SPM0208HD5 Thin Amplified "Mini" SiSonicTM Microphone Specification Knowles Acoustics 1151 Maplewood Drive Itasca, IL 60143 Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 1 of 10 SPM0208HD5 1. DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION 1.1 Description Thin Amplified "Mini" Surface Mount Silicon Microphone 1.2 Application Hand held telecommunication devices 2. PART MARKING Identification Number Convention Identification Number S 1 2 4 5 6 3 S: Manufacturing Location "S" - Knowles Electronics Suzhou Suzhou, China "No Alpha Character" - Knowles Electronics Itasca Itasca, IL USA "E" - Engineering Samples Pin 1 Digits 1 - 6: Job Identification Number 3. TEMPERATURE RANGE 3.1 Operating Temperature Range: -40C to +100C 3.2 Storage Temperature Range: -40C to +100C Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 2 of 10 SPM0208HD5 4. ACOUSTIC & ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limits Symbol Directivity Condition Unit Min. Nom. Max. Omni-directional Sensitivity S @ 1kHz (0dB=1V/Pa) -26 -22 -18 dB Output impedance ZOUT @ 1kHz (0dB=1V/Pa) n/a n/a 300 Current Consumption IDSS across 1.5 to 3.6 volts 0.100 n/a 0.350 mA Signal to Noise Ratio S/N @ 1kHz (0dB=1V/Pa) 55 59 n/a dB Supply Voltage Vs 1.5 n/a 3.6 V Typical Input Referred Noise ENL n/a 35 n/a dBA SPL Sensitivity Loss across Voltage Maximum Input Sound Level A-weighted Change in sensitivity over 3.6v to 1.5v No Change Across Voltage Range At 100dB SPL, THD < 1% At 115dB SPL, THD = < 10% dB 5. FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. dB Revision: C 3 of 10 SPM0208HD5 6. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4 1 "! #%$& 3 2 Pin Output Pin # Function 1 Output 2 Gain Control 3 Ground 4 Power Item Dim. Tol. (+/-) Units Height 1.25 0.10 mm Length 4.72 0.10 mm Width 3.76 0.10 mm Port Hole 0.84 0.15 mm Short Edge to C.L. Port 1.32 0.25 mm Long Edge to C.L. Port 1.88 0.25 mm Weight 0.07 grams Coplanarity <0.1 mm Acoustic Seal I.D. (typical) 1.55 mm Note: (Tolerance +/-0.15mm unless otherwise specified) Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 4 of 10 SPM0208HD5 7. RECOMMENDED CUSTOMER LAND PATTERN 8. RECOMMENDED SOLDER STENCIL PATTERN N/A Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 5 of 10 SPM0208HD5 9. RECOMMENDED INTERFACE CIRCUIT V+ Term 4 = Vdd Vout Term 1 = Output R1 = 22k R2 = 2.4k Term 3 = Ground Term 2 = Gain Control R3 (set by customer) C1 (set by customer) D e sir e d Ga in Pin 2 Te r m ina t ion M e t hod Unit y Gain ( 0dB) Tie Term inal 2 direct ly t o Out put ( Term inal 1) . 20dB Gain Tie Term inal 2 t hrough C1 ( 0.47uF) t o Gr ound. Adj ust able Gain Add R3 and C1. Use for m ulas pr ovided t o calculat e set t ings, or cont act Knowles for support . Se t t ing Ga in For m ula s: Gain of non- inver t ing Op- Am p is det erm ined as: G= 1+ { R1 / ( R2 + R3) } Gain( dB) = 20 * log( G) High- pass- filt er Corner Frequency: C.F. = 1 / { 2* * ( R2 + R3) * C1} Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 6 of 10 SPM0208HD5 10. PACKAGING DETAIL Model Number Suffix Reel Diameter Quantity per Reel SPM0208HD5 -2 7" 1,200 SPM0208HD5 -6 13" 4,800 Pin 1 Location Leader Length 800mm or minimum of 100 empty pockets Label Label applied to external package and direct to reel. Per JEDEC. Empty Units No consecutive empty pockets; No more than 3 empty pockets per reel. (Does not include empty pockets for leader/follower) Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 7 of 10 SPM0208HD5 11. SOLDER REFLOW PROFILE 260C 230C 170-180C Pre-heat Solder Melt 120 sec. 100 sec. Stage Temperature Profile Time (maximum) Pre-heat 170 ~ 180 C 120 sec. Solder Melt Above 230 C 100 sec. Peak 260 C maximum 30 sec. Notes: 1. Do not pull a vacuum over the port hole of the microphone. Pulling a vacuum over the port hole can damage the device. 2. Do not board wash after the reflow process. Board washing and cleaning agents can damage the device. Do not expose to ultrasonic processing or cleaning. 3. Number of Reflow = recommend no more than 3 cycles. 12. ADDITIONAL NOTES (A) (B) (C) (D) Packaging (reference SiSonic_Packaging_Spec.pdf) Shelf life: Twelve (12) months when devices are to be stored in factory supplied, unopened ESD moisture sensitive bag under maximum environmental conditions of 30C, 70% R.H. Exposure: Devices should not be exposed to high humidity, high temperature environment. MSL (moisture sensitivity level) Class 2. Out of bag: Maximum of 90 days out of ESD moisture sensitive bag, assuming maximum conditions of 30C/70% R.H. Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 8 of 10 SPM0208HD5 13. RELIABILITY SPECIFICATIONS Note: After test conditions are performed, the sensitivity of the microphone shall not deviate more than 3dB from its initial value. Test Description Thermal Shock Microphone unit must operate when exposed to air-to-air thermal shock 100 cycles, from -40C to +125C. (IEC 68-2-4), High Temperature Storage Test Microphone unit must maintain sensitivity after storage at +105C for 1,000 hours. (IEC 68-2-2 Test Ba) Low Temperature Storage Test Microphone unit must maintain sensitivity after storage at -40C for 1,000 hours. (IEC 68-2-1 Test Aa) High Temperature Operating Test Microphone unit must operate within sensitivity specifications for 1,000 hours at 105C. (IEC 68-2-2 Test Ba) Low Temperature Operating Test Microphone unit must operate within sensitivity specifications for 1,000 hours at -40C. (IEC 68-2-1 Test Aa) Humidity Test Tested under Bias at 85C/85% R.H. for 1,000 hours. (JESD22-A101A-B) Vibration Test Microphone unit must operate under test condition: 4 cycles, from 20 to 2,000 Hz in each direction (x,y,z), 48 minutes, using peak acceleration of 20 G (+20%, -0%). (MIL 883E, method 2007.2, A) Electrostatic Discharge Tested to 8kV direct contact discharge or 15kV air discharge as specified by IEC 10004-2, level 3 and level 4. Reflow Microphone is tested to 5 passes through reflow oven, with microphone mounted upside-down under conditions of 260C for 30 seconds maximum. Mechanical Shock Microphone must operate after exposure to shock test of 10,000 G per IEC 68-2-27, Ea. Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 9 of 10 SPM0208HD5 14. SPECIFICATION REVISIONS Revision Detailed Specification Changes Date A Preliminary Specification Release 03-07-2006 B Update Section 10: Tape and Reel Specification 06-10-2006 C Release 12-04-2006 The information contained in this literature is based on our experience to date and is believed to be reliable and it is subject to change without notice. It is intended as a guide for use by persons having technical skill at their own discretion and risk. We do not guarantee favorable results or assume any liability in connection with its use. Dimensions contained herein are for reference purposes only. For specific dimensional requirements consult factory. This publication is not to be taken as a license to operate under, or recommendation to infringe any existing patents. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Knowles Acoust ics, a division of Knowles Elect r onics, LLC. Revision: C 10 of 10