Technische Information / Technical Information Dioden-Modul mit Chopper-IGBT Diode Module with Chopper-IGBT DD B6U 84 N 12...16 RR Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties Vorlaufige Daten Preliminary data Hochstzulassige Werte / Maximum rated values Netz-Diode / Rectifier diode Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage VRRM Tvj = - 40C...Tvj max Durchlastrom-Grenzeffektivwert (pro Element) RMS forward current (per chip) 1200, 1400 1600 V 60 A Id 85 104 A A IFSM 650 550 A A IFRMSM Ausgangsstrom output current TC = 100C Stostrom-Grenzwert surge forward current Tvj = 25C, tS = 10ms Grenzlastintegral It-value Tvj = 25C, tS = 10ms TC = 84C Tvj = Tvj max, tp = 10ms It 2100 1500 As As Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung collector-emitter voltage VCES 1200 V Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom DC-collector current IC 50 A Tvj = Tvj max, tp = 10ms IGBT Periodischer Kollektor-Spitzenstrom repetitive peak collektor current tp = 1ms ICRM 100 A Gesamt-Verlustleistung total power dissipation TC = 25C Ptot 350 W VGE 20 V IF 25 A tp = 1ms IFRM 50 A RMS, f = 50Hz, t = 1min VISOL 2,5 kV Durchlaspannung forward voltage Tvj = Tvj max, iF = 100A vF 1,55 V Schleusenspannung threshold voltage Tvj = Tvj max V(TO) 0,75 V Ersatzwiderstand forward slope resistance Tvj = Tvj max rT 5,5 m Sperrstrom reverse current Tvj = Tvj max,vR = VRRM iR 5 mA Kollektor-Emitter Sattigungsspannung collector-emitter saturation voltage Tvj = 25C, iC = 50A, vGE = 20V vCE sat Gate-Emitter-Schwellspannung gate-emitter threshold voltage Tvj = 25C, iC = 2mA, vGE = vCE Gate-Emitter Spitzenspannung gate-emitter peak voltage Schnelle Diode / Fast diode Dauergleichstrom DC forward current Periodischer Spitzenstrom repetitive peak forward current Modul Isolations-Prufspannung insulation test voltage Charakteristische Werte / Characteristic values Netz-Diode / Rectifier diode min. typ. max. IGBT SDB-MA2; R. Jorke Tvj = 125C, iC = 50A, vGE = 20V 22. Jan 99 A 104/97 vGE(TO) 4,5 2,5 3,1 3,2 V 5,5 6,5 V Seite/page 1(3) Technische Information / Technical Information Dioden-Modul mit Chopper-IGBT Diode Module with Chopper-IGBT DD B6U 84 N 12...16 RR Vorlaufige Daten Preliminary data IGBT min. typ. max. Eingangskapazitat input capacitance Tvj = 25C, f0 = 1MHz, Kollektor-Emitter Reststrom collector-emitter cut-off current Tvj = 25C, vCE = 1200V, vGE = 0V Gate-Emitter Reststrom gate leakage current Tvj = 25C, vCE = 0V, vGE = 20V Emitter-Gate Reststrom gate-leakage current Cies 3,3 iCES 0,8 4,0 nF vCE = 25V, vGE = 0V 1 mA iGES 500 nA Tvj = 25C, vCE = 0V, vEG = 20V iEGS 500 nA Durchlaspannung forward voltage Tvj = 25C, iF = 25A vF 2,9 V Sperrverzogerungsladung recovered charge iFM = 25A, -di/dt = 800A/s, vR = 600V Tvj = 125C, vCE = 1200V, vGE = 0V Schnelle Diode / Fast diode Tvj = 125C, iF = 25A 2,3 1,8 Qr 2,3 6,0 Tvj = 25C Tvj = 125C As As Thermische Eigenschaften / Thermal properties Netz-Diode / Rectifier diode, = 120rect Innerer Warmewiderstand thermal resistance, junction to case RthJC max. 1,45 max. 0,38 max. 1,00 C/W C/W C/W RthCK max. 0,25 max. 0,24 max. 0,30 C/W C/W C/W Transistor / Transistor, DC Schnelle Diode / Fast diode, DC Ubergangs-Warmewiderstand thermal resistance, case to heatsink Netz-Diode / Rectifier diode Transistor / Transistor Schnelle Diode / Fast diode 150 C Tc op - 40...+150 C Tstg - 40...+150 C Hochstzulassige Sperrschichttemperatur max. junction temperature Tvj max Betriebstemperatur operating temperature Lagertemperatur storage temperature Mechanische Eigenschaften / Mechanical properties Gehause, siehe Anlage case, see appendix Seite 3 page 3 Innere Isolation internal insulation Al2O3 Anzugsdrehmoment fur mechanische Befestigung mounting torque Gewicht weight Toleranz / tolerance 15% M1 G Kriechstrecke creepage distance 4 typ. Nm 185 g 12,5 mm Kuhlkorper / heatsinks : Mit dieser technischen Information werden Halbleiterbauelemente spezifiziert, jedoch keine Eigenschaften zugesichert. Sie gilt in Verbindung mit den zugehorigen Technischen Erlauterungen. / This technical Information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. It is valid in combination with the belonging technical notes. SDB-MA2; R. Jorke 22. Jan 99 Seite/page 2(3) Technische Information / Technical Information Dioden-Modul mit Chopper-IGBT Diode Module with Chopper-IGBT DD B6U 84 N 12...16 RR SDB-MA2; R. Jorke 22. Jan 99 Seite/page 3(3) Terms & Conditions of Usage Attention The present product data is exclusively subscribed to technically experienced staff. This Data Sheet is describing the specification of the products for which a warranty is granted exclusively pursuant the terms and conditions of the supply agreement. There will be no guarantee of any kind for the product and its specifications. Changes to the Data Sheet are reserved. You and your technical departments will have to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the product data with respect to such application. Should you require product information in excess of the data given in the Data Sheet, please contact your local Sales Office via " / sales & contact". Warning Due to technical requirements the products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your local Sales Office via " / sales & contact".