High-Speed 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static SRAM Military, Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges
AC Electrical Characteristics Over the
Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage(5,7)
1. Transition is measured ±500mV from Low or High-impedance voltage with Output Test Load (Figure 2).
2. This parameter is guaranteed by device characterization, but is not production tested.
3. The specification for tDH must be met by the device supplying write data to the RAM under all operating conditions. Although tDH and tOW values will vary over voltage and
temperature, the actual tDH will always be smaller than the actual tOW.
4. Port-to-port delay through RAM cells from writing port to reading port, refer to Timing Waveform of Write with Port-to-Port Read.
5. 'X' in part number indicates power rating (SA or LA).
6. tDDD = 35ns for military temperature range.
7. Industrial temperature: for other speeds, packages and powers contact your sales office.
Symbol Parameter
Com'l Only
Com'l &
Com'l &
UnitMin. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
tWC Write Cycle Time 20 ____ 25 ____ 35 ____ ns
tEW Chip Enable to End-of-Write 15 ____ 20 ____ 30 ____ ns
tAW Address Valid to End-of-Write 15 ____ 20 ____ 30 ____ ns
tAS Address Set-up Time 0 ____ 0____ 0____ ns
tWP Write Pulse Width 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ____ ns
tWR Write Recovery Time 0 ____ 0____ 0____ ns
tDW Data Valid to End-of-Write 15 ____ 15 ____ 20 ____ ns
tHZ Output High-Z Time(1,2) ____ 15 ____ 15 ____ 20 ns
tDH Data Hold Time(3 ) 0____ 0____ 3____ ns
tWZ Write Enable to Output in High-Z(1,2) ____ 15 ____ 15 ____ 20 ns
tOW Output Active from End-of-Write(1 , 2 ,3 ) 3____ 3____ 3____ ns
tWDD Write Pulse to Data Delay(4) ____ 40 ____ 50 ____ 60 ns
tDDD Write Data Valid to Re ad Data De lay (4,6) ____ 30 ____ 30 ____ 35 ns
2720 tbl 10a
Symbol Parameter
Com'l &
Com'l, Ind
& Military
Com'l &
UnitMin. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
tWC Write Cycle Time 45 ____ 55 ____ 70 ____ ns
tEW Chip Enable to End-of-Write 40 ____ 50 ____ 60 ____ ns
tAW Address Valid to End-of-Write 40 ____ 50 ____ 60 ____ ns
tAS Address Set-up Time 0 ____ 0____ 0____ ns
tWP Write Pulse Width 40 ____ 50 ____ 60 ____ ns
tWR Write Recovery Time 0 ____ 0____ 0____ ns
tDW Data Valid to End-of-Write 20 ____ 25 ____ 30 ____ ns
tHZ Output High-Z Time(1,2) ____ 20 ____ 25 ____ 30 ns
tDH Data Hold Time(3 ) 3____ 3____ 3____ ns
tWZ Write Enable to Output in High-Z(1,2) ____ 20 ____ 25 ____ 30 ns
tOW Output Active from End-of-Write(1 , 2 ,3 ) 3____ 3____ 3____ ns
tWDD Write Pulse to Data Delay(4) ____ 70 ____ 80 ____ 90 ns
tDDD Write Data Valid to Read Data Delay(4,6) ____ 45 ____ 55 ____ 70 ns
2720 tbl 1 0b