ADAU1788 Data Sheet
Rev. 0 | Page 30 of 226
When pulled low, the PD pin puts the chip in the lowest power
state, hardware full chip power-down. If the regulator is used, it
also powers down during this state. The chip fully resets in this
state and retains no state memory. No communication with the
device is possible when the PD pin is low.
By default, out of reset, the chip is in the lowest power state that
can be entered via a control interface, software full chip power-
down. To enter or exit this power state, use the POWER_EN bit,
Bit 0 of Register 0xC00D. When POWER_EN = 0, the I2C/SPI
control ports are operational, and everything else is powered
down except for the regulator and the crystal, if used. To
achieve the lowest power state, set the XTAL_EN bit (Bit 1 of
Register 0xC005) = 0. The digital portion of the chip has several
power domains. By default, only the domain that powers the
control ports and their associated registers are powered on, and
the rest of the digital design has its power supplies gated, and its
state is lost.
There are two options to retain additional state memory during
a software full chip power-down. The KEEP_SDSP and KEEP_
FDSP bits, Bit 1 and Bit 0 of Register 0xC00C, respectively, can
retain the state of the SigmaDSP program and parameter
memories and/or the FastDSP program and parameter
memories. The control register map always retains its state
when POWER_EN = 0.
When POWER_EN = 0, the CM pin or the common-mode output
can either maintain its state or not by using the CM_KEEP_ALIVE
bit, Bit 4 of Register 0xC00C. When CM_KEEP_ALIVE = 0, the
CM voltage is lost when POWER_EN = 0, thus producing the
lowest possible software power-down current. However, with
CM_KEEP_ALIVE = 0, the ADAU1788 has a longer turn on
time because the PLL and other analog blocks rely on the
CM voltage. A wait time of 35 ms is needed for CM to charge
before any analog blocks, such as the PLL, can be enabled.
Conversely, with CM_KEEP_ALIVE = 1, the power-down
current is higher, but the start-up time is faster because the
35 ms wait time can be omitted.
If CM_KEEP_ALIVE = 1, use the CM_STARTUP_OVER bit, Bit 2
of Register 0xC00D, to fast charge the CM voltage and to have the
lowest turn on time by setting CM_STARUP_OVER = 0 before
POWER_EN is set to 1. Then, after the 35 ms wait time, set
CM_STARUP_OVER = 1 to keep power consumption low. The
reset state of CM_STARTUP_OVER is 0. Therefore, if the PD pin
is used to power down the device, the step of setting
CM_STARTUP_OVER to 0 can be omitted.
When POWER_EN = 1, the power supplies on the rest of the
digital portion of the chip are enabled. Therefore, this register
must be set first during the power-up sequence.
The PLL and crystal must be configured and enabled after
CM_STARTUP_OVER sequencing is complete. After all the
internal digital power supplies are powered up, the PLL is locked,
and other needed sequencing is complete, the POWER_UP_
COMPLETE bit (Bit 7, Register 0xC0AB) or an interrupt request
(IRQ) indicates such. The IRQ1_POWER_ UP_COMPLETE is
Bit 4 of Register 0xC0B1. The IRQ2_ POWER_UP_COMPLETE
is Bit 4 of Register 0xC0B4. If the IRQs are used to request an
interrupt after POWER_UP_ COMPLETE, the IRQs must be
unmasked. The IRQ1_POWER_ UP_COMPLETE_MASK bit
(Bit 4, Register 0xC0A4) must be cleared. Similarly, the
IRQ2_POWER_UP_COMPLETE (Bit 4, Register 0xC0A7) must
be cleared. By default, the IRQs for POWER_UP_COMPLETE
are masked.
After POWER_UP_COMPLETE = 1, the DSP memories can be
The ADAU1788 has highly flexible block level power controls.
Each individual channel of each block can be powered on or off
separately. There is a control bit, MASTER_BLOCK_EN, that
by default is 0 and that overrides all block level enables except
SigmaDSP, and FastDSP can be enabled, even when MASTER_
BLOCK_EN = 0. All other blocks are always in power-down in
this state, allowing the PLL to be enabled and locked and the
DSP memories to be initialized before all other signal path
blocks are enabled.
When configuring the devices, it is recommended to fully set up
all control registers and block level power controls to their
desired state, to allow the PLL to lock, to initialize the DSP
memories to be used, and then to enable the blocks by setting
Block level power controls and other settings can be changed
on-the-fly while the chip is active. However, care must be taken
when enabling or disabling blocks other than the DAC and/or
headphone mode blocks that are actively routed out to the
DAC and/or headphone mode as audible artifacts may occur.