Data Sheet
Data Address Field Size Name of Field Description of Field
(dec) (Bytes)
A/D Table for Alarm and Warning Thresholds
00-55 56 High/Low Alarm and Specifies factory preset alarm and warning thresholds
Warning Levels defined in Table 5.
Calibration Constants for External Calibration Option
56-94 39 Unused in DWDM devices. All Bytes Set to 0.
95 1 Checksum Low order 8 bits of the sum of bytes 0-94
A/D Values and Status Bits
96-109 8 A/D Values Real-time A/D binary values of the following enhanced diagnostics:
module temperature, supply voltage, laser bias current, transmit
optical power, receive optical power, laser temperature and TEC
current. These values are Internally calibrated absolute
measurements. All diagnostic parameters implemented in these
address locations have a corresponding high and low, alarm
and warning thresholds assigned in address locations 00-55.
Optional Status/Control Bits
110 1 Soft Control Signals “Soft” control signals monitored over the 2-wire access port.
Continuously updated real-time status of the following control
signals: TX_FAULT, TX_DISABLE, Rate Select, and LOS.
Last bit (LSB) indicates transceiver readiness to transmit data.
111 1 Reserved Reserved
Reserved Optional Alarmand Warning Flag Bits
112-117 5 Alarm & Warning Flags Real time, single point bits indicating module parameters that are
approaching or outside normal operating limits. Parameters
monitored are: module temperature, supply voltage, laser bias
current, transmit optical power, receive optical power, laser
temperature and TEC current.
The flags are internally calibrated thresholds with limits
corresponding to levels detailed in addresses 00-39 above.
118-119 2 Warning Mask Masking bits corresponding to Warning bits of bytes 116 and
117 respectively
Vendor Specific Memory Addresses
120-126 8 Vendor Specific Vendor specific data
Table Select Byte (2-wireAddress A2h)
127 1 Table Select The byte value defines the Table location for subsequent reads
and writes to bytes locations 128-255
128-247 120 User EEPROM User writable EEPROM
248-255 8 Vendor Specific Vendor specific control functions
Table 4: Enhanced Digital Diagnostics Data Fields (Location A2h).
Table 5: Alarm and Warning Thresholds.
Address Value Description
00-01 85 ºC Temp High Alarm
02-03 -10 ºC Temp Low Alarm
04-05 80 ºC Temp High Warning
06-07 -5 ºC Temp Low Warning
08-09 3.63 V VCC High Alarm
10-11 2.97 V VCC Low Alarm
12-13 3.47 V VCC High Warning
14-15 3.14 V VCC Low Warning
16-17 70 mA Bias High Alarm
18-19 10 mA Bias Low Alarm
20-21 55 mA Bias High Warning
22-23 15 mA Bias Low Warning
24-25 3162µWTx Power High Alarm
26-27 1259µW Tx Power Low Alarm
Address Value Description
28-29 2512µWTx Power High Warning
30-31 1585µW Tx Power Low Warning
32-33 200µW Rx Power High Alarm
34-35 0.794µW Rx Power Low Alarm
36-37 126µW Rx Power High Warning
38-39 1.585µWRx Power Low Warning
40-41 60 ºC Laser Temp High Alarm
42-43 30 ºC Laser Temp Low Alarm
44-45 55 ºC Laser Temp High Warning
46-47 35 ºC Laser Temp Low Warning
48-49 600 mA TEC Current High Alarm
50-51 -600 mA TEC Current Low Alarm
52-53 400 mA TEC Current High Warning
54-55 -400 mA TEC Current Low Warning