Using the STK501 Top Module
2-8 AVR® STK501 User Guide
Figure 2-11. SRAMEN Connected to GND
2.6 Ram High
When External Memory is enabled in an AVR, all Port C pins are by default used for the
high address byte. If the full 60 KB address space is not required to access the external
memory, some, or all, Port C pins can be released for normal port pin function as
described in the ATmega128(L) datasheet. AT90S/LS8515, ATmega103(L) and
ATmega161 do not have this feature, and all jumpers should be connected if using the
XRAM interface with these devices.
If some or all of the Port C pins are released for normal port pin functions, the corre-
sponding “RAM High Address” jumper should be removed to avoid any Port C activity to
reach the SRAM address pins thus corrupting the address.
If a jumper is removed, the corresponding address line will be pulled low giving a logic
zero on that address bit on the SRAM. See the block schematic on Figure 2-10.
2.7 A[7:0] Connector The connector marked A[7:0] contains the 8 least-significant bits of the external SRAM
address bus. The purpose of the connector is to provide easy access to the address
bus. The 8 most significant bits can be found on the “Ram High Addresses” jumpers or
the Port C connector.
The connector is placed after the latch as shown in Figure 2-10.
This connector is handy when using the SRAM interface to interface external devices.
2.8 Using the SRAM
Interface with
and ATmega161
When using the SRAM interface with devices placed in the STK500 board, some addi-
tional straps are required. The reason is that the RD, WR, and ALE signals are not on
the same port pins for the AT90S8515/ATmega161(L) and ATmega103(L)/
ATmega128(L), so these signals must be routed manually using two of the 2-wire
Table 2-2. Signal Routing Required for AT90S8515A and ATmega161(L)
Connections STK500 STK501 Description
Write Signal WR PD6 PG0 Connect PD6:STK500 to PG0:STK501
Read Signal RD PD7 PG1 Connect PD7:STK500 to PG1:STK501
Address Latch Enable ALE PE1 PG2 Connect PE1:STK500 to PG2:STK501