register is also used for selecting sample time and low-power configuration. 2. Update status and control register 2 (ADC_SC2) to select the hardware or software conversion trigger and compare function options, if enabled. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 487 Initialization information 3. Update status and control register 1 (ADC_SC1) to select whether conversions will be continuous or completed only once, and to enable or disable conversion complete interrupts. The input channel on which conversions will be performed is also selected here. Pseudo-code example In this example, the ADC module is set up with interrupts enabled to perform a single 10bit conversion at low power with a long sample time on input channel 1, where the internal ADCK clock is derived from the bus clock divided by 1. Example: General ADC initialization routine void ADC_init(void) { /* The following code segment demonstrates how to initialize ADC by low-power mode, long sample time, bus frequency, software triggered from AD1 external pin without FIFO enabled */ ADC_APCTL1 = ADC_APCTL1_ADPC1_MASK; ADC_SC3 = ADC_SC3_ADLPC_MASK | ADC_SC3_ADLSMP_MASK | ADC_SC3_MODE0_MASK; ADC_SC2 = 0x00; ADC_SC1 = ADC_SC1_AIEN_MASK | ADC_SC1_ADCH0_MASK; } 18.5.2 ADC FIFO module initialization example Before the ADC module can be used to start FIFOed conversions, an initialization procedure must be performed. A typical sequence is as follows: 1. Update the configuration register (ADC_SC3) to select the input clock source and the divide ratio used to generate the internal clock, ADCK. This register is also used to select sample time and low-power configuration. 2. Update the configuration register (ADC_SC4) to select the FIFO scan mode, FIFO compare function selection (OR or AND function) and FIFO depth. 3. Update status and control register 2 (ADC_SC2) to select the hardware or software conversion trigger, compare function options if enabled. 4. Update status and control register 1 (ADC_SC1) to select whether conversions will be continuous or completed only once, and to enable or disable conversion complete interrupts. The input channel on which conversions will be performed is also selected here. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 488 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) Pseudo-code example In this example, the ADC module is set up with interrupts enabled to perform a single hardware triggered 10-bit 4-level-FIFO conversion at low power with a long sample time on input channels of 1, 3, 5, and 7. Here the internal ADCK clock is derived from the bus clock divided by 1. Example: FIFO ADC initialization routine void ADC_init(void) { /* The following code segment demonstrates how to initialize ADC by low-power mode, long sample time, bus frequency, hardware triggered from AD1, AD3, AD5, and AD7 external pins with 4-level FIFO enabled */ ADC_APCTL1 = ADC_APCTL1_ADPC6_MASK | ADC_APCTL1_ADPC5_MASK | ADC_APCTL1_ADPC3_MASK | ADC_APCTL1_ADPC1_MASK; ADC_SC3 = ADC_SC3_ADLPC_MASK | ADC_SC3_ADLSMP_MASK | ADC_SC3_MODE1_MASK; // setting hardware trigger ADC_SC2 = ADC_SC2_ADTRG_MASK ; //4-Level FIFO ADC_SC4 = ADC_SC4_AFDEP1_MASK | ADC_SC4_AFDEP0_MASK; // dummy the 1st channel ADC_SC1 = ADC_SC1_ADCH0_MASK; // dummy the 2nd channel ADC_SC1 = ADC_SC1_ADCH1_MASK | ADC_SC1_ADCH0_MASK; // dummy the 3rd channel ADC_SC1 = ADC_SC1_ADCH2_MASK | ADC_SC1_ADCH0_MASK; // dummy the 4th channel and ADC starts conversion ADC_SC1 = ADC_SC1_AIEN_MASK | ADC_SC1_ADCH2_MASK | ADC_SC1_ADCH1_MASK | ADC_SC1_ADCH0_MASK; } Example: FIFO ADC interrupt service routine unsigned short buffer[4]; interrupt VectorNumber_Vadc void ADC_isr(void) { /* The following code segment demonstrates read AD result FIFO */ // read conversion result of channel 1 and COCO bit is cleared buffer[0] = ADC_R; // read conversion result of channel 3 buffer[1] = ADC_R; // read conversion result of channel 5 buffer[2] = ADC_R; // read conversion result of channel 7 buffer[3] = ADC_R; } MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 489 Application information NOTE ADC_R is 16-bit ADC result register, combined from ADC_RH and ADC_RL 18.6 Application information This section contains information for using the ADC module in applications. The ADC has been designed to be integrated into a microcontroller for use in embedded control applications requiring an A/D converter. 18.6.1 External pins and routing The following sections discuss the external pins associated with the ADC module and how they are used for best results. Analog supply pins The ADC module has analog power and ground supplies (VDDA and VSSA) available as separate pins on some devices. VSSA is shared on the same pin as the MCU digital VSS on some devices. On other devices, VSSA and VDDA are shared with the MCU digital supply pins. In these cases, there are separate pads for the analog supplies bonded to the same pin as the corresponding digital supply so that some degree of isolation between the supplies is maintained. When available on a separate pin, both VDDA and VSSA must be connected to the same voltage potential as their corresponding MCU digital supply (VDD and VSS) and must be routed carefully for maximum noise immunity and bypass capacitors placed as near as possible to the package. If separate power supplies are used for analog and digital power, the ground connection between these supplies must be at the VSSA pin. This should be the only ground connection between these supplies if possible. The VSSA pin makes a good single point ground location. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 490 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) Analog reference pins In addition to the analog supplies, the ADC module has connections for two reference voltage inputs. The high reference is VREFH, which may be shared on the same pin as VDDA on some devices. The low reference is VREFL, which may be shared on the same pin as VSSA on some devices. When available on a separate pin, VREFH may be connected to the same potential as VDDA, or may be driven by an external source between the minimum VDDA spec and the VDDA potential (VREFH must never exceed VDDA). When available on a separate pin, VREFL must be connected to the same voltage potential as VSSA. VREFH and VREFL must be routed carefully for maximum noise immunity and bypass capacitors placed as near as possible to the package. AC current in the form of current spikes required to supply charge to the capacitor array at each successive approximation step is drawn through the VREFH and VREFL loop. The best external component to meet this current demand is a 0.1 F capacitor with good high frequency characteristics. This capacitor is connected between VREFH and VREFL and must be placed as near as possible to the package pins. Resistance in the path is not recommended because the current causes a voltage drop that could result in conversion errors. Inductance in this path must be minimum (parasitic only). Analog input pins The external analog inputs are typically shared with digital I/O pins on MCU devices. The pin I/O control is disabled by setting the appropriate control bit in one of the pin control registers. Conversions can be performed on inputs without the associated pin control register bit set. It is recommended that the pin control register bit always be set when using a pin as an analog input. This avoids problems with contention because the output buffer is in its high impedance state and the pullup is disabled. Also, the input buffer draws DC current when its input is not at VDD or VSS. Setting the pin control register bits for all pins used as analog inputs should be done to achieve lowest operating current. Empirical data shows that capacitors on the analog inputs improve performance in the presence of noise or when the source impedance is high. Use of 0.01 F capacitors with good high-frequency characteristics is sufficient. These capacitors are not necessary in all cases, but when used they must be placed as near as possible to the package pins and be referenced to VSSA. For proper conversion, the input voltage must fall between VREFH and VREFL. If the input is equal to or exceeds VREFH, the converter circuit converts the signal to 0xFFF (full scale 12-bit representation), 0x3FF (full scale 10-bit representation) or 0xFF (full scale 8-bit MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 491 Application information representation). If the input is equal to or less than VREFL, the converter circuit converts it to 0x000. Input voltages between VREFH and VREFL are straight-line linear conversions. There is a brief current associated with VREFL when the sampling capacitor is charging. The input is sampled for 3.5 cycles of the ADCK source when ADC_SC3[ADLSMP] is low, or 23.5 cycles when ADC_SC3[ADLSMP] is high. For minimal loss of accuracy due to current injection, pins adjacent to the analog input pins should not be transitioning during conversions. 18.6.2 Sources of error Several sources of error exist for A/D conversions. These are discussed in the following sections. Sampling error For proper conversions, the input must be sampled long enough to achieve the proper accuracy. Given the maximum input resistance of approximately 7 k and input capacitance of approximately 5.5 pF, sampling to within 1/4 LSB (at 12-bit resolution) can be achieved within the minimum sample window (3.5 cycles at 8 MHz maximum ADCK frequency) provided the resistance of the external analog source (RAS) is kept below 2 k. Higher source resistances or higher-accuracy sampling is possible by setting ADC_SC3[ADLSMP] (to increase the sample window to 23.5 cycles) or decreasing ADCK frequency to increase sample time. Pin leakage error Leakage on the I/O pins can cause conversion error if the external analog source resistance (RAS) is high. If this error cannot be tolerated by the application, keep RAS lower than VDDA / (2N*ILEAK) for less than 1/4 LSB leakage error (N = 8 in 8-bit, 10 in 10-bit or 12 in 12-bit mode). Noise-induced errors System noise that occurs during the sample or conversion process can affect the accuracy of the conversion. The ADC accuracy numbers are guaranteed as specified only if the following conditions are met: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 492 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) * There is a 0.1 F low-ESR capacitor from VREFH to VREFL. * There is a 0.1 F low-ESR capacitor from VDDA to VSSA. * If inductive isolation is used from the primary supply, an additional 1 F capacitor is placed from VDDA to VSSA. * VSSA (and VREFL, if connected) is connected to VSS at a quiet point in the ground plane. * Operate the MCU in wait or Stop mode before initiating (hardware triggered conversions) or immediately after initiating (hardware or software triggered conversions) the ADC conversion. * For software triggered conversions, immediately follow the write to ADC_SC1 with a wait instruction or stop instruction. * For Stop mode operation, select ADACK as the clock source. Operation in Stop reduces VDD noise but increases effective conversion time due to stop recovery. * There is no I/O switching, input or output, on the MCU during the conversion. There are some situations where external system activity causes radiated or conducted noise emissions or excessive VDD noise is coupled into the ADC. In these situations, or when the MCU cannot be placed in wait or Stop or I/O activity cannot be halted, these recommended actions may reduce the effect of noise on the accuracy: * Place a 0.01 F capacitor (CAS) on the selected input channel to VREFL or VSSA (this improves noise issues, but affects the sample rate based on the external analog source resistance). * Average the result by converting the analog input many times in succession and dividing the sum of the results. Four samples are required to eliminate the effect of a 1LSB, one-time error. * Reduce the effect of synchronous noise by operating off the asynchronous clock (ADACK) and averaging. Noise that is synchronous to ADCK cannot be averaged out. Code width and quantization error The ADC quantizes the ideal straight-line transfer function into 4096 steps (in 12-bit mode). Each step ideally has the same height (1 code) and width. The width is defined as the delta between the transition points to one code and the next. The ideal code width for an N bit converter (in this case N can be 8, 10 or 12), defined as 1LSB, is: MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 493 Application information There is an inherent quantization error due to the digitization of the result. For 8-bit or 10-bit conversions the code transitions when the voltage is at the midpoint between the points where the straight line transfer function is exactly represented by the actual transfer function. Therefore, the quantization error will be 1/2 lsb in 8- or 10-bit mode. As a consequence, however, the code width of the first (0x000) conversion is only 1/2 lsb and the code width of the last (0xFF or 0x3FF) is 1.5 lsb. For 12-bit conversions the code transitions only after the full code width is present, so the quantization error is -1 lsb to 0 lsb and the code width of each step is 1 lsb. Linearity errors The ADC may also exhibit non-linearity of several forms. Every effort has been made to reduce these errors but the system must be aware of them because they affect overall accuracy. These errors are: * Zero-scale error (EZS) (sometimes called offset) -- This error is defined as the difference between the actual code width of the first conversion and the ideal code width (1/2 lsb in 8-bit or 10-bit modes and 1 lsb in 12-bit mode). If the first conversion is 0x001, the difference between the actual 0x001 code width and its ideal (1 lsb) is used. * Full-scale error (EFS) -- This error is defined as the difference between the actual code width of the last conversion and the ideal code width (1.5 lsb in 8-bit or 10-bit modes and 1LSB in 12-bit mode). If the last conversion is 0x3FE, the difference between the actual 0x3FE code width and its ideal (1 lsb) is used. * Differential non-linearity (DNL) -- This error is defined as the worst-case difference between the actual code width and the ideal code width for all conversions. * Integral non-linearity (INL) -- This error is defined as the highest-value that the absolute value of the running sum of DNL achieves. More simply, this is the worstcase difference of the actual transition voltage to a given code and its corresponding ideal transition voltage, for all codes. * Total unadjusted error (TUE) -- This error is defined as the difference between the actual transfer function and the ideal straight-line transfer function and includes all forms of error. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 494 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) Code jitter, non-monotonicity, and missing codes Analog-to-digital converters are susceptible to three special forms of error. These are code jitter, non-monotonicity, and missing codes. Code jitter occurs when, at certain points, a given input voltage converts to one of two values when sampled repeatedly. Ideally, when the input voltage is infinitesimally smaller than the transition voltage, the converter yields the lower code (and vice-versa). However, even small amounts of system noise can cause the converter to be indeterminate, between two codes, for a range of input voltages around the transition voltage. This range is normally around 1/2 lsb in 8-bit or 10-bit mode, or around 2 lsb in 12-bit mode, and increases with noise. This error may be reduced by repeatedly sampling the input and averaging the result. Additionally the techniques discussed in Noise-induced errors reduces this error. Non-monotonicity is defined when, except for code jitter, the converter converts to a lower code for a higher input voltage. Missing codes are those values that are never converted for any input value. In 8-bit or 10-bit mode, the ADC is guaranteed to be monotonic and have no missing codes. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 495 Application information MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 496 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Analog comparator (ACMP) 19.1 Introduction The analog comparator module (ACMP) provides a circuit for comparing two analog input voltages. The comparator circuit is designed to operate across the full range of the supply voltage (rail-to-rail operation). The analog mux provides a circuit for selecting an analog input signal from eight channels. One signal provided by the 6-bit DAC. The mux circuit is designed to operate across the full range of the supply voltage. The 6-bit DAC is 64-tap resistor ladder network which provides a selectable voltage reference for applications where voltage reference is needed. The 64-tap resistor ladder network divides the supply reference Vin into 64 voltage level. A 6-bit digital signal input selects output voltage level, which varies from Vin to Vin/64. Vin can be selected from two voltage sources. 19.1.1 Features ACMP features include: * Operational over the whole supply range of 2.7 V to 5.5 V * On-chip 6-bit resolution DAC with selectable reference voltage from VDD or internal bandgap * Configurable hysteresis * Selectable interrupt on rising edge, falling edge, or both rising or falling edges of comparator output * Selectable inversion on comparator output * Up to four selectable comparator inputs * Operational in Stop mode MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 497 External signal description 19.1.2 Modes of operation This section defines the ACMP operation in Wait, Stop, and Background Debug modes. Operation in Wait mode The ACMP continues to operate in Wait mode, if enabled. The interrupt can wake the MCU if enabled. Operation in Stop mode The ACMP (including DAC and CMP) continues to operate in Stop mode if enabled. If ACMP_CS[ACIE] is set, a ACMP interrupt can be generated to wake the MCU up from Stop mode. If the Stop is exited by an interrupt, the ACMP setting remains before entering the Stop mode. If Stop is exited with a reset, the ACMP goes into its reset. The user must turn off the DAC if the output is not used as a reference input of ACMP to save power, because the DAC consumes additional power. Operation in Debug mode When the MCU is in Debug mode, the ACMP continues operating normally. 19.1.3 Block diagram The block diagram of the ACMP module is shown in the following figure. Figure 19-1. ACMP block diagram 19.2 External signal description The output of ACMP can also be mapped to an external pin. When the output is mapped to an external pin, ACMP_CS[ACOPE] controls the pin to enable/disable the ACMP output function. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 498 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Analog comparator (ACMP) 19.3 Memory map and register definition ACMP memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 2C ACMP Control and Status Register (ACMP_CS) 8 R/W 00h 19.3.1/499 2D ACMP Control Register 0 (ACMP_C0) 8 R/W 00h 19.3.2/500 2E ACMP Control Register 1 (ACMP_C1) 8 R/W 00h 19.3.3/501 2F ACMP Control Register 2 (ACMP_C2) 8 R/W 00h 19.3.4/501 1 0 19.3.1 ACMP Control and Status Register (ACMP_CS) Address: 2Ch base + 0h offset = 2Ch Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 ACE HYST ACF ACIE 0 0 0 0 3 ACO 0 2 ACOPE 0 ACMOD 0 0 ACMP_CS field descriptions Field 7 ACE Description Analog Comparator Enable Enables the ACMP module. 0 1 6 HYST The ACMP is disabled. The ACMP is enabled. Analog Comparator Hysterisis Selection Selects ACMP hysterisis. 0 1 20 mV. 30 mV. 5 ACF ACMP Interrupt Flag Bit 4 ACIE ACMP Interrupt Enable Synchronously set by hardware when ACMP output has a valid edge defined by ACMOD. The setting of this bit lags the ACMPO to bus clocks. Clear ACF bit by writing a 0 to this bit. Writing a 1 to this bit has no effect. Enables an ACMP CPU interrupt. 0 1 Disable the ACMP Interrupt. Enable the ACMP Interrupt. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 499 Memory map and register definition ACMP_CS field descriptions (continued) Field 3 ACO 2 ACOPE Description ACMP Output Reading ACO will return the current value of the analog comparator output. ACO is reset to a 0 and will read as a 0 when the ACMP is disabled (ACE = 0) ACMP Output Pin Enable ACOPE enables the pad logic so that the output can be placed onto an external pin. 0 1 ACMOD ACMP output cannot be placed onto external pin. ACMP output can be placed onto external pin. ACMP MOD Determines the sensitivity modes of the interrupt trigger. 00 01 10 11 ACMP interrupt on output falling edge. ACMP interrupt on output rising edge. ACMP interrupt on output falling edge. ACMP interrupt on output falling or rising edge. 19.3.2 ACMP Control Register 0 (ACMP_C0) Address: 2Ch base + 1h offset = 2Dh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 0 0 4 3 ACPSEL 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 ACNSEL 0 0 0 ACMP_C0 field descriptions Field Description 7-6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5-4 ACPSEL ACMP Positive Input Select 3-2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. ACNSEL ACMP Negative Input Select 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 External reference 0 External reference 1 Reserved DAC output External reference 0 External reference 1 Reserved DAC output MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 500 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Analog comparator (ACMP) 19.3.3 ACMP Control Register 1 (ACMP_C1) Address: 2Ch base + 2h offset = 2Eh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 DACEN DACREF 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 DACVAL 0 0 0 ACMP_C1 field descriptions Field 7 DACEN Description DAC Enable Enables the output of 6-bit DAC. 0 1 The DAC is disabled. The DAC is enabled. 6 DACREF DAC Reference Select DACVAL DAC Output Level Selection 0 1 The DAC selects Bandgap as the reference. The DAC selects VDDA as the reference. Selects the output voltage using the given formula: Voutput= (Vin/64)x(DACVAL[5:0]+1) The Voutput range is from Vin/64 to Vin, the step is Vin/64 19.3.4 ACMP Control Register 2 (ACMP_C2) Address: 2Ch base + 3h offset = 2Fh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 ACIPE 0 0 0 0 0 ACMP_C2 field descriptions Field 7-3 Reserved ACIPE Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. ACMP Input Pin Enable This 3-bit field controls if the corresponding ACMP external pin can be driven by an analog input. 0 1 The corresponding external analog input is not allowed. The corresponding external analog input is allowed. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 501 Functional description 19.4 Functional description The ACMP module is functionally composed of two parts: digital-to-analog (DAC) and comparator (CMP). The DAC includes a 64-level DAC (digital to analog converter) and relevant control logic. DAC can select one of two reference inputs, VDD or on-chip bandgap, as the DAC input Vin by setting ACMP_C1[DACREF]. After the DAC is enabled, it converts the data set in ACMP_C1[DACVAL] to a stepped analog output, which is fed into ACMP as an internal reference input. This stepped analog output is also mapped out of the module. The output voltage range is from Vin/64 to Vin. The step size is Vin/64. The ACMP can achieve the analog comparison between positive input and negative input, and then give out a digital output and relevant interrupt. Both the positive and negative input of ACMP can be selected from the four common inputs: three external reference inputs and one internal reference input from the DAC output. The positive input of ACMP is selected by ACMP_C0[ACPSEL] and the negative input is selected by ACMP_C0[ACNSEL]. Any pair of the eight inputs can be compared by configuring the ACMPC0 with the appropriate value. After the ACMP is enabled by setting ACMP_CS[ACE], the comparison result appears as a digital output. Whenever a valid edge defined in ACMP_CS[ACMOD] occurs, ACMP_CS[ACF] is asserted. If ACMP_CS[ACIE] is set, a ACMP CPU interrupt occurs. The valid edge is defined by ACMP_CS[ACMOD]. When ACMP_CS[ACMOD] = 00b or 10b, only the falling-edge on ACMP output is valid. When ACMP_CS[ACMOD] = 01b, only rising-edge on ACMP output is valid. When ACMP_CS[ACMOD] = 11b, both the rising-edge and falling-edge on the ACMP output are valid. The ACMP output is synchronized by the bus clock to generate ACMP_CS[ACO] so that the CPU can read the comparison. In stop3 mode, if the output of ACMP is changed, ACMPO cannot be updated in time. The output can be synchronized and ACMP_CS[ACO] can be updated upon the waking up of the CPU because of the availability of the bus clock. ACMP_CS[ACO] changes following the comparison result, so it can serve as a tracking flag that continuously indicates the voltage delta on the inputs. If a reference input external to the chip is selected as an input of ACMP, the corresponding ACMP_C2[ACIPE] bit must be set to enable the input from pad interface. If the output of the ACMP needs to be put onto the external pin, the ACMP_CS[ACOPE] bit must enable the ACMP pin function of pad logic. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 502 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Analog comparator (ACMP) 19.5 Setup and operation of ACMP The two parts of ACMP (DAC and CMP) can be set up and operated independently. But if the DAC works as an input of the CMP, the DAC must be configured before the ACMP is enabled. Because the input-switching can cause problems on the ACMP inputs, the user should complete the input selection before enabling the ACMP and must not change the input selection setting when the ACMP is enabled to avoid unexpected output. Similarly, because the DAC experiences a setup delay after ACMP_C1[DACVAL] is changed, the user should complete the setting of ACMP_C1[DACVAL] before DAC is enabled. 19.6 Resets During a reset the ACMP is configured in the default mode. Both CMP and DAC are disabled. 19.7 Interrupts If the bus clock is available when a valid edge defined in ACMP_CS[ACMOD] occurs, the ACMP_CS[ACF] is asserted. If ACMP_CS[ACIE] is set, a ACMP interrupt event occurs. The ACMP_CS[ACF] bit remains asserted until the ACMP interrupt is cleared by software. When in stop3 mode, a valid edge on ACMP output generates an asynchronous interrupt that can wake the MCU from stop3. The interrupt can be cleared by writing a 0 to the ACMP_CS[ACF] bit. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 503 Interrupts MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 504 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 20.1 Introduction Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) generates 16/32-bit CRC code for error detection. The CRC can be configured to work as a standard CRC. It provides the user with programmable polynomial, SEED and other parameters required to implement a 16-bit or 32-bit CRC standard. These parameters are detailed in further sections. 20.2 Features Features of the CRC module are: * Hardware 16/32-bit CRC generator * Programmable initial seed value * Programmable 16/32-bit polynomial * Optional feature to reverse input and output data by bit * Optional final complement output of result * High-speed CRC calculation 20.3 Block diagram The following figure is the CRC block diagram. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 505 Modes of operation TOT Reverse Logic FXOR TOTR NOT Logic Reverse Logic Seed MUX CRC_D0 CRC_D1 CRC_D2 CRC_D3 WAS CRC Data CRC_D0 CRC_D1 CRC_D2 CRC_D3 Checksum CRC Engine CRC_P0 CRC_P1 CRC_P2 CRC_P3 Data Combine Logic Polynomial 16-/32-bit Select TCRC Figure 20-1. Cyclic redundancy check (S08CRC) block diagram 20.4 Modes of operation This section defines the CRC operation in run, wait, and stop modes. * Run mode - This is the basic mode of operation in which CRC is full functional. * Wait mode - The CRC module is optional functional * Stop3 mode - The CRC module is not functional in this low-power standby state. CRC calculations in progress stop and will resume after the CPU goes into run mode. 20.5 Register definition CRC memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 3060 CRC Data 0 Register (CRC_D0) 8 R/W FFh 20.5.1/507 3061 CRC Data 1 Register (CRC_D1) 8 R/W FFh 20.5.2/507 3062 CRC Data 2 Register (CRC_D2) 8 R/W FFh 20.5.3/508 3063 CRC Data 3 Register (CRC_D3) 8 R/W FFh 20.5.4/509 3064 CRC Polynomial 0 Register (CRC_P0) 8 R/W 00h 20.5.5/509 3065 CRC Polynomial 1 Register (CRC_P1) 8 R/W 00h 20.5.6/510 3066 CRC Polynomial 2 Register (CRC_P2) 8 R/W 10h 20.5.7/510 3067 CRC Polynomial 3 Register (CRC_P3) 8 R/W 21h 20.5.8/511 3068 CRC Control Register (CRC_CTRL) 8 R/W 00h 20.5.9/511 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 506 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 20.5.1 CRC Data 0 Register (CRC_D0) D0 is one of the CRC data registers (D0:D3). The set of CRC data registers contains the value of seed, data, and checksum. When CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit is set, any write to the data registers is regarded as seed for CRC module. When CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit is clear, any write to the data registers is regarded as data for general CRC computation, in which D0:D2 does not accept any data and D3 accept 8-bit write upon the polynomial configuration. When final data are written, the final result can be read from the data register. The registers of D0:D1 contain the MSB 16-bit of CRC data, which is used only in CRC 32-bit mode. Only D3 is used to dummy data to CRC. Writing D2 will be ignored when WAS = 0. Address: 3060h base + 0h offset = 3060h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 DH0 1 1 1 1 CRC_D0 field descriptions Field DH0 Description CRC Data Bit 31:24 20.5.2 CRC Data 1 Register (CRC_D1) D1 is one of the CRC data registers (D0:D3). The set of CRC data registers contains the value of seed, data, and checksum. When CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit is set, any write to the data registers is regarded as seed for CRC module. When CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit is clear, any write to the data registers is regarded as data for general CRC computation, in which D0:D2 does not accept any data and D3 accept 8-bit write upon the polynomial configuration. When final data are written, the final result can be read from the data register. The registers of D0:D1 contain the MSB 16-bit of CRC data, which is used only in CRC 32-bit mode. Only D3 is used to dummy data to CRC. Writing D2 will be ignored when WAS = 0. Address: 3060h base + 1h offset = 3061h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 D1 1 1 1 1 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 507 Register definition CRC_D1 field descriptions Field D1 Description CRC Data Bit 23:16 20.5.3 CRC Data 2 Register (CRC_D2) D2 is one of the CRC data registers (D0:D3). The set of CRC data registers contains the value of seed, data, and checksum. When CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit is set, any write to the data registers is regarded as seed for CRC module. When CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit is clear, any write to the data registers is regarded as data for general CRC computation, in which D0:D2 does not accept any data and D3 accept 8-bit write upon the polynomial configuration. When final data are written, the final result can be read from the data register. The registers of D0:D1 contain the MSB 16-bit of CRC data, which is used only in CRC 32-bit mode. Only D3 is used to dummy data to CRC. Writing D2 will be ignored when WAS = 0. Address: 3060h base + 2h offset = 3062h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 D2 1 1 1 1 CRC_D2 field descriptions Field D2 Description CRC Data Bit 15:8 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 508 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 20.5.4 CRC Data 3 Register (CRC_D3) D3 is one of the CRC data registers (D0:D3). The set of CRC data registers contains the value of seed, data, and checksum. When CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit is set, any write to the data registers is regarded as seed for CRC module. When CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit is clear, any write to the data registers is regarded as data for general CRC computation, in which D0:D2 does not accept any data and D3 accept 8-bit write upon the polynomial configuration. When final data are written, the final result can be read from the data register. The registers of D0:D1 contain the MSB 16-bit of CRC data, which is used only in CRC 32-bit mode. Only D3 is used to dummy data to CRC. Writing D2 will be ignored when WAS = 0. Address: 3060h base + 3h offset = 3063h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 D3 1 1 1 1 CRC_D3 field descriptions Field D3 Description CRC Data Bit 7:0 20.5.5 CRC Polynomial 0 Register (CRC_P0) P0 is one of the CRC polynomial registers (P0:P3). The set of CRC polynominal registers contains the value of polynomial. The registers of P0:P1 contain the MSB 16-bit of CRC polynomial, which is used only in CRC 32-bit mode. The registers of P2:P3 contain the LSB 16-bit of CRC polynomial, which is used in both CRC 16- and 32-bit modes. Address: 3060h base + 4h offset = 3064h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 P0 0 0 0 0 CRC_P0 field descriptions Field P0 Description CRC Polynominal Bit 31:24 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 509 Register definition 20.5.6 CRC Polynomial 1 Register (CRC_P1) P1 is one of the CRC polynomial registers (P0:P3). The set of CRC polynominal registers contains the value of polynomial. The registers of P0:P1 contain the MSB 16-bit of CRC polynomial, which is used only in CRC 32-bit mode. The registers of P2:P3 contain the LSB 16-bit of CRC polynomial, which is used in both CRC 16- and 32-bit modes. Address: 3060h base + 5h offset = 3065h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 P1 0 0 0 0 CRC_P1 field descriptions Field P1 Description CRC Polynominal Bit 23:16 20.5.7 CRC Polynomial 2 Register (CRC_P2) P2 is one of the CRC polynomial registers (P0:P3). The set of CRC polynominal registers contains the value of polynomial. The registers of P0:P1 contain the MSB 16-bit of CRC polynomial, which is used only in CRC 32-bit mode. The registers of P2:P3 contain the LSB 16-bit of CRC polynomial, which is used in both CRC 16- and 32-bit modes. Address: 3060h base + 6h offset = 3066h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 P2 0 0 0 1 CRC_P2 field descriptions Field P2 Description CRC Polynominal Bit 15:8 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 510 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 20.5.8 CRC Polynomial 3 Register (CRC_P3) P3 is one of the CRC polynomial registers (P0:P3). The set of CRC polynominal registers contains the value of polynomial. The registers of P0:P1 contain the MSB 16-bit of CRC polynomial, which is used only in CRC 32-bit mode. The registers of P2:P3 contain the LSB 16-bit of CRC polynomial, which is used in both CRC 16- and 32-bit modes. Address: 3060h base + 7h offset = 3067h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 P3 0 0 1 0 CRC_P3 field descriptions Field P3 Description CRC Polynominal Bit 7:0 20.5.9 CRC Control Register (CRC_CTRL) Address: 3060h base + 8h offset = 3068h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 TOT 0 4 3 TOTR 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 FXOR WAS TCRC 0 0 0 0 CRC_CTRL field descriptions Field 7-6 TOT Description Reverse of Write These bits identify the reverse of the input data. 00 01 10 11 5-4 TOTR No reverse. Bit is reversed in byte; No byte is reversed. Reserved. Reserved. Reverse of Read These bits identify the reverse of the output data. 00 01 10 11 No reverse. Bit is reversed in byte; No byte is reversed. Reserved. Reserved. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 511 Functional description CRC_CTRL field descriptions (continued) Field 3 Reserved 2 FXOR Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Complement of Read This bit allows CRC module to output the complement of the final CRC checksum. 0 1 1 WAS Write CRC data register as seed This bit indicates the data written to the CRC data register (D0:D3) is seed or data. 0 1 0 TCRC Normal checksum output. Complement of checksum output. Data is written in data registers. Seed is written in data registers. Width of Polynomial Generator This bit indicates the bit width of the polynomial generator. 0 1 16-bit CRC Polynomial Generator. 32-bit CRC Polynomial Generator. 20.6 Functional description 20.6.1 16-bit CRC calculation The following steps show how to start a general 16-bit CRC calculation: 1. Clear CRC_CTRL[TCRC] bit to enable 16-bit CRC mode. 2. Optional to enable reverse and complement function. Please see Bit reverse and Result complement for details. 3. Write 16-bit polynomial to CRC_P2:CRC_P3. 4. Set CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit to allow CRC_D2:CRC_D3 to be written by seed. 5. Write 16-bit seed to CRC_D2:CRC_D3. 6. Clear CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit to start 16-bit CRC calculation. 7. Dummy CRC_D3 with 8-bit CRC raw data. 8. Get the checksum from CRC_D2:CRC_D3 when all CRC raw data dummied. 20.6.2 32-bit CRC calculation The following steps show how to start a general 32-bit CRC calculation: 1. Set CRC_CTRL[TCRC] bit to enable 32-bit CRC mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 512 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 2. Optional to enable reverse and complement function. Please see Bit reverse and Result complement for details. 3. Write 32-bit polynomial to CRC_P0:CRC_P3. 4. Set CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit to allow CRC_D0:CRC_D3 written by seed. 5. Write 32-bit seed to CRC_D0:CRC_D3. 6. Clear CRC_CTRL[WAS] bit to start 32-bit CRC calculation. 7. Dummy CRC_D3 with 8-bit CRC raw data. 8. Get the checksum from CRC_D0:CRC_D3 when all CRC raw data dummied. 20.6.3 Bit reverse The bit reverse function allows the input and output data reversed by bit for different CRC standard and endian systems. The CRC_CTRL[TOT] bits control the reverse of input data and the CRC_CTRL[TOTR] bits control the reverse of output data. The following table shows how the CRC_CTRL[TOT] and CRC_CTRL[TOTR] bits work. Table 20-11. TOT and TOTR bit and byte reverse function TOT ROW D0 D1 D2 D3 00 b31b30b29b28b27b26b b23b22b21b20b19b18b b15b14b13b12b11b10b b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 25b24 17b16 9b8 01 b24b25b26b27b28b29b b16b17b18b19b20b21b b8b9b10b11b12b13b14 b0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7 30b31 22b23 b15 NOTE 00 is the default case that no bit is reversed. 20.6.4 Result complement The result complement function allows to output the complement of the checksum in CRC data registers. When CRC_CTRL[FXOR] bit is set, the checksum is read by its complement. Otherwise, the raw checksum is accessed. 20.6.5 CCITT compliant CRC example The following code segment shows CCITT CRC-16 compliant example. Example: CCITT CRC-16 compliant example MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 513 Functional description CRC_CTRL CRC_P2P3 CRC_D2D3 CRC_CTRL = = = = CRC_CTRL_WAS_MASK; // 16-bit CRC, ready to dummy seed 0x1021; // Standard CCITT polynomail of (x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1) 0xFFFF; // Set seed by 0xFFFF 0x00; for ( i = 0 ; i < 128 ; i++ ) { CRC_D3 = 'A'; // Dummy 256 A' CRC_D3 = 'A'; } // Get 0xea0b in CRC_D2:CRC_D3 here MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 514 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) 21.1 Introduction The Watchdog Timer (WDOG) module is an independent timer that is available for system use. It provides a safety feature to ensure that software is executing as planned and that the CPU is not stuck in an infinite loop or executing unintended code. If the WDOG module is not serviced (refreshed) within a certain period, it resets the MCU. 21.1.1 Features Features of the WDOG module include: * Configurable clock source inputs independent from the: * bus clock * Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator * Internal 1 kHz RC oscillator * External clock source * Programmable timeout period * Programmable 16-bit timeout value * Optional fixed 256 clock prescaler when longer timeout periods are needed * Robust write sequence for counter refresh * Refresh sequence of writing 0xA602 and then 0xB480 within 16 bus clocks * Window mode option for the refresh mechanism * Programmable 16-bit window value MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 515 Introduction * Provides robust check that program flow is faster than expected * Early refresh attempts trigger a reset. * Optional timeout interrupt to allow post-processing diagnostics * Interrupt request to CPU with interrupt vector for an interrupt service routine (ISR) * Forced reset occurs 128 bus clocks after the interrupt vector fetch. * Configuration bits are write-once-after-reset to ensure watchdog configuration cannot be mistakenly altered. * Robust write sequence for unlocking write-once configuration bits * Unlock sequence of writing 0xC520 and then 0xD928 within 16 bus clocks for allowing updates to write-once configuration bits * Software must make updates within 128 bus clocks after unlocking and before WDOG closing unlock window. 21.1.2 Block diagram The following figure provides a block diagram of the WDOG module. 16-bit Timeout Value Register 0xA602 0xB480 Refresh Sequence Write Control 32K CLK MUX 1K CLK Compare Logic Counter Overflow 16-bit Counter Register Counter Reset MUX BUS CLK EXT CLK Control Logic 128 Bus Clock Delay MUX Backup Reset CPU Reset 256 Compare Logic EN UPDATE 16-bit Window Register Window Protect IRQ Interrupt 128 Bus Cycle Disable Protect 0xC520 Control Status 0xD928 Bit Write Control CLK PRES WIN INT Figure 21-1. WDOG block diagram MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 516 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) 21.2 Memory map and register definition WDOG memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 3030 Watchdog Control and Status Register 1 (WDOG_CS1) 8 R/W 80h 21.2.1/517 3031 Watchdog Control and Status Register 2 (WDOG_CS2) 8 R/W 01h 21.2.2/519 3032 Watchdog Counter Register: High (WDOG_CNTH) 8 R 00h 21.2.3/520 3033 Watchdog Counter Register: Low (WDOG_CNTL) 8 R 00h 21.2.4/520 3034 Watchdog Timeout Value Register: High (WDOG_TOVALH) 8 R/W 00h 21.2.5/521 3035 Watchdog Timeout Value Register: Low (WDOG_TOVALL) 8 R/W 04h 21.2.6/521 3036 Watchdog Window Register: High (WDOG_WINH) 8 R/W 00h 21.2.7/522 3037 Watchdog Window Register: Low (WDOG_WINL) 8 R/W 00h 21.2.8/522 21.2.1 Watchdog Control and Status Register 1 (WDOG_CS1) This section describes the function of Watchdog Control and Status Register 1. NOTE TST is cleared (0:0) on POR only. Any other reset does not affect the value of this field. Address: 3030h base + 0h offset = 3030h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 EN INT UPDATE 1 0 0 4 3 TST 0 0 2 1 0 DBG WAIT STOP 0 0 0 WDOG_CS1 field descriptions Field 7 EN Description Watchdog Enable This write-once bit enables the watchdog counter to start counting. 0 1 6 INT Watchdog disabled. Watchdog enabled. Watchdog Interrupt This write-once bit configures the watchdog to generate an interrupt request upon a reset-triggering event (timeout or illegal write to the watchdog), prior to forcing a reset. After the interrupt vector fetch, the reset occurs after a delay of 128 bus clocks. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 517 Memory map and register definition WDOG_CS1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 UPDATE Allow updates This write-once bit allows software to reconfigure the watchdog without a reset. 0 1 4-3 TST Watchdog interrupts are disabled. Watchdog resets are not delayed. Watchdog interrupts are enabled. Watchdog resets are delayed by 128 bus clocks. Updates not allowed. After the initial configuration, the watchdog cannot be later modified without forcing a reset. Updates allowed. Software can modify the watchdog configuration registers within 128 bus clocks after performing the unlock write sequence. Watchdog Test Enables the fast test mode. The test mode allows software to exercise all bits of the counter to demonstrate that the watchdog is functioning properly. See the Fast testing of the watchdog section. This write-once field is cleared (0:0) on POR only. Any other reset does not affect the value of this field. 00 01 10 11 2 DBG Debug Enable This write-once bit enables the watchdog to operate when the chip is in debug mode. 0 1 1 WAIT Watchdog disabled in chip debug mode. Watchdog enabled in chip debug mode. Wait Enable This write-once bit enables the watchdog to operate when the chip is in wait mode. 0 1 0 STOP Watchdog test mode disabled. Watchdog user mode enabled. (Watchdog test mode disabled.) After testing the watchdog, software should use this setting to indicate that the watchdog is functioning normally in user mode. Watchdog test mode enabled, only the low byte is used. WDOG_CNTL is compared with WDOG_TOVALL. Watchdog test mode enabled, only the high byte is used. WDOG_CNTH is compared with WDOG_TOVALH. Watchdog disabled in chip wait mode. Watchdog enabled in chip wait mode. Stop Enable This write-once bit enables the watchdog to operate when the chip is in stop mode. 0 1 Watchdog disabled in chip stop mode. Watchdog enabled in chip stop mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 518 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) 21.2.2 Watchdog Control and Status Register 2 (WDOG_CS2) This section describes the function of the watchdog control and status register 2. Address: 3030h base + 1h offset = 3031h Bit Read Write Reset 7 WIN 6 5 FLG 0 w1c 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 PRES 0 0 0 CLK 0 0 1 WDOG_CS2 field descriptions Field 7 WIN Description Watchdog Window This write-once bit enables window mode. See the Window mode section. 0 1 6 FLG Watchdog Interrupt Flag This bit is an interrupt indicator when INT is set in control and status register 1. Write 1 to clear it. 0 1 5 Reserved 4 PRES CLK No interrupt occurred. An interrupt occurred. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Watchdog Prescalar This write-once bit enables a fixed 256 pre-scaling of watchdog counter reference clock. (The block diagram shows this clock divider option.) 0 1 3-2 Reserved Window mode disabled. Window mode enabled. 256 prescalar disabled. 256 prescalar enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Watchdog Clock This write-once field indicates the clock source that feeds the watchdog counter. See the Clock source section. 00 01 10 11 Bus clock. 1 kHz internal low-power oscillator (LPOCLK). 32 kHz internal oscillator (ICSIRCLK). External clock source. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 519 Memory map and register definition 21.2.3 Watchdog Counter Register: High (WDOG_CNTH) This section describes the watchdog counter registers: high (CNTH) and low (CNTL) combined. The watchdog counter registers CNTH and CNTL provide access to the value of the freerunning watchdog counter. Software can read the counter registers at any time. Software cannot write directly to the watchdog counter; however, two write sequences to these registers have special functions: 1. The refresh sequence resets the watchdog counter to 0x0000. See the Refreshing the Watchdog section. 2. The unlock sequence allows the watchdog to be reconfigured without forcing a reset (when WDOG_CS1[UPDATE] = 1). See the Example code: Reconfiguring the Watchdog section. NOTE All other writes to these registers are illegal and force a reset. Address: 3030h base + 2h offset = 3032h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CNTHIGH Write Reset 0 0 0 0 WDOG_CNTH field descriptions Field CNTHIGH Description High byte of the Watchdog Counter 21.2.4 Watchdog Counter Register: Low (WDOG_CNTL) See the description of the WDOG_CNTH register. Address: 3030h base + 3h offset = 3033h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CNTLOW Write Reset 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 520 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) WDOG_CNTL field descriptions Field CNTLOW Description Low byte of the Watchdog Counter 21.2.5 Watchdog Timeout Value Register: High (WDOG_TOVALH) This section describes the watchdog timeout value registers: high (WDOG_TOVALH) and low (WDOG_TOVALL) combined. WDOG_TOVALH and WDOG_TOVALL contains the 16-bit value used to set the timeout period of the watchdog. The watchdog counter (WDOG_CNTH and WDOG_CNTL) is continuously compared with the timeout value (WDOG_TOVALH and WDOG_TOVALL). If the counter reaches the timeout value, the watchdog forces a reset. NOTE Do not write 0 to the Watchdog Timeout Value Register, otherwise, the watchdog always generates a reset. Address: 3030h base + 4h offset = 3034h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 TOVALHIGH 0 0 0 0 WDOG_TOVALH field descriptions Field TOVALHIGH Description High byte of the timeout value 21.2.6 Watchdog Timeout Value Register: Low (WDOG_TOVALL) See the description of the WDOG_TOVALH register. NOTE All the bits reset to 0 in read. Address: 3030h base + 5h offset = 3035h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 TOVALLOW 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 521 Memory map and register definition WDOG_TOVALL field descriptions Field TOVALLOW Description Low byte of the timeout value 21.2.7 Watchdog Window Register: High (WDOG_WINH) This section describes the watchdog window registers: high (WDOG_WINH) and low (WDOG_WINL) combined. When window mode is enabled (WDOG_CS2[WIN] is set), WDOG_WINH and WDOG_WINL determine the earliest time that a refresh sequence is considered valid. See the Watchdog refresh mechanism section. WDOG_WINH and WDOG_WINL must be less than WDOG_TOVALH and WDOG_TOVALL. Address: 3030h base + 6h offset = 3036h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 WINHIGH 0 0 0 0 WDOG_WINH field descriptions Field WINHIGH Description High byte of Watchdog Window 21.2.8 Watchdog Window Register: Low (WDOG_WINL) See the description of the WDOG_WINH register. Address: 3030h base + 7h offset = 3037h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 WINLOW 0 0 0 0 WDOG_WINL field descriptions Field WINLOW Description Low byte of Watchdog Window MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 522 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) 21.3 Functional description The WDOG module provides a fail safe mechanism to ensure the system can be reset to a known state of operation in case of system failure, such as the CPU clock stopping or there being a run away condition in the software code. The watchdog counter runs continuously off a selectable clock source and expects to be serviced (refreshed) periodically. If it is not, it resets the system. The timeout period, window mode, and clock source are all programmable but must be configured within 128 bus clocks after a reset. 21.3.1 Watchdog refresh mechanism The watchdog resets the MCU if the watchdog counter is not refreshed. A robust refresh mechanism makes it very unlikely that the watchdog can be refreshed by runaway code. To refresh the watchdog counter, software must execute a refresh write sequence before the timeout period expires. In addition, if window mode is used, software must not start the refresh sequence until after the time value set in the WDOG_WINH and WDOG_WINL registers. See the following figure. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 523 Functional description WDOG counter WDOG_TOVALH and WDOG_TOVALL WDOG_WINH and WDOG_WINL Refresh opportunity in window mode 0 Refresh opportunity (not in window mode) Time Figure 21-10. Refresh opportunity for the Watchdog counter Window mode Software finishing its main control loop faster than expected could be an indication of a problem. Depending on the requirements of the application, the WDOG can be programmed to force a reset when refresh attempts are early. When Window mode is enabled, the watchdog must be refreshed after the counter has reached a minimum expected time value; otherwise, the watchdog resets the MCU. The minimum expected time value is specified in the WDOG_WINH:L registers. Setting CS1[WIN] enables Window mode. Refreshing the Watchdog The refresh write sequence is a write of 0xA602 followed by a write of 0xB480 to the WDOG_CNTH and WDOG_CNTL registers. The write of the 0xB480 must occur within 16 bus clocks after the write of 0xA602; otherwise, the watchdog resets the MCU. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 524 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) Note Before starting the refresh sequence, disable global interrupts. Otherwise, an interrupt could effectively invalidate the refresh sequence if writing the four bytes takes more than 16 bus clocks. Re-enable interrupts when the sequence is finished. Example code: Refreshing the Watchdog The following code segment shows the refresh write sequence of the WDOG module. /* Refresh watchdog */ for (;;) // main loop { ... DisableInterrupts; // disable global interrupt WDOG_CNT = 0xA602; // write the 1st refresh word WDOG_CNT = 0xB480; // write the 2nd refresh word to refresh counter EnableInterrupts; // enable global interrupt } ... 21.3.2 Configuring the Watchdog All watchdog control bits, timeout value, and window value are write-once after reset. This means that after a write has occurred they cannot be changed unless a reset occurs. This provides a robust mechanism to configure the watchdog and ensure that a runaway condition cannot mistakenly disable or modify the watchdog configuration after configured. This is guaranteed by the user configuring the window and timeout value first, followed by the other control bits, and ensuring that CS1[UPDATE] is also set to 0. The new configuration takes effect only after all registers except WDOG_CNTH:L are written once after reset. Otherwise, the WDOG uses the reset values by default. If window mode is not used (CS2[WIN] is 0), writing to WDOG_WINH:L is not required to make the new configuration take effect. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 525 Functional description Reconfiguring the Watchdog In some cases (such as when supporting a bootloader function), users may want to reconfigure or disable the watchdog without forcing a reset first. By setting CS1[UPDATE] to a 1 on the initial configuration of the watchdog after a reset, users can reconfigure the watchdog at any time by executing an unlock sequence. (Conversely, if CS1[UPDATE] remains 0, the only way to reconfigure the watchdog is by initiating a reset.) The unlock sequence is similar to the refresh sequence but uses different values. Unlocking the Watchdog The unlock sequence is a write to the WDOG_CNTH:L registers of 0xC520 followed by 0xD928 within 16 bus clocks at any time after the watchdog has been configured. On completing the unlock sequence, the user must reconfigure the watchdog within 128 bus clocks; otherwise, the watchdog forces a reset to the MCU. NOTE Due to 128 bus clocks requirement for reconfiguring the watchdog, some delays must be inserted before executing STOP or WAIT instructions after reconfiguring the watchdog. This ensures that the watchdog's new configuration takes effect before MCU enters low power mode. Otherwise, the MCU may not be waken up from low power mode. Example code: Reconfiguring the Watchdog The following code segment shows an example reconfiguration of the WDOG module. /* Initialize watchdog with ~1-kHz clock source, ~1s time-out */ DisableInterrupts; // disable global interrupt WDOG_CNT = 0xC520; // write the 1st unlock word WDOG_CNT = 0xD928; // write the 2nd unlock word WDOG_TOVAL = 1000; // setting timeout value WDOG_CS2 = WDOG_CS2_CLK_MASK; // setting 1-kHz clock source WDOG_CS1 = WDOG_CS1_EN_MASK; // enable counter running EnableInterrupts; // enable global interrupt MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 526 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) 21.3.3 Clock source The watchdog counter has four clock source options selected by programming CS2[CLK]: * bus clock * internal Low-Power Oscillator (LPO) running at approximately 1 kHz (This is the default source.) * internal 32 kHz clock * external clock The options allow software to select a clock source independent of the bus clock for applications that need to meet more robust safety requirements. Using a clock source other than the bus clock ensures that the watchdog counter continues to run if the bus clock is somehow halted; see Backup reset. An optional fixed prescaler for all clock sources allows for longer timeout periods. When CS2[PRES] is set, the clock source is prescaled by 256 before clocking the watchdog counter. The following table summarizes the different watchdog timeout periods available. Table 21-10. Watchdog timeout availability Reference clock Internal ~1 kHz (LPO) Internal ~32 kHz 1 MHz (from bus or external) 20 MHz (from bus or external) Prescaler Watchdog time-out availability Pass through ~1 ms-65.5 s1 /256 ~256 ms-16,777 s Pass through ~31.25 s-2.048 s /256 ~8 ms-524.3 s Pass through 1 s-65.54 ms /256 256 s-16.777 s Pass through 50 ns-3.277 ms /256 12.8 s-838.8 ms 1. The default timeout value after reset is approximately 4 ms. NOTE When the programmer switches clock sources during reconfiguration, the watchdog hardware holds the counter at zero for 2.5 periods of the previous clock source and 2.5 periods of the new clock source after the configuration time period (128 bus clocks) ends. This delay ensures a smooth transition before restarting the counter with the new configuration. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 527 Functional description 21.3.4 Using interrupts to delay resets When interrupts are enabled (CS1[INT] = 1), the watchdog first generates an interrupt request upon a reset triggering event (such as a counter timeout or invalid refresh attempt). The watchdog delays forcing a reset for 128 bus clocks to allow the interrupt service routine (ISR) to perform tasks, such as analyzing the stack to debug code. When interrupts are disabled (CS1[INT] = 0), the watchdog does not delay forcing a reset. 21.3.5 Backup reset NOTE A clock source other than the bus clock must be used as the reference clock for the counter; otherwise, the backup reset function is not available. The backup reset function is a safeguard feature that independently generates a reset in case the main WDOG logic loses its clock (the bus clock) and can no longer monitor the counter. If the watchdog counter overflows twice in succession (without an intervening reset), the backup reset function takes effect and generates a reset. 21.3.6 Functionality in debug and low-power modes By default, the watchdog is not functional in Active Background mode, Wait mode, or Stop3 mode. However, the watchdog can remain functional in these modes as follows: * For Active Background mode, set CS1[DBG]. (This way the watchdog is functional in Active Background mode even when the CPU is held by the Debug module.) * For Wait mode, set CS1[WAIT]. * For Stop3 mode, set CS1[STOP]. NOTE The watchdog can not generate interrupt in Stop3 mode even if CS1[STOP] is set and will not wake the MCU from Stop3 mode. It can generate reset during Stop3 mode. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 528 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Watchdog (WDOG) For Active Background mode and Stop3 mode, in addition to the above configurations, a clock source other than the bus clock must be used as the reference clock for the counter; otherwise, the watchdog cannot function. 21.3.7 Fast testing of the watchdog Before executing application code in safety critical applications, users are required to test that the watchdog works as expected and resets the MCU. Testing every bit of a 16-bit counter by letting it run to the overflow value takes a relatively long time (64 kHz clocks). To help minimize the startup delay for application code after reset, the watchdog has a feature to test the watchdog more quickly by splitting the counter into its constituent byte-wide stages. The low and high bytes are run independently and tested for timeout against the corresponding byte of the timeout value register. (For complete coverage when testing the high byte of the counter, the test feature feeds the input clock via the 8th bit of the low byte, thus ensuring that the overflow connection from the low byte to the high byte is tested.) Using this test feature reduces the test time to 512 clocks (not including overhead, such as user configuration and reset vector fetches). To further speed testing, use a faster clock (such as the bus clock) for the counter reference. On a power-on reset, the POR bit in the system reset register is set, indicating the user should perform the WDOG fast test. Testing each byte of the counter The test procedure follows these steps: 1. Program the preferred watchdog timeout value in the WDOG_TOVALH and WDOG_TOVALL registers during the watchdog configuration time period. 2. Select a byte of the counter to test using the WDOG_CS1[TST] = 10b for the low byte; WDOG_CS1[TST] = 11b for the high byte. 3. Wait for the watchdog to timeout. Optionally, in the idle loop, increment RAM locations as a parallel software counter for later comparison. Because the RAM is not affected by a watchdog reset, the timeout period of the watchdog counter can be compared with the software counter to verify the timeout period has occurred as expected. 4. The watchdog counter times out and forces a reset. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 529 Functional description 5. Confirm the WDOG flag in the system reset register is set, indicating that the watchdog caused the reset. (The POR flag remains clear.) 6. Confirm that WDOG_CS1[TST] shows a test (10b or 11b) was performed. If confirmed, the count and compare functions work for the selected byte. Repeat the procedure, selecting the other byte in step 2. NOTE WDOG_CS1[TST] is cleared by a POR only and not affected by other resets. Entering user mode After successfully testing the low and high bytes of the watchdog counter, the user can configure WDOG_CS1[TST] to 01b to indicate the watchdog is ready for use in application user mode. Thus if a reset occurs again, software can recognize the reset trigger as a real watchdog reset caused by runaway or faulty application code. As an ongoing test when using the default 1-kHz clock source, software can periodically read the WDOG_CNTH and WDOG_CNTL registers to ensure the counter is being incremented. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 530 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support 22.1 Introduction This chapter describes the single-wire background debug mode (BDM), which uses the on-chip background debug controller (BDC) module, and the independent on-chip realtime in-circuit emulation (ICE) system, which uses the on-chip debug (DBG) module. 22.1.1 Forcing active background The method for forcing active background mode depends on the specific HCS08 derivative. For the 9S08xxxx, you can force active background after a power-on reset by holding the BKGD pin low as the device exits the reset condition. You can also force active background by driving BKGD low immediately after a serial background command that writes a one to the BDFR bit in the SBDFR register. Other causes of reset including an external pin reset or an internally generated error reset ignore the state of the BKGD pin and reset into normal user mode. If no debug pod is connected to the BKGD pin, the MCU will always reset into normal operating mode. 22.1.2 Features Features of the BDC module include: * Single pin for mode selection and background communications * BDC registers are not located in the memory map * SYNC command to determine target communications rate * Non-intrusive commands for memory access * Active background mode commands for CPU register access * GO and TRACE1 commands * BACKGROUND command can wake CPU from stop or wait modes * One hardware address breakpoint built into BDC MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 531 Background debug controller (BDC) * BDC clock runs in stop mode, if BDC enabled * Watchdog disabled by default while in active background mode. It can also be enabled by proper configuration Features of the ICE system include: * Two trigger comparators: Two address + read/write (R/W) or one full address + data + R/W * Flexible 8-word by 16-bit FIFO (first-in, first-out) buffer for capture information: * Change-of-flow addresses or * Event-only data * Two types of breakpoints: * Tag breakpoints for instruction opcodes * Force breakpoints for any address access * Nine trigger modes: * Basic: A-only, A OR B * Sequence: A then B * Full: A AND B data, A AND NOT B data * Event (store data): Event-only B, A then event-only B * Range: Inside range (A address B), outside range (address < A or address > B) 22.2 Background debug controller (BDC) All MCUs in the HCS08 Family contain a single-wire background debug interface that supports in-circuit programming of on-chip nonvolatile memory and sophisticated nonintrusive debug capabilities. Unlike debug interfaces on earlier 8-bit MCUs, this system does not interfere with normal application resources. It does not use any user memory or locations in the memory map and does not share any on-chip peripherals. BDC commands are divided into two groups: * Active background mode commands require that the target MCU is in active background mode (the user program is not running). Active background mode commands allow the CPU registers to be read or written, and allow the user to trace one user instruction at a time, or GO to the user program from active background mode. * Non-intrusive commands can be executed at any time even while the user's program is running. Non-intrusive commands allow a user to read or write MCU memory locations or access status and control registers within the background debug controller. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 532 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support Typically, a relatively simple interface pod is used to translate commands from a host computer into commands for the custom serial interface to the single-wire background debug system. Depending on the development tool vendor, this interface pod may use a standard RS-232 serial port, a parallel printer port, or some other type of communications such as a universal serial bus (USB) to communicate between the host PC and the pod. The pod typically connects to the target system with ground, the BKGD pin, RESET, and sometimes VDD. An open-drain connection to reset allows the host to force a target system reset, which is useful to regain control of a lost target system or to control startup of a target system before the on-chip nonvolatile memory has been programmed. Sometimes VDD can be used to allow the pod to use power from the target system to avoid the need for a separate power supply. However, if the pod is powered separately, it can be connected to a running target system without forcing a target system reset or otherwise disturbing the running application program. BKGD 1 2 GND NO CONNECT 3 4 RESET NO CONNECT 5 6 VDD Figure 22-1. BDM tool connector 22.2.1 BKGD pin description BKGD is the single-wire background debug interface pin. The primary function of this pin is for bidirectional serial communication of active background mode commands and data. During reset, this pin is used to select between starting in active background mode or starting the user's application program. This pin is also used to request a timed sync response pulse to allow a host development tool to determine the correct clock frequency for background debug serial communications. BDC serial communications use a custom serial protocol first introduced on the M68HC12 Family of microcontrollers. This protocol assumes the host knows the communication clock rate that is determined by the target BDC clock rate. All communication is initiated and controlled by the host that drives a high-to-low edge to signal the beginning of each bit time. Commands and data are sent most significant bit first (MSB first). For a detailed description of the communications protocol, refer to Communication details. If a host is attempting to communicate with a target MCU that has an unknown BDC clock rate, a SYNC command may be sent to the target MCU to request a timed sync response signal from which the host can determine the correct communication speed. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 533 Background debug controller (BDC) BKGD is a pseudo-open-drain pin and there is an on-chip pullup so no external pullup resistor is required. Unlike typical open-drain pins, the external RC time constant on this pin, which is influenced by external capacitance, plays almost no role in signal rise time. The custom protocol provides for brief, actively driven speedup pulses to force rapid rise times on this pin without risking harmful drive level conflicts. Refer to Communication details for more detail. When no debugger pod is connected to the 6-pin BDM interface connector, the internal pullup on BKGD chooses normal operating mode. When a debug pod is connected to BKGD it is possible to force the MCU into active background mode after reset. The specific conditions for forcing active background depend upon the HCS08 derivative (refer to the introduction to this Development Support section). It is not necessary to reset the target MCU to communicate with it through the background debug interface. 22.2.2 Communication details The BDC serial interface requires the external controller to generate a falling edge on the BKGD pin to indicate the start of each bit time. The external controller provides this falling edge whether data is transmitted or received. BKGD is a pseudo-open-drain pin that can be driven either by an external controller or by the MCU. Data is transferred MSB first at 16 BDC clock cycles per bit (nominal speed). The interface times out if 512 BDC clock cycles occur between falling edges from the host. Any BDC command that was in progress when this timeout occurs is aborted without affecting the memory or operating mode of the target MCU system. The custom serial protocol requires the debug pod to know the target BDC communication clock speed. The clock switch (CLKSW) control bit in the BDC status and control register allows the user to select the BDC clock source. The BDC clock source can either be the bus or the alternate BDC clock source. The BKGD pin can receive a high or low level or transmit a high or low level. The following diagrams show timing for each of these cases. Interface timing is synchronous to clocks in the target BDC, but asynchronous to the external host. The internal BDC clock signal is shown for reference in counting cycles. The following figure shows an external host transmitting a logic 1 or 0 to the BKGD pin of a target HCS08 MCU. The host is asynchronous to the target so there is a 0-to-1 cycle delay from the host-generated falling edge to where the target perceives the beginning of the bit time. Ten target BDC clock cycles later, the target senses the bit level on the BKGD pin. Typically, the host actively drives the pseudo-open-drain BKGD pin during MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 534 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support host-to-target transmissions to speed up rising edges. Because the target does not drive the BKGD pin during the host-to-target transmission period, there is no need to treat the line as an open-drain signal during this period. BDC CLO CK (T A R G E T M C U ) HOST T R A N S M IT 1 HOST T R A N S M IT 0 10 CYCLES S Y N C H R O N IZ A T IO N U N C E R T A IN T Y E A R L IE S T S T A R T O F N E X T B IT T A R G E T S E N S E S B IT L E V E L P E R C E IV E D S T A R T O F B IT T IM E Figure 22-2. BDC host-to-target serial bit timing The next figure shows the host receiving a logic 1 from the target HCS08 MCU. Because the host is asynchronous to the target MCU, there is a 0-to-1 cycle delay from the hostgenerated falling edge on BKGD to the perceived start of the bit time in the target MCU. The host holds the BKGD pin low long enough for the target to recognize it (at least two target BDC cycles). The host must release the low drive before the target MCU drives a brief active-high speedup pulse seven cycles after the perceived start of the bit time. The host should sample the bit level about 10 cycles after it started the bit time. BDC CLO CK (T A R G E T M C U ) H O S T D R IV E T O B K G D P IN H IG H -IM P E D A N C E TARGET M CU SPEEDUP PULSE H IG H -IM P E D A N C E H IG H -IM P E D A N C E P E R C E IV E D S T A R T O F B IT T IM E R -C R IS E B K G D P IN 10 CYCLES 10 CYCLES E A R L IE S T S T A R T O F N E X T B IT H O S T S A M P L E S B K G D P IN Figure 22-3. BDC target-to-host serial bit timing (logic 1) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 535 Background debug controller (BDC) The following figure shows the host receiving a logic 0 from the target HCS08 MCU. Because the host is asynchronous to the target MCU, there is a 0-to-1 cycle delay from the host-generated falling edge on BKGD to the start of the bit time as perceived by the target MCU. The host initiates the bit time but the target HCS08 finishes it. Because the target wants the host to receive a logic 0, it drives the BKGD pin low for 13 BDC clock cycles, then briefly drives it high to speed up the rising edge. The host samples the bit level about 10 cycles after starting the bit time. BDC CLO CK (T A R G E T M C U ) H O S T D R IV E T O B K G D P IN H IG H -IM P E D A N C E SPEEDUP PULSE TARGET M CU D R IV E A N D S P E E D -U P P U L S E P E R C E IV E D S T A R T O F B IT T IM E B K G D P IN 10 CYCLES 10 CYCLES E A R L IE S T S T A R T O F N E X T B IT H O S T S A M P L E S B K G D P IN Figure 22-4. BDM target-to-host serial bit timing (logic 0) 22.2.3 BDC commands BDC commands are sent serially from a host computer to the BKGD pin of the target HCS08 MCU. All commands and data are sent MSB-first using a custom BDC communications protocol. Active background mode commands require that the target MCU is currently in the active background mode while non-intrusive commands may be issued at any time whether the target MCU is in active background mode or running a user application program. The following table shows all HCS08 BDC commands, a shorthand description of their coding structure, and the meaning of each command. Coding Structure Nomenclature This nomenclature is used in the following table to describe the coding structure of the BDC commands. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 536 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support Commands begin with an 8-bit hexadecimal command code in the host-to-target direction (most significant bit first) / =separates parts of the command d=delay 16 target BDC clock cycles AAAA = a 16-bit address in the host-to-target direction RD = 8 bits of read data in the target-to-host direction WD = 8 bits of write data in the host-to-target direction RD16 = 16 bits of read data in the target-to-host direction WD16 = 16 bits of write data in the host-to-target direction SS = the contents of BDCSCR in the target-to-host direction (STATUS) CC = 8 bits of write data for BDCSCR in the host-to-target direction (CONTROL) RBKP = 16 bits of read data in the target-to-host direction (from BDCBKPT breakpoint register) WBKP = 16 bits of write data in the host-to-target direction (for BDCBKPT breakpoint register) Table 22-1. BDC command summary Command mnemonic Active BDM/ non-intrusive Coding structure Description SYNC Non-intrusive N/A1 Request a timed reference pulse to determine target BDC communication speed ACK_ENABLE Non-intrusive D5/d Enable acknowledge protocol. Refer to Freescale document order no. HCS08RMv1/D. ACK_DISABLE Non-intrusive D6/d Disable acknowledge protocol. Refer to Freescale document order no. HCS08RMv1/D. BACKGROUND Non-intrusive 90/d Enter active background mode if enabled (ignore if ENBDM bit equals 0) READ_STATUS Non-intrusive E4/SS Read BDC status from BDCSCR WRITE_CONTROL Non-intrusive C4/CC Write BDC controls in BDCSCR READ_BYTE Non-intrusive E0/AAAA/d/RD READ_BYTE_WS Non-intrusive E1/AAAA/d/SS/RD READ_LAST Non-intrusive E8/SS/RD Read a byte from target memory Read a byte and report status Re-read byte from address just read and report status WRITE_BYTE Non-intrusive C0/AAAA/WD/d Write a byte to target memory WRITE_BYTE_WS Non-intrusive C1/AAAA/WD/d/SS Write a byte and report status READ_BKPT Non-intrusive E2/RBKP Read BDCBKPT breakpoint register WRITE_BKPT Non-intrusive C2/WBKP Write BDCBKPT breakpoint register GO Active BDM 08/d Go to execute the user application program starting at the address currently in the PC TRACE1 Active BDM 10/d Trace 1 user instruction at the address in the PC, then return to active background mode Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 537 Background debug controller (BDC) Table 22-1. BDC command summary (continued) Command mnemonic Active BDM/ non-intrusive Coding structure TAGGO Active BDM 18/d Description Same as GO but enable external tagging (HCS08 devices have no external tagging pin) READ_A Active BDM 68/d/RD Read accumulator (A) READ_CCR Active BDM 69/d/RD Read condition code register (CCR) READ_PC Active BDM 6B/d/RD16 Read program counter (PC) READ_HX Active BDM 6C/d/RD16 Read H and X register pair (H:X) READ_SP Active BDM 6F/d/RD16 Read stack pointer (SP) READ_NEXT Active BDM 70/d/RD Increment H:X by one then read memory byte located at H:X READ_NEXT_WS Active BDM 71/d/SS/RD Increment H:X by one then read memory byte located at H:X. Report status and data. WRITE_A Active BDM 48/WD/d Write accumulator (A) WRITE_CCR Active BDM 49/WD/d Write condition code register (CCR) WRITE_PC Active BDM 4B/WD16/d Write program counter (PC) WRITE_HX Active BDM 4C/WD16/d Write H and X register pair (H:X) WRITE_SP Active BDM 4F/WD16/d Write stack pointer (SP) WRITE_NEXT Active BDM 50/WD/d Increment H:X by one, then write memory byte located at H:X WRITE_NEXT_WS Active BDM 51/WD/d/SS Increment H:X by one, then write memory byte located at H:X. Also report status. 1. The SYNC command is a special operation that does not have a command code. The SYNC command is unlike other BDC commands because the host does not necessarily know the correct communications speed to use for BDC communications until after it has analyzed the response to the SYNC command. To issue a SYNC command, the host: * Drives the BKGD pin low for at least 128 cycles of the slowest possible BDC clock (The slowest clock is normally the reference oscillator/64 or the self-clocked rate/ 64.) * Drives BKGD high for a brief speedup pulse to get a fast rise time (This speedup pulse is typically one cycle of the fastest clock in the system.) * Removes all drive to the BKGD pin so it reverts to high impedance * Monitors the BKGD pin for the sync response pulse MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 538 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support The target, upon detecting the SYNC request from the host (which is a much longer low time than would ever occur during normal BDC communications): * Waits for BKGD to return to a logic high * Delays 16 cycles to allow the host to stop driving the high speedup pulse * Drives BKGD low for 128 BDC clock cycles * Drives a 1-cycle high speedup pulse to force a fast rise time on BKGD * Removes all drive to the BKGD pin so it reverts to high impedance The host measures the low time of this 128-cycle sync response pulse and determines the correct speed for subsequent BDC communications. Typically, the host can determine the correct communication speed within a few percent of the actual target speed and the communication protocol can easily tolerate speed errors of several percent. 22.2.4 BDC hardware breakpoint The BDC includes one relatively simple hardware breakpoint that compares the CPU address bus to a 16-bit match value in the BDCBKPT register. This breakpoint can generate a forced breakpoint or a tagged breakpoint. A forced breakpoint causes the CPU to enter active background mode at the first instruction boundary following any access to the breakpoint address. The tagged breakpoint causes the instruction opcode at the breakpoint address to be tagged so that the CPU will enter active background mode rather than executing that instruction if and when it reaches the end of the instruction queue. This implies that tagged breakpoints can be placed only at the address of an instruction opcode while forced breakpoints can be set at any address. The breakpoint enable (BKPTEN) control bit in the BDC status and control register (BDCSCR) is used to enable the breakpoint logic (BKPTEN = 1). When BKPTEN = 0, its default value after reset, the breakpoint logic is disabled and no BDC breakpoints are requested regardless of the values in other BDC breakpoint registers and control bits. The force/tag select (FTS) control bit in BDCSCR is used to select forced (FTS = 1) or tagged (FTS = 0) type breakpoints. The on-chip debug module (DBG) includes circuitry for two additional hardware breakpoints that are more flexible than the simple breakpoint in the BDC module. 22.3 On-chip debug system (DBG) Because HCS08 devices do not have external address and data buses, the most important functions of an in-circuit emulator have been built onto the chip with the MCU. The debug system consists of an 8-stage FIFO that can store address or data bus information, MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 539 On-chip debug system (DBG) and a flexible trigger system to decide when to capture bus information and what information to capture. The system relies on the single-wire background debug system to access debug control registers and to read results out of the eight stage FIFO. The debug module includes control and status registers that are accessible in the user's memory map. These registers are located in the high register space to avoid using valuable direct page memory space. Most of the debug module's functions are used during development, and user programs rarely access any of the control and status registers for the debug module. The one exception is that the debug system can provide the means to implement a form of ROM patching. This topic is discussed in greater detail in Hardware breakpoints. 22.3.1 Comparators A and B Two 16-bit comparators (A and B) can optionally be qualified with the R/W signal and an opcode tracking circuit. Separate control bits allow you to ignore R/W for each comparator. The opcode tracking circuitry optionally allows you to specify that a trigger will occur only if the opcode at the specified address is actually executed as opposed to only being read from memory into the instruction queue. The comparators are also capable of magnitude comparisons to support the inside range and outside range trigger modes. Comparators are disabled temporarily during all BDC accesses. The A comparator is always associated with the 16-bit CPU address. The B comparator compares to the CPU address or the 8-bit CPU data bus, depending on the trigger mode selected. Because the CPU data bus is separated into a read data bus and a write data bus, the RWAEN and RWA control bits have an additional purpose, in full address plus data comparisons they are used to decide which of these buses to use in the comparator B data bus comparisons. If RWAEN = 1 (enabled) and RWA = 0 (write), the CPU's write data bus is used. Otherwise, the CPU's read data bus is used. The currently selected trigger mode determines what the debugger logic does when a comparator detects a qualified match condition. A match can cause: * Generation of a breakpoint to the CPU * Storage of data bus values into the FIFO * Starting to store change-of-flow addresses into the FIFO (begin type trace) * Stopping the storage of change-of-flow addresses into the FIFO (end type trace) MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 540 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support 22.3.2 Bus capture information and FIFO operation The usual way to use the FIFO is to setup the trigger mode and other control options, then arm the debugger. When the FIFO has filled or the debugger has stopped storing data into the FIFO, you would read the information out of it in the order it was stored into the FIFO. Status bits indicate the number of words of valid information that are in the FIFO as data is stored into it. If a trace run is manually halted by writing 0 to ARM before the FIFO is full (CNT = 1:0:0:0), the information is shifted by one position and the host must perform ((8 - CNT) - 1) dummy reads of the FIFO to advance it to the first significant entry in the FIFO. In most trigger modes, the information stored in the FIFO consists of 16-bit change-offlow addresses. In these cases, read DBGFH then DBGFL to get one coherent word of information out of the FIFO. Reading DBGFL (the low-order byte of the FIFO data port) causes the FIFO to shift so the next word of information is available at the FIFO data port. In the event-only trigger modes (see Trigger modes), 8-bit data information is stored into the FIFO. In these cases, the high-order half of the FIFO (DBGFH) is not used and data is read out of the FIFO by simply reading DBGFL. Each time DBGFL is read, the FIFO is shifted so the next data value is available through the FIFO data port at DBGFL. In trigger modes where the FIFO is storing change-of-flow addresses, there is a delay between CPU addresses and the input side of the FIFO. Because of this delay, if the trigger event itself is a change-of-flow address or a change-of-flow address appears during the next two bus cycles after a trigger event starts the FIFO, it will not be saved into the FIFO. In the case of an end-trace, if the trigger event is a change-of-flow, it will be saved as the last change-of-flow entry for that debug run. The FIFO can also be used to generate a profile of executed instruction addresses when the debugger is not armed. When ARM = 0, reading DBGFL causes the address of the most-recently fetched opcode to be saved in the FIFO. To use the profiling feature, a host debugger would read addresses out of the FIFO by reading DBGFH then DBGFL at regular periodic intervals. The first eight values would be discarded because they correspond to the eight DBGFL reads needed to initially fill the FIFO. Additional periodic reads of DBGFH and DBGFL return delayed information about executed instructions so the host debugger can develop a profile of executed instruction addresses. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 541 On-chip debug system (DBG) 22.3.3 Change-of-flow information To minimize the amount of information stored in the FIFO, only information related to instructions that cause a change to the normal sequential execution of instructions is stored. With knowledge of the source and object code program stored in the target system, an external debugger system can reconstruct the path of execution through many instructions from the change-of-flow information stored in the FIFO. For conditional branch instructions where the branch is taken (branch condition was true), the source address is stored (the address of the conditional branch opcode). Because BRA and BRN instructions are not conditional, these events do not cause change-of-flow information to be stored in the FIFO. Indirect JMP and JSR instructions use the current contents of the H:X index register pair to determine the destination address, so the debug system stores the run-time destination address for any indirect JMP or JSR. For interrupts, RTI, or RTS, the destination address is stored in the FIFO as change-of-flow information. 22.3.4 Tag vs. force breakpoints and triggers Tagging is a term that refers to identifying an instruction opcode as it is fetched into the instruction queue, but not taking any other action until and unless that instruction is actually executed by the CPU. This distinction is important because any change-of-flow from a jump, branch, subroutine call, or interrupt causes some instructions that have been fetched into the instruction queue to be thrown away without being executed. A force-type breakpoint waits for the current instruction to finish and then acts upon the breakpoint request. The usual action in response to a breakpoint is to go to active background mode rather than continuing to the next instruction in the user application program. The tag vs. force terminology is used in two contexts within the debug module. The first context refers to breakpoint requests from the debug module to the CPU. The second refers to match signals from the comparators to the debugger control logic. When a tagtype break request is sent to the CPU, a signal is entered into the instruction queue along with the opcode so that if/when this opcode ever executes, the CPU will effectively replace the tagged opcode with a BGND opcode so the CPU goes to active background mode rather than executing the tagged instruction. When the TRGSEL control bit in the DBGT register is set to select tag-type operation, the output from comparator A or B is qualified by a block of logic in the debug module that tracks opcodes and produces only a trigger to the debugger if the opcode at the compare address is actually executed. There is separate opcode tracking logic for each comparator so more than one compare event can be tracked through the instruction queue at a time. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 542 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support 22.3.5 Trigger modes The trigger mode controls the overall behavior of a debug run. The 4-bit TRG field in the DBGT register selects one of nine trigger modes. When TRGSEL = 1 in the DBGT register, the output of the comparator must propagate through an opcode tracking circuit before triggering FIFO actions. The BEGIN bit in DBGT chooses whether the FIFO begins storing data when the qualified trigger is detected (begin trace), or the FIFO stores data in a circular fashion from the time it is armed until the qualified trigger is detected (end trigger). A debug run is started by writing a 1 to the ARM bit in the DBGC register, which sets the ARMF flag and clears the AF and BF flags and the CNT bits in DBGS. A begin-trace debug run ends when the FIFO gets full. An end-trace run ends when the selected trigger event occurs. Any debug run can be stopped manually by writing a 0 to ARM or DBGEN in DBGC. In all trigger modes except event-only modes, the FIFO stores change-of-flow addresses. In event-only trigger modes, the FIFO stores data in the low-order eight bits of the FIFO. The BEGIN control bit is ignored in event-only trigger modes and all such debug runs are begin type traces. When TRGSEL = 1 to select opcode fetch triggers, it is not necessary to use R/W in comparisons because opcode tags would apply only to opcode fetches that are always read cycles. It would also be unusual to specify TRGSEL = 1 while using a full mode trigger because the opcode value is normally known at a particular address. The following trigger mode descriptions state only the primary comparator conditions that lead to a trigger. Either comparator can usually be further qualified with R/W by setting RWAEN (RWBEN) and the corresponding RWA (RWB) value to be matched against R/W. The signal from the comparator with optional R/W qualification is used to request a CPU breakpoint if BRKEN = 1 and TAG determines whether the CPU request will be a tag request or a force request. A-Only Trigger when the address matches the value in comparator A A OR B Trigger when the address matches either the value in comparator A or the value in comparator B A Then B Trigger when the address matches the value in comparator B but only after the address for another cycle matched the value in comparator A. There can be any number of cycles after the A match and before the B match. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 543 On-chip debug system (DBG) A AND B Data (Full Mode) This is called a full mode because address, data, and R/W (optionally) must match within the same bus cycle to cause a trigger event. Comparator A checks address, the low byte of comparator B checks data, and R/W is checked against RWA if RWAEN = 1. The high-order half of comparator B is not used. In full trigger modes it is not useful to specify a tag-type CPU breakpoint (BRKEN = TAG = 1), but if you do, the comparator B data match is ignored for the purpose of issuing the tag request to the CPU and the CPU breakpoint is issued when the comparator A address matches. A AND NOT B Data (Full Mode) Address must match comparator A, data must not match the low half of comparator B, and R/W must match RWA if RWAEN = 1. All three conditions must be met within the same bus cycle to cause a trigger. In full trigger modes it is not useful to specify a tag-type CPU breakpoint (BRKEN = TAG = 1), but if you do, the comparator B data match is ignored for the purpose of issuing the tag request to the CPU and the CPU breakpoint is issued when the comparator A address matches. Event-Only B (Store Data) Trigger events occur each time the address matches the value in comparator B. Trigger events cause the data to be captured into the FIFO. The debug run ends when the FIFO becomes full. A Then Event-Only B (Store Data) After the address has matched the value in comparator A, a trigger event occurs each time the address matches the value in comparator B. Trigger events cause the data to be captured into the FIFO. The debug run ends when the FIFO becomes full. Inside Range (A Address B) A trigger occurs when the address is greater than or equal to the value in comparator A and less than or equal to the value in comparator B at the same time. Outside Range (Address < A or Address > B) A trigger occurs when the address is either less than the value in comparator A or greater than the value in comparator B. 22.3.6 Hardware breakpoints The BRKEN control bit in the DBGC register may be set to 1 to allow any of the trigger conditions described in Trigger modes to be used to generate a hardware breakpoint request to the CPU. TAG in DBGC controls whether the breakpoint request will be treated as a tag-type breakpoint or a force-type breakpoint. A tag breakpoint causes the current opcode to be marked as it enters the instruction queue. If a tagged opcode reaches MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 544 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support the end of the pipe, the CPU executes a BGND instruction to go to active background mode rather than executing the tagged opcode. A force-type breakpoint causes the CPU to finish the current instruction and then go to active background mode. If the background mode has not been enabled (ENBDM = 1) by a serial WRITE_CONTROL command through the BKGD pin, the CPU will execute an SWI instruction instead of going to active background mode. 22.4 Memory map and register description This section contains the descriptions of the BDCand DBG registers and control bits. Refer to the high-page register summary in the device overview chapter of this data sheet for the absolute address assignments for all DBG registers. This section refers to registers and control bits only by their names. A Freescale-provided equate or header file is used to translate these names into the appropriate absolute addresses. BDC memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 0 BDC Status and Control Register (BDC_SCR) 8 R/W 00h 22.4.1/545 1 BDC Breakpoint Match Register: High (BDC_BKPTH) 8 R/W 00h 22.4.2/547 2 BDC Breakpoint Register: Low (BDC_BKPTL) 8 R/W 00h 22.4.3/548 3 System Background Debug Force Reset Register (BDC_SBDFR) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.4.4/548 22.4.1 BDC Status and Control Register (BDC_SCR) This register can be read or written by serial BDC commands (READ_STATUS and WRITE_CONTROL) but is not accessible to user programs because it is not located in the normal memory map of the MCU. NOTE The reset values shown in the register figure are those in the normal reset conditions. If the MCU is reset in BDM, ENBDM, BDMACT, CLKSW will be reset to 1 and others all be to 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 545 Memory map and register description Address: 0h base + 0h offset = 0h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 ENBDM 0 5 BDMACT 4 3 BKPTEN FTS CLKSW 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 WS WSF DVF 0 0 0 BDC_SCR field descriptions Field 7 ENBDM Description Enable BDM (Permit Active Background Mode) Typically, this bit is written to 1 by the debug host shortly after the beginning of a debug session or whenever the debug host resets the target and remains 1 until a normal reset clears it. 0 1 6 BDMACT Background Mode Active Status This is a read-only status bit. 0 1 5 BKPTEN If this bit is clear, the BDC breakpoint is disabled and the FTS (force tag select) control bit and BDCBKPT match register are ignored. When FTS = 1, a breakpoint is requested whenever the CPU address bus matches the BDCBKPT match register. When FTS = 0, a match between the CPU address bus and the BDCBKPT register causes the fetched opcode to be tagged. If this tagged opcode ever reaches the end of the instruction queue, the CPU enters active background mode rather than executing the tagged opcode. 1 Tag opcode at breakpoint address and enter active background mode if CPU attempts to execute that instruction Breakpoint match forces active background mode at next instruction boundary (address need not be an opcode) Select Source for BDC Communications Clock CLKSW defaults to 0, which selects the alternate BDC clock source. 0 1 2 WS BDC breakpoint disabled. BDC breakpoint enabled. Force/Tag Select 0 3 CLKSW BDM not active (user application program running). BDM active and waiting for serial commands. BDC Breakpoint Enable 0 1 4 FTS BDM cannot be made active (non-intrusive commands still allowed). BDM can be made active to allow active background mode commands. Alternate BDC clock source. MCU bus clock. Wait or Stop Status When the target CPU is in wait or stop mode, most BDC commands cannot function. However, the BACKGROUND command can be used to force the target CPU out of wait or stop and into active background mode where all BDC commands work. Whenever the host forces the target MCU into active background mode, the host should issue a READ_STATUS command to check that BDMACT = 1 before attempting other BDC commands. Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 546 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support BDC_SCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 1 WSF Wait or Stop Failure Status This status bit is set if a memory access command failed due to the target CPU executing a wait or stop instruction at or about the same time. The usual recovery strategy is to issue a BACKGROUND command to get out of wait or stop mode into active background mode, repeat the command that failed, then return to the user program. (Typically, the host would restore CPU registers and stack values and re-execute the wait or stop instruction.) 0 1 0 DVF Target CPU is running user application code or in active background mode (was not in wait or stop mode when background became active). Target CPU is in wait or stop mode, or a BACKGROUND command was used to change from wait or stop to active background mode. Memory access did not conflict with a wait or stop instruction. Memory access command failed because the CPU entered wait or stop mode. Data Valid Failure Status 0 1 Memory access did not conflict with a slow memory access Memory access command failed because CPU was not finished with a slow memory access. 22.4.2 BDC Breakpoint Match Register: High (BDC_BKPTH) This register, together with BDC_BKPTL, holds the address for the hardware breakpoint in the BDC. The BKPTEN and FTS control bits in BDCSCR are used to enable and configure the breakpoint logic. Dedicated serial BDC commands (READ_BKPT and WRITE_BKPT) are used to read and write the BDCBKPT register but is not accessible to user programs because it is not located in the normal memory map of the MCU. Breakpoints are normally set while the target MCU is in active background mode before running the user application program. Address: 0h base + 1h offset = 1h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 A[15:8] 0 0 0 0 BDC_BKPTH field descriptions Field A[15:8] Description High 8-bit of hardware breakpoint address. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 547 Memory map and register description 22.4.3 BDC Breakpoint Register: Low (BDC_BKPTL) BDC_BKPTH and BDC_BKPTL registers hold the address for the hardware breakpoint in the BDC. The BDC_SCR[FTS] and BDC_SCR[BKPTEN] bits are used to enable and configure the breakpoint logic. Dedicated serial BDC commands (READ_BKPT and WRITE_BKPT) are used to read and write the BDC_BKPTH and BDC_BKPTL register. Breakpoints are normally set while the target MCU is in background debug mode before running the user application program. However, since READ_BKPT and WRITE_BKPT are foreground commands, they could be executed even while the user program is running. Address: 0h base + 2h offset = 2h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 A[7:0] 0 0 0 0 BDC_BKPTL field descriptions Field A[7:0] Description Low 8-bit of hardware breakpoint address. 22.4.4 System Background Debug Force Reset Register (BDC_SBDFR) This register contains a single write-only control bit. A serial background mode command such as WRITE_BYTE must be used to write to SBDFR. Attempts to write this register from a user program are ignored. Reads always return 0x00. Address: 0h base + 3h offset = 3h Bit 7 6 5 Read 4 3 2 1 0 0 Write Reset 0 BDFR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BDC_SBDFR field descriptions Field 7-1 Reserved 0 BDFR Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Background Debug Force Reset Table continues on the next page... MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 548 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Development support BDC_SBDFR field descriptions (continued) Field Description A serial active background mode command such as WRITE_BYTE allows an external debug host to force a target system reset. Writing 1 to this bit forces an MCU reset. This bit cannot be written from a user program. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 549 Memory map and register description MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 550 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) 23.1 Introduction The DBG module implements an on-chip ICE (in-circuit emulation) system and allows non-intrusive debug of application software by providing an on-chip trace buffer with flexible triggering capability. The trigger also can provide extended breakpoint capacity. The on-chip ICE system is optimized for the S08CPUV6 8-bit architecture and supports 2 M bytes of memory space. 23.1.1 Features The on-chip ICE system includes these distinctive features: * Three comparators (A, B, and C) with ability to match addresses in 64 KB space * Dual mode, Comparators A and B used to compare addresses * Full mode, Comparator A compares address and Comparator B compares data * Can be used as triggers and/or breakpoints * Comparator C can be used as a normal hardware breakpoint * Loop1 capture mode, Comparator C is used to track most recent COF event captured into FIFO * Tag and Force type breakpoints * Nine trigger modes * A * A Or B * A then B * A and B, where B is data (full mode) * A and not B, where B is data (full mode) * Event only B, store data * A then event only B, store data * Inside range, A address B * Outside range, address < A or address > B MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 551 Introduction * FIFO for storing change of flow information and event only data * Source address of conditional branches taken * Destination address of indirect JMP and JSR instruction * Destination address of interrupts, RTI, RTC, and RTS instruction * Data associated with Event B trigger modes * Ability to End-trace until reset and begin-trace from reset 23.1.2 Modes of operation The on-chip ICE system can be enabled in all MCU functional modes. The DBG module is disabled if the MCU is secure. The DBG module comparators are disabled when executing a Background Debug Mode (BDM) command. 23.1.3 Block diagram The following figure shows the structure of the DBG module. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 552 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) DBG Read Data Bus FIFO Data Address Bus[16:0] c o n t r o l Write Data Bus Read Data Bus Read/Write DBG Module Enable mmu_ppage_access1 Address/Data/Control Registers Trigger Break Control Logic match_A Comparator A match_B Comparator B Tag Force match_C Comparator C core_cof[1:0] control Change of Flow Indicators MCU in BDM MCU reset event only store Read DBGFL Read DBGFH Read DBGFX Instr. Lastcycle Bus Clk register m u x subtract 2 Write Data Bus ppage_sel1 m u x 8 deep FIFO addr[16:0]1 m u x FIFO Data m u x Read Data Bus Read/Write Figure 23-1. DBG block diagram 23.2 Signal description The DBG module contains no external signals. 23.3 Memory map and registers This section provides a detailed description of all DBG registers accessible to the end user. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 553 Memory map and registers DBG memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 3010 Debug Comparator A High Register (DBG_CAH) 8 R/W FFh 23.3.1/554 3011 Debug Comparator A Low Register (DBG_CAL) 8 R/W FEh 23.3.2/555 3012 Debug Comparator B High Register (DBG_CBH) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.3/556 3013 Debug Comparator B Low Register (DBG_CBL) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.4/556 3014 Debug Comparator C High Register (DBG_CCH) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.5/557 3015 Debug Comparator C Low Register (DBG_CCL) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.6/558 3016 Debug FIFO High Register (DBG_FH) 8 R 00h 23.3.7/558 3017 Debug FIFO Low Register (DBG_FL) 8 R 00h 23.3.8/559 3018 Debug Comparator A Extension Register (DBG_CAX) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.9/560 3019 Debug Comparator B Extension Register (DBG_CBX) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.10/ 561 301A Debug Comparator C Extension Register (DBG_CCX) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.11/ 562 301B Debug FIFO Extended Information Register (DBG_FX) 8 R 00h 23.3.12/ 563 301C Debug Control Register (DBG_C) 8 R/W C0h 23.3.13/ 563 301D Debug Trigger Register (DBG_T) 8 R/W 40h 23.3.14/ 564 301E Debug Status Register (DBG_S) 8 R 01h 23.3.15/ 566 301F Debug Count Status Register (DBG_CNT) 8 R 00h 23.3.16/ 567 23.3.1 Debug Comparator A High Register (DBG_CAH) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 1 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 0h offset = 3010h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 CA[15:8] 1 1 1 1 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 554 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) DBG_CAH field descriptions Field CA[15:8] Description Comparator A High Compare Bits The Comparator A High compare bits control whether Comparator A will compare the address bus bits [15:8] to a logic 1 or logic 0. 0 1 Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 0. Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 1. 23.3.2 Debug Comparator A Low Register (DBG_CAL) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 1 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 1h offset = 3011h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 CA[7:0] 1 1 1 1 DBG_CAL field descriptions Field CA[7:0] Description Comparator A Low The Comparator A Low compare bits control whether Comparator A will compare the address bus bits [7:0] to a logic 1 or logic 0. 0 1 Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 0. Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 1. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 555 Memory map and registers 23.3.3 Debug Comparator B High Register (DBG_CBH) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 2h offset = 3012h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CB[15:8] 0 0 0 0 DBG_CBH field descriptions Field CB[15:8] Description Comparator B High Compare Bits The Comparator B High compare bits control whether Comparator B will compare the address bus bits [15:8] to a logic 1 or logic 0.Not used in full mode. 0 1 Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 0. Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 1. 23.3.4 Debug Comparator B Low Register (DBG_CBL) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 3h offset = 3013h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CB[7:0] 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 556 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) DBG_CBL field descriptions Field CB[7:0] Description Comparator B Low The Comparator B Low compare bits control whether Comparator B will compare the address bus bits [7:0] to a logic 1 or logic 0. 0 1 Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 0. Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 1. 23.3.5 Debug Comparator C High Register (DBG_CCH) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 4h offset = 3014h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CC[15:8] 0 0 0 0 DBG_CCH field descriptions Field CC[15:8] Description Comparator C High Compare Bits The Comparator C High compare bits control whether Comparator C will compare the address bus bits [15:8] to a logic 1 or logic 0. 0 1 Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 0. Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 1. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 557 Memory map and registers 23.3.6 Debug Comparator C Low Register (DBG_CCL) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 5h offset = 3015h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CC[7:0] 0 0 0 0 DBG_CCL field descriptions Field CC[7:0] Description Comparator C Low The Comparator C Low compare bits control whether Comparator C will compare the address bus bits [7:0] to a logic 1 or logic 0. 0 1 Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 0. Compare corresponding address bit to a logic 1. 23.3.7 Debug FIFO High Register (DBG_FH) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 6h offset = 3016h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 F[15:8] Write Reset 0 0 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 558 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) DBG_FH field descriptions Field F[15:8] Description FIFO High Data Bits The FIFO High data bits provide access to bits [15:8] of data in the FIFO. This register is not used in event only modes and will read a $00 for valid FIFO words. 23.3.8 Debug FIFO Low Register (DBG_FL) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 7h offset = 3017h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 F[7:0] Write Reset 0 0 0 0 DBG_FL field descriptions Field F[7:0] Description FIFO Low Data Bits The FIFO Low data bits contain the least significant byte of data in the FIFO. When reading FIFO words, read DBGFX and DBGFH before reading DBGFL because reading DBGFL causes the FIFO pointers to advance to the next FIFO location. In event-only modes, there is no useful information in DBGFX and DBGFH so it is not necessary to read them before reading DBGFL. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 559 Memory map and registers 23.3.9 Debug Comparator A Extension Register (DBG_CAX) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 8h offset = 3018h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 RWAEN RWA 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DBG_CAX field descriptions Field 7 RWAEN Description Read/Write Comparator A Enable Bit The RWAEN bit controls whether read or write comparison is enabled for Comparator A. 0 1 6 RWA Read/Write Comparator A Value Bit The RWA bit controls whether read or write is used in compare for Comparator A. The RWA bit is not used if RWAEN = 0. 0 1 Reserved Read/Write is not used in comparison. Read/Write is used in comparison. Write cycle will be matched. Read cycle will be matched. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 560 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) 23.3.10 Debug Comparator B Extension Register (DBG_CBX) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + 9h offset = 3019h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 RWBEN RWB 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DBG_CBX field descriptions Field 7 RWBEN Description Read/Write Comparator B Enable Bit The RWBEN bit controls whether read or write comparison is enabled for Comparator B. In full modes, RWAEN and RWA are used to control comparison of R/W and RWBEN is ignored. 0 1 6 RWB Read/Write Comparator B Value Bit The RWB bit controls whether read or write is used in compare for Comparator B. The RWB bit is not used if RWBEN = 0.In full modes, RWAEN and RWA are used to control comparison of R/W and RWB is ignored. 0 1 Reserved Read/Write is not used in comparison. Read/Write is used in comparison. Write cycle will be matched. Read cycle will be matched. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 561 Memory map and registers 23.3.11 Debug Comparator C Extension Register (DBG_CCX) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + Ah offset = 301Ah Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 RWCEN RWC 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DBG_CCX field descriptions Field 7 RWCEN Description Read/Write Comparator C Enable Bit The RWCEN bit controls whether read or write comparison is enabled for Comparator C. 0 1 6 RWC Read/Write Comparator C Value Bit The RWC bit controls whether read or write is used in compare for Comparator C. The RWC bit is not used if RWCEN = 0. 0 1 Reserved Read/Write is not used in comparison. Read/Write is used in comparison. Write cycle will be matched. Read cycle will be matched. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 562 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) 23.3.12 Debug FIFO Extended Information Register (DBG_FX) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the bits in this register do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + Bh offset = 301Bh Bit Read 7 6 5 4 3 PPACC 2 1 0 0 Bit16 Write Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DBG_FX field descriptions Field 7 PPACC Description PPAGE Access Indicator Bit This bit indicates whether the captured information in the current FIFO word is associated with an extended access through the PPAGE mechanism or not. This is indicated by the internal signal mmu_ppage_sel which is 1 when the access is through the PPAGE mechanism. 0 1 6-1 Reserved 0 Bit16 The information in the corresponding FIFO word is event-only data or an unpaged 17-bit CPU address with bit-16 = 0. The information in the corresponding FIFO word is a 17-bit flash address with PPAGE[2:0] in the three most significant bits and CPU address[13:0] in the 14 least significant bits. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Extended Address Bit 16 This bit is the most significant bit of the 17-bit core address. 23.3.13 Debug Control Register (DBG_C) Address: 3010h base + Ch offset = 301Ch Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 DBGEN ARM TAG BRKEN 1 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 LOOP1 0 0 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 563 Memory map and registers DBG_C field descriptions Field 7 DBGEN Description DBG Module Enable Bit The DBGEN bit enables the DBG module. The DBGEN bit is forced to zero and cannot be set if the MCU is secure. 0 1 6 ARM Arm Bit The ARM bit controls whether the debugger is comparing and storing data in FIFO. 0 1 5 TAG The TAG bit controls whether a debugger or comparator C breakpoint will be requested as a tag or force breakpoint to the CPU. The TAG bit is not used if BRKEN = 0. 0 LOOP1 Force request selected. Tag request selected. Break Enable Bit The BRKEN bit controls whether the debugger will request a breakpoint to the CPU at the end of a trace run, and whether comparator C will request a breakpoint to the CPU. 0 1 3-1 Reserved Debugger not armed. Debugger armed. Tag or Force Bit 0 1 4 BRKEN DBG not enabled. DBG enabled. CPU break request not enabled. CPU break request enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Select LOOP1 Capture Mode This bit selects either normal capture mode or LOOP1 capture mode. LOOP1 is not used in event-only modes. 0 1 Normal operation - capture COF events into the capture buffer FIFO. LOOP1 capture mode enabled. When the conditions are met to store a COF value into the FIFO, compare the current COF address with the address in comparator C. If these addresses match, override the FIFO capture and do not increment the FIFO count. If the address does not match comparator C, capture the COF address, including the PPACC indicator, into the FIFO and into comparator C.. 23.3.14 Debug Trigger Register (DBG_T) NOTE The figure shows the values in POR or non-end-run reset. All the bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an endtrace to reset where DBGEN=1 and BEGIN=0, the ARM and BRKEN bits are cleared but the remaining control bits in this register do not change after reset. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 564 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) NOTE The DBG trigger register (DBGT) can not be changed unless ARM=0. Address: 3010h base + Dh offset = 301Dh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 TRGSEL BEGIN 0 1 5 4 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 TRG 0 0 0 DBG_T field descriptions Field 7 TRGSEL Description Trigger Selection Bit The TRGSEL bit controls the triggering condition for the comparators. 0 1 6 BEGIN Begin/End Trigger Bit The BEGIN bit controls whether the trigger begins or ends storing of data in FIFO. 0 1 5-4 Reserved TRG Trigger on any compare address access. Trigger if opcode at compare address is execute. Trigger at end of stored data. Trigger before storing data. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Trigger Mode Bits The TRG bits select the trigger mode of the DBG module. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001-1111 A only. A or B. A then B. Event only B. A then event only B. A and B (full mode). A and not B (full mode). Inside range. Outside range. No trigger. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 565 Memory map and registers 23.3.15 Debug Status Register (DBG_S) NOTE The figure shows the values in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits of AF, BF and CF are undefined and ARMF is reset to 0 in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN=1 and BEGIN=0, ARMF gets cleared by reset but AF, BF, and CF do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + Eh offset = 301Eh Bit Read 7 6 5 AF BF CF 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 ARMF Write Reset 0 0 0 0 1 DBG_S field descriptions Field 7 AF Description Trigger A Match Bit The AF bit indicates if Trigger A match condition was met since arming. 0 1 6 BF Trigger B Match Bit The BF bit indicates if Trigger B match condition was met since arming. 0 1 5 CF 0 ARMF Comparator B did not match. Comparator B match. Trigger C Match Bit The CF bit indicates if Trigger C match condition was met since arming. 0 1 4-1 Reserved Comparator A did not match. Comparator A match. Comparator C did not match. Comparator C match. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Arm Flag Bit The ARMF bit indicates whether the debugger is waiting for trigger or waiting for the FIFO to fill. While DBGEN = 1, this status bit is a read-only image of the ARM bit in DBGC. 0 1 Debugger not armed. Debugger armed. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 566 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) 23.3.16 Debug Count Status Register (DBG_CNT) NOTE All the bits in this register reset to 0 in POR or non-end-run reset. The bits are undefined in end-run reset. In the case of an end-trace to reset where DBGEN = 1 and BEGIN = 0, the CNT[3:0] bits do not change after reset. Address: 3010h base + Fh offset = 301Fh Bit 7 6 Read 5 4 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 CNT Write Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 DBG_CNT field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved CNT Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. FIFO Valid Count Bits The CNT bits indicate the amount of valid data stored in the FIFO. Table 1-20 shows the correlation between the CNT bits and the amount of valid data in FIFO. The CNT will stop after a count to eight even if more data is being stored in the FIFO. The CNT bits are cleared when the DBG module is armed, and the count is incremented each time a new word is captured into the FIFO. The host development system is responsible for checking the value in CNT[3:0] and reading the correct number of words from the FIFO because the count does not decrement as data is read out of the FIFO at the end of a trace run. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 No data valid. 1 word valid. 2 words valid. 3 words valid. 4 words valid. 5 words valid. 6 words valid. 7 words valid. 8 words valid. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 567 Functional description 23.4 Functional description This section provides a complete functional description of the on-chip ICE system. The DBG module is enabled by setting the DBG_C[DBGEN] bit. Enabling the module allows the arming, triggering and storing of data in the FIFO. The DBG module is made up of three main blocks, the comparators, trigger break control logic and the FIFO. 23.4.1 Comparator The DBG module contains three comparators, A, B, and C. Comparator A compares the core address bus with the address stored in the DBG_CAH and DBG_CAL registers. Comparator B compares the core address bus with the address stored in the DBG_CBH and DBG_CBL registers except in full mode, where it compares the data buses to the data stored in the DBG_CBL register. Comparator C compares the core address bus with the address stored in the DBG_CCH and DBG_CCL registers. Matches on comparators A, B, and C are signaled to the trigger break control (TBC) block. RWA and RWAEN in full modes In full modes ("A And B" and "A And Not B") DBG_CAX[RWAEN and DBG_CAX[RWA] are used to select read or write comparisons for both comparators A and B. To select write comparisons and the write data bus in Full Modes set DBG_CAX[RWAEN] = 1 and DBG_CAX[RWA] = 0, otherwise read comparisons and the read data bus will be selected. The DBG_CBX[RWBEN] and DBG_CBX[RWB] bits are not used and will be ignored in full modes. Comparator C in loop1 capture mode Normally comparator C is used as a third hardware breakpoint and is not involved in the trigger logic for the on-chip ICE system. In this mode, it compares the core address bus with the address stored in the DBG_CCX, DBG_CCH, and DBG_CCL registers. However, in loop1 capture mode, comparator C is managed by logic in the DBG module to track the address of the most recent change-of-flow event that was captured into the FIFO buffer. In loop1 capture mode, comparator C is not available for use as a normal hardware breakpoint. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 568 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) When the DBG_C[ARM] and DBG_C[DBGEN] bits are set to one in loop1 capture mode, comparator C value registers are cleared to prevent the previous contents of these registers from interfering with the loop1 capture mode operation. When a COF event is detected, the address of the event is compared to the contents of the DBG_CCH and DBG_CCL registers to determine whether it is the same as the previous COF entry in the capture FIFO. If the values match, the capture is inhibited to prevent the FIFO from filling up with duplicate entries. If the values do not match, the COF event is captured into the FIFO and the DBG_CCH and DBG_CCL registers are updated to reflect the address of the captured COF event. 23.4.2 Breakpoints A breakpoint request to the CPU at the end of a trace run can be created if the DBG_C[BRKEN] bit is set. The value of the DBG_T[BEGIN] bit determines when the breakpoint request to the CPU will occur. If the DBG_T[BEGIN] bit is set, begin-trigger is selected and the breakpoint request will not occur until the FIFO is filled with 8 words. If the DBG_T[BEGIN] bit is cleared, end-trigger is selected and the breakpoint request will occur immediately at the trigger cycle. When traditional hardware breakpoints from comparators A or B are desired, set DBG_T[BEGIN] = 0 to select an end-trace run and set the trigger mode to either 0x0 (Aonly) or 0x1 (A OR B) mode. There are two types of breakpoint requests supported by the DBG module, tag-type and force-type. Tagged breakpoints are associated with opcode addresses and allow breaking just before a specific instruction executes. Force breakpoints are not associated with opcode addresses. The DBG_C[TAG] bit determines whether CPU breakpoint requests will be a tag-type or force-type breakpoints. When DBG_C[TAG] = 0, a force-type breakpoint is requested and it will take effect at the next instruction boundary after the request. When DBG_C[TAG] = 1, a tag-type breakpoint is registered into the instruction queue and the CPU will break if/when this tag reaches the head of the instruction queue and the tagged instruction is about to be executed. Hardware breakpoints Comparators A, B, and C can be used as three traditional hardware breakpoints whether the on-chip ICE real-time capture function is required or not. To use any breakpoint or trace run capture functions set DBG_C[DBGEN] = 1. DBG_C[BRKEN] and DBG_C[TAG] affect all three comparators. When DBG_C[BRKEN] = 0, no CPU breakpoints are enabled. When DBG_C[BRKEN] = 1, CPU breakpoints are enabled and the DBG_C[TAG] bit determines whether the breakpoints will be tag-type or force-type MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 569 Functional description breakpoints. To use comparators A and B as hardware breakpoints, set DBG_T = 0x81 for tag-type breakpoints and 0x01 for force-type breakpoints. This sets up an end-type trace with trigger mode "A OR B". Comparator C is not involved in the trigger logic for the on-chip ICE system. 23.4.3 Trigger selection The DBG_T[TRGSEL] bit is used to determine the triggering condition of the on-chip ICE system. DBG_T[TRGSEL] applies to both trigger A and B except in the event only trigger modes. By setting the DBG_T[TRGSEL] bit, the comparators will qualify a match with the output of opcode tracking logic. The opcode tracking logic is internal to each comparator and determines whether the CPU executed the opcode at the compare address. With the DBG_T[TRGSEL] bit cleared a comparator match is all that is necessary for a trigger condition to be met. NOTE If the DBG_T[TRGSEL] is set, the address stored in the comparator match address registers must be an opcode address for the trigger to occur. 23.4.4 Trigger break control (TBC) The TBC is the main controller for the DBG module. Its function is to decide whether data should be stored in the FIFO based on the trigger mode and the match signals from the comparator. The TBC also determines whether a request to break the CPU should occur. The DBG_C[TAG] bit controls whether CPU breakpoints are treated as tag-type or forcetype breakpoints. The DBG_T[TRGSEL] bit controls whether a comparator A or B match is further qualified by opcode tracking logic. Each comparator has a separate circuit to track opcodes because the comparators could correspond to separate instructions that could be propagating through the instruction queue at the same time. In end-type trace runs (DBG_T[BEGIN] = 0), when the comparator registers match, including the optional R/W match, this signal goes to the CPU break logic where DBG_C[BRKEN] determines whether a CPU break is requested and the DBG_C[TAG] control bit determines whether the CPU break will be a tag-type or force-type breakpoint. When DBG_T[TRGSEL] is set, the R/W qualified comparator match signal also passes through the opcode tracking logic. If/when it propagates through this logic, it will cause a MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 570 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) trigger to the ICE logic to begin or end capturing information into the FIFO. In the case of an end-type (DBG_T[BEGIN] = 0) trace run, the qualified comparator signal stops the FIFO from capturing any more information. If a CPU breakpoint is also enabled, you would want DBG_C[TAG] and DBG_T[TRGSEL] to agree so that the CPU break occurs at the same place in the application program as the FIFO stopped capturing information. If DBG_T[TRGSEL] was 0 and DBG_C[TAG] was 1 in an end-type trace run, the FIFO would stop capturing as soon as the comparator address matched, but the CPU would continue running until a TAG signal could propagate through the CPUs instruction queue, which could take a long time in the case where changes of flow caused the instruction queue to be flushed. If DBG_T[TRGSEL] was one and DBG_C[TAG] was zero in an end-type trace run, the CPU would break before the comparator match signal could propagate through the opcode tracking logic to end the trace run. In begin-type trace runs (DBG_T[BEGIN] = 1), the start of FIFO capturing is triggered by the qualified comparator signals, and the CPU breakpoint (if enabled by DBG_C[BRKEN]=1) is triggered when the FIFO becomes full. Since this FIFO full condition does not correspond to the execution of a tagged instruction, it would not make sense to use DBG_C[TAG] = 1 for a begin-type trace run. Begin- and end-trigger The definition of begin- and end-trigger as used in the DBG module are as follows: * Begin-trigger: storage in FIFO occurs after the trigger and continues until 8 locations are filled. * End-trigger: storage in FIFO occurs until the trigger with the least recent data falling out of the FIFO if more than 8 words are collected. Arming the DBG module Arming occurs by enabling the DBG module by setting the DBG_C[DBGEN] bit and by setting the DBG_C[ARM] bit. The DBG_C[ARM] and DBG_S[ARMF] bits are cleared when the trigger condition is met in end-trigger mode or when the FIFO is filled in begintrigger mode. In the case of an end-trace where DBG_C[DBGEN] = 1 and DBG_T[BEGIN] = 0, DBG_C[ARM] and DBG_S[ARMF] are cleared by any reset to end the trace run that was in progress. The DBG_S[ARMF] bit is also cleared if DBG_C[ARM] is written to zero or when the DBG_C[DBGEN] bit is low. The TBC logic determines whether a trigger condition has been met based on the trigger mode and the trigger selection. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 571 Functional description Trigger modes The on-chip ICE system supports nine trigger modes. The trigger mode is used as a qualifier for either starting or ending the storing of data in the FIFO. When the match condition is met, the appropriate flag AF or BF is set in DBG_S register. Arming the DBG module clears the DBG_S[AF], DBG_S[BF], and DBG_S[CF] flags. In all trigger modes except for the event only modes change of flow addresses are stored in the FIFO. In the event only modes only the value on the data bus at the trigger event B comparator match address will be stored. A only In the A only trigger mode, if the match condition for A is met, the DBG_S[AF] flag is set. A or B In the A or B trigger mode, if the match condition for A or B is met, the corresponding flag(s) in the DBG_S register are set. A then B In the A then B trigger mode, the match condition for A must be met before the match condition for B is compared. When the match condition for A or B is met, the corresponding flag in the DBG_S register is set. Event only B In the event only B trigger mode, if the match condition for B is met, the DBG_S[BF] flag is set. The event only B trigger mode is considered a begin-trigger type and the DBG_T[BEGIN] bit is ignored. A then event only B In the A then event only B trigger mode, the match condition for A must be met before the match condition for B is compared. When the match condition for A or B is met, the corresponding flag in the DBG_S register is set. The A then event only B trigger mode is considered a begin-trigger type and the DBG_T[BEGIN] bit is ignored. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 572 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) A and B (full mode) In the A and B trigger mode, comparator A compares to the address bus and comparator B compares to the data bus. In the A and B trigger mode, if the match condition for A and B happen on the same bus cycle, both the DBG_S[AF] and DBG_S[BF] flags are set. If a match condition on only A or only B happens, no flags are set. For breakpoint tagging operation with an end-trigger type trace, only matches from comparator A will be used to determine if the Breakpoint conditions are met and comparator B matches will be ignored. A and not B (full mode) In the A and not B trigger mode, comparator A compares to the address bus and comparator B compares to the data bus. In the A and not B trigger mode, if the match condition for A and not B happen on the same bus cycle, both the DBG_S[AF] and DBG_S[BF] flags are set. If a match condition on only A or only not B occur no flags are set. For breakpoint tagging operation with an end-trigger type trace, only matches from comparator A will be used to determine if the breakpoint conditions are met and comparator B matches will be ignored. Inside range, A address B In the inside range trigger mode, if the match condition for A and B happen on the same bus cycle, both the DBG_S[AF] and DBG_S[BF] flags are set. If a match condition on only A or only B occur no flags are set. Outside range, address < A or address > B In the outside range trigger mode, if the match condition for A or B is met, the corresponding flag in the DBGS register is set. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 573 Functional description The four control bits DBG_T[BEGIN] and DBG_T[TRGSEL], and DBG_C[BRKEN] and DBG_C[TAG], determine the basic type of debug run as shown in the following table. Some of the 16 possible combinations are not used (refer to the notes at the end of the table). Table 23-18. Basic types of debug runs BEGIN TRGSEL BRKEN TAG Type of debug run 0 0 0 x Fill FIFO until trigger address (no CPU breakpoint - keep running) 0 0 1 0 Fill FIFO until trigger address, then force CPU breakpoint 0 0 1 1 Do not use 0 1 0 x Fill FIFO until trigger opcode about to execute (no CPU breakpoint - keep running) 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Fill FIFO until trigger opcode about to execute (trigger causes CPU breakpoint) 1 0 0 x Start FIFO at trigger address (No CPU breakpoint - keep running) 1 0 1 0 Start FIFO at trigger address, force CPU breakpoint when FIFO full 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 x Start FIFO at trigger opcode (No CPU breakpoint - keep running) 1 1 1 0 Start FIFO at trigger opcode, force CPU breakpoint when FIFO full 1 1 1 1 MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 574 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) 23.4.5 FIFO The FIFO is an eight word deep FIFO. In all trigger modes except for event only, the data stored in the FIFO will be change of flow addresses. In the event only trigger modes only the data bus value corresponding to the event is stored. In event only trigger modes, the high byte of the valid data from the FIFO will always read a 0x00. Storing data in FIFO In all trigger modes except for the event only modes, the address stored in the FIFO will be determined by the change of flow indicators from the core. The signal core_cof[1] indicates the current core address is the destination address of an indirect JSR or JMP instruction, or a RTS or RTI instruction or interrupt vector and the destination address should be stored. The signal core_cof[0] indicates that a conditional branch was taken and that the source address of the conditional branch should be stored. Storing with begin-trigger Storing with begin-trigger can be used in all trigger modes. Once the DBG module is enabled and armed in the begin-trigger mode, data is not stored in the FIFO until the trigger condition is met. Once the trigger condition is met the DBG module will remain armed until 8 words are stored in the FIFO. If the core_cof[1] signal becomes asserted, the current address is stored in the FIFO. If the core_cof[0] signal becomes asserted, the address registered during the previous last cycle is decremented by two and stored in the FIFO. Storing with end-trigger Storing with end-trigger cannot be used in event-only trigger modes. After the DBG module is enabled and armed in the end-trigger mode, data is stored in the FIFO until the trigger condition is met. If the core_cof[1] signal becomes asserted, the current address is stored in the FIFO. If the core_cof[0] signal becomes asserted, the address registered during the previous last cycle is decremented by two and stored in the FIFO. When the trigger condition is met, the DBG_C[ARM] and DBG_S[ARMF] will be cleared and no more data will be stored. In non-event only end-trigger modes, if the trigger is at a change of flow address the trigger event will be stored in the FIFO. MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 575 Functional description Reading data from FIFO The data stored in the FIFO can be read using BDM commands provided the DBG module is enabled and not armed (DBG_C[DBGEN] = 1 and DBG_C[ARM] = 0). The FIFO data is read out first-in-first-out. By reading the DBG_CNT[CNT] bits at the end of a trace run, the number of valid words can be determined. The FIFO data is read by optionally reading the DBG_FH register followed by the DBG_FL register. Each time the DBG_FL register is read, the FIFO is shifted to allow reading of the next word, however, the count does not decrement. In event-only trigger modes where the FIFO will contain only the data bus values stored, to read the FIFO only DBG_FL needs to be accessed. The FIFO is normally read only while DBG_C[ARM] = 0 and DBG_S[ARMF] = 0, however, reading the FIFO while the DBG module is armed will return the data value in the oldest location of the FIFO and the TBC will not allow the FIFO to shift. This action could cause a valid entry to be lost because the unexpected read blocked the FIFO advance. If the DBG module is not armed and the DBG_FL register is read, the TBC will store the current opcode address. Through periodic reads of the DBG_FH and DBG_FL registers while the DBG module is not armed, host software can provide a histogram of program execution This is called profile mode. 23.4.6 Interrupt priority When DBG_T[TRGSEL] is set and the DBG module is armed to trigger on begin- or end-trigger types, a trigger is not detected in the condition where a pending interrupt occurs at the same time that a target address reaches the top of the instruction pipe. In these conditions, the pending interrupt has higher priority and code execution switches to the interrupt service routine. When DBG_T[TRGSEL] is clear and the DBG module is armed to trigger on end-trigger types, the trigger event is detected on a program fetch of the target address, even when an interrupt becomes pending on the same cycle. In these conditions, the pending interrupt has higher priority, the exception is processed by the core and the interrupt vector is fetched. Code execution is halted before the first instruction of the interrupt service routine is executed. In this scenario, the DBG module will have cleared DBG_C[ARM] without having recorded the change-of-flow that occurred as part of the interrupt exception. Note that the stack will hold the return addresses and can be used to reconstruct execution flow in this scenario. When DBG_T[TRGSEL] is clear and the DBG module is armed to trigger on begintrigger types, the trigger event is detected on a program fetch of the target address, even when an interrupt becomes pending on the same cycle. In this scenario, the FIFO captures MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 576 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Debug module (DBG) the change of flow event. Because the system is configured for begin-trigger, the DBG remains armed and does not break until the FIFO has been filled by subsequent change of flow events. 23.5 Resets The DBG module cannot cause an MCU reset. There are two different ways this module will respond to reset depending upon the conditions before the reset event. If the DBG module was setup for an end trace run with DBG_C[DBGEN] = 1 and DBG_T[BEGIN] = 0, DBG_C[ARM], DBG_S[ARMF], and DBG_C[BRKEN] are cleared but the reset function on most DBG control and status bits is overridden so a host development system can read out the results of the trace run after the MCU has been reset. In all other cases including POR, the DBG module controls are initialized to start a begin trace run starting from when the reset vector is fetched. The conditions for the default begin trace run are: * DBG_CAX = 0x00, DBG_CAH=0xFF, DBG_CAL=0xFE so comparator A is set to match when the 16-bit CPU address 0xFFFE appears during the reset vector fetch * DBG_C = 0xC0 to enable and arm the DBG module * DBG_T = 0x40 to select a force-type trigger, a BEGIN trigger, and A-only trigger mode MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 577 Resets MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 578 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Changes between revision 2 and 1 Table A-1. Changes between revision 2 and 1 Chapter Description Device Overview * Updated ADC features in the Introduction Memory map * Corrected the register at 0x309F to SPI0_M System control * Corrected the description in RESET pin enable to "The SOPT1[RSTPE] bit must be set to enable the RESET function." * Updated SOPT1[RSTPE] descriptions Parallel input/output * Added cross-reference in the Introduction Clock management * Updated to clarify the trim value in Internal reference clock (ICSIRCLK) * Updated the examples in the Initializing FEI mode, Initializing FBI mode, Initializing FEE mode and Initializing FBE mode * Corrected ICS_C1[CLKS] * Added a note to the ICS_S[LOCK]. Chip configurations * Corrected the description of "Convert the temperature sensor channel (AD22)" in the Temperature sensor * Updated the input for AD10 and AD11 in the ADC channel assignments Keyboard Interrupts (KBI) * Corrected the registers address to be the same as those in the chapter 4 Memory map FlexTimer Module (FTM) * Removed the redundant registers of FTM0 in the section 12.3.2 to be the same as those in the Chapter 4 Memory map Real-time counter (RTC) * Added a note to the RTC_CNTH * Updated the example in the Initialization/application information Serial communications interface (SCI) * * * * 8-Bit Serial Peripheral Interface (8-Bit SPI) * Updated SPIx_CI register and fields descriptions. * Corrected register address offset and absolute address to be the same as those in the Chapter 4 Memory map. Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) * * * * * Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) * Updated the ADC_SC2[1:0] to write 0 only. * Added a note to the ADC_SC4[AFDEP]. * Corrected all the ADCSC1 to ADC_SC1, ADCRH to ADC_RH, ADCRL to ADC_RL to keep consistent with the registers name. Corrected SCI receiver block diagram in the Block diagram Added SCI signal descriptions Added a note to the Transmitter functional description Added new sections of Baud rate tolerance, Slow data tolerance, and Fast data tolerance * Updated Stop mode operation, Loop mode and Single-wire operation Updated the descriptions of I2C_F[ICR], I2C_S[TCF] Polished Address matching Updated Programmable input glitch filter Updated the note in the Address matching wake-up Updated Initialization/application information MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 579 Table A-1. Changes between revision 2 and 1 Chapter Description * Updated descriptions in section of Functional description. * Added a note in the Pseudo-code example MC9S08PA16 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 08/2014 580 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Freescale reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters that may be provided in Freescale data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "typicals," must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Freescale does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. (c) 2011-2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Document Number MC9S08PA16RM Revision 2, 08/2014