Quick Start Guide
DK-S3A7 v2.0
In the box
The following components are included in the DK-S3A7 Development Kit:
DK-S3A7 Main Board (DK-S3A7M V2.0)
DK-S3A7 Breakout Board (DK-S3A7B V2.0)
DK-S3A7 Segment LCD panel (DK-S3A7LCD V2.0)
One USB Type A to Micro-B cable
Multi-region 5V, 2.0A power supply
Quick Start Guide
This kit and the associated development tools provide the user with a platform to develop products with the Renesas
Synergy S3 microcontrollers. This Quick Start Guide will walk the user through using the Out-of-Box Demo then give step
by step directions to develop, configure, generate, build, download and execute the “Blinky” SSP project.
DK-S3A7 Kit
NOTE: This Quick Start Guide covers version 2.0 of the DK-S3A7 Development Kit.
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Required software and tools
Minimum PC Requirements: Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Intel® Core™ family processor running at 2.0 GHz or
higher (or equivalent processor), 8 GB memory, 250 GB hard disk or SSD, USB 2.0, Connection to the Internet
e2 studio Integrated Solution Development Environment (ISDE) from Renesas
Renesas SynergyTM Software Package (SSP)
Tools are available for download at: https://synergygallery.renesas.com
Version numbers of the tools may change. Below we show the versions that were available when
this document was developed.
Download and install the latest revision of the Development Tool - e2 studio (ISDE) following the below instructions:
(NOTE: Unless informed otherwise below, use the default options.)
a) You must select at least the Renesas Synergy Family when the below dialog box appears.
b) You must select the additional software “GCC ARM Embedded 4.8.2014q3” when the following dialog
box appears.
Download and install the latest revision of the Synergy Software Package using the default options.
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Connecting the board components
To power the boards and connect the boards to the PC, follow these steps:
Set the JTAG DIP switch 7 on S5 to ON (toward the LEDs).
Using the power supply provided with the DK-S3A7 kit, apply power through the 5V barrel connector (J1) on
the Main Board. LED13 will turn on Green with a flashing Red beside it. The solid-Green/flashing-Red
LED13 informs the user that the Kit cannot communicate with the PC on the debug port.
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Connect the USB cable provided with the DK-S3A7 to the J-Link OB (J15) on the Main Board.
Connect the other end of the USB cable to a USB port of the PC. Now LED13 will turn show Green (no flashing-
Red), indicating a good connection.
Out-of-Box Demo
1) The Out-of-Box Demo starts by flashing the Configuration (Light Scale) and USER LEDs for about 6 seconds. It then
turns on and off all segments of the segment LCD. This is actually a configuration test that is verifying performance of
the hardware. If a problem is found then USER LED 1 and 2 will be Red. If no problems exist then USER LED 3 and
4 are Green.
2) After about 12 seconds the S3 MCU starts sensing the amount of light at the Ambient Light Sensor, U105, using the
S3 MCU’s high-precision 14-bit A/D converter. The demo takes the top 8 bits of the A/D reading and uses it to display
a Light Scale on the Configuration LEDs and as a battery level and digital count on the segment LCD. Finally, the
elapsed time of the demo is shown on the segment LCD.
Ambient Light Sensor
Light Scale
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3) Move a light source closer and farther from the Ambient Light Sensor and observe the LEDs and LCD values.
4) When the light sensors output reaches or exceeds its maximum value, the MCU flashes the LCD segments on and off
Running Blinky
The Blinky Project is included in the SSP. Before running the project, ensure that the J-Link On-Board is connected to
the PC (see the above Steps 1-4 in Connecting the Components)
To run the Blinky Project, you must first create a Renesas Synergy Project in the e2 studio ISDE. You can then debug
and run the project on the DK-S3A7.
Creating the Blinky Project
To create a project:
Start the e2 studio ISDE. Click <e2 Studio> under Windows Start Menu -> Renesas Electronics e2studio -> e2 studio
a) The e2 studio ISDE confirms the installed tool chain(s) the first time it is started after installing the toolchains.
b) The e2 studio ISDE displays the Welcome to e2 studio screen. Click the [X] and it will not be displayed again.
c) If you do not
have a compatible tool chain installed, see section Prerequisites.
If the Workspace Launcher Dialog box is displayed, click <OK>.
NOTE: Until you select “Use this as the default (workspace) and do not ask again”, the Workspace Launch window
will be displayed when e2 studio is started.
Start a new Synergy Project by clicking on File > New > Synergy Project.
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The ISDE displays the Project Configuration (Synergy Project) dialog box.
Enter “Blinky_DK_S3A7” as the Project name.
The first time you configure a project you need to load a license file. Click on the browse icon of the License
File and if needed browse to C:\Renesas\e2_studio\internal\projectgen\arm\Licenses\ (if you installed to the
default locations).
NOTE: After you have loaded the license file it will be loaded and displayed in License window by default.
Click Next.
The ISDE displays the Project Configuration (Synergy Project) window with the Device Selection options.
Select S3A7 DK and leave all other options in this window at their default settings.
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Click <Next>.
The ISDE displays the Project Configuration (Synergy Project) window with the Project Template Selection options.
Select S3A7-DK Blinky
Click <Finish>.
The e2 studio ISDE has built in Perspectives. Until you inform the tool to remember your selection, it
will ask if it can use the Synergy Configuration Perspective as shown below.
If the Open Associated Perspective dialog box appears click <Yes>.
The ISDE automatically configures the SSP to load and generate the necessary
configuration files for the
microcontroller hardware associated with the selected board.
The ISDE displays the Synergy Project Editor where you can see all generated files and configurations by
selecting the Clocks, Pins, Threads, ICU, and Components tabs.
Don’t be afraid to look around and check things out. The most important thing to remember is Edit->Undo will
fix most anything you do that you want to take back!
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Generate the project content by clicking on the < > button.
Build the project by selecting Project -> Build Project or clicking on the Build icon .
The Blinky Project
should build with no errors.
Debugging and running the Blinky Project
To debug and run the project, follow these steps:
Configure the debugger by selecting the drop-down menu next to the debug icon and select
<Debug Configurations…>
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Select your Blinky Project <Blinky_DK_S3A7 Debug>
Click Debug.
IF asked to Confirm Perspective Switch, click <Yes>. (If you click the <Remember my decision> check box
before clicking <Yes> you will not see this selection again.)
If the update J-Link firmware dialog box is displayed, we highly recommend that you click <Yes>.
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The ISDE downloads the project onto the board.
Click on the Resume icon, , and the software will run till hal_entry ().
Click on the Resume icon, , and the software will run turning LED1 on and off.
Next steps
You can review the code for the Blinky project in the src directory of your project.
Application Notes and Demonstration Applications are available in the Synergy Software Package page “Demos
and Applications” tab of the Renesas Synergy Gallery https://synergygallery.renesas.com/ssp. Examples of the
categories we are developing are:
Wired Connectivity (CAN, RS232/485, TCP/IP, Web Server, networking services)
Bluetooth Connectivity (Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy connection to mobile devices using
various profiles )
WiFi Connectivity (Access Point Enumeration, Access Point connection using secure protocols, TCP/IP, Web
Server, networking services)
Multi-media (webcam, audio playback & record, audio processing, GUIX tutorials)
MCU Performance & Power Measurement (thread, throughput, and I/O performance, low-power modes & power
Security (protected memory and bus access examples, stack security examples, security protocols and services
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October 9, 2015
Reload the Out-of-Box Demo
Should you desire to reload the original Out-of-Box demonstration application, you can find it and the instructions to reload
it, in the Synergy Software Package page “Demos and Applications” tab of the Renesas Synergy Gallery
https://synergygallery.renesas.com/ssp. NOTE. The Out-of-Box demo on the Synergy Gallery may be an updated and
improved demo. This kit contains version 1.0 of the DK-S3A7 Out-of-Box Demo.
Orderable Part Number
The Part Number for this DK-S3A7 Development Kit is YSDKS3A7E20PWS2
Support https://synergygallery.renesas.com/support
Technical Contact Details
America: https://renesas.zendesk.com/anonymous_requests/new
Europe: http://www.renesas.eu/support/index.jsp
Japan: https://synergybeta.renesas.com/
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