Max. 50mΩ
−55°C to +155°C
Rated current
Operating temperature
Jumper type
J (±5%)
10 ≤ R ≤ 2.2M (E24,96)
2.2 ≤ R < 10 ±500
1.0 ≤ R < 2.2 500±350
10 ≤ R ≤ 10M
Table 1
Resistance tolerance Resistance range
(Ω)Resistance temperature coefficient
0.15 ≤ R < 10 (E24) ±250
0.15 ≤ R < 1 (E24) ±250
0.1 ≤ R < 0.15 (E24) 400±200
0.1 ≤ R < 0.15 (E24) 400±200
!Before using components in circuits where they will be exposed to transients such as pulse loads (short–duration, high– level loads), be certain to evaluate the
component in the mounted state. In addition, the reliability and performance of this component cannot be guaranteed if it is used with a steady state voltage that
is greater than its rated voltage.
Item Test conditions (JIS C 5201-1)
Resistor type
Guaranteed value
Jumper type
Variation of resistance
with temperature
Damp heat, steady state
Endurance at 70°C
Rapid change of
Bend strength of
the end face plating
Resistance to solvent
Resistance to
soldering heat
Overload ± (2.0%+0.1Ω) Max. 50mΩ
± (1.0%+0.05Ω)
± (3.0%+0.1Ω)
Max. 50mΩ
Max. 100mΩ
J : ±5%
F : ±1%
See Table.1
No remarkable abnormality on the appearance.
A new uniform coating of minimum of
95% of the surface being immersed
and no soldering damage.
Without mechanical damage such as breaks.
Max. 50mΩJIS C 5201-1 4.5
JIS C 5201-1 4.8
Measurement : −55 / +25 / +125°C
JIS C 5201-1 4.18
Soldering condition : 260±5
Duration of immersion : 10±1s.
JIS C 5201-1 4.24
°C, 93%RH
Test time : 1,000h~1,048h
± (3.0%+0.1Ω)
± (3.0%+0.1Ω)
± (1.0%+0.05Ω)
± (1.0%+0.05Ω)
± (1.0%+0.05Ω)
Max. 100mΩ
Max. 100mΩ
Max. 50mΩ
Max. 50mΩ
Max. 50mΩ
JIS C 5201-1 4.25.1
Rated voltage (current), 70
1.5h : ON − 0.5h : OFF
Test time : 1,000h~1,048h
JIS C 5201-1 4.25.3
Test time : 1,000h~1,048h
JIS C 5201-1 4.29
, Immersion cleaning, 5±0.5min.
Solvent : 2-propanol
JIS C 5201-1 4.19
Test temp. : −55
JIS C 5201-1 4.33
JIS C 5201-1 4.17
Rosin·Ethanol (25%WT)
Soldering condition : 235±5
Duration of immersion : 2.0±0.5s.
JIS C 5201-1 4.13
Rated voltage (current) ×2.5, 2s.
Maximum overload voltage : 200V